Red terror. Cause of the mass terror revolution, Stalin-Mogilee "Proletarian" revolution

Red terror. Cause of the mass terror revolution, Stalin-Mogilee
Red terror. Cause of the mass terror revolution, Stalin-Mogilee "Proletarian" revolution

Red terror - complex of punitive measures conducted bolsheviks in the course Civil War in Russia (1917-1923) against social groups proclaimed class enemies as well as against persons accused of counter-revolutionary activity . He was part of the repressive state policy of the Bolshevik government, was used in practice, both by the implementation of legislation and outside the framework of any legislation, served as a means of frightening both the anti-Bolshevik forces and civilians

Currently, the term "red terror" has two definitions:

- For part of historians, the concept of a red terror includes all repressive policies. soviet power , beginning with samosudov october 1917. According to their definition, red terror - logical continuation October revolution , Began earlier white terror And it was inevitable, since Bolshevik violence was directed not against the active resistance, and against the whole layers of society, which were proclaimed outside the law: nobles, landowners, officers, priests, kulaks, Cossacks, etc.

Another part of historians characterizes a red terror as extreme and forced measure; measure protective and responding as a reaction against a white terror and considers the beginning of a red terror ruling SNK RSFSR from September 5, 1918. « About red terror ».

The very concept of "red terror" first introduced auxiliary Zinaida Konoplyannikova who said in court in 1906

"The party decided on white, but the bloody terror of the government, to answer the red terror ...

In turn, the term "red terror" was then formulated L. D. Trotsky as an "instrument applied against the doomed on the death of a class that does not want to die."

A new wave of terror in Russia is usually counted with murder 1901 ECEROVSKY militant minister of folk enlightenment Nikolai Bogolepova . In total, from 1901 to 1911, about 17 thousand people became victims of the revolutionary terror (of which 9 thousand falls for the period revolutions 1905-1907 ). In 1907, almost 18 people died every day. According to the police, only from February 1905 to May 1906 was killed: governor-General , governors and gradochilnikov - 8, vice-Governors and advisers to the provincial boards - 5, plegusesters , county chiefs and corps - 21, gendarme officers - 8, generals (construction) - 4, officers (construction) - 7, breakfasts and their assistants - 79, folotic warders - 125, cities - 346, uzereknikov - 57, guards - 257, gendarm lower ranks - 55, security agents - 18, civilian ranks - 85, spiritual persons - 12, rural authorities - 52, landowners - 51, manufacturers and senior employees in factories - 54, bankers and large merchants - 29.

The death penalty in Russia, was canceled on October 26, 1917 by the decision Second All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies .

November 24, 1917 Council of People's Commissar (SNK) published Decree "On Court" according to which workers and peasant Revolutionary tribunals to fight against counter-revolutionary forces in the types of adoption of fence measures from them revolution and its conquests, as well as to solve the struggle mrajusting and predatoryness , sabotage and other abuse of merchants, industrialists, officials and other persons.

On December 6, 1917, SNK considered the possibility of an anti-bolvik strike of employees in government agencies in an all-Russian scale. It was decided to create emergency Commission To clarify the possibility of combating such a strike by the "most energetic revolutionary measures". The post of Chairman of the Commission proposed a candidacy Felix Dzerzhinsky .

On December 7, Felix Dzerzhinsky at the SNK meeting made a report on the tasks and rights of the Commission. In his activity, according to Dzerzhinsky, it was supposed to pay attention primarily to the seal, "counter-revolutionary parties" and sabotage. It was necessary to endow quite broad rights: produce arrests and confiscation, evicted criminal elements, deprive food cards, publish lists enemies of the people . Sovnarkov led by Lenin Having heard Dzerzhinsky, with his proposals to endow the new authority agreed.

At the same time, December 17, 1917, in his appeal to Cadets, L. Trotsky declares the beginning of the stage of mass terror in relation to the enemies of the revolution in a more rigid form:

"You should know that no later than a month, terror will take very strong forms following the example of the great French revolutionaries. Our enemies will wait for guillotine, not just a prison. "

Applying executions.

1. All former gendarme officers on a special list approved by the Chech.

2. All suspicious on the activities of gendarme and police officers according to the results of the search.

3. All having weapons without permission, if not on the face of mitigating circumstances (for example, membership in the revolutionary Soviet party or the working organization).

4. All with fake documents discovered if they are suspected of counter-revolutionary activities. In doubtful cases, cases should be transferred to the final consideration of the Chech.

5. Isotewing in intercourse with a criminal goal with Russian and foreign counter-revolutionary and their organizations, both on the territory of Soviet Russia and outside it.

6. All active members of the Socialist Revolutionaries of the Center and the Rights. (Note: Active members are members of the governing organizations - all committees from the Central Up to local city and district; members of combat friends and consistent with them in intercourse on party affairs; carrying out any orders of combat friends; carrying service between individual organizations, etc. d.).

7. All active figures to / revolutionary parties (Cadets, Octobrists, etc.).

8. The case of executions is discussed necessarily in the presence of a representative of the Russian Communist Party.

9. Execution is executed only under the condition of the unanimous decision of the three members of the Commission.

10. At the request of the representative of the Russian Communist Committee or in case of disagreement among members of R. Ch.K. The case is necessarily transferred to the decision of the All-Russian CC.

II. Arrest with subsequent conclusion in the concentration camp.

11. All calling and organizing political strikes and other active performances to overthrow the Soviet power, if they are not executed.

12. All suspicious according to these searches and have no certain occupations of former officers.

13. All well-known leaders of bourgeois and landlocked counterrevolution.

14. All members of the former patriotic and black-based organizations.

15. All, without exception, members of the parties S.-R. The center and the right, folk socialists, cadets and other counter-revolutionaries. As for the ordinary members of the Party of S.-Revolutionaries of the Center and the Right Workers, the days can be released on receipt that they condemn the terrorist policies of their central institutions and their point of view on the Anglo-French landing and an agreement with English-French imperialism.

16. Active members of the Menshevik Party, according to the signs listed in the note to clause 6.

Examples of red terror:

The newspaper "Socialist Vestnik" of September 21, 1922 writes about the results of the investigation of torture practiced in a criminal wanted list, which was held by the Commission of the provincial tribunal of Stavropol headed by the Public Prosecutor Shapiro and the investigator-Rapporteur Olshansky. The Commission established that in addition to "ordinary beatings", suspended and "other tortures", under the Stavropol criminal wanted list under the leadership and with the personal presence of the Chief of Criminal Search Grigorovich, a member of the Stavropolskogo Executive Committee, the Spoon of RCP (B), Deputy Head of Local State Policy:

1. hot basement - a camera without windows, 3 steps in length and one and a half in a width of two-three steps, where 18 people are placed, as installed, men and women, for 2-3 days without food, water and the right to "Departure of natural needs "

2. cold basement - Yama from the former glacier, where during the winter frosts put the concluded "almost up to Naga" and watered with water, as installed, used to 8 vector of water.

