Where is the picture of a crying boy. Giovanni Bragolin, Painting "Crying Boy": History, description and photos

Where is the picture of a crying boy. Giovanni Bragolin, Painting "Crying Boy": History, description and photos

Rogova Anastasia04/30/2019 at 20:10

Mystical stories and riddles are connected with many works of painting. Moreover, some experts believe that dark and secret forces are involved in the creation of a series of cloths. There is grounds for such an approval. Too often with these fatal masterpieces occurred amazing facts and inexplicable events - fires, deaths, madness of authors ...

One of the most famous "damned" cloth is a "crying boy" - the reproduction of the painting of the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolina. The history of its creation is such: the artist wanted to write a portrait of a crying child and took his little son as a simulator. But, since the baby could not cry to order, then the father specifically brought him to tears, burning in front of his face matches. The artist knew that his son was panicially afraid of fire, but the art was more expensive than the nerves of his own child, and he continued to mock him.

One day, the kid had not resistant to the hysterics and shouted, pouring into tears: "Gorge you yourself!" This curse did not slow down to come true - a boy died from pneumonia after two weeks, and soon he burned down in his own house and his father ... This is the background. Its sinister fame is a picture, more precisely - its reproduction, found in 1985, in England.

It happened due to a series of strange coincidences - in North England, one after another began to marvel in residential buildings. There were human sacrifices. Some affected, communicated with correspondents, mentioned that only cheap reproduction with the image of a crying child was miraculously survived from the whole property. And such messages became more and more, until finally, one of the fire inspectors in all did not declare that in all the burning houses without exception was found intact "crying boy."

Immediately, the newspapers overwhelmed the wave of letters, which reported on various accidents, deaths and fires that occurred after the owners bought this picture. Of course, the "crying boy" immediately began to be considered damned, the story of his creation began, he chose and fudges ... As a result, one of the newspapers published an official statement that everyone who has this reproduction should get rid of it immediately, and the authorities It is also forbidden to acquire and keep her at home.

Until now, the "crying boy" pursues bad glory, especially in North England. By the way, the original has not yet been found. True, some doubters (especially in Russia) deliberately hanging this portrait on the wall, and, it seems, no one burned down. But still those who want to check the legend in practice are very few.

Another famous "fiery masterpiece" is considered "Water lilies" Impressionist Monet. The artist himself was the first to suffer from her - his workshop was almost burned for incomprehensible reasons. Then the new owners of "water lilies" - a cabaret on Montmartre, a house of one French patron and even the New York Museum of Contemporary Arts. Currently, the picture is located in the Museum Museum, in France, and its "fire-hazard" properties does not exhibit. Until.

Another, less well-known and externally, not a noteworthy picture of "arsonist" is hanging in the Royal Museum of Edinburgh. it portrait of an elderly man with an elongated hand. According to reference, sometimes the fingers on the hand written an old man begin to move. And the one who saw this unusual phenomenon will necessarily take death from fire in the very near future. Two well-known victims of the portrait - Lord Seymour and the captain of distant swimming Balfast. Both of them argued that they saw how the old man moved his fingers, and both later died on fire. The superstitious citizens even demanded from the director of the museum to remove a dangerous picture from sin, then he, of course, did not agree - this is exactly the portrait and not having a special value portrait and attracts most of the visitors.

Famous "Joconda" Leonardo da Vinci not only admires, but also scares people. In addition to assumptions, fiction, legends about the work itself and about the smile of Mona Lisa, there is a theory that this most famous portrait in the world is extremely negatively affecting the contemplating. For example, more than a hundred cases are officially registered when visitors who have long been a picture, lost consciousness. The most famous case occurred with the French writer Wandal, which during admiring the masterpiece fell into fainting. It is known that Mona Lisa herself, who posted the artist, died young, at the age of 28. And the grand master Leonardo himself did not work on one of his creation for so long and carefully as over Joconda. For six years - until his death, Leonardo rewrote and ruled the picture, but until the end and did not achieve what he wanted.

