Ideal spores of "fathers" and "children." Who is right? Two duels: verbal and physical fights of Kirsanov with bazaarov

 Ideal spores of
Ideal spores of "fathers" and "children." Who is right? Two duels: verbal and physical fights of Kirsanov with bazaarov

(446 words) The problem of conflict between representatives of different generations has always been relevant. Fighting fathers and children, ideological disputes and the intransigence of views - the fact that the minds of writers and philosophers have always worried. On the one hand, this misunderstanding seems quite natural, because time goes, everything changes, therefore, ideological views can not be laid from the pace of life. On the other hand, everything is cyclically, a well-forgotten past comes to change, so young people cannot give up the valuable experience of the ancestors. I think youth need a productive dialogue with parents, as well as representatives of the older generation. To make sure that we consider examples from the literature.

Recall the famous Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." The name itself prepares readers to conflict times. The young Nichist of Bazarov in their views is absolutely opposed to the nobleman Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Throughout the work, we see their infinite argument about everything in the world. For Eugene, the experience of the ancestors - the garbage, from which you need to clear. However, Pavel Petrovich, such a categorical position perturbates, because the young generation should create, and not destroy. A complex conflict of new and already adhesive views pushes heroes to extreme measures. In the novel, Duel became a certain symbol of the eternal clash of "fathers and children", which very rarely finds a peaceful decision. However, the finals of the book proves that young and mature people need in dialogue. Happiness was honored only those heroes who were able to establish communication, despite ideological disputes. This is Arkady and his father - people who have found mutual understanding. But the irreconcilable Eugene died and not disintegrating happiness. His parents were doomed to visit the grave of the Son, who did not find time for a dialogue with them.

In the literature, you can find a lot of works in which a similar conflict is "permitted" by the death of one of the opposing parties. All famous Piese A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is a vivid example of the tragic outcome of the eternal dispute. The main heroine of Katerina, hitting the complete submission of the Kabani, cannot bear such a lifetime. After all, their views and foundations are absolutely opposite. The influence of the older generation was so disappearing that the youth simply disappeared from the house: Barbara escaped, Tikhon rebelled against the mother, and Katerina rushed into the water. However, thus the argument of "fathers and children" is not permitted, but only hangs in the air. The characters of the play did not have enough desire to establish mutual understanding among themselves, so their lives were destroyed by the opposition. If Kabaniha, her daughter-in-law, daughter and son at least once sat down the table of negotiations, then the tragedies would be avoided. They would distinguish the families, ceased to reproach each other and grind the offenses. That is what they did not have enough for peaceful coexistence. Therefore, each of us has to choose a dialogue, and not a dispute with parents, because all people need a search for a compromise solution.

The opposite views of parents and children to life is an important and current problem for all times, which needs permission. A constructive dialogue, built on mutual understanding and respect, is the only correct decision to which both generations should come to avoid serious negative consequences.

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Ideal spores of "fathers" and "children." Who is right?

Describing social dislike breaks between heroes, the author reveals the destructive sides of the Kirsanovsky aristocracy and Bazarovsky nihilism. Central place in the novel occupy long disputes of the young difference E.V. Bazarov and aging aristocrat P.P. Kirsanova, revealing the essence of the work - the problem of "fathers and children." It is they who give special sharpness to the plot, serve as a characteristic of each hero, show the superiority of new, progressive ideas over old, eternal movement to progress.

These heroes differ from each other to all: age, social status, beliefs, appearance. "High height in a long hood with brushes", the face "long and thin with a wide forehead, upstairs flat, a pointed nose, large greenish eyes and hanging sandy color, it was animated with a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and mind", and "his dark -Belocular hair, long and thick, did not hide large bulbs of a spacious skull. " Such is the portrait of E.V. Bazarov. P.P. Kirsanov - "A middle-aged man, dressed in the dark English suite, fashionable low tie and lacquer half-boots", "On the sight of him of the forty five", "his face, bile, but without wrinkles, unusually correct and clean, as if derived thin and A lightweight cutter, showed a beauty tracks wonderful. " All his appearance is "elegant and breeding, retained youth harness and then the desire to upwards, away from the Earth, which disappears the greatest part after the twenties."

Pavel Petrovich, just, twenty years older than the Bazarov, but even more retains his youth signs in his appearance. Senior Kirsanov - a man extremely concerned about his appearance to look as younger than his years. So applies to secular lion, old heart. Bazarov, on the contrary, does not care about appearance. In the portrait of Pavel Petrovich, the writer allocates the correct features and strict order, the sophistication of the costume and the aspiration to light, unearthly matters. This hero will defend the arrangement of the order against the Barovas converter pathos. And all in his appearance indicates a commitment to the norm.

Even the growth of Pavl Petrovich is medium, so to speak, normal, while the high growth of the Bazarov symbolizes its superiority over others. And Eugene's facial features are emphasized, the hair is neglected, instead of an expensive English costume Pavel Petrovich he has some strange Balahon, the hand is red, rough, while Kirsanova has a beautiful hand "with long pink nails." But a wide forehead and a convex skull of Bazarov give out of the mind and self-confidence. And Paul Petrovich had a bile face, and high attention to the toilet issues carefully hidden insecurity in its own. It can be said that this is the age of twenty Pushkin Evgeny Onegin, living in another era, in which this type of people will not be there no place.

What position is defended in the burden of bazaars? He argues that "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker." Eugene is deeply convinced that the achievements of modern natural science in the future will solve all the problems of social life. Beautiful - art, poetry, feelings - he denies, in love only sees the physiological, but does not see the spiritual principle. Bazarov "to everything belongs from a critical point of view," "does not take a single principle on faith, no matter how respecting this principle is surrounded." Pavel Petrovich proclaims that "Aristocracy is Princep, and without prinons to live in our time, some immoral or empty people can." However, the impression of inspired by the principles is noticeably weakened by the fact that the opponent of the Bazarov puts the closest "princep" of aristocratic.

