Posner offended the child. Mom of a crying girl on a "minute of glory": "I do not understand why I scold me? After that you gave Vika to music school

Posner offended the child. Mom of a crying girl on a
Posner offended the child. Mom of a crying girl on a "minute of glory": "I do not understand why I scold me? After that you gave Vika to music school

Recently, a scandal occurred on the "minute of glory" show. The speech of the eight-year-old Victoria Starikova, who performed the song Zemfira "to live in your head", caused public resonance. Transmission viewers outraged the tough refereeing of the girl's speech.

Jury members considered that such a composition is not suitable for first grader, which does not understand what she sings. Renata Litvinova was surprised that Victoria, choosing this song for the competition, does not know other works of Zemfira. "I am internally protest against this. Some kind of prohibited move. You excuse me, you are a good girl, "Litvinova said.

" Moment of glory"


Speakly spoke about the speech and Vladimir Pozner: "I am against the children on the scene. This is more parental vanity - parents want children to come out and they could boast them. The eight-year-old man sings the song that is not an eight-year-old. " While the jury members were expressed, Victoria cried, but no one thought to calm her down.

" Moment of glory"

Producer Max Fadeev, who was repeatedly mentoring the show "Voice. Children, "could not stay away from this situation. In his Instagram, he interceded for Victoria and condemned Vladimir Posner for the tough criticism of the child. According to the producer, seeing how the girl is crying, he himself could not hold back tears.

"I just looked the wonderful speech by Vika Starikova on a" minute of glory. "<…> I can not pass by the ever, as I am a father, teacher and musician. Unlike all those who gathered there in the jury. Therefore, I can estimate it from the point of view of professional and pedagogical. I always respected Mr. Posner deeply and considered him the smartest, subtle man, the highest class journalist. But, in my opinion, his attitude towards this small child was very cruel and absolutely insensitive. After all, he is also a father and he knows perfectly well that with the child you need to be extremely careful and attentive in assessments and criticism in relation to it, "said Fadeev (spelling and punctuation here and then copyright. - Approx. Red.).

Max noted that criticism, of course, should be, but not evil, but neat: "With regard to such a small girl, criticism should be in the form of a game or soft and decent. So that the child perceived her correctly. But Mr. Posner elected another style of communication with the child's child not higher than 40 cm. When I watched that she was told by the jury members, I cried with her. Because I became very insulting for her: why should she justify and explain - who chose this song and that she invests into it. She puts smoothly what feels like this! It is not obliged to catch with all sorts of intellectual sayings, in order to pamper the hearing of such spoiled husbands. She just sang and that's it. This is neither good nor bad. She just sang, trying to convey their feelings as much as possible. "

Fadeev believes that one of the judges Sergey Svetlakov was ashamed of his colleagues:
"I saw the face of Sergei Svetlakova, who did not know with each phrase of his colleagues to where he was children. I believe that he was ashamed of the left-handed hand from him. Because I know how he belongs to the children and what is his beautiful father. Behavior, grimaces and texts of Litvinova I will not comment, everything is clear with her. "

" Moment of glory"

And yet the main flow of criticism in the network fell on Renat Litvinov, which, according to many fans of Zemfira, and may be dedicated to the song "Living in Your Head". So, blogger Lena Miro admitted that Victoria's performance was touched. According to Miro, the girl, full of inspiration and hopes, sang, putting his soul in the words, and Litvinova threw himself on it, like Korshun.

Lena called Renate "Intracudility", "fake Under Grace Kelly" and "Rims, Corring Aristocrat." The blogger believes that the actress just publicly humiliated the girl, I triggered it in the "feeling of shame and guilt."


However, there are those who interrected for Litvinov. Stylist Mikhail Baryshnikov

Maxim Fadeev on his page in Instagram expressed his opinion on the performance of the 8-year-old Vika Starikova on the program "Minute of Glory" and his attitude towards how some members of the jury cost it.

