Great love stories: Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardo. The history of love Polina Viardo and I.S. Romegenev. (PHOTO) Rates Turgenev and Polina Viardo briefly

Great love stories: Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardo. The history of love Polina Viardo and I.S. Romegenev. (PHOTO) Rates Turgenev and Polina Viardo briefly
Great love stories: Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardo. The history of love Polina Viardo and I.S. Romegenev. (PHOTO) Rates Turgenev and Polina Viardo briefly

Their relationship lasted 40 years old - from 1843 to 1883. Probably this is the longest history of love.

But it would be more correct to say that this is the story of love only one person Ivan Turgenev. Forty-year-old Russian Russian writer lived in the status of an eternal friend of the family, "on the edge of someone else's nest", side by side with her husband Opera Diva Polina Viardo. He exchanged life in his homeland and personal family happiness on the impassive friendship of his beloved and even in the elderly she was ready to follow her to the edge of the world.

It's not a beauty at all, rather, even on the contrary. SUCH, with convex eyes, large, almost male feathers, a huge mouth. But when "Divine Viardo" began to sing, her strange, almost repellent appearance magically transformed. It seemed that before that, Viardo's face was only a reflection in the mirror curve and only during the singing of the audience was to see the original. At the time of one such transformation on the stage of the Opera House, Polina Viardo saw the beginning Russian writer Ivan Turgenev. Ivan Turgenev was first represented by Polina Viaro on November 1, 1843 as "Great Russian landowner, a good arrows, a pleasant interlocutor and a bad poem." It cannot be said that such a recommendation contributed to his happiness: Polina himself later noted that he did not sing out the future writer from the circle of new acquaintances and numerous admirers of her talent. But the young Turgenev, who then was barely 25, at first glance fell in love with a 22-year-old singer who came to St. Petersburg with the Parisian Italian Opera. The whole of Europe at that time fell prevailing her, and even an unattractive appearance Viardo did not interfere with its glory of an excellent actress.

The contemporaries recalled how the spark ranked on the hall with the beginning of singing, the public fell into the perfect ecstasy and the appearance of the singer stopped having at least some meaning. According to the composer Saint-Sansa, Polina Viardo possessed bitter as Pomracks, a voice created for tragedies and elegic poems. On the stage, she fascinated by passionate execution of the opera, and at the music evenings conquered the listeners with a beautiful game on the piano - the student of the sheet and Chopin did not pass in vain. "Soots well, damned gypsy!" - Not without jealousity admitted, having heard the performance of Polina, the mother of Turgenev.

Turgenev girl

In an inconspicuous contemporary woman with eyes, there was something Gypsy: she took over the southern features from his father, the Spanish singer Manuel Garcia. "She desperately ugly, but if I saw her for the second time, I would certainly fall in love," said one Belgian artist about the singer to her future husband Louis Viardo. With art historian, criticism and director of the Paris Italian opera, Polina introduced Georges Sand. The writer herself considered the forty-year-old Louis dull, "as a night cap," but recommended that his young friend in the grooms from the best motives. Being a completely fascinated singer, Georges Sand documented her in the main female image of the "Consuelo" novel, dissuaded from marriage with a writer and poet Alfred de Mouse and later closed her eyes to the novel already married Polina with her son.

And the temperament of the talented singer was not to occupy: In his youth, her first passion was Ferenz Leaf, who had Polyna took the lessons of piano, later she was fond of the composer by Charlör Guno, to which Turgenev was strongly jealous. The rest of Madame Viardo novels will remain unknown history, but judging by the paradoxical attractiveness of the prima donna, numerous. However, then married Polina Garcia went on love, and for some time really was passionate about her husband. However, everything passes - and soon Polina recognized Georges Sand in the fact that she was tired of the ardent expressing of man love.

Polina Viardo Engravy

But what is our Turgenev? It became for Madame Viardo one of the many fans, not devoid, however, certain value. A rare man could cheer the artist of an entertaining history, told so skillfully that the invitation to his makeup room seemed no longer so vain. In addition, Turgenev with the Great Hunt took to learn Polina Viardo Russian, who was required to be perfectly executed by Glinka's romances, Dargomyzhsky and Tchaikovsky. This language was the sixth in the Arsenal of the singer and later helped her to become the first listener of Turgenev works. "No string of Turgenev has fallen into print before he did not introduce me to her. You, Russians, do not know how much you are obliged to me that Turgenev continues to write and work, "the Viaro said once.

In order to be useful to his beloved, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - then an unknown and poor landowner is still anyone else - he went for Polina and her husband to France, when the tour of the actors in Russia ended. With Louis Viardo, the writer found a common language against the background of passion to the hunt and interest in the translation of Russian writers into French. He often visited the family manor Kurtavel, which under Paris, took part in domestic performances, collecting guests and artistic evenings. When Polina Viardo went on tour, Turgenev followed her: "Ah, my feelings for you are too great and mighty," writes Ivan in one of his numerous letters of his beloved. "I can't live away from you, I have to feel your proximity to enjoy it." The day when I did not shine your eyes, - the day lost. " Compatriots who visiting Turgenev abroad were surprised at his condition: "I never thought that he was able to love so much," he writes Lion Tolstoy after a date with a friend in Paris.

At the same time, Turgenev perfectly understood his ambiguous position in the house of Viardo, he repeatedly had to catch the oblique views of the Parisian friends who were inevitably shrugged when Polina, representing it Ivan Sergeevich, said: "And this is our Russian friend, please, please" . Turgenev felt that he, a hereditary Russian nobleman, gradually turns into a room dog, which begins to wag a tail and joyfully twisted, it is worth the hostess to leave a benevolent look or scratch behind the ear, but he could not do anything with his unhealthy feeling. Without Polina, Ivan Sergeevich felt truly sick and broken.

As for his own daughter, her life in the estate of her grandmother is not cloudless. The domineered landowner is drawn with his granddaughter as with a serf. As a result, Turgenev suggested Polina to take a girl to upbringing the Viardo family. At the same time, whether wanting to please the beloved woman, whether the love fever is embraced, Turgenev is changing the name of his own daughter, and from Pelagia, the girl turns into a whore (of course, in honor of the adorable Polina). Of course, the consent of Polina Viardo to educate the daughter of Turgenev even more strengthened the sense of the writer. Now Viardo became also an angel of mercy for him, who escaped his child from the hands of a brutal grandmother. True, Pelagia-Polineth did not at all shared fatherly attachment to Polina Viardo. Having lived in the house of Viardo until the age of adulthood, hesitate for his whole life kept offense on his father and hostility to the adoptive mother, believing that she took away her father's love and attention.

Meanwhile, the popularity of Turgenev-writer is growing. In Russia, no one perceives Ivan Sergeevich as a novice writer - now he is almost a living classic. At the same time, Turgenev believes sacred that he must be Viardo. Before the premieres of performances set by his works, he whispers her name, believing that it brings good luck.

In 1852-1853, Turgenev lives in his estate almost under house arrest. The authorities really did not like the necrologist, written by him after the death of Gogol, - in him the secret office saw the threat of imperial power.

Having learned that in March 1853 Polina Viardo arrives with concerts to Russia, Turgenev lost his head. He managed to get a false passport, with whom the writer moved to Moscow to meet with his beloved woman. The risk was huge, but unfortunately, unjustified. Several years of separation cooled the feelings of Polina. But Turgenev is ready to be content with a simple friendship, if only at least from time to time to see how Viardo turns his thin neck and looks at him with his mysterious black eyes.

In foreign hugs

Some time later, Turgenev still made several attempts to establish their personal life. In the spring of 1854, there was a meeting of a writer with a daughter of one of the cousins \u200b\u200bof Ivan Sergeevich - Olga. The 18-year-old girl conquered the writer so much that he even thought about marriage. But the longer their novel lasted, the more often the writer remembered Polina Viardo. The freshness of the young Olgino face and her trusting and affectionate views from under the lowered eyelashes still could not replace that opium dope, which the writer felt at every meeting with Viardo. Finally, completely exhausted with this divination, Turgenev admitted to the girl in love with him, which cannot justify her hopes for personal happiness. Olga was seriously worried about an unexpected gap, and Turgenev accused himself, but he could not do anything with a newly broken up with the Malne.

In 1879, Turgenev makes the last attempt to get a family. Young actress Maria Savinova is ready to become his companion of life. The girl does not scare even a huge difference in age - at that moment Turgenev was already in 60.

In 1882, Savinov and Turgenev are sent to Paris. Unfortunately, this trip determined the end of their relationship. In the House of Turgenev, each trifle reminded of Viardo, Maria constantly felt more superfluous and tormented by jealousy. In the same year, Turgenev is seriously ill. Doctors put a terrible diagnosis - cancer. In early 1883, he was operated on in Paris, and in April, after the hospital, before returning to himself, he asks him to spend it into the house of Viardo, where Polina was waiting for him.

Turgenev remained to live long, but he was happy in his own way - he was His Polina, which he dictated to the latest stories and letters. On September 3, 1883, Turgenev died.

The first time after the death of Turgenev Viardo was so broken that he did not even leave the house. As people surrounded by the people, it was impossible to look at Viardo without pity. After recovering a little, she constantly reduced all the conversations towards Turgenev, rarely mentioned also recently deceased her husband. After some time, the artist A. P. Bogolyubov and the singer told him very important words to understand her relationship with Turgenev: "... We understood each other too well to take care of what they are talking about us, for mutual our position was recognized. Legal those who knew us and appreciated. If the Russians are in the name of Turgenev, I can proudly say that the name of Viardo associated with him does not diminish him ... "

Viardo has greatly survived Turgenev, as he predicted in the poem "When I won't ..." And she did not go to his grave, which was also predicted by a writer ...

the influence of Viardo on the literary fate of Turgenev is huge (and otherwise they could not): Look, he did not have another topic, except for love; All his themes are the inconspicable only song of love. But look farther details: all "love" of Turgenev do not have earthly tops, do not go into marriage. He sang "a piece of the opened pagan sky", as acquiring his biography.

