Get away from the first. Why leading leave the federal television channel

Get away from the first. Why leading leave the federal television channel
Get away from the first. Why leading leave the federal television channel

From the first channel, the authors continue to be returned and leading popular television programs. Most of them say that it does not find mutual understanding with the manual. TV presenters switch to other federal channels competing with the first button. "360" tells about the latest and possible permutations on the first.

RIA "News" / Alexander Kryazhev

On Tuesday, August 15, it became known that the list of leaders who left the first channel was replenished Timur Kizyakov. Earlier it was reported about the care of Andrei Malakhov and Alexander Oleshko.

Officially, the reasons for the dismissal of Kizyakov is not reported, but it exists that this is due to the charitable activities of the TV presenter and his wife Elena. In December 2016, the scandal broke out associated with the heading "You will have a child", which went out within the program "While all at home". It demonstrated the video edom of orphans in order to find new parents for them. The media got information that there was money on the production of plots about orphans, and from the first canal, and from the state, and from the sponsors. The TV channel conducted his own investigation, followed by the dismissal of the host.

The TV presenter himself says that he was slandered with the financial statements of his television company "House", which produced the video milking, everything is in order, and cooperation with the federal television channel was broken by his own initiative. The corresponding letter was sent to the channel of May 27.

We do not accept those methods of manuals of the first channel, which are now practiced there

According to him, when attacks began on the program, the channel management was simply abstracted from the situation and did not intercede with the Kizyakov team. He says that a number of companies that began to express him in the assignment of money, they simply see a competitor in it, "because they see the business."

RIA "News" / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The fact that Kizyakov's information on the production of orphans received from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from the regional authorities of 110 million rubles was written at the end of last year. "Vedomosti".

"When the sponsor is present in the program, then absolutely much of the sponsorship advertising goes to the channel. Some small part remains for the program for development, and that's it. And the fact that the sponsor is in hand in hand, and here a certificate was handed over 100 thousand rubles, it goes to a children's institution, from where a child was shown, "explained Kizyakov.

The program "While all at home" came out on the first channel on Sundays since 1992. In it, famous people told at breakfast about themselves and their family. Now the authors of the TV shows think how to deal with them in the current situation.

A week ago, August 9, it became that Showman Alexander Oleshko also leaves the first channel. At different times, he led a number of entertainment programs, among which - the humorous parody show "Big Difference", "one to one", "Minute of Glory", "exactly in-point."

"Being a free artist, accepted a proposal from which he could not refuse! Wherever and anyone else is, the main task is to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood, "Posted Olesko in his Instagram. Now the TV host can be seen in the show "You're super! Dancing ", which will go to NTV.

RIA "News" / Vladimir Astapkovich

Rumors about the departure of the showman Andrei Malakhov in social networks back at the end of July. Later information was confirmed. Competent sources argued that Malakhov goes because he could not work out with the new producer "Let them say" Natalia Nikonova. She did not return to the canal so long ago and, according to one of the versions, insisted that there was more social and political topics in the popular talk show. Malachov was categorically against this approach.

The TV host, according to some, decided to go through the program "Direct Ether" on the TV channel "Russia 1". Together with him, the main part of the team, which was engaged in the production of "let them say". Malakhov himself in the newspaper "Vedomosti" that the cause of his dismissal was the conflict with the leadership.

In the media already leaked that Andrei Malakhov met with the team of a new project, which he will lead and discussed the creation of the program. It is reported that the first transmission will be released at the end of August.

A series of dismissal of the leading first channel may well continue. Website Earlier, the TV presenter Elena Malysheva and Leonid Yakubovich can resign. True, in a conversation with "360" they did not confirm this information.

"There is nothing on the channel and everything is wonderful. But everyone has their own problems. Some programs are closed, some change. Someone is simply dissatisfied. We are not going to leave anywhere. While we will not close us, we will work, "the representative of Leonid Yakubovich Anatoly has denied information.

Among the potential new leading "let them say" the shocking actor Nikita Dzhigurda. He told the "360" that it came to talk about it, but he accuses the TV channel in a slander on himself and his family, so I did not agree. Moreover, Jigurd connects the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov precisely with the fact that he once accused the actor in his falsification of his rich girlfriend.

RIA "News" / Maxim Bogodvid

"Malakhov's translation is connected with our statements to the police, the court and the scandal, provoked by the program" Let them say ". The leadership of the Channel One, in order to relieve responsibility and report that measures were taken, I started this game with the departure of Malakhov. I dream about [Konstantin] Ernst was dismissed from his office. I am convinced that those immoral methods that the first channel relayed and with which disagreement journalists leave, few people want to endure, "the artist argues.

In a conversation with "360" other top leading channels told that there are no complaints about the management. "I can't comment on the lending situation, because I do not work there. The first channel simply buys my transmission, and I do not plan to break off with them. I have no complaints about the first channel, "Vladimir Pozner's journalist shared.

With him, another older channel TV presenter and traveler Dmitry Krylov, who says that claims does not have claims to their leadership. "And comment on the situation with the departure of leading on my part will not be very correct, since I work on the first channel," said the wings.

There were no suitable projects. There also clarified that it does not work on the first for now six months.

Earlier in the media there was information that Olesko moved to.

"Alexander Olesko does not work on the first channel about six months. Since there were no suitable projects for the lead, they decided to part and did not extend the contract for 2017, "the first channel press service said.

According to the Site "Den.Ru", Olesko will lead on the NTV program "You're super! Dancing". Back in May NTV announced the second season of the show "You're super!" - It will be shown next spring. And this fall, it is reported on the TV channel website, the project "Super!" The project starts on the NTV! Dancing, "where children who remained without parental care will be able to take part.