Picture of Velasquez "Venus with a mirror" I also used deservedly bad glory. All who bought it, or ruined, or died for a violent death. Even museums did not really want to include its main composition, and the picture constantly changed the "registration". The case ended in that one day a crazy visitor pounced on the canvas and cut it with a knife.

Another "damned" picture, which is widely known, the work of the California Surrealist artist is considered "Hands Resist Him" ("Hands resist Him") Bill Stonehem. The artist wrote it in 1972 with a photo on which he with his younger sister stands in front of his hometown. In the picture, the boy with obscure features of the face and a doll into the growth of a lively girl froze in front of the glass door, to which small handles of children are pressed from the inside. A lot of terrible stories are connected with this picture. It all started with the fact that the first art historian who saw and appreciated the work, died suddenly.

Then the picture acquired an American actor who would also not be lit shortly. After his death, worked for a short time disappeared, but then she was accidentally found on the garbage. The family, which picked up a nightmare masterpiece, thought of hanging him in the nursery. As a result, a small daughter began to resort into the bedroom of parents every night and shout that the children were fighting in the picture and change the location. The father set the camera in the room reacting to movement, and overnight it worked several times.

Of course, the family hurried to get rid of such a gift of fate, and soon Hands Resist Him. put on the Internet auction. And then the address of the organizers fell numerous letters with complaints to the fact that when viewing the picture, people became bad, and some even had heart attacks. I bought her owner of a private art gallery, and now the complaints come to his address. Two American exorcisists with proposals of their services even appealed to him. And psychic, who seen a picture, in one voice claim that evil comes from it.

There are several masterpieces of Russian painting, which also have sad stories. For example, everyone known from school painting "Troika" Perov. At this touching and sad picture, three peasant children are depicted from poor families who pull heavy wear, catching in her the manner of harpful horses. In the center there is a fair-haired little boy. Perov searched for a child for the painting, until he met a woman and with the son of 12 years named Vasya, who walked through Moscow at the Bogomol. Vasya remained the only consolation of the mother who buried her husband and other children. She first did not want her son to positive painting, but then agreed. However, soon after the completion of the picture, the boy died ... It is known that after the death of the son, a poor woman came to Perov, begging to sell her a portrait of her beloved child, but the picture was already hung in the Tretyakov Gallery. True, Perov responded to Mother's Mountain and the portrait of Vasi was written especially for her separately.

One of the brightest and extraordinary geniuses of Russian painting, Mikhail Vrubel, there are works with which the personal tragedies of the artist himself are also connected. So, the portrait of his adorable son Savva, was written by him shortly before the child's death. Moreover, the boy fell ill unexpectedly and died suddenly. BUT "Demon defeated" It was a detrimental effect on the psyche and the health of Vrubel himself.

The artist could not break away from the picture, everything continued adding the face of the defeated spirit, as well as to change the flavor. "Demon defeated" already hung at the exhibition, and Vrubel came to the hall, not paying attention to visitors, sat down in front of the picture and continued to work as if obsessed. The closest were concerned with his condition, and his famous Russian psychiatrist Behterev was examined. The diagnosis was terrible - dice of the spinal cord, close to madness and death. Vrubel was placed in the hospital, but the treatment helped poorly, and soon he died.

Interesting story is related to the picture "Maslenitsa"For a long time decorated the Hall of the Ukraine hotels. Hang and hung, no one did not look at her until it was unexpectedly turned out that the author of this work is the state of mentally ill through the name of the artist of Antonov. Actually, nothing is particularly There is no terrible or outstanding in the painting of the mentally ill, but it excited the expanses of the Runet for half a year.

One student in 2006 wrote a post about her on his blog. Its essence came down to the fact that, according to the professor of one of the Moscow universities, there is one hundred percent, but a non-obvious sign that is immediately clear that the artist is crazy. And even allegedly on this sign, you can immediately raise the correct diagnosis. But, as a student wrote, a trick did not open a sign, but he gave foggy hints. And so, they say, people, help, who can, because I myself can not find, all I am angry and tired. What happened here - it is not difficult to imagine.