According to the Personality of Turgenev and the Great His attachment to Viardo, we must protect her name from any resentment ... For the world, she may be tried; But it is for those who read and love the work of Ivan Sergeevich - she should never be tried, even if someone had become to say that it was for Russians that she was especially tried for her cold and indifference to Turgenev. May his will be sacred: yes there will be her memory calm, not visible near his sacred grave.

Well, why did Turgenev loved the other? Which would save him, calmed, settling? Would fall asleep with love and reverence? Well, why he is this other did not love?

That's the whole answer to why she it is His I could not love more than how much I loved ... for the interest of his mind, the charm of talents, education; For his noble activity.

Rock. And - on both sides.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev ... His Peru owns the masterpieces of Russian classical literature: "Notes of the Hunter", "Nobility Nest", "Rudin", "Fathers and Children", "On the eve" and other, reflecting the life of Russian society of four decades (since the 1840s in the 1870s). The writer himself most of his life spent in France. And this is the phenomenon of his fate, his personality, his Great and Dramatic Love ...

Petersburg began the 40s of the XIX century ... The musical season of 1843-44 was amazing: the views of the Parisian Italian opera resumed in the northern capital, for which access to Russia was closed for a long time. Among the famous performers, the young primaudonna Polina Viardo (soprano), who had a huge success among the public. She not only sang, but also played perfectly. This was noted by many of her listeners. Rubini - the opera singer known at that time - he told her more than once after the performance: "Do not play so passionately: you will die on the stage!"

Viardo is the daughter of the famous Spanish singer Manuel Garcia from Seville, who shone on the opera scenes of many countries of the world. Polina 22 years old. Europe is already conquered by her voice. And her singing, the game on the scene shook the enthusiastic young Turgenev, who was barely passed 25 years. Avdota Panayev, the Russian writer, the contemporary of Turgenev, recalled: "Such a loved, like Turgenev, I think it was difficult to find another. He loudly everywhere and everyone announced himself about his love for Viardo, and in the circle of his buddies did not talk about anything like a Viardo with whom he met. "

On November 1, 1843, he became an unforgettable day for Ivan Sergeevich, he was presented by the famous singer, recommending as "the Great Russian landowner, a good arrow, a pleasant interlocutor and ... a bad poem." Now, after the performances, Turgenev began to allow the singer's restroom, where he amused it with all sorts of stories, and the narrator he was otned. Then, on the hunt, Turgenev meets the husband of Polina - a famous critic and art historian, director of the Paris Italian Opera Louis Viardo.

Soon the young writer offered Polina Viardo his services as a Russian teacher. She was necessary, since, at the request of the local public, he had to sing on stage Russian songs and romances. And from the moment almost daily they began to meet. Turgenev gave Polina lessons ...

According to general reviews, Viardo was not beautiful. Sutulted, with large facial features and convexed eyes, it seemed to many even ugly, but it was a captivating drank. One Belgian artist told her future husband Louis Viardo on the day of their engagement: "She desperately ugly, but if he saw her again, I would fall in love."

Louis Viardo with Polina introduced George Sand, who at that time was friends with the singer. Viardo, the voice and sincere manner of execution at one time were so struck by the writer, which is in the future, thanks to the police, the image of the heroine of the most famous novel Georges Sand "Consurello" is born ...

Enthusiastic reviews about Polina Viardo left many of her contemporaries, among them the founder of the Russian music society and the first conservatory in Russia A. G. Rubinstein: "Never, neither before, nor I didn't hear anything like that ..." Berlioz called Viaro "One of the greatest artist Last and modern history of music. " According to Saint-Sansa, the Great French Composer of the XIX century, "... Her voice, not a velvety and not crystal-clean, but rather bitter, like Pomeranets, was created for tragedies, elegic poems, oral."

The repertoire of the singer had romances to music Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Versta, Kyui, Borodin, Tchaikovsky, who were performed in Russian. As a student of Sheet and Chopin, she was amazingly played on the piano. Polina Viardo, herself composed music to the romance, among which many were written on the poems of Russian poets. Russian became one of six European languages \u200b\u200bowned by Polina.

For Turgenev Polina was beauty. And he remained such an opinion until the end of his life. Panayev writes: "I do not remember how many years, Viardo came again to sing in the Italian opera. But she has already lost freshness of his voice, and there is nothing about the outside and say: with the years, her face has become ugly. The audience took it cold. Turgenev found that Viardo began to sing and play Viardo than before, and the Petersburg public was so stupid and ignorant in music that he could not appreciate such a wonderful actress. "

Upon completion of the tour, Polina Viaro invites Turgenev to France. And he, against the will of his mother, without money, not yet known to anyone, leaves with his beloved and her husband to Paris. There he met and made friends with the Viardo family who lived in Kurtavenel. In November 1845, he returns to Russia so that in January 1847, having learned about the Viardo tour in Germany, to leave again: Berlin, then London, Paris, Turne in France and again St. Petersburg. He is moving in Europe for the shadow of his beloved: "Ah, my feelings for you are too large and mighty. I can't live away from you - I have to feel your proximity, enjoy it, - the day when your eyes did not shine, the Lost Day. "

And few people would think that this Russian, who soon became a recognized writer, one of the most popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe, keeps the end of the days a hot attachment to a married woman will follow her abroad, where, in the end , Holds most of your life and only the departures will be in your homeland. This acquaintance will last all my life, turning into one of the greatest love stories in the world ...

Life in Kurtavevel flowed interesting and fun: read out loud, played homemade performances, met guests ... Turgenev was happy, being near his beloved woman. And at the same time, this happiness made a confusion in his soul: after all, he loved Mrs. Viardo, and he was tormented that he had to live on the "edge of someone else's nest." Russian friends who visited him in France found such a regrettable position. He admitted to one of them: "She has long been forever in my eyes of all other women. I deserved what happens to me. " Tolstoy, who won it in Paris, wrote: "I never thought that he was able to love so much."

In 1864, Polina Viardo left the stage and moved to Baden-Baden together with her husband and children. Turgenev followed them by building the house in the neighborhood. Somehow, he noticed that he loves a family, family life, but "Fate did not send me his own family, and I was attached, entered the alien family, and accidentally fell that it was French. For a long time, my life interspersed with the life of this family. There they look at me not as a writer, but as per person, and among her I'm calm and warm. She changes the place of residence - and I am with it; She is sent to London, Baden, Paris - and I carry my seat with her. "

With the owner of the house, Monsieur Louis Viardo, Ivan Sergeevich tied a common passion - hunting. In addition, they were alone translated into French works of Russian writers, and later Turgenev himself.

Brother Nicholas, who came to see Turgenev, wrote his wife: "Kids Viardo belong to him, as to his father, although they are not alike at all. I do not want to spread gossip. I think that once in the past between him and Polina there was a closer connection, but, in my opinion, now he simply lives with them together, becoming another family. " Particularly warm and trusting relationships in Turgenev have developed with the average daughter of Viardo - Claud, or Didi, as her name was in the family.

There is a legend that the love of Turgenev was Platonic, but some of his letters do not leave doubts about fairly close relationships Viardo and Turgenev: "Hello, my favorite, the best, the most expensive woman ... my own angel ... The only and The most favorite ... "

Some researchers of the writer's creativity, and among them the director of the Museum of I. S. Turgenev in Buzheville A. Ya. Zvigilsky, bind the birth of Polina Viaro in 1856 the Son of the Fields with such close relationships. Never of the birth of children in the Viardo family did not cause such a storm entrance for Turgenev as at the birth of a field. But Madame Viardo did not share his babysitis. In the autumn of 1856, she was clearly "for something" for something "at his friend. And this opal lasted for almost five years.

The question of paternity of Turgenev is still not found out. At that time, Polina had another lover - the famous artist Ari Schaffer, who wrote her portrait. Most Western Researchers Creativity Turgenev believe that all the same, it was his son, by the way, and the descendants of the Viardo kind are inclined. Apparently, there is a foundation.

But in spite of everything, at the time and later, over the years, the feeling of Turgenev to Polina did not weaken. Turgenev - Viardo: "I assure you that feelings that I feel to you, something completely unprecedented, something that the world did not know that I never existed and that it would never happen again!" Or "Oh my hot Favorite friend, I am constantly, day and night, I think about you, and with such endless love! Every time you think of me, you can calmly say: "My image is now in front of his eyes, and he worships me." It is literally so. "

And here's: "Lord! As I was happy when I read you excerpts from my novel ("Smoke" - A. P.). I will now write a lot, solely to deliver this happiness. The impression produced on you by my reading was in my soul a hundred times a response like a mining echo and it was not exclusively author's joy. "

Turgenev's love delivered him not only soul joy and suffering. She was the source of his creative inspiration. Polina Viardo always showed alive, genuine interest in all works that came from under the pen writer. Viardo herself noticed once: "No string of Turgenev has fallen into print before he did not introduce me to her. You, Russians, do not know how much you are obliged to me that Turgenev continues to write and work. "

And what Polina Viardo, how did he believed in such a position in his family? She kept smoothly, motherly as with her husband Louis, who was older than twenty years old, and with Turgenev. She had respect and respect for his spouse, to Turgenev - about the same feelings. Meanwhile, she has repeatedly arose a relationship of passionate friendship and with other men.

Her first passion was the composer Ferenz Sheet, who taught Viardo to play the piano. She liked her and another composer - Charles Guno, to which Polina was strongly jealous Turgenev. It is said that she had a novel and with the son of Georges Sand. Interestingly, it was on the recommendation of Guno to the Music Teacher's daughter Turgenev who had lived in Buvalo, then the famous composer Georges Bizé. It was in Buzhiva that he created his immortal opera "Carmen". The house in which Bizet lived, was preserved to our time. It is located on the street, which is named here in honor of I. S. Turgenev.

