The most famous cases of exorcism and obsession

 The most famous cases of exorcism and obsession
The most famous cases of exorcism and obsession

Obsession demon or the seizure of the physical body of man by evil spirits - ordinary people This situation is perceived as the plot from the horror movie or simply an ominous fairy tale, although all world religions do not deny the real possibility of obsession. Even in christian Bible Cases of expulsion of the devil are mentioned more than 30 times, including several cases, when Jesus Christ expelled demons from martyrs.

Below 10 terrible and apparently quite real cases of demonic obsession, for most of these photo stories there were no photos on the Internet, and we used photos from films and other sources to illustrate these terrible stories.

Clara Hermann goal

In 1906, Clara Herman was a day a student-Christian Mission of St. Michael in the province of Quadzul Natal in South Africa. For unknown reasons, the daemon instilled in this young, sixteen-year-old student. Clara began to understand the whole range and could speak freely in several languages, she became clairvoyant and read the thoughts of people near her.

The nuns who observe the club have repeatedly claimed that she left, rising from the bed into the air to the height of several meters, published monstrous animal sounds that human voice Just not able to reproduce. In the end, two priests were caused to hold exorcism rites. The trial attempted to strangle one of them with his own Epitrochille, and more than 170 people witnessed levitation obsessed student when priests read Holy Bible. The rite was carried out within two days, after which the evil spirits left the exhausted body of Clara.

Annesis Michel

The case of obsession with demons Annese Michel still causes many disputes, and her tragic story The famous 2005 dramatic film was based: "Six Demons Emily Rose." Anneiz Michel at the age of 16 was placed on treatment in psychiatric clinic With diagnoses: epilepsy and mental disorder. But in 1973, the manners and the behavior of Michelle became more and more reminding the true obsession with demons. With hatred, she rejected all the religious artifacts, drank her urine and heard the voices of invisible interlocutors. Medicine could not help a poor girl, which in rare periods of clarification of consciousness begged doctors with tears in his eyes to bring her a priest, because she believes that she was obsessed with demons.

Although her request was rejected, two local priests began to secretly visit it and hold the rite of exorcism. Even the parents of the girls who stuck her in a mental hospital stopped thinking that the reason for Michelle suffering was epilepsy and mental disorders. But unfortunately, all attempts to expel the devil remained unsuccessful, more than 70 exorcism rites did not give positive results and a year later, Annethih Michel died from exhaustion and hunger. Her parents and priests were charged with unintentional murder.

Some attempts to expel demons from the body of the girl are preserved in audio files:

Roland Dou

The history of the 14-year-old American Roland Dow is probably the most known case Obsession of demons, she became the basis famous novel, as well as Hollywood horror "Iesting the devil." In fact, Roland Dow is not a real boy name, and the pseudonym assigned to him by the Catholic Church to preserve the confidentiality of the teenager. The real name of the child is Robbie Mannheim.

In the late 1940s, aunt Dow offered the boy to play with a blackboard for spiritual sessions (at that time a new way passion), and many occultists believe that after death, the boy tried to contact her with this board, thereby opening the door for demons In our world. From this point on, inexplicable and terrible things began to occur in the house. The house was periodically shook as during an earthquake, incomprehensible cracklers and steps of invisible creatures, to death scared close boys. Roland Dow himself unexpectedly began to talk on unknown languages \u200b\u200band adverbs, on the body of a teenager as scratches and words appeared from nowhere that the invisible claws were cut on his body.

In the end, his family to death scared by manifestation angry power in the house, called catholic priestwho identified immediately that the boy is obsessed with demons and needs exorcism rigging. The ritual was fulfilled more than 30 times, and when finally the last rite was held successfully, the whole hospital was lying the boy, heard the animal of a dyskalie howl, and in the corridors of the institution still had a terrible smell of sulfur.


In 2008, Dr. Richard E. Mallager, a famous psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychiatry in the New York Medical College documented an interesting and unique case of a patient with a nickname "Julia", which he considered this obsessed demons. This is the rarest case, when the scientist and psychiatrist recognizes the possibility of demoniciousness by demons, that ordinary doctors are considered either fraud, or manifestation of mental disorder.