"I can not pass by the ever in the air, as I am a father, a teacher and a musician. Unlike all those who gathered there in the jury. Therefore, I can evaluate this from the point of view of professional and pedagogical ... When I watched her jury members, I cried with her, " - writes Maxim.

To understand the perturbation, the pain and tears of the musician, we recall what happened on February 25 on the program.

Victoria StarikovaThe participant of the competition from Nizhny Tagil came to the stage and performed the song Zemfira "live in your head."

After this lead program Mikhail Boyarsky He turned to the jury so that they express their opinions about the girl's speech, and there was incredible. Famous aunt and uncle, and some already grandfathers and great-grandfather - Renata Litvinova, Vladimir Pozner and Sergey Yursky began to express their opinion with some kind of incomprehensible embossibility. Their words sounded simply as slain.

Vladimir Pozner.looking at the baby with a disgruntled view, said: "When the Wunderkinds go on stage, it is already clear that they are great." In his opinion, it is impossible to "produce a talentless child, only to swee the parent vanity." Interestingly, by what criteria Mr. Posner estimated her talent - it is unknown, but grimaced very sincerely.

"I always respected Mr. Posner deep and considered him the smartest, subtle man, the highest class journalist, but, in my opinion, his attitude towards this little child was very cruel and absolutely insensitive. After all, he is also a father and he knows perfectly well that with the child you need to be extremely careful and attentive in assessments and criticism towards him. Of course, the criticism should be, but it must be neat and not angry. With regard to such a small girl, criticism should be in the form of a game or soft and deceo. So that the child perceived her correctly, but Mr. Posner elected another style of communication with the child's growth not higher than 40 cm ... ", comments Maxim Fadeev.

Renata Litvinova Also, it was not difficult to react to the girl. Hemeshang, she said that the girl does not understand what she sings, that this is forbidden reception to sing adult songs, characterizing this situation with stupid.

"And crying. So why is crying? " - Litvinova in question.

One can only imagine what was happening at this moment in the soul of an 8-year-old girl, when she all listened to his address, standing on the stage in front of the whole country, but Vika was at the height. She did not wisten to tears, poured by beads from her eyes, in front of their offenders.

"Behavior, grimaces and texts of Litvinova I will not comment, everything is clear with her," - continues Maxim Fadeev.

The writer, screenwriter and blogger expressed their attitude to the behavior of Renat Litvinova on the program "Minute of Glory" Elena Miro:

"A nasty babe just trampled an innocent child, driving him in a feeling of shame and guilt. It is not clear, however, for what? For the fact that the girl dares to sing the song, which Ramazanova wrote for his Renat? ...
It's bad that the child was humiliated. Too early, a person passed through his first public humiliation. It may injure the girl for a long time. Creatures, of course. Stupid, soulless creatures. "

However, this is not the first case of such a relationship of the jury members to acting in this show.

A similar incident occurred with the participant of the show Zhenya Smirnov, the dancer, who has no one leg. After watching his speech, Litvinova, calling Yevgeny by an amputant, said that "probably, this is the main reason why he should stay in this project and suggested that he fastened the second leg to" not exploit the topic. "

To the whole written, writes in Instagram Maxim Fadeev, after the number of Zhennova I want to add: "I can not understand how Litvinova's replicas could be released on ether. If it were a live broadcast - then it is clear, but it is well known that the show goes in the record. And this means that everything that goes on the air, is approved by all the steps of the leadership and may in general to be considered and the position of the first channel too? And this is the worst, because they make a show from this pain. "

15:10 / March 02, 2017

Anna Starikova said that the Editors of the show was suggested to perform the song of Zemfire.

Young Tagilchanka Victoria Starikova, which brought to the tears of the jury "Minutes of Glory", could not break through the next round and left the show.

