Description of the painting of a stove of bear with a pine forest. Morning in a pine forest Description

Description of the painting of a stove of bear with a pine forest. Morning in a pine forest Description
Description of the painting of a stove of bear with a pine forest. Morning in a pine forest Description

Genre painting in all the epochs was considered the most striking display of people's life and their surrounding reality. Therefore, the interest of the audience to this kind of visual art was always so overly great. And today I would like to show the readers a magnificent gallery of the plot paintings of the famous Russian artist-Mobile Konstantin Savitskywho gave the descendants a part of the history of Russia of the 19th century. And also to tell about the legendary history of co-authorship with Ivan Shishkin, which Pavl Tretyakov himself personally canceled. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Morning in a pine forest". Joint work Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Tretyakov Gallery." title=""Morning in a pine forest". Joint work Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Tretyakov Gallery." border="0" vspace="5">!}

And, remembering this talented wizard, it is impossible not to mention one delicate story from his life. Many know that Savitsky is the author of the famous bears depicted on the Koshkin's Morning Pine Forest. Initially, even in the corner of the canvas stood two autographs - Shishkin and Savitsky. However, the last name of the second author personally erased Pavel Tretyakov, who bought Morning for his gallery. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Hunter.

And the incident with the removal of the second autograph occurred most likely due to the fact that when buying a picture of Tretyakov, Sishkina's signature saw, Savitsky signed a little later. Therefore, when the picture was taken to the gallery, the outraged patronage ordered to bring the Skipidar and his own storing the second signature. This act Tretyakova did not affect the friendship of two artists. Ivan Shishkin then gave the fourth part of the fee, that is, a thousand rubles from Savitsky for co-authorship." alt="Dark people.

In that difficult period of life, Ivan Ivanovich recorded in his diary, noting that the providence makes the artist suffer, raising God in him. And it was really so. In the life of Konstantin Apollonovich, more than once had to experience the bitterness of the loss, but he always saved his favorite business.

Several pages from the artist's biography

Konstantin Apolloovich Savitsky (1844-1905) was a man of exceptional mind and talent, ingenious Russian genre painter-realist, academician, a member of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions, the first director of the Penza Art School. He had a chance to live and create political and social strokes in the era, which directly affected his works.

Strong, memorable images of ordinary people from the people - peasants, workers and soldiers became the main characters of his works." alt=""Panhid in the 9th day in the cemetery." (1885). Author: K.A. Savitsky." title=""Panhid in the 9th day in the cemetery." (1885).

By that time, Konstantin had already definitely dreamed of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, and after three years he leaves the guesthouse and comes with a freestyle in the class of historical painting. However, it was forced to leave almost immediately after receipt. The insufficient training of the Greater Youth, who was trying to become a real painter.

Two years of persistent independent training and Savitsky again student academy. Now a talented young artist has been successfully mastered by an academic course and very soon becomes one of the best students of the Academy, having received six silver and one gold medal for competitive work." alt=""To war." (1888).

Returning in 1883 to St. Petersburg, Savitsky starts teaching activities in the School of Technical Drawing in St. Petersburg, then in the Moscow School, and, finally, he moved to Penza, where the film of the gallery and the city art school becomes the first director. And it should be noted that in this post a painter showed himself a very professional manager. Konstantin Apollonovich personally developed a curriculum for his students, which as a result of training received excellent training that allowed the best graduates of the school to be enrolled in the Academy of Arts without entrance exams.

In the picture of the famous artist I. I. Shishkin depicted earlier morning in the forest. Pine forest awakens from sleep, the sun has not yet completely left and did not have time to warm the clearing. High green pines envelops a thick fog.

A bear with three brown bearings have already woke up and came out to be frozen on the forest cleaner. Kosolapiy bear, completely small, climbed onto a huge brazed tree. It is turned out of the earth with the root, apparently after the recently past hurricane.

One, the most promotional bear, climbed on the top of the broken trunk. He watches the second teddy bear, who sat down in the middle of the trunk and looks at the Medveditsa. The third, apparently the smallest of them, stands on another broken part of the mighty tree, looks his eyes deep into the forest.

Large, brown bear closely monitors mischievous bearings. She knows that the forest is in itself a lot of dangers and is ready to protect their children at any time.

When you look at the picture as if immerse yourself in it. Feel the cool breath of green forest, you hear forest roots and sounds that make animals, birds and insects.

