Pomegranate bracelet final. "Pomegranate bracelet", analysis of the story

Pomegranate bracelet final.
Pomegranate bracelet final. "Pomegranate bracelet", analysis of the story

"Garnet bracelet"

Analysis of the story

This story, this is a reflection of the Nature of Kurringe -Mantics. This is the story of extraordinary tragic love filled with mysterious symbols and mystical mood.

The action of the story begins at the dacha of the prince of the neck of the neck, while preparing for the celebration of the name of the faith of Nikolaevna, the Spouse Prince. Already here the writer fills the story with symbols. Weather variability as variability of life. At first she was gray and cloudy, and suddenly changed sharply on warm and clear. Like the life of the main heroine, first gray weekdays, and suddenly out of a number of the outgoing incident.

During the feast, guests begin to play poker, and Prince Shein, Vasily Lvovich begins to entertain guests with stories in which the truth is not a penny. And among them, the story about one boyfriend of faith Nikolaevna, who allegedly sent her passionate letters every day, and then he was touched into the monks; Dies, two buttons and bottle of perfumes bequeathed with his tears.

In the name of the husband gave the faith of Nikolaevna earrings with pear-like pearls, he put them early in the morning on the night table of the spouse. In the middle of the festival, the princess received from a maid of a bundle in which there was a gift and a note from an unknown fan. The gift was the low-line golden loose bracelet decorated with a grenade, and in the center it was the rarest green grenade.

In the note, Unknown G. S. Zh. Recognizes faith Nikolaevna in sincere and unrequited love. It suggests that he asks to accept a gift made from a pure heart, and emphasizes that he does not even try to win the sympathy of the princess. Also, the fan draws attention to the bracelet itself, which he wore his great-grandbank, allegedly enclosed in it green grenade gives women a gift to predicate the future. Princess decides to show the note and the bracelet with her husband, after the guests come down.

Closer to the evening, when the majority of the guests were driving, Grandfather Anosov (Military Comrade Father Faith) begins to tell the story of his family life. His wife ran away from him with the actor, and when he tried to return, he did not accept her. He suggests that true love should be a unforgettable, modest, selfless, heroic, she always gives themselves all and does not require anything in return. He also asked the story that the guests told the Prince. And heard the faith of Nikolaevna about a certain petty official who writes her letters of love and always knows what she is doing. Anosov suggests that it is possible that this is the most romantic love, which all women of the world crave, but which men are not able to give.

Brother of Vera Nikolaevna convinces her and prince, in the fact that they can get into an awkward position if G.С.Z. Suddenly will begin to boast to his friends and familiar that the princess takes his gifts. And men decide to calculate the fan on the initials in the lists of urban officials.

Mysterious fans are a small yolk official, for many years living under the roof of one of the poor houses. During the meeting with Yolkovoy, the brother of Vera Nikolaevna, Nikolai Nikolayevich, because of his temperament, behaves arrogantly, sharply, he even tries to intimidate the yolkkova by the police. Vasily Lvovich, on the contrary behaves very calmly and judially, even with some understanding refers to the feelings of the official.

In the evening of this bottom, Vera Nikolaevna said that she had a premonition that this man was going to kill himself. And indeed a few days later she read in the newspaper about the suicide of a small official Yolkolkov, allegedly due to the embezzlement of stateless money. In fact, the yolks simply did not want to interfere with the life of the faith of Nikolaevna with their feelings, and since I can't kill love in myself, I decided to kill myself.

But his love did not die, she lived and after his death. She was in the memoirs of faith, she lived next to her, but neither as a reproach, but as a gentle guardian angel.

And the pomegranate bracelet, with the rarest green grenade, acts here as a symbol of the rarest and most beautiful love, the only one for the whole life, which has passed unrequited, loss in cheap rim.

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Roman "Pomegranate Bracelet" by A. Kookin is considered to be one of the best, revealing the subject of love. The substantial line is based on real events. The situation in which the main heroine of the novel was experienced in reality the mother of the writer's friend - Lyubimov. This work is so not like a simple reason. After all, for the author "Granat" is a symbol of passionate, but very dangerous love.

