Katerina and the barbarian are comparative characteristics in the play Thunderstorm. Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Varvara in "The Thunderstorm Comparative characteristics of Katerina in the play Thunderstorm

Katerina and the barbarian are comparative characteristics in the play Thunderstorm. Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Varvara in "The Thunderstorm Comparative characteristics of Katerina in the play Thunderstorm
Katerina Barbara
Character Sincere, sociable, kind, honest, devout, but superstitious. Delicate, soft, at the same time, determined. Rough, cheerful, but taciturn: "... I don't like to talk a lot." Determined, can fight back.
Temperament Passionate, freedom-loving, courageous, impetuous and unpredictable. She says about herself, "I was born so hot!" Free-loving, intelligent, calculating, courageous and rebellious, she is not afraid of either parental or heavenly punishment.
Education, family She grew up free, in the house she was loved, pampered, everything was allowed. Mamma doted on her. She grew up with a strong-willed, adamant mother, alien to everything new, but nevertheless, affectionate to her.
Faith in God She believed infinitely, with all her soul, dissolving in her faith, as if in a fairy tale. She prayed so that everyone just looked at her. I went to church, but more formally, I was not afraid to sin, I decided my own fate.
Attitude to life Life for her is love and will, without which she does not see her existence. Life for her is will and fun: “… I have no time. It's time for me to walk. " Lives to enjoy life.
Attitude towards lying Lie is alien to Katerina: “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything ”. Can adapt to the circumstances: "I was not a deceiver, but I learned when it became necessary."
Attitude to Kabanova At first, he does not distinguish between his own mother and mother-in-law, shows respect, but can express his opinion in front of her. In the end, he shows intolerance: "She crushed me ..." She endures the thief for the time being, but does not like. She is not afraid of her and does not allow her to control herself.
What are you ready for for love? Sacrifices everything for love. Unfortunately, she realized that this burden was not for her beloved. Without love, Katerina does not need life: "Why should I live now?" Varvara does not understand the victims and throwings of Katerina: "You are kind of tricky, God be with you!" For her, love is a game, a pleasure.
Feelings for a loved one Loves selflessly, passionately. She does not show passionate manifestations: "Yawns, then kisses coldly ...".
Relationship to marriage Despite her love for another, at first Katerina tries to save her marriage and love her husband. Unfortunately, he finds no reason for this, and at the end of his affection for her "worse than beatings." He will not torment himself in marriage: "What kind of bondage to torment yourself?" She will do as she wants, if only "sewn, but covered."
Attitude to yourself In the beginning, he feels sorry for himself, then he is afraid of his temper, then he scolds and seeks redemption. Gives himself a sober assessment, realizing that she is sinful: "I am worse than you."
Attitude to the foundations of the city Katerina is a woman of modern times, she will not be able to live in this "dark kingdom". Can adapt to life, but as long as it is not touched.
Attitude towards captivity "Oh, bitter captivity ...". She is ready to become a butterfly, just to be free. He says about himself that nothing will hold her back: “I don’t want to live here, I don’t want to, even though you cut me!” Varvara is a free Cossack. She runs away from home with Kudryash, but not because of love, but to prove that she can do it: “Do not lock it up, it will be worse.”
    • A. N. Ostrovsky's The Thunderstorm made a strong and deep impression on his contemporaries. Many critics were inspired by this work. However, even in our time it has not ceased to be interesting and topical. Raised into the category of classical drama, it still awakens interest. The arbitrariness of the "older" generation lasts for many years, but some event must take place that could break the patriarchal tyranny. Such an event turns out to be the protest and death of Katerina, which awakened others [...]
    • In The Thunderstorm, Ostrovsky shows the life of a Russian merchant family and the position of a woman in it. The character of Katerina was formed in a simple merchant family, where love reigned and her daughter was given complete freedom. She acquired and retained all the beautiful features of the Russian character. This is a pure, open soul who cannot lie. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything, ”she says to Varvara. In religion, Katerina found the highest truth and beauty. Her striving for the beautiful, the good was expressed in prayers. Coming out [...]
    • "The Thunderstorm" was published in 1859 (on the eve of the revolutionary situation in Russia, in the "pre-storm" era). Its historicism lies in the conflict itself, the irreconcilable contradictions reflected in the play. She meets the spirit of the times. "Thunderstorm" is the idyll of the "dark kingdom". Petty tyranny and speechlessness are brought to the limit in her. A real heroine from the folk environment appears in the play and it is the description of her character that is given the main attention, and the world of the city of Kalinov and the conflict itself are described in a more generalized way. "Their life […]