Live and quite realistic turned out the plot of the paintings. Wildlife admires, and funny, little cubs are touched and cause a desire to be on the clearing and play with them.

Essay in the picture of the morning in the pine forest Shishkin

In front of me the creation of the brush I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest" (sometimes called"Утро в сосновом бору"). Это полотно можно назвать поистине самым известнейшим шедевром, ведь каждый, и ребенок, и взрослый, без сомнения знает эту прекрасную картину.!}

The artist with an unprecedented trepid, care and tenderness masterfully prescribed every needle mighty pine, every root and twig. Inspired by the power and greatness of nature, he breathed in his creation to the unprecedented realism and magic of ordinary forest morning.

The picture depicts the morning clock in pine more often. Nature is only awakened after cool night, cold dew dropped on the grass and trees, the air is clean and fresh. The air is still cold, but it is about to warm up, and the smell of the lady of grass and pine needles will be separated throughout the forest. Surely the day will give it hot, and therefore it is a cool morning of truly wonderful.

In the silence of the silence, only occasionally the cry of early birds will say the wilderness.

Giant pines, the greatestly seeking in the sky, welcome the first sunny rays, moving along the tops of the trees, with their bush branches. Sunrise is awakening and the beginning of a new day. And all the nature is looking forward to His arrival.

Warm golden and yellow shades fascinate, brightly contrasting with the dark palette of the sullen forest, which is how the image of a mysterious mysterious boron is created, as if coming from the pages of Russian folk fairy tales. The muffled calm tones do not irritate the eyes, but on the contrary, they delay the eyes.
In the center of the picture, the main characters are depicted, without which the canvas would lose their charm.
The bear and three of her brave bewaves, waking up with the first rays of the sun, are already shopping in the forest, they are crying in search of food.

Naughty babies started the game - jump and caress on the pine sank, as if they play sals. Fluffy animals look completely defenseless, but under the supervision of their vigilant mother, they are safe. Huge tremble trees, as if attacked in the battle of heroes, lie highly overlooking their coronal thick roots, showing the best power and power to all their views.

A brothering parents will inconsiderate, trying to pacify the naughty Datvora, but the smashes small hooligans do not take angry mats of the mother seriously.

Looking at the picture, as if inhaling the fragrance of the forest, his pine freshness, feel a forest shady coolness, you hear the ripper of the breeze, the bruises of the branches under strong animals.

Together with the inspired Creator, penetrating the beauty of Russian nature, the viewer involuntarily hurts his breath, struck by the deep sacrament of life and joy that radiates a landscape.

Specify this essay in 2, 5, 3, 7th grade.

Essay "Morning in Pine Bor" in the picture Shishkin Grade 5

Probably, since childhood, a picture of Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest" is familiar. Even if you are not interested in the art deep, then with this picture almost everyone is familiar, thanks to the image of it on candy. Bear with three cubs on a pine boron background.

The intention of Shishkin suggested his friend, too, an artist. And he even put his hand, adding the landscape by bears. They so successfully turned out that the artists were both painted in the picture. However, Tretyakov, who acquired this picture in the future, left the signature only Shishkin, the second signature smeared. Considering that the main manner of writing is still closer in spirit to Shishkina.

And, indeed, Shishkin very accurately handed over the general atmosphere of the waking forest. We can observe the rays of the upset sun, which only touches the tops of the trees. In the depths of the painting, the forest is enveloped by morning fog. And its ease and airiness is transferred to the observer, which is usually still worth the day at this time.

In the foreground is a whole bear family. Bear and three small bears, which frolic on a large dressed tree. It can be assumed that they just got out of the berry after night sleep. Not so playful asking, but the mother will not sleep and follow the county and his pets, a little greeking on the negligent siblings.

The picture is very positive and its motive, and paints. The artist very accurately conveyed the atmosphere of the waking nature.

Grade 2, grade 5.

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"Morning in a pine forest" is, perhaps, one of the most famous canvases of Ivan Shishkin. The first thing that attracts and delivers the audience looking at the masterpiece is bears. Without animals, the picture is unlikely to be so attractive. Meanwhile, few people know that they did not paint the beasts at all Shishkin, another artist on the surname Savitsky.

