What an artist wrote bears on the picture Shishkin. Who painted stoves and other secrets of famous canvases

What an artist wrote bears on the picture Shishkin. Who painted stoves and other secrets of famous canvases
What an artist wrote bears on the picture Shishkin. Who painted stoves and other secrets of famous canvases

In my distant childhood, the picture "Morning in the Pine Forest" did not just know, and hotly loved the October of both floors. For the simple reason, she was concerned about the wrappers of wonderful waffles with chocolate filling ...

On the superior one once ...

And I stand in the State Tretyakov Gallery Face to face with a masterpiece of a multi-respected Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Even the shadows of revelation, akin to the one that rolling, they say, when meeting with the original "Mona Lisa", and there is no messenger. But it does not matter, but on the bears of any way to watch. As relatives, Mmm, cute-cute, and would eat! The words of the guide are lulling: "Shishkin was a classic landscape. The painting "Morning in the Pine Forest" appeared from under his brush in 1889. It is believed that the artist wrote her impressed by the trip to the Vologda Forests. It shows the morning pine forest ... "

" Seriously? - Irony wakes up in me. - I would never guessed! And I always thought that South American Pampas! " And here it turns out that I hurried about the liability of speech of the speech of the gallery.

Initially, the painting "Morning in the Pine Forest", Shishkin wrote precisely that awaken from the night sleep with a dense boron (so the picture often and most mistaken - "Morning in Pine Bor"), and all - no closure animals. And if you are accurate, then the family of bears Our famous landscape officer never painted at all! Precisely because a landscape player. Leaflets, twigs, oaks of age-old - please, with photographic confidence, it became famous in the centuries. Chanterelles, bunnies and other liveliness - dismiss! I do not know how, I can not, I will not. Maximum - a cow, and it is completely inappropriate here. Everyone, Ivan Ivanovich rightly judged, and, calming himself, went to another walking walk through forests, Koi adored with all my heart ...

Fairy gift

However, the next day, the forest landscape no longer seemed to the artist so perfect as the day before. He stood for a long time in front of the picture, pickyly peering into the details. We will see: Wet morning fog, the first gentle rays of the sun, the mighty trunks of age-old pines, the smell of needles - and that almost distinguish! But ... something is missing. The word is still there is modern ... A, speakers! Life will mean. So Shishkin and said to his friend on the artistic arteel Savitsky, even complained: Masterproof, they say, yes not that! Konstantin Apollonovich was glad to help a friend as an artist by the artist: there is paints, there is a brush, and a bear with three cubs appeared on the world. Unexpected turn? Where is Joconde there with her vague smile. This is where the laughter and only: imagine if Dostoevsky came to visit Turgenev and said: "Come on, dove you are my Vanya, I will help, something, I see you in a creative stitch!" - And I would fit my own chapter-other in the "Notes of the Hunter". And we, readers, would admire the style of Turgenev, not guessing that Fedor Mikhailovich's feather was crushed ...

There must be only one!

However, our heroes as true friends honestly put their signatures on the morning "Morning in the Pine Forest". Savitsky's autograph slightly later erased the patron, collector and creator of the future famous gallery Pavel Tretyakov. The reason remained a mystery, sort of like the "father" of the bears asked to do this from the pitue to Shishkina, the original Creator of the picture. Yes, and, logical reasonable, - why a successful artist-Zhanristist, Nekrasov in painting, represented such pictures at exhibitions as "repair work on the railway" or "on war", animal laurels? Or maybe the second sign was removed simply because in painting duets were not accepted ... anyway, the fee for the work was paid only to Shishkina, and then each has already shown himself by virtue of its natural essence. Speaking by the artistic language, the picture unfolded "How Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Constantine Apollonovich" ...

Over the years, the history of the creation of a masterpiece with a candy wrapper was transformed into a much more decent option: they say, Savitsky simply suggested to Shishkina the idea of \u200b\u200b"throwing" the bears on the already dried canvas, and he was ingeniously embodied, not in vain she studied in the famous animal workshop in Munich. So they write in official books on the history of painting. We, simple viewers, with children's perseverance even more confuse themselves, exclamation: "How, we know such a picture! "Three bear is called! I do not remember the author, but the candy was just a class! "

Ivan Shishkin is not only "morning in a pine forest", but this picture has its own interesting story. Start with what - who actually painted these bears?

In the Tretyakovka they are called "notepads". Because small and shabby, with signatures - the student of Shishkin or simply "sha". Once again, they do not learn - even so unbroken looks for them there is no price. From seven one empty - half a century ago the former owner of him in private hands sold. Opening on the leaflet. So it was more expensive. Inside the sketch of future masterpieces and ... refutations to afford the rests - try to prove now that Shishkin wrote only the forest ...

Nina Markova Senior Researcher of the Tretyakov Gallery: "Talk about the fact that Shishkin did not know how to draw animals, human figures - myth! Let's start with the fact that Shishkin studied at the animalist, so the cows, sheep all this was perfectly published."