And Polina ... She was just happy when they managed to slip away from Viaro for a while, and from Turgenev. They dreamed only her friendship: "I am capable of constant friendship, free from egoism, durable and tireless."

In the 60s of Turgenev constantly in the roadway, the route is almost always one: Russia - France - Russia. And yet, after entering the light of the novel "Fathers and Children" (1862), the writer felt that he had loses with the young generation of his country. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, "most of the youth adopted the novel" Fathers and Children "with a loud protest. Many seen caricature on him. This misunderstanding greatly grieved Turgenev. " Everything else, in that period, Turgenev was treated with Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and with their old friend Herzen. As a result, he was more and more tied to the Viardo family.

However, before the acquaintance with Viardo, and during their arrings to Russia, Turgenev has never shown interest in other women. In 1842, the daughter of Pelagia was born in Spagia, a daughter of Pelagia was born in Spagia. At the age of eight years, Polina Viardo took her to her family. The girl came to France illiterate, wild. But after a few years, she turned into Paris Mademoiselle, learned to draw, play the piano, gradually forgot Russian and wrote the father of the letter only in French. Polinetta, so it was called in the family Viardo, wore the name Turgenev. He cared for her even when she got married. Mother of his daughter - Avdotie Yermolaevna Ivanova, Ivan Sergeevich paid the content and visited it for many years later.

The first serious affair from the writer broke out before meeting with Viardo, with the sister of his friend Michel Bakunina - Tatiana ... Then there were a romantic relationship with the sister of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Maria Nikolaevna, who even left her husband because of Turgenev ... in the mid-70s The writer was keen on the baroness Julia Petrovna Vrevskaya for some time. When they met him already fifty-five, she was thirty-three. She walked early her husband, he was free, rich and famous. And, as always, infinitely charming. Baroness is fascinated, in love and waiting for a mutual feeling. But, alas, she never waited for it ... At the end of 1879, Turgenev met the young actress Maria Gavrilovna Savina. Forgetting about your 62 years, he again falls into captivity of youth, femininity and big talent. They are separated by a whole generation, but they both do not notice this. There was some proximity between them ...

Nevertheless, Polina Viardo loosely rule over him. Even in those minutes, when Turgenev seemed to be especially happy in Russia, he could unexpectedly declare his friends: "If Mrs. Viardo will call me now, I will have to go." And leaving ...

In the last decade of life, the Main Interest of Ivan Sergeevich was still the Viardo family. As Andre Morua writes in his monograph "Turgenev", "if he had a choice of being the first writer in the world, but never to see the Viardo family or serve their wardrut, janitor and in this quality to follow them somewhere on the other end Light, he would prefer the position of the janitor. "

But more and more often he was mastered by a melancholic mood: "I was shouted sixty years: it is the beginning of the" tail "of life." More and more pulled home. However, his arrival here was only to return to her again and again. According to his loved ones, never once, "Turgenev began to talk about to stay in Russia longer, to live in Spassky. But it was enough to have the slightest suspicion there, in Paris, quite a single letter from there - and all the tied links were instantly broken, Turgenev threw everything and flew there, where Viardo was ... "

Turgenev is one of the finest singers of first love in all world literature and first of all in prose. He creates charming women's images entering the Golden Fund of Russian Literature under the romantic name "Turgenev Girls": selfless, sincere, decisive, not afraid to love.

However, getting acquainted with his works, notice that many Turgenev men are beautiful, fine, sensitive, cannot find themselves on the shoulder, by nature, by conviction of conscience. They are not initiative, pass before reality, they are afraid of responsibility in family affairs. The sphere of their activities is usually limited to a circle of personal life. First of all, love. Such we see Rudda and Shubin from the "Nest's Eve", Lavretsky from the "noble nest", anonymous Mr. N. N. from "Asi", Sanina from "Sanne Waters", Nompanov from Novi ... And in this, without any doubt, Reflection by the writer of personal experience, personal drama, personal experiences.

Having lived in close communion with the Viardo family of about 40 years, he, nevertheless, felt deeply and hopelessly alone. The Turgenev image of love has grown on this soil, so characteristic even for its always melancholic creative manner. Turgenev - the singer of love is unsuccessful in the advantage. He is almost no luck with a happy junction, the last chord is always sad. Turgenev heroes are always timid and indecisive in their heart matters: Ivan Sergeevich himself was so. At the same time, none of the Russian writers paid so much attention of love, no one at such an extent idealized the woman like him. It was an expression of his aspiration to forget in dreams, gender, illusions ...


"I took advantage of the fact that she did not raise her eyes, and began to consider it, first sternly, then all the bolder and bolder. Her face seemed to me even more chalk than the day before: so everything was fine, cleverly and cute. She sat her back to the window, hung on a white curtain; Sunny beam, breaking through through this chart, poured up with soft light her fluffy, golden hair, her innocent neck, gentle shoulders and gentle, calm breasts ... It was a dark, already worn dress with a apron; I seem to be eagerly clamped every fold of this dress and this apron ... I looked at her - and how the road was close to me. " ("Tale of First Love")

"Sanin raised and saw such a wonderful, frightened, an excited face, such huge, terrible, gorgeous eyes - he saw such a beauty that he froze in him, he was a trick with a thin strand of hair that fell on his chest, and only Could speak: "Oh, Jamma!" ("Wounds")

"She ran to the house. I ran after her - and a few moments later we spilled in a close room, under the sweet sounds of Lanner. Asya walled perfectly, with passion. Something soft, female awailed suddenly through her girlish strict appearance. Long then my hand felt the touch of her delicate mill, for a long time I was heard to me accelerated, close breathing, for a long time I had a dark, fixed, almost closed eyes on a pale, but a lively face, rising curly curls. " ("Asya")

"I knew other women - but the feeling excited in me assey, then Zhgigay, a gentle, deep feeling, no longer repeated ... Condemned on the loneliness of a mustache Bobly, I live bored years, but I keep like a shrine, her notes and dried flower Geranium, the same flower that she once threw me out of the window ... "(" Asya ")

"Finally came the letter - with the American postage stamp - from New York in his name ... Gemma! Tears and splashed from his eye ... He unfolded a slim sheet of blue postal paper - the photo slipped out from there. He hurriedly raised her - and she and Obomlel: Jamma, a living Gemma, young, what he knew her thirty years ago. The same eyes, the same lips, the same type of face. On the revolving side of the photo stood: "My daughter, Marianna." All the letter was very affectionate and just ... For this twenty-eighth year, she lives with her husband happily, in contentment and abundance: their house is known to all New York. Gemma was notified by Sanina that she had five people children ... In the first days of May, Sanin returned to Petersburg - but hardly for a long time. It is heard that he sells all his estates and is going to America. " ("Wounds")

After the death of Polina Viardo in her table, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, which was called "Turgenev was found in her table. Life for art. " They say that it was about how these two people who loving each other have a person all their feelings, thoughts, suffering, wanderings of rolling souls interfered into art. Roman disappeared. The entire XX century tried to find it in Europe. And not only in Europe. But while unsuccessfully ...

September, 2006.


From book
Love in letters of outstanding people of the XVIII and XIX century (reprint edition). M., 1990. P. 519-529.

I. S. Turgenev - Polina Viardo

Paris, Sunday evening, June 1849.

Good evening. How are you doing in Kurtaven? I hold a thousand against one that you do not guess what ... But I am good, holding a thousand against one - because you have already guess with the appearance of this Loskutka tank paper. Yes, madam, it I composed what you see - music and words I give you a word! How much it was difficult for me to work, the sweat of the face, mental torment, is not amenable to description. Motive I found pretty soon - you understand: inspiration! But then pick it up on the piano, and then write ... I broke four or five drafts: And yet, even now I'm not sure that I have not written something monstrous-impossible. What could it be a tone? I had to collect everything with the greatest difficulty, which came up in my memory of musical crumbs; My head is hurting: what kind of work! Be that as it may, maybe it makes you two minutes to dare.

However, I feel incomparably better than I sing, "tomorrow I will come out for the first time. Please arrange a bass to this, as for those notes that I wrote. If your Manuel saw me at work, "it would make it remember him about the verses that he composed on the Kurtavel's bridge, describing the concurrent circles to the foot and making graceful rounded movements with their hands. Hell! Is it so hard to write music? Meyerber - Great Man !!!

Kurtavener, Wednesday.

Here, madam, you second bulletin.

Everyone is quite healthy: the air brie is very well healthy. Now half of the twelfth in the morning, we look forward to the postman, which, I hope, will take us good news.

Yesterday was mean monotonous than the day before yesterday. We made a big walk, and then in the evening, during our game in Vist, a great event happened. That's what happened: the big rat climbed into the kitchen, and Veronica, who has eaten a stocking on the eve (which is a voracious animal! Wherever it happens if it would have been a stocking of Muller), had a dexterity to shut up a rag and two big stones of a hole that served Rat's retreat. She resorts and tells us this great news. We all go up, all armed with sticks and enter the kitchen. The unfortunate rat covered under the coal cabinet; Her from there is expelled, - she comes out, Veronica is allowed into her, but woven; The rat returns under the closet and disappears. Looking for, looking in all corners, - no rats. All efforts are in vain; Finally, Veronica guess to put forward a very small drawer ... a long gray tail quickly flashes into the air, - the tricky flutter scored there! She scores with speed lightning, "she wants to strike," she disappears again. This time the search continues half an hour - nothing! And notice that in the kitchen there are very few furniture. Tearing the war, we remove, we again sit down for Vist. But here to enter Veronica, carrying the corpse of her enemy by tongs. Imagine where the rat hid! A chair stood in the kitchen on the table, and on this chair lay a dress of Veronica, "the rat climbed into one of his sleeves. Note that I touched this dress four or five times during our search. Do you admire the presence of the Spirit, the speed of the eye, the energy of this small animal? Man, with such a danger, would lose his head a hundred times; Veronica wanted to leave and abandon the search, when, unfortunately, one of the sleeves of her dress almost moved a little ... poor rat deserved to save his skin ...

