Terrible stories about Dracula. Vlad III chains: biography, interesting facts and legends

Terrible stories about Dracula. Vlad III chains: biography, interesting facts and legends
Terrible stories about Dracula. Vlad III chains: biography, interesting facts and legends

"He lived yes was in the world a bloodthirsty prince Dracula. He suggested people on a count, fried on the coals, cooked his heads in the boiler, joined the skin alive, he broke into pieces and saw blood from them ... "- told Abraham van Helsing, turning the book about the lifetime crimes of the Terrible Vampire. Many remember this episode from the film F. Coppole, filmed by the Roman Bram Stoker "Dracula", and, perhaps, it was from this film renowned that Dracula was not a fictional character. The famous vampire has a prototype - Prince of Valahia Vlad Dracula (chains), which ruled this Romanian principality in the middle of the XV century. And indeed, this person to this day is called the "great monster", eclipsed by their atrocities, Herod and Nero.
Vlad Dracula. The only lifetime portrait of Prince, written from him by an unknown artist during a conclusion in a Hungarian prison.

Let us leave the real historical person in the mythical monster at the conscience of the Stocker, and let's try to figure out how justified the charges in cruelty and committed Dracula all those atrocities, compared to which the vampire addiction to the blood of young girls seems innocent fun.
The acts of the prince, widely concentrated by the literary works of the XV century, and in fact chopping blood. The terrible impression is made by stories about how Dracula loved to smear, watching the flour planted on the number of victims, as he burned the vagrants, whom he himself invited him to the feast, as he ordered to score nails into the heads who did not remove the caps by foreign ambassadors, and so on, other ... The imagination of the reader, who first learned about the atrocities of this medieval ruler, there is an image of a fierce ruthless person with a stalking look of unrelieged eyes, reflecting the black essence of the villain. Such an image fully corresponds to the German book engravings, captured the traits of Tirana, but engravings appeared after the death of Vlad.
But those who will bring to see the artistic, almost unknown portrait in Russia, the portrait of the Dracula, is waiting for disappointment - a man shown on canvas clearly "does not pull" on the bloodthirsty sadist and maniac. A small experiment showed: people who did not know who exactly was depicted on the canvas, often called the "unknown" beautiful, unfortunate ... Let's try and for a minute to forget about the reputation of the "Great Monster", unbiased to look at the portrait of the Dracula. First of all, the big, suffer, beautiful eyes of Vlad attract attention. They can notice confusion, fright, but there is no shadow of cruelty and malice. And still amazing the unnatural thinness of his emaciated yellowish person. Considering the portrait, it can be assumed that the share of this person had cruel tests and deprivation that he was more like a martyr than the monster, the victim, and not the executioner ...

What is this: intention of artist's deception or such a striking inconsistency between the true portrait of the Dracula and this characteristic of it has a different explanation? We will conduct a small investigation by contacting the "evidence" - written documents of the XV century. Does everyone seem to be at first glance, testify against the Dracula or is it only the vertex of the iceberg, the most spectacular memorable works, who pushed dry, dry, might seem like boring documents? Indeed, we judge the actions of Vlad in the artistic, mostly German signs of that period, leaving aside the posts of the prince himself and other official documents relating to the time of his board aside aside. What does Vlad Dracula appear in the light of an objective historical analysis?
House in the Transylvanian city of Sigishoara, where in 1431 was born and spent the first years of the life of Dracula. On the facade of the building there is a sign that has been reporting that the father of Vlad was the father - Vlad Dracul, and in one of the rooms, in which the Little Light appeared in the light, fragments of the wall mural were found during the restoration. Nowadays, there is not a museum in the house, and the restaurant "Dracula".

Vlad headed the Valahia aged twenty-five years, in 1456, in very difficult times for the principality, when the Ottoman Empire expanded his possessions in the Balkans, capturing one country for another. Already fell under the Turkish oppression of Serbia and Bulgaria, Palonantinople fell, the direct threat hung over Romanian principalities. Prince of Little Valahia successfully opposed the aggressor and even attacked the Turks himself, having completed a campaign on the territory of the occupied Bulgaria in 1458. One of the goals of the campaign is to free and settle on the lands of the Valahius who professed the Orthodoxy of the Bulgarian peasants. Europe enthusiastically welcomed the victory of Dracula, and impulsive Italians even began to call the inhabitants of the Valahius "Raguli", in honor of their fearless prince. Nevertheless, a big war with Turkey was inevitable. Valahia prevented the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, and Sultan Mehmed II accepted the decision by the military way to overthrow the dismissal prince. The younger brother of Dracula Rada was applied on the throne of Valahia, who accepted Islam and became the favorite of Sultan. Understanding that he will not be able to confront the biggest since the conquest of Konstantinople, the Turkish army, Dracula appealed for help to the allies. Among them were the Roman Papa Pope II, who promised to give money for a crusade, and the young Hungarian king Matlish Korvin, who called Vlad "favorite and faithful friend", and the leaders of other Christian countries. All of them were supported by the Valash Prince, however, when the trouble was killed in the summer of 1462, Dracula was left alone with a terrible enemy.
The situation was desperate, and Vlad did everything possible to survive in this unequal battle. He called on the army all the male population of the principality since the twelve-year-old age, applied the tactics of the scorched land, leaving the venture to the villages, where the food reserves could not be replenished, led the partisan war. Another weapon of the prince became a panic horror, which he inspired the invaders. Protecting his land, Dracula ruthlessly destroyed the enemies, in particular, the sensed prisoners on interest, using the very "popular" against the Turks in the most Ottoman execution of the execution.
Print Dracula. The inscription in Staroslavyansky says: "Vlad Voevoda by the grace of God of God Mr. Earth of Unhwlochia."

