Mermaid in the field of the paintings of Russian artists. Beauty-mermaids in the pictures of famous artists

Mermaid in the field of the paintings of Russian artists. Beauty-mermaids in the pictures of famous artists
Mermaid in the field of the paintings of Russian artists. Beauty-mermaids in the pictures of famous artists

There are many mysterious and amazing episodes in the history of classical Russian painting, allowing to talk about the existence of paintings with a "bad reputation". At once several works of the famous artist-Movie Ivan Kramsky fell at once. The largest number of legends is associated with his picture "Mermaids".

I. Repin. Portrait of the artist I. N. Kramsky, 1882. Fragment

The plan "Mermaids" originated from the artist under the impression of the story of N. Gogol "May night, or a drowning". According to popular beliefs, the girls-drowns after death became mermaids. It was them that I decided to write Ivan Kramskaya. This topic was for a realistic artist very unexpected and new. The artist loved Gogol very much and reread all his works many times. He wanted to transfer the atmosphere of the May night, to immerse the viewer into the mysterious world of Ukrainian folklore.

I. Kramskaya. Self-portrait, 1867.

While working on the picture, the artist did not give rest several topics. First, he was obsessed with the idea to pass the fascinating beauty of the lunar light that he could not have succeeded: "I try to catch the moon at all. They say, however, that particles of the moon night fell into my picture, but not all. Difficult moon ... ", - the artist complained. The task was complicated by the fact that the moon itself was not in the picture - only her glare on the ghost figures of mermaids.

M. Derigus. Illustration for the story of N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *: Ganna, 1951

Secondly, the theme of the ghosts and the otherworldly, as they said, was dangerous. Many contemporaries of Kramsky seriously believed that Gogol's plots could drive painters crazy. "I'm glad that with such a plot finally did not break my neck, and if I did not catch the moon, then still something fantastic happened," said Kramskaya.

A. Kanevsky. Illustration for the story of N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *: Liberation of the bag

Critics agreed that the plan was successfully implemented, and called the "extreme truthfulness of a fantastic sleep": "So all these gray peasants, the clumsy rustic women, perfect officials, ... that the appearance of a work similar to the" May night "should Again the most pleasant, refreshing impression. However, this favorable responses ended. And then the mysticism began.

V. Vlasov. Illustration for the story of N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *: Sleeping Levko, 1946

At the first exhibition of the partnership of the Mermaids of Mermaids, I. Kramsky hung near the picture A. Savrasov "Gracchi flew". At night, the landscape unexpectedly fell from the wall - then they joked that the mermaids did not like such a neighborhood. However, it soon became no joke.

P. Tretyakov after the exhibition both paintings purchased for his gallery. For the "Graca", the place was immediately found - in the office, and the "mermaids" could not find a suitable place for a long time, outweigh the room from the room to the room. The fact is that from the hall, where the picture of Kramsky was hanged, at night they had barely audible singing and had a cool, like the water. Cleaners refused to enter the room.

O. Ionaithis. Illustration for the story N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *

The Tretyakov did not believe that the Mysticysis did not believe, but one day he drew attention to what the fatigue was feeling when a long time was next to this cannut. Gallerous visitors also complained that this picture is simply impossible to consider this picture. And soon there were rumors that the ladies, who looked at the "mermaids" for a long time, went crazy, and one of them was drowned in Jauze. Of course, there were no good evidence of the interconnection of the accident with the art gallery.

O. Ionaithis. Illustration for the story N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *

The old woman of the nurse, who lived in the Tretyak family, advised to translate the picture to the far corner, so that the light was not fell during the day: "It's hard to mermaids with the sunlight, because they can not even calm down at night. And how to fall into the shadows, since it will stop comobal! ". Tretyakov, far from superstition, still listened to the Council. Since then, visitors to the gallery did not complain about this picture.

I. Kramskaya. Mermaids, 1871.

Fantastic painting occupies a special place in the bouquet of paintings of Russian artists. This is due to our culture with a lot of fairy tales and polytetic beliefs. One of the artists who clearly caught the connection of the fictional and real, became Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskaya. In his canvases there is no obvious division on fiction and work, two of these factors are smoothly intertwined and give the viewer a whole story. The principle of some nebula or even the "mattness" of the surface, careful selection of images and inappropriate paints give the very fabulousness characteristic of Ivan Nikolayevich's paintings. For example, we can definitely say that the "mermaids" - the picture of Kramsky, the description coincides with the characteristics of other pictures of this author: Mysticism is adjacent to calm nature. By the way, if we talk about realism, then we can see quite familiar landscapes, huts and houses with well-drawn items.

