Albert Cami: Life is the creation of the soul. Albert Camouy - Famous French Writer and Philosopher Camiography Bibliography

Albert Cami: Life is the creation of the soul. Albert Camouy - Famous French Writer and Philosopher Camiography Bibliography
Albert Cami: Life is the creation of the soul. Albert Camouy - Famous French Writer and Philosopher Camiography Bibliography

(1913 - 1960) in the 50s. It was one of the "rulers of the Dum" world intelligentsia. The first publications that opened the first period of creativity, two small books of short lyrical essays "Exchange and Person" (1937) and "Wedding" (1939) were published in Algeria. In 1938, Camius wrote a play "Caligula".

During he was an active member of resistance. In those years, they were published by the Essay of the MiF about Sisyiff and the story "Strying" (1942), who end up the first period of creativity.

Appears in 1943 - 1944. "Letters of the German friend" open the second period of creativity, which lasted until the end of life. The most significant works of this period are: Roman "Plague" (1947); Theatrical Mystery "Siege Regulations" (1948); Piece "Righteous" (1949); Essay "Bunk Man" (1951); Tale "Fall" (1956); Collection of stories "Exile and the Kingdom" (1957) and others. Cami also released three books "topical notes" during this period (1950, 1953, 1958). In 1957, the Nobel Prize was awarded Albera Camus. His novel "Happy death" and "notebooks" were posthumously published.

To compile an idea of \u200b\u200bAlbert's philosophy is not easy, since the views set forth in his literary and philosophical works "provide an opportunity for a wide variety of interpretations." With all that the nature of this philosophy, its issues and focus allowed the historians of philosophy unanimously to appreciate it as a kind of existentialism. In the worldview of A. Kama and in his work they reflected the features of the development of the European philosophical tradition.

Cami did not doubt the reality of the world, he gave himself a report and in the importance of movement in it. The world, in his opinion, is not arranged wisely. He is hostile to man, and this hostility dates back to us through the millennium. Everything we know about him is male. The world constantly eludes us. In his idea of \u200b\u200bbeing, the philosopher proceeded from the fact that "being can identify himself only in the formation, becoming nothing without being." Being is reflected in consciousness, but "until the mind is silent in the stationary world of their hopes, everything mutually echoes and streamlined in such a desired unity. But at the first movement, the whole world is cracking and destroyed: the infinite set of flickering fragments offers to knowledge offering itself. Cognition is considering as a source of peace transformation, but it warns from unreasonable use of knowledge.

Philosopher I agreed that science deepens our knowledge of peace and man, but he pointed out that these knowledge is still imperfect. In his opinion, science still does not give a response to the ultimate question - the question of the purpose of the existence and the meaning of everything that is. People abandoned this world in this story. They are mortal, and life appears in front of them as an absurdity in the absurd world. What to do a person in such a world? Camus offers in the essay "Myth about Sisyiff" to concentrate and with the maximum clarity of the mind to realize the fallen loan and courageously carry the burden of life, not to humble with difficulties and riotuya against them. At the same time, the question of the meaning of life is of particular importance, his thinker calls urgent. From the very beginning, a person has to "decide, it is worth or noting the life of it to live." Reply to this "" - it means to solve a serious philosophical problem. According to Cami, "everything else .... secondary. " The desire to live, the philosopher believes, is dictated by the attachment of man to the world, in it "there is something more: strong than all the troubles of the world." This attachment gives a person the opportunity to overcome the discord between him and life. The feeling of this disorder creates the feeling of the absurdity of the world. Man, being intelligent, seeks to organize, "convert the world in accordance with his ideas about good and evil. Absurd connects the man with the world. "

I believed that it means to explore the absurd, rebel against him. "I remove from the absurd," wrote the philosopher, "three consequences - my riot, my freedom and my passion." Through one of the work of the mind, I turn to the rule of life, what was inviting to death, and reject suicide. "

According to A. Kama, a person has a choice: either to live in his time, adapting to him, or try to rise above it, but it is possible to enter into a deal with him: "Live in my age and believing in eternal." The latter does not imply the thinker. He believes that from the absurd, you can deploy the immersion in the eternal, to escape the flight in the illusions of everyday life or by following some kind of idea. In other words, it is possible to reduce the pressure of the absurdity using thinking.