The Turkish-Valah War of the summer of 1462 entered the story of the famous night attack, during which he managed to destroy until fifteen thousand Ottomans. Sultan was already standing at the capital of the Principality of Targovishte, when Dracula, together with the seven thousand of his soldiers, penetrated into an enemy camp, intending to kill the Turkish leader and thereby stop aggression. Vlad could not fully fulfill its audacious plan, but the unexpected night attack caused panic in the enemy camp and as a result - very large losses. After the bloody Night, Mehmed II left Valachia, leaving part of the troops Rada is beautiful, who was to have the power itself from the hands of the elder brother.
The brilliant victory of Draculas over the troops of Sultan was useless: Vlad defeated the enemy, but could not resist "friends." The betrayal of the Moldavian Prince Stefan, a cousin and a friend of Dracula, who unexpectedly switched to the side of Rada, turned out to be a turning point in the war. Dracula could not fight on two fronts and retreated to Transylvania, where he was waiting for the troops of another "friend" - the Hungarian King Martyash Korvin.
In the photo - what remained from the courtyard of the eyelid - Palace in Bucharest, built by Dracula, from the XVI century - the official residence of Valash Princes. A few years ago, a bust of the founder of the capital was installed before the ruins of the palace. Dracula began the construction of Bucharest around 1459, intending to build a powerful fortress, blocking the path to Turkish invaders.
And then something strange happened. In the midst of negotiations, Corvin ordered the arrest of his "faithful and beloved friend," accusing in secret correspondence with Turkey. In letters, allegedly intercepted by the Hungarians, Dracula prayed Mehmed II on forgiveness, offered his assistance in the seizure of Hungary and the Hungarian king himself. Most modern historians consider letters a roughly fabricated fake: they are written in the unusual Dracula manner, the proposals put forward in them are absurd, but the most importantly - the scripts of letters, these essential evidence, solved the fate of the prince, were "lost", and only their copies in Latin were preserved. Specified in the "Notes" of FIU II. Signatures of the Dracula on them, of course, did not stand. Nevertheless, Vlad was arrested at the end of November 1462, they chained in the chains and sent to the Hungarian capital, where he was in prison for about twelve years without trial.

What made Mathiash agreed with non-accused and cruelly dealt with his ally, at one time helped him to go to the Hungarian throne? The reason turned out to be banal. According to the testimony of the author of the "Hungarian Chronicle" Antonio Bonfini, Mathiash Corvin received from Pope II of forty thousand Guldenov for holding a cross campaign, but did not use this money for its intended purpose. In other words, the king constantly needed in the money simply embedded a significant amount and shifted the blame for a torn hike on his Vassal, which would probably lead a double game and intrigued with the Turks. However, the charges in the state treasure of a person known in Europe by an irreconcilable struggle with the Ottoman Empire, who almost killed and actually turned to the flight of the conqueror of Constantinople Mehmed II, sounded quite absurd. Wanting to understand what happened in fact, Piy II instructed his messenger in Buda Nicolas Modrussa in place to understand what is happening. Here's how Modrussa described the appearance of a prisoner who was in Hungarian dungeons:
King Hungary Mathiash Corvin. Junior Son Janosh Hunadi loved to be depicted on the Master of the Roman Emperor, with a laurel wreath on his head. He was considered a patron saint of science and art. During the reign of Matmash, the expenses of his courtyard sharply increased, and the king sought ways to replenish the treasury - from increasing taxes to the use of money transferred to the Vatican on the Crusades.

"It was not very high, but very autonomy and strong, with a cold and terrible view, a strong eagle nose, swollen nostrils and a subtle reddish face, on which very long eyelashes framed large, widely open green eyes; Thick black eyebrows made it a kind of threatening. His face and chin were shaved, but there were a mustache, swollen whiskey increased his head, the bull neck tied his head with a torso, wavy black curls hung on his broad shoulders. "
Modrussa did not leave evidence of what the prisoner of King Mathiash spoke in his defense, but the description of his appearance turned out to be more eloquent than any words. The type of Dracula was actually terrible: the swollen, noticeably increased in the volume of the head and blood poured, the face pointed out that the prince was tortured, forcing the recognition of false accusations, for example, to sign fabricated letters and thereby legitimize the actions of Corvin. But Vlad, who survived in his youth, even before coming to power, the horrors of the Turkish captivity, courageously met new tests. He did not negotiate himself, did not put his signature on falsified documents, and the king had to invent other accusations that did not require the written recognition of the captive.
The prince was accused of cruelty, which he allegedly showed relative to the Saxon population part of the Hungarian Kingdom of Transylvania. According to the Certificate of Modrussa, Mathiash Corvin personally talked about the atrocities of his Vassal, and then presented a certain anonymous document in which it was detailed, with German punctuality, the bloody adventures of the "Great Monster" were reported. In the denunciation, tens of thousands of tortured civilians were mentioned and the anecdotes were mentioned for the first time, about the monks planted on the dispatch, about how Dracula ordered to nail the caps towards the heads of foreign ambassadors, and other similar stories. An unknown author compared the Valash Prince with tyrants of antiquity, arguing that at the time of his rule, Valahia resembled a "forest from planted ones," accused Vlad in unprecedented cruelty, but at the same time he did not care about the plausibility of his story. In the text of the denunciation, there are a lot of contradictions, for example, given in the document name of settlements, which would be destroyed by 20-30 thousand (!) Man, still can not be identified by historians.