History of the creation of the novel

Most of the stories A. Kupper permeatedly with the eternal theme of love, and the Roman "Pomegranate Bracelet" reproduces it. A. Kubrin began work on his masterpiece in the fall of 1910 in Odessa. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis work was one visit of the writer to the family of loved in St. Petersburg.

One day, the son of the beloved told one entertaining story about the secret fan of his mother, who for many years wrote her letters with frank confessions in unrequited love. Mother was not delighted with such a manifestation of feelings, because it was not yet married. At the same time, she had a higher social status in society, rather than her fan - a simple official of P. P. Zhaltikov. Wait for a gift in the form of a red bracelet, presented to the name of Princess. At that time, it was a bold act and could put a bad shadow on the reputation of the lady.

The husband and brother of Lyubimova brought a visit to the fan home, he just wrote another letter to his beloved. They returned the gift to the owner, asking him to continue not to disturb Lyubimov. For the further fate of the official, none of the family members knew.

The story that was told by the tea party hooked the writer. A. Kubrin decided to put it on the basis of his novel, which was somewhat modified and supplemented. It should be noted that the work on the novel was hard, which the author wrote to his friend Batyushkov in a letter on November 21, 1910. The work was published only in 1911, first printed in the magazine "Earth".

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

On his birthday, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Shein receive an anonymous gift in the form of a bracelet, which is decorated with green stones - "grenades". A note was attached to the gift, from which it became known that the bracelet belonged to the great-grandmother of the secret fan of Princess. Signed unknown initials "GS J. ". The princess confused by this presentation and recalls that throughout the long years she writes one stranger about his feelings.

Knyagini's husband, Vasily Lvovich Shein, and brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, who worked as an assistant to the prosecutor, are looking for a secret writer. They turn out to be a simple official under the name of Georgy Yolkov. He is returned to the bracelet and ask to leave a woman alone. Yolkov experiences a sense of shame from the fact that Vera Nikolaevna could lose his reputation because of his actions. It turns out that he has long fallen in love with it, accidentally seeing in the circus. Since then, he writes her letters about unrequited love until death several times a year.

The next day, the Shays family learns that the official Georgy Yolkov was shot dead. He managed to write the last letter of faith Nikolaevna, in which she asks for forgiveness from her. He writes that his life no longer makes sense, but he loves her as before. The only thing about the yolks is asking, - that the princess does not blame himself in his death. If this fact will torment it, then let it listen to Sonata No. 2 Beethoven in his honor. The bracelet, which the official returned the day before, he ordered the maid to hang on the icon of God's mother before his death.

Vera Nikolaevna, after reading the note, asks for permission from her husband to look at the deceased. She comes to the apartment of the official, where he sees him dead. The lady kisses him into the forehead and lay a bouquet of colors late. When she returns home, he asks to play the work of Beethoven, after which Vera Nikolaevna burst into tears. She understands that "he" forgave her. At the end of Roman Shein is aware of the loss of great love, which the woman can only dream of. Here she recalls the words of General Anosov: "Love must be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world."

main characters

Princess, middle-aged woman. She is married, but the relationship with her husband has long been turned into friendly feelings. She has no children, but she is always attentive to her husband, take care of him. It has a bright appearance, well educated, enjoys music. But for more than 8 years there are strange letters from the fan "S.Z.". This fact confuses her, she told her husband and native about him and does not correspond to the writer. At the end of the work, after the death of the official, she with bitterness understands the whole severity of lost love, which is only in life once.

Official Georgy Zharkov

Young man years 30-35. Modest, poor, brought up. He secretly in love with Nikolaevna faith and writes about his feelings in her letters. When he returned a presented bracelet and asked to stop writing the princess, he commits an act of suicide, leaving a farewell note to a woman.

Husband of faith Nikolaevna. A good, cheerful man who sincerely loves his wife. But because of love for permanent secular life, he is on the verge of ruin than pulling his family to the bottom.