3. skin measurement - The head of the interrogative is taught by the twine, a stick, a nail, or a pencil necessary for narrowing the circularity of the beat by rotation, resulting in a squeezing skull, up to the head of the head of the head together with her hair.

4. murders of the arrestants "allegedly when trying to escape"

According to the studies of the Italian historian, J. Buffa in response to the wound of V. I. Lenin in Petrograd and Kronstadt, about 1000 counter-revolutionaries were shot.

Cruelties were arrested during the fight against the "counter-revolution" - as reported, for example, from the Vologda Power Prison, where almost all prisoners were raped by prison leadership

According to information published personally by M. Locis, in 1918 and for 7 months of 1919 8389 people were shot, of which Petrograd CC - 1206; Moscow - 234; Kievan - 825; HBC 781 people entered into a concentration camp 9496 people, prisons - 34334; The hostages of 13111 people were taken and 86,893 people were arrested.

Some historians are reported on the execution of 9641 people from 1918 to 1919, and the execution could be made as a preventive measure towards hostages and other suspicious persons. According to paragraph 37 of the Instructions for Extraordinary Commissions on the Points of December 1, 1918, the emergency commissions were entitled to apply the execution "in administrative order, but not judicial" in particular

At the same time, terror was sent not only against political opponents, but also against the communal criminals:

"In the interests of Petrograd and the revolution, it is necessary to declare a red terror to the entire criminal element, which to declare counter-revolutionary and violence with which only the wall should be"

Famous victims of red terror:

Members of the House of Romanov:

- Nicholas II (with him his whole family, Dr. Botkin and servants were killed)

Great Princes: Mikhail Alexandrovich, his secretary of England Brian Johnson, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Pavel Alexandrovich, Nikolai Konstantinovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Georgy Mikhailovich.

Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich; Princes of Imperial Blood John Konstantinovich, Konstantin Konstantinovich (Jr.), Igor Konstantinovich (Children of the Grand Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich), Prince Vladimir Pavlovich Palei (Son of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich from his morganotic marriage with Olga Pistolkors).

Tsarist Ministers:

A.N. Tailov, N. A. Maklakov, A. A. Makarov, A. G. Bulygin, A. D. Protopopov, I. G. Zheglovitov.

The verdict of the 5th Army in the case of Maria Bochkuravoya. Krasnoyarsk, 1920.


N. N. Dukhonin, Ya. G. Zhilinsky, N. V. Ruzsky, Radko Dmitriev, P. K. Rennenkampf.


N. A. Nevaspeyn, R. N. Virere, A. M. Scheduct, V. K. Girs

Cultural figures:

Nikolai Gumilyov

According to the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 9-P dated November 30, 1992, the "ideas of the dictatorship of the proletariat, a red terror, the violent elimination of the exploitative classes, the so-called enemies of the people and the Soviet authorities led to the mass genocide of the country's 20-200ies, the destruction of social The structures of civil society, the monstrous inciting social retail, the death of tens of millions of innocent people "

Red terror - complex of punitive measures conducted Bolsheviks in the course Civil War in Russia (1917-1923) against social groups proclaimed class enemies as well as against persons accused of counter-revolutionary activity . He was part of the repressive state policy of the Bolshevik government, was used in practice, both by the implementation of legislation and outside the framework of any legislation, served as a means of frightening both the anti-Bolshevik forces and civilians

Currently, the term "red terror" has two definitions:

- For part of historians, the concept of a red terror includes all repressive policies. soviet power , beginning with Samosudov october 1917. According to their definition, red terror - logical continuation October revolution , Began earlier White terror And it was inevitable, since Bolshevik violence was directed not against the active resistance, and against the whole layers of society, which were proclaimed outside the law: nobles, landowners, officers, priests, kulaks, Cossacks, etc.

Another part of historians characterizes a red terror as extreme and forced measure; measure protective and responding as a reaction against a white terror and considers the beginning of a red terror ruling SNK RSFSR from September 5, 1918. « About red terror ».

The very concept of "red terror" first introduced auxiliary Zinaida Konoplyannikova who said in court in 1906

"The party decided on white, but the bloody terror of the government, to answer the red terror ...

In turn, the term "red terror" was then formulated L. D. Trotsky as an "instrument applied against the doomed on the death of a class that does not want to die."

A new wave of terror in Russia is usually counted with murder 1901 ECEROVSKY militant minister of folk enlightenment Nikolai Bogolepova . In total, from 1901 to 1911, about 17 thousand people became victims of the revolutionary terror (of which 9 thousand falls for the period Revolutions 1905-1907 ). In 1907, almost 18 people died every day. According to the police, only from February 1905 to May 1906 was killed: Governor-General , Governors and Gradochilnikov - 8, Vice-Governors and advisers to the provincial boards - 5, Plegusesters , county chiefs and Corps - 21, gendarme officers - 8, generals (construction) - 4, officers (construction) - 7, Breakfasts and their assistants - 79, Folotic warders - 125, Cities - 346, Uzereknikov - 57, guards - 257, gendarm lower ranks - 55, security agents - 18, civilian ranks - 85, spiritual persons - 12, rural authorities - 52, landowners - 51, manufacturers and senior employees in factories - 54, bankers and large merchants - 29.

The death penalty in Russia, was canceled on October 26, 1917 by the decision Second All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies .

November 24, 1917 Council of People's Commissar (SNK) published Decree "On Court" according to which workers and peasant Revolutionary tribunals to fight against counter-revolutionary forces in the types of adoption of fence measures from them revolution and its conquests, as well as to solve the struggle Mrajusting and Predatoryness , Sabotage and other abuse of merchants, industrialists, officials and other persons.

On December 6, 1917, SNK considered the possibility of an anti-bolvik strike of employees in government agencies in an all-Russian scale. It was decided to create Emergency Commission To clarify the possibility of combating such a strike by the "most energetic revolutionary measures". The post of Chairman of the Commission proposed a candidacy Felix Dzerzhinsky .

On December 7, Felix Dzerzhinsky at the SNK meeting made a report on the tasks and rights of the Commission. In his activity, according to Dzerzhinsky, it was supposed to pay attention primarily to the seal, "counter-revolutionary parties" and sabotage. It was necessary to endow quite broad rights: produce arrests and confiscation, evicted criminal elements, deprive food cards, publish lists enemies of the people . Sovnarkov led by Lenin Having heard Dzerzhinsky, with his proposals to endow the new authority agreed.

At the same time, December 17, 1917, in his appeal to Cadets, L. Trotsky declares the beginning of the stage of mass terror in relation to the enemies of the revolution in a more rigid form:

"You should know that no later than a month, terror will take very strong forms following the example of the great French revolutionaries. Our enemies will wait for guillotine, not just a prison. "

Applying executions.

1. All former gendarme officers on a special list approved by the Chech.

2. All suspicious on the activities of gendarme and police officers according to the results of the search.

3. All having weapons without permission, if not on the face of mitigating circumstances (for example, membership in the revolutionary Soviet party or the working organization).