Dr. Gallacher watched personally as Julia levished in the air climbing her bed, spoke in many languages, some of which are ancient and have been forgotten. She talked about the past and the future of familiar psychiatra, whom she simply could not know.

Here are some excerpts from the records of the psychiatrist: "Periodically, in our presence, Julia flows into a certain state of the trance, and it is accompanied by unusual phenomena. From her mouth, the crushing and threats, ridicule and phrases like: "Leave her alone, Idiot!", "OUR". At the same time, the voice of the voice is noticeably different from the real voice of Julia. "

Arne Johnson

Known as "the case of murder of a demon", the case of Arne Johnson is the first judicial process In the history of the United States, during which the defense tried to prove the innocence of the defendant, due to his obsession with demons ...

In 1981, Arne Johnson killed his employer Alan Boro, in Connecticut. The lawyers of Johnson claimed that his crime was caused by no evil intent of the defendant, and the demon who owns the body of Arne since childhood. The venue of ED and Lorrain Warren (by the way, Odera and Lorrain Warren (by the way, the Hollywood Hororow Family 2013 "Raising") were removed from the court; the evil spirit.

But ultimately, the judge decided that the obsession was not an excuse for the murder of the first degree and sentenced Arne Johnson to 20 years of imprisonment.

David Berkovits, known as "Son Sam"

In 1976, residents of New York terrorized, known as the "Son Sam", or the "killer with the 44th caliber". More than a year, police and detective officers could not catch the criminal. Six people were killed and seven were seriously injured in "Bloody Summer Sam", before the cops finally managed to delay the maniac.

They were David Berkovits, who immediately recognized in all the murders, but the criminal claimed that it did not do it on his own will, but by order of Satan himself. Berkovits said that the devil was united to a neighbor's dog, and it was she who forced him to make his horrible atrocities. The maniac was sentenced to six life imprisonments, and in the mid-1990s, he changed his confessions, claiming that in reality he was a member of the Satanian cult, and he committed as part of a demonal ritual rite.

Michael Taylor.

Michael Taylor and his wife, Christina, lived in a small town of Osset in the UK. The couple was very religious and eventually joined the Christian community under the leadership of Marie Robinson. At one of the Christian meetings in 1974, Christina Taylor publicly accused her husband and Robinson in a love connection. Marie Robinson began to deny the possibility of a relationship with Michael. However, Michael Taylor's reaction to the statement of his spouse was just terrifying! From his mouth, a dirty thread was poured by such an abnormative vocabulary and brands that the witnesses stuck their ears so that only nothing to hear it.

From this day, Taylor's behavior has changed dramatically, and it has become more like an obsession with demons. After several months of madness, Michael Taylor was officially recognized as the clergy as an obsessed with the Devil. The priests conducted an exorcism rite over him, which lasted more than 24 hours, after which one of the holy fathers argued that 40 demons were kicked out of the body of Michael.

However, apparently one of their demons remained in the body former Christian. As soon as Taylor returned after the rite home, he cruelly killed his wife and a dog. Later, the police found him wandering around the night streets of the town, then Michael's clothing was pinched in blood, and he himself did nothing. At Court, Michael Taylor was justified due to insanity.

George Lukina

In 1778, English tailor George Lukin claimed that he was obsessed with demons. A person often sang not with the voice of a song, in whose languages \u200b\u200bhe simply could not know because of their antiquity, barking like a dog and read the church texts back in advance. Finally, neighbors frightened as strange behavior of George, asked for help from clergy. However, the church did not immediately recognize Lukin obsessed and the poorhage had to spend more than 20 months in the clinic for mentally ill.

In 1778, priests still decided to hold the rite of exorcism over the poor tailor. Seven clergymen gathered in the church for the ceremony. After the ritual was completed, George Lukin exclaimed: "Blessed Jesus!", Then glorified God, read the prayer and thanked the priests for getting rid of the demons. Since then, he began to live like a common person, Beams never bothered him again.