In the second round, Victoria performed the song Sergey Trofimova "Rodina", which was sang under the accompaniment of his mother Anna. But this time the performance did not like Renate Litvinova and Vladimir Poznor, the words of which brought the girl to tears back in the past issue. Recall: for the first time they considered that the song Zemfira "live in your head", which a girl performed, too "adult" for her. What they did not like the second time, the mother's mom can not tell, as the release has not yet entered the ether. But she explained to our correspondent, why in the first round Victoria performed the song Zemfira.

- How did you react to the jury's reaction to your daughter?

- with bewilderment! Because we went there at the invitation of producers and editors of this project. That is, it was originally not our initiative. Of course, we agreed. But no castings were held. The show editors invited Victoria, seeing her channel on Youtube. They liked the little angel who sings all sorts of songs. Because Vika is all over the shoulder. And they affected them.

As the mother told the girl, Vika is engaged in singing from 4 years and is no longer the first participates in musical competitions. True, so far only on the Internet, where, in addition to your channel, an 8-year-old girl has pages in all popular social networks.

- And it was that the editors of the show offered to execute the song Zemfira and thus a surprise one of the members of the jury - Renate Litvinova, together with Vika also considered it possible. Since no one's age value in this show is not in this show. And in the previous seasons of this show, even small children reached the final.

- That is, not you chose the song?

- No, we were offered. And we supported the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing a surprise. But by this we did not want to offend anyone. We just wanted to show how our little angel will perform the song of Zemfira, the fan of which is Renata Muratovna. And she performed her in his own way, with his reading of this song. In no way, we did not want to touch on some kind of deep themes, we all had much easier, life and clearer to a small child.

- What do you think about the phrase Posner that children on stage - the result of the parent vanity?

- And when famous people strongly support their children and are proud of them, and everyone is talking about their offspring - is it normal? Why one can, but about others they immediately say that this is vanity?

- And how your daughter suffered criticism from the jury. And what will you tell me about her participation in this project?

"The daughter said that she was very sorry when everything was over." No, she, of course, said that scary, hands and legs were shaking. But she really liked to participate. After him she said he wants her life to be connected with cameras, performances, competitions. In general, everything is wonderful. I believe that it was a very useful experience that Vika could not get anywhere else.

And all the conversations and comments are that the criticism of the jury caused a psychological trauma, Anna calls fetched speculations that for some reason blown on the Internet.

The performance of 8-year-old Vika Starikova in the show "Minute of Glory" on the "First Channel" was one of the past weeks discussed. At the request of OG, Vladimir Pozner explained his principled position.

Recall, the girl did not miss the second round, and the users of social networks fell into members of the jury Renat Litvinov and Vladimir Pozner for cruelty, cynicism and unacceptable in relation to the small child categorically. At the same time, justice it is worth noting that the judges criticized not at all the Vica and its executive skills, but the choice of complex, non-deleted compositions, and in general, the participation of children in such competitions.

Vladimir Pozner:

I am absolutely convinced that most often when parents bring their children to the competitive scene, they say vanity in them. At the same time, I do not mean contests professional, such as pianists or violinists, in which future professionals compete are children who are preparing to become professional executive musicians. These are children who come to music schools, which are engaged in many hours a day, for them the competition is part of vocational education. But even in such competitions, children almost never compete with adults, because it is clear that to them, children, you need to learn a lot, you need to grow to fully advocate. However, such contests as "a minute of glory," is a completely different matter. This is not a struggle between future professionals, it is rather a kind of show in which people can show themselves and, if they manage to win a certain amount of money and, maybe to draw attention to any agent. The organizers of such a competition emanate from one consideration: how to make it so that there is a high rating, how to attract the maximum number of viewers. For them, children are such a bait, the viewer is very good for it. I am categorically opposed, because the child perceives the loss as a tragedy (and the child has no chance to win in the competition with adults). They all admired them, mother and dad admired them and - on you! It is clear that Vika cried, and it would be necessary to cry her mother. I still need to regret the children, not to expose them to such stress.