Pavel Petrovich, brought up in the situation of a comfortable manorial existence and accustomed to St. Petersburg secular society, it is not by chance that the first place puts poetry, music, love. He never had any practical activity in his life, excluding a short and easy service in the Guards Regiment, was never interested in natural sciences and little meaning in them. Bazarov, the son of a poor military doctor, from childhood accustomed to work, and not for the idleness, who endeds the university, which is fond of natural sciences, experienced knowledge, very little in his short life dealt with poetry or music, maybe Pushkin is not was reading. Hence the sharp and unfair judgment of Yevgeny Vasilyevich about the great Russian poet: "... He must have served in military service ... he has on every page: on battle, on battle! For the honor of Russia! "

Bazarov does not have such experience in love, as Pavel Petrovich, therefore, and too simplifier refers to this feeling. The older Kirsanov had already happened to make love suffering, it was an unsuccessful romance with the princess R. and the death of a beloved, which aggravated his mental state. Evgeny Vasilyevich love flour - as an unsuccessful novel with Anna Sergeyevna Odintova - still ahead. That is why at the beginning of the novel, he so confidently reduces the love of a well-known physiological relationship, and everything spiritual in love calls "romantic nonsense." Bazarov - Realist, and Pavel Petrovich - a romantic, focused on the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the romanticism of the first third of the century, to the cult of beautiful.

And it, of course, is critted from the Bazarov statements about the fact that "a decent chemist is more useful than a poet for twenty times" or that "Rafael is not worth a copper." Here, Turgenevs from the Bazarovsk point of view, I certainly disagree. However, he does not give victory at this point of the dispute and Paul Petrovich. The trouble is that the refined aristocrat-angloman does not have something that the abilities of Raphael, but at all any creative abilities. His arguments about art and poetry, as well as about society, - empty and trivial, often comical. With a worthy opponent, Basarova Pavel Petrovich can not be. And when they break up, the eldest of the brothers Kirsanov "was the dead", of course, in a figurative sense. Disputes with a nihilist at least somehow justified the meaning of his existence, a certain "fermentation began" was introduced, thoughts were awake. Now Pavel Petrovich is doomed to a stagnant existence.

Based on the above, I think that the real enemy Barazov is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, although he does not enter into verbal disputes. He perfectly understands that his arguments will not be convincing or for Bazarov, nor for his brother. Nikolai Petrovich simply lives, according to the heart and conscience. He breaking the leg in his youth, which prevented him to make a military career, he does not fall into despondency, he does not get angry for the whole world, but he studies at the university, then he marries, lives with his wife for ten years in love and harmony, which have passed "as a dream." After the death of his wife givesradifest himself upbringing and learning the Son. Then life sends him love for a simple girl, Fuenus, to a newborn baby.

The dressed knowledge that Nikolai Petrovich possesses is about harmonious existence, on unity with nature, about poetry, about love, - can only be understood by a developed soul that does not have any "county aristocrat" or the "leader of nihilists". It is able to understand only the Son, which, in the end, comes to the conclusion about the insolvency of the ideas of Bazarov. Life itself puts everything in places, it turns out everything unnatural: bazaars dies, disintegrating love, softening his skepticism, Pavel Petrovich went abroad; Arkady marries Kate, lives in the father's estate, raises it from launching and poverty; Nikolai Petrovich - marries phenosheka, is done by the world mediator and worries.

However, in 1862, in one of the letters about the "fathers and children", Ivan Sergeevich emphasized that the whole "story was directed against the nobility, as an advanced class ... Aesthetic feeling made me take exactly the good representatives of the nobility, to prove my Topic: If the cream is bad, what is milk? .. If the reader does not love the Bazarov with all his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dry and sharpness - if he does not love, I repeat, - I am guilty and has not reached my goal. But "crowded", speaking by saying it, I did not want, although through this I would probably immediately had young people on my side. I did not want to get on the popularity of this kind of concessions. It is better to lose the battle ... what to win his trick " 11 .

I.S. himself Turgenev was a representative of the same generation as p.p. Kirsanov, but from the heroes of his novel, the greatest sympathies experienced to the young Nigilist Basarov. In 1869, in a special article "Regarding the" fathers and children ", the writer directly indicated:" Drawing a figure of Bazarov, I excluded everything artistic from the circle of his sympathy, I gave him sharpness and unceremoniousness of tone - not from a ridiculous desire to insult the younger generation. .. With the exception of the views of the Bazarov on art, - I share almost all of his beliefs. And they assure me that I am on the side of the Fathers ... I, who in Figure Pavel Kirsanova even sick against the artistic truth and reasured, brought his shortcomings to the cartoon, made it funny! " 12

The writer did not want to idealize Bazarov and endowed his hero with all the shortcomings, which his prototypes from radical allocating youth had in abundance. However, Turgenev did not deprive Eugene and Russian roots, emphasizing that half the hero grows from Russian soil, the indigenous conditions of Russian life, and half formed under the influence of new ideas introduced from Europe. And in the dispute with Pavel Petrovich Bazaarov, according to the writer, and any thoughtful reader, rights in the main positions: in the need to question the established dogmas, tirelessly work for the benefit of society, critically relate to the surrounding reality. In the same place, where the bazaars are not right, in utilitarian views on the nature of the beautiful, literature, on art, victory still does not remain on the side of Pavel Petrovich.

In disputes on the side of Bazarov not only the benefits of youth and novelty of his position. Turgenev sees that Nigilism is deeply associated with public disagreement, folk discontent, that this is a natural expression of the spirit of time, when everything is overestimated in Russia and turns over. The author recognizes that the role of the "advanced class" passes from the noble intelligentsia to the allocations.