Corvinish In Transylvania Castle is a generic nest of the Hungarian King Mathiash Corvin. The little fortress turned into a luxurious castle under the father of Matyash Janosh Huyudi (Corvin). The fate of Hunyadi himself is quite interesting. The small Valash nobleman made a career by participating in the Gusitsky wars and crusades in which he did not disdain his allied robbery. Over time, Hunadi became the owner of the greatest condition and high positions in the state, was elected ruler of the Hungarian kingdom.
What was the documentary basis for this denunciation? We know that Dracula really made several raids in Transylvania, destroying the conspirators who had hidden there, among whom were applicants for the Valash throne. But, despite these local military operations, the prince did not interrupt commercial relations with the Transylvanian Saxon cities of Sibiu and Brasov, which confirms the business correspondence of the Dracula of the period. It is very important to note that, in addition to the donos appeared in 1462, there is not a single earlier certificate of mass killings of the civilian population on the territory of Transylvania in the 50s of the XV century.
It is impossible to imagine how the destruction of tens of thousands of people who regularly happened for several years could remain unnoticed in Europe and would not find reflections in the chronicles and diplomatic correspondence of those years. Consequently, the Dracula Raid to the Valahii belonged, but located on the territory of Transylvania Anklav at the time of their holding were considered in European countries as the inner case of Valahia and did not cause any public resonance. Based on these facts, it can be argued that an anonymous document, who first informed the atrocities of the "Great Monster", did not meet reality and turned out to be another fake, fabricated by the order of King Mathiash, following the "letter to Sultan" in order to justify the illegal arrest of Vlad Dracula.
For Pia Pia II - and he was a close friend of the German Emperor Friedrich III and, by virtue of this, sympathized with the Saxon population of transylvania - such explanations were enough. He did not interfere in the fate of a high-ranking captive, leaving the decision of the Hungarian king. But Matyash Korvin himself, feeling the precision put forward by the accusations, continued to discredit the Dracula who tried in the dungeon, resorted by the present language, to the services of the "media". Mikhael Behaeima's poem, created on the basis of denunciations, engraved, depicting cruel tyrana, "lighted around the world for general ferris", and, finally, many circulation of first-line brochures (from which they reached us thirteen) under the general name "On one great monster" - All this was to form a negative attitude towards Dracula, turning it from the hero in the villain.
Illustration for first-line brochures "On a great monster, called Dracula Waida" (Lubeck, 1488; Bamberg, 1491). It is known that the German book engravings of the XV century were conditional and did not have a portrait similarity with real people depicted on them. However, it is these engravings that appeared after the death of the prince, and to this day are perceived as "portraits" of Dracula.
The portrait of Vlad, who was already mentioned, was also written during his prison sentence. Perhaps Matyash wanted to get the image of the "monsters", but calculated - the artist's brush captured on the canvas noble, full of advantage of the look of the Valash Prince. A rich clothes only emphasized the yellow, painful color of the face and the extreme degree of depletion of the prisoner, indicating that in what horrendous conditions it actually contained.

Apparently, Mathiash Corvin was not going to free his captive, condemning him to slow dying in the dungeon. But fate gave Dracula the opportunity to survive another takeoff. During the reign, Rada of the beautiful Valahia completely obeyed Turkey, which could not not disturb the new Roman Pope of Sicsta IV. Probably, the intervention defense changed the fate of Dracula. The prince of Valahia actually showed that he could resist the Turkish threat, and therefore it was Vlad who had to lead to the Christian army in the new crusade. The conditions for the liberation of the prince from prison were his transition from Orthodox faith to Catholic and marriage at the cousin of Mathiash Corvin. Paradoxically, but the "great monster" could get freedom, only threatening with the Hungarian king, who has recently recently represented the Dracula to the bloodthirsty monster ...
Two years after liberation, in the summer of 1476, Vlad as one of the commander of the Hungarian army campaign; His goal was to be released by the occupied by the Turks of Valahia. The troops were held through the territory of Transylvania, and documents were preserved, reporting that the citizens of the Saxon Brasov joyfully welcomed the return of the "great monster", which, if you believe the bonuse, a few years ago, unheard of atrocities worked.
Having joined the battles to Valahius, Dracula pushed out Turkish troops and on November 26, 1476 again ascended to the throne of the principality. His government turned out to be very short - the prince surrounded the obvious and hidden enemies, and therefore the rocky junction was inevitable. Vladhest Vlad at the end of December of the same year is shrouded in secret. There are several versions of what happened, but they all reduce the fact that the prince fell victim to treason, confessed by the traitors who were in his surroundings. It is known that the head of Dracula was transferred to the Turkish Sultan as a gift, and he ordered it to put it on one of Konstantinople's squares. And Romanian folklore sources report that the decapitated body of the prince found the monks located near the Bucharest of the Snagov Monastery and buried in the chapel built by the Chapel himself near the altar.
So the short, but the bright life of Vlad Dracula was cut. Why, contrary to the facts indicating that the Valash Prince "set" and slandered, the Molva continues to attribute the atrocities to him, which he never did? Opponents of Dracula claim: first, numerous works of different authors report the cruelty of Vlad, and, therefore, such a point of view cannot but be objective, and secondly, there are no chronicles in which he appears as a creative godler's affairs. Disprove such arguments easy. Analysis of works, which speak about the atrocities of Dracula, proves that they all either immediately go to the handwritten denunciation of 1462, "justifying" the arrest of the Valash Prince, or written by people who were in the Hungarian yard during the reign of Mathiash Corvin. Hence, scream information for his story about Dracula, written around 1484, and the Russian ambassador to Hungary Dyak Fedor Kuritsyn.