This last expression reminded me that in National I read the regrettable news: seemingly arrested several German democrats. Are there any other Muller? I am also afraid for Herzen. Give me a news about him, I ask you. The reaction is completely inxicated by its victory and now speaks in favor of all its cynicism.

The weather is very pleasant today, but I would like something else in me, instead of the dairy sky and a light breeze, which suggests too much. You will bring us good weather. We are not waiting for you before Saturday.

We have submitted this ... A small note from the Directorate in the newspaper does not leave us about this any illusions. Patience! But how we will be happy to see you again!

Leave a little place for Louise and for others, (followed by letters Louise and Berth).

P. S. We finally received a letter (half of the fourth). Thank God, everything went well on Tuesday. For God's sake, take care of yourself. A thousand friendly greetings to you and other.

Tausend Grusse.

IHR IV. Turgenev.

No more reed! Your ditches are cleaned, and humanity freely sighed. But it was not without difficulty. We worked like blacks, in the continuation of two days, and I have the right to say we, since I took some participation. If you saw me, especially yesterday, puzzled, swept, but shining! The reed was very long, and it was very difficult to pull out, the harder than he was fragile. In the end, the case is done!

For three days that I am alone in Kurtavevele; and what! I swear to you that I do not miss. In the morning I work a lot, I ask you to believe it, and I will introduce you proof ................


By the way, between us be said, your new gardener is a bit L-NIB; He almost gave to die oleandraram, because he did not watered them, and the beds around the flower bed were in poor condition; I did not say anything to him, but I began to water the flowers and washing the grassy grass myself. This little, but an eloquent hint was understood, and here for a few days, as everything was put in order. He is too talking and smiles more than it follows; But his wife is a good, diligent woman. Do you find this last phrase unheard of audacity in the lips of such the greatest lazy, how are I?

Have you forgotten the little white rooster? So this cock is a real demon. He holds with everyone, with me in particular; I put it with a glove, he rushes, joins it into it and gives to carry himself like a bulldog. But I noticed that every time, after the battle, he approaches the doors of the dining room and shouts like a mad, until he gave him. What I accept in it for courage can only be the arrogance of a jester that knows well that he jokes with him and makes you pay for your work! Oh, illusion! That's how you are losing ... Lamartin, let me take me.

These details from a bird's yard and from the village will make you probably smile, you, who is preparing to sing a prophet in London ... This should seem to you very idyllic ... and meanwhile I imagine that reading these details to deliver you some pleasure .

Note - What Applub!

So, you decisively sing the prophet, and all this you do, manage to all ... do not tire overly. I spell you with the sky so that I knew the first idea day ... This evening, in Kurtavevele, I would be lying to sleep before midnight. Confirmed
You, I expect very, very great success. Yes, God to keep you, and he blesses you and save you wonderful health. That's all I will forgive him; The rest - depends on you ..........................................................

Since, however, in Kurtavevele at my disposal there is a lot of free time, then I use it to make completely ridiculous nonsense. I assure you that from time to time it is necessary for me; Without this safety valve, I risk one day to become in fact very stupid.

For example, I composed last night music for the following words:

Un Jour Une Chaste Bergere
Assis Sur La Verte Fougere
Un Jeune Et Pudique Etranger.
Timide, Ainsi Q "Une Gazelle
Elle Allalt Fuir Quand, Tout A Coup,
La Bergere SE Trouuva Mal.
SE Fit Manger Par L "Animal.

By the way, I apologize for you that I am writing to you like stupidity.

Friday 20th, 10 hours. Evenings.

Hello, what are you doing now? I sit in front of a round table in a large living room ... the deepest silence reigns in the house, only the whisper of the lamp is heard.

I, right, worked very well today; I was caught in a thunderstorm and rain during my walk.

Tell me, Viardo, that this year a lot of quails.

Today I had a conversation with Jean regarding the Prophet. He spoke to me very solid things, by the way that "the theory is the best practice." If it would tell Muller, then he probably would throw his head aside and backward, opening his mouth and raising her eyebrows. On the day of my departure from Paris, this poor was only two and a half franc; Unfortunately, I could not give anything.

Listen, although I do not have Den Politischen Pathos, but one thing is outraged by: it is entrusted to General Lambian order for the main apartment of the emperor Nicholas. It's too, it's too, I assure you. Poor Hungs! An honest person, in the end, will not know where he lives: young our still barbarians, like my dear compatriots, or, if they get up and want to go, they are crushed as Hungarians; And our old people die and infect, as they have already rotted and themselves are infected. In this case, you can sing with a harness: "And God does not rattle over these wicked heads?" But pretty! And then, who said that man is destined to be free? The story proves the opposite. Goethe, of course, not from the desire to be a court lest holder wrote his famous verse:

Der Mensch IST Nicht Geboren Frei Zu Sein.

It's just a fact, the truth that he expressed as an accurate observer of nature, which he was.

Till tomorrow.

It does not prevent you from being extremely beautiful ... You see if there and Syam on Earth would not have such creatures, like you, it would be sick of yourself ... until tomorrow.

Willkommen, Theuerste, Liebste Frau, Nach Siebenjahri-Ger Freundschaft, Willkommen An Diesem Mir Heiligen Tag! Gave God so that we can spend together the next anniversary of this day and so that in seven years our friendship remained the same.

I went today to look at the house, where I first seven years ago, I had a happiness to talk to you. This house is in Nevsky, opposite the Alexandrin theater; Your apartment was at the very corner, - Do you remember? In the whole of my life there are no memories more expensive than those who relate to you ... I am pleased to feel in myself after seven years all the same deep, true, constant feeling dedicated to you; Consciousness this acts benefactor and penetrately as a bright sun ray; It can be seen, I am destined to happiness, if I deserved that the defill of your life mixed with mine! So far I live, I will try to be worthy of such happiness; I began to respect myself since I wear in myself the treasure. You know, what I say to you, however, how truthfully the human word can be true ... I hope that you will deliver some pleasure to read these lines ... And now let me fall to your feet.

My dear, good M-me Viaro, Theuerste, Lieb-Ste, Beste Frau, how are you? Did you already debut already? Do you often think about me? No of the day, when an expensive memories of you would not have come to mind hundreds of times; No night, when I did not see you in a dream. Now, in separation, I feel more than ever, the power of the Uz, fasten me with you and with your family; I am happy with that I use your sympathy, and sad because it is so far from you! I ask the sky to send me patience and not too removing one thing, a thousand times blessed in advance when I see you again!

My work for the "contemporary" is over and managed better than I expected. This is, adding to the "note of the hunter", another story, where I am in a slightly embellished form depicted a contest of two folk singers, on which I was present two months ago. Childhood of all nations is similar, and my singers remind me of Homer. Then I stopped thinking about it, because otherwise the feather would have done my hands. The competition occurred in the zucchka, and there were many original personalities, which I tried to draw a la teniers ... Damn it! What are the loud names, I quote with every one convenient case! You see, we, young writers, for the two sou, we need strong crutches in order to move.

In short, my story liked - and thank God!

1. "Time and people."

Two centuries ago Great Writer was born

Amend text size: A A.

Their strange romance still remains one of the main mysteries of world literature. "My feeling towards her is something that the world never knew something that never existed and that he would never be able to repeat," the writer himself recognized himself on the slope of the year. "With that very moment, as I saw her in The first time, - with that fatal moment I belonged to her all, that's how the dog belongs to his owner ... I could no longer live anywhere where she did not live; I broke away from all my dear, from my homeland itself, went after this woman ... In German fairy tales, knights often fall into such a severity. I could not distinguish the gaze from the devil of her face, could not listen to her speeches, to adopted every movement; I, right, and breathe something after her. "

"Sayage yes bone"

Gorky and painfully read these confessions. Turgenev is not a pungent intellectic, deprived of female attention. Real Russian bogatyr under two meters of growth, handsome, writer, a tireless hunter, a smart, is educated, rich. At home, many secular ladies sighed by him, dreaming to reduce the crown. And he chose a surrounding alien. Not only is married, so still, to put it mildly, not beautiful. SUTUUGY, EYES Skull. It was impossible to look at the face of the face, an artist Ilya Repin argued. The poet of Heinrich Heine called it with noble ugliness. "Sayage yes dice!" - Yazvili evil tongues. The classic plot is "Beauty and the Beast", only here came around. Even a dusty girlfriend - the writer Georges Sand, who settled the marriage of a beginner singer with the Dee Rector of the Italian Opera, depicting Polina the main character of the novel "Consuelo", wondered, having learned that her son twisted Roman with Viardo: "That Satan will love Satan Mute Sokol ... well, What did he find in her?! "

However, Ivan Sergeevich himself was not blind. With bitterness, I wrote a Countess Lambert: "Don Quixote, at least she believed in the beauty of his Dulciney, and our time of the Donkomoty and see that the Dulcinea freak, and all one run for her."

I understood, but I could not do anything with you. Somehow in the hearts said to a friend-poet Athanasius Fetu, which governing him in Paris: "I am subordinated to the will of this woman. Not! She deposited from me everything else, so I need. I only then bliss when the woman with a heel comes on the neck and press me his face to the dirt. "

"He is terrible pity," lion led Tolstoy. - He suffers morally as only a person with his imagination may suffer ... I never thought that he was able to love so much. "

"No, here it clearly did not cost without a witchcraft charity, a guideline potion," the cream of society was shuffled.