In the novel "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev overcomes the political limitations of its own views. He tried to rise and rose above the fight, showing extremes in the position of both "fathers" and "children." However, that is why his novel not only did not reconcile, but even more aggravated the public struggle. And the writer himself was in the dramatic situation. With perplexity and bitterness, he stopped, lowering his hands, before chaos of contradictory judgments: the novel did not satisfy the "fathers" nor "children." "The question arising, - wrote I.S. Turgenev has many years later, - was a more artistic truth - and I had to know it in advance. "

noble nihist bazaars kids

Of course, in the dispute between the characters it is impossible to stick to some one side.

"Without a sense of self-esteem, without respect for yourself, and in the aristocrat of these feelings are developed, - there is no solid foundation to public good," Kirsanov proves. And he really is right, because he expresses capital truths.

"You respect yourself and sit, folded hands; Which of this benefit for public goods? You would not have respected yourself and did the same, "the bazaars objects. But with him you can only agree in part: maybe he is right about Kirsanova, "Sitting folded hands," but if there were no respect in man, it was unlikely that he did the same thing.

Probably, such a person would only destroy and would be much worse.

Then we came about the people. The bazaarov argued that no foreign words need to Russian people: "After all, the logic is not needed to put a piece of bread in the mouth when you are hungry." And Kirsanov perceives it as an insult to the people.

In my opinion, the rights of bazaars, because all the smart words, "distraction" - there are no benefit from them and they are not needed by the Russian man, because he does not work before these "nonsense." But the bazaars are not right in denial of art, poetry, and everything else. In his opinion, it turns out that everything that was created over the centuries is useless.

But there was a thought expressed by Kirsanov, with which both sides agreed: "The Russian people holy honors legend, he is patriarchal, he cannot live without faith ..."

But the bazaars wants the "place to clear" for those who will only believe in what is useful.

Kirsanov also says that it means to go against the people that bazaars are not a Russian man. And the bazaarov replies that people will most likely see the compatriot in it than in Kirsanov. Kirsanov says his opponent despises a Russian man. What the bazaarov answers that he deserves contempt. But I disagree with him, although my opinion is formed by another time ...

Then there is a long-speech of the Bazarov, in which he reports that if we talk about problems (bribes, roads, trading, lack of a right court), then they are not solved: "Freedom about which the government is bothering, it is hardly to go to us because a man Our glad myself to rob yourself to just get drunk in the Kabaska. "

And Kirsanov expresses the assumption of the position of Bazarov: "And they decided not to be taken seriously for anything."

Indeed, these thoughts of Bazarov are very accurate, but the findings that he did, in my opinion, is wrong.

Kirsanov is convinced that Nigilism has no future: "There are millions that will not allow you to pour our sacred beliefs, which will give you!"

"If they will give up, there and the road," the bazaarov answers, who still believes that Kirsanov is not right ("from a muster candle of Moscow burned down").

"I was told that in Rome, our artists in the Vatican neither leg.

Rafael believes almost a fool, because it is, they say, authority; And they themselves are powerless and fruitless to nasty, and at the fantasy themselves further "girls at the fountain" lacks, even though you are! " - Indoor Kirsanov. And the bazaars simply responds to it: "In my opinion, Rafael is not worth a copper, and they are not better than him." Of course, the bazaars are not right in this, because art is forever, and they admire people at different ends of the world in different era.

And the Kirsanov after this dispute comes to the correct, but only partly, the conclusion: "First young people had to learn; I did not want to hear for ignorance, so they worked on. And now they should be said: everything is nonsense! - And the thing is in the hat. " After that, the bazaars decides to stop the conversation, considering that he went too far. But this dispute, in my opinion, has little influenced both sides, each of them remained with her opinion.

Bazaars are the right to do something; It is necessary to check any truth. Pavel Petrovich is that it is impossible to deny the achievements of previous generations.

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kirsanov's dispute and Evgenia Bazarov, who is right? Who is guilty? Chapter 10. »Fathers and children." " Fathers and Sons "

In the dispute about the Russian people, the truth is definitely on the side of Eugene Bazarov. Pavel Petrovich is dying back, patriarchal. The bazaars also understands that "the gross superstition is soring the country," and does not want to put up with these shortcomings. His love for the people is the love of the true sixtieth, without the sentimentality and idealization of the man. Bazarov knows how to communicate with men and, if he thinks necessary, can enlighten them.

He binds its direction with the "People's Spirit", considering himself an expressive of the interests of the people. Heroes argue about that, in whom, the man "rather recognizes the compatriot."

The disputes face the aesthetic positions of Bazarov and Kirsanov. The views of Kirsanov Nonodynakov: Pavel Petrovich is indifferent to art, Nikolai Petrovich loves and knows literature and music. Bazarov believes that the Pushkin "is not good" anywhere "," it's time to throw this nonsense, "that playing the cell of the man" funny "that a decent chemist is twelve times more useful than a poet. The attitude towards the nature of the heroes of the novel is also different. Arkady also appears against Bazarov. It tells him the bazaars: "And nature - trifles in that meaning, in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker. "

However, in the soul of Bazarov, there is still a lot of what he denies, for example, his ability to love, the ability to feel beauty. Love for Anna Sergeyevna Odentova revealed him the bottomlessness of his own soul: the suffering of a rejected heart is not explained. The soul is boiling from unused capabilities and unexplored feelings, and this is fully revealed on the threshold of death. In the history of Pavel Petrovich, love, for whom he threw everything, stricged his career, still displaced the whole "power" of man and led to the spiritual death of this in his own good man.

Thus, in the novel "Fathers and Children", Turgenev showed the ideological struggle of two generations, the struggle of the old age of the old and only born new world, new ideas and beliefs.

But in no case can you discard the legacy of the predecessors. A strong thread should bind one generation with another, only then the continuity of the best traditions is possible, it is possible to move forward.

Spore Bazarov and Kirsanova: who is right?