Penetrating into the Valahius, widely concentrated stories about the deeds of the "Great Monster" were transformed into pseudophollastic narrations, which actually have nothing to do with folk legends recorded by folklorists in the areas of Romania directly related to the life of Dracula. As for the Turkish chronicles, the original episodes that do not coincide with German works deserve more attention. In them, Turkish chronicles, do not regret the paints, describe the cruelty and courage of the horror on the enemies of "Kazykla" (which means - a sezhatel on the count) and even partially recognize the fact that he turned into a flight of Sultan himself. We perfectly understand that the descriptions of the host of hostilities are not impartial parties, but do not dispute the fact that Vlad Dracula is really very crueling with the invaders who came to his land. After analyzing the sources of the XV century, it can be confidently to argue that Dracula did not commit the monstrous crimes attributed to him. He acted in accordance with the cruel laws of war, but the destruction of the aggressor on the battlefield should not be equivalent to the genocide of the civilian population, in which Dracula accused the Customer of Anonymous Donos. Stories about atrocities in Transylvania, for which Dracula and received a reputation as a "great monster", turned out to be slander, pursuing specific mercenary goals. The story has developed so that the descendants are judged by the Dracula on how the actions of Vlad were described by His enemies, who sought to defam the prince, - where in such a situation talk about objectivity?!
As for the absence of a chronicle, praising Dracula, this is explained by too short of his reign. He simply did not have time, and perhaps, did not consider it necessary to acquire the court chroniclers, whose duties included the praise of the ruler. A other business that was famous for his enlightened and humanism King Matlish, "with the death of which justice died and justice", or the Moldovan Prince Stefan, who betrayed the Dracula, and put two thousand Romanians, but at the same time, but the nickname and saint ...

In a muddy stream, lies are difficult to distinguish the truth, but fortunately, the documentary evidence of how the rules of the OSD Dracula is reached. The diplomas signed by him, in which he gave the earth peasants, complained by the privileges of monasteries, a treaty with Turkey, scrupulously and consistently defending the rights of Valahi citizens. We know that Dracula insisted on the observance of the church rites of burial for executed criminals, and this very important fact completely refutes the statement that he sazed on the christianity of the residents of the Romanian principalities. It is known that he built churches and monasteries, founded Bucharest, fought with the desperate courage with Turkish invaders, defending his people and his land. And there is still a legend about how Dracula met with God, trying to find out where his father's grave is, in order to erect the temple at this place ...
There are two Dracula Images. We know the Dracula - the National Hero of Romania, the Wise and Brave Ruler, the Martyr, devoted to friends and about a third of the life of an obtant, slander, but not broken. However, we are also known and another Dracula - the hero of the anecdotic leads of the XV century, the maniac, the "Great Monster", and later the vampire's vampire damned by God. By the way, about vampirism: In whatever whirlures, his contemporaries were accused, there is not a single written source in which it would be said that he drank the blood of his victims. The idea of \u200b\u200b"turning" the Dracula in the vampire originated only in the XIX century. Consisting in the occult Order of Gold Zarya (he practiced black magic), Bram Stoker became interested in this historical personality with the filing of Professor Armines Vabury, who was known not only as a scientist, but also as a Hungarian nationalist. So there was a graph of Dracula - a literary character, gradually turned into a major consciousness in the main vampire of all times and peoples.
Two diametrically opposite images of the Valash Prince there is nothing in common, but to answer the question of what person was Vlad Dracula in fact, it is enough to see his portrait, look at these wise and sad eyes.
From Ineta

Was in the Muntian land of the Voivode, a Christian of the Greek faith, his name in Valashsky Dracula, and in our place - the devil. So tough and wise was that, what is the name, this was the life of it ...

Fedor Kuritsyn, "Tale of Dracula Governor"

He drank the blood of his enemies and loved to dinner among thousands of his victims placed on the count. He cut off in women's chest, lived the skin with people, pierced the stomach, nailed the caps towards heads. The most important and bloody monster is the prince of Darkness. That whose name from Romanian means the "son of the devil". The one who loves the cinema and who has thousands of fans today. Mysterious Tiran Middle Ages - Vlad Chapes Dracula. So he is considered our contemporaries.

He died five centuries ago and then he was buried with the honors, called the most just ruler, honest and noble. People could not hold back tears, because they knew - he gave his life to protect them. Vlad Dracula built churches and monasteries, founded the capital of Romania Bucharest and saved Europe from Turkish invasion. He was a defender of Orthodox faith, but died by Catholic. He was a brilliant commander, but he entered the story under terrible nickname - Chains. "Sits on the wrong." He is credited with tens of thousands of executed. Who was he really? Why did you get such a fame? And when did the creation of a reputation of a person, whom in Romania still consider to be a national hero?

In the 15th century, the prince Vlad III Dracula He was the ruler or the Lord of the Little Country of Valahia, located in the center of Europe in the territory of modern Romania. Even during his reign in Europe, rumors about the extreme cruelty of Dracula went. And after a sudden death, he was generally declared a servant of the devil. Below is one of the medieval engravings, where Vlad calmly documented among thousands placed on the count of people.

Perhaps this excitement would have passed over time, but soon after the death of Dracula in Romania, an ambassador from the Russian king Ivan III arrived Fedor Kuritsyn . He heard about the acts of the prince and brought from this journey his heartbreaking story - "Tale of Dracula". In Russia, the book was immediately banned - Kuritsyn's actions were too admired. But once the legend fell into the hands of young Ivan IV Grozny . For the young king, this book has become a benefit on government management. He carefully studied the ways of execution according to the Dracula method and surpassed it over time. Began to combine skin jumping with a burning; Salted on the wrong and at the same time cut out of the unfortunate pieces of meat; They boiled victims in oil, felt and ruined behind his feet.