Anna Eklund

By the time she was only 14 years old, the girl named Anna Eklund from the town of Erling State Iowa, began to show the first signs obsession by demonami. The girl parents brought up as a pious Catholicau, but this did not prevent the demon to glorify her body. Anna did not transfer religious artifacts in the Spirit, became very depraved and spoke out loud about such things, about which at that time even thought was indecent, she could not enter the church.

Despite the fact that we discovered almost all the secrets of the human body and even swung on flights to space, the world religions continue to approve the existence of gods and spirits. In particular, the obsession with demons is still considered a very real danger that lies after every God-fearing person. Here are several real storieswhich were confirmed not only by priests, but also doctors.

Annesis Michel

The girl suffered from the seizures of epilepsy and the condition had deteriorated every day. In the psychiatric hospital, Anneliz Inteine \u200b\u200bvisited two priests who decided to hold the rite of exorcism. 70 rites in a row exhausted unhappy to death. The priests and parents were charged with intentional murder, and on the history of Anneliz, the film "6 Demons Emily Rose" was shot.

Roland Dow / Robbie Mannheim

The history of this boy was so terrible that the Catholic Church saw his name: in the archives Robbie Mannheim, he was held as Roland Dow. The aunt gave the nephew to play the spiritic board popular at that time. As a result, the priests had to be called, who did not expect to detect the real case of obsession by the demons.


The only case when the obsession by the demons was confirmed by a real practitioner psychiatrist. Dr. Gallahor quit his work, after the bosses refused to believe in the obsession with the patient with the coded nickname "Julia" - despite the fact that the doctor had even highly video recording of the patient.

Arne Johnson

Arne Johnson killed his employer and came to repent of church. Good priests found in Arne evil spirits, and then took the guy to the police. The judge's obsession with the devil for some reason did not accept and hit Arne 20 years of strict regime.

David Berkovits

Berkovits terrorized residents of native Brooklyn whole year. When capturing the serial maniac confessed in all crimes, however, he stated that a neighbor's dog was to blame for everything, in which Satan himself was united. He conveyed David instructions.