The spore of Bazarov and Kirsanova Pavel Petrovich is a significant component of the plot of the Turgenev novel "Fathers and Children". The first embodies sensitive to progress generation of children, the second - conservative parents. Ivan Sergeevich Svetel in controversy the life positions of representatives of two different generations. No wonder the attention of the classic attracted the growing confrontation within society. He is angry, almost for dozens to Russian revolutions, indicated by the example of arising the main opposing forces of the emerging movement: revolutionaries-democrats and conservative liberals.

Brief characteristic of characters

Note the Paradox of the novel: characteristic of its plot forming confrontation is a convincing dominance of the position of the representative of the younger generation. And this, despite the fact that the landlord of Turgenev himself should be attributed to the bourgeois-liberals!
Bourgeois literary criticism gave a derogatory book in the press. In particular, Mr. M. Antonovich summed up on the prejudice of the author, that he undeservedly humiliated the younger generation. The classic tried to "strive" for his views. That is, he could seriously suffer from the truth outlined in the work. Fortunately, in his defense filed their vocabulary literary crituals, including D. Pisarev and N. Strakhov.

The spore of Bazarov and Kirsanova Paul is shown by the classic as an ideological opposition of two non-ideal people - types taken directly from Russian reality.

The first one of the poor intelligent family has an obvious creative potential, but he has not yet taken place as a man as the head of the family. It is still a lot of apparent, leaving in mature years.

The second is a hereditary aristocrat, and did not make a career in service, devastated with hopeless love for the secular lioness to the prny's rod, represents the type of kind of biorobot, aimlessly silly.

Differences in appearance

Even describing the appearance of these characters, the author used the antithesis. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a man of 43 years old, medium height, looking for seven years younger than his age. He lives in his pleasure and aristocratically well maintained. Watching your appearance: always smoothly shake, with well-kept hands, in lacquer shoes. His pants are always ironed, and the collars are exceptional freshness.

With the age of Kirsanov, it was not frozen, retained the elegance and ease of movements, youthful thinness and tightness. Pleasant appearance and manners of behavior distinguish him, however, with a closer acquaintance, the spiritual emptiness of the aristocrat, superficiality, coldness to others rush.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a young high growth man with the wrong features of an oblong face. With narrow cheekbones, his forehead is disproportionately wide. Green eyes look mockingly and cleverly, the nose is pointed down the book.

Dressed man tasteless, in baggy costumes. He has long sand shade hair, appearance is colorless and not remembered. However, talking to people, bazaars is transformed, it fills the energy that attracts others.


Their dispute can only resolve the time yes real facts. These characters are so different and intolerable to each other, which come independently to a certain agreement and logical statement categorically cannot.

They are both charismatic and selfish. It is characteristic that the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanova Paul as a result comes to a duel, fortunately ending comical. We will try to judge these disputes. It is not difficult at all, because we have the opportunity to look at the subject of their disagreement, relying on historical experience. What are the representative of children's generation and follower of the views of fathers: Bazarov and Kirsanov? The dispute table compiled by us by sections will help submit this conflict of opinions clearly.

The subject of the dispute: What public position is most relevant for Russia?

Kirsanov preachs a superficial aristocratic view on the existing link of society, but, by and large, it is absolutely indifferent to progress. It is satisfied with the fully existing way of life. He somehow refers himself to liberals, although no liberal ideas express. This is a typical retired aristocrat officer, at his leisure dealing with demagogy about his progressiveness. As a person, he is empty, gray and inflamed, although trying to impress a man of modern.

Yesterday, the medical student is a convinced nihilist. The existing lifestyle is absolutely not satisfied with it. For him, there is no decree both noble-sibarits, and scored, powerful peasants. According to Evgenia, the new Russia should be built, throwing the traditions and the foundations of both the first and second, despising feelings, belonging to nature as to the workshop. In his opinion, the revolution corresponds to progress. For only changing the state, you can change his people. Idea disputes of Bazarov and Kirsanov convincingly demonstrates the right point of the first. Isn't on his side by the author of the novel on his side?

The subject of the dispute: how should it be treated for the peasantry?

Pavel Petrovich is always very beautiful and respectfully talks about the people. Sometimes, purely in a barishment, it has fabric to the fairs. However, it does not come from the soul, but rather for the force. In reality, Kirsanov will avoid peasants. He does not even tolerate their smell, and when communicating, a bottle with cologne brings to the nose. The yard also feel the abyss separating them with Barin. For them, he is a foreigner.

Attitude towards the people of Bazarov is deformed by a radical theory: he looks at ordinary people down, taking careless statements. However, its inner mentality is akin to peasant. Although Eugene is rustic and mocking to the yard, they understand it and respect.

Dispute subject: attitude to God and religion

The lines of the dispute of Kirsanova and Bazarov about God Efemerna are the confrontation of the inexperienced believer and the Bogottle. The first, naturally, loses. Pavel Petrovich in matters of freedom of conscience is faithful to himself. It is a solid imitation. His faith in God is intact. Initiating a duel, he doesn't just show his pride, but also atheck on the murder of the neighbor (the first commandment). What to talk further?

Bazarov - atheist. He considers the mind the main driving force of the universe. Arithmetic and chemistry for him are not only more important than poetry and art, but also commensurate with them. This is, of course, delusion. However, Evgeny believed so hotly into it, his position is so emotionally that Kirsanova is defeated in this dispute.

Dispute about the right position

The principles of the life of Pavel Petrovich are reduced to the outside of aristocracy. For him, this means to be dressed with a needle, to show courtesy in communication. He reads the English press, follows to the British style. The inner side of the aristocracy is a genetic connection with a homeland, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Teregenko, Stolypin, possessed. However, this is too difficult for Kirsanov.

The life principle of Bazarova (although he denies the presence of such), perhaps, it is still available. I risk it to formulate it. Most likely it is to "be, not to seem"! He is alien to the Sibertism of the nobility. He is constantly engaged in difficulty, while beling that the best award person is tangible, weighty results of his work.