    • The play by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" is historical for us, as it shows the life of the bourgeoisie. The Thunderstorm was written in 1859. It is the only work of the cycle "Nights on the Volga" conceived but not realized by the writer. The main theme of the work is a description of the conflict that arose between two generations. The Kabanikha family is typical. The merchants cling to their old morals, not wanting to understand the younger generation. And since the young do not want to follow traditions, they are suppressed. I'm sure, […]
    • Katerina is the main character in Ostrovsky's drama The Thunderstorm, Tikhon's wife, Kabanikha's daughter-in-law. The main idea of ​​the work is the conflict of this girl with the "dark kingdom", the kingdom of tyrants, despots and ignoramuses. You can find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic by understanding Katerina's ideas about life. The author showed the origins of the character of the heroine. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. Here is drawn an ideal version of patriarchal relations and the patriarchal world in general: “I lived, not about [...]
    • The critical story of The Thunderstorm begins even before its appearance. To argue about the "ray of light in the dark kingdom", it was necessary to open the "Dark kingdom". An article under this title appeared in the July and September issues of Sovremennik for 1859. It was signed by the usual pseudonym of N. A. Dobrolyubov - N. - bov. The motive for this work was extremely significant. In 1859 Ostrovsky summed up an intermediate result of his literary activity: his two-volume collected works appeared. "We consider it the most [...]
    • Whole, honest, sincere, she is not capable of lies and falsehood, therefore, in a cruel world where wild and wild boars reign, her life is so tragic. Katerina's protest against the despotism of Kabanikha is the struggle of the light, pure, human against the darkness, lies and cruelty of the “dark kingdom”. It is not for nothing that Ostrovsky, who paid great attention to the selection of the names and surnames of the characters, gave such a name to the heroine of "The Thunderstorm": translated from Greek, "Ekaterina" means "eternally pure." Katerina is a poetic nature. V […]
    • In The Thunderstorm, Ostrovsky, operating with an insignificant number of characters, was able to reveal several problems at once. First, it is, of course, a social conflict, a clash of "fathers" and "children", their points of view (and if we resort to generalization, then two historical eras). The older generation, actively expressing their opinion, belong to Kabanova and Dikoy, to the younger - Katerina, Tikhon, Varvara, Kudryash and Boris. Kabanova is sure that order in the house, control over everything that happens in it is the guarantee of a correct life. Correct [...]
    • A conflict is a clash of two or more parties that do not coincide in views, attitudes. There are several conflicts in Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm", but how to decide which one is the main one? In the era of sociologism in literary criticism, it was believed that social conflict is the most important in the play. Of course, if you see in the image of Katerina a reflection of the spontaneous protest of the masses against the shackling conditions of the “dark kingdom” and perceive the death of Katerina as a result of her collision with her mother-in-law, you should [...]
    • The dramatic events of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" is set in the city of Kalinov. This town is located on the picturesque bank of the Volga, from the high steep of which the immense Russian expanses and boundless distances open to the eyes. “The view is extraordinary! The beauty! The soul rejoices, "- admires the local self-taught mechanic Kuligin. Pictures of endless distances, echoed in a lyric song. Among the flat valley ", which he sings, are of great importance for conveying the feeling of the immense possibilities of the Russian [...]
    • In general, the history of the creation and the idea of ​​the play "The Thunderstorm" are very interesting. For some time, there was an assumption that this work was based on real events that took place in the Russian city of Kostroma in 1859. “In the early morning of November 10, 1859, the Kostroma bourgeoisie Alexandra Pavlovna Klykova disappeared from the house and either threw herself into the Volga, or was strangled and thrown there. The investigation revealed a dull drama played out in an unsociable family living with narrowly commercial interests: [...]
    • In the drama "The Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky created a very complex psychologically image - the image of Katerina Kabanova. This young woman disposes of the viewer with her huge, pure soul, childish sincerity and kindness. But she lives in the musty atmosphere of the "dark kingdom" of merchant customs. Ostrovsky managed to create a light and poetic image of a Russian woman from the people. The main plot line of the play is a tragic conflict between the living, feeling soul of Katerina and the dead way of life of the “dark kingdom”. Honest and [...]
    • Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was endowed with a great talent as a playwright. He is deservedly considered the founder of the Russian national theater. His plays, varied in themes, glorified Russian literature. Ostrovsky's work was democratic in nature. He created plays in which hatred of the autocratic-serf regime was manifested. The writer called for the protection of the oppressed and humiliated citizens of Russia, he longed for social change. The great merit of Ostrovsky is that he discovered the enlightened [...]
    • Let's start with Katerina. In the play "The Thunderstorm" this lady is the main character. What are the problems of this work? Problems are the main question that the author asks in his creation. So the question here is who will win? The dark kingdom, which is represented by the bureaucrats of the county town, or the light beginning, which is represented by our heroine. Katerina is pure in soul, she has a gentle, sensitive, loving heart. The heroine herself is deeply hostile against this dark swamp, but she does not fully realize it. Katerina was born [...]
    • Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was called "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", a district of Moscow where people from the merchant class lived. He showed what a tense, dramatic life goes on behind high fences, what Shakespearean passions boil at times in the souls of representatives of the so-called "common class" - merchants, shopkeepers, small employees. The patriarchal laws of the world receding into the past seem unshakable, but a warm heart lives by its own laws - the laws of love and goodness. Heroes of the play "Poverty is not a vice" [...]
    • The love story of the clerk Mitya and Lyuba Tortsova unfolds against the backdrop of the life of a merchant's house. Ostrovsky once again delighted his fans with a wonderful knowledge of the world and surprisingly bright language. Unlike the early plays, this comedy features not only the soulless Korshunov manufacturer and Gordey Tortsov, who boasts of his wealth and strength. They are opposed to simple and sincere people, who are dear to the hearts of the native people - the kind and loving Mitya and the squandered drunkard Lyubim Tortsov, who remained, despite his fall, [...]
    • The focus of the writers of the 19th century is a man with a rich spiritual life, a changeable inner world. The new hero reflects the state of the individual in the era of social transformations. The authors also do not ignore the complex conditionality of the development of the human psyche by the external material situation. The main feature of the depiction of the world of heroes of Russian literature is psychologism. , that is, the ability to show the change in the hero's soul. In the center of different works we see "superfluous [...]
    • The drama takes place in the Volga town of Bryakhimov. And in it, as elsewhere, cruel rules reign. The society here is the same as in other cities. The main character of the play, Larisa Ogudalova, is a dowry. The Ogudalov family is not rich, but thanks to the perseverance of Kharita Ignatievna, it leads an acquaintance with the mighty of this world. Mother inspires Larissa that she, although she does not have a dowry, should marry a rich groom. And Larisa for the time being accepts these rules of the game, naively hoping that love and wealth [...]
    • A special hero in Ostrovsky's world, adjoining the type of a poor official with a sense of his own dignity, is Yuliy Kapitonovich Karandyshev. At the same time, pride in him is hypertrophied so much that it becomes a substitute for other feelings. Larisa for him is not just a beloved girl, she is also a "prize" that gives him the opportunity to triumph over Paratov, a gorgeous and rich rival. At the same time, Karandyshev feels like a benefactor, marrying a dowry woman, partly compromised by relations [...]
    • Ostap Andriy Main qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensual for beauty and has a delicate taste. The character is Stone. Refined, flexible. Personality Traits Silent, reasonable, calm, courageous, straightforward, loyal, courageous. Brave, brave. Attitude towards tradition Follows tradition. Takes over ideals from elders unquestioningly. He wants to fight for his own, not for traditions. Morality Never hesitates in the choice of duty and feelings. Feelings for [...]
  • In The Thunderstorm, Varvara and Katerina are two truly feminine characters. These two girls embody two different approaches to life, to the world, to the rules of the game. However, it would be a mistake to contrast the images of Katerina and Varvara in The Thunderstorm. For a number of reasons, these two heroines are best viewed as inextricably linked. The actions of one hero illustrate the character of the other more vividly, as if shading it, and vice versa. These characters are interesting in themselves, but in the analysis and detailed comparative characteristics of Katerina and Varvara from Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm", new facets of each image are revealed. By comparing the heroines of "The Thunderstorm", one can understand much better the character traits of each character.