Master of Bears

Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky is now not so famous as Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, whose name knows, probably even a child. Nevertheless, Savitsky is also one of the most talented domestic painters. At one time he was an academician and a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is clear that it was on the basis of art of Savitsky and met Shishkin.
Both of them loved Russian nature and selflessly portrayed it on their canvases. That's just Ivan Ivanovich preferred more landscapes, on which people or animals, if they appeared, only in the role of secondary characters. Savitsky, on the contrary, actively portrayed those and others. Apparently, thanks to the skill of a friend, Shishkin established himself in the thoughts that the figures of living beings are not too successful.

Help friend

In the late 1880s, Ivan Shishkin graduated from the next landscape, at which it was extremely picturesquely portrayed in a pine forest. However, according to the artist, the painting lacked some kind of accent, as he conceived to draw 2 bears. Shishkin even made sketches for future characters, but remained unhappy with his work. Then he turned to Konstantin Savitsky with a request to help him with animals. A friend Shishkin did not refuse and gladly got down to business. Bears turned on envy. In addition, the number of closures has doubled.
In fairness it is worth noting that Shishkin himself was not going to tormented at all and when the picture was ready, indicated not only his last name, but also Savitsky. Both buddies were satisfied with joint creativity. But all spoiled the founder famous for the whole world of the gallery Pavel Tretyakov.

Stubborn Tretyakov

It was Tretyakov who acquired from Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest". However, 2 signatures did not like the patient on the picture. And since after buying a particular work of art, Tretyakov considered himself the only and full owner, he took and erased the name of Savitsky. Shishkin began to object, but Pavel Mikhailovich remained adamant. He said that the manner of writing, including the bears, corresponds to the manner of Shishkin, and Savitsky is clearly superfluous.
The Ivan Shishkin received from Tretyakov received from Tretyakov shared with a friend. However, he gave Savitsky only a 4th of the money, explaining that he did the sketches to the "morning" without the help of Konstantin Apollonovich.
Surely, Savitsky was insulting such an appeal. In any case, he did not write a pair with a single canvas. And Savitsky's bears in any case really became decoration of the picture: without them "Morning in the Pine Forest" would hardly receive such recognition.

"Morning in a pine forest" is, perhaps, one of the most famous canvases of Ivan Shishkin. The first thing that attracts and delivers the audience looking at the masterpiece is bears. Without animals, the picture is unlikely to be so attractive. Meanwhile, few people know that they did not paint the beasts at all Shishkin, another artist on the surname Savitsky.

Master of Bears

Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky is now not so famous as Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, whose name knows, probably even a child. Nevertheless, Savitsky is also one of the most talented domestic painters. At one time he was an academician and a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is clear that it was on the basis of art of Savitsky and met Shishkin.
Both of them loved Russian nature and selflessly portrayed it on their canvases. That's just Ivan Ivanovich preferred more landscapes, on which people or animals, if they appeared, only in the role of secondary characters. Savitsky, on the contrary, actively portrayed those and others. Apparently, thanks to the skill of a friend, Shishkin established himself in the thoughts that the figures of living beings are not too successful.

Help friend

In the late 1880s, Ivan Shishkin graduated from the next landscape, at which it was extremely picturesquely portrayed in a pine forest. However, according to the artist, the painting lacked some kind of accent, as he conceived to draw 2 bears. Shishkin even made sketches for future characters, but remained unhappy with his work. Then he turned to Konstantin Savitsky with a request to help him with animals. A friend Shishkin did not refuse and gladly got down to business. Bears turned on envy. In addition, the number of closures has doubled.
In fairness it is worth noting that Shishkin himself was not going to tormented at all and when the picture was ready, indicated not only his last name, but also Savitsky. Both buddies were satisfied with joint creativity. But all spoiled the founder famous for the whole world of the gallery Pavel Tretyakov.

Stubborn Tretyakov

It was Tretyakov who acquired from Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest". However, 2 signatures did not like the patient on the picture. And since after buying a particular work of art, Tretyakov considered himself the only and full owner, he took and erased the name of Savitsky. Shishkin began to object, but Pavel Mikhailovich remained adamant. He said that the manner of writing, including the bears, corresponds to the manner of Shishkin, and Savitsky is clearly superfluous.
The Ivan Shishkin received from Tretyakov received from Tretyakov shared with a friend. However, he gave Savitsky only a 4th of the money, explaining that he did the sketches to the "morning" without the help of Konstantin Apollonovich.
Surely, Savitsky was insulting such an appeal. In any case, he did not write a pair with a single canvas. And Savitsky's bears in any case really became decoration of the picture: without them "Morning in the Pine Forest" would hardly receive such recognition.