People trying to raise above the absurdity, Cammy calls conquerors. Classical samples of people-conquerors of Cami found in the works of the French writer A. Malro. According to Camus, the conqueror of God-like, "he knows his slavery and does not hide it," his way to freedom covers knowledge. The conqueror is the ideal of a person for Cami, but be such, in his opinion, this is a lot of fourth.

In the absurd world is absurd and creativity. According to Camus, "Creativity is the most effective school of patience and clarity. It is also an amazing evidence of the only advantage of a person: a stubborn riot against his lot, perseverance in fruitless efforts. Creativity requires everyday effort, ownership of themselves, an accurate assessment of the boundaries of truth, requires measures and strength. Creativity is the genus of Askisa (i.e., abundance from the world, from his joys and benefits - S. N.). And all this "for nothing" ... But it may not be important for the very great work of art, but the test that it requires from person. " The Creator is similar to the character of the ancient Greek mythology of Sisifa, the punished gods for the disobeying on pumping a huge stone on a high mountain, which every time rolls from the top to the top of the mountain. Sisif is doomed to eternal flour. Nevertheless, the spectacle of the stone block rolling from a high mountain personifies the greatness of the Sisif's feat, and its endless torments serve as an eternal reproach of unfair gods.

In essay " Raying man", Thinking about your time as about the time of the celebration of the absurd, Camus writes:" We live in an era of the masterfully committed criminal designs. " The preceding era, in his opinion, differs from the current fact that "earlier the atrocities were lonely, like a cry, and now it is as versatile as science. Yesterday, pursued by the court, today the crime has become a law. " The philosopher notes: "In new times, when evil intent is crammed into the apparel of innocence, on terrible perversion characteristic of our era, it is innocence that is forced to justify." At the same time, the border between false and true is blurred, and the rules dictates strength. Under these conditions, people are divided "not on the righteous and sinners, but on the Lords and slaves." Camus believed that the spirit of nihilism dominates in our world. The awareness of the imperfection of the world gives rise to a riot, the purpose of which is the transformation of life. The time of the domination of nihilism forms a riot man.

According to Camus, the riot is not an unnatural state, but quite natural. In his opinion, "in order to live, a person must rebel," but it is necessary to do this without being distracted from the originally advanced noble goals. The thinker emphasizes that in the experience of the absurdity, suffering is individual in nature, in the reborn, it becomes collective. Moreover, "evil, tested by one person, becomes a plague that has infected everyone."

In the imperfect world, the riot acts as a means of preventing the decline of society and its ossification and fading. "I am a rebellion, therefore we exist," the philosopher writes. He considers the rebellion here as an indispensable attribute of human existence, uniting personality with other people. The result of the rebellion is the new riot. The oppressed, turning into oppressors, the new rebellion of those whom they turn into oppressed are prepared by their behavior.

According to Camus, "there is a law of force in this world, and he is inspired by the will to power," which can be implemented using violence.

Comprehending the possibilities of applying violence in Bunte, Cami was not a supporter of non-violence, since, in his opinion, "absolute non-violence passively justifies slavery and its horrors." But at the same time, he was not a supporter of excessive violence. The thinker believed that "these two concepts need self-restriction for their own fruitfulness."

A metaphysical riot is distinguished from a simple rebellion of the rebellion of a "human uprising against the entire universe." Such a riot metaphysician, as it challenges the end goals of the people and the universe. In the usual rebellion, the slave protests against oppression, "the metaphysical rebellion of the rebellion against the ship prepared by him as a representative of the human race." In the metaphysical rebellion of the formula, "I rebellious, therefore, we exist", characteristic of the usual rebellion, changes on the formula "I Raunt, therefore we are alone."