The younger sister of the main character. She is married to an influential young man who has 2 children. In marriage, she does not lose his female nature, loves to flirting, plays gambling, but very diveged. Anna is very tied to his older sister.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky

Brother of Vera and Anna Nikolaevna. Works assistant prosecutor, very serious in nature, strict rules guy. Nikolay is not wasteful, far from feelings of sincere love. It is he who asks Yolterkova to stop writing to faith Nikolaevna.

General Anosov

Old battle general, a former friend of the late father of faith, Anna and Nicholas. A participant in the Russian-Turkish war was wounded. There is no family and children, but close to faith and Anna as a native father. He is even called the "grandfather" in the house of the neck.

This product is saturated with different symbols and mysticism. The basis is the story of the tragic and unrequited love of one person. At the end of the novel, the tragedy of history acquires even larger scales, because the heroine is aware of the severity of losses and unconscious love.

Today, the novel "Pomegranate bracelet" is very popular. It describes the great senses of love, in places even dangerous, lyric, with a tragic end. It has always been relevant among the population, because Love is immortal. In addition, the main characters of the work are described very realistic. After leaving a story, A. Kubrin has gained high popularity.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin is a Russian writer, whom, no doubt, can be attributed to the classics. His books are still recognizable and loved by the reader, and not only for the coercion of the school teacher, but in conscious age. A distinctive feature of his work is documentality, his history relied on the events that occurred or the real events became a push for their creation - among them the story "pomegranate bracelet."

"Pomegranate bracelet" is a real story, who heard chip from acquaintances when watching family albums. The governor's wife made sketches for letters that a certain telegraph official sent to her, unrequited in love with her. Once she received a gift from him: a gilded chain with a pendant in the form of an Easter egg. Alexander Ivanovich took this story as a base for his work, turning these scanty, uninteresting data into a touching story. A chain with a pendant writer replaced a bracelet with five grenades, which, according to the tsar Solomon, in one story, mean anger, passion and love.


"Pomegranate bracelet" begins cookings for the festival, when Vera Nikolaevna Shein suddenly receives from an unknown gift: a bracelet in which five pomegranates were blocked by green splashes. On a paper note, which was attached to the gift, it is indicated that the gemstone is able to give the owner to the foresee. Princess is divided with her husband news and shows a bracelet from an unknown person. In the course of the action it turns out that this person is a small official by the name of the yolks. For the first time, I saw the faith of Nikolaevna in the circus many years ago, and since then a suddenly broken feelings did not utterly: even the threats of her brother do not stop him. Nevertheless, Yolkov does not want to torment the beloved, and he decides to end the life of suicide in order not to get a shame on it.

The story ending with the awareness of the power of sincere feelings of a stranger, which comes to faith Nikolaevna.

Theme of love

The main theme of the product "Pomegranate bracelet" is undoubtedly the topic of unrequited love. Moreover, yolks are a vivid example of disinterested, sincere, sacrificial feelings that he does not betray, even when his loyalty was worth his life. Princess Sheine also feels the power of these emotions: more years aware that he wants to be beloved again and love - and the decoration, donated with yolkov, marks the emergence of passion. Indeed, soon it falls in love and feels it in a new way. You can read on our website.

The topic of love in the story is frontal and permeates the entire text: this love is high and clean, manifestation of God. Vera Nikolaevna feels internal changes even after the suicide of Zheltikov - she has known the sincerity of a noble feeling and willingness to sacrifice themselves to the one who will not give anything in return. Love changes the nature of the whole story: the feelings of the princess die, faded, fall asleep, being sometime passionate and hot, and turned into a solid friendly connection with her husband. But Vera Nikolaevna in the shower still continues to strive for love, let it and stumbled over time: she took time to give passion and sensuality to outward, but before that, her calm could seem indifferent and cold - it puts a high wall for Yolkopkova.

