Dieded devouring with his horses. Myths about Hercule

Dieded devouring with his horses. Myths about Hercule
Dieded devouring with his horses. Myths about Hercule

In the myths about the exploits of Hercules, the eighth task, which the hero must perform is theft of the Diomeda mare, the King of Thrace. It would seem that theft of horses should be a simple question for the Son of God, but these were horses that were fed by people. Not knowing that these horses are crazy, Hercules leave them with their companions, whom bloodthirsty animals killed and eaten.

"Diomed, devoured by horses." Gustave Moro.

As a punishment for the Diomeda for raising such monsters, Hercules rape him with his own horses. This plot and lay down the picture of Moro, where you can see how Hercules carelessly looks at the "revenge" of the horses Diiseda. Moro is famous for its symbolic paintings on biblical and mythological plots, but none of them is so bloody like this.

2. "Night Mountain". Henry Fuseli.

As soon as Fuseby submitted this picture to the public, it became famous for demonstrating the "frightening effects of curses on the dreams of people." The picture was so popular that Fuseby wrote several of its versions. The main plot is a demonstration of a man's sleep and nightmares, which he sees in it.

"Nightmare". Henry Fuseli.

On this canvas you can see the Incuba, a demon-man who seduces women during sleep. He sits on the chest of a sleeping woman and causes her frank sexy dreams. However, the popularity of the picture caused a lot of contradictions (because the epoch was not so "free" in relation to the expression of their desires). As a result, the canvas used in many satirical images of the Georgian and Victorian eras.

"Water Ghost." Alfred Cuban.

Unfortunately, today few people know about the Austrian artist-illustrator Alfred Kubine. He worked mainly in the style of symbolist and impressionistic graphics, and also became famous for its watercolors and drawings made in ink and pencil. He has few works made by oil paints, but this example is not better than the gracious style of the cubin. In fact, you can find little paintings that are so well a gloomy and depressive mood. What is interesting, the Nazis called the works of Cubin "degenerative".

4. "Judith, beheading from Oolferna." Artemisia Gezheliski

This picture is very similar to the work of Caravaggio, but less well known. Artemisia Gezheliski itself was a fascinating life, and some of the characteristics of the character of the biblical Yudith can be seen in the artist.

"Judith, beheads of Oolferna." Artemisia Gezheliski

The picture, the style of which largely coincides with the naturalism and the transfer of the process of violence Caravaggio, demonstrates an even more realistic scene of decapitation. In the case when in the paintings of Karavago, you need to look for some kind of hidden meaning, Jentellyca is clearly visible at first sight. Oloferna's face in this version suggests that he is clearly in a drunken state fell into a stupor, without understanding what is happening.

5. "Hands oppose to him." Bill Stonehem

This picture has become an Internet sensation in 2000, when it was put up for sale on eBay. Sellers argued that the children moved to the picture at night, and sometimes came out of the paintings. The Internet began to appear even dedicated to the picture sites, on which some photos were shown with a close-up, emphasizing terrible stories related to the web.

"Hands oppose to him." Bill Stonehem.

Both children do not have eyes, but perhaps the most disturbing feature of the picture is tiny hands, pressed against the glass of the doors for children. The artist ordered to draw the continuation of this picture, showing in it the same characters a few decades later.

6. "Portrait of Dorian Gray." Ivan Albright

Ivan Albright painted in the style of "magic realism", but not all of his paintings are full of fantastic quiet. Magic realism in art is best possible to characterize as stylistic realism, designed to convey the "inner truth" of the object to the viewer.

"The Picture of Dorian Grey". Ivan Albright

This style is great for the plot of this picture. In the novel of Oscar Wilde, "Portrait of Dorian Gray" sins of a young man were reflected on his image, but not in his character. This picture was ordered to shoot MGM film in 1945 by Wilde. During the film, the portrait of "wear out", like the soul of a young man, so Albright hired to make changes to his picture during filming.

7. "Cloon Pogo." John Wayne Gacey

John Wayne Geysi was one of the most famous serial killers in American history, which killed at least 33 boys and adolescents. After the arrest for these crimes, Geysi engaged in art, and painted in prison until his execution. This picture shows the geese itself in the image of his alter ego - nodogo clown.