The logical consequence of metaphysical rebellion is a revolution. At the same time, the difference between the revolution is that "... the riot kills only people, while the revolution destroys both people and principles." According to Camus, the history of mankind knew only the riots, the revolutions were not yet. He believed that "if a genuine revolution was accomplished on one of the only time, there would be no story. There would be blissful unity and the death of death. "

The limit of metaphysical rebellion is, according to Cami, the metaphysical revolution, during which great inquisitors are becoming at the head of the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of the appearance of the Great Inquisitor was borrowed by A. Kama from Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov". Great Inquisitors set the kingdom of heaven on Earth. Forces, what turned out to be unable to God. The kingdom of heaven on earth as an embodiment of universal happiness is possible "not due to the complete freedom of choice between good and evil, but thanks to power over the world and unification of it."

Developing this idea based on the analysis of representations. Nietzsche about the nature of freedom, A. Kama comes to the conclusion that "the absolute government of the law is not freedom, but not more freedom is absolute non-polliness of the law. The expansion of opportunities does not give freedom, but the lack of opportunities have slavery. But the anarchy is also slavery. Freedom is only in the world where it is clearly defined as a possible and impossible. " However, today's world, apparently, can only be the world of Lords and slaves. " Camus was confident that "domination is a dead end. Since Mr. in no way can give up the domination and become a slave, the eternal fate of the Lord lives dissatisfied or be killed. The role of Mr. in history is reduced only to revive slave consciousness, the only one that creates history. " According to the philosopher, "what is referred to as history is only a series of long-term efforts undertaken for the sake of gaining genuine freedom." In other words, "... History is the history of labor and rebellion" people seeking freedom and justice, which, according to Cami, are connected. He believed that it was impossible to choose one without another. The philosopher emphasizes: "If someone deprives you bread, he thus deprives you and freedom. But if you are getting freedom, then be sure that your bread is also at risk, because it depends not on you and your struggle, but from the whim of the owner. "

He considers the bourgeois freedom of fiction. According to Albert Cami "Freedom is the case of oppressed, and its traditional defenders have always had immigrants from the oppressed people".

Analyzing the prospects of human existence in history, Camus comes to disappointing conclusion. In his opinion, in the history of man nothing remains, as "to live in it ... Introduced to the evilness of the day, i.e. either lie or silence."

In his ethical views, Cami proceeded from the fact that the realization of freedom should rely on realistic morality, since the moral nihilism is destroyed.

Formulating your moral position, Albert Cami wrote in "Notebooks": "We must serve justice, because the existence of our arranged unfairly, must multiply to cultivate happiness and joy, because our world is unhappy."

The philosopher believed that in order to achieve happiness, wealth is not necessary. He was against the achievement of individual happiness by bringing the misfortune to others. According to Camus, "the biggest merit of a person to live alone and obscurity."

The aesthetic in the work of the philosopher serves as an ethical expression. Art for it is a means of detecting and describing the alarming phenomena of life. It, from his point of view, can serve as a health recovery, as it can interfere with life.

Man is an unstable creature. He is inherent in the feeling of fear, hopelessness and despair. At the same time, such an opinion was expressed by adherents of existentialism. Close to this philosophical teaching was Albert Camus. The biography and the creative path of the French writer is the topic of this article.


Cami was born in 1913. His father was a native of Alsace, and the mother is Spanish. Very painful memories of childhood had Albert Cami. The biography of this writer is closely connected with his life. However, for each poet or prosaic, the source of inspiration serve their own experiences. But in order to understand the reason for the depressive mood, reigning in the books of the author, which will be discussed in this article, you should learn a little about the basic events of his childhood and adolescence.