Main characters (characteristic)

  1. Yolkov worked as a small official in the checksum chamber (the author placed it there to emphasize the fact that the main character was a little man). Kuprin does not even indicate his name in the work: only letters are signed by the initials. Yealous precisely, what the reader and imagines a person of a low position: a thin, pale-on, nerve fingers correlacing jacket. He has tender features, blue eyes. According to the narrative, yolk about thirty years, he is not well, modest, deceitfully and noble - it even marks the husband of faith Nikolaevna. The elderly mistress of his room says that for all the eight years, that he lived from her, he became like his own, and he was very native to the interlocutor. "... Eight years ago, I saw you in a circus in the bed, and at the same time I said myself at first: I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better ...", "the modern fairy tale begins Yellowkov's feelings for faith Nikolaevna, although he never cherished hopes that they would mutid: "... seven years of hopeless and polite love ...". He knows the address of the beloved than she does, where she spends the time that she puts on - he confesses that he is nothing but it is not interesting and not joyful. You can also find on our website.
  2. Faith Nikolaevna Shein inherited the mother's appearance: a high, state aristocrat with pride face. She has a strict, simple, calm, she is polite and a high-tender, courtesy with everyone. She is married to Prince Vasily Sheene for more than six years, together they are full-fledged members of the highest society, suite balls and receptions, despite financial difficulties.
  3. Faith Nikolaevna has a native sister, the younger, Anna Nikolaevna Fresses, inherited, unlike her, the features of the father and his Mongolian blood: a narrow eye cut, femininity Damn, flirting facial expressions. She has a frivolous, prime, cheerful, but contradictory. Her husband, Gustav Ivanovich, rich and straight, but the worst of her and constantly located nearby: His feelings seem to have changed from the first day, he cared for her and everything was hardly adored. Anna Nikolaevna does not endure her husband, but they have a son and daughter, she is true to him, although it belongs quite contemptuously.
  4. General Anosov - the godfather Anna, his full name - Yakov Mikhailovich Alosov. He is fat and tall, good-natured, patient, hears badly, he has a big, red face with clear eyes, he is very respecting for the years of his service, fair and leaning, conscience is clean, it is constantly a shutup and a cap, wears an auditory horror and stick.
  5. Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein - husband of faith Nikolaevna. About his appearance is said a little, only the fact that he has blond hair, and the head is big. He is very soft, puzzled, a bit - with understanding refers to the feelings of Yolkopkov, unshakably calm. He has a sister, the widow he invites to the celebration.
  6. Features of Creativity Kukrin

    Kupruina was close to the topic of awareness of the character of life truth. He actively seen the world around him and sought to learn something new, his works are characterized by dramatic, some anxiety, excitement. "Cognitive Paphos" is called the business card of his work.

    In many respects, the Cardica was influenced by Dostoevsky, especially in the early stages, when he writes about the fatal and significant moments, the role of accidents, the psychology of the passion of characters is often a writer makes it clear that not everything is amenable to understanding.

    It can be said that one of the features of Cookic's creativity is a dialogue with readers, which traces the plot and shows reality - this is especially noticeable of his essays, which in turn influenced G. Wenzensky.

    Some of his works are famous for the easiest and immediacy, the poetry of reality, naturalness and naturalness. Others - the theme of inhumanity and protest, the struggle for feelings. At some point he is beginning to be interested in history, antiquity, legends, and fantastic plots are born with the motives of the inevitability of the case and fate.

    Genre and composition

    For Kupper, love for plots inside the plots is characterized. "Pomegranate bracelet" is unnecessary proof: Zheltikova's note about the qualities of the decoration and there is a plot in the plot.

    The author shows love from different points of view - love for general concepts and unrequited feelings of yellow. There are no future in these feelings: the marital status of the faith of Nikolaevna, the difference in social status, circumstances are all against them. In this doomedness, subtle romanticism is shown, invested by a writer in the text of the story.

    All the work is surrounding the mention of the same musical work - Beethoven Sonata. So music, "sounding" throughout the story, shows the power of love and is the key to understanding the text, distributing in the final lines. Music reports underwent. Moreover, it is the Sonata of Beethoven in climax that symbolizes the awakening of the soul of faith Nikolaevna and awareness coming to her. Such attention to the melody is also a manifestation of romanticism.

    Composition Tale implies symbols and hidden meanings. So the fading garden implies the fascinating passion of faith Nikolaevna. General Anosov tells the novels about love - these are also small scenes inside the main story.