"Cloon Pogo." John Wayne Gacey.

It is dressed as Pogo, Geysi usually entertained children on "Will". This, of course, is not an example of great art, and most of the horror of this picture is actually based on the knowledge of Gacey crimes. It is worth paying attention to the pointed corners of the Makeup of the mouth of the mouth. Most clowns avoid this, because it tends to increase hidden Coleroofobia (fear clowns) of any person.

"Cloon Pogo." John Wayne Gacey

The Edward Mulka Creek canvas is likely to be one of the most famous paintings in the genre of expressionism, and this is also one of the most disturbing paintings. Its central figure is considered as an expression of existential longing, with which everyone should accept. Given the fame of this picture, perhaps, it is not even worth painting it in detail.

9. "Three Etudes to Figures at the foot of the crucifixion." Francis Bacon

Bacon is famous for its depressive art and triptych. Three hundreds of 1944 "Three Etudes to Figures at the foot of the crucifixion" are considered the first large artwork of Bekon. These figures symbolize many sources, such as furies from the Greek myths, the characters from Triptych Grünevald and even the film "Bremeno Potemkin".

"Three Etudes to Figures at the foot of the crucifixion." Francis Bacon.

Exhaled appearance of their individuals makes thinking that the crowd mocks Jesus along the way to his execution. Unlike many works of Bekon, who were stolen and bought in secret billionaires, this triptych can be seen in the British Tate Gallery. Bacon later returned to this work and drew her big copy.

10. "Gernika". Pablo Picasso

On April 26, 1937, the German legion "Condor", the volunteer division of Luftwaffe, under the command of the Spanish nationalists bombed the city of Gernik, completely destroying it. The story of the Germans who violated their pact of non-interference in civil war in Spain was published in the press almost immediately.

"Three Etudes to Figures at the foot of the crucifixion." Francis Bacon

Spanish Republicans ordered Picasso to draw the fresco of the city bombing for the World Exhibition in Paris. Since its first show, the picture has become a symbol of cruelty and suffering of war. Perhaps the most remarkable part of the work is the figure in the extreme left corner - the screaming woman who lulls the dead child.

The world of painting is full of truly beautiful cauldons, looking at which, I want to live and enjoy the world around. Great artists knew a lot about beauty and tried to transfer it by all available ways. The more surprising to meet such pictures from which the blood is fastened in the veins and want to constantly look in alarm. Unwittingly think that the Creator was happening in the head when he created it for many months. Why he decided to convey in his work is not a celebration of life, but the horrors of death, war and vices. There are several paintings, once seen who you can not get rid of ice horror for a while.

    Johann Heinrich Fusli "Night Mountain"

    Probably, the "nightmare" is the most accurate name for what is depicted in the picture. The demonic figure on the chest of a sleeping woman very well gives the feeling when you wake up among the night from a terrible sleep and you can not come to yourself for a long time.

    Jerome Bosch "Garden of earthly pleasures"

    The picture scares and itself, and the fact that she warns us about the terrible and unknown, which can happen if you succumb to the temptation of sin. Bosch was a great master to scare his viewer, but this masterpiece of painting does not just blow up, but directly threatens everyone who doubts the presence of hell.

    Gustav Mora "Dieded, devoured by his horses"

    We all remember the myths and the legends of ancient Greece, so, this picture is nothing but an illustration of one of the 12 feats of Hercules. Horses devouring their owner, these are formidable and uncontrollable animals that were needed Hercules to fulfill the next feat.

    Rubens "Saturn, devouring his son"

    This is another image of the plot popular in the Greek and Roman mythology. Saturn because of the prophecy, according to which his children will overthrow his power, just devoured each of his sons after birth. What is interesting, not only Rubens loved this plot and depicted it in one of his works.

    Artemisia Gezheliski "Judith, Declaring Olorferna"

    This picture is actually chasing heroism, and not a member. The courageous widow named Judith kills Oloferna, Assyrian commander, who threatened to destroy her hometown. Judging by the pictured plot, the judith had no skills to cut off heads, because her victim woke up in the midst of the process.