Dispute about the benefits of art

The aesthetic level of Pavel Petrovich is obviously located at the level of the initial classes of gymnasium. Nevertheless, he manifests a snobbery, declaring his love for art, painfully reaches his eyes to the sky. However, at the same time his gaze is empty. The dispute of Kirsanova and Bazarov (the table reflects) ends with the victory of the mistakes of the latter. Pavel Petrovich, indifferent to the high manifestation of the human spirit, argument that "the beauty will save the world," can not.

Evgeny Bazarov is a convinced nihist and materialist. Speaking in modern language, he "trolls" of art representatives, even Pushkin. Readers encourages only his naivety, because he really does not know the creativity of the genius.

Dispute about love and attitude to a woman

Pavel Kirsanov, judging by his speeches, a real gentleman and the last romantic. He is always respectful and passionately talks about the ladies. However, his biography testifies only to brilliant love adventures in his youth. Having met the same as himself, the princess r, the hunter for passions, he does not recognize consumer interest in her, and his personal life suffers Fiasco.

Kirsanov in favor of their ego is capable only to designate their attitude towards a woman (duel because of the baubles), but this internally devastated person can not love this internally.

Young Yevgeny Vasilyevich, who heard a nihylistical owl, first declares his extension from feelings, love, etc. However, this is nothing more than the guys. His love in Anna Sergeyevna Odintsov still awakens in him a deep feeling. The present, unprotected, natural nobility is manifested in it when he, at the same time dying, says goodbye and explains in love with Odintova. The argument of Kirsanov and Bazarov (the table clearly compares the internal nature of opponents) was lost both. True, with a little amendment. We clarify: Women's love is not a panacea for a man, it is only a magnifying glass for its disadvantages or merits.

Bazarov Love morally elevated, Kirsanova - destroyed.


Diametrically opposite glances roll out bazaars and kirsanov. The dispute table grouped by partitions, it clearly demonstrates. Why does Turgenev show such a confrontation? Yes, because it is a panorama of the ideological clash of political forces within Russia: old, reinforcing, suspended and new, imperfect, but dynamic.

Together with this you need to recognize the depth of the classics, who choose these topics of the disputes of Bazarov and Kirsanov. After all, if you try to extrapolate them on our modern society, we will also get diametrically different interpretations from representatives of different segments of the population. The arrangement of generations will continue forever.

Finishing, summarize: the health of all society depends on the balance of opinions, from the ability to find a compromise and the right path of development. Speaking figuratively, unfinished, "the dispute hung in the air" the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov, beating over time, the converse of the revolutionary situation. How sad that the classics do not hear in time!

Roman "Fathers and Children"

Two duels: verbal and physical fights of Kirsanov with bazaarov

VI, X, XXIV chapters

Determine the conflict of the novel. Through the analysis of the conflict, to find out to the end of the image system.

From comprehending the scale of the Bazavarovskaya personality to think about the place of a person in life, extent of his activity, the courage of beliefs.

Who is the main antagonists in the novel?

The main antagonists in the novel - Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

In order to realize the conflict of the novel in its entirety, you should understand all the shades of the disagreements of the main characters. How are these differences find, how are they detected?

In disputes, dialogues. Finally, in a duel.

Why inevitably colliding Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich?

What information can be learned from the portrait description of the Bazar, is it made by the author entirely or in separate characteristic strokes?

The external appearance of the Bazarov is not given immediately, but is evaporated from a number of details ("high height", "self-confidence and mind").

"Who is the bazaars?" - Ask Kirsanov. Answer Arcadia: NiHist. What do you think about the identity of the Bazarov?

What does Nigilism of Bazarov spread? Give examples from text.

On literature and art. Almost all life phenomena.

What do you think it is possible to bring out of the novel itself, whether this concept was and, accordingly, the phenomenon that it refers to the common, established?

No, there is no common understanding. This phenomenon for the end of the 50s is relatively recent.

Nikolai Petrovich is trying to just somehow understand him, Arkady claims that nihilists are critical-minded personality who do not take anything on faith. According to Pavel Petrovich, the nihilists simply admit nothing and do not respect anything. The views of the Nihilist Bazarov can be determined only by finding out its position.

Let's analyze the first meeting of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

Pavel Petrovich, Healthy with Bazarov, "Lightly tilted his flexible mill and smiled slightly, but his hands did not give and even put it back in his pocket".

In this scene, there is a clear dislike of Pavel Petrovich to the bazaarov, who did not wish to serve his hands.

Pay attention to the repetition of the word "slightly", which emphasizes the negligence of the greeting Pavel Petrovich, and on the judovo behavior of Prokofych, who, raising the Bazarovsk "clothes", retired on tiptoe. The author does not deepen in the reflection of Pavel Petrovich, and in a few words gives the details of the picture, which we define on these guidelines themselves.

And how does the bazaars behave? Is it offended? Is it offended? Annoyed?

"Nothing happened," Arkady responds, "so we knew a little. But we are now hungry like wolves. Potoropi Prokofycha, dad, and I will come back now. "Wait, I'll go with you," exclaimed the bazaars, suddenly rummaged from the sofa. "

What does it indicate the action of the Bazarov? What are the thoughts of the hero at this moment?

Bazarov does not give pleasure to communicate with older Kirsanov.

You can guess about the thoughts of the hero in one detail. Transmit deep experiences of the hero with one small detail - feature of creative manner I.S. Turgenev.

What are the main topics of disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich?

On the attitude to the nobility, the aristocracy and its principles, about nihilism, about the attitude towards the people, about the views on art, nature. After relatively neutral theme on science, art, the nature of the dispute moves to questions of a political nature.

Give the aphorisms of Bazarov

A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet.