    It is difficult to determine the genre affiliation of the "pomegranate bracelet". In fact, the work is called the story, largely due to the composition: it consists of thirteen short chapters. However, the writer himself called the "pomegranate bracelet" by the story.

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"Pomegranate bracelet" was made more than once known literary criticism. Even Powesta noted the extraordinary strength and the truthfulness, which Kubrin managed to give the plot, which appeared a few more centuries ago in medieval novels, namely, stories about great and unrequited love. You can argue about the meaning and meaning of a story in the artistic literature, it is possible for a very long time, but this article contains only the most important for its understanding and study of the item.

Creativity Kaprin

Conducting briefly analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet", it should be started with the description of the general artistic features of the work. The most bright among them are:

  • Abundance and variety of topics, scenes, which always lies life experience. Almost all the stories and stories Kuprin are based on events that really had a place in reality. The characters have real prototypes - according to the writer himself, this is Lyudmila Ivanovna Tugan-Baranovskaya, in the marriage of Lyubimov, her husband, brother and father I. Ya. Tugan-Baranovsky, participant in the Caucasian War. Father's feathers are reflected in the image of General Anosov. Chet Fresses is, according to the testimony of contemporaries, Elena Tugan-Baranovskaya, the elder sister Lyudmila, and her husband, Gustav (Eustafium) Nikolayevich Nitte.
  • The image of a little man who writer Ideanly inherited from Chekhov. He plays an important role in the analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet": Kubrin explores the life of this image against the background of a completely vicious, meaningless existence of the rest of society: the writer does not idealize the latter, but creates one ideal to which it is worth striving.
  • Romanticization, poetry of an excellent feeling (this follows from the last words of the previous paragraph). The sublime, "not from this world" love is placed in counterweight.
  • The enrichment of the event began is not a major, but worthy of mentioned when analyzing the "pomegranate bracelet" of the prose of Cupper. This stylistic feature comes from the authenticity of the plots and heroes. The writer does not extract poetry from the world of fiction, but looking for it in the real world, in everyday, at first glance, stories.

Vera Shein

Starting the analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet", you should pay attention to the details. The story begins with the description of nature: Primorskaya autumn, fading flowers, quiet weather - in all even, indifferent calm. The image of faith Nikolaevna is well combined with this weather: its "aristocratic beauty", restraint, even some arrogance in handling people makes the princess of alienated, deprived of vitality. It is emphasized in her relations with her husband, who have long been cooled, turned into a flat, no feelings are not overshadowed friendship. For Kuprin, who considered love with one of the most important feelings in human life, the lack of her in marriage is an unambiguous figure of coldness, silence of heroine.

All that surrounds the princess faith Nikolaevna - estate, nature, relationship with husband, lifestyle, character - calmly, cute, good. Kuprin emphasizes: this is not life, it is just existence.

In the analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet" it is impossible to bypass the image of the sister of Anna. It is given for contrast: its bright appearance, live, mobile facial expressions and a speech manner, a lifestyle - windiness, impermanence, frivolous flirting in marriage - everything is opposed to faith. Anna has two children, she loves the sea. She is alive.

Princess faith children does not have, and the sea bothers her quickly: "I love the forest." She is cold and judgment. Vera Nikolaevna is not alive.

Name day and gift

Conducting the analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet", it is convenient to go through the plot, gradually revealing the details of the story. In the fifth chapter, first refers to the mysterious fan of faith of Nikolaevna. In the next chapter, the reader recognizes his history: husband of faith, Vasily Lvovich, presents her to guests as a curiosity, mocks the unfortunate telegraph. However, Vera Nikolaevna has a slightly different opinion: she first trying to ask her husband to not tell and then it is awkward, judging by the hasty "Lord, who wants tea?" Of course, faith still considers his fan and his love with something ridiculous, even indecent, but she perceives this story more seriously than her husband, Vasily Lvovich. About red pomegranates on the gold bracelet she thinks: "exactly blood!". This comparison is repeated again: at the end of the chapter, periprase is used - and the stones turn into "scarlet bloody lights". Kubrin compares the color of pomegranates with blood to emphasize: stones are alive, as well as the feeling of a loving telegraphist.