4. All with fake documents discovered if they are suspected of counter-revolutionary activities. In doubtful cases, cases should be transferred to the final consideration of the Chech.

5. Isotewing in intercourse with a criminal goal with Russian and foreign counter-revolutionary and their organizations, both on the territory of Soviet Russia and outside it.

6. All active members of the Socialist Revolutionaries of the Center and the Rights. (Note: Active members are members of the governing organizations - all committees from the Central Up to local city and district; members of combat friends and consistent with them in intercourse on party affairs; carrying out any orders of combat friends; carrying service between individual organizations, etc. d.).

7. All active figures to / revolutionary parties (Cadets, Octobrists, etc.).

8. The case of executions is discussed necessarily in the presence of a representative of the Russian Communist Party.

9. Execution is executed only under the condition of the unanimous decision of the three members of the Commission.

10. At the request of the representative of the Russian Communist Committee or in case of disagreement among members of R. Ch.K. The case is necessarily transferred to the decision of the All-Russian CC.

II. Arrest with subsequent conclusion in the concentration camp.

11. All calling and organizing political strikes and other active performances to overthrow the Soviet power, if they are not executed.

12. All suspicious according to these searches and have no certain occupations of former officers.

13. All well-known leaders of bourgeois and landlocked counterrevolution.

14. All members of the former patriotic and black-based organizations.

15. All, without exception, members of the parties S.-R. The center and the right, folk socialists, cadets and other counter-revolutionaries. As for the ordinary members of the Party of S.-Revolutionaries of the Center and the Right Workers, the days can be released on receipt that they condemn the terrorist policies of their central institutions and their point of view on the Anglo-French landing and an agreement with English-French imperialism.

16. Active members of the Menshevik Party, according to the signs listed in the note to clause 6.

Examples of red terror:

The newspaper "Socialist Vestnik" of September 21, 1922 writes about the results of the investigation of torture practiced in a criminal wanted list, which was held by the Commission of the provincial tribunal of Stavropol headed by the Public Prosecutor Shapiro and the investigator-Rapporteur Olshansky. The Commission established that in addition to "ordinary beatings", suspended and "other tortures", under the Stavropol criminal wanted list under the leadership and with the personal presence of the Chief of Criminal Search Grigorovich, a member of the Stavropolskogo Executive Committee, the Spoon of RCP (B), Deputy Head of Local State Policy:

1. hot basement - a camera without windows, 3 steps in length and one and a half in a width of two-three steps, where 18 people are placed, as installed, men and women, for 2-3 days without food, water and the right to "Departure of natural needs "

2. cold basement - Yama from the former glacier, where during the winter frosts put the concluded "almost up to Naga" and watered with water, as installed, used to 8 vector of water.

3. skin measurement - The head of the interrogative is taught by the twine, a stick, a nail, or a pencil necessary for narrowing the circularity of the beat by rotation, resulting in a squeezing skull, up to the head of the head of the head together with her hair.

4. murders of the arrestants "allegedly when trying to escape"

According to the studies of the Italian historian, J. Buffa in response to the wound of V. I. Lenin in Petrograd and Kronstadt, about 1000 counter-revolutionaries were shot.

Cruelties were arrested during the fight against the "counter-revolution" - as reported, for example, from the Vologda Power Prison, where almost all prisoners were raped by prison leadership

According to information published personally by M. Locis, in 1918 and for 7 months of 1919 8389 people were shot, of which Petrograd CC - 1206; Moscow - 234; Kievan - 825; HBC 781 people entered into a concentration camp 9496 people, prisons - 34334; The hostages of 13111 people were taken and 86,893 people were arrested.

Civil war has become a continuation of the revolution. And revolutions arise not by the whims of revolutionaries. They, as social earthquakes, are brewing in the depths of society for a very long time due to the exacerbation of social contradictions. And no one can cause them artificially or prevent them when they ripe. The revolutions take advantage of those who dominated first grades, they overthrow the old "elite", deprive the privileges of individual social groups. Lost power and property are fiercely resist, civil war begins.

So it was after the victory of the Great October. Initially, the resistance of the bourgeoisie and landowners, their allies of Soviet power was weak, as they were in the minority, and their support - the old state and the army disappeared. The counter-revolution was able to confront the advice with weapons in the hands of few places, mainly in the Cossack regions, and was easily suppressed by the small armed forces of the red. On April 29, 1918, the WTCIK approved the Leninist program of using a multi-way economy into transition to socialism. It was a base for class compromise.

However, the internal counter-revolution received help from the outside. The Germans supported anti-Soviet forces in areas occupied by Germanic troops. In March-April 1918, military intervention of the countries of the Entente countries began. At the end of May, an anti-Soviet rebellion was declared an anti-Soviet rebellion by order of the Military Council of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of France, which was located on the Trans-Siberian Hospital from Penza to Irkutsk and Vladivostok. With the help of Czechoslovakov, the Sameric governments arose in Samara, Novonikolaevsk, Izhevsk, and after the arrival of the Squadron of the Allies - in Arkhangelsk. They began to form their armies. Volunteers in the south and whitebees were activated. The full-scale civil war in Russia was broken.

For the purposes of Anttanta, white apologists are silent. And they are well known historians: the dismemberment of Russia into parts, the transformation of them in the colony and half colonia of Western countries and Japan. W. Churchill cynically recognized in 1932: "It would be a mistake to think that ... We fought for the work of Russian hostile to the Bolsheviks, on the contrary, the Russian White Guards fought for our business." So in recent years, the imperialists of the West have found accomplices in Yugoslavia, Iraq, in Ukraine, in Georgia, creating puppet governments there.

In a fierce civil war, the use of terror on the part of all its participants was inevitable. But terror was both a spontaneous when class enemies destroyed each other without specifying over, and organized, from the side of the White and Soviet government. The Bolsheviks tried at first to avoid terror. The II All-Russian Congress of Soviets canceled the death penalty arrested enemies of the Soviets were released under an honest word - not to fight with the new power (so they were released, for example, the generals of Krasnov, Marushevsky, and others who were not kept their word). The death penalty to political opponents, the Soviet government began to use since June 1918, when civil war broke out. Anarchic element showed itself. Anarchists were temporary fellow travelers of Bolsheviks when overthrowing the power of the bourgeoisie. But they acted uncontrollably. So, under the guidance of anarchists, the Black Sea Fleet sailors destroyed about 500 officers in the Crimea in January 1918. At the same time, spontaneously and anti-Soviet forces were raised. In the Cossack regions of the Cossacks, for example, began to destroy non-resident - peasants demanding redistribute all lands, including Cossack. In May, the reserves of the Orenburg Cossacks seized the village of Alexandrov Gai Samara province. Immediately shot the captured redarmeys - 97 people. On the advice of local fists began abrasing over supporters of Soviet power. Total destroyed about 800 people.