The art of making money, or no more hemorrhoids!

There are sciences as there are crafts, titles; And science does not exist at all.

First you need to learn the alphabet and then take up the book, and we still did not see Aza in the eyes.

Everyone should raise himself.

As for the time - why am I will depend on it? Let it better depend on me.

It is important that twice two - four, and the rest are all trifles.

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in her employee.

Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles, think how much foreign. And useless words! They don't need a Russian man for a Russian man.

We do not preach anything and decided not to be accepted.

First you need to clear.

What do this logic on us? We are doing without it.

Rafael is not worth a copper.

I do not share any opinions; I have my own.

Freely thinking between women only freaks.

When the first collision between PP arises. and bazaarov? What did the dispute come about?

6th chapter, breakfast. About science.

Do you actually do physics? - asked, in turn, Pavel Petrovich.
- physics, yes; In general, natural sciences.
- They say, the Germans have recently managed to strongly in this part.
"Yes, the Germans are our teachers in this," bazaar replied carelessly.
The word Germans, instead of the German, Pavel Petrovich used the sake of irony, which, however, no one noticed.
- Are you such a high opinion about the Germans? - Speak with the exquisite courtesy of Pavel Petrovich. He began to feel secret irritation. His aristocratic nature was outraged by the perfect exaggeration of Bazarov. This dignity Son is not only not a robust, he even answered abruptly and reluctantly, and in the sound of his voice there was something coarse, almost daring.
- Scheduled scholar people.
- So-so. Well, about Russian scientists you probably, but have such a flattering concept?
- Perhaps that so.
"This is very commendable selflessness," Pavel Petrovich said, straightening the mill and throwing his head back. "But how did Arkady Nikadi Nikolaich now affect that you do not recognize any authorities?" Do not believe them?
- Yes, why would I recognize them? And what will I believe? I will tell me, I agree, that's all.
- And the Germans say all the case? - said Pavel Petrovich, and his face took such an indifferent, remote expression, as if he was all went into some kind of transcendent.
"Not all," answered with a short zowcoma bazar, who obviously did not want to continue the word.

How are both disputors relate to the people? What appreciate Pavel Petrovich in the people? How does the people relate to the people?

Pavel Petrovich the religiosity of the people, life according to the cases and orders seems to be angry and valuable features of the people's life, they die. Basarovoy these qualities are hated. When Pavel Petrovich argues about the patriarchalness of the Russian people, the bazaars objects to him: "The people believe that when Thunder rattles, this is Ilya-prophet in the chariot drives around the sky. Well? Do me agree with him? ".

Miscellaneous attitude of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich to religious prejudices common in the folk medium, proves the hatred of the Bazarov to backwardness and relics.

Pay attention to the emotional painting of the speech of heroes. The same phenomenon is called differently, and its role in the life of the people is estimated differently. Pavel Petrovich: "He (People) cannot live without faith." Bazarov: "The gross superstition is soul." (ch. x)

Let's open the X chapter where the dispute comes on aristocrats and the role of principles in life.

What are Pavlo Petrovich Petrovich, and how does the bazaars relate to them?

The question is what to recognize on what the reasons to build our beliefs are extremely important for Pavel Petrovich.

"Without a sense of self-esteem, without respect for yourself, and in the aristocrat of these feelings are developed, - there is no solid foundation to public. Bien Public, Public Building. Personality, gracious sovereign, is the main thing: the human person must be strong, like a rock, for it is built on it. "

Pavel Petrovich believes that the right to lead the leading position in society, the aristocrats won not by the origin, but moral advantages and affairs ("aristocracy gave the freedom of England and supports it").

Pavel Petrovich claims that the principles of aristocracy, i.e. Her moral standards developed by the best representatives of the previous civilization is the support of the human person. Without principles, only immoral people can live.

V.M. Markovic believes that the principles of Pavel Petrovich "become the subject of mockery only in correlation with the titanic scale of the Bazarovsky denial. By themselves, they look at Turgenev consistent, something convincing and not deprived of the merits. "

What is opposed to the views of Pavel Petrovich? How does markets refer to nobles and aristocrats?

Pavel Petrovich considers the aristocrats of the basis of society. But his "princeps" will not relate to his activities for the benefit of society. Bazarov also believes that inactive people of the basis of society can not be: "Here you respect yourself and sit back; What is the benefit of public good? " (Ch. X)

Can we judge that I felt Pavel Petrovich, having heard these words of Bazarov?

Turgenev does not reveal the thoughts of Pavel Petrovich, however, the reaction of Kirsanov (Pavel Petrovich pale) testifies that the bazaars hid his innermost feelings.

"This is a completely different question. I do not have to explain to you now, why I sit back, as you liberate to express. "

What did Pavel Petrovich mean? What are the reasons for this inaction? Do I need to explain to their bazaarov?

The history of the life of Pavel Petrovich Bazarov already knows. He knows the history of unfortunate love Pavel Petrovich, he knows how and why Donkey Pavel Petrovich in the village and closed in his insignificant interests. Already before the main dispute, it is known that Pavel Petrovich is actually a "live dead".

So why is the bazaars so merciless in relation to Paul Petrovich?

He wanted to hurt him.

The purpose of Bazarov is not to offend a person, but to show that under any conditions a person should not sit back.

What is a person for Pavel Petrovich and for Bazarov?

"Each person needs to raise himself" - bazaars.

"Personality should be strong, like a rock, for it is built on it" - Kirsanov.

If this statement belongs to Pavel Petrovich, does this mean that his words diverge with the case?

The fact is that for Kirsanov, it is important to follow public traditions, strict times for all of the initiate order. From the point of view of Pavel Petrovich, even an advanced personality for his ideology should not be in a collision with a public device, law.

What does bazaars look next to Pavlom Petrovich? Find the episodes in the novel, which indicate that Bazarov is kind and responsive. Prove the "positivity of the Bazarov image."