Father Cami was a man not high. He was engaged in severe physical labor at a wine-making company. The family was on the verge of disaster. But when, in the near River Marne, a significant battle took place, the life of his wife and children of the Senior Camus began and is not overwhelming. The fact is that this is a historical event, although it was crowned with the defeat of the enemy German troops, had a tragic consequence for the fate of the future writer. During the battle, the father of Cami died at Marne.

Left without a breadwin, the family was on the verge of poverty. This period reflected Albert Cami in his early work. The books "Wedding" and "Excanion and Person" are devoted to childhood in need. In addition, during these years, young champion suffered from tuberculosis. Unbearable conditions and severe ailments have not been collected from the future writer desire for knowledge. After graduation, he entered the university at the Faculty of Philosophy.


The years of study in Algerian University had a huge influence on the ideological position of the Cam. During this period, he brought his friendship with the Essurance of the Greno in his time. It was in the student years that the first collection of stories was created, which was called "Islands". Some time was a member of the Communist Party Albert Cami. His biography, nevertheless, is associated with such names as the poles, Kierkegaor and Heidegger. They belong to thinkers whose philosophy largely identified the main theme of Cami's creativity.

An extremely active person was Albert Cami. The biography is saturated. As a student, he was engaged in sports. Then, after graduation, he worked as a journalist and traveled a lot. Albert Cami's philosophy was formed not only under the influence of modern thinkers. For some time he was fond of the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky. According to some reports, even played in the amateur theater, where he happened to fulfill the role of Ivan Karamazov. During the capture of Paris, at the beginning of the First World War, Cami was in the French capital. He was not taken to the front due to severe illness. But in this difficult period, Albert Cammy was quite active in this difficult activity.


In 1941, the writer gave private lessons, took an active part in the activities of one of the underground Paris organizations. At the beginning of the war, Albert Cami wrote his most famous work. "Plague" - the novel who was published in 1947. In it, the author reflected events in Paris occupied by the German troops, in a complex symbolic form. For this novel Albera Cami awarded the Nobel Prize. The wording is "for the important role of literary works that are in front of people the problem of modernity with insightful seriousness."

Plague begins suddenly. Residents of the city leave their homes. But not all. There are citizens who believe that the epidemic is nothing more than a car over. And you should not run. It should be imbued with humility. One of the heroes - Pastor is a tary supporter of such a position. But the death of an innocent boy forces him to revise his point of view.

People try to escape. And the plague suddenly retreats. But even after the most terrible days behind, the hero does not leave the thought that the plague can return again. The epidemic in the novel symbolizes fascism, which took millions of inhabitants of Western and Eastern Europe during the war years.

In order to understand what is the main philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthis writer, one of his novels should be read. In order to feel the moods that reigned in the first years of war among people of thinking, it is worth meeting the novel "Plague", which in 1941 he wrote an albert from this work - saying the outstanding philosopher of the 20th century. One of them - "In the midst of disasters you get used to the truth, namely - to silence."


In the center of the art of the French writer, considering the absurdity of human existence. The only way to combat him, according to Cami, is his recognition. The highest incarnation of the absurdity is an attempt to improve society with violence, namely fascism and Stalinism. There is a pessimistic confidence in the work of Camus that evil is finally impossible to defeat. Violence generates even greater violence. And the rebellion against him and nothing good can lead to anything. It is this position that the author can be felt during the reading of the novel "Plague".


At the beginning of the war, a lot of essays and stories wrote Albert Cam. Briefly should be said about the story of "outsiders". This product is quite complicated for perception. But it is in him that the author's opinion on the absurdity of human existence is reflected.

The story "stranger" is a kind of manifesto, which proclaimed Albert Cami in his early work. Quotes from this work hardly can say something. A monologue of the hero is played in the book a special role, which is monstrously impartial to everything that happens around. "The sentenced to morally participate in execution" - this phrase is perhaps the key.