All tyrants are similar. Everyone makes something cruel: the situation in the country, conspiracies, the opposition, difficult childhood or congenital insensitivity and cruelty. But why did Dracula distinguished himself, that he was proclaimed by the prince of darkness number 1? Is he really drinking blood? Irish writer is to blame Bram Stroker . He lived in the 19th century and wrote horror novels, but none of them brought him success while he did not decide to write a novel about vampires. It was in the 19th century that everyone believed - the glory exist. This is not just the characters of folk fairy tales. They live somewhere in unknown and terrible forests of Eastern Europe, Serbov, Chekhov and Russians. Stocker heard about Vlad Chaining Dracula from his friend of the Hungarian scientist, who told about the forgotten tyrant and gave medieval books about the monster. In gratitude Stroker made this scientist wrestler with vampires and introduced him to the book under the name Van Helsing . In the Stocker's novel in Transylvanian castle, there is a graph-vampire, which processes her neck to her guests, drinks their blood and turns into slaves zombies. He sleeps in a coffin, he has red elongated fangs, a deformed spine and, most importantly, it is very afraid of sunlight. In fact, the Stocker changed a lot and invented. And he was dracula not by the graph, but the prince. And he lived not in transylvania, but in Valahia. And I slept not a coffin, but on a regular bed.

Disease or vampirism?

As for the appearance of the Dracula and his light, the Stoker described the symptoms of real illness, at the time unknown. Such people really have long fangs, can not be in the sun, because the skin is covered with blisters, their skeleton is deformed and they become very scary. All these are patients porfiria. It arises very rarely when a person has a violated process of metabolism in the blood. To determine the porphyria doctors managed not so long ago - in 1963. Blood patients with porphyria, of course, did not drink, but because of the ugly appearance they were afraid and were often called alive dead. Of course, such clinical features impose an imprint on the psyche. Thus, a person who is afraid of daylight and has anatomical defects, begins to figure out a certain halo of mystery. Perhaps the Stacker saw in his life sick porphyria. His appearance was so struck by the writer that he had put her hero to her - the Bloodina Dracula. And what did the real prince Valash look like?

Outlook Vlad Dracula

We have reached the promised portrait of the Dracula and his description: "It was a low growth, a tightly folded, broad-sided man. The features of the face are coarse. The skin is tender. He had an eagle nose, wide nostrils, very long eyelashes, wide eyebrows and long mustache." Nothing that resembled Porphyry. So the appearance of the literary draracula has nothing to do with the appearance of the prototype. Moreover, none in the historical source there is no information that Dracula drank blood. He was attributed to other atrocities, but in the vampirism he was noticed.

The tradition of drinking blood of their enemies existed at Kurds, Japanese samurai and Papuans of New Guinea. This is not connected with pleasure, but with conviction. Drinking the blood of his enemy, you get his strength and youth. Eating the heart - mastering his courage. These traditions were unknown to medieval Romanians. But about them in the 19th century, the Stoker knew very well, who was interested in the memoirs of famous European travelers all his life. So the fantasy of the writer other than a frightening appearance she endowed the Romanian Prince also with love for fresh blood. And behind these horrors, no longer consider the image of a real Dracula, who Romanians still consider the national hero. And on Bram Stoker, they are so offended that they even banned the Roman "Dracula". Chaushesku he stated that Roman disgraces the honest name of the famous son of the Romanian people Vlad Dracula. But why is one tyrant so defended the other? What was good in Vlad Tsaresh and his crimes? And for what Dracula loves the Romanians so much?

In the Middle Ages, Valahia was a small principality adjacent to Transylvania, and today part of Romania. Mountains and thick fog hiding small towns. It seems that the Romanians are there and are now afraid of vampires, but they do not know what it is. In their fairy tales, no one drinks blood. Such characters in folk performances never existed. Then it is not at all understandable where the legend of the bloody Dracula came from.

Childhood and Youth Vlad Dracula

In 1431 in the city of Sigisoara in the family of Prince Vlada ІІ Dracula and Moldavian princess Vasiliki son was born. In general, the ruler of Valahia was born four sons: senior Mircha Middle Vlad. and Radu and the youngest one is also Vlad (the son of the second wife of Prince Vlad II - Koltsuna Subsequently Vlad IV Monk ). Fate will not be favorable to the first three of them. Mircea will be buried by living Valash boyars in Targovisht. Rada will be the Favorite of the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II. And Vlad will bring his kind to unsure the glory of the cannibal. Vlad IV monk will live their lives more or less calmly. Family families of the family was a dragon. It was in the year of the birth of Vlad that his father joined the Order of the Dragon, whose members were on the blood to defend Christians from the Muslim Turk. They wore black long raincoats. By the way, the same will be the bloody prince of Dracula.

Over time, the details of his birth appear in the legends about Prince Dracula. Allegedly, when the baby was born, one of the icons in the room was crying blood. It was a sign of the birth of an antichrist. In addition, two comets appeared in the sky at once, which was also not good. Such bikes are often coming up after the birth of many outstanding people.

In the 15th century, the country captured the Turks. Sultan Murad II.requires to pay tribute - to send boys and animals to Turkey. It is impossible to argue with the Turks, they just captured Constantinople and became a threat to the whole world. Gradually, the small countries of Eastern Europe were under their power. From the Balkans, the Turks went to Romania and Valahia had to become a Turkish province. The prince was unluckled as he could, secretly joined the Knight's Order of the Dragon, led a double game with Sultan. He taught his sons that the main thing is freedom.