Talking Bazarov with Yard Boys, Help Fenced; Bazarov treats patients in the estate of parents, etc.

What adds a duel scene to our idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero? Turn to the XXIV chapter?

Bazarov takes the challenge Paul Petrovich. Having wounded the enemy, immediately assisted him:

Bazarov threw a gun to the side and approached his opponent.
- Are you injured? - he said.
"You had the right to attend me to the barrier," Pavel Petrovich said, "and these are nothing." By condition, everyone has another shot.
"Well, sorry, it's up to the other time," Bazarov answered and grabbed Pavel Petrovich, who was starting to pale. "Now I am no longer a duelist, and the doctor must first examine your wound."

Why tell Arkady the story of his uncle? (Ch. VII) Does he seek the goals?

Apparently, Arkady wants to call the Bazar sympathy for uncle and says: "He is deeply unhappy, believe me; despise him - sin. " But the bazaars are responsible for this: "A man who put on a card of female love all his life and, when he was killed by this card, Raskis and sank to the fact that he did not become able to do anything, such a person is not a man."

What other circumstances other than unfortunate love gives Arkady?

Arkady explains Bazarov: "Yes, remember his upbringing, the time he lived." "Education! - picked up the bazaars. - Every person must raise himself - well, at least as I, for example. As for the time - why I will depend on it! - Let it better depend on me. "

Recall the 40s, the reaction time, the growth of generation, which was predicted by Lermontov: "It will be in withaction". Why does not recognize arguments of Arkady Bazarov, how does he imagine a person, its formation?

Bazarov does not want to be a toy in the hands of circumstances. It makes the circumstances, time to depend on it! Man is the king of nature, a person who reworking and society, and the relationship in this society is a person in the presentation of Bazarov. This person is on the shoulder all.

It is believed that in the verbal battle of the liberal of Pavel Petrovich and the Revolutionary-Democratic Bazarov, a complete victory remains behind the bazaarov. Meanwhile, the winner gets a very relative celebration. Exactly one and a half months before the end of the "fathers and children", Turgenev notes: "Since the time of the ancient tragedy, we already know that real clashes are those in which both parties are up to a certain extent right."

Write an essay of the miniature "My attitude to the views of the Bazarov" or "my attitude to the" princems "of Pavel Petrovich.

Vladimir Korovin. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. // Encyclopedia for "Avanta +" children. Volume 9. Russian literature. Part one. M., 1999.

N.I. Yakushin. I.S. Turgenev in life and work. M.: Russian Word, 1998

LM Lotman. I.S. Turgenev. The history of Russian literature. Tom the third. Leningrad: Science, 1982. P. 120 - 160

"Who is right here, who is guilty to solve not take ...":
"Fathers and children" I. S. Turgenev

O. V. Bogdanova,
St. Petersburg State University
doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

It must be assumed that the "test of love" for Bazarov Turgenev took no coincidence. On the one hand, he really affected the conflict of fathers and children: an adult bazaars fell in love and, as a result, was to continue to reconsider his nihilistic "sponsors". On the other hand, passing the test of love, Bazarov discovered the human soul, inexplicable feelings, was to be closer to the "gentle soul" (p. 293) Kirsanov. Love for one, as it were, equalizes Bazarov and Kirsanov, puts them nearby. It is no coincidence that two most important in the composition of the moment - the dispute of the Bazarov with Kirsanov (x ch.) And the explanation of the Bazarov in love (XVIII) - absolutely symmetrically arranged in the system of twenty-eight heads of novel, symmetrical and relative to the center, and relative to each other.

The resolution of the "split" conflict occurs in Turgenev's novel in the XXIV chapter. It seems that Paul Kirsanova, Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov, who have already moved to the background "Idea Disagreements", again declare themselves. In the situation of the fight, the motifs of "ideology" and "love", as it were, are closed, detecting the permissibility of a duel collision of heroes.

Meanwhile, the reason for the challenge to the duel is not the questions of conviction, but the questions of love, problems are not ideological, but ethical. Moreover, the resolution of the conflict between Bazarov and Kirsanov is again represented by a writer in an ironic key.

It would seem that the "ideological" opponents faced the insurmountable conflict, which can be resolved only through the fight. However, no ideological battles between the characters at this point occurs: the bazaars in the absence of Arcadia stubbornly and works much, "I found a fever of work" (p. 308), and Kirsanov tries to avoid meetings with him even at the table. According to his flaw, he now "refused himself the pleasure of talking" with Bazarov (p. 315), "he no longer argued" (p. 308). The cause of the duel (not a desired reason, not "pretext") becomes stupid and empty jealousy - an innocent kiss bazaaria bazers.

Fenshka liked Bazarov. "Even his face changed, when he talked to her: it took the expression clear, almost good, and some fun attentive attentiveness was mixed with its usual negligence" (p. 310). But it is joking, for the bazaars are deeply in love with Odintsov. Bazarov's kiss in a gazebo is Nevinen and expresses the worship before the freshness and youth of Fedosi Nikolaevna.

In absurdity, the causes that served as a duel is not inferior to the call form. Kirsanov appears at the door of the Bazarov's room with a "beautiful cane with an elephant knob (he usually ranging without canes)" (p. 315), grabbed by him in case of "violent measures" (p. 316), if the bazarov did not consider a solid pretext For the fight.

Before starting a duel, the assumption is still preserved that Pavel Kirsanov calls Bazarov to a fight, seeking to protect the honor of his brother. He does not call the reasons for Bazarov: "I could explain to you, - Pavel Petrovich began. - But I prefer to keep silent about her. You, on my taste, here is extra; I can't tolerate you, I despise you, and if this is not pretty. "(P. 316). And further: "We can't endure each other. What is more? " (p. 316). At the same time, a comment of the narrator: "Pavel Petrovich's eyes climbed. They broke out from Bazarov "(p. 316) - again emphasizes the similarities (emotional state) of heroes. The following qualities of the images are also found by the subsequent words of Bazarov: "You can stay a gentleman. I accept your challenge too, gentlemensky (p. 316).