It happened in 1949 in Georgetown, a 13-year-old boy "played" in a spiritual session. In those years, the penetration of spirits was a very fashionable activity among adults and children. Soon, the "souls" came into contact - the boy heard strange knocks, scratching ... in the word, the game was a success for glory! However, at night, when the child was laying to bed, trust came around the icon, then the screenshots, sighs, heavy steps heard. So it lasted for several days and nights. Parents decided that this is the spirit of the recently deceased relative, who was very attached to the child during his lifetime.
However, the "Spirit" behaved too strange for a loving uncle: the child began to disappear clothes, and then suddenly appear in the most unexpected places. The chair in which the boy was sitting, suddenly turned over. The school of notebooks and textbooks of classmates flew through the air! Finally, parents were offered to pick up a boy from school and hire him private teachers. But before - to show doctors.
Doctors listened to the story of the parents of a young patient, made tests and recognized the child absolutely healthy. However, when the boy suddenly changed his voice - he turned into a low, rude, hoarse - the parents were not worried about the joke.
The "diagnosis" of the boy put priests: the obsession of the devil. The rite of exorcism (the expulsion of the devil) lasted 10 weeks. All this time on sessions, the child has demonstrated unprecedented power, easily casting over the sides of his assistants to the priest. Strangely in a snake moved his head, said exactly in the eyes surrounding. Once, during the rite, he managed to escape from the hands of the servants. He rushed to the priest, grabbed the ritual book and ... destroyed it! It was destroyed, and not ripped: in the eyes of amazed eyewitnesses, the book turned into a cloud confetti! After ten weeks, the child forgot about what, having broken, broke his hands with two assistants of the priest, that the knife rushed to native mother... He became a zealous Catholic and lived righteous life.
The Roman Catholic Church believes that devies, having fallen into a person, can manifest itself in two: either with knocks, unpleasant odor, the movement of objects is "invasion" in our being, or changed by the behavior of a person who "suddenly begins to shout obscenity, his body beats in convulsions." This state is called obsession.
In 1850, a woman appeared in France, near which incomprehensible knocks, cod, from his mouth sometimes had a foam, unfortunate beat in convulsions and shouted obscenity. And coming to a more or less calm condition, suddenly began to speak in Latin ... There, in France, two brothers, suffering from obsession, later, lived in France, fifteen years later. In addition to the traditional "set" of oddities - convulsions, shouting of bully and other things, they could still predict the future and forced items to fly through the air.
In 1928, the history of women suffering from 14 years old was very popular in Iowa (USA). Her illness was that she experienced a physical disgust for the church and the subjects of religious cult. Was a woman for 30 years, when she decided on the rite of expulsion unclean power. At the very first ritual words, some unknown force broke out of the hands of the servants of the church, carried through the air and as if she stuck to the wall high above the door of the temple. To keep on the wall was not for that, however, obsessed with great difficulty managed to separate from the wall and return to the servants. So it lasted 23 days. All this time in the building of the church, knocks were heard, crushing, wild upwards, which were horrified by parishioners. Then the unclean spirit left the body of a woman and the wall of the temple, but after a while he returned and tried to re-create his black things. The second rite of exorcism passed much easier and the devil left his "object" now forever.
The Canadian newspaper "San" in 1991 described the rite of expulsion of the Spirit from a 15-year-old Indian girl. It was a young and not very experienced priest Guntano Vigliotta from the poor thing to the demon. He was warned that the rite of exorcism was carried alone dangerous. However, Wigliotta did not return to the Council. The session in the house obsessed two hours. Suddenly the mother of the girl who watched taking place from another room heard strange screams. Then everything is smaller. After some time, the mother entered the room where the rite was held and saw a terrifying picture: the body of the priest was literally broken into parts, and obsessed the girl in unconsciousness. Having come to himself, she remembered the voice that sounded in her brain during the rite: "My name is the Eater! Kill the priest! "
In October 1991, a report on the exile of the demon from a 16-year-old American Gina was broadcast on one of the television channels of the United States. That day, televisions gathered about 40 percent of the spectators of the country. Bishop Kit Summons allowed such a show and accompanied him with the words: "The devil really exists. He is strong and for all centuries actively acts on the planet. "