But one day, Sultan revealed his secret plan and called the prince along with his sons to himself and accused of treason. And for the prince himself correctly served, he took two sons as hostages: Vlad and Rada. If their father rose against the Turks, the boys would just kill. However, there were advances in this conclusion. Education in Turkey at the time was considered one of the best. Only there Vlad could learn combat art and military strategy to confront this empire. It should be examined from the inside. That is what Father Vlad would like. Several years have passed and all this time brothers were together. Vlad supported the younger Rada, took care of him. Together, they dreamed that they would run home and with his father and elder brother would distort the Turks.

But it happened otherwise. Valahia had many enemies: the neighbors-Hungarians who wanted to take her land; Boyar, who wanted to put on the throne of his famine and the Turks, who assrated their orders. Chaos reigned in the country. Romanians gradually appealed to Muslim. And Dracula-senior as he could fought for the preservation of his rights and religion. But once his captured sons found out - their father was killed. Mircea's elder brother killed with him. Boyar erected his candidate to the throne. Now it turned out that the heir to the throne was the fourteen-year-old Vlad Dracula. The heir, who had nothing - neither the authorities or freedom. He cherished in the shower hatred against the Turks and revenge for the death of relatives. In his hatred, he did not notice how the irreparable was happened - his younger brother liked the heir to Sultan Mehmed. Known by his perverted addiction to the boys, he took the weak Rada to his harem and made it a favorite. Vlad chuckled from hatred. Through the prison lattice, he saw the Turks to execute Christians - how to sharpen smooth sticks with a diameter somewhere 25 cm and sit on them. Unfortunate died 12 hours, because the stamp gradually passed through the whole body, the internal organs skewed and passed through the mouth. Then Vlad decided to learn the language, techniques and customs of the Turks, and when the time comes - to kill them, their favorite way. So six years have passed in hatred and sadness.

Once, Vlad led to Sultan and he said: "Come back home. Sit down on the throne of my father and serve me more honest than he served." Returning, Vlad saw his country in ruins. Boyarsi civilians and struggle for power gave rise to chaos. Thefts flourished, self-seeming and lawlessness. Part of the population was dying and accepted Islam. Neighboring transylvania threatened war. It was then that Vlad Dracula gave himself three oaths: a revenge for the death of the father and her older brother, save from the captivity of the younger brother Radu and release the country from the Turk. He will not pay tribute, will not give boys for numerous Jancharian barracks, because he is not a puppet, he is Vlad Dracula. That whose name will be for Sultan nightmare. Personal life for four years Vlad in good faith paid tribute to the Turks, sent Sultan his humble letters, assumed in his loyalty. At the same time, he secretly formed his army.

Continuing the father's case, he began to establish connections with neighbors. He made friends with the king of Hungary and at his yard found something that he never had - a friend and love. A friend was the receiver of the Hungarian king Matyash Korvin and love is beautiful Lidia , Romanian boyar's daughter - quiet, submissive and beautiful girl. She was going to become a bride of the Lord, to spend his life in the monastery. But a random meeting with Vlad Dracula turned her life. The prince's prince on his knees prayed to abandon the tensions and Lydia agreed to become his wife. This decision will make it unhappy and make you get away from life young. They were married in the small Hungarian temple. Vlad was happy. For the first time in his life he wanted not to fight, but enjoy the quiet family joy.

Internal and Foreign Policy Vlad Dracula

But Vlad understood that life under the rule of the Turks could not continue forever. All this time, he lived in captivity of his nightmares, and woke up from his own scream. In a dream, he saw a dead father. He was lowered in the grave alive. Saw a little brother, who still remained in the power of the Turkish Sultan. The dead called for revenge, and the living waited for his return. And Vlad finally decided. Bloody revenge of Vlad Dracula. At this time, Pope tried to organize a new crusade against the Turks, but only Valahia and Hungary agreed to fight. Other countries were afraid to revenge Sultan. Vlad Dracula so delighted the opportunity to get rid of Turkish dependence, which refused to pay Sultan Dan. It was a challenge, but Sultan, busy war with Greece decided to postpone the punishment of the bold Dracula. Vlad I understood that before war, it is necessary to strengthen its power. There was little time, so the prince did not choose the methods.

To begin with, he tried to stop the boyars of civilians who ruined his small country. In his family castle, Targovishte Vlad was avenged for the death of his father and her older brother. According to legend, he invited Boyar on the feast, and then ordered them to stack them all to one. It is believed that it is from this execution that the bloody procession of the Great Tirana Vlad Dracula begins. So tell legends, but the chronicles are convinced by a friend - the fear of Dracula only scared a boyars, and got rid of only those who suspected treason. In the first years of his reign, he executed 11 boyars who prepared a coup against him. Avoiding a real threat, Dracula began to restore order in the country. He issued new laws. For theft, murder and violence of criminals expected a penalty - they should have burned on a fire. When public executions began in the country, people understood - their ruler does not joke.

