What does it mean when a person dances badly. Dancing as therapy or why dancing is better than a bottle, an antidepressant, or a psychotherapist

What does it mean when a person dances badly.  Dancing as therapy or why dancing is better than a bottle, an antidepressant, or a psychotherapist
What does it mean when a person dances badly. Dancing as therapy or why dancing is better than a bottle, an antidepressant, or a psychotherapist

Hey! Tatyana Lyamzina in the studio. If a person dances well and moves to the beat, then it is easier for him to learn speech than a less rhythmic person, American experts have revealed. According to RIA Novosti, during the dance, the brain zones responsible for hearing and movement are perfectly synchronized. This fact was known to scientists. Now scientists from Northwestern University have analyzed the ability to adhere to a rhythm and the brain's response to sounds. For this, an experiment was conducted with adolescents. They were asked to listen to the metronome and press the button to the beat. In this case, the accuracy of the hit was assessed. And with the help of an electroencephalogram, they recorded how the brain of adolescents reacted. It turned out that if the teenager pressed the button clearly in accordance with the metronome, the brain's reaction was stable in response to listening to the syllable. Experts already know that the ability to read and the ability to keep the rhythm in motion are linked. And the ability to read, in turn, is associated with the nature of the brain's reaction to sound. It turns out that hearing is the basis.

Singing in the choir will help restore the heart rate. People singing together have a synchronization of their heartbeats, either increasing or decreasing, depending on how they breathe in a single mode. In addition, there is a normalization of the work of the vagus nerve, which is responsible for emotions and communication with other people. Scientists from the University of Gothenburg tested how different melodies with different tempo and key affect the well-being of choristers. It turned out that the melody and structure of a piece of music directly influenced the heartbeat, which all changed at the same time. The greatest synchronization was achieved when chanting mantras, songs with long phrases worked in the same way as the breathing exercises of yogis. Measured and calm breathing had a positive effect on the mental state and work of the heart.

Of course, music is not a substitute for medicine. But doctors at Royal Brompton Hospital in London have begun a singing program for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These patients are limited by how much air they can breathe in and out. Some people breathe very quickly, which makes the problem worse. They take many quick, shallow breaths, which makes them even more difficult to breathe. Singing lessons teach them how to control their breathing rate. The breathing techniques that are used for chanting are more beneficial for people with mild problems. If a person has a serious illness, it will be quite difficult to sing. Of course, the songs should be pretty simple.

But women need to be sure to catch a parent of a child under 35 years old, say reproductive experts at Newcastle University. According to them, women should not hide behind their careers, postponing motherhood, because over the years the work does not become easier. However, more and more modern families are getting involved with children. Almost 50% of children now appear in women 30 and older. The number of children born to such families has tripled in recent years. After 35 years of age, the chances of conceiving a child are significantly reduced. And IVF does not guarantee the birth of a child. If a woman fails to have a child until 40-50 years old, she will face psychological trauma, psychologists say. And even if conception did occur, women in the older age group face a large number of complications during the pregnancy itself. In particular, there is an increased risk of miscarriages, premature babies or underweight babies. Stillbirth is more than twice as common among mothers over 35. But the degradation of eggs, which occurs over time, increases the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome and other genetic abnormalities. Women themselves are subsequently often faced with arthritis, depression, cancer, heart attacks. Therefore, family planning should include not only the issues of contraception, but also the issues of childbirth, doctors emphasize. Be healthy!

The choice of dance direction, which he is fond of, can tell a lot about a person. As a rule, ballroom dances are chosen by balanced natures, Latin American motives are fond of cheerful and emotional ones, and go go dances are preferred by energetic and self-confident people.

And what does the dance say about a man?

It is quite difficult to immediately determine at the first glance at a young man whether it is worth starting a close relationship with him. But some nuances will help the girl decide whether it makes sense to give this gentleman her phone number.

It turns out that you can draw some conclusions based on how a man dances a slow dance. By taking a closer look at your partner, you can learn a few things about him.

Typical dance of a serious but timid man

If your partner uncertainly holds you by the waist and with great difficulty falls into the musical beat, most likely you cannot call him Don Juan. He treats the ladies with increased seriousness, often shy in front of them. Such a gentleman may be somewhat bland and even devoid of charm, but such men willingly marry and are able to be reliable. As a rule, in such a pair, a woman is in the lead when communicating.