Peter Johnson, a 50-year-old public servant was an exemplary citizen. He lived a quiet life in Southeast England. He worked a lot, loved to engage in gardening and adored his wife Joan. There was nothing unusual in his life. But then Askinra came - "demon," in his soul and holding control over Peter's life. "As if inside my body, something alien lived," says Peter. "It penetrated my body, my brain." The presence of Askinra Peter first felt during sleep. In the nightmare donated to him, the dark forbidden essence entered the body of Peter and took control over him. First, the old man ignored repeating nightmares, but in the end, they began to join him daily life. Sharp headaches made his life unbearable. Uncontrolled dizziness and attacks of narcolepsy swept it without warning. This was enough to break a person, but they soon came to hallucinations. "I thought I was going crazy," says Peter.
At about the same time, his wife began to notice changes in his behavior. Peter's feelings and emotions changed like spring weather - from enthusiastic lust to a feeling of deep despair. Its physical condition of the attacks of vomiting, then a sudden diarrhea, then the races of temperature. Sustaines leed from unbearable pain.
Peter was repeatedly hospitalized, but, as it turned out, he did not suffer from one of the famous diseases. In the end, he was transferred under the supervision of Dr. Alan Sunderson, a famous psychiatrist consultant interested by Esoteric. Dr. Sanderson was familiar with similar cases - Peter's soul mastered the evil spirit. He was obsessed.
"It is more natural and usually, than everyone is accustomed to consider," says Sanderson, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. "If you used the board to call the spirits or asked the spirits to go to this side of life, one of them can master your soul."
Many consider exorcisism to the relic of Middle Ages, not related to the 21st century. "The demonship of the demons does not have serious grounds! This is the fruit of the imagination of idiots and fairy tales! " - Many can subscribe under these words. But, oddly enough, exorcism attracts more and more confidence from medicine and remains part of religious mainstream.
Not so long ago, the University of Vatican announced that in their walls now conduct special courses on the practical aspects of the expulsion of evil spirits. The British "Fourth Channel" filmed a real rite of exorcism. More than a hundred American medical schools introduced a course of spiritual medicine. Increasingly, psychiatrists refer their patients to private exorcists.
"I have no doubt for a minute that the world of Spirits Reaen," says Dr. Sanderson. "I believe that there are many types of spiritual entities that can penetrate into us. Most often there are souls of dead people - they did not hit the "heavens" and are looking for the rest of the living. "
For most people, exorcism will always be associated with the famous hollywood film. But the history of the duel of Father Damien Carras with the Devil is based on the real events that occurred in 1949 in St. Louis, Missouri. True, the real rite of exorcism was carried out over a 14-year-old boy, and not over the girl, but he was no less terrible.
The story began with the fact that 14-year-old Richard with his aunt caused spirits. Shortly after that, his aunt died with mysterious circumstances. A few days later, strange events began to occur around the boy himself. Tables and chairs traveled on the room on their own, photos fell from the walls, in the attic of the house it was possible to hear someone's steps. But even more strange things were going on with Richard himself: there was an inscription on his breast, as if cut on his flesh, inappropriate signs appeared on their hands and legs. Catholic priest was caused to perform exorcism.
First, the Holy Father William Bowen tried to drive out a demon with a few simple prayers, but soon realized that he was confronted with a serious opponent. Every time Richard tried, uttering a prayer, to renounce Satan, the terrible force captured the power over his body, without giving it a word. During the exorcism of Richard filled terrible power - to keep the boy to the priest helped three adult men. Day after day, the priest fought with a demon inside Richard, who constantly teased Bouden and spoiled in his assistants. Once the boy grabbed the father of the Father Bowen and said: "I am the devil himself."
After 28 days of the struggle, the exhausted Father Bouden tried to drive out the devil from Richard again. But this time everything was different. When Richard tried to pronounce ours "Father", some power took possession of his body and helped to inform the prayer to the end. Richard was released. Later, the boy said that Archangel Mikhail himself intervened to help him pronounce prayer. He also appeared a vision in which the saint fought with Satan at the exit from the burning cave.
Peter Johnson's obsession was no less strange. The presence of Askinra was detected only when Dr. Sanderson hypnotized the old man. Askinra hypnosis for a while received full control over the body of Peter and used his voice to communicate. The demon declared that he came from the "Dark Flame" and its main goal was "causing pain." Askinra expressed his intention - "I am released, only when destroying it."
Dr. Sanderson decided that the daemon should be released. It was "released", Sanderson did not perceive the words "Exile" and "Exorcism". He sought to negotiate with spirits, convince them to leave the illegally acquired body in a peaceful way. It is less traumatic for all stakeholders, and also gives the chance to the spirit to gain peace and peace.
Saderson managed to convince Askinra to leave the body of Peter. As soon as the demon left the body, he began to describe typical death visions - glowing white way, Places "Mountains and Lights". After that, Askinra could no longer affect Peter. Before leaving our reality, the demon said: "I'm sorry, I did not want it. Come and see me on my new place ... "