General Anosov

Further on the plot there is a story about the old general about love. The reader got acquainted with him in the fourth chapter, and then the description of his life occupied more than the description of the life of faith - that is, the history of this character is much more important. In the analysis of the story, the "pomegranate bracelet" should be noted: the image of the thoughts of General Anosov got him from the church himself - the writer invested his idea of \u200b\u200blove.

The general believes that "people in our time have learned to love." He sees around himself only selfish relationships, sometimes bonded by marriage, and leads to his wife. Nevertheless, he has not yet lost the ideal: the general believes that the true, dedicated and beautiful love exists, but does not expect to see it in reality. What he knows is "two cases similar" - it is a pity and ridiculous, although in this household everyday absurdity and clumsy breaks over the spark of a true feeling.

Therefore, General Anosov, in contrast to the husband of faith, Nikolaevna and Brother Nikolai Nikolayevich, refers to history with love letters seriously. He respects the feeling of a mysterious fan, because for curiosity and naiveties managed to see the image of true love - "one, unforgettable, on everything ready, modest and selfless."


"To see" Yolkova, the reader is managed only in the tenth chapter, and here in the analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet" is given its characteristic. The appearance of Zheltikova complements, reveals his letters and actions. Noble appearance, conversation, and then the most important thing - how he keeps himself with Prince Shane and Nikolai Nikolayevich. First, worried yolks, when he learns that the brother of Vera Nikolaevna thinks that this question can be solved by the force that it is possible to make a person to give up a person with the help of power, completely transformed. He understands that he is spiritually higher, stronger Nikolai Nikolayevich, that it is his understanding of feelings. In part, this feeling with Yolkovoy shares the prince of Vasily Lvovich: he, unlike his shurr, carefully listens to the words of the in love and later tells the faith of Nikolaevna, which believed and took the story of an extraordinary in his strength and purity of the feeling of Yolkov, understood his tragedy.


Finishing the analysis of the "pomegranate bracelet", it is worth saying that if for the reader the question of whether the feeling of yolkkova is an embodiment of true love or only maniacal obsession, it remains open, then for the junk, everything was obvious. And in how Vera Nikolaevna perceived the suicide of Yolterkova, and in feeling, and in tears, which were caused by Sonata Beethoven from his last letter - this is awareness of the most huge, true feeling that "happens only once every thousand years."

In 1910, Kubrin created a story "Pomegranate bracelet". A summary of the heads of this work is offered to your attention. In addition, we will analyze the story that will help you understand its sense.

The first chapter of the story "Pomegranate bracelet"

A summary of chapters, like the work itself, opens by the description of the weather, coming on the Black Sea coast in the 2nd half of August. However, by early September, the sea calmed down, the sun looked out. It was very pleased with Shain which because of the unfinished repair could not leave to the city. This completes the first chapter of the story "Pomegranate Bracelet". Very short content, isn't it? But this chapter does not occur important events, they are all ahead.

Second chapter

Shiny's birthday - September 17th. On this day, her spouse wanted to invite some closest people to dinner. He gave faith Nikolaevna earrings from pearls. The princess experienced deep attachment to her husband, which replaced passionate love. And Anna Nikolaevna, her sister arrived. Faith did not have their children, so she loved the children of Anna, a girl and a boy, who gave birth to unloved, but a rich husband.

Third Head

Sisters decided to sit on the breakdown, admire the sea. Anna is delighted, but faith has already become accustomed to these species and the sea is even tired of her. The sister gave the princess of the neck ladies to the core, converted from a prayer room. Then they went home, lizing the guests who come in the evening, and also discussed the table.

Fourth Chapter

Soon the guests began to arrive. A brief content of the story "Pomegranate bracelet" on the chapters, compiled by us, lowers the transfer of guests, since it is insignificant for the development of the plot. However, it should be noted that among them was General Anosov, which sisters loved very much. He was like a native grandfather. Anosov Sisters met near the crew and spent in the house. The general was a family friend and was very attached to Anna and faith, since he did not have his children. He passed a few wars, and everyone called him brave. Anosov received many wounds, and also earned the disease. However, he decided not to retire, so he served as a commandant in the fortress. In the city everyone knew and respected.