Eight-year-old Victoria Starikov from Nizhny Tagil performs the song Zemfira "live in your head", accompanying yourself on the piano

In the show on the "First Channel", Vika Starikov under his own accompaniment performed the song Zemfira "Living in Your Head" and strongly puzzled members of the jury. Complex for this age, the composition completely shot down Sergey Jurassic. Picking up words, he still pressed the red button, after which the Vika was crying, and the "minute of glory" turned to her at the present test.

Categorically spoke Renata Litvinova: "Some kind of stupid situation. I'm internally protest. " Vladimir Pozner.Which, during the speech, Vicky closed his eyes and covered his face with his hand, criticized his parents.

Street supported the actor Sergey SvetlakovHe voted for Vika: "She in his 8 years older than all of us and understands, what she sings." Thanks to the lot (the girl threw a coin), they missed her in the second round, there she sang a song Trofim "Rodina", but the judges decided to prevent her the next stage.

We also add that on the eve of Vika hotly supported producer Maxim Fadeev. His great post in instagramme with the words of indignation during the day scored more than two thousand comments. "When I looked that I was told by the members of the jury, I cried with her," wrote a musician, noting that in the show "Voice. Children "he would certainly turn to Vika. The absolute majority of subscribers supported the author. But those who rightly criticized the organizers of the competition, in which children without any discounts on age compete on par with adults, as well as parents, unsuccessfully informed the composition for certainly a talented girl.

By the way, Mom Vika told the day before to journalists that the song Zemfira was chosen with her daughter, having learned who would be in the jury: a friend of the singer Renat Litvinova was filmed in the clip on this song and, as expected, was supposed to evaluate such a choice.

Dossier "OG"

Vika Starikova - eight-year-old singer, musician, aerial gymnast from Nizhny Tagil. By 8 years, thanks to participation in online competitions, it became very popular on the Internet. About 125 thousand people are signed to her channel in Utyuby, in the official group of VKontakte, more than 3,500 users consist

  • Published in №39 of 07.03.2017 under the title "Children - this is such a bait"

Interview: Alexandra Savina

The main social event of the week was the program "Minute of Fame" on the first channel - Talent Show, whose participants demonstrate their abilities in short numbers. There were several reasons for discussion. In the program that came on on February 25, the eight-year-old Star Youtube Vika Starikov was played: the girl sang the song Zemfira "live in your head." The opinions of the jury members (in it included actress and director Renat Litvinova, TV presenters Vladimir Pozner and Sergey Svetlakov, Actor Sergey Yursky) were divided. Jurassic stood up to find the girl, but voted against its further participation in the show, Litvinova and Posner criticized the participant of the competition for too adult song, and Litvinova also for conjunctural behavior: the song, as he gave to understand a jury's dick, was not chosen by chance. In support of a small singer, Sergey Svetlakov spoke.

On social networks, a grand scandal broke out: the members of the jury were accused of cruelty in relation to the child crying on the stage, and the parents and the first channel were that such a scene was allowed in the show with the participation of children. However, the story was not over. A week later, Evgeny Smirnov became a member of the show - the dancer who lost his leg as a result of the accident. In the "Minute of Glory" Evgeny spoke in a pair with Alena Puneva. Vladimir Pozner said that the performance of the dancer is "prohibited reception", and Renata Litvinova called Evgeny Smirnov "amputant" (although almost immediately apologized, noting that for people with disabilities in Russia is being done too little) and offered a dancer: "Or maybe you This, fasten the second, can it be not so obvious? To not exploit this topic. "

The source in the leadership of the first channel told our publication that on the channel "somewhat shocked on the air." Moreover, with the words of our interlocutor, sanctions are assumed to the people who were responsible for the release of the program on Ether. The position of the channel is such: no one can respond to the spontaneous speech of the participants, but this does not mean that the ether does not need to be moderated. "There is a parsing situation, a lot of screaming," the Channel officer shared his impressions. Our other interlocutor, familiar with the situation, said that one of the producers of the Canal, who were preparing editions to Efira, was fired today.