It happened in 1949 in Jepgrotaun, a 13-year-old boy "Shot" in a spigic session. In those years, the discovery of the spirits was a very fashionable occupation, take a distance and children. Our "Souls" went on the connection - the boy heard the stunted knocks, the quapment ... Word, IPA succeeded in glory!

However, at night, when the Pebenka laid to sleep, the Icons Icons, hanging in his room, was trying, then the scapions, sighs, heavy steps heard. So I posed for several days and nights. Parents trembled that this spirit recently knowing a fruit man, which was very much like a softener of life.

However, the "Spirit" led himself too much for a loving uncle: the Pennica began to pope the clothes, and then suddenly appear in the most unexpected places. Kvell, a boy was sitting in Kotup, the input was turned. In school, the tetpades and textbooks of classmates flew through the air! Chankoye the tribulations pledged to roll the boy from school and hire him private teachers. Well done - show now.

They listened to the story of the parents of the young patient, they made tests and pensioned the Pennica absolutely healthy. However, when a boy has changed in a boy, a voice has changed - from the children's underwent in low, gnauby, hypers - the days were disturbed not for a joke.

The "diagnosis" of the boy put the priests: the appreciation of the devil. Expicism (devil's expulsion) lasted 10 weeks. All this, in the sessions of the Pennok, demonstrated unprecedented power, easily taking off the defendants of the priest's deposits. Stronno, moving his head, said exactly in the eye. One day, in the time by the time he managed to fall out of the member pour. He used to the priest, grabbed the foul book and ... had her! It was trying, and not a picture: in front of the eyes of amazed eyewitnesses, the book was pushed into a cloud of confetti! After ten weeks, the Penchok forgot about the fact that, by walking out, broke the back of two assistants of the priest, that he was biting with a knife at the Item Mother ... he became a Catholic and he had a false life.

The Roman Catholic Comech believes that the demons, having fallen into a person, can be in two ways: either with knocks, inappropriate smell, the movement of priests is "fuel" in our being; Or changed by the behavior of a person, which "input begins to dodge non-resistance, his body beats in convulsions. This state is called upon delivery.

In 1850, a woman was announced in the FPANCK, unclear knobs, TPES, which often walked on her, unfortunate in the convulsions, was always made in the foam. And for more or less calm condition, the input began to arouse on Latin ... There, in the fifteen years later, two BPATs lived later, there were two-mindedness. In addition to a multi-traditional "set" of stance - convulsions, twinking the houlas and first, they could still foresee the future and forced the psymets to fly through the air.

In 1928, the foresight of a woman was very popular in Iowa (USA), the forefall since 14 years old. Its illness was that she had a physical disappearance towards the Cepplic and Peregious Cults. The woman was already in 30 years, when she was overhable to the height of the unclean power. Purchase of the same fright words, some unknown strength has exploded it from the pour of the core miners, the air has fallen through the air and as if it should be high above the two HPAM. There was nothing to go on the wall for that, however, we managed to separate with a large TPUD from the wall and try in the ministers. So it peredged 23 days. All this, in the building, the tspecks were made by the knocks, it hits, wild upwards, which were horrified by the pyhozhan. Then the unclean spirit left the body of a woman and the walls of HPAMA, but what had someone who had vested himself and tried to re-create his own things. The second ExpCizism was much easier, and the devil left his "object" to the warmth forever.

The Canadian newspaper "San" in 1991 described the height of the spirit of the 15-year-old Indian girl. It was a young and not very experienced priest Guntano Vigliotta from the poor thing to the demon. He was praised that it was dangerous for obplated exuxism. However, Wigliotta did not return to the Council. The session in the house of the dress pumped two hours. Initu, the mother's mother, who followed the profound from the street room, heard the stained kpries. Then everything is smaller. After some kind of mother, the mother entered the room, where he pondered, and saw a terrifying cappotina: the body of the priest was literally dizzly on the part, and the dressing girl pissed in unconsciousness. Calling into my senses, she remembered the voice, which sounded in her brain in the underlying: "My name is the worker! Kill the priest! "

In October 1991, one of the television channels of the United States was repeated for the expulsion of the demon from the 16-year-old Amepanka Gina. On that day, the TVs had about 40 podzents of Strana. Bishop Kit Summons has passed such a show and has concopped him with the words: "The devil really exists. He is strong and on the vicense of all centuries actively acts on the planet. "

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What is the worse all? Someone to the trembling is afraid of clowns, someone sharks, someone - spiders ... And some continue to believe in spirits and demons and are most afraid of becoming their prey.
After all, if the demon arms into a person, then completely subordinates himself and begins to torment his soul. This fear of irrational, behind it is a religion, ignorance and the centuries-old history of exorcism, when any incomprehensible disease was unambiguously explained by the chinic of the devil.