When the ECEROVA governments appeared, the State White Terror began. In Samara, during the coup, about 300 people were destroyed by white. When taking Syzran with Czechoslovakov and the army of Samara Komuk - 500, when taking Volsk - 800. The Samara government has created an punitive body - state protection, in addition, the counterintelligence of the People's Army of Komuk, Czechoslovakov and Serbs operated. All of them were arrested not only with supporters of the Soviets, but also for the slightest suspicion of disloyalty White without a court shot, who were considered necessary. The prisons of the Samara government were overcrowded, so the concentration camp appeared on the territory of Russia in the history of Russia - in Totsk military camps. Used to keep arrested barges.

Even in more cruel forms, terror of the ECEROVSKY WASHIBIR GRIVE was launched, in whose territory officers of the old army and whiteboasakas actively showed themselves. In September 1918, the peasants of Slavgorodsky county in Altai rebelled. They refused to give recruits to the Siberian army, captured Slavgorod. September 11, the punitive detachment of Ataman Annenkov arrived in Slavgorod. On this day, the punishers captured, suffered, shot, 500 people hung. Dottel burned the village of Black Dol, where there was a headquarters of the rebels.

And how did the Governments of the White General behave? Examples will give Siberia. On November 18, 1918, the Directory was overthrown in Omsk - the Sector Government. The government passed to the Creature of the British - Admiral Kolchak. At the insistence of the Entente, he was declared the Supreme Ruler of Russia. On December 3, 1919, Kolchak signed a resolution on the widespread application of the death penalty for the attempt on the health and life of the Supreme Ruler, for the fight against the white regime.

Kolchaktsy began to arrest and destroy the intertwined by them by ECR. On December 22, the Bolshevik group and soldiers attacked the prison in Omsk and liberated the arrested. Part of the Socialists, about 60 people, decided to return to prison, hoping that the "legitimate power" would justify them. But at night, the convoy brought them on the ice Irtysh and shot. In connection with the events of December 22, Kolchaktsy destroyed in Omsk a half thousand people in Omsk, the corpses of the dead were taken out on the sleigh as a cattle carcass.

In the Urals and in Siberia, mass arrests walked. At the end of 1918, 914,000 prisoners were in Siberian concentration camps in Siberian concentration camps. There were still prisons and concentration camp of other white governments. For comparison: in Soviet Russia, at this time there were a little more than 42 thousand prisoners, of which 2 thousand were in concentration camps.

Kolchkovtsy began robbery of Siberian peasants, resistance was brutally suppressed. How did the white punishers behave? "Waving the bushes of a few hundred people on the gate at the gate, we shut down to the village, - said the headquarters of the Dragunsky squadron from the Cappel Cappel Corps, - ... Flashing Villages and Kargalinsk were divided under the walnut, where all men had to shoot for the sympathy of Bolshevism From 18 to 55 years, after which it is used "Petush". Further, the Rothmist reported on the execution of two or three dozen peasants in the village of Borov, in which the peasants met the punishers bread-salt, and the burning of this village ...

Kolchaktsy with their atrocities so configured against themselves the Siberian peasantry that there was a powerful partisan movement. 150 thousand partisans helped the Red Army to expel Kolchaktsev and Intervents from Siberia. Other White Guard Governments also brutally behaved. Terror against the supporters of the Red and Soviets used interventions, fists, green, nationalists.

That is why Soviet government announced in response to White Terror on September 2, 1918, a red terror. There are statistics about his victims, although incomplete. The HCHC and its local commissions shot 6,300 people in September-December 1918 and for the first seven months of 1919 - 2089. This information does not believe and exaggerate their anti-Sovers. Of course, other Soviet bodies carried out executions. The white governments of the accounting of people destroyed by the White Guards were not led. Although the scale of their terror has repeatedly exceeded the dimensions of the red terror. General Grevs, the commander of the Corps of American Interventory in Eastern Siberia, wrote in his memoirs in 1922: "In Eastern Siberia, terrible murders were committed, but they were not accomplished by the Bolsheviks, as they usually thought. I won't be mistaken if every person killed by the Bolsheviks accounted for a hundred killed by anti-Bolshevik elements. " This subjective representation characterizes the objectively the ratio of the scales of white and red terror. It should be borne in mind that white needed to suppress the resistance of most people, and the red - minority. Finally, the Bolsheviks showed mercy. Since May 1918, the Central Executive Committee has declared an amnesty to the revolutionary holidays prisoners, primarily peasants and workers drawn into anti-Soviet uprisings. I have not met reports on the amnesties of white governments. The Bolsheviks won the hardest civil war because they used terror, and because they were supported, ultimately, most workers and peasants who did not want to return to the bourgeois rank that had connected their everyday prospects with the Soviet government. 2.

The shooting of the royal family - the symbol of the Divine began in the earthly world, the people passing away from God, lost her holy, which was in the shower. Like a foam, all the dark sides of human life came to the surface: cruelty, aggression, cowardice, care, sexual succity. For centuries, the existing values \u200b\u200b- the institution of the family, the culture and tradition of the peoples of multinational Russia, deep faith in God - all this was practically destroyed literally in a decade that followed the revolutions of 1917.

What the connoisseur of the Civil War says:

  • How did the policy of destroying dangerous for the Bolsheviks begins?
  • Why are the shootings were made by hundreds, and then a smaller number of victims were indicated?
  • What is the difference between red and white terror? Are they comparable in the number of victims?
  • What instruction by local authorities to make a decision on the execution gave one of the highest leaders of the Chech?
  • How many intelligentsia remained in the country compared to tsarist Russia 12 years after the revolution of 1917?

Interview with a well-known historian of the Civil War, Dr. Historical Sciences Sergey Vladimirovich Volkov. The interview leads the Coordinator of the Motion "People's Cathedral" Artem Uzolekov.

A.P.: Sergey Vladimirovich, it is believed that the "Red Terror" began with the decree of the Sovnarkom (SNK) dated September 5, 1918. How valid is it? After all, reprisals over officers, priests, representatives of the intelligentsia began significantly earlier, and often happened with the participation of the bodies of Soviet power. Is it possible to say that they did not have a relation to the "red terror", and he really began on September 5?

SV: In fact, the policy of destroying dangerous for the Bolsheviks began to be taken by the authorities. In accordance with Lenin's instructions (founded on the experience of 1905), paramount attention was naturally given to the physical and moral destruction of the officers: "Not passivity should preach, not a simple" waiting "when" turns "the army - no, we must call everything Bells about the need for a bold offensive and attack with weapons in hand, about the need for extermination of the bombings. "

As a result of Bolshevik campaigning at the front, several hundred officers were killed and did not less commit suicide (only registered cases more than 800). The officers became the main object of the Red Terror and immediately after the October coup. In winter, 1917-1918 and in the spring of 1918, many of them died along the way from the broken front of trains and at railway stations, where the real "hunt" was practiced for them: such violence took place daily. At the same time, there is a massive extermination of officers in a number of localities: Sevastopol - 128 people. December 16-17, 1917 and more than 800 January 23-24, 1918, other cities of Crimea - about 1,000 in January 1918, Odessa - more than 400 in January 1918, Kiev - up to 3.5 thousand at the end of January 1918, on Don - more 500 in February-March 1918, etc.