Nevertheless, the discussion about the TV show raised several important issues at once - the visibility of disability, the ethical of the participation of children in the adult program, about political correctness in speeches on TV, about whose ambitions are implementing children speakers in TV show - own or their parents. On ethical standards, vulgarity and borders of the permissible we talked to people whose work is connected with children, charity and entertainment industry.

Victoria Starikova "live in your head"

"Minute of Glory", 4th edition of 02/25/2017

Long Rapoport.

founder of the Children's Football Academy Tagsport

I do not watch such a show and I can not say anything in defense of adults who are so talking to the child. If the child is seriously released on the field in the match of men's teams, then he will break the neck there. And if he will give up, then there will be questions for football players. Vika received comments as an adult participant - it is stupid and dishonest towards her, but these are the rules. I do not understand anything in music and do not know, she sang well or not. But if judges said: "What a nice, let's go further!" - It would be dishonest in relation to other adult participants.

If the child does something well - sings, playing football, dancing, draws, believes, - then he has enough praise parents and coach to confirm their own success. Competitions are needed for a coach to compare the success and strong or weaknesses of the child with others to develop in the child the ability to act in a situation with restrictions (when it is nervous, limited time and the like). But most often their parents and coaches for self-affirmation are used: my baby is the best.

The child doesn't care what place he took. Look at the game of children until 5-6 years: they have no winners and losers until parents are taught. This is especially noticeable in team sports: after the games, parents are not asked "How did you play?", And "won?" In fact, should still be, whether the child won the team. If the child scored five goals, but the team lost - what's the difference? Your child has everything turned out. It is important. But parents are interested in victory. Because if the victory means the baby is the best. And it does not matter how specifically it turned out. Gradually, children are infected with the thirst for victories.

I do not know that I moved by my mother of this girl, I easily admit that the girl wanted everything and invented himself. It seems to me that the task of the parent is to protect the child from that hell, with which adults are faced in pursuit of victory and glory. Especially where there are no clear rules and regulations.

Katerina Gordeyev


It is absolutely clear that Russian television in his current form of a person does not like completely, does not appreciate and does not notice. The person for this television is the point in the ranking, part of the share, something is an impersonal and despised due to mezzardism and no accumulation. People, chained to the TV, on the contrary, are seen in television and power, and the opportunity, and even the truth.

All this is terribly aggravated by an endless gap in the supply, level of life and, finally, the globility of those who are broadcasting from the TV, with those who broadcast.
In 2007, Sasha Malyutin arrived at (now extensively discussed) TV shows "Minute of Glory". He dreamed to see him and did not consider his sons to be a disappearance, he wanted him not to hang out from kindergarten, where he worked at first Muzzles, and then he was watching, he tried, finally, to reveal his really unique abilities to the world. A graduate of Altai Museum Alexander Malyutin hardly worried that life was somehow so in Stupitski, that he, most gifted from classmates, train a virtuoso game on the accordion in the village Altai, and classmates work in orchestras, some even toure.

Malyutin came to Moscow and went on the scene of a large studio "Minutes of Glory". He played her legs, then with his hands, but not long. The jury, in which Alexander Maslyakov, Tatyana Tatystaya and Yuri Gallets, quickly pressed the button and spoke in spirit that Malyutin was fake, and in general, on the piano in a decent society the legs do not play. Returning home, Alexander Malyutin hanged himself.

I had at home, I saw the village of Altai, brought on the chest in the snow cemetery with a indistinguishable grave, examined his tools and kilometers of video preparation for a trip to Moscow, Ostankino. I still wanted to stop him all this time, grabbed my shoulders and slope: "Yes, you don't go there, no one is waiting for you there, you don't need anyone." But it was no one to stop. Malyutin was already dead.

And the transfer, I look, alive. Flourishes. And it hops the skill of contempt for people who for some reason are not like successful handsome men and beauties from the jury.