Kramskaya: From the charter in painters

The artist was born in May 1837 to his father was a writer, so he wanted the Son to go to his footsteps. So it happened. After graduation, Ivan worked as a writer under the Duma in his city. But in 1853, his attention switched to another activity, he began to handle photographic pictures, he taught him Tulinov, who was Cram countryman.

So began the path of the painter as an artist. Already in 1857, he entered the Art Academy in St. Petersburg. The successes of a young man were so obvious that for one of the paintings Ivan Nikolaevich received a gold medal.

Among the works of the draftsman were portraits of famous people, with the help of which he stuffed his hand in this genre, but his most famous picture is "Christ in the desert". She became the peak of developing Kramsky in religious painting.

The unimaginable amount of cloths and photographs remained heirs in memory of a wonderful artist who died from problems with the heart aged fifty years.

Mystic paintings "Mermaids"

Perhaps, one of the most tary lovers of mysticism in Russian painting is Kramskaya. The painting "Mermaids" gathered so much increasing opinions around her bad reputations, that everything, unfortunately, is not listed. The history of the work is connected, oddly enough, with Gogol and his story "May night or drowning". If you believe folk Molve, the girls-drowns after death became mermaids, calling the travelers to their networks. It was them that I wanted to portray the draftsman in the picture.

Why Gogol? As you know, Nikolai Vasilyevich was also not averse to write about something mysterious, even "Viya" or "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka", and Kramskaya reread these works several times. Probably, such a grave to Gogol and became the starting point in the field of fantastic painting. The artist wanted to convey the atmosphere of the May night in Ukraine in small details, from here and the effect of the sacrificance. As Kramskaya himself said, the picture of the "mermaids" does not fully meet his requirements, because he so wanted to portray the light of the moon, but he could not "catch" her. Although we see how the cold light light shine slides in the images of mysterious mermaids. But this is only part of what the author himself was conceived.

It was believed that mystical plots were dangerous, and if they write them off from the works of Gogol, then in general, you can get away. Kramskaya even joked about this: "It is good that with such a plot I finally broke my neck, and if I did not catch the moon, then still something fantastic happened."

And indeed, in the galleries and at the exhibitions she could never find places. Pictures next to the "mermaids" fell, and from the room heard slightly heard singing and had a cool. But after the cloth turned into a distant corner, far from the sun, the supernatural stopped, probably the mermaids were too hot on the sunlight.

Painting as a plausible fantastic sleep

But whatever he says Kramskaya, the picture "Mermaids" was successful to glory, because at many she made a strong impression, however, not always positive. This is due to what I wanted to portray the artist on the canvas. And the faces of drunkenness, and the sacrament itself is as if they seek unpleasant daisy thoughts.

The expression of people of girls betray sadness in life, dreams of the past, and hopelessness. The whole picture is a symbol of deep sadness. Unusual images of girls-mermaids are immediately striking. They have no tails, as can be seen, they are very well moved on their two on the ground, only the viewer makes the impression of weightlessness, since the White Applises of Undines make them similar to ghosts.

Let and not quite satisfied with the work of Kramskaya, the picture "Mermaids" was appreciated by professionals: many artistic critics equated this work to the magical sleep, so everything is realistically depicted on it.

Evaluation of Pushkin

The sun of Russian poetry was extremely positive about the canvas of Ivan Nikolayevich. What was the Pushkin in the picture of the Kram "Mermaid"? Yes, all the same as all the connoisseurs of good creativity. He felt the atmosphere he tried to transfer the author, he admired the shades of sentiment, because Alexander Sergeevich saw her playfulness, and dreaminess, and sadness. In the hands of the girls, he caught the present, what, alas, sometimes you will not meet in living people. It is such a psychologism that is not typical to portraitists who conquered Pushkin.