"Witchcraft damn gypsy"

This version was really popular in St. Petersburg and in Paris, "the writer agrees, the editor-in-chief of the family magazine about the nature" anthill "Nikolai Starchenko, a large connoisseur of the life and creativity of Turgenev. - No wonder his mother, the lady of Varvara Petrovna said: "The damned gypsy was prompted!" And threatened to deprive the inheritance. "Mother, she is not a gypsy, she is Spanish ..." Ivan ignored with annoyance.

Michelle Ferdinand Polina Garcia - the daughter of the famous Spanish tenor Manuel Garcia. Mother, the older sister also shone on the scenes of Europe. So she knew theater since childhood, grew among the artists. She had a wonderful voice - mezzo-soprano. He received an invitation to the "Italian opera" in Paris. At the age of 18, he married Di Rector of this opera Louis Viardo, who was twenty-one years older. Obviously by calculation, so that the spouse helped in a creative career.

Viardo's beauty was not famous.

- So, still witchcraft?!

I guess, without some magnetism there was not. But all kinds of guidance potions, the black magic exclude completely. Turgenev at the first of their meeting was not famous to be involved. There was a magic of a different kind. Flowing to the opinion of the connoisseur of women's beauty, a wonderful artist Alexei Bogolyubova. He lived in Paris for a long time, he was friends with Turgenev, communicated with Viaro. "She was not good, but was slight and even sleek, she had wonderful black hair, smart velvety eyes and a matte color ... her mouth was big and ugly, but only she began to sing - there was no defects and speech She was brought divinely, he was such a beauty of a mighty, such an actress that the theater was trembling with applause and bravo, the flowers were poured on the stage, and in this enthusiastic noise, the queen scene was hidden behind the falling curtain ... ".

This "Divine Inspiration" of the singer, her passionate female temperament on the stage and struck sensory Turgenev. Like many others, I note. Viardo had a lot of love connections. They call the prince of Badensky, Composers Charles Guno, Hector Berlioz, Ferinz Leaf, prominent artists, writers ... But they all sooner or later were released from her spell. And only Turgenev remained with Polina until the end of his days.

Conducted psovy hunting

- How did they meet?

- Very interesting…

Glory Viardo thundered throughout Europe. And finally, the singer arrived at the tour to St. Petersburg. For the first time, seeing her on stage in the "Seville Cyryber", Turgenev was a smoke sentenced. And soon, accurate on the day of his 25th anniversary, a certain Major Komarov introduced Ivan on the pith hunting near Petersburg with another his guest, Louis Viardo. Apparently, Turgenev produced a good impression on the Frenchman. Three days later, Louis presented him with his spouse. Polina was then the 23rd year. She favorably took care of the charming "Russian bear", about whom she was told that it was a rich landowner (owner of five thousand "slaves"!), Poem and an excellent shooter. So it is your favorite hunting tied him with the main love of life. These two passions will have the creativity of Turgenev since then.

He then recorded in the diary: "Meeting with Polina", next to the cross, similar to Cemetery. Furious! The grave cross of love for her he will drag to the coffin.

Yes, they did not know that their lovelines would last four decades, and there will be takeoffs, cooling and separation, sometimes for several years ...

Father ruined the first love

Because of Polina, Turgenev remained for the whole life by a bachelor, did not start his family. However, they rummed, the reason for this is the male failure of the classics. Therefore, they say, their connection was Platonic.

Insolvency? Oh well! According to youth, before meeting with Viardo, in Spassky he had an affair with the Miloid white tramist Avdota Yermolayevaya Ivanova (not from here, from the father of Beloshkay, then the image of Yermola appeared - his constant satellite on the "hunter's note"? Present - Athanasius Alifanov.) The girl became pregnant. The noble Ivan decided to marry her than the mother brought to the frenzy. A terrible scandal broke out. Turgenev escaped to the capital, and Varvara Petrovna sent Avdota to Moscow to his parents. Pelagia was born there. Turgenev achieved from the mother to Avdier prescribed a decent lifelong content. She married. And the girl Varvara Petrovna took to Spasskaya. And loved to boast of the guests to the guests of the Son. Like, look at whom she looks like? Pelagia's face was poured Turgenev.

Later, serving a year and a half a link to Spassky for an article about Gogol, he started a fastener fetister. First, she served the maid at the cousin Ivan Sergeevich Elizabeth. I really liked the writer, he decided to buy it away. The sister noticed how his eyes lit up and requested a big price. The writer did not bargain. He dressed well a fetister, she got off the body, Barina respected ...

By the way, at that time Viardo was in Russia with the next tour. Turgenev called her to Spasskoy, but the singer did not come. Then he himself, according to a fake document, went to Moscow under the guise of a traded. And spent a few happy days with Polina.

So, in terms of physical love, Turgenev was fine. And with fortress "Aphrodites" and Viardo. What are hints in his correspondence with her. Of the three her daughters, he highlighted Claudia (Didi). Gave a big dowry when she got married. Rounded that this is his daughter.

There is another riddle. Returned to Polina to France after the next separation, and smoothly across nine months Paul Viardo was born. Turgenev sent a joyful telegram to his beloved woman. And was happy until I found out about the existence of the artist Scheffer, the new friend of the singer.

- It turns out, Paul is not the son of Turgenev?

Let's not guess. In any case, when Paul grew up, became a violinist, Ivan Sergeevich presented him with a violin of Stradivari. Imagine?

But my own family to start, really, did not solve. (The story with a pregnant whitestroker is not in the expense, it was only a gusting of the nobility. If I really wanted to marry, no mother would prevent.) I suppose the reason for this not Viaro, but youthful spiritual injury. What he is bright, emotionally and frankly wrote in the autobiographical story "First Love". The hero is hot, without a memory fell in love with the neighbor in the country of the princess Zinaida, and she became a mistress ... his father. And it happened, in fact, in front of the stunned young man. In fact, the printed was called Ekaterina Shakhovskaya. She was 19, wrote poems ...

"And what, my father really beat his first love from Ivan?"

Alas ... Sergey Nikolayevich Turgenev, expressing modern tongue, was a big walker. The son gracefully called him a "great catcher before the Lord." More sophisticated handsome man than Ivan, he constantly knew love intrigues. Instantly determined how to seduce the lady's favorite. From one was gentle, on the other - Rough ... At the neighbor-landlord Varvar Lutovinova, ugly, in the years, the colonel married the calculation. She had 5 thousand souls of serfs, he is only 150. The wife forgot to him numerous treason, although she rolled the scandals. Because of these scandals, stories with prince at Ivan and there was a fear of family life. As soon as the relationship came to serious, he went aside. For example, before Polina was a passionate novel with a friend's sister, the future revolutionary Bakunin Tatiana. She officially considered his bride. But weddings did not happen. Also later, his serious relationships with the far-relative with Olga Turgeneva, the Baroneless Julia Verevskaya, the famous actress Maria Savina, the sister of Lion Tolstoy Maria, ended. That because of Turgenev even divorced her husband. But the writer did not marry her, returned to Polina. Maria with grief went to the monastery. The annoyed Lion Tolstoy even called him a duel. Fortunately, she did not take place, but two classics were not talked for a long time.

... He always returned to Polina. "On the edge of someone else's nest," as he himself was expressed. With a married singer, he was more comfortable. For years I lived in her house or removed accommodation nearby. Accompanied on tour in Europe. When Spouses Viardo acquired a villa in Baden-Baden, he built his home next door ...

Large Russian downtime

- And how did the husband react?

Louis, remind, was older than the spouse for 21 years. Immediately understood everything, did not interfere, the scandals did not roll. Turgenev was a friendly friendly. Together hunted under Paris, in Germany ...

It is impossible to discount the spouses and mercantility. Both loved money. And Turgenev was rich. Returning from France to the Motherland, it was sold to the village, then the groves. "Alien nest" money was always required. A characteristic example is his illegitimate daughter Pelagiai from the whitestroker. For the first time, Turgenev saw her when the girl was 8 years old. It was shocked by the fact that the courtyard was bad to her, the mockery of the "lady". He immediately told Polina about the found daughter, straightening him like him. "I felt my duties towards her, and I will fulfill them - she never recognizes poverty, I will arrange her life as much as possible."

Polina immediately realized that it smells like good money here. In the response letter proposed to raise the girl along with his native daughters. Turgenev brought Pelagey to the Viardo family, renamed Polyneet in honor of his beloved, generously paid for her content. In short, she also tied Viardo to his writer. Although the relationship of the singers and girls did not work out.

Turgenev often bought a polynet of the jewelry. Paris jewelers nicknamed his "big Russian downtown." Since he could be the price to break or slip down the poor-quality goods. He was trusting, never traded.

When Turgenev died, his foreign real estate received, all rights to published and future works. And printing the classics willingly. So Viardo did not lose with the Russian Bear.

Our agent influence in the West

There is a version that on the very case a strange connection with the French singer was for Ivan Sergeevich only cover for the main activity. Say, he was a scout, like the ethnographer Miklukho-Maclay, Travelers Arsenyev and Przhevalsky. After all, at the time of dating, Viardo served as a college secretary in the special office of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, engaged in the security of the Fatherland. His Chin corresponded to the rank of headquarters of the army. Soon officially left the service, began to ride with Viardo by abroad, there lived a long time. The famous singer is the perfect "roof" for the scout. Surely for forty years before the general permitted ...

There are such rumors so far. Somehow we stayed with Vasili Mikhailovich sandcharm in Spassky-Lutovinov. Di Rector of the Museum-Reserve Nikolai Ilich Levin placed us in the former Laddle, which was once built a kind Ivan Sergeevich for older yard. By the way, one of the former serfs "Afrod" requested that she was determined in the riddle - and the writer immediately gave the appropriate order. So, we talked about long autumn in the evening about Turgenev reconnaissance. Levin categorically denied it: "There are no documents! More than once already saved ... "

Although Turgenev really served as a short time at the Ministry of the Interior under the start of Vladimir Daly, the author of the famous "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language." Mother insisted that Ivan became an official. But nothing of it did not come out. Soon the son threw the service, completely surrendered to the literature. And Polina Viardo.