Valery Panyushkin

the editor-in-chief of the portal "Such cases"

It seems to me that these are two different stories. In the case of a dancer, everyone immediately attacked Renate Litvinov. Here, in my opinion, we lack the main (or, in any case, very important) the thing I call the presumption of goodwill. Renata Litvinova performed for this guy, for ensuring that he stayed in the show, and in every way tried to say something good, but did it extremely clumsy. The problem of our society is that we do not allow each other awkwardness. We immediately accept clumsiness for malice, and these are different things. Renata Litvinova did not want to say anything bad - it just does not understand how to talk about it.

On the one hand, what Posner said about the prohibited reception was on the verge of unacceptable, and on the other - he tried to treat this guy as this guy himself wants to be assessed by: not for his leg amputated, And for what he is dancer. Whenever we come to such a difficult situation, we turn out to be on the edges of the offensive, incorrect. It seems to me that the case is in the lack of presumption of goodwill. Let's believe that Posner wanted to take this artist seriously and consider it not as a person with disabilities, but as an artist. And Renata Litvinova wanted to speak positively, but he could not.

As for the girl, I have big doubts. I believe that the child is usually not ready at all to get into the situation of adult competition. I fencing my children from this in every way. The emotions that the child experiences, getting into adulthood, to which he has not yet, can be too strong, too wound. We understand that the child cannot lead an adult sex life, we understand that the child can not lead an adult professional life - no one will let him down to the lathe and the aircraft's helpr. But for some reason, we believe that you can put the child to adult artistic work. And this is the same work, and emotional tension and the burden of responsibility here is not less than that of a pilot or a policeman. Artistic shows in which children participate, seem to me overly hard for them: we put them in the situation of emotional tension, to which, in my opinion, children are not ready for age.

The problem of our society is that we are trying to find a simple answer to a difficult question, a difficult situation. Artistic work is a complicated, multi-storey thing: how is the light that you are wearing, as you are ready, in what condition your ligaments, in what condition your fingers, nerves, what the audience, how she reacts. Whenever we say: "She just chosen the song," we are trying to simplify. Let's try to respond to peace in all its complexity and diversity and recognize that children are small, fragile and need to take care.

Tatyana Krasnova

teacher of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Co-founder of the Galkonok Foundation

We fell into such a society, where a lot of claims are presented to the world around. For example, I somehow came across a woman's blog, which is engaged in fitness and requires that the cafe makes fat aunt, which act on the nerves. Or, for example, once in the receiving dentist, I found people who discussed Karachentsov, which was shown on TV: how to get out of this form to the screen, it is unpleasant, it is uncomfortable, shame. Or, for example, some Orthodox citizens who do not like all starting with performances and ending with a gay parade.

We began to smear our feelings. Pozner has a subtle taste, and he did not like that such a straight-line art technique was applied to it. Ms. Litvinova me in this case less disassembled; This is a stupid thought - to attach a person to a leg. We are all very configured to "make a prosthesis" to all the white light, so that we like it more. You need to be able to shove your feelings in your pocket and generally treat yourself a little more modest. What you do not like is not necessarily praising.

The guy who spoke in the program, of course, well done. I hope to live before that time when such things are normal, and the comments like "tie their own leg to me more like" - abnormal.

Alena Psheneva and Yevgeny Smirnov "Two"

"Minute of Fame", 9th season, 5th edition


journalist, Mom of Two Children

Without such situations there is no show. This phrase could be finished, if it were not about an eight-year-old child. An example from parental experience. My daughters go to the vocal studio to the young, modern teacher. A few years ago, I tried to influence the choice of the repertoire for the older daughter and suggested a complex song about love. It seemed to me, it is ideal for the range. With this, in fact, the teacher did not argue, but my proposal did not approve. He said that with the choice of children's repertoire, you need to be extremely careful. There is nothing more ridiculous and vulgar than the fulfillment of an adult song by a child who is very poorly imagined what she sings and, especially since, can not "live" this song on the scene. From this there is awkwardness of everyone (except parents). I agreed. This does not mean that only children's or patriotic songs are available to children. But you need to choose the right, organic. I understand that parents are difficult to relate to everything that concerns their own children objectively, including age. Someone the child seems mature and feeling in an adult, and someone sees a five-year-old kid in a teenager and offers a song about Cheburashka. Probably, without glance, it is not necessary. Actually, that's all I would tell the parents of Vicky.