Mikhail Bulgakov calls one of the most mystical writers of Russian literature last century. But the Italian painter of Spanish origin Bruno Amadio is a dramatic and sinister artist of the 20th century. His name is surrounded by rumors and legends, and the most famous picture is a "crying boy" - it also causes a lot of sense, disputes from specialists and ordinary people. Creative pseudonym Amadio - Giovanni Bragolin. He lived a rather long human and creative life, leaving a number of interesting cloths, on which children are captured. The painting "Crying Boy" refers to the same row. More than 20 portraits, from where at the viewer, the full tears, anger, despair, longing and pain eyes of small kids are striking, are striking with their insecurity, pointing and completely unknown doom. What did the artist wanted to tell them? He himself was repeatedly called the painter of the devil - for the eccentricity of the work.

"Children's" cycle. In the press, an interview with it was preserved, and there are also practically no art historical scientific work on creativity. We know that he was a participant in World War II, then worked in Venice, was an artist restorer. The painting "Colding boy", like the rest of the "Gypsy cycle", was written by the author for tourists. The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe picturesque series came to the head of the author under the impressions of those scenes of the children's suffering that he saw. The name of the cycle critics was given, most likely, because small businesses have a completely unclear look: their lips are dirty, the hair is unworn, the clothes are poor, torn, untidy. Although nothing Gypsy is no external national signs - in the guys not noticeable. Strangely enough, the work of Amadi was very popular. For example, a picture "Watching boy" was bought in the reproductions in the 70s-190s massively, especially among the middle and poor segments of the population. Dates of the life of Giovanni Bragolina - 1911- 1981. Mystery first

As already mentioned, attitude towards the canvas, which is in the article, is quite ambiguous. What, in addition to the plot, an unusual picture "Crying boy"? The history of its creation deserves special attention and research. The first riddle lies here, for there are several versions of how the portrait was written. A consonant one, Bruno Amadio was a little son. And the picture "Crying Boy", the story claims, reports precisely his appearance. The child was quite nervous, grievous. And especially afraid of fire - flame languages \u200b\u200bin the stove, burning candles and even matches. Bragolin worked in a realistic genre and tried to follow the truth as soon as possible. Psychological detailing was also extremely important for him. Therefore, as the legend says, Giovanni Bragolina, a picture of Giovanni Bragolin, was written, the artist specially spilled in front of her mother's matches and brought them close to his face to naturally pass the horror in children's eyes, outrage and anger, and cause natural, truthful tears. No matter how oppositely rumors are heard, but it is easy to believe in them. Remember the Father of the Great Amadeu Mozart! He also forced the Son for 14-16 hours a day to music. Yes, you never know the stories about the despota-parents you know! So it may well be that the picture of the Spanish artist "Crying Boy" is really a portrait of his unfortunate son, victims of a cruel father. Mystery with a continuation

However, the legend has a continuation. The rumors claim that in the end, the kid ended to despair wished to burn out with the matches that he scared him. Soon the child died from the strongest inflammation of the lungs. And a little later, a terrible fire broke out in the artist's workshop. Burned all work there. And only the ill-fated portrait remained untouched. It was even said that the charred corpse of Amadio himself was found in the premises. However, this is an explicit exaggeration: it is known that in fact the artist died of esophageal cancer. But here is a picture of the "crying boy", the photo of which you see, and the truth did not really suffer. Then, for the first time, there was a rumor that an angry soul of a child was settled in the canvas, and he began to revenge offenders. Riddle Second