    What can the reader say about Varvara and Katerina when he first sees the heroines in the most familiar setting: Tikhon meekly agrees with his mother, and Kabanikha blames Katerina for everything, complaining about life along the way? Girls behave differently. You can see that all of Barbara's remarks are accompanied by the remark “to myself”.

    That is, the girl expresses her opinion and dissatisfaction with the current situation, but prefers that no one knows about her thoughts: “Kabanova. Elders are not respected very much nowadays. Varvara (to herself). You will not respect you, of course! ”,“ Varvara (to herself). I found a place to be instructed to read. " Katerina is not afraid to speak openly about her feelings. Katya feels offended by groundless accusations of what she did not commit: “You are talking about me, mamma, in vain you are saying this. Whether with people or without people, I am all alone, I don’t prove anything from myself ”.

    Although it is more logical to assume that it is the daughter, that is, Varvara, who will express her claims to the mother. Nevertheless, when Kabanikha leaves, Varvara, unlike Katerina, pounces on Tikhon: what kind of husband is this who cannot protect his wife from the tyranny of her mother-in-law. Varvara is disgusted to look at Tikhon, she realizes how pitiful and lack of initiative he is. She feels sorry for Katya, who is forced to live with Tikhon. It is a mistake to believe that Katya does not notice Tikhon's shortcomings, but she is above self-pity. And from Barbara's side, she does not need pity at all.

    Here the other side of the characters opens up, the images of Katerina and Barbara in "The Thunderstorm" are revealed in a new way. It's not so much about strength of character and personal qualities, but about spiritual depth. All residents of Kalinov are opposed to the image of Katerina according to the principle of pettiness - breadth of soul. Varvara differs from the Kalinovites, but still it is impossible to talk about the same deep understanding of the world. Katya is incredibly sensitive to the world, every breath, every ray of the sun. She is religious, therefore, in her understanding of the world, Christian images-symbols (for example, angels and singing) are of great importance.

    Varvara, who was brought up differently, cannot understand all metaphysics, she is not able to immerse herself in the sphere of the immanent, she is not given to feel like a free bird, locked in a cage. No, Varvara does not feel the world so well, but she knows life very well. Kabanikha's daughter has no illusions about the people around her, she decides to play by the proposed rules, while keeping her face. Its main principle is that everything should be “sewn covered”, and no one should know anything. Varvara seems much older than Katerina precisely because of such a pragmatic and even somewhat cynical attitude to life, which is not characteristic of a young girl's age. There is a feeling that Barbara does not need sympathy, because she is able to stand up for herself. But Katerina, fragile and tender, only needs an understanding that no one is able to give her. Varvara listens, but does not hear Katya's monologues. And life before the wedding with Kabanov to Varvara seems the same as after marriage: Varvara does not understand the tragedy of the loss of inner freedom.

    Katerina tends to reflect more on the topic of relationships and feelings. Love for Boris initially scares Katya, so the girl tries to give up the experiences that have arisen. For Varvara, such a situation is, in principle, impossible, because if she likes a young man, she walks with him, and if she likes another, then, accordingly, she will go for a walk with him. She learned to hide it, so she offers this option to Katya. But Katerina refuses. She understands the responsibility that cheating and lying entail. It is hard for Barbara to see the girl's suffering, so she makes an appointment with Boris on behalf of Katya.

    It should be mentioned that it was Varvara who came up with a way to sneak away from home in the evening. She changed the lock on the gate and persuaded the servant. It is unlikely that Katerina would have done so many manipulations and embarked on so many tricks. For a long time, the girl could not decide to just go out to her lover, to look into his eyes.

    Varvara to the last tried to persuade Katya not to talk about secret meetings with Boris, but Katya was determined to confess what she had done. The girls look at this situation from different points of view. For Barbara, the main thing was her own happiness, which could be cut short. And after keeping silent secret meetings could be continued. Katya Kabanova thought differently. For her, it was not just a night out with someone she liked. Katya had to make a difficult choice, realizing that deception and betrayal are sins both in Christianity and in society. Further lies and hiding their feelings could aggravate the inner discord of the heroine. The girl could not live in harmony with herself, knowing that she was deceiving everyone, including herself.

    The girls strive for freedom, but for Varvara freedom of movement, freedom, which is realized in the material world, is more important, and Katerina strives for freedom of spirit. In the finale of the play, the author deduces both heroines from the work. Katerina throws herself into the Volga, thus gaining freedom. Varvara runs away from home. Why is the path of Barbara impossible for Katerina? Because it would still be a lie to oneself, not gaining the long-awaited freedom, but an escape. Katerina would be haunted by the ghosts of the past, and her conscience would torment.

    Product test

    In The Thunderstorm, Varvara and Katerina are two truly feminine characters. These two girls embody two different approaches to life, to the world, to the rules of the game. However, it would be a mistake to contrast the images of Katerina and Varvara in The Thunderstorm. For a number of reasons, these two heroines are best viewed as inextricably linked. The actions of one hero illustrate the character of the other more vividly, as if shading it, and vice versa. These characters are interesting in themselves, but in the analysis and detailed comparative characteristics of Katerina and Varvara from Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm", new facets of each image are revealed. By comparing the heroines of "The Thunderstorm", one can understand much better the character traits of each character.