    Hans Memling "Hell, Left Panel of Triptych" Fur Waste "

    This is a canvas only part of a large triptych, warning us from sins and temptations. If you briefly voice the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist, perhaps, you can say "Remember of death." Would you forget about this after the picture of the meming.

    Francis Bacon "Etude to the portrait of Innokenti X"

    For the sake of justice, the artist normally treated Dad Innocent. Just in Etude, he tried to test paints and rethink the famous plot of Diego Velasquez, who also portrayed this famous historical person. However, Bacon, in his own opinion, it did not work. Attempts to write a portrait of Pope he later called stupid.

    Titian "Punishment Marcia"

    The most terrible item in this picture is not even the process of leaking the skin with satire named Mariji, whom Apollo punished for losing in the dispute. Look at this little dog that licks blood flowing from the unfortunate defeated, which, by the way, is still alive and tolerates these flour, being conscious.

    William Bugro "Dante and Vergili in hell"

    And again before us by artists of all the times and peoples hell. This time - the eighth round of Dante "Divine Comedy". The writer, together with his ancient Roman poet versgil, is watching two punished sinners.

    Francisco Goya "Saturn, devouring his son"

    And yet another image of Saturn, who went his children. Written by the famous amateur of the gloomy plots of Goya, he looks even more scary and brings truly animal horror. All the famous horror of nothing before painting Goya, it has long been known. But this plot surpassed all the most terrible fears.

    Salvator Rose "Temptation of St. Anthony"

    This is one of the many picturesque canvases that were inspired by the tradition of Holy Anthony. This monk went to live in the wilderness to be closer to God. However, he could not avoid all sorts of temptations and devils. Rosa Salvator saw it in his own way.

    Francisco Goya "Disasters of War"

    Again, Guya, whose canvases will certainly need to be dosed because there is a risk of going crazy. "Disasters of war" is just one of 82 illustrations on a given topic. If you look at this nightmare, you can make sure that these corpses of neutered men, the head of one of which hangs on the tree. Goya tried to show that the war is the most inhuman that can happen to a man.

    Theodore Zheriko "Cuttered Heads"

    Zheriko just loved to draw dead people. He even collaborated with hospitals and morgues to get the opportunity to explore the processes that occur with people after death. In his studio, he watched the decomposition of various parts of the body and sketched all this so that we were now looking and terrified.

    Hans Rudy Higer Nekron IV

    The artist Higer has suffered from nightmares for many years, and his painting was the only means at least somehow rethink and survive. Writer Dan O'Brennon, seeing the Giger's canvas, was inspired to create a film "Alien" and even hired an artist to create sketches.

    Salvador Dali "Face of War"

    Another variation on the horror of the war of war, with the help of which artists try to convince humanity that there is nothing worse. And looking at this picture, we understand that this is true. Salvador Dali wrote this to the canvas after the civil war ended in Spain.

Diomed looked around without expecting such arrogance from the supplied, and widowed mockingly shouted to his warriors:

Help him horses!

Do not know why Hercules Came to Domeda personally, it is possible only to make sure the cruelty of the Thracian king, and now he received this confirmation of first-hand. Even hundreds of Thracian warriors could not and hurt the demigod, he interrupted them all. And shaking from fear of Diomeda grabbed the collar and tops in the stables.

Now and you commend the fate of all who sentenced!

With these words Son Zeus , experiencing the righteous anger, the king of Biston went to his beasts. Horses confused Diomeda just like everyone who came across, because they did not recognize any owners. Thereafter, Hercules He dug horses to the ship of his friend, where he ordered them to protect their friend Abder.

It may not happen to any tragedy if there were no Thracian warriors who went into the chase Hercules , Wanting to take revenge on the king. The battle with the Thracians was not a long, Hercules And his companions easily scored an attack, but during this time Abder carelessly approached the monstrous creatures and they broke it into parts.

Paying his friend and burying him with honors, the team went back to Argos. Eurisfei When I saw the mordes of the morded with human blood came to horror, and ordered immediately let them go somewhere away from the city in the mountains. They say as if wild predators were confused there.

And next to the place where Hercules Abdar burned, the city was founded, called in his honor.