The second version of the version of how Amadio drew his "boy", such: in 1973, at one of the Venetian streets, he saw a little overannant, the inhabitant of the orphanage (or a bench). The appearance of the latter was so colorful that Bruno convinced him to pose for the painting. Very soon after the end of the work, the boy died under the wheels of the machine (according to other data - the children's shelter with his unfortunate inhabitants burned down). What happened next - you already, of course, guessed. All the same fire in the studio of the painter, the fire devours everything except the fatal portrait. That's how "gained momentum" of the legend about the film "Watching Boy". Reproductions from her and other works Giovanni Bragolin under the general name "crying children" gladly placed various art galleries in the world. Mystic or reality

In the mid-80s of the last century, England covered panic. A series of fires of different properties rolled around the country. In one apartments there was an explosion of gas, in others - short circuits in the power grid, thirdly - some other safety disorders, the operation of household appliances. But the public would not pay attention to these tragedies (after all, every time there were human sacrifices), if it were not for one "but". In all burned premises hung the reproduction of the works of Amadio. Especially often known for you the damned painting "Crying Boy". Multiplers solidified firmly: the toddler hurt and poured on the whole world will take revenge on this soulless, cruel society. After all, on each ashiste, among the general collapse and a dispersion, only this picture remained intact and accidentally. Moreover, when for the purpose of experiment, journalists of one of London newspapers (the publication drew the attention of readers on the strangeness of the incidents in order to increase the circulation) several copies of the reproductions wanted to burn - the paper was not burning, and no one could explain this phenomenon. The only replica is that the quality of the paper is high, therefore does not burn, critics could not stand it. What else is interesting: the victims were mostly poor families - for some reason the "crying boy" and other works of the series were especially popular with such a contingent. From the Internet Post Member Kuzmenko Nina

Along with the paintings of political and social protest, humanity are also known for those canvases that are inexplicably brought on people's misfortunes and even death. They are called paintings-curses or killer paintings. To get under the attraction of their villainarian charms, it is not necessary to keep such a canvase at home. Often, angry rock begins to pursue people after a first look at them.

Curse of "Crying Boy"

In the early 1980s, in England, they found a picture that the "crying boy" was called, and its copies were immediately very popular. But soon the picture was declared damned - the story about it did not go from the first bands of newspapers throughout the UK in the summer and in the fall of 1985

The incredible fate of the picture is explained as follows: after a series of inexplicable fires of houses it was established that the same picture was a cheap reproduction depicting a crying boy - attended each of the rooms where the fire began. This item could reject how a ridiculous coincidence, if it did not find out that in all cases, without exception, only this picture avoided damage, while all the dot burned around it.
An unusual phenomenon became known to the public in the summer of 1985, when Peter Hall, Yorkshire Fireman, told in a newspaper interview that fire brigades throughout Northern England found countless copies of this picture that remained not touched fire.
Hall talked only after his own brother Roy, who did not believe in this story, deliberately bought a copy of the "crying boy" to refute her curse, and soon after that his house in Svalloneste, in the south of Yorkshire, was burned out of the reasons. Seeing that the picture lies in full preservation in the midst of the charred ruins, Roy Hall hastily pressed it with a shoe.

Following this publication, a flurry of letters and calls from the owners of the "boy", affected by the same way, hit the British media. So, Dor Brand from Mitchema, in the county of Surrey, saw her house turned into an ashiste after 6 weeks after she bought a picture. And although she had even more than 100 other cloths, it survived exactly that. Sandra paint from Kilbern reported that she, her sister, mother and their friend - everything was polled after each bought a copy of the "boy".
Also came from Leeds, Nottingham County, from Ohhordshire and C O. White. On October 21, Parilla Pizza-Pelle, in Great Yartmut, the county of Norfolk, burned down to the ashes, but the "boy" remained in excellent condition. After 3 days, Herrintorpa, South Yorkshire, also lost their home. With a fire, the reproduction hanging around them in the living room remained intact, although everything around completely burned down. The next day in Hesweople, County Merserside, a couple of paintings "Boy", hanging in a living room and a dining area, belonging to the Amos family, survived, while all the building ... ripped apart from the explosion of gas. Then the "boy" declared an next fire in the house of Fred Trauera from Telford, Shropshire.