Vlad Chain quickly became famous as a fair ruler. In his time, the money could be left straight on the street and no one would dare to steal them, because everyone knew - the punishment would be terrible. There was not a single thief in the country. For Vlad there was no nobleman value, boyar or ordinary beggar committed a crime. The solution for all was one-execution. The legend claims that he destroyed all the beggars and those who did not want to work. Gradually, he deliberately forced people to be afraid of themselves. Even took the scary bikes about their cruelty. He believed that he would only like to respect himself and prepare people to a hard war with the Turks. In each city, the main well Vlad left the Golden Cup to anywhere can be drunk. People were so afraid and respected their ruler, that no one dared to steal this cup. Some of its reforms in record time healed the economy of Valahia. With Dracula, even Mamalygu was cooked on milk, as the milk was cheaper than water. He gave the green light to local merchants, and alien sorted a large duty. And when the merchants of neighboring Transylvania tried to draw up, arranged an indicative execution. In front of the entire merchant community, ordered to put on the stake ten merchants who violated his law. But he did not forgive it. Vlad punished Saxons near Brasov, after which they began to decide on terrible stories about him. Saxons depicted Dracula as a terrible, bloody and cruel ruler. For them, he was a monster. So the creation of the image of the devil began. The merchants decided to take revenge and dissolved gossip that Dracula - the Devil, destroying his people, that he burns whole cities, puts even babies on a stake, women burns the chest, and then heats among the corpses. Later, other terrible fictions were added to these fantasies.

One day, Dracula made a lunch and invited to himself. When the guests were found, the prince asked whether they would always be so satisfied and happy. Guests joyfully threw their heads. Then Vlad came out, and the servants were locked and set fire to the house from all sides. Nobody survived. The same happened with Turkish ambassadors. They came to the prince to negotiate, but they refused to remove the turbans as a sign of respect. Then Dracula ordered these turbans to the Embassy heads of nails. In these stories there are only part of the truth. Beggars in the country really disappeared, but nobody burned them on the feast. They were punished, and those who refused to work - burned. And no one nobody nominated to the heads of turbans. Too well Dracula knew Turkish customs. Since at the courtyard Dracula was not the chronicler, the statements about him too little. The only "reliable" document was a pamphlet written by Saxon merchants. It is naturally represented in the negative light itself. But for the Romanian people, he is a hero and a fair ruler who never killed innocent people.

Thus, in four years, Dracula completely changed the situation in his country. He founded the future capital - Bucharest, began to build new castles and fortresses and continued not to pay tribute to Sultan, realizing that he would soon want to shy. But when Vlad addressed the support of his allies of Hungary and Moldova - they refused to help him. Friend and king of Hungary Matyash Corvin has already spent money allocated to him Pope Roman for a crusade. Therefore, he was forced to support Dracula, but he made it a very cunning way - the army has equipped and ordered him to stay on the border with Valachia and wait. The angry Sultan gathered 250 thousand warriors and put it on Valachia. Vlad was desperate, because he had only 30 thousand warriors. Then he decided to retreat and lead the partisan war. His soldiers attacked only at night, spent like wolves. The Turk covered horror, they thought that they were fighting with thefts. This is exactly what the prince of Dracula was achieved. His army quickly appeared, killed and also quickly disappeared. Turks did not find anything in Valahia, even feed for horses. Water in wells was poisoned. Turks drank and died. In addition, ambushes were waiting for them in all mountain gorges and forests.

The tactics of "scorched land" worked - the huge army of the Turks melted in his eyes. In the army of Dracula walked all those wishing volunteers. Even 12-year-old boys and women took the army. And in 1462 one of the most famous and daring attacks of this war took place. Vlad shifted its warriors to Turkish clothes and night attacked the headquarters of Sultan. The panic began. Nobody understood who and from where they attack them. Frightened Turks cut down each other. The Sultan was not killed only by mistake - confused with Vizier. That night, the Little Army Dracula destroyed 30 thousand Turks. And the next day, Sultan discovered a forest from the Turkish soldiers planted on the number of Turkish soldiers. So Vlad surpassed its teachers in cruelty. The conqueror of Constantinople, the Great and invincible Sultan after what he saw said: "I do not conquer the country, which is ruled by such a bloodthirsty and great warrior" and just retreated. King Hungary Matyash Corvin attributed this victory to himself. Allegedly he led the Dracula in the war. O sent a letter to Pope Roman - reported that money was not in vain.

Now the whole of Europe glorified Dracula and Corvin as heroes. Offended Dracula, the Hungarian king said he could not help him. Just did not have time to assemble the army. And Vlad believed a friend. He was only necessary to finish the receding Turkish detachments. Once during the usual contraction with the Turks, Dracula in battle suddenly ran into the Turkish commander. Battle has faced, and when Vlad Implasses took a helmet from the Turk, he saw his brother Rada. He realized that the brother became a traitor and a faithful servant of Sultan. Vlad wanted to kill him, but brother shouted that Vlad His debtor. It he threatened Sultan to give him freedom and throne. After killing hundreds of enemies, Dracula could not kill one single. This error will cost him life.


Soon he learned that he was supported by the boyars andmade a new contender for the throne. The rebellion rose against the prince. The boyars entered into a secret treaty with the Turks. And they began a new offensive on the country. It was a trap - the Little Army of Vlad could fight two fronts. He had to take positions and retreat in the mountains, and keep the last defense to keep high in the mountains - in his impregnable fortress Penaire . It was here that the hopes of Dracula were buried to free their country. Here his army held a Turkish siege for several months and here he managed to transport his wife, saving from the likely revenge by Boyar. Turks still surrounded the fortress. Vlad from the last strength fled to the tower with a secret way out, where the unfortunate Lydia was waiting for him. But Vlad did not have time - the Turks have already punched in the tower wall. Lydia chose death to Turkish mockery and jumped from the tower to the river. For the woman of that time, it was a terrible suicide to the Turks. She died, defending his honor. They say that Dracula was after the death of Lydia sold his soul Satan. Dracula fled from the fortress, but his life stopped - the wife died, brother renounced, the allies betrayed. He was just revenge. Turks led by Rada captured Valachia. Meanwhile, the King of Hungary had to answer the failure of the campaign before the dad. And he found the guilty ...