This animal theme during the lifetime of the artist became burning for love connoisseurs. Feel the difference, they said - pine forest and two bear. Already distinguishable. This is a shishkina hand. But another pine forest and two signatures below. Almost loss.

This is the only case of the so-called co-authorship, argue art historians - Morning in a pine forest. These cheerful bears inside the picture wrote not Shishkin, but his friend and colleague, an artist Savitsky. Yes, so wonderful that I decided to subscribe under the work with Ivan Shishkin. However, the Tretyakov collector ordered Savitsky's signature to remove - by no means bears The main characters of the picture of the artist Shishkin, he considered.

They really often worked together. And only the bear quartet literally the work of discord in the many years of friendship of artists. Relatives of Konstantin Savitsky have an alternative version of the disappearance of the signature - the entire Sashkin fee received for the idea of \u200b\u200bSavitsky.

Evelina Polishchuk, Senior Researcher of the Tretyakov Gallery, Relative Konstantin Savitsky: "There was such a resentment and he erased his signature and said" I don't need anything ", although he had 7 children."

"If I were not an artist, I would become a botany," - many times the artist repeated, which is already called the already the disciple. He strongly recommended them to consider the subject through a magnifying glass or take a picture to remember - he did it, here's his devices. And only then with an accuracy of a pine needle tolerated on paper.

Galina Chuhura Chief Department of the Tretyakov Gallery: "The main work was in the summer and in the spring on nature and he hosted hundreds of etude sketches in Petersburg where autumn worked in the winter over the largest clutters."

He scolded a friend - Repin for his rafts in the paintings, said, not to understand, from the logs of which tree they are connected. Whether the case is Shishkin Forest - "Oaks" or "Pine". But in Lermontov's motives - in the north of the wild. Each picture has its own face - this is Russia, wide, cheerful. Sosnovy Bor - Dushing our wild. He has a single repetition. These landscapes like people are different. In all life, almost eight hundred portraits of nature.

And Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky wrote bears, but the collector Paul Tretyakov Stir his signature, so the picture by the picture is often indicated by one Shishkin.

The picture is popular thanks to the compositional inclusion in the landscape web elements of animalistic stories. The picture details the state of nature, seen by the artist on the island of Goromba. It is shown not a deaf dense forest, but the sunlight, breaking through the columns of high trees. The depth of ravines, the power of century-old trees, is, sunlight, as it were, timidly looks in this dense forest. Sensing the morning frozen bearings.

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    ✪ Morning in Pine Forest, Shishkin - Picture Review

    ✪ Morning in Pine Bor - Shishkin - our picture gallery!

    ✪ Learn to write an essay Part 4 Story of one picture "Morning in a pine forest"



The design of the painting was suggested by Shishkin Savitsky, who later performed as a co-author and depicted the figures of the bear. These bears with some differences in poses and quantities (first there were two of them) appear in the preparatory drawings and sketches. Animals turned out from Savitsky so successfully that he even signed in the picture along with Shishkin. Savitsky himself told his relatives: "The picture is sold for 4 thousand, and I am a member of the 4th share."

Turning the picture, Tretyakov removed Savitsky's signature, leaving the authorship for Shishkin, because in the picture, spoke of Tretyakov, "Starting from the plan and ending with execution, everything speaks about the manner of painting, about the creative method characteristic of Shishkin."

Criticov reviews

In the design of the gallery initially (during the lifetime of the artists of Shishkin and Savitsky), the picture was under the name "Bear Family in the Forest" (and without the indication of the surname of Savitsky).

Russian Proseca and Publicist V. M. Mikheev in 1894 wrote these words:

Look at this gray fog of the forest Dali, in the "Bear family in the forest" ... and you will understand with what an expert on the forest, with what a strong objective artist is dealing with. And if the wholeness of your impression hurts something in his paintings, then there is no detail of the forest, but, for example, the shapes of the bears, the interpretation of which makes you want to desire a lot and a lot spoils the overall picture, where the artist placed. Obviously, the master - the forest specialist is not as strong in the image of animals.

"Three Bears"

In the time of the USSR, the Red October Confectionery Factory produced Candy "Bear Kosolapiy", and the picture on the candy in general terms was taken from the painting "Morning in the Pine Forest". At the same time, "Red October" produced the chocolate "Three Bear", although there were four bears on the label. Candy was popular and received in the people the unofficial name "Three Bear", then they began to call the picture itself.

In culture

  • In the famous New Year's film "Carnival night" directed by Eldar Ryazanov, a protagonist of the film of cucumbers mentions a kind of picture "Bears on vacation" (perhaps, reference to this picture).
  • In the series "At the prival" of the animated series "

"Morning in a pine forest" is, perhaps, one of the most famous canvases of Ivan Shishkin. The first thing that attracts and delivers the audience looking at the masterpiece is bears. Without animals, the picture is unlikely to be so attractive. Meanwhile, few people know that they did not paint the beasts at all Shishkin, another artist on the surname Savitsky.