One of the newspapers immediately offered to all owners of the painting to arrange her mass burning. And although most in Britain believed that the whole story was a prolonged joke, the former owners of the "boy" did not agree with this. By November 1985, some of the former owners of the "boy" have made themselves nervous diseases because it seemed to them all the time, as if the paintings destroyed by them intend to take revenge. And mysterious fires, meanwhile, continued throughout the country. One of the firefighters later admitted: "I never believed in the curse before. But when you see a flattening picture in a fully burnt room, and she is the only thing that did not suffer, then you understand that it has passed all the borders. " And at night, on November 5, 1985, fires laid fires on which residents burned thousands of reproductions of a crying boy.

What was it? How can a picture be called a fire in which everything burns besides her itself? Mystics pointed to Poltergeist or an evil spirit, which lived in the "crying boy." But why then the same effect also provided copies of this picture? Here, researchers of paranormal phenomena suggested that the cause was the picture itself, more precisely, its image. Perhaps the drawing itself contained the key, and it was the image that caused a phenomenon, as a result of which almost everything was burned except the picture itself.

In turn, psychics and biolocation specialists argued that all works of art retain the energy of their creators, and this energy could be both positive and negative. However, this did not explain the terrible phenomenon of the boy. According to psychics, paintings can only affect the mood and well-being of people, but do not cause fires.
Some explorers phenomena insisted that the artist who wrote a picture was poorly informed with the model, and the curse said in retirement. But skeptics who seen in this story only random coincidences and the manifestation of prejudice rejected such an explanation. And the phenomenon of the "crying boy" to this day remains without an explanation.

"Creek" brings death

Another mystical history is connected with the famous picture of the Norwegian artist Edward Minka "Creek". It is considered one of the most recognizable in world painting and even called canonical, as "sunflowers" Van Gogh or Black Square Malevich.

The picture shows a hairless suffering from his head, like an inverted pear, with pressed in horror to the ears of the palms and with an open mouth open in a silent cry. Facial waves of the flour of this creature, as if echo, diverge in the air around his head. This man (or woman) seems to be imprisoned in his own cry and not to hear him, squeezed her ears.

A mystical curse is associated with this picture, which, according to art historian and Munka Specialist Alexander Prongfier, is confirmed by real stories. Dozens of people, one way or another, came into contact with the web, the cost of which is estimated at $ 70 million, was exposed to evil rock: they were ill, quarreled with loved ones, fell into severe depression or suddenly died. All this created a picture of the unkind glory, and visitors to the museum in Oslo looked at her.
But even here it was not salvation. Once the museum employee inadvertently dropped the canvas. After some time, his terrible headaches began, although they did not suffer them before. Migraine seizures became increasingly and stronger: the poor fellow, in the end, could not stand and committed suicide.
Another time the picture dropped the working museum - when it was out of one wall to another. A week later, he fell into a terrible car accident, as a result of which he broke his legs, hands, several ribs, got a crack in the pelvis and the strongest brain concussion. And somehow one of the visitors of the museum decided to touch the picture with a finger, and a few days later he had a fire in which he burned alive.
The life of the Mink himself, born in 1863, also represented a series of endless tragedies and shocks: diseases, the death of relatives, madness, from which he was treated with electric shock. He never married, because the thought of sex led him to horror. The artist died at the age of 81, leaving the city of Oslo a huge creative heritage as a gift: 1200 paintings, 4500 sketches and 18 thousand graphic works. But the top of his work remains "Creek".

Other works of the artist:


Self-portrait with a bottle of wine


"People with a weak psyche do not look!"

No less scandalous fame also uses the picture of Hands Resist Him American Bill Stonehem, written by him in 1972 on the old photo, where it was photographed at 5 years of age. With regard to this picture, there is even a special recommendation, stating: "Do not look at people with a weak psyche." The scandal around the canvase began after one of the exhibitions where it was exhibited. Mentally unbalanced people who looked through it, suddenly became bad - they lost consciousness, began to cry unfortunately, beat in convulsions.