So what is the mystery of this strange novel, the slave, in fact, the worship of the mighty Russian Barina-Classic before "Gypsy"?

This mighty barin was a very sensual artistic nature. If you read his works, it can be seen how high he appreciates the love of a woman. Must be chosen, to bury. Poland Polina Viardo and became for Ivan Sergeevich such an incentive of creativity. I kept at a distance, forced to suffer, jealous, suffer. In these flour love, he also had inspiration. Other women mentioned above, such painful inspiration could not give him, as they themselves trembled to the writer. This was their mistake.

- Does Viardo love him herself?

I think she loved only himself. Another only allowed to love themselves. She had an iron principle: "In order for the woman to be successful, she should, just in case, hold one of themselves completely unnecessary fans. There must be a flock. " No wonder the Saint-Sans composer wrote about her "countless treks."

And about her love for Turgenev, the writer Boris Zaitsev said well: "In grace, mind, the beauty of the young Turgenev was much attractive. Of course, she liked it. I also liked - his love for her. But she did not hurt them. He had no power over her. She did not suffer from him, did not suffer, did not shed the blood of the heart that love requires. "

I agree with this opinion. But it must be borne in mind that foreigners already then love understood otherwise than we, the Russians. As in that joke about a Frenchwoman, who says: "Love came up with Russians to not pay."

- Although Turgenev just paid!

But it is not worth condemning the Polina. With all the evidence and impartiality today you understand: it is Viaro, that the love of Turgenev's love was very much affected by his creative lifting!

So it was not for nothing that he met Polina, not in vain left for her abroad.

See you with her, he composed only poems. But it became famous for prose.

From Europe, it was better to see the homeland. For three years in France, under the wing, Viardo, wrote his great book - "Hunter's Notes". And later, many other works.

Russian intelligence of Turgenev, I repeat, was not. But, expressing modern tongue, became our powerful "agent of influence" in the West. And this introduction occurred thanks to the polynomial, which introduced it into a circle of his loved ones: writers, composers, artists. That was the color of the European cultural elite.

As an enlightened patriot, he saw his task in creating a favorable image of our state in Europe. He tried that in French, English, German printing, benevolent articles about Russia appeared more often. Also, he also tracked and imagining information about us, reacted in a timely manner - and not only himself, but also with the help of his foreign friends. He had a huge circle of influential acquaintances not only in Paris, but also throughout Europe. When he built a cozy house in the German village resort, a cozy house near the villa Viaro, who gave musical lessons there to many siblings of the most noble surnames, then His Polina was high-ranking state figures of different countries, princes and crowns, princesses, the emperor Wilhelm himself, Duke Badensky ... Here, too, it was also possible to influence the positive perception of Russia by the Western elite.

Well, of course, he is "the first Russian european". Besides French, I knew German, Italian, English, Spanish. In fact, he opened Russian literature for Europe. It was from him that she began to study it there, when Turgenev became the most famous and most readable Russian author in Europe, and Critica counted him to the first writers of the century. Remarkable case: In London, he met with Tekker, who began to spoke to the success of English literature. After hearing, Turgenev said: "And now, let me tell you about the successes of Russian literature." - "Is there Russian literature?" - Very surprised by the tecker. Then Turgenev read him in Russian Pushkinskoye "I remember a wonderful moment ...". And suddenly the famous Englishman laughed - it seemed funny the sound of Russian speech ... That's that way!

But not so much time passed, and in 1878, Turgenev was chosen by the Vice-President of the First International Literary Congress in Paris. He presided over the turn with Viktor Hugo. It was a victory that Turgenev was on a par with Hugo in San Patriarch. In speech at Congress, he stressed: "One hundred years ago we were your students; Now you are taking us as our comrades. "

Polina Viardo herself under his influence learned Russian and also promoted Russian culture in Europe, sang our romances ...

Bacheloyt dinners

In Paris, "Lunches of the five Great Bachelovakov" were famous: Flaubert, Edmon Gonkra, Dodé, Zola and Turgenev, says Nikolai Starchenko. - They passed in the best restaurants of the French capital, or on the apartment at Flaubert, who belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bfeasts. But Turgenev there was allotted the main role. Writers enjoyed wine, delicious food, led unhurried conversations about literature, remembered cases from life. It was there, by the way, Ivan Sergeevich was admitted for the first time, which wild horror was tested when meeting on a bezhin meadow with a naked female creature with loose hair. Already today, unscrupulous Ufologists are crushed that the classic, they say, faced a "snowy man", although it was a rustic crazy, which Turgenev himself reported at the end of the story.

Of course, women were one of the main topics of bachelorty feasts. The French boasted their victories over the ladies, shared ways and technique of caring love. And we drove over the old-fashioned Russian friend, who preferred to be tremble and chastely about the weak field. Here is one of the recorded stories that clearly explains what place a woman occupied in the life and work of Ivan Sergeevich.

"My whole life is permeated with the female start," Turgenev admitted on the "bachelor dinner" from Flaubert. "Neither a book, nor anything else can replace a woman to me ... How to explain it?" I believe that only love causes such a flourishing of the whole being, which nothing else can give. In my youth, I had a mistress - Melnichikh from the surroundings of St. Petersburg. I met her when I went to hunt. She was a pre-car - a blonde with radiant eyes, what we meet quite often. She did not want to take anything from me. And once said: "You have to make me a gift!" - "What do you want?" - "Bring me soap!" I brought her soap. She took him and disappeared. Returned painted and said, stretching my fragrant hands, "Kiss my hands as you kiss their ladies in Petersburg living rooms!" I rushed to her knees! No moments in my life, which could be compared with it! "

"Do not go to my grave ..."

In 1878, Turgenev wrote poems in prose: "When I won't be, when everything that was me, I crumpled, oh you, my only friend, about you, which I loved so deeply and so gently, you, who, probably, We will survive me, - do not go to my grave ... you have nothing to do there. "

So everything happened. Last years, Ivan Sergeevich lived in the Viardo family. He was seriously ill - spine cancer. However, French doctors mistaken him from "chest toads." In the spring of 1883, Louis Viardo died, Male Polina. And on September 3, Ivan Sergeevich died on her hands. I buried him according to the will in St. Petersburg on the Volkov Cemetery. Polina herself was not at the funeral, I sent the daughter of Claudia. And he did not go to the grave. How did you get (or predicted?) Turgenev.

After the death of her husband, Viardo on the second day already conducted classes on singing with students. When Turgenev died, he did not leave the room for three days ...

As the writer premeditated, she survived him. For as many as 27 years.

"I kiss you all hours!"

From the letters of Turgenev Polina Viardo

"I went to look at the house today, where I first seven years ago, I had a happiness to talk to you. This house is in Nevsky, opposite the Alexandrin theater; Your apartment was at the very corner, - Do you remember? In all my life there are no memories more expensive than those belonging to you ... I began to respect myself since I wear this treasure ... And now let me fall to your feet. "

"I ask, let me, in the sign of forgiveness, a flame to kiss these expensive legs, which own my soul belongs ... I want to live and die for your pretty feet. I kiss you for a whole clock and stay forever with your friend. "

"Ah, my feelings are too large for you and mighty. I can't live away from you, I have to feel your intimacy, enjoy it. The day when I did not shine your eyes, - the day lost. "

July 11, 2018, at 13:01

The story of the love of the great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev and the one called the Golden voice of France, full of drama and passion. Also, this story can be called a story about the solitude of the soul: as the Roman Turgenev with the singer Polina Viardo was Roman rather than Platonic than real. Nevertheless, it was a full-fledged love romance, and also in length in life ...

Polina Viardo. T. Neff

For the first time, the writer saw the one that became his muse forever, on stage, when the singer came to tour in St. Petersburg. Turgenev was fascinated by the voice of the prince of French opera troupe - and in fact, Viardo's voice was outstanding. When Polina began to sing, the sigh of admiration was swept around the hall, and listening to Viarda could be infinite. The connoisseurs of opera art argued that the second one would not be found on all five continents!

Turgenev was eager to be represented by the singer - and she gladly looked at the one who was presented as a "landowner, hunter, a good interlocutor and a bad poet." He really was a wonderful interlocutor, and in the singer, who, besides a luxurious voice, possessed quite modest, if not to tell an unattractive appearance, he fell in love with a first look.

The passion was so strong that the 25-year-old Ivan Turgenev threw everything and left after the singer and her husband in Paris - to the great indignation of his mother, who did not give his son to a journey or a penny. As the writer of Turgenev was also not yet known, so he really was in the eyes of Viardo not a writer, but rather the "hunter and the interlocutor". In Paris, he was interrupted from Bread on Kvass, but did not ask for help from his mother - one of the richest Russian landlords, the provisos of a huge agricultural empire. She called Viardo "Cursed Gypsy" who brought her son, and for three years, while Turgenev lived near the Viardo family on the rights of the family, the mother did not send him a penny.

In the one that the writer's mother dubbed "Gypsy", and indeed something from the nomadic people: painful thinness, piercing black eyes are a bit hitch and southern passionship performed by music works - both for voice and piano. The game on Royal Viardo studied at the most brilliant Ferenist Sheet, and when this ugly, a sutowless woman went on stage or sat down for the piano, the listeners forgot about her physical imperfection and plunged into the magical world of sounds.

Ivan Turgenev, whose works were erected by a woman to a romantic pedestal, and did not think about becoming the lover of the singer. He just lived next to her, breathed with Viardo with one air and was content only by the friendship of the singer and her husband. He was laughing in someone else's fire, although Viardo was by no means a laptop: the singer had hobbies on the side. Nobody could oppose the charm of her voice and personality: George Sand was completely fascinated by Polina, and the singer could learn in the main heroine of Roman Sand "Consuelo". Also, the writer closed his eyes on the novel of Married Polina, with whom they became a friend, with her son, believing that he was allowed to be a great talent ...