The hero of the story is a man in a sense defective. His main feature is indifference. It is indifferent to everything: to the death of mother, to someone else's grief, to his own moral fall. And only before death he leaves the pathological indifference to the world around him. And at this moment, the hero understands that the indifference of the surrounding world does not pass. He is sentenced to the execution for the perfect murder. And everything that he dreams about in the last minutes of life is not to see indifference in the eyes of people who will observe his death.

"The fall"

This story was published three years before the death of the writer. The works of Albert Cami, as picked up, belong to the philosophical genre. "Fall" is no exception. In the story, the author creates a portrait of a man who is an artistic symbol of a modern European society. Hero is called Jean-Batist, which is translated from French - John the Baptist. However, the Champion character has little in common with biblical.

In the "Fall" the author uses the reception characteristic of impressionists. The narrative is carried out in the form of consciousness flow. The hero tells about his life to the interlocutor. At the same time, he tells about the sins who made, without the shade of regret. Jean-Batist personifies the egoism and the scarcity of the inner spiritual world of Europeans, the contemporaries of the writer. According to Camus, they are not interested in in addition to achieving their own pleasure. The narrator is periodically distracted from his life position, expressing his point of view of a relative or another philosophical issue. As in other artworks, Albert Cami, in the center of the plot, the story "Fall" is a person of an unusual psychological warehouse, which allows the author to reveal in new eternal problems of being.

After the war

At the end of the forties, the Camus became an independent journalist. Social activities in any political organizations, he forever stopped. At this time, he created several dramaturgical works. The most famous of them are "righteous", "siege."

The theme of the rope personality in the literature of the XX century was quite relevant. Disagreement of man and its unwillingness to live according to the laws of society - a problem that has worried many authors in the sixtieth-seventies of the last century. One of the founders of this literary direction was Albert Cami. His books, written in the early fifties, were imbued with the feeling of disharmony and a sense of despair. The "rioty man" is a work that the writer has devoted a human protest against the absurdity of existence.

If the student years the Cam is actively interested in a socialist idea, then in adulthood he became an opponent of left radicals. In his articles, he repeated the topic of violence and authoritarianism of Soviet power.


In 1960, the writer tragically died. His life was cut off on the road from Provence to Paris. As a result of the automotive catastrophe Kama died instantly. In 2011, the version was put forward, according to which the death of the writer is not an accident. The accident was allegedly adjusted by the staff of the Soviet special services. However, this version was later refuted by Michel Onfre, the author of the writer's biography.

Albert Cami was born on November 7, 1913 in Algeria, in the family of agricultural worker. He was not and year when his father died on World War War. After the death of the father, the mother of Albera suffered a blow and became a midnight. Childhood Cami was very heavy.

In 1923, Alberta entered the Lyceum. He was a capable student and actively engaged in sports. However, after the young man fell ill with tuberculosis, the sport had to be left.

After the lyceum, the future writer entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Algeria. Cami had a lot to work to be able to pay for training. In 1934, Albert Cami married Simon Yie. The spouse turned out to be a drug addict-morphine, and the marriage with her did not last long.

In 1936, the future writer received a Master of Philosophy. Just after receiving a diploma, the camp has happened to the exacerbation of tuberculosis. Because of this, he did not stay in graduate school.

To improve health, Cami went on a trip to France. He impressed the experience of the journey in his first book "Exchange and Person" (1937). In 1936, the writer began its work on his first novel "Happy Death". This work was published only in 1971.

Cami very quickly acquired a reputation as a major writer and intellectual. He not only wrote, but he was an actor, playwright, director. In 1938, his second book was published - "Wedding". At this time, Cami has already lived in France.

During the German occupation of France, the writer was actively involved in the resistance movement, he also worked in the underground newspaper "Battle", which was published in Paris. In 1940, the story "Strying" was completed. This piercing work brought world famous to the writer. Following the philosophical essay "Myth about Sisyiff" (1942). In 1945, the play "Caligula" came out. In 1947, a novel "Plague" appeared.