And for the first time the picture was shown the owner and art historian "Los Angeles Times", which after that passed away. Maybe it was a coincidence, and maybe not. Then the picture acquired the actor John Marli (died in 1984). Next, the most interesting starts: the picture unexpectedly discovered on a landfill among the pile of garbage. The spouses who found her brought a canvas home, and already on the first night their small 4-year-old daughter ran into the bedroom of parents with shouts that the children depicted in the picture are fighting. The next night, the daughter reported that the children in the picture were outside the door. Then the head of the family put on the night in the room, where the picture was hung, a video camera responding to movement. To his amazement, the camcorder worked several times!

After that, the picture was put on an eBay online auction. Soon, letters with complaints about deterioration of well-being, loss of consciousness and even heart attacks began to come to the postal addresses of EBAY administrators. The picture was sold for $ 1025, at the initial price of $ 199. She bought Kim Smith from a small town near Chicago for his art gallery.
It would be the end of history, but letters with complaints began to come now to Smith's address. Many of them were, as before, with stories about poor well-being after watching the picture. But there were those who wrote about evil, which proceeded from the canvas, and therefore they demanded to burn it.
Smith's services were offered American psychics of Ed and Lorraine Warren, who became famous after the expulsion of the demons in the Amititilian house in 1979, but nothing helped. Mediums associate a picture with the murder of Satillo famous in the USA in the hills of California. The ghosts of two children, they argue, so far they are often visited by the house on the hills. "We saw a boy. He wore a light T-shirt and shorts. His sister was always in the shade. He seemed to defend her. They were called Tom and Laura, and they, like two drops, are similar to the children depicted in the picture, "psychics tell.

Evil Rock Repin

Mystical evil rock pursues and the famous picture of Ilya Repin "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan." This picture has become the largest discovery of the end of the XIX century. and recognized as masterpiece of world painting. It was called the most optimistic and most fun work of Russian painting. Critics wrote: There are all varieties of human laughter on this canvas - from a loud laughter to a restrained smile. The work caused Furore at international exhibitions in Chicago, Budapest, Munich, Stockholm. The picture is still kept in the St. Petersburg State Museum. Repin himself considered her perfect and said: "On this canvase, it is impossible to remove nor add a smear ..."

At one time, the picture struck and the Russian emperor Alexander III. He, not hesitating, laid out 35 thousand rubles for her. It was unheard of at that time amount. But then everything turned over: the picture suddenly called the damned. What happened to her?

Repin worked on a masterpiece for more than 13 years. Prototypes of the main characters of the paintings were ... Friends of the artist. If they knew what it would turn out for them! So, the Kiev head Mikhail Dragomirov, who posted in the image of Sirko's Koshoy Ataman, from a cute cheerful man turned into a winding drunk and a homely tyrant. After a quarrel with him, two of his sons committed the life of suicide, and the only daughter went crazy.
Brilliant scientist, the patron of Vasily Tarnowsky (in the film Repin - the sullen Cossack with OSELED) went bankrupt and finished his days in the shelter for the beggars. Another hero of the picture is a smiling clerk with glasses, the famous historian Dmitry Yavornitsky, was declared politically unreliable and spent several years in the link in Tashkent. After a series of these misfortunes, frightened Repin hurriedly removed the figure of a small Cossack written by him from his own son ...

By the way, portraits of the surgeon of Pirogov and Composer Mussorgsky Repin finished literally the day before their death. And the premiere of Russia Stolypin was shot the day after the artist graduated from his portrait. Premature death suffered 8 other artist models.

Portrait of Pirogov

Portrait of Mussorgsky

What was it - an accident or evil rock, brought over Repin? Alas, the answer to this question remained unanswered.

Prepared Oleg Lobanov,

Sometimes, the horror of mystical phenomena cause strange paintings, as if they were cursed by the painter's brush. In this case, we are talking about the paintings of the "crying children" of the artist Bruno Amadio, well-known as Giovanni Bragolini.