Usually, terror is associated with the activities of "Emergency Commissions", but at the first stage - at the end of 1917 - the first half of 1918. The main part of the campaign with the "class enemy" was carried out by local military-revolutionary committees, command of individual red detachments and simply spread the group " Conscious fighters ", who, guided by the" revolutionary legal agencies ", produced arrests and executions.

According to the Bolshevik newspapers themselves, it is easy to make sure that both group executions are held along the CC line long before the official announcement of the "Red Terror" and even before the first executive execution of officers L.-GW. Semenov Regiment Brothers A.A. and V.A. Skull-Spiridovichi on May 31, 1918 and were quite commonful (for example, from the notes in Izvestia at the very beginning of March, "execution of seven students" appears that they were caught on the apartment during the preparation of the proclamation to the population, after which employees are taken CC for one of the wastewesight, where they are shot, and the names of two were not even installed). In the summer, the executions were made by hundreds (for example, according to the Kazan organization, Yaroslavl case and many others), i.e. Then, when, in later statements, it was shot, allegedly, only 22 people. Only on a random and very incomplete data published in Soviet newspapers during this time was shot by 884 people.

More than two months before the official proclamation of terror Lenin (in the letter of Zinoviev dated June 26, 1918) wrote that "it is necessary to encourage the energy and mass cause of terror against counter-revolutionaries, and especially in St. Petersburg, the example of which decides."

That is, the mass terror and the fall was quite obvious fact for both the population and for the Bolshevik leadership, which, however, was displeased with its scale. The proclamation of the "Red Terror" on September 2, and after three days and the adoption of the appropriate decision of the SNK just pursued the goal of leading the scope of terror in line with the needs of the Bolshevik authorities.

AP: Was there any character of the Red and White Terror?

SV: Since the term "terror" is interpreted quite widely and is usually understood by a variety of actions, first of all, specify that in this case it is meant.

Etymologically, the term "terror" means actions aimed at intaring the enemy and make it behave in a certain way. Such promotions as killing officials, terrorist acts (explosions, etc.), settings can therefore be considered as its manifestations. However, not all sorts of repression, even a massive nature can be considered as terror: Motivation is essential, then how the repressive side voices their focus.

"It was the time called one of the eyewitnesses" Wild Vakhanalia of Red Terror. " Anxious and scary was to hear at night, and sometimes attended how they took dozens of people to shoot. Cars came and hid their victims, and the prison did not sleep and tremble at every car beep. They will be included in the camera and will require someone "with things" in the "room of shower" - it means to shoot. And there will be bored in pairwise wire. If you knew what horror it was! "

A genuine terror (in the sense of "intimidation") is not equivalent to the concept of "mass repressions", it implies the suggestion of total fear not to real fighters with the regime (they are also aware of the consequences and are ready for them), but by entire social, confessional or ethnic communities. In one case, power demonstrates the intention to destroy their political opponents, in the second - to destroy all representatives of one or another commonality, except those who will correctly serve it. This is the difference between "ordinary" repressions and terror.

The specifics of the Bolshevik policies 1917-1922. It was in the installation, according to which people were to be destroyed by the very fact of belonging to certain social sections, except for those of their representatives who "prove the case" the dedication of the Soviet power. It is this feature that (since it can be said about this) in every possible way I was implanted with representatives of the Soviet-Communist propaganda and their followers who sought to "dissolve" these specific social aspirations of the Bolsheviks in the total mass of the "cruelty" of the civil war and mixing absolutely Different things, loved talking about "red and white terror".

Civil, like all sorts of "irregular" wars, indeed, are usually distinguished by a relatively more cruel character. Things such as executing prisoners, nozzles with political opponents, taking hostages, etc. More or lesser extent are characteristic of all participating parties. And in the Russian civil war, it, naturally, it also happened to do it, especially individuals, imaginary for carved families, etc. But the essence of the case is that the Red Installation implied the complete elimination of "harmful" classes and groups of the population, and the white to eliminate the carriers of such an installation.

The fundamental difference of these positions follows from the same principal difference between the goals of the struggle: the "World Revolution" against the "Unified and Individual Russia", the idea of \u200b\u200bclass struggle against the idea of \u200b\u200bnational unity in the fight against the external enemy. If the first of the need implies and requires the extermination of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people (a variety of beliefs), then the second one is the elimination of the functionaries preaching this particular party. Hence the comparative scales of repression. It is curious that the revisions of the Bolshevik doctrine never embarrassed the obvious absurdity of the tasks of the "White Terror" tasks from the point of view of their own interpretation of events as the struggle of "workers and peasants" against the "bourgeoisie and landowners" (the manufacturer who dreams of killing their workers, to imagine quite difficult; Yes, and if the "bourgeoisie" physically destroy in principle, it is possible to do the same with the "workers and peasants" it is not only impossible, but in terms of its "class" interests simply there is simply no reason).

AP: Modern apologists of Bolshevism love to declare that "Red Terror" has been the answer to the "White Terror" and comparable in the number of victims. How approvals are their reality?

SV: Well, the "answer" was, to put it mildly, strange. The official reason for the announcement of the "Red Terror" was known, as you know, the murder of Uritsky and the attempt on Lenin - both shares carried out by the ester. In response, several thousand people were shot in a few days who did not have the slightest attitude towards esera, or these shares, and first of all representatives of the former Russian elite. When, for the actions of the Sercios against the Bolsheviks, the lattes are not shot by the latter, and the royal dignitaries and officers (in their time the former target of the hosts of Serc), then such a "answer" is hardly in comments.

Talking about the "red and white terror" in respect of it is inappropriate, because We are talking about the phenomena of a completely different order. But this combination has become a favorite in certain circles, because with this approach, the murder of a couple of Bolshevik Bons and the shooting of several thousand people who do not have a relationship of several thousand people are equivalent to phenomena.

It is suitable, say, the Bolsheviks in Kiev, the meat grinder before the fall of the city - thousands of corpses, whose mass and did not have time to burrow. White come, are arrested and shot 6 people expressed in participating in this "action" - and here you, please (and better with reference to some "progressive writer" type Korolenko): "Yes, what white terror is better than red?! "

Sometimes, by the way, the "White Terror" is considered to resist the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, and it is thus the cause of red (they would not resist - they would not have to shoot). The gang of international criminals is captured, the powerful idea of \u200b\u200bthe "World Revolution" in Petrograd, and the next day, those who consider them the "power" did not agree criminals and terrorists. Such is the logic ...

A.P.: How do you assess the temporary framework of "red terror" and the number of victims?