Alber Philosophy Cami

Cami was one of the most prominent representatives. existentialism. In his books, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absurdity of human existence, which in any case will end with death. In the early works ("Caligula", "outsiders") the absurd of life leads to a scene to despair and amoralism resembling Nizrasche. But in the "plague" and subsequent books the writer insists: the general tragic fate must generate a sense of mutual compassion and solidarity in people. The purpose of the personality is to "create meaning among the universal nonsense", "overcome the human goal, drawing within himself the strength that first was looking for outside."

In the 1940s Camus closely fell asleep with another visible existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre. However, due to serious ideological discrepancies, a moderate humanist camp with a communist radical Sartre. In 1951, a major philosophical composition was published by the "Raunting Man" Cam, and in 1956 - the story "Fall".

In 1957, Albert Cami was awarded the Nobel Prize "for a huge contribution to the literature that highlighted the importance of human conscience."

French writer and thinker, Nobel Prize laureate (1957), one of the brightest representatives of existentialism literature. In his artistic and philosophical work, the existential categories of "existence", "absurd", "Bunta", "Freedom", "moral choice", "limiting situation", as well as developed the traditions of modernist literature. Depicting a person in the "World without God", Cami consistently considered the position of "tragic humanism." In addition to artistic prose, the author's creative heritage includes dramaturgy, philosophical essays, literary and critical articles, journalistic performances.

He was born on November 7, 1913 in Algeria, in the family of a rural worker, who died from a hard injury received at the front in the First World War. Cami has studied first in a communal school, then in Algerian Lyceum, and after in Algerian University. I was interested in literature and philosophy, philosophy dedicated the graduation work.

In 1935, he created an amateur "labor theater", where he was an actor, director and playwright.

In 1936 he joined the Communist Party from which it was excluded already in 1937. In the same 37th published the first collection of Essay "Exchange and Person".

In 1938, the first novel "Happy Death" was written.

In 1940 he moved to Paris, but due to the onset of Germans, she lived for some time and taught in Oren, here she completed the story of "outsiders", which attracted the attention of the writers.

In 1941 he wrote an essay "Myth about Sisyiff", which was considered a programmatic existential work, as well as the drama of Caligula.

In 1943 settled in Paris, where he joined the movement of resistance, collaborated with the illegal newspaper "Comba", led after the resistance that threw the occupiers behind the city.

The second half of the 40s is the first half of the 50s - the period of creative development: the novel "Plague" (1947) appears, which brought the author of world fame, the Siege Plays (1948), "Righteous" (1950), Essay Man "(1951), Tale" Fall "(1956), Estimation and Kingdom Phase Collection (1957), Essay" Timely Reflections "(1950-1958), etc. The last years of life were marked with a creative decline.

The work of Albert Camus is an example of a fruitful association of the writer and philosopher talent. For the formation of the artistic consciousness of this Creator, a significant importance was familiar with the works of F. Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer, L. Sixov, S. Kierkegor, as well as with ancient culture and French literature. One of the most important factors for the formation of his existentialistic worldview was the early experience of the opening of the proximity of death (still in the student years, a tuberculosis of the lungs fell ill. As a thinker belongs to the atheistic branch of existentialism.

Paphos, denial of values \u200b\u200bof bourgeois civilization, concentration on the ideas of the absurdity of being and rebellion, characteristic of the work of A. Kama, were the reason for its convergence with the procrimonyistic circle of the French intelligentsia, and in particular, with the ideologue of the "left" existentialism J. P. Sartreh. However, already in the post-war years, the writer went on a break with former associates and comrades, because I did not give illusions regarding the "Communist Paradise" in the former USSR and wished to reconsider its relations with the "left" existentialism.

Being another novice writer A. Kama was a plan of a future creative path, which was to unite three verge of his talent and, accordingly, three directions of his interests are literature, philosophy and theater. There were such steps - "Absurd", "Riot", "Love". The writer consistently implemented his plan, alas, at the third stage his creative path broke his death.