Pictures of Bragoolini from the series "Crying Children" are illuminated by the devil

The legend about the damned paintings of this artist is worth highlighting, because in those houses where the "crying boy" is Bruno Amadio, things are not only a mystical nature, but also an extremely ominous shade.

Holders of paintings "Watching Boy" pursue all sorts of misfortunes, houses in the fires overlooking all the property in the dust, and only the paintings are out of fire. It is a classic and immortal legend of mysticism and otherworldly forces, where even reproductions from paintings are horrified and the fear of their owners.

- By the way, according to firefighters, reproductions survive in the fire. Not because they are cursed, or something else there is an opinion about it, they are simply made from solid and non-fuel paper. Space characteristics of paintings for paintings, isn't it?

According to the myth of the past century, mystical phenomena covers the place of stay of paintings with the "crying children", attracting a number of suffering and misfortunes on residents of the house. But also say that if you get up in front of the picture with a "crying boy" exactly at midnight, then you can

Who was Bruno Amadio?

Despite the terrible curse of the paintings, the Italian artist Bruno Amadio is known, although it was originally considered a mediocre artist who were born in Venice between 1890 and 1900. The faithful fan of Mussolini's ideas, "say many, mentioning the artist as a fascist print in the heart.

Presumably, during World War II, Bruno translated into portrait images of the face of those orphans, whose horror he met in his way, fantasticly imprinting fear and sadness, with the help of canvas and paints showing children's tears.

One can only assume that during the war, the artist decided to create a collection of paintings called "crying children", laying the image of children's suffering and pain in the canvases. In particular, it is well known about the collection of 27 paintings - they are all marked

The first work of the artist was created from the child from the orphanage as a model. The name of the crying boy is unknown, but this is the first job in a series of damned paintings, "as believed, the fascist master of the paints specifically" brought "children to the image you need. Next, Bruno Amadio changes the scenic pseudonym, signing its works already like Giovanni Bragolini.

Mention is found that the artist fought at the front, the truth is unknown where exactly. After the war, Bruno Amadio settled in Spain, in Seville, where he spent several years of his life, later by moving in Madrid, where his trail was finally lost.
- At the same time, some believe that he lived his released herself together with, although both assumptions may be incorrect.

The great demand for paintings by the artist appeared in Chile, where people bought reproductions in bulk. However, in 80s, rumors about the curse of paintings became so hard that the company, successfully sold copies over the years, stopped their release - no one wanted to buy a curse of the "crying boy".

The legend of the damned paintings "Crying Boy."

According to the mystical part of the legend, Bruno Amadio is tired of being an unknown artist, he is keen to great popularity and world recognition. This obsessive thought is painfully devouring Bragolini so hot that he addresses the devil's lawyer with the sale of the soul. They sang the case or not unknown, but from the same time his paintings are known, growing popularity.

It is said that the first picture was written by an artist in a children's house, which burned down after completing the work. The flame devouched the building spoiling ashes. The fire was unable to destroy only one object - the picture "Crying Boy."

Of course, everything that comes to us from legends is subject to serious doubt, but considering strange cases, we find it true. Part of the legend speaks of the appearance of the image of the devil, and there are people who assure it absolutely true: if at midnight we stand in front of the picture, we can conclude our own treaty with the Devil.

Perhaps the most popular part of this story is the place where the mystical properties of the pictures are told: the house will be on the house, the property will become a rush, but any of these paintings will remain untouched, the flame does not damage the works of Bragolini. Residents of houses suffer from bad luck and endless turn of misfortunes, besides, starting all kinds.

Bruno Amadio left 27 paintings of "crying children", after the first work, signing already like Giovanni Bragolini. Did you really find a reflection in the damned paintings with a devil, spreading evil on the owners?

The story of Rebecca.

Rebecca acquired a couple of paintings "Watching Boy" in the store of his area. Since the appearance of paintings in the house, the fire became often "visiting" the dwelling. And although there has never been the need to call the fire team, the situation is alarming, because we are talking about more than thirty small fires for ten years of ownership of works.