SV: In fact, it was conducted from 1917 to 1922, i.e. From the beginning of the coup before the end of the Civil War (officially, from Autumn 1918 to January 1920). But if proceeding from the social meaning of this phenomenon - the elimination of "harmful" or "unnecessary" social groups and layers, it can be said that the red terror continued (in 1924-1927 less intensively) until the beginning of the 30s (when this task was completed).

The total number of victims of red terror 1917-1922. Determine quite difficult. It has evolved not only from the challenged CC authorities, as well as by sentencing revlibunals and military courts (which there is an approximate view of various documents and personal accounting data), but also from victims of mass massacres in areas engaged in red troops, victims of numerous local rivers 1917 - 1918, as well as those killed in the suppression of numerous peasant performances, to take into account that are particularly difficult.

However, it should be noted that during the Civil War and in the 20s and 20s of the Bolsheviks (to the annoyance of their later apologists), neither the "red terror" nor his "mass duty", but, on the contrary, is not difficult to conclude Their seals were proud of the scale of accomplishments in the spirit of the "present, the most nationwide, truly renewing the country of terror, which the Great French Revolution glorified themselves" (this is how terror Lenin was still late until 1917), and left behind very eloquent documents.

For the period 1917-1922 You can, perhaps, allocate four "Bresh" terror by the number of victims: The end of 1917 - the beginning of 1918. (When there were mass violence on the Black Sea coast, on Don and Ukraine), autumn 1918, the summer of 1919 (mainly in Ukraine) and the end of 1920 - the beginning of 1921. (Mass executions after the evacuation of white armies in the Crimea and in the Arkhangelsk province).

At the same time, the fall of 1918 in the number of victims is hardly in the first place, simply because of the circumstances, it is best covered. In the newspapers of that time, you can find information about dozens of fired on the crest of the September-October terror in almost all county cities, and about hundreds according to regional. In a number of cities (Usmani, Kashin, Shlisselburg, Balashov, Rybinsk, Serdobsk, Cheboksary), the "constructive" contingent was completely exhausted. In Petrograd with the announcement of "Red Terror" on September 2, 1918, 512 people were shot according to the official report. (Almost all officers), but this number did not include hundreds of officers who were shot at the same time in Kronstadt (400) and Petrograd by the will of local councils and taking into account the number of executions reaches 1,300. In addition, there are two barges in the past few filled with officers were surfed in Finnish bay. In Moscow, 765 people were shot in Moscow for the first numbers., Daily in the Petrovsky Park was executed on 10-15.

From the beginning of 1919, the central newspapers began to publish less messages about shooting, since the county CCs were abolished and executions focused mainly in the provincial cities and capitals. The number of those who were shot at the published lists are much higher than the announced later, in addition, the lists included not all the events (for example, more than 150 people were shot in September 1919 in September 1919. Over the list of 66, in Kronstadt in July of the year 100-150 when the list is 19, etc.). For the first three months of 1919, 13,850 people were shot on newspaper estimates.

"The slaughterhouse went for months. The deadly takany of the machine gun was hearding until the morning ... On the first night, 1,800 people were shot in Simferopol, in Feodosia - 420, in Kerch - 1300 and so on. "

From the book of Sergei Melgunova "Red Terror in Russia"

In 1919, Terror, somewhat weakened in Central Russia for the essential exhaustion of the stock And the need to preserve the life of a part of officers to use them in the Red Army, shifted by the territory of Ukraine. "Routine" executions started immediately at the occupation of the relevant cities, but the mass campaign, similar to the autumn 1918, began in the summer, when white troops switched to the offensive and began to purify Ukraine from the Bolsheviks: the latter were in a hurry to destroy in the local elements still held them (Indeed, the Ukrainian cities gave a white mass of volunteers, and many officers who served in the red parts in Ukraine were passed. Before taking Kiev volunteers, several thousand people were shot by the Bolsheviks for two weeks, and in just 1919 according to various data 12-14 thousand people, in any case, only 4,800 people managed to identify. In Ekaterinoslava, more than 5 thousand people died before the class, in Kremenchug - up to 2,500. In Kharkov, 40-50 people were shot in Kharkov, only over 1,000 were shot. In Chernigov, over 1 500 were shot before person, in Volchansk - 64. In Odessa, 2,200 people were shot in Odessa for three months since April 1919, the lists of several dozen shot were published every day; In the summer, every night was shot to 68 people.

In January 1920, on the eve of the declaration of the cancellation of the death penalty (formally from January 15 to 25 to May 25, 1920, but which no one, of course, did not actually cancel - "Izvestia" reported on the execution from January to May 521 people) in prisons The wave of executions, more than 300 people died in Moscow, in Petrograd - 400, in Saratov - 52, etc. From May to September 1920 according to official data, only the Military Revolutionary Tribunals shot 3,887 people. Especially massive, executions were made after the end of hostilities, especially in the late 1920s - early 1921 In the Crimea, where about 50 thousand people were destroyed. And in the Arkhangelsk province (where, in addition to the prisoners of the Northern Army, the gene. Miller, was taken out arrested during the mass campaign in the summer of 1920 in the Kuban, surrendered at the beginning of 1920 the ranks of the Ural Army and other "counter-revolutionaries").

This short film tells about the activities of one of the "Furion of Red Terror" Rosalia Zavkint, responsible for holding mass executions in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe residents of the Peninsula and prisoners of officers of the Russian army P. N. Wrangel:

The total number of victims of the "Red Terror" for these five years is estimated at about 2 million people (according to various estimates of 1.7 - 1.8 million), and I suppose that it is close to reality. Of course, there are more significant figures, but I think that they include such a sort of victim as death from hunger and diseases of the remaining universities of families of families shot, etc.

A.P.: Is it possible to talk about "Red Terror" as about the genocide of the Russian people, because under the blow, the most educated and active strata of society came under the blow?

SV: We can say that the "Red Terror" is a large-scale campaign of the reprisals of the Bolsheviks, which was concluded on a social characteristic and directed against those estates and social groups, which they considered an obstacle to achieving the goals of their party. It was in this that his meaning consisted in terms of its organizers. In fact, it was about the cultural layer of the country.

Lenin said: "Take all the intelligentsia. She lived in a bourgeois life, she was accustomed to famous amenities. Since she was lying toward Czechoslovakov, our slogan was a merciless struggle - terror. "

One of the highest leaders of the HCHK M. Latsis, giving instructions to local authorities, wrote: "Do not look for indictments about whether he rose against the board with a weapon or word. First of all, you must ask him to ask what class he belongs to what he is origin, what his education is and what is his profession. These questions should solve the fate of the accused. In this sense and the essence of red terror. "

Of course, the most educated and capable people were affected by the terror - the first (officers, officials, intellectuals) were injured as "socially alien", the second (members of small-livers, peasants who did not want to give their good, in general, all sorts of "dissenters") - as "Competitors". I do not know how much you can talk about "genocide" (this word has become too fashionable and is not always used in a strict value - extermination by national sign), but the fact that the monstrous in Russia's genetic Fund has been deposited, damage, It seems to me undoubted.