Free Visits Days in the Museum

Every Wednesday you can visit the permanent exposition "Art of the twentieth century" in the new Tretyakovka.

The right of free visits to expositions in the main building in Laureli Lane, engineering building, new Tretyakovka, House-Museum V.M. Vasnetsova, Museum-Apartment A.M. Vasnetsov is provided in the following days for certain categories of citizens in order of general turn:

The first and second Sunday of each month:

    for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of training (including foreign students-students of Russian universities, graduate students, adjuncts, alternators, age-standing) upon presentation of a student ticket (does not apply to persons who have student tickets "Student-intern" );

    for students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions (from 18 years) (citizens of Russia and CIS countries). Students-holders of ISIC cards on the first and second Sunday of each month have the right to free visits to the exposition "Art of the XX century" of the new Tretyakov.

each Saturday is for members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).

Please note that the conditions for free visits to temporary exhibitions may differ. Specify information on the pages of exhibitions.

Attention! At the box office of the gallery, entrance tickets are provided with a nominee "free" (upon presentation of relevant documents - for the above visitors). At the same time, all gallery services, including excursion services, are paid in the prescribed manner.

Visiting the Museum on Festive Days

On the Day of People's Unity - November 4 - the Tretyakov Gallery works from 10:00 to 18:00 (input until 17:00). Paid entrance.

  • Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, Engineering Corps and New Tretyakov - from 10:00 to 18:00 (Cash and Login until 17:00)
  • Museum-apartment A.M. Vasnetsova and House Museum V.M. Vasnetsova - closed
Paid entrance.

Waiting for you!

Please note that the conditions of preferential visits to temporary exhibitions may differ. Specify information on the pages of exhibitions.

The right of preferential visiting Galleries, except for the cases provided for by a separate order of the gallery leadership, are provided upon presentation of documents confirming the right of a preferential visit:

  • pensioners (citizens of Russia and CIS countries),
  • full cavaliers of the "Order of Glory",
  • students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions (18 years),
  • students of higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as foreign students, students in Russian universities (except students' students),
  • members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).
Visitors to the above categories of citizens acquire a preferential ticket in order of general turn.

The right of free visiting The main and temporary expositions of the gallery, except for the cases provided for by a separate order of the gallery leadership, are provided for the following categories of citizens upon presentation of documents confirming the right of free visits:

  • persons who have undergone 18 years of age;
  • faculty students specializing in the field of visual art of secondary special and higher educational institutions in Russia, regardless of the form of training (as well as foreign students, students in Russian universities). The action of the point does not apply to persons who present student tickets "Stoles Students" (in the absence of information about the faculty in the student bill there is a certificate from the educational institution with the obligatory indication of the faculty);
  • veterans and disabled of the Great Patriotic War, participants in hostilities, former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghetto and other places of compulsory content created by the fascists and their allies during the Second World War, illegally repressed and rehabilitated citizens (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • servicemen of the urgent service of the Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, the full Cavalers "Order of Glory" (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • disabled people I and II groups, participants in the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying persons with disabilities I group (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled child (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • artists, architects, designers - members of the respective creative unions of Russia and its subjects, art historians - members of the Association of Art Protection of Russia and its subjects, members and employees of the Russian Academy of Arts;
  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
  • employees of the Museums of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the relevant Departments of Culture, employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministries of Culture of the Subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • satellite's volunteers - entrance to the exposition "Art of the XX century" (Crimean shaft, 10) and "Masterpieces of Russian Art of the XI - early XX century" (Loverushinsky Lane, 10), as well as in the House-Museum V.M. Vasnetsova and Museum-apartment A.M. Vasnetsova (citizens of Russia);
  • gida-translators who have an accreditation card of the Association of Translators and Translators and Turmaneggers of Russia, including those accompanying foreign tourist groups;
  • one teacher of educational institution and one accompanying group of students in secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (in the presence of a sightseeing ticket, subscription); One teacher of an educational institution with state accreditation of educational activities in carrying out a coordinated training session and has a special badge (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying group of students or a group of military servicemen (in the presence of an excursion voucher, a subscription and during training) (citizens of Russia).

Visitors to the above categories of citizens receive an entrance ticket with a nominal "free".

Please note that the conditions of preferential visits to temporary exhibitions may differ. Specify information on the pages of exhibitions.