This work turned the world of artists, it had a huge impact on the subsequent works of the same author, as well as on the work of his followers. As I wanted to Kramskaya, the picture "Mermaids" caught his moonlight, due to the competent use of the plots of folklore and the culture of the Russian people on the canvas. Many schoolchildren consider the reproduction of work as an illustration for Gogol's "May nights", and then they see the impressions of what he saw. However, an essay on the picture "Mermaid" Kram Ivan Nikolayevich demands not only the ability to competently express their thoughts, but also to understand the feelings not only of characters, but also the artist himself.

There are many mysterious and amazing episodes in the history of classical Russian painting, allowing to talk about the existence of paintings with a "bad reputation". At once several works of the famous artist-Movie Ivan Kramsky fell at once. The largest number of legends is associated with his picture "Mermaids".

I. Repin. Portrait of the artist I. N. Kramsky, 1882. Fragment

The plan "Mermaids" originated from the artist under the impression of the story of N. Gogol "May night, or a drowning". According to popular beliefs, the girls-drowns after death became mermaids. It was them that I decided to write Ivan Kramskaya. This topic was for a realistic artist very unexpected and new. The artist loved Gogol very much and reread all his works many times. He wanted to transfer the atmosphere of the May night, to immerse the viewer into the mysterious world of Ukrainian folklore.

I. Kramskaya. Self-portrait, 1867.

While working on the picture, the artist did not give rest several topics. First, he was obsessed with the idea to pass the fascinating beauty of the lunar light that he could not have succeeded: "I try to catch the moon at all. They say, however, that particles of the moon night fell into my picture, but not all. Difficult moon ... ", - the artist complained. The task was complicated by the fact that the moon itself was not in the picture - only her glare on the ghost figures of mermaids.

M. Derigus. Illustration for the story of N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *: Ganna, 1951

Secondly, the theme of the ghosts and the otherworldly, as they said, was dangerous. Many contemporaries of Kramsky seriously believed that Gogol's plots could drive painters crazy. "I'm glad that with such a plot finally did not break my neck, and if I did not catch the moon, then still something fantastic happened," said Kramskaya.

A. Kanevsky. Illustration for the story of N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *: Liberation of the bag

Critics agreed that the plan was successfully implemented, and called the "extreme truthfulness of a fantastic sleep": "So all these gray peasants, the clumsy rustic women, perfect officials, ... that the appearance of a work similar to the" May night "should Again the most pleasant, refreshing impression. However, this favorable responses ended. And then the mysticism began.

V. Vlasov. Illustration for the story of N. Gogol * May night, or drowning *: Sleeping Levko, 1946

At the first exhibition of the partnership of the Mermaids of Mermaids, I. Kramsky hung near the picture A. Savrasov "Gracchi flew". At night, the landscape unexpectedly fell from the wall - then they joked that the mermaids did not like such a neighborhood. However, it soon became no joke.

P. Tretyakov after the exhibition both paintings purchased for his gallery. For the "Graca", the place was immediately found - in the office, and the "mermaids" could not find a suitable place for a long time, outweigh the room from the room to the room. The fact is that from the hall, where the picture of Kramsky was hanged, at night they had barely audible singing and had a cool, like the water. Cleaners refused to enter the room.

O. Ionaithis. Illustration for the story N. Gogol * May night, or drowning * | Photo:

The Tretyakov did not believe that the Mysticysis did not believe, but one day he drew attention to what the fatigue was feeling when a long time was next to this cannut. Gallerous visitors also complained that this picture is simply impossible to consider this picture. And soon there were rumors that the ladies, who looked at the "mermaids" for a long time, went crazy, and one of them was drowned in Jauze. Of course, there were no good evidence of the interconnection of the accident with the art gallery.

O. Ionaithis. Illustration for the story N. Gogol * May night, or drowning * | Photo:

The old woman of the nurse, who lived in the Tretyak family, advised to translate the picture to the far corner, so that the light was not fell during the day: "It's hard to mermaids with the sunlight, because they can not even calm down at night. And how to fall into the shadows, since it will stop comobal! ". Tretyakov, far from superstition, still listened to the Council. Since then, visitors to the gallery did not complain about this picture.

I. Kramskaya. Mermaids, 1871.

Let's talk a little more about the paintings on which artists depicted mermaids.
Ivan Vladimirovich Kosmina.
Dogs about mermaids each time are found in the folkler of different countries.

In most cases, the mermaid is the spirit of water. Less often terrible old women.

Artists try to portray the mermaids with green hair.

In countries where the mermaids were taken for the spirits of water, there they were represented by girls with fish tails.