    What can the reader say about Varvara and Katerina when he first sees the heroines in the most familiar setting: Tikhon meekly agrees with his mother, and Kabanikha blames Katerina for everything, complaining about life along the way? Girls behave differently. You can see that all of Barbara's remarks are accompanied by the remark “to myself”.

    That is, the girl expresses her opinion and dissatisfaction with the current situation, but prefers that no one knows about her thoughts: “Kabanova. Elders are not respected very much nowadays. Varvara (to herself). You will not respect you, of course! ”,“ Varvara (to herself). I found a place to be instructed to read. " Katerina is not afraid to speak openly about her feelings. Katya feels offended by groundless accusations of what she did not commit: “You are talking about me, mamma, in vain you are saying this. Whether with people or without people, I am all alone, I don’t prove anything from myself ”.

    Although it is more logical to assume that it is the daughter, that is, Varvara, who will express her claims to the mother. Nevertheless, when Kabanikha leaves, Varvara, unlike Katerina, pounces on Tikhon: what kind of husband is this who cannot protect his wife from the tyranny of her mother-in-law. Varvara is disgusted to look at Tikhon, she realizes how pitiful and lack of initiative he is. She feels sorry for Katya, who is forced to live with Tikhon. It is a mistake to believe that Katya does not notice Tikhon's shortcomings, but she is above self-pity. And from Barbara's side, she does not need pity at all.

    Here the other side of the characters opens up, the images of Katerina and Barbara in "The Thunderstorm" are revealed in a new way. It's not so much about strength of character and personal qualities, but about spiritual depth. All residents of Kalinov are opposed to the image of Katerina according to the principle of pettiness - breadth of soul. Varvara differs from the Kalinovites, but still it is impossible to talk about the same deep understanding of the world. Katya is incredibly sensitive to the world, every breath, every ray of the sun. She is religious, therefore, in her understanding of the world, Christian images-symbols (for example, angels and singing) are of great importance.

    Varvara, who was brought up differently, cannot understand all metaphysics, she is not able to immerse herself in the sphere of the immanent, she is not given to feel like a free bird, locked in a cage. No, Varvara does not feel the world so well, but she knows life very well. Kabanikha's daughter has no illusions about the people around her, she decides to play by the proposed rules, while keeping her face. Its main principle is that everything should be “sewn covered”, and no one should know anything. Varvara seems much older than Katerina precisely because of such a pragmatic and even somewhat cynical attitude to life, which is not characteristic of a young girl's age. There is a feeling that Barbara does not need sympathy, because she is able to stand up for herself. But Katerina, fragile and tender, only needs an understanding that no one is able to give her. Varvara listens, but does not hear Katya's monologues. And life before the wedding with Kabanov to Varvara seems the same as after marriage: Varvara does not understand the tragedy of the loss of inner freedom.

    Katerina tends to reflect more on the topic of relationships and feelings. Love for Boris initially scares Katya, so the girl tries to give up the experiences that have arisen. For Varvara, such a situation is, in principle, impossible, because if she likes a young man, she walks with him, and if she likes another, then, accordingly, she will go for a walk with him. She learned to hide it, so she offers this option to Katya. But Katerina refuses. She understands the responsibility that cheating and lying entail. It is hard for Barbara to see the girl's suffering, so she makes an appointment with Boris on behalf of Katya.

    It should be mentioned that it was Varvara who came up with a way to sneak away from home in the evening. She changed the lock on the gate and persuaded the servant. It is unlikely that Katerina would have done so many manipulations and embarked on so many tricks. For a long time, the girl could not decide to just go out to her lover, to look into his eyes.

    Varvara to the last tried to persuade Katya not to talk about secret meetings with Boris, but Katya was determined to confess what she had done. The girls look at this situation from different points of view. For Barbara, the main thing was her own happiness, which could be cut short. And after keeping silent secret meetings could be continued. Katya Kabanova thought differently. For her, it was not just a night out with someone she liked. Katya had to make a difficult choice, realizing that deception and betrayal are sins both in Christianity and in society. Further lies and hiding their feelings could aggravate the inner discord of the heroine. The girl could not live in harmony with herself, knowing that she was deceiving everyone, including herself.