Is it possible to be ready for criticism (even if the most valid and constructive) in such a gentle age? Of course not. Therefore, I would not send my children there, where on subjective criteria choose the best of the best and, even worse, the talent and mediocreness are determined during the extensive reasoning. Fortunately, the girl did not understand half of what she was told, but she understood the main thing: she was not accepted. A minute of glory turned into a minute of pain and disappointment. And this memoir will remain with her. What it turns out, depends on a number of personal factors and the behavior of loved ones.

However, the program has not ended yet. People sit in the jury in which you want to believe how before. I just incomprehensibly, why none of them drew or did not switch the attention to the fact that the child not only sang, but also accompanied himself. And it is difficult - and sing, and play at the same time. For the same it was possible to praise? But the experts preferred to scold parents and ask the rare questions to the child.

I believe that the "amputant" is called and suggesting him to fasten the prosthesis only if there is a conscious intention to make the show scandalous. This is a complete surgery, which will not explain to anything else. We say that people with disabilities in our country are not needed by anyone, and when a person is trying to live a full life without an accent on his disabilities, immediately blame him in speculation on it. In other countries, for such things to be supplied. There is a feeling that some characters in the desire to be special become a parody of themselves.

To be honest, I do not like the show with the participation of children at all. Something in me is protesting when the rating of the program depends on how much a child is haul, smart, talented or foundar. All this does not pass for him without a trace. Although there is a lot of examples when artists, actors, poets from children's years do not belong to themselves and feel great at the same time. Each has its own pain threshold, and the thickness of the skin is all different. In the end, and the path of each one. I hope Vika this situation will not hurt too much. I believe in the sanity of all involved. The show goes on.

Zhanna Belousov


Is there a difference between sports competitions and similar creative contests? In sports, there are generally accepted formal rules for which competitions are evaluated. Not "liked" / "did not like", but clear, measurable, detailed criteria. They have a subjective assessment place, but it is usually a small weight. Formalized assessment systems must protect the rights of athletes and prevent the jury bias.

In this competition, in my impression, the creative qualities of the jury member is the main principle of refereeing. Such an organization of the competition involves large risks for the psychological safety of participants. The athlete is preparing for competitions, well focusing in the rules of refereeing. And here suddenly it turned out that the participant did not fulfill one of the criteria of the competition: chose an irregular song to fulfill.

The feeling of unprotected and lack of justice is the overall effect of the lack of clear criteria for both participants and the audience of the competition. On the latter it acts like a red rag. People seek to restore justice, to enjoy the mistaken, punish the aggressor. This causes a lot of emotions, involves in action. Effects? I sincerely hope that all shows on TV through and completely staged. There is a script, director and actors. If everything is truly, the main consequence is psychological trauma. The lack of criteria causes the feeling that they appreciate not what you did, not your job, but you liked you yourself or not. Strongest shame. The child is long in the extreme situation, almost devoid of support.

Regardless of the outcome of the voting, the child is experiencing the deepest stress. Overloaded incentives: Sophytes, viewers, shooting process, adults say something and wait for a response. You stand in sight of everyone, and they take or reject - the shame in a situation is much stronger than we can imagine how participants can submit to when they are being solved on this experiment. Making a decision by members of the jury is smeared in time, and must be kept. While overloading impressions "de-energize" those parts of the brain that are responsible for self-control, emotions are rapidly turning into affect. Need to stay. Without training, this is a very large mental tension and for an adult, and not just for a child.