However, Ivan Turgenev is a talent, the literary star of which brightly shines the second century, was satisfied with the modest place "on the edge of someone else's nest, as he said himself. He could not become the destroyer of this nest - so much was in him admiration for an extraordinary woman and in front of everything that at least fleeing her eyes fell or what the hands concerned.

It may seem that the Grand Russian writer has always been a romantic in nature, but this judgment will be erroneous. Before Viardo, the writer fell in love repeatedly and even had an extramarital daughter from a stormy novel with the whiteist Avdota Ivanova. But Viardo was by no means whitestroker and not even the famous "Turgenev young lady", behind which it was possible to simply leather boredom for. No, this woman writer idolized so much that he himself built in such a height, where she became unacceptable for him as museum of arts, squeezing on Parnassa!

Ivan Turgenev was painfully jealous to the singer, who periodically happened to the novels on the side, but ... was for her just a friend, a teacher of a difficult Russian language, which she wanted to master the perfection to fulfill the romances of Glinka, Dargomyzhsky and Tchaikovsky in the original language. Total Polina knew six languages \u200b\u200band achieved the perfect sound of every note and every sound.

With Louis Viardo, the husband of the singer, Ivan Turgenev also had a warm relationship. They agreed on the basis of love for literature and hunting. Soon, none of those visited the salon "Viardo - Turgenev" was no longer surprised that this trio was indepressible: Polina, her husband and a strange Russian, who played in domestic performances, participated in music evenings, and his daughter, which Ivan Turgenev brought from Russia , brought up in the Viardo family as a native.

Polina, who had their own children, was happy to be happy with a foster child. A timid girl, devoid of maternal affection, soon out of the shy beech, turned into a flirty, loosely chirping in French Mademoiselle. The Father's letters now also wrote to her native language in the name of her, and her name from Pelagia was redone to Polyindet.

Muza and wife - sometimes these are completely different people ... You can not say that Ivan Turgenev does not try to escape from the "alien nest" and reject their own. But all attempts were vainly: he was loved by Baroness Vrevskaya, and the talented actress Maria Savina, but Turgenev could not find feelings in her heart for these women as strong as he felt in Polina. And even when he sometimes returned to his homeland, in order to settle financial affairs or see the mother, there was only one letter of Viardo, so that he immediately threw everything and returned back.

Ivan Turgenev lived a long life - and forty years of this life was lit by the light of only one star, whose name is Polina Viardo. The writer died with her name on the lips, surrounded by the Viardo family, who became its only real family.

Polina Viardo. Last Magician Bergman Sonya

Chapter 10 Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardo - the longest love story

Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardo - the longest love story

Their relationship lasted 40 years old - from 1843 to 1883. Probably this is the longest history of love. Tours in Europe brought a huge success with polynet, but the French press ambiguously evaluated the talent of Viardo. Some were enthusiastic with her singing, and some subjected her diving destroying criticism by putting her in guilt and voice, and ugly appearance.

This recognition of his talent Viardo received in St. Petersburg, where she arrived in 1843. Before her appearance in St. Petersburg in Russia there was almost nothing about her. The debut of Viardo in the opera "Seville Barber" had promised success. The triumphant popularity of Polina gave her the opportunity to get acquainted with many representatives of the highest light and the creative intelligentsia of Russia. Melomanany, musicians, Writers gathered in the Viardo family. At one of the idea views, the singer first saw and heard the young poet Ivan Turgenev, who served as a college assessor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is in love with Polina Viardo, in love with a glance. Very often in St. Petersburg private music evenings are arranged. Hot fans of music brothers Mikhail and Matvey Wielgorsk invite Polina Viardo to take part in them:

You are so popular, it's not just a song from your mouth, it is an extraordinary beauty of the music of the soul. Be honorary guests of our evening - the brothers really wanted one of the first to "seize" this piece of triumph of a young singer.

There will be only people who honor the music, they all want to handle you not only in the hall, but also personally touch you, as the "goddess of the scene" - on the gap, the brothers begged to attend Polina Viardo at their musical evening.

Well, well, good ... A grateful Russian audience, I will come - in absentia by loving the breadth of his soul of Russian, Viardo agrees.

It also participates in the music evenings in the Winter Palace. Turgenev is a permanent participant of such evenings and meetings. They first met in the poet's house and teacher of Major's literature A. Komarov. The same Viardo has not allocated Turgenev from many others. Later she wrote: "I was presented with the words:" This is a young Russian landowner, a glorious hunter and a bad poet. " At this time, Turgenev turned 25 years old. Viardo - 22 years. From that moment on, Polina became the master of his heart. The union of two bright talented personalities arises in unlawfully.

As Polina's rapprochement is becoming an involuntary confessor Ivan Sergeevich. He is frank with her. Trusts her all his secrets. She first reads his works in the manuscript. She inspires his work. It is impossible to talk about Turgenev, not mentioning Viardo. You can not talk about Viardo outlining with Turgenev. My husband is Polina - Louis - Turgenev heavily moved away, the passion of both was hunting.

In 1844, Viardo goes to Vienna, in 1845 she is again in Russia, a country that gave her true glory, the country she called his homeland. In the spring of Chet Viardo, Polina and Louis, come to Moscow. Turgenev meets them:

How glad I am glad to see you, everyone is waiting for your speech, only they say that Madame Viardo, - Turgenev tries to be restrained, even feelings and overflow it.

We are glad to return to feel all the love and gratitude of the Russians. Monsieur Turgenev, you provide us with honor, meeting us! - Louis Viardo, ahead of his wife his greeting.

I personally show you the Kremlin, and I invited my mother and relatives to your concert, everyone is looking forward to your appearance on the stage - it does not get tired to "peeling" and greetings joyful and anticipating from meeting with Polina, something special Turgenev.

I am insanely glad to meet you ... - Smiling mysteriously, Polina gives him his hand.

In May 1845, the Spouses Viardo go to Paris, where Turgenev arrives soon. Summer they live in Kurtavel, their estate near Paris. Turgenev for a date with Viardo also comes there. In 1846, Spouses Viardo arrive in Russia again. They brought with them a little daughter - Lizette. It happened so that the daughter fell as cough. Caring for her, Polina herself was very sick. The malignant form of the cough could lead to voice loss. As a result, all concerts in Russia canceled and spouses leave home, where treatment of homeopathy and a softer climate helped to cope with the disease.

The dynamics of the development of relations between Viardo and Turgenev can be observed only by letters of Ivan Sergeevich. The letters of Viardo to Turgenev have not been preserved. Viardo seized them from the writer's archive after his death. But, even reading the letters of only one side, the letters of Turgenev, you can feel the strength and depth of his love for this woman. The first letter of Turgenev writes immediately after leaving Viardo from Russia in 1844. Correspondence failed immediately. Apparently, Viardo answered inaccurately and did not give freedom of expression Turgenev. But she did not push him away, she took the love of the writer and allowed him to love himself, without hiding and his feeling. Turgenev's letters are filled with adoration of Viardo. Turgenev begins to live her life, her talent. He disassembles the shortcomings in her work. Advises to study her classic literary plots, gives advice and to improve the German language.

I am shocked, the last your opera, put on German, will sound amazingly on a big scene - with delight in his voice, after another rehearsal, Polina says, says Turgenev.

Well, you, right, this is a classic, she sounds beautiful in any language, - Polina clearly like this Russian, dedicating to her so much time.

For three years (1847-1850), Turgenev lived in France, being closely communicating with the Viardo family and personally with Polina. In the estate, the composer S. Gunno settled at this time, with whom Turgenev became friends. It was there that, in Kurtavenle, were conceived and wrote the main stories of "Hunter's Notes". Some were called the Kurtwell "Cradle" of the literary fame of Ivan Sergeevich.

The nature of this town was unusual. Before the main entrance to the castle is a green lawn with flowers. There were luxurious poplars and chestnuts on it, a slightly different apple-garden was broken. Subsequently, Turgenev with a fading heart recalled the dress Polina Viardo with brown divorces, her gray hat and her guitar. For the winter, the Viardo family went to Paris. Turgenev was driving there, removing the apartment. Viardo also often went on tour. All contemporaries note that, being externally ugly, and maybe even ugly, she was transformed on stage. After the start of singing along the hall, the electric spark was running out, the audience was enthusiastic, and no one remembered her appearance - she seemed beautiful to everyone. Great composers - Berlioz, Wagner, Glinka, Rubinstein, Tchaikovsky and many others admired her mind and talent.

In the middle of 1850, Turgenev was forced to go to Russia. The writer's mother was strongly jealous of his son to the "damned gypsy" and demanded a gap with Viardo and the return of the son home. Later, Turgenev uses mother traits for the image of a rigid servers-serpentine in the story "Mummy".

Varvara Petrovna Turgenev itself neither put the literary classes in a penny. It ended in that she stopped sending his son the money required for life abroad. In the estate, Spassky Turgenev had a very difficult explanation with his mother. As a result, he managed to pick her up his extramarital daughter Polina, born on the connection of the writer with a fastener whistling A. I. Ivanova and send an 8-year-old girl to education in the Viardo family.

In November 1950, Turgenev's mother dies. Ivan Sergeevich is hardly experiencing this death. Having read the mother's diary, Turgenev in a letter to Viardo admires the mother and simultaneously writes: "... My mother in the last minutes did not think about anything, as (ashamed to say) about the ruin of me and brother."

While Turgenev lived in Spassky, consulting his affairs and walking along the tenacious park of the estate, in 1851 he was tied by a real earthly novel with a fastener girl. In the letters of this time to Viardo, Turgenev writes a lot about affairs, about the death of Gogol, about the study of the Russian people, but there is not a word about contacting a serf girl. Is it possible to consider it as hypocrisy and the insincerity of the writer in relation to the beloved woman? Most likely it is impossible. Simply in the soul of Turgenev existed contradictions, the collision of the highest and lower elements took place. And the connection with the focatus was not love, but only a boric fatality of sensual imposition to a fortress girl fully dependent on his Barin. These relationships could not affect the romantic love for Viardo. Apparently, the writer himself did not attach this connection any value, and therefore the episode did not find a place in the correspondence.