Fifth chapter (summary)

Analysis of this chapter allows you to highlight the following main events. Dinner was successful, it was pleasant and warm. Vasily Lvovich was entertained, the husband of faith, telling the history of them. As a basis, he took real situations and before the impossibility of them exaggerated, so it came out very funny. By the stories, he touched on Nikolai Nikolayevich (Brother Shiny), and Gustav Ivanovich Freesse, her husband Anna Nikolaevna. In the midst of poker, faith called the maid. She handed the neck gift - a pomegranate bracelet. Together with him there was a note from the secret fan of faith. Already 7 years, this person subscribed as G. S.zh. He congratulated his beloved on the day of Angel, and also told the story of this bracelet who passed the female line in his family. The fan changed the silver parts, only the stones left. Now it became the golden pomegranate bracelet. Summary on the chapters proceeds to the description of the sixth chapter.

Sixth Chapter

The evening continues. In poker, a great success has a colonel Ponomarev. Some of the guests play Vist. And Prince Vasily Lvovich decides to show the gathered homemade humorous album. In comic form, the chronicle of events in the family is being held. The prince shows the guests the last drawing: "Princess Vera and in love with a telegraph." This page is dedicated to history, as faith received letters from his secret fan. A woman does not give him any chance, and the adanor even penetrates the house under the guise of a shift bundle and a pipeline. After this mysterious person spends some time in a madhouse, he decides to go to the monastery. The fan will make faith before dying 2 telegraph buttons and a bottle of his tears.

Seventh Head

Go to the seventh chapter, describing the story "Pomegranate bracelet" (summary). General Anosov told the sisters of history, just as in childhood. They cared for him, chilled cheese, poured wine. Among other things, he spoke about the novel with a grinder, whom he had to quit, and also that they had to part when the regiment went on. Then Anosov said that, probably never loved truly. The evening came to the end, everyone began to say goodbye, and Anna and Vera went to accompany to the crew of Anosov.

Eighth head

Faith walked under hand with general, and with Bakhtinsky - Anna, sister of faith from the story "Pomegranate bracelet". A summary of the chapters does not stop in detail on their conversation. Let us give only some of its moments. They said that at this time, women and men were not capable of true love. The general told 2 stories that this feeling still occurs, but sometimes it takes strange forms. The first story is about how a young ensign fell in love with the old elegant. He is very quickly tired of this woman. The ensign wanted to commit suicide, rushing under the train. However, his at the last moment someone grabbed. The crash cut off the brushes, he became a begging and after a while froze. The second story is about how his wife loved his wife, he was openly discharged and did not make it in anything, although he was an honest and bold officer. Faith reported her fan, to which the general said that, perhaps, her life crossed out with disinterested real love. What is interesting for you, how will the brief content of the story "Pomegranate bracelet" end? We recommend to read it to the end - the final is very interesting.

Ninth Chapter

When Vera returned to the house, she heard her husband Vasily Lvovich talking to her brother Nikolai Nikolayevich. Before leaving faith asked the spouse to watch a gift of the fan, and now they discussed him. Nikolay was very categorically configured. He wanted to decide to decide with the notes, so that they could not stain the reputation of his sister. Nikolai Nikolayevich Koril Sheena for the fact that they did not take seriously to this act, although he could lead to sad consequences. Vasily Lvovich and Brother Knyagini decided to find the next day of the mysterious fan, return the gift and ask for no disturbance more faith by Nikolaevna letters.

Tenth Chapter

Nikolai Nikolayevich and Shein on the other day visited Yoltkov, who shot the apartment. Rising to him, they found a young man of 30-35 years old, a good face, blonde. This was how Alexander Kuprin ("pomegranate bracelet") described this. Summary will not give you the answer to the question about the meaning of the name of this person. However, reading the analysis submitted below, you will learn about it. They introduced themselves, but no one sat down, despite the fact that yolks offered it to do twice. Nikolai asked the fan of faith not to write her more and returned a gift. Yolkov agreed, but he wanted to speak only with Vasily. He explained his wife of faith that he loves his wife, but very apologizes and would not have a bigger to write. Then he asked to allow you to write the latest letter. Brother Knyagini was categorically against, but the husband agreed. Yolkov promised that he would no longer hear and won't see. Shein spoke about his wife, and the one visited the premonition that the fan would kill himself.