Master of Bears

Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky is now not so famous as Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, whose name knows, probably even a child. Nevertheless, Savitsky is also one of the most talented domestic painters. At one time he was an academician and a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is clear that it was on the basis of art of Savitsky and met Shishkin.
Both of them loved Russian nature and selflessly portrayed it on their canvases. That's just Ivan Ivanovich preferred more landscapes, on which people or animals, if they appeared, only in the role of secondary characters. Savitsky, on the contrary, actively portrayed those and others. Apparently, thanks to the skill of a friend, Shishkin established himself in the thoughts that the figures of living beings are not too successful.

Help friend

In the late 1880s, Ivan Shishkin graduated from the next landscape, at which it was extremely picturesquely portrayed in a pine forest. However, according to the artist, the painting lacked some kind of accent, as he conceived to draw 2 bears. Shishkin even made sketches for future characters, but remained unhappy with his work. Then he turned to Konstantin Savitsky with a request to help him with animals. A friend Shishkin did not refuse and gladly got down to business. Bears turned on envy. In addition, the number of closures has doubled.
In fairness it is worth noting that Shishkin himself was not going to tormented at all and when the picture was ready, indicated not only his last name, but also Savitsky. Both buddies were satisfied with joint creativity. But all spoiled the founder famous for the whole world of the gallery Pavel Tretyakov.

Stubborn Tretyakov

It was Tretyakov who acquired from Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest". However, 2 signatures did not like the patient on the picture. And since after buying a particular work of art, Tretyakov considered himself the only and full owner, he took and erased the name of Savitsky. Shishkin began to object, but Pavel Mikhailovich remained adamant. He said that the manner of writing, including the bears, corresponds to the manner of Shishkin, and Savitsky is clearly superfluous.
The Ivan Shishkin received from Tretyakov received from Tretyakov shared with a friend. However, he gave Savitsky only a 4th of the money, explaining that he did the sketches to the "morning" without the help of Konstantin Apollonovich.
Surely, Savitsky was insulting such an appeal. In any case, he did not write a pair with a single canvas. And Savitsky's bears in any case really became decoration of the picture: without them "Morning in the Pine Forest" would hardly receive such recognition.

This picture is known to all from Mala to Great, because the very work of the great landscape officer Ivan Shishkin is the most notable picturesque masterpiece in the artist's creative heritage.

We all know that this artist loved the forest and his nature very much, admired each bush and blades, moldy trunks of trees decorated with sorry from the severity of foliage and needle branches. All this love Shishkin reflected on the usual linen canvas, so that the whole world saw the unrivaled and in now the skill of the Great Russian Master.

When you first get acquainted in the Tretyakov Hall with a picture of Morning in Pine Bor, there is an inhabitant impression of the viewer's presence, the human mind is completely poured into the atmosphere of the forest with the marvelous and mighty giants of the pines, from which the coniferous aroma is dispersed. I want to breathe deeper to this air, my freshness kneaded with the morning forest fog covers the neighborhood of the forest.

The visible tops of the age-old pines flashed on the weight of the branches are affectionately lit by the morning rays of the sun. As we understand, all this beauty was preceded by a terrible hurricane, the mighty wind of which, with the root I snatched and pushed my pine brooms. All this contributed to what we see. On the fragments of the tree, begging cubs and their mischievous game is guarded by the mother of the Males. This plot can be said very clearly animated the picture adding the entire composition of the atmosphere of the daily life of forest nature.

Despite the fact that Shishkin rarely wrote animals in his works, giving preferences all the same beauty of earthly vegetation. It certainly drew sheeps and cows in some of his works, but apparently it was somewhat strained. In this plot of the bears, his colleague Savitsky K. A., who from time to time was engaged in creativity along with Shishkin. Maybe he offered a joint work.

At the end of the work, Savitsky also signed in the picture, so there were two signatures. Everything would like anything, I really liked the picture, including the famous Petright, which decided to buy a canvas for my collection, however, I demanded to remove Savitsky's signature, motivating the fact that the main volume of work was executed more familiar to him Shishkin, who had to fulfill the requirement collector. As a result, a quarrel arose in this co-authorship, because, all the fee was paid to the chief artist's picture. Of course there is practically no accurate information about this, historians are bred by their hands. You can, of course, only guess how this fee was divided and what unpleasant feelings were in the circle of colleagues artists.

The plot with the picture of the morning in Pine Bor was widely known among the contemporaries, there were a lot of conversations and reasoning regarding the status of nature reflected by the artist. Very colorfully shown fog, decorated with a soft blue haze airiness of the morning forest. As we remember the artist already wrote the picture "Fog in the Pine Forest" and this reception of air exploration turned out to be very useful in this work.

Today, the picture is very common, as it was written above, even children who love sweets and souvenirs, often it is even called three bear, it is possible for the fact that three cubs are thrown into the eyes and not quite noticeable, in the second case in the second case The USSR was so called candy, where this reproduction was printed on the candy.

Also today, modern masters draw copies, decorating the beauties of our Russian nature various offices and representative secular halls, and of course our apartments. In the original, this masterpiece can be seen by visiting not often visited by many Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.