A.P .: Our revolutionaries loved to appeal to the French Revolution. Russian revolutionary terror repeated French or had significant differences?

SV: As you know, the Bolsheviks loved to compare themselves with Jacobins and their revolution with French. As I mentioned above, it was French ("hereby renewing the country), they were inspired by terror. Therefore, similarities, of course, were, as they have any really mass repression. At least in the fact that the main part of the victims of terror is usually not those against whom it is officially directed, but ordinary people.

For example, during the French revolution, the nobles amounted to only 8-9% of all victims of the revolutionary terror. So in Russia, since the policy of the Bolsheviks caused dissatisfaction with the widest layers of society, first of all the peasantry, then, although in percentage of (in relation to their own number), the largest losses suffered the formed layers, in absolute terms most of the victims of terror accounts for the workers And the peasants - in the absolute majority of various uprisings killed after the suppression of hundreds of various uprisings (7,983 people were destroyed in one Izhevsk. Family members of the rebel workers). Among approximately 1.7-1.8 million, all those who were shot in these years belonging to the formed layers accounts for only about 22% (about 440 thousand people).

In this interview, we are talking only about the victims of terror - about 2 million shot from 1918 to 1922. In total, much more people died for the period of civil war - about 10 million (!) Man, including those who died of disease and hunger.

From the editor

But with regard to the elimination of the former elite, the Bolsheviks have far surpassed their teachers. The eradication of the Russian servant and in general the cultural layer in the revolutionary and subsequent years was radical, many times exceeding the figures of the French revolution of the late XVIII century (for 1789-1799. There were 3% of all nobles from repression, emigrated two to three tens of thousands of people. ). In Russia, firstly, a much higher percentage of the old cultural layer was physically destroyed (except for those shot and killed even more died of hunger and diseases caused by events), secondly, an incomparably wider scale had emigration of representatives of this layer, calculated Not less than 0.5 million people, not counting the remaining in the territories that have not included in the USSR. Russia lost more than half of its elite, and the rest in the absolute majority was socially "omitted" (it is characteristic that if in France, after another 15-20 years after the revolution, more than 30% of officials were serving earlier in the royal administration, then in Russia in 12 years After the revolution there were less than 10%).

This difference, however, naturally flowed out of the essence of French and Russian coups: if the French revolution was performed under national and patriotic slogans, and the word "patriot" was equivalent to the word "revolutionary", then Bolshevik - under the slogans frankly hostile statehood as such - in The name of the international and the world revolution, and the word "patriot" then was equivalent to the word "counter-revolutionary".