But keep in mind that your partner may not have an ear for music.

Narcissistic partner

If a man in a dance supports his partner with only one hand, this is most likely a narcissistic narcissist. Perhaps he is still too young and therefore too self-confident. In any case, in the dance he demonstrates offensive negligence and dances, rather, with the aim of showing off. Acquaintance with such a character, unfortunately, can bring you a lot of grief.

Inappropriate dance behavior

If a man, dancing with a woman, playfully slips his hand over her body, he is either drunk or badly brought up. With such cheeky characters, not only should you not get to know closely, but even continue to dance.

How can a man behave while dancing?

  • If a young man holds a girl with one hand around the waist, and with the other takes her hand, taking her to the side, then he is either a provincial or a man of age.
  • If his hand is gracefully bent at the elbow at the same time, this is a sign of good upbringing. Such a dancer is distinguished by excellent manners and, most likely, he is easy to communicate and intelligent.
  • If a man, as they say in ballroom dancing, dances with a woman "in contact," he is probably a sophisticated lover. And if at the same time he also confidently leads, then, most likely, such a man is used to dominating women. It makes sense to get this partner's attention. It will be quite easy to do if you have studied modern dance at the Sportmix studio.

Try to look at him carefully at the first contact with your dance partner: you can learn a lot about him and decide for yourself whether it is worth continuing further communication or it is better to immediately resign.

Those of you who love to spend time on the dance floor will probably be surprised to learn that this hobby has benefits not only for your fitness, but also for your brain. Dancing is more than just a pleasant pastime with friends or a loved one. They have an amazing ability to improve brain function. Let's take a look at five amazing things dancing can do to your brain.


The Medical College of New York has conducted a study for 21 years in which people over 75 years old took part. The researchers measured brain aging by monitoring the rate of dementia. The aim of the study was to find out if any kind of physical or cognitive activity can affect the brain.

Research has shown that some cognitive actions affect the mind, but physical activity had little or no effect. Dancing was the only exception. Here are some of the research findings:

  • reading - reducing the risk of dementia by 35%;
  • cycling and swimming - no risk reduction occurs;
  • solving crosswords four times a week - the risk of developing dementia is reduced by 47%;
  • playing golf - does not affect the development of dementia in any way;
  • Frequent dancing - 76% reduction in risk.

People who dance regularly have more cognitive reserves and an increased complexity of neural synapses. Dancing reduces the risk of dementia by improving these neural qualities. They force the brain to constantly "repair" neural pathways, thereby helping neuroplasty.

You get smarter

What is meant by intelligence? If your answer to a particular situation is automatic, then it is generally accepted that intellect is involved in this process. When the brain evaluates various options for answers and consciously chooses one, then such a process is also considered to be reasonable. Jean Piaget noted that we use intelligence when we no longer know what to do.

Simply put, intelligence is about decision making. To improve your mental ability, you need to engage yourself in activities that take fractions of a second to make the right decision. Dancing is an example of a constantly changing activity that requires quick decision making. You need to instantly understand which way to turn, how fast to move, and how to react to your partner's movements. Dancing is a great way to maintain and improve your intelligence.

Improves muscle memory

Dancers can learn complex movements more easily if they use the "marking" method - slowly learn all the movements and coordinate them. This "marking" reduces the conflict between cognitive and physical aspects during dance practice, so dancers are able to memorize and repeat all movements much better. Evidence for this has been published in the journal of the Association for Psychological Sciences.

The researchers concluded that visualization of movements and labeling help improve muscle memory. But also this visualization and labeling mechanism used to memorize dance can be applied in a variety of industries to optimize performance.

Aging slows down and memory improves

Some scientists believe that the more complex our neural synapses, the better. Therefore, you should do whatever you can to create new neural connections, and dancing is a great way to do this.

As you get older, brain cells die and synapses become weaker. Many things, like the names of new acquaintances, are harder to remember because there is only one neural pathway that leads you to this stored information.

But if you are working on learning new things, such as dancing, then it helps to build different psychic routes and many paths. So when one neural pathway is lost due to age, you have an alternative pathway that can be used as access to stored information and memories.