However, the true cause of the duel reveals the phrase of Pavel Kirsanov, uttered after a duel and facing his brother: "Isn't it, Nikolai, in Benchka there is something common with Nelly?" (p. 325). Fenochka reminds the former "secular lion" his former beloved, Princess R., because the liberty of the Bazarov, which he admits in relation to Fenzheka, for Pavel Petrovich is equivalent to courting for Nelly, read it as an insult to him (long-offended by real rivals) of dignity. The challenge of Kirsanova finds the simplest explanations and is motivated by the reasons not ideological, not even known to fraternal, but solely personal.

But what is the reason for the consent to the Bazar's fight, which despises the aristocratic method of checking the "Knight's Spirit" (p. 316)? It is not so obvious, as in the case of Pavel Petrovich. But Eugene is connected with love - with his undivided love for Odse. It is no coincidence that the words of the phenuschka after a kiss: "Fine you, Evgeny Vasilyevich" (p. 314) - and "genuine reproach", which "heard in her whisper" (p. 314), forced the Bazarov to recall the "other recent scene", in Nikolsky, And he became "contemptuous annoying" (p. 314). More recently, the bazaarov was ironic about the love sufferings of Pavel Petrovich, and now he himself turned out to be "Seldon" (p. 314), and a duel with Kirsanov became a kind of outstanding, helping at least partly to remove the inner spiritual tension. Realizing that "from theoretical point of view a duel - absurdity" (p. 315), nevertheless hero goes to a duel. And the reason why motifs are not ideological, but personal.

Thus, the duel of Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanova turns out to be presented in the Roman Turgenev not as a culminating point of resolution of ideological contradictions of opponents (as Nikolai Kirsanov believed: the reason "to some extent is explained by one constant antagonism of your mutual views, p. 326), and how opponents burdened with their own individualistic ambitions. That is why the duel situation is depicted by Turgenev as Apoge's jungle, like a farce, like a comedy.

When the characters discusses the conditions of the fight, then all their dialogue is built as an alternate repetition of the same questions as the sounds of echo. The situation is so calm that questions do not assume a response. "What is more? // What is more? "," ... Where to take them? // exactly where to take them? " (About seconds), "Barrier in ten steps. // in ten steps? " (p. 317). Bazarov, it seems, it seems, it seems to be realizing that everything "a little bit into a French novel is knocked out, implaus something" (p. 317), but nevertheless still becomes a member of this farce. "Estech we broke out!" (p. 318) - will say at the end of the negotiations Evgeny.

"Fathers and children" are one of the greatest works of Russian literature. Each generation finds something interesting for himself in this novel, perceives a complex copyright position in different ways. This book has absorbed historically important events related to generations and the emergence of new ideas. "Fathers and children" were written at the time of the preparation and implementation of the peasant reform of a thousand eight hundred and sixty-first years. In those turning times, each person had to decide on the position he would stick. Pull over to the existing class of nobles or hold only the emerging class of revolutionaries. It was then that Turgenev and wrote his great novel.

Throughout the work, our attention is focused on the relationship between the nobleman Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and the son of the poor Lekary Evgeny Bazarov. Turgenev gives a clear characteristic of the main characters, and we immediately fall into a sharp difference in appearance, a manner of behavior and views on the main problems of life.

Romantic Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is not compatible with the Democrata Bazarov, indifferent to the love relationship. There is an antipathy between them, turning into the destructive disputes. It is in their concentrations that various views on social system, religion and the people are revealed.

Bazarov believes that society rotted and need solid measures: "Correct society." This is exactly the benefit that Eugene sees. Pavel Petrovich agrees that society is not quite in order. Then, when Kirsanov finds out that his nephew and Yevgeny Bazarov Nihilists who denied all and do not respect other people's interests, he hurts:

"We are the road to civilization. We are the roads of her fruit "...

It is in these words that the conflict between the "fathers" and "children" is concluding.

Bazarov and Kirsanov are absolutely different to the nobility. Pavel Petrovich considers the aristocracy of the main force moving the people and contributing to the prosperous development of society. In the eyes of Evgeny, the aristocrats are not able to act and benefit people. Bazarov, like a nihilist, used to "act, break", instead of sitting back as aristocrats. But despite the presence of such strong quality, nihilists have the weaknesses. One of the minuses is a poor soul, forced to hide feelings.

In the dispute about the Russian people, the truth is definitely on the side of Bazarov, who knows how to get along with the peasants. He soberly sees how "the gross superstition souls the country." Eugene connects its activities with the "People's Spirit", considering themselves to those who express the interest of the people. Kirsanov and Bazarov argue about whether the man "recognizes the compatriot" in whom of them.

The disputes face the aesthetic views of the main characters. Their opinions are not the same: Pavel Petrovich highly appreciates art, bazaars also believes that Pushkin "is not good", playing the cello for a man "funny", and a decent chemist is twenty times more useful poet.

The attitude to the surrounding nature also varies. In response to the question of Arkady, opposing Eugene, the return of Nigilista Bazarov: "And nature - trifles in the meaning, in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker. "

Despite the fact that Bazarov denies love and laughs at the romantic gusts of Pavel Petrovich, in the soul of Eugene there is a ability to love and feel. Love in Anna Sergeevna revealed the real Eugene Bazarov. His heart suffers because of swelling feelings. In the case of Pavel Petrovich, the love for which he left everything, including his career, led him to mental death.

Thus, in the novel, "Fathers and Children", Turgenev displaced the struggle of two different generations, the fight of the century of the outgoing and new, only emerging. But, despite this change, the epoch should remain a thread, binding one generation of people with another, only so possibly the progressive development of society.