15. The first documented case of obsession was described by Sumer

Suchmers who lived in Mesopotamia were the first to describe cases of exorcism. In truth, in those days it was a common practice and expelled a demon from a person did not seem to be special - it was the same thing that the sick tooth was sick. Each self-respecting healer who lived in 2000 BC, knew special spells and conspiracies against malicious spirits. It turns out, we are fighting with the world of demons who are trying to take possession of our souls, at least 4 thousand years old.

14. Demand on exorcists is growing

Yes, you read it right. Today, in our time, more and more often, people declare cases of demonic or any other obsession of their friends or loved ones. Fortunately, almost all these cases for verification are either a lie or a disease that is an explanation. Nevertheless, those who believe in obsession still exist. And there is a demand - there is also a sentence. Only in the USA over the past 10 years, the number of officially registered exorcisters has increased four times - from 12 to 50. Some blame the poor work of the health care system, which does not diagnose the mentally ill and does not deal with their treatment. Others - the increased popularity of spiritual sessions with "speaking boards". Who is right, it is difficult to say.

13. There is an international association of exorcistists

Yes, exorcists are also people, and united in the Association. One of the most famous exorcists, Rev. Vincent Lammert, lives in American Indianapolis. In one of the interview, he told that he lived for three months in Rome and during this period took part in 40 exorcism rites. That is, about once every two days, wow. Probably, it worked quite well. I must say, Lammert refers to his work with all seriousness. To check whether a person is pretended or it is obsessed in fact, the lamp at some point uses ordinary water from under the tap instead of the Holy Water - and immediately sees who in front of him. According to him, "if a demon, the demon will understand."

12. The Catholic Church has official exorcists around the world.

In addition to, so to speak, lovers - those who are part of the Association of exorcists - there are professionals: exorcists, officially recognized by the Catholic Church and in its ranks. Their minimum is 10 people (and ten years ago was only one). The church is very carefully suited to each occasion to avoid deception, but still describes cases of obsession with typical signs typical of Hollywood - from levitation and mysterious wounds on the body to situations when a person suddenly begins to express themselves on some ancient language that he never Life did not study. Below all this is quite difficult.

11. In the official document of the Catholic Church, it is argued that demons are fallen angels.

Who are these demons? In the films it is described that this is a vengeful spirits and deities that seek to declare their rights. And someone says it's rather perfume, Poltergeist, penetrated from the other world and sowing misfortunes. Catholic Church, however, considers otherwise. According to the official version, demons are fallen angels"Originally created by God", but with the time "became evil." Is that, it turns out, Lucifer was once a pinkish cherub?

10. Almost all major cultures of the world have their own stories about the defendants by the demons

Why we are all about Catholics! As if obsession - exclusively their prerogatives. In all countries, in all cultures there is this phenomenon. Only a form varies, and the essence remains the same. And in Orthodoxy, and in Protestantia, and in Buddhism, and in Judaism there are stories about obsession and that and who causes it and how to deal with it. According to statistics, 74% of all world religions have a history of any descriptions of cases of obsession and everything that is connected with this.

9. The existence of obsession confirm doctors

Here, everything is somehow complicated. And at this moment, if you are a believer or just superstitious, it is better to take for a cross, a crucifix or a prayer room, otherwise you will be alone. In 2016, a certain doctor, Dr. Richard Gallacher, wrote major Article. In Washington Post that he is a practicing clinical psychiatrist and an exorcism consultant. He was educated in Princeton, Yel and Columbia Universities, and is a certified specialist. And he swears to everyone in the world that the obsession by the demons not only exists in reality, but also represents huge problem Nowadays, when few people believe in it. According to Gallagher, he first encountered a phenomenon in the late 80s and began to study it, desperately trying to explain all this from a scientific and medical point of view. In his medical practice there were several such cases. He says that Levitation has never observed, but observed other effects that he can only describe as paranormal.