For modern domestic media serving the ruling elite, the October Revolution was a push, which by force imposed a passive bunch of cynical conspirators who did not have any real support in the country.
This Putch, and in the media, the October Revolution is otherwise not called, crossed the natural path of development with a rich, hardworking, standing on the right path to democracy of pre-revolutionary Russia.
As part of these views, the Myth of the Civil War was formed, in which the Bolsheviks party, using the "Red" Terror, defeated the bourgeois parties "White". The victims of the Red Terror were 20 million citizens, including a million Cossacks destroyed as a class, 300 thousand Russian priests killed for faith.
The purpose of this myth was the demonstration of the final rupture of the current elite, almost entirely consisting of the Soviet nomenclature, with the symbolic transition on the side of its irreconcilable enemies.
As always, in competently designed, historical myths in this myth there are elements of the truth, densely mixed on malicious lies and unreliable information.
Indeed, the main opposing forces in the Civil War were "red" and "white".
Indeed, in the Civil War, in various sources, died from 15 to 20 million people.
Really the Bolsheviks declared the introduction of a red terror.
To figure out the myth, it is necessary to clarify the basic concepts, in it used.
About warring power. In the coalitions with the Bolsheviks participated left esters and anarchists. In addition to white and red in the Civil War, various nationalists and green participated. White coalition represented a whole range of parties, various orientation, from monarchists and cadets, to Social Democrats and Social Democrats. In the ranks of white, from the end of 1918, the so-called "Democratic Revolution", stated the need to fight both against the Bolsheviks and against the general dictatorship.
Civil War is always a tragedy, disintegration of statehood, social catastrophe, troubled, expansion of society, accompanied by terror.
About terror. This thermal covers two, fundamentally heterogeneous phenomena. Terror is called mass repressions officially used by the authorities, on the territory controlled by it.
Another meaning of the word terror is demonstrative killings or attempts to kill political opponents. The first type of terror is usually called state terror, and the second is an individual terror.
Civil war is always accompanied by terror. First of all, the state terror on the territories controlled by the warring forces. However, the creators of the myths try to classify the "red" terror, as the terror "Institution", and the "white" terror to determine "secondary, response and caused of the Civil War's Peripets". But this position does not withstand critics. It will be filled with a serious study of this issue: "A review of legislative acts of white governments, contradicts judgments about the absence of a" institutional component "of a white terror, about allegedly" exteroid "it."
(Tsvetkov V. Zh. White Terror - a crime or punishment? The evolution of judicial and legal norms of responsibility for state crimes in the legislation of the White Government in 1917-1922)
Individual terror, as you know, was widely used by the party of Serc. Bolsheviks, and above all, V.I. Lenin denied the usefulness of an individual terror in political struggle.
Excesses of an armed crowd killing officers, for example, for calls for the continuation of the imperialist war, can hardly be attributed to the terror of the first or second type. It should be attributed to the third type of terrorism, leaving the roots in the depths of the history, marked by the age-old hatred of peasants to landowners, distrust in the city, and in any form of state intervention. This anarchic, peasant terrorism was quite common during the civil war, but to attribute to his Bolsheviks, it would be wrong. As M. Gorky brochure wrote "On the Russian Peasantry":
"The cruelty of the forms of the revolution, I explain the exclusive cruelty of the Russian people. The tragedy of the Russian revolution is played out in the middle of the middle-aged people ... When the" Starshit "accuses the leaders of the revolution - the group of the most active intelligentsia - I consider this accusation as a lie and slander, inevitable in the struggle of political parties , or - people are honest - as a conscientious misconception ... A recent slave has become the most unfastened despot, as soon as I gained the opportunity to be the Lord of your neighbor. "
It has a lot of common banal banditism with anarchic terrorism, the victim of which in the years of civil war has become millions of inhabitants, but in contrast to terrorism, the fascinating force of the gangsterism is disturbing. At the same time, not only criminals participated in the banditism, but sometimes representatives of the armed formations of various colors and green and white and red and anarchists.
The reasons for the broadest use of terror to the detriment of legitimate methods of resolving social and political conflicts in Russia completely explains the statement of Herzen: "Legal insecurity, an encouraging spent on the people, was a kind of school for him. The blatant injustice of one half of his laws taught him to hate another; He obeys them as strength. Complete inequality before the court killed in it any respect for legality. Russian, whatever title he, bypass and violates the law throughout, where it can be done unpunished, and the government is also doing. "
The famous accusability of Bolsheviks S.P. Melginunov in the book "Red Terror" writes: "Bloody statistics, in essence, not yet been taking into account, and it is unlikely to ever be calculated."
In the note of the Dzerzhinsky, submitted to the Council in February 1922, which summarizes the work of the CC, says: "In the assumption that the old hatred of the proletariat against the ensuers will turn into a number of unsystematic bloody episodes, and the excited elements of the people's wrath will reveal not only enemies, but also friends , not only hostile and harmful elements, but also strong and useful, I sought to carry out the systematization of the punitive apparatus of the revolutionary power. "Essentially, he agrees with the observations of Lenin, given in the description of myth 5, about the mood of the armed people. And he says that for The warnings of the bloody excesses caused by the hate of the people to politicians who are not wishing to listen to its aspirations, it is necessary to sew anger into a legitimate framework. Announcement of the decree of the Council of the Red Terror Decree on September 5, 1918 and was a step in this direction. "Red" terror set itself a task Combating counter-revolution, speculation and crimes by position by isolating the "Class X enemies "in the concentration camps and the physical destruction of" all persons tested to the White Guard organizations, conspiracy and rebellion. " The basis for the announcement of the "Red" terror was the "white" terror. The murder of Ester Kenegserver Uritsky, the attempt on V.I. Lenin, Auxidic Caplan, an uprising in Yaroslavl, raised by Eser-terrorist B. Savinkov.
How many people became victims of terror over the civil war?
S.P. For 1918, Melgunov calls the number of 5004 people executed by the Bolsheviks. Of these, 19 priests. At the same time, he adds that these are only the data that he managed to document.
Lazis, referring to the publication of the "shot" lists, for the first half of 1918, that is, before the murder of Uritsky and the attempted Lenin, calls 22 executed (the estimated execution was legalized on June 18, 1918), and for the second half of the year, after the announcement of "Red »Terror - 4500 executed. Included, taking into account the shot in northeastern Russia, the data on which did not fall into the initial figures, Lazis calls the figure 6185. As can be seen, the discrepancy is neither such a large, quite explained by different methodologies of the account. Consequently, Lacis's data obtained on accounting of the CC repressed can be performed quite
Lazis argues that in 1919, 3456 people were shot by the resolution, that is, in just two years 9641, of which counter-revolutionaries 7068. Formally, the red terror was terminated on November 6, 1918.
Data on the victims of white terror is quite different depending on the source. It is reported that in June 1918, the supporters of the White Movement on the territories captured by them were shot by 824 people from among the Bolsheviks and sympathizers, in July 1918 - 4,141 people, in August 1918 - more than 6,000 people (Lants S. A. Terror and terrorists: Dictionary .. - SPb.: Publishing house S.-Petersburg. Un-Ta, 2004. - 187 p.)
For comparison, data on statistics of executions of revolutionaries for two years in Tsarist Russia, given by P.A.Sorokin in the testimony in the case of Conradia 1907 - 1139; 1908 - 1340;
During the civil war, mutual fierce has increased. So a former peopling, repeatedly arrested and the royal security guard and the temporary government of V. L. Burtsev in his newspaper "Common Data", wrote: "The terror must be answered by terror ... There must be revolutionaries, ready for self-sacrifice to call for Lenin's report and Trotsky, Steklov and Dzerzhinsky, Lazis and Lunacharsky, Kamenev and Kalinina, Krasina and Karakhan, Krestinsky and Zinoviev, etc. "
If, before August-September, 1918, there are almost no mention of local CC, who managed the murders, from the summer of 1918, the Flywheel "Red" terror began to work on full revs. Indirectly about the scale of red terror, it is possible to judge if to calculate the number of punitive bodies of Soviet power that by 1921 reached a maximum -31 thousand. (At the end of February 1918, this number did not exceed 120 people).
In total, by different archival sources, up to 50 thousand people died from the Red Terror.
From the "white" terror, according to V. V. Erlichman, 300 thousand people died.
(Erlichman V.V. "Population Losses in the 20th century." Directory - M.: Publishing House "Russian Panorama", 2004.)
The main part of human losses in civil war (from 15 to 20 million) is not connected with the "red" and "white" terror, but with hunger, typhoid, Spanish. and the actions of "green" and other military formations. It is believed that about 2-3 million people died from the actions of regular armies "White" and "Red".
From where are they taken, repeated on TV, figures about the million challenged Cossacks or hundreds of thousands of those killed "for faith" of Orthodox priests? The message about the Cossacks is based on the fake published in the 80s in one Canadian newspaper: "300,000 Cossacks of Donskoy troops were captured in Rostov, December 19, 1919. - In the area of \u200b\u200bNovocherkasska, more than 200,000 Cossacks of Don and Kuban troops are held in captivity. In the city of Shakhty, Kamensk is held over 500,000 Cossacks. Recently, about a million Cossacks surrendered. The prisoners are placed as follows: in Gelendzhik - about 150,000 people, Krasnodar - about 500,000 people, Belorechenskaya - about 150,000 people, Maykop - about 200,000 people, Temryuk - about 50,000 people. I ask for sanctions. "

Chairman V.Ч.K. Dzerzhinsky. "

Lenin's resolution on the letter: "Shoot all to one. December 30, 1919. "
Neither the Commission created by Denikin, for the documentary confirmation of the victims of the "Red" terror, no Melgunov in his book "Red Terror" does not mention anything about such mass murders. Finally, there is no data on the mass burials of the Cossacks in the indicated areas, and no one has seen the original document. It should be noted that the population of the majority of these settlements, less than these figures of the prisoners.
A similar situation and from 300 thousand tortured for the faith of Russian priests. I quote: "Probably, you have to wait until the genius will appear, which will describe how the thick battle of Austerlitz, the death of three hundred thousand Russian priests who did not betray faith. In the meantime, we, thank God, there are Solzhenitsyn, Shalamov .... and, thank God, they are in school programs! (Vice-President of the Lyubimovsky "Media Union", Zelinskaya. Thomas magazine)
There is not a single document from which the repression against the clergy was conducted due to their faith. The priests were shot for the participation of priests in hostilities, for anti-Soviet agitation and appeals in sermons armed with the authorities, many cases of murder from criminal motives are numerous. Historian Church D. V. Pospelovsky (member of the Board of Trustees of the Holy Philadovsky Orthodox-Christian Institute) In 1994, he wrote that "For the period from January 1918 to January 1919, the Metropolitan of Kiev Vladimir, 18 Archbishops and Bishops, 102 Parish priest, 154 Dyakon and 94 monastisia of both sex. " The accuracy of calculations is doubted, but it is clear that the historian did not find thousands of shot and from where it was 300 thousand priests, if in Russia 1917 there were about 100 thousand clergymen in the Russian Orthodox Church, and all the spiritual estate with families was about 600 thousand people?
So why love Mrs. Zelinskaya? The question is rhetorical, but, unwittingly, throwing the shadow of doubts about the truth of publications of the well-deserved writers from the school program.