    The girls strive for freedom, but for Varvara freedom of movement, freedom, which is realized in the material world, is more important, and Katerina strives for freedom of spirit. In the finale of the play, the author deduces both heroines from the work. Katerina throws herself into the Volga, thus gaining freedom. Varvara runs away from home. Why is the path of Barbara impossible for Katerina? Because it would still be a lie to oneself, not gaining the long-awaited freedom, but an escape. Katerina would be haunted by the ghosts of the past, and her conscience would torment.

    Product test

    The drama by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" is the most significant and final work of the first half of the writer's work. In The Thunderstorm, Ostrovsky returned to his favorite theme, to the depiction of the family and everyday conflict in its internal dramatic development, brought it to a decisive denouement and thus for the first time went beyond the comedy genre.
    In The Thunderstorm, the playwright found a character more significant than in previous plays. In Katherine, he portrayed a woman who, for all her underdevelopment, has willpower and an outstanding temperament. However, another heroine of the play, Varvara, who, in her love for Kudryash, is able to actively and boldly bypass the straightforward prohibitions of the Domostroy world, is distinguished by similar properties. But Varvara is shallow in her feelings and needs.
    Katerina, on the other hand, possesses not only strength, but also the depth of feelings arising from her moral uncommonness, and, above all, from her vague and unconscious romantic aspirations. In a conversation with Varvara, Katerina's soul is revealed: “I say, why do people not fly like birds? You know I sometimes
    it seems that I am a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly. So I would have scattered, raised my hands and flew. "
    These aspirations of Katerina were developed even before marriage, in the patriarchal-merchant conditions of her upbringing. Mother in Katerina “doted”, “the house was full of pilgrims and praying moths”, “there were many, many flowers”, they often went to church, they embroidered “on velvet with gold” at home ... it was painted in tones of religious exaltation. However, these conditions also contributed to the fact that the norms of patriarchal obedience, backed by the authority of religion, were firmly embedded and strengthened in Katerina's awareness. Having awakened Katerina's religious and romantic daydreaming, the patriarchal house-building system played a cruel joke on her. The girl's mother was convinced that Katerina "would love any husband," and, flattered by a profitable marriage, betrayed her without love to the Kabanov family. But this family is of a completely different temper, here everything is done not from the heart, but "out of bondage."
    Here Varvara is used to living in such an atmosphere. She deceives her mother without feeling the slightest remorse. Outwardly, Barbara submits to the power of Kabanikha, but inside she protests. And she does not consider this double life shameful - she is used to it. “Well, but without this (deception) it is impossible ... Our whole house rests on that. And I was not a liar, but I learned when I needed to, ”she teaches Katerina. Varvara perfectly learned the lessons of her mother-bigot and hypocrite.
    Katerina, on the other hand, is burdened by the atmosphere in which she is forced to live ... She does not like a narrow-minded and weak-willed husband, she despises her spiteful and quarrelsome mother-in-law. Inevitably, her romantic aspirations had to find and find a way out. Katerina fell passionately in love with Boris. At first, she tried to suppress a sinful feeling in herself, but, unable to resist it, she is seriously and sincerely experiencing betrayal of her husband.
    Katerina is full of fear of the sin she has committed, but she is not afraid of human judgment. Katerina perceives the thunderstorm as God's punishment, therefore she expects death from her. And it is doubly scary to die without repentance, therefore "before the whole world" is recognized. “I’m not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God as I am here ... - that’s what’s scary! What's on my mind! What a sin! It's scary to say it! "
    Varvara is afraid of one thing - to vegetate from boredom. She has a completely different “philosophy”: “And what a desire to dry up! Though die of melancholy, they will regret that eh, you! Why, wait. So what a bondage to torture yourself! " She lives according to rather peculiar rules, but it is difficult to judge her, her mother forces Varvara to lie and hide. Kabanikha's hypocrisy, her eternal prohibitions push Varvara on this path.
    Katerina herself repents to Tikhon of her perfect sin, her impulse for freedom, her desire to break out of the Domostroy prison at least at the cost of her life turns out to be stronger than her sense of duty. Katerina is ready to run with Boris, only he doesn't take her. Left by her lover, Katerina prefers death to return to her husband in family bondage.
    Varvara has a completely different situation. She is free from obligations, nothing binds her to her family, except for unpleasant memories, there is no family affection, a feeling of childlike gratitude, so she calmly leaves with Curly, not caring about the consequences.
    Ostrovsky brought to the stage two opposite characters, showing the way out of the "dark kingdom". The viewer is probably closer to the "flight" of Varvara than the departure of Katerina. She chose too harsh a path, but she had no other choice.