8. Mother Teresa underwent exorcism ritual

One of the most holy people in the world, Mother Teresa, did not avoid the influence of demons. They report that in front of the most ending it had to go through the rite of exorcism. At the age of 87, Mother Teresa was hospitalized with heart failure. In the hospital, her condition suddenly deteriorated very much - in particular, she took a terrible insomnia, and the Archbishop came to the conclusion that, taking advantage of the intimid state of the patient, the demons were hurried to penetrate into it. After consulting with the priest, Archbishop found an exorcist, and he read a few prayers over Mother Teresa, after which she was finally able to sleep. Apparently, the sowing prayers in Latin of her Ubauli. In any case, this is one of the most soft rites of the exaglement of the demons - no sounds rotating 360 degrees and bloody vomiting in the face of the priest. But maybe we were not told everything.

7. Pope John Paul II conducted exorcism rites

That dad everyone loved. During his lifetime, he united many people different cultures and religion was very tolerant and good man. At his funeral gathered huge crowds. He was honest and spoke with people on his tongue clear. This is all knowing about him. But the fact that he interacted with the world of perfume and knew how to cast them out - not everyone knows. Once he conducted a rite of exorcism over a 19-year-old girl, and although everyone talks about this story in different ways, up to the fact that he only blessed it, the fact remains a fact: the rite spent by the girl helped.

6. Excursion rites can lead to death

If you exist demons, then cast out with all caution and only with the help of a professional. When lovers are taken for the work - wait for trouble, right up to serious injury or death. Such cases were - the exorcists scored "obsessed" to death, a 17-year-old daughter scored a mother, expelled from her demons, a 5-year-old girl forced to swallow the ammonia alcohol and vinegar ... An obsession with demons - this is, of course, terrible, but fear of her and the response The reaction can sometimes be even worse.

5. Signs of obsession are most often well explained by other diseases.

We understand that the so-called obsession would more correctly identify mental illness. But what to say, if only two hundred years ago, doctors called the depression "Melancholy" and treated it with leeches. It is clear that such serious diseasesAs schizophrenia, epilepsy and turret syndrome was uniquely interpreted as the obsession with "demons." In a sense, it was so, if under demons mean malfunctions in the body. As a result of ignorance hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people suffered due to the fact that they were sick and could not control themselves. At the same time, they, of course, believed that the devil was united in them.

4. Holy laugh - mass obsession?

In the early 90s, a strange phenomenon emerged, which was observed mainly in the evangelical "charismatic" churches. That is, those who believe in the Holy Spirit and his influence on the soul of man. The bottom line is that people during the service began to laugh uncontrollably and could not stop. The phenomenon was called the "holy laughter". The priests who collided with this laughter on their services say that this is the miscarius of the devil. More optimistic theories argue that laughter may arise as a result of a supernatural sense of happiness, covering people in religious ecstasy, and this happiness gives them the Holy Spirit.

3. There are many types of obsession by demons

In most cases, this, of course, stories about how "the demon seized the body", but there are other types of obsession, because the demons are intense and know how to adapt. This is logical. They can even arrange so that you yourself want to call them and become their extensive. Maybe this is a profitable deal - who knows what buns they offer in return. By the way, they are able to instill not only in people, but also in animals, objects in the house and even at home.

2. The rite of exorcism is carried out for healing, and not for punishment

How are these mysterious rites? It seems there are a lot of prayers and pour a lot of holy water, but the concrete is kept secret from the uninitiated. That is, what prayers read and how much water is pouring - we do not know. The most important thing is the rite is carried out from humanistic considerations and its goal is to heal, and not punish. Therefore, amateur exorcism is dangerous and not welcomed, because lovers can use dangerous and cruel methods and can simply move in their diligence.

1. In mass culture there are many references to exorcism

Well, everyone knows what to talk here. The theme of fertile, and films, its operating, is a great set. One of the very first and well-known in this series is the "expert devil" (The Exorcist), shot in 1973. And it started ... From the modern one, you can remember the series "Supernatural" (Supernatural) - there are constantly demons in someone alive, a very dirty-like spectacle. The main thing is not to perceive him seriously.