You can prevent vertigo

Have you ever wondered why ballet dancers don't get dizzy when they perform complex pirouettes. Research shows that many years of practice and training make it possible to suppress signals from the balance organs in the inner ear, which are associated with the cerebellum.

A ballerina simply cannot afford to lose her balance or feel dizzy. Over the course of many years of training, her brain adapts to suppress these sensations. Consequently, the signal going to the areas of the brain responsible for the perception of vertigo is reduced, and this makes the ballerinas more resistant to the sensations of vertigo.

If you suffer from dizziness, take time out of your schedule for any kind of dance. This is a good solution to the problem. Dancing helps improve the function of your cerebellum, which in turn improves balance and relieves dizziness. You don't need to be a professional dancer to benefit from this art. Dances of any level help.

Instead of a conclusion

Dancing is a great way to maintain and improve many of the functions of the human brain. It enhances neural connections as dance combines several brain functions at the same time: rational, musical, kinetic, and emotional. This increase in neural connectivity can be beneficial for your brain at any age. Start now and dance every day!


It is not entirely true that it is only with the advent of a certain age that we are literally "covered with a wave of nostalgia" when we hear the melody of youth, or see some attributes of that time. Even a very small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy, if someone took it or hid it. We are all to some extent in love with old things, because they keep the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique that can be touched and smelled. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a book of Soviet times with slightly yellowed pages that exude a sweetish aroma, especially when turning them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, those with uneven white borders. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved until now, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

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The answer to the question of why we dance - and even why some people do it better than others - can be found in the theory of evolution. A study published in 2006 found that the ability to dance is actually linked to a survival mechanism. For our prehistoric ancestors, dancing was a way to connect and communicate, especially during difficult times. Moreover, scientists believe that those people who had good coordination and a sense of rhythm could have an evolutionary advantage.

According to Stephen J. Meeten, an archaeologist at the British University of Reading, our ancestors learned to use dance to attract an ally or helper as much as 1.5 million years ago.

Also, according to recent research, anthropologists and evolutionary biologists agree that the nature of dance lies in the imitation mechanism. By imitation, young children, for example, learn to speak and perform the same activities as adults. At the same time, the experience of repetition strengthens the bond between perceptions of oneself and others doing the same thing. Using a similar model, we learn to dance, that is, we do not so much intuitively contract muscles to the beat of the music, as we reproduce the motor trajectories that we observe.

Some researchers believe that mimicking the behavior is explained by special neural structures, while other experts argue that the clue should be sought in the cognitive mechanisms of general learning and motor control of the body. By the way, the analysis of brain activity, carried out by the method of magnetic emission tomography, revealed an interesting connection.

During the dance and while imitating someone's actions, the same neural circuits work, occurring in the same areas of the brain - in the primary motor cortex, occipital and temporal lobes.

This observation continues to be supported by studies of special cells - mirror neurons located in the cerebral cortex. Mirror neurons were not discovered until the 1990s, and much remains to be seen about their functional role. But it is definitely known that these cells are activated when performing a specific action and watching how someone performs the same action. In addition, mirror neurons are especially fired when a person is learning something or showing empathy. Therefore, the detection of increased work of these cells in professional dancers is not surprising.

It should be added here that the biology of dance is much more complex. A comprehensive study published in Scientific American notes that coordinated movements performed to music stimulate the brain's pleasure center. Moreover, the activation of this part of the brain and the increased production of the hormone dopamine are largely due to music, and not movements. That is, the pleasant sensations that arise when listening to a melody and its rhythm are enhanced if not just listen to music, but move in time with it. Take, for example, the Brazilian traditional art of capoeira. This is both dance and martial art. Capoeira masters explain that it is no coincidence that the transformation of martial techniques into dance movements to music is not accidental - it is the pleasure obtained from music and choreography that allows one to skillfully carry out martial practices.

By the way, in addition to physiology, genetic laws are also involved in the case of the dance essence. Interesting data were obtained by Israeli scientists who studied the DNA of a group of dancers and people who are not familiar with choreography. As a result, geneticists discovered an interesting fact. Dancers have two distinct genes associated with a predisposition to be good social communicators - largely due to the production of the hormone vasopressin. In addition, dancers have been found to have higher levels of another hormone, serotonin, which is known to influence feelings of joy and happiness.