International Children's Competition "You are super!" - This is an incredible show in which talented children who were without parental care received a chance to declare themselves and demonstrate their abilities on the whole country, the project page on the website NTV.Ru said.

Participants of the contest "You are super!" - Pupils of orphanages, boarding schools and children from reception and guardian families from Russia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia and South Ossetia. Talented guys aged 7 to 18 were able to demonstrate their vocal abilities of a professional jury and millions of viewers, work with the best musical educators and producers.

"I always wanted to have my own face, my style," said Olesko in one of the interviews.

"I don't know what to swear, ready at least in the Bible, I don't have a feeling of envy. On the contrary, if I see that I can not do something as good as someone else, this man causes me delight and respect. In my heart I applaud him, "the TV host told. - For example, Van Urganta, who knows how to joke a unique way. Hereby pay attention: in Ivan's programs, many guests are trying to imitate him, and always a failure, because they look silly. Why do it? All the same will not work. But no - want "

"Just as a bunch of leaders who are trying to fit him. But weakly - "no-generals" they. The same with Andrei Malakhov. He is talented in another genre, but on different channels he has many imitators - "notast". I do not understand this, " quotes Olesko.

What happens to Malakhov

In the meantime, Saga develops with possible departure to "Russia 1" Andrei leading "Let them say".

As the KP.RU site reports, the list of applicants for the replacement of Malakhov narrowed to one name: it is, all the well-known leading evening news. "People remember that they saw me, but do not remember where," Borisov talked about him three years ago. - Before Ether, the heart does not bake me - no time.

Eats in the most unexpected moments when you tell the story and suddenly imagine someone from loved ones: no matter how he reacted to this news. And suddenly he looks the news now? "

On Monday, the source said "Gazeta.Ru", which Andrei Malakhov could not write a letter of dismissal, because he was on vacation. "Andrei is in Sardinia," the familiar TV presenter said. "As far as I know, he simply could not physically write any statement."

Representatives last week did not give a specific refutation of the information received, however, they stated RT that "now all the leadership is on vacations," and therefore the conclusion of the contract with Malakhov "physically cannot happen at the moment."

On Monday, with reference to sources close to the TV list, said that the cause of the departure of Andrei Malakhov from the first channel can be a maternity leave. The wife Malakhov is "on a serious gestation", her husband plans to take care of child care.

Malakhov's care is associated with the appearance in the show "Let them speak" the producer, who previously led the program "Direct Ether" on the channel "Russia 1". Together with its purpose, according to the sources of the "Russian service" BBC ", the program was to seriously change his format. It was assumed that more policies would be added to the "let them say". In this sense, the appearance of Dmitry Borisov as a lead looked more than logical.

The news that Alexander Olesko no longer works on the first channel, blew up the Internet and almost a day was on the first line in search engines. "No official statements, refinements, clarification, farewells and other things. Only thanks for a long time, bright, diverse, very rich and very interesting, good cooperation, which ended at his own request at the beginning of June of this year!" - Shawman said.


The first was surprised. "Alexander Oleshko does not work on the first channel for about six months. For the lead, there were no suitable projects for the lead, so in the early 2017 it was decided to part," the RIA Novosti news agency quotes the television channel. On the first surprised that for some reason it began to be discussed only now.

They say Olesko will work in the state of NTV - he was invited to lead a new show "You are super! Dancing." "Being a free artist, accepted the proposal from which he could not refuse! Wherever and whom he was, the main task to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood! - Alexander told about the new work - happy work with children and for Children in a variety of projects, films and television programs accompanies me for a long time. For many years, being leading popular television shows of a different format, I always tried to become a defender, support, comrade and friend.

He added that the resentment for the first channel does not hold. "From the soul, thanks for trust, support, attention and limitless features! Everyone worked with whom, thanks for the help, excitement and the common cause!" - Posted by Olesko on his page in Instagram.

The television season lasts from September to May. For 30-36 weeks, the audiences represent new series, shows leading, change the design of studios and channel as a whole. And in the summer there are mainly repetitions of successful projects.


Recently, television drivers have repeatedly tried to move from seasonal programming on year-round - launched new serials, programs and films in the summer. However, they did not gain sufficient audience to justify the cost of production.

This year everything was as usual - the summer did not promise surprises and discoveries. And suddenly, like a thunder among a clear sky, news: Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel. Nobody gave official comments, but the rumors were like a snowy to whom.

All this hype was on hand to the first channel - about "let them say" and his lead so much, it seems, did not write for all the time the existence of odious talk show. "Summer is the dead season, there are no loud news, but you need to heal the attention of the audience to television to watched. Malakhov on the first channel since 1994. Absolutely in its place. He has no need to leave," said the famous critic Alexander Gorbunov.

But now the televisers are pretty rubbing hands: in September, when the most popular project will return to the screens, his fallen rated rated again will take off and will be cleaned by the horizon. Everyone will want to find out who will keep the program and where Malakhov goes. According to some data, on the first prepare a special announcement of the new season "Let them say".

The fact that the project will remain on the air, there is no doubt. "Let them say" - a drug for a certain part of the population. If the program is closed, the breaking will begin in those who hooked on this teleigl, especially since the transfer of such a format is not accidental on the air stand next to the political shows. The tabloids of the format "Let them say" shake out all sorts of moral and moral taboos, after which the viewers can be taught warm, "the criticism of Yuri Bogomolova is quoted by the newspaper" World News ".

Meanwhile, it turned out that the first canal left Alexander Oleshko. However, an artist was gone simply because they did not extend the contract for 2017. For Showman, there were no projects, and from its services in the Directorate of the First decided to refuse.