Vlad, hoping for his support came to I will, but it was grabbed. Corvin threw him the accusations of treason, allegedly he agreed with Turkish Sultan to capture Hungary. Dracula was put in prison and brutally tried, knocking the recognition in "treason." He did not recognize himself guilty nothing. So he promoted in a Hungarian prison for ten years. So the best friend of the Hungarian king Matyash Corvin godlessly betrayed Dracula, slandered, faked his letter to Sultan, ordered to create documents about the cruel crimes of Prince. And the reason for betrayal is old as the world - money. The royal life required royal expenses and Matyash assigned money allocated by the dad on a crusade, and the blame for disruption decided to shift to Vlad Dracula, part-time his best friend.

In order to convince Pope of Roman, that the prince is capable of treason called offended merchants from Transylvania (those you have shook for a lie at one time). Now they could revenge and created an anonymous pamphlet in 1463, which described inhuman atrocities of Dracula and tens of thousands of tortured civilians. So in Europe learned about the bloody monster Dracula. While he was sitting in prison, terrible stories about his cruelty spread around the world.

Five centuries passed and after the success of Bram Stoker's book Dracula became interested in cinema. The world saw the first mute horror starch about Dracula "Nosferatu - Symphony of Horror". It was from her that the bloody procession of the vampire of Dracula began. Over the past 80 years, more than 200 films have removed about the main vampire of the world. From the cult painting of Francis Ford Copil to an ironic picture with Leslie Nielsen in the lead role. All this time, Romanians did not hear anything about Dracula -Vampire. Films and books simply did not get behind the iron curtain. Only in 1992 in Romania found out - their Vlad Dracula for the entire Western world - Prince Darkness and the symbol of evil.

Wanda Dracula Castle

Thanks to the book of Stoker Romania, it became known to the whole world and tourism began to develop in the country.Today, thousands of tourists seek to see the castle of Count Dracula. However, there simply did not see such castles on all Romania and most of them did not see them - they were built after his death. For example, Bran Castle is considered the true residence of the prince, but he never happened there. It can be unambiguous to say that Dracula was only in the fortress of the Penari and in the old city of Sigishoare, where, in fact, was born. But Romanian guides do not speak about it naturally. By the way, the house in which Dracula was born now - a restaurant with vampire themes. Whether this slander name is the National Hero, only money will be answered.

The last descendant of Dracula

In the center of Bucharest now lives a direct descendant of Vlad Dracula - Konstantin Bolachan-solid . The uniqueness of the situation is that he is already 90 years old, and he has no children. So he is the last of the kind of Dracula. Konstantin Bolachan-solo - neuropsychologist, anthropologist and genetics. An old professor leads his own genus from the older brother Vlad Charechez - Mirchi. About his legendary ancestor Dracula he knows everything. And he tells people how in fact Vlad is a man who fought for the independence of his country, but, unfortunately, fell victim to political intrigue. He is a hero, the National Hero. And not only in official history, but also in folk legends. It is not known what kind of history of Europe, if the Turks won it. And the fact that they did not do this - the merit of the chain. He was a strong personality. It was well educated, because he received the best education at that time - Turkish. He was a good warrior and one of the few who could confront Mehmud II - the conqueror of Constantinople. The last descendant of Dracula has already completed the fact that from his ancestor did a golden custody. But the secret of the last months of the prince is trying to solve so far.

Last years of life and death Vlad Dracula

12 years of the conclusion of Vlad spent in prisons Buda and Pest. In the meantime, Pope has changed, the Turks replaced again. Europe was before the threat of Turkish invasion. In his native Valahii, the rules brother-traitor Rada III is beautiful and, of course, the Turks. There are assumptions that Rada accepted Islam. Therefore, the new dad piev I was afraid that the country could be completely Muslim. Then he remembered the captive Dracula. Who don't he fight for his country?

After 12 years, his conclusion has ended. The Hungarian King Matthias Corvin released him so that he would drive the Turks and again the rules of Valahia. At the same time, he set him two conditions: 1) He marries his relative Ilona, \u200b\u200bso that Corvin does not suspect him of treason; 2) will take Catholicism to prove his honesty to Roman. Vlad will subjo all the conditions - he married the second time and became a loan. Everything is for just returning and fulfill your third oath - to free the country. When he spoke at the last campaign against the Turks, he was 45 years old. The wife managed to give him two sons, and the King of Hungary finally fulfilled the promise - gave him an army. With the battles, Vlad forces rushed to the throne. But his homeland expected an unpleasant surprise - now everything was afraid of his death, even their own servants. He renounced his faith. Behind the back whispered: sorcerer, devil, faithfulness. In addition, Valahia was again weakened by the crossbars of Dracula again fought with the Turks and the victory was behind him. Once in 1462, in battle, he unexpectedly felt a terrible blow to his back. He was killed by his boyars, insidiously, in battle ...

Then superstitious people in front of the burial walked in the chest of Prince Number and cut off their heads. So then came with traitors of faith. Vlad Dracula buried monks Singy Monastery. But a few years later, the grave was opened and found in it only trash and bones of animals. The panic began. Gossip went as if Vlad Dracula is alive. No one knew that his grave was reliably hidden under the stove in front of the entrance to the same church. Someone reburied the body specifically so that the parishioners hung the dust of Dracula. According to the ancient Orthodox custom, this meant that such humiliation, the deceased redeems his earthly guilt.

A lot of centuries passed and now the prince became a hero for Romania. Time passed through its places. People understood too late the role that Dracula played in the liberation of the country today in Romania a popular song: "Where are you, chains, our God? Come back and send all rulers of Romania to hell ..."

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