Sadko at the sea king. I.Repin.
Mermaids will be released in the full moon and start combing their flowing on the ridge

lesters curls from hair always flowing droplets of a driver. Like these pale, but they are endowed

unearthly beauty! Mermaids fascinatingly sing an unprecedented voice

we drank travelers. Mount the Top will fall under their spell! He will fall under the hardest

the arms of the river Virgin, and she will take it to the bottom of the deep pool. No one has not saved her

the reservoir, no one wanted to get away from such beauty. In the warm season, mermaids come out of

rivers and lakes and go referring yes on the branches of birch ride, and the lunar light becomes for them

more brighter.

Victor Korolkov drew mermaids on the World's Rus Meringue.

Week Ruslock Always started with the Trickyna of the day. Then no self-respecting girl

agree alone without girlfriends to go into the forest, because it is afraid to get into the eyes of the mermaids!

They can lead to them, cry up to such an extent that they will not come back, or even

she will not be skiing yet. And Men and Mountain: Mermaids also want to know, "What is

love with man "And therefore they are absolutely capable! They are most dangerous in Thursday

rusalichin is a day. At such days, it was impossible to bathe, and even more so

leave the village, well, and if from the village you just need to come out, then it was necessary

take the wormwood with you, saying mermaids hate it. To work, too, forbidden! Someone

it will break, the mermaids could strictly punish, pulling out the crops and inflicting damage to the domestic cattle.

In Trinity Thursday, girls needed to weave a lot of wreaths then needed

attribute them to the forest. To make mermaids a little kinder, hung a lot of yarn on the trees.

The Version Slavic people believed that mermaids

symbolize fertility. And in the XIX century, people performed the songs of the song, then-there is heroways.

People called on the Spirit of Mermaids In order to help them in the fields and when in the life of people

christianity fell, the mermaids began to take for an unclean power. People began to compare

mermaids with vampires! And even found similarities ...

1879 oil, canvas.

Description of the painting of Makovsky K.E. "Mermaids"

Contemporaries called Makovsky not otherwise as "Brilliant Kostya", and Emperor Alexander II considered "his" artist and trusted him writing portraits of the royal couple. Pictures of Konstantin Makovsky never remained unnoticed. So it happened with his work "Mermaids", which at one time has made a lot of noise. Critics V. Stasov and V. Garin gave a sharply negative assessment of the canvas for too, "the spectacular plastic of nude female bodies using salon-academic techniques." The picture was discussed so rapidly that even Alexander II himself, rather calmly believed to the visual arts, for the first time personally visited a mobile exhibition. The works of the artist, he was satisfied.

What shook critics and emperor so?

The plot to the picture of Makovsky served as the pagan festival of Rusalya, who was celebrated in the "Russian week" from 19 to 24 June. Mermaids were considered dark, unclean. But at the same time, fearing the meeting with them at regular time, on the festive week, people themselves caused them to prevent drought - because the elements and the place of stay of the mermaids were water. One of these days when wary and walking beautiful mermaids, and is depicted on canvas.

The artist portrayed water devices in full compliance with the ideas of East Slavic mythology. According to tradition, mermaids were considered both mystical, mysterious characters, and quite real people, the will of the fate of the fate of the wrapped in mermaids. It could be dead to the marriage of the girl, unworn babies, dead or stolen from the mother, people who died in the Russian week. Externally, the characters of Slavic mythology differ from the usual image of the mermaid. Slavic water wings do not distinguish from an ordinary person - they do not have a fish tail. The mermaids have luxurious long hair, which they never braid in braids, and wear, dissolve on their shoulders. The nudity, for the realistic, detailed image of which was so criticized by the artist, also corresponds to the traditional ideas about mermaids. Most often, they were depicted naked, covered only with green foliage. In the songs of his mermaids often asked for shirts, and they were believing, could steal yarn, canvas and scarves. Favorite lesson mermaids - frolic in water and swing on the branches of trees. Busy pastime and wrote his mythical heroines Makovsky.

The picture is filled with a halo of mysticism and mysteriousness. The mythological character of the characters is supported by the picture of the paintings - artistically selected by the paint palette paint paints the fascinating dark night, in which young people shrouded in a misty smack of mermaid, fascinating with their dance and male with a casual witness their fun.

The best paintings by Makovsky K.E.