In 1852-1853, Viardo comes to sing to Russia. She successfully performs on the stage of St. Petersburg. Turgenev trembles from hope to the meeting, very worried about her health. He himself cannot come to St. Petersburg, since the government subjected his link to the generic estate for a sharp article on the death of N. V. Gogol in Russian Vedomosti. Turgenev invites Viardo to Spassky, but, apparently, the musical obligations do not give her such an opportunity. In the spring of 1853, Viardo performs in Moscow. Turgenev for someone else's passport leaves to Moscow, where he spends 10 days, meeting with Viardo.

1854-1855 The strange break in the letters of Turgenev to Viardo. Most likely, the reason is that Ivan Sergeevich is trying to arrange his personal life. Turgenev is fond of his Farm Reliable by Olga Alexandrovna Turgeneva. Turgenev was often in her father's house. It was a meek and attractive girl, the gardens of V. Zhukovsky, musician. In 1854 she was 18 years old. They very closely, and Ivan Sergeevich thought about making a "Turgeneous proposal. But, as a friend of Turgenev P. V. Annenkov recalled, this connection lasted for a long time and peacefully sheltered. But for Olga Alexandrovna, the gap turned out to be a heavy blow - she fell ill and could not recover from shock for a long time. She then married S. N. Somov and soon died, leaving several children. Turgenev very much burned about her death.

In 1856, Turgenev goes abroad again. It was the Crimean War, and it was not easy to get a passport. Travel to France, with which Russia fought, was closed for Russian ... Turgenev rides Paris through Germany. He again meets with Viardo and spends the end of summer and part of the autumn in Kurtaveno - the Union of Friendship and Love is restored. Probably, this period was a heavy test for love Turgenev and Viardo. In Kurtaven, Turgenev visits the poet A. Feth, to whom Turgenev gives frankly recognition, who escaped him at the time of despair: "I subordinate to the will of this woman. Not! She deposited from me everything else, so I need. I only then bliss when the woman with a heel comes on the neck and press me his face to the dirt. "

The poet Ya. P. Polonsky's friend remembered that Turgenev could not like a long innocent woman to love for a long time, at least with advantages. What he needed such a woman who would make him doubt, hesitate, jealous, lose heart - to suffer in one word. Turgenev loved Viardo unselfishly, with all his soul, putting his life to her legs. Polina, the woman of the powerful temperament and exorbitant pride, having a sober practical mind, although they answered the senses of the writer, but practically held it at a distance, often delivering Turgenev exorbitant suffering. It was undoubtedly the love of the highest type, when the essence is not in the possession of the body, but in uniting lives, in the union of souls. These two opposite character were converged, they were repelled from each other, but for many years remained together.

Of course, Viaro was not the woman who was able to surround Turgenev atmospheric tenderness in which he needed so much. But the love of Turgenev, Viardo was needed to communicate with him. The permanent presence of Turgenev was not for her for the burden or satisfaction of its vanity. Such an independent strong, partly the unbridled nature would not be able to transfer a person next to him who loving her if she was indifferent to him. And Turgenev himself would hardly be to endure the constant humiliation of one-sided love.

His love for Viardo Turgenev transfers to his entire family. He with such love responds in letters about the daughters of Viardo - Claudia and Marianna, that some researchers did not approve without reason that these were two native daughters writers. And in the appearance of Marianna even found the Oryol features of Turgenev. However, just chronological comparisons show that these speculations are not confirmed.

In the spring of 1857, the next cooling of the relations of Turgenev and Viardo begins. It is noticeably moving away from Turgenev. The writer feels bad and treated in Germany. In August, he writes a letter to the poet N. A. Nekrasov, that it is impossible to live like that: "Fully sit on the sewing of someone else's nest. Nothing - well, no need to ".

It is not known that the reason for the cooling of the relationship was caused. Although it is known that her husband advised the relationship with Turgenev Viardo, as well as a long-term friend A. Sheffer. From the letters Viardo to Y. Ritsu shows that this decision was not without difficulty. After some time, Viardo leaves for tour in Europe, and Turgenev - to Russia. In the summer of 1858, Viardo writes a letter to Turgenev, the first after a long break - she reports the death of A. Scheffer. Their relationship during this period is friendly. In the fall of 1860 between Turgenev, who came to the Kurtavel, and Viardo occurred some serious explanation. They broke up with Viardo. Turgenev wrote a Countess Lambert: "The past separated from me finally, but, swaying with him. I saw that I had nothing left that my whole life was separated with him ... ".

In 1861 there is no correspondence between him and Viardo. In 1862, relations renew - the Viardo family comes to Baden-Baden to buy a house - Turgenev joins them. Viardo buy a house in this resort place. The circle is the abundance of forests and mountains. Among the holidaymakers a prominent place is occupied by the Russians. The Viaro's husband could be treated here on the waters, and there was a wonderful hunt in the Black Forest and Mountain meadows: they were quail, hares, pheasants and even Vepri.

In Baden-Baden, Turgenev settled near Viaro villa. The last 20 years of life Ivan Sergeevich lived abroad, becoming a member of the Viardo family. In 1863, Viardo says goodbye to the big scene, although in his 43 years it is full of energy and charm, and her villa becomes a music center where celebrities are going, where Polina sings, and also accompanies on the piano. Viardo composes comic operas and operetta for the home theater - Turgenev writes plays, which are used for operetta libretto. In 1871, the Viardo family moved to France. Turgenev left with them. In the house of Viardo in Paris, Turgenev took up the top floor. The house was filled with sounds of music. Viardo is engaged in teaching work. And at home evenings, she sings perfectly on the evidence of contemporaries, including Russian romances.

In the summer, Viardo shot the cottage in Buvalo. White villa was located on a hill, around the old trees, a fountain, the crushes from the key water fled down the grass. Several above the villa rinsed elegant, decorated with wooden carvings, a two-story house of Turgenev's house, decorated in the foundation of growing colors. After classes with the students, Viardo walked with Turgenev in the park, they discussed written by him, and she never hid her opinion about his work. By this time, the story of Turgenev about life in France, recorded by L. N. Maikov, where the writer says: "I love a family, family life, but I was not destined to create my own family, and I was attached, I was part of someone else's family ... there They look at me not as a writer, but as per person, and among it calmly and warm me ... "Of course, you can not blame Viardo, that she touched Turgenev from his homeland. This is not true. Love for Viardo forced the writer to live abroad. How much could Viardo kept the energy of literary creativity in it, although it could hardly realize the Russian spirit of the works of Turgenev. Apparently, she did not feel to the end of the tragedy of the head of the writer from the Motherland.

The Paris-Bukovsky period of the writer can be called a quiet pier of the recent years of the life of Turgenev.

Viardo's house became his home: their cohabitation took the character of the "family-like" existence. Former quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings are overcome. Friendship and love have strengthened, the loyalty to Turgenev Viardo waited for a deserved award, but the soul of Turgenev remained twisted, it was terrible, hopeless contradictions. Against this background, he had seizures of despondency. So in a letter to Polonsky in 1877, Turgenev wrote: "Midnight. I sit again behind my writing desk .... At the bottom of my friend, my friend sings something with my completely broken voice ... and I have darker than dark nights. The grave seems to be hurry to swallow me: like a moment, what day flies, empty, colorless, colorless, colorless. "

Ridges to Russia were brief, but are joyful and significant. In 1880, in the Pushkin holiday, Turgenev said this, in 1881 in the estate Spassky Turgenev occurs with L. Tolstoy. In the 1980s, Turgenev's health deteriorates - he suffers from private gout bonds. George Sand dies. It was a strong experience, both for Viardo and for Turgenev. Hardly sick and looked Louis Viardo.

Doctors have treated Turgenev from chest toad for a long time, attributing to him fresh air and a dairy diet, and in fact he had a spine cancer. When the outcome of the disease became clear, then Viardo, wanting to save Turgenev from overwork, began to protect the writer in every way, not putting visitors to him. When the French writer A. Dodé came to Turgenev in early 1883, the Viardo house was all in colors and singing, but Turgenev came down to the first floor in the art gallery with great difficulty. Louis Viardo was there. Turgenev smiled, surrounded by the works of Russian artists. In April 1883, the writer was transported to Buval. Turgenev was demolished from the stairs, and towards him was shown in the chair of the dying Louis Viardo. They shook hands - in two weeks, Viardo died. After the death of Louis, Polina Viardo was sent to Turgenev.

Viardo continued musical lessons with the students - she had to share her time between the Parisian apartment and Buhwale. In summer, Turgenev's health has improved a little. He was still surrounded by the warmth and care of the members of the Viardo family. A writer chained to bed asked to transfer his bed into the office: he could now see the sky and greens, and most importantly - he could see below the Viardo Villa's slope. But in June, the doctors became clear, hopelessness of the position of the patient Turgenev. In mid-August, Turgenev resumed the attacks of terrible pain. The dying was heavy, he lay the whole weakened, pumped out morphy and opium. In the delirium spoke only in Russian. Polina, her two daughters and two nurses were relentless with a dying writer. Already shortly before death, he learned Viardo leaning over him. He was fixed and said: "Here is the queen from the queen, how much good it did." In early September, Turgenev died. Viardo came to despair. She writes L. Pich two letters that breathe grief. She promises to be in Trares until the end of the days. "No one knew him as we, and no one would mourn for so long," the daughter of Viardo Marianna wrote.

Polina Viardo survived Turgenev for a long time, as he predicted in the poem "When I won't ..." And she did not go to his grave, which was also predicted by a writer ...

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