In addition, as Rebecca is surprised, filmed from the fire. Pans and frying pan continue to fry or cook food for a while, as if they are still standing on a living fire. The trouble touched the store, whose owners broke after the sale of paintings.

In addition to quite unpleasant incidents, other strange phenomena are also curious in the house. Especially frighten the incomprehensible incidents when objects or things disappear without a trace to never appear. One day, before going to the shower, the woman left a shirt on the bed - the clothes disappeared without a trace, and when it happened in the house there was no one.

Such events with things have already happened many times, and never disappeared to find. This is a very old, but still a strong house where other types of phenomena occur: incomprehensible noises and steps are heard from the attic, and this place is completely uninhabited.

The most interesting story of Rebecca and her paintings is that the households suffering from the curse did not know anything about the legend of the "crying boy" of Bragolini. This later, the owners of two busy paintings by learning the history of the curse, tied fires and strange phenomena with works in their home.

The damned picture came out of a fire untouched.

Other incidents with paintings "Crying Boy / Girl" Bragolini can be considered officially fixed. I must immediately say, no rational explanation of these incidents, but in September 1985, the British edition of The Sun reported with property in fires.

Firefighters from Yorkshire really encountered some kind of damn, when intact copies of the paintings are often found among the ruins of burnt houses. According to one of the firefighters - the pet an interview - at home was attacked by the flame due to violation of safety, and the curse of paintings here is not at all.

At the same time, a reasonable explanation, why the paintings of the crying children are intact fire with the ash region, no one could clarify, only speaking that reproductions are made of hard paper that does not suffer from fire action. A strange explanation, isn't it? But more strange, no firefighter will keep a copy of the picture at home - said one of the fireburst edition.

Over the next months, The Sun and other tabloids published several articles on burnt houses, whose owners had a picture of Amadio. An incredible thing, but the property turned into ashes, the only thing that survived on fire was the paintings of the "crying children" of Bragolini!

Passion around the works were so strong that at the end of November, faith in the curse of the picture spread widely, and the publication organized mass arsions of the replica sent by readers - so educated people tried to remove

Tom Ballarger - According to him, Giovanni Bragolini's original script was acquired by a crazy price, going to decorate a country house with a novelty. A small estate in the old style near Yorkshire never caused trouble.

The first "call" about the curse Briton got from the room with a fireplace, where it is not known how the corner of the corner almost destroyed the house. But this time everything cost. Another nuisance was the closed socket in the kitchen - apparently the old wiring, so probably thought the owner did not believe the legends.

Some time after the acquisition of a damn picture, when various incomprehensible things happened in the house, the ballerger was told on the phone - your home burned down. A strange way in a fire survived the picture of the crying girl. The firefighters explained - she hung in the corridor a little affected by fire, although for some reason other paintings did not save.

Honestly - as they write - the house and is really not really injured. Nevertheless, curious in this story happened when part of the property was temporarily placed in a survival building. Only a week later the construction where the picture was kept burned to the base, the old wiring turned into the ashes, except for the damned picture - the frame was burned, while the canvas himself, which rolled into the roll, was practically not affected.

- It is possible that all this is superstition and absurd, where in most curses we face the phenomenon of urban legends, when reality and fiction are mixed into one start and are fed to the market of wrestling rumors.

But in this particular study, we found a lot of internet certificates telling about failures, misfortunes, strange situations that belong to images of Bragolini. Most of these witnesses associate "curse of paintings" with non-need for the house, although not tolerance of objectivity should be noted: all situations can be explained by annoying coincidence.

In conclusion, we note: there are no reliable tests that are guaranteed to destroy the legend about the damage of the Amadio paintings. Perhaps all this fiction, but the probability of risk remains ...
The risk that curse and misfortune is introduced into the house. But as compensation, which wishes can acquire mystical phenomena. And even at all at midnight, talk to the lawyers of the devil.