Eleventh Chapter

Faith did not love newspapers, but she accidentally came to his eyes a note that yolks shot himself in his apartment because of the embezzlement of government funds. The woman was surprised that he had felt his death in advance. In the evening she was handed a letter written by a fan. He apologized for disturbing her and was a hindrance to her for so long. He confessed that she loved her, but promised that he would leave soon and would never see him. Yolkov asked faith to play Sonata from Bethoven orchestra (D-DUR №2). The woman said her husband that something terrible intervened in their life. He replied that she believed in the feelings of her fan, that he was not at all crazy. Princess decided to look at him, asking permission from his spouse, because he did not want to offend him.

The twelfth chapter

Shein came to his house on the carriage and asked to see Zhalatkov. She was conducted by the hostess. Faith saw him, and then remembered the words of General Anosov about real love. The woman came up and kissed her fan friendly when Shein was going to leave, the hostess suddenly detained her to convey a note from the late. Yolks told her to pass her if a lady comes. It was written in it that the best is Sonata No. 2 from his orchestra. Shein suddenly cried. Although she told the hostess, which always reacts to death, in fact, faith cried in yolk. Already coming to the finals of the story "Pomegranate bracelet". A summary of chapters is completed by the events described in the 13th chapter.

Thirteenth Head

When Shein returned home, she found a pianist for a feminine Reuters. The woman was upset. She asked for a fever to play anything and went to the flower garden. Shein was confident that she would play Beethoven Sonatu. So it happened. In the coming music, the princesses were heard of words that brought calmness. Faith cried, leaning against acacia. When Reuters came to her, the princess kissed her and said that he now forgive her, and everything will be fine. So the music affected her. Most likely, yolks wanted to achieve exactly that, since he always wanted only the well-being and happiness with his beloved. This completes the Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet". A summary of the chapters were outlined by us, we now turn to the analysis of the story.

Analysis of the work

It is known that the work was based on the case that happened in reality. The author of the author was once in a situation similar to the described. It should be noted that most of the works of Alexander Ivanovich are permeated the theme of love (the photo of Kurros is presented above). It is not by chance that the author calls his story "Pomegranate bracelet". A summary of it gave you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of the name. We add that the red grenade, from the point of view of the author, is a symbol of love, and with a dangerous one. Sender Gift - G.S. Yolks, a secret young man of years 30-35, thin, who had a yellowish face (most likely, that is why he got such a name). According to the occupation of yolks - a small official. However, his feelings were great and boiled about 8 years. Sometimes this unrequited love reached madness. The fan of faith collected all things belonging to her or those who were at least one moment in his lover's hands. He revealed himself with his gift, opened his feelings before the whole family faith.

Note that in a conversation with the fan of Faith, Shein shows nobility. The prince sees that the feelings of yolkkova are real. His love was so strong that the fan of faith could not do anything with her. In a conversation, the thought sounds that yolks cannot throw out his beloved out of his head, that his death is the only way out of this situation. Faith Nikolaevna after this will predict the ambulance of Yolkolkov's death. After his death, she appears a desire to see him, and she suddenly understands that this man was needed. The feelings for her husband at this woman have long been rearranged in respect and understanding. Perhaps her fate would be different if she accepted a pomegranate bracelet.

Summary, analysis, biography of the author - all this is often asked to schoolchildren. Performing any type of work on literature, we often meet with those or other manifestations of love and their role in the work or in the life of the author. And this is not by chance, because this topic is one of the main writers and poets. Without this feeling there would be no humanity, because it is one of the indispensable components of society. Many writers and poets fought it, including Kubrin. "Pomegranate bracelet", a summary of the chapters and the analysis of which were set forth, is one of the best works dedicated to the Love topic.