Does Chatsky doomed to full loneliness? By comedy grief from the mind (Griboedov A. S.)

Does Chatsky doomed to full loneliness? By comedy grief from the mind (Griboedov A. S.)
Does Chatsky doomed to full loneliness? By comedy grief from the mind (Griboedov A. S.)

"Woe from Wit" is a wonderful work, which was called a comedy, although, if you figure it out, then the comedy is more like a tragedy, because here the man of advanced looks leads an unequal struggle with established views, condemning the morality, which was the basis of the life of the Famow Society. This life has been rooted in the minds of everyone, but not from Chatsky, whom the author endowed with wonderful qualities.

The main character of the work of "Woe from Wit" is a collective image, with which the theme of loneliness is revealed. Using the image of the chief hero, the author wanted us to show how difficult it is to bring something new to the world, how difficult it is to live where you do not understand, do not accept, since the urgent views of the unbreaks. Such people, with new ideas and views, like Chatsky, are doomed to loneliness, as few people are from those who will go hand in hand. That's just Chatsky not surrender.

The writer endowed his hero the perfect features of the human soul. This is a person with self-esteem, he is educated, smart, and most importantly, it does not want to live in an unfair world, among public sensations in the world of the past century. He gained courage to confront the old orders, telling people about new truths. He is an opponent of serfdom, which oppresses people. The comedy's hero condemns the morals, thus Chatsky becomes lonely in the "Famovsky society", because his new look at life is not needed, they are ready to continue to live in their swamp, which all tightened with his head. But this is not about the Chap, who is doomed to loneliness in this Famovsky society.

Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness? And all because people do not want to change their lives, they are satisfied with everything, and the Chatsky himself for them, that is expensive, madman to be expelled from their world. It is incompatible with the existing society, since their views are completely opposite.

Griboedov accurately gave us a picture of how hard it is necessary for people who decided to overthrow the old system, it's like two worlds who want to live at one time, but they do not work. At the same time, the loneliness of Chatsky is a modern phenomenon, because so far many people are afraid of change, they are afraid to become the right way, on the path that would be comfortable for them and exist on the established orders, even if they switched out their views, people are silent And move as a flock of rams, "which guides the" shepherd ". And so should not be, but so far there. Perhaps in the future, everything will change, but today, "grief from the mind" is a work that is relevant to this day.

In human society, most plays a huge role, it is almost impossible to confront the crowd, so the image of the Chatsky, who has taking the role of a warrior, but still lonely, traged.

In the comedy, A.S.Griboyedov "Mountain from the mind" of 20 characters, only A.A. Titschi is a positive hero. He opposes his views to the entire Famovsky society, not finding an understanding, forced to leave Moscow. What is the basis of the contradiction of the Chatsky and Famovskogo society?

First, this is a different look at education. Famusov believes that everything evil is lighted in sciences and education: "I could stop the evil: / pick up all the books, yes, burn."

Scalyozub claims: "I'm getting ready for you: Universal Molva, / What is the project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums; / there will be only to learn in our: once, two; / and the books will remain like this: for large fools." But Chatsky, on the contrary, in education sees the benefit for Russia, perhaps that is why he spent several years in Europe, gaining the "mind-mind". Secondly, in different ways they look at the heroes and lifestyle and its meaning. For Famousov, Scalozub and other representatives of the "old Moscow" service above all. But under the "service" they mean the ability to extract the "golden key" (the rank of chamber is the highest rank at the courtyard). For Famousov, a reputable person is Maxim Petrovich, who was the highest granted a smile for a prompt fall in front of the Empress, after which the increase in service followed. Scalozub, without taking participation in any battle, almost passed to the general. Not in vain, Lisa talks about him: "And the Golden Bag, and Metit into the generals.". But the Chatsky "serve would be glad," but he is "sichenly". For he, as well as the Stors of the Fonvizynskaya Comedy, the predecession "Nephadle" sees the meaning of its existence in serving the Fatherland, and not to persons. But if they have some kind of their opinions, the rest, like Molchanin, generally believe that they are not in the right to judge such things: "In my summer should not be mixed / their judgment." In addition, the sharpness of the problem is that the Famusov society consists of people in which there is even a little human remaining, there are few moral qualities in them. Chazki himself sees who in this world is given preference, and says: "Silent bliss in the world." And such people like Chatsky, the Famusov society tries to expel that nothing bothered calm and usual life. Yes, if a person lives, guided only by personal benefits, he knows how to keep silence in time, "Pug to stroke", to raise the handkerchiefs - he "his"!

Strengthens the tragedy of the image of the Chatsky and the love line of the play. Sophia, being a girlfriend, Nellup, prefers Chatkom Molchalin, of the very silence, who all managed to please everything. And, of course, Alexander Andreevich cannot understand why she made such a choice: "What am I stupidly stupid?". His love for Sofier is so great that he cannot even believe her words, he needs to make sure of everything in everything. And he is convinced that Sofya, so long staying in the Magazin Society became the carrier of his features. The coldness of Sofia, her dislike for him, and even the slander, which she let her, struck a strong blow to the heart of Chatsky.

However, it is impossible to argue that Chatsky is absolutely lonely in comedy. After all, it says the scalosis about his brother: "... Some of the new rules rushed hard. / Chin followed him; He suddenly left, / in the village of books began to read. " And Mrs. Hlesov talks about his nephew: "Professors !! - Our relatives studied, / and came out! At least now in the pharmacy, in the apprentices. / Women runs, and even from me! Do not want to know! He is a chemist, he is nerd, / Prince Fedor, my nephew. " Despite the fact that these persons do not appear on the stage, it still becomes clear that Chatsky in his aspirations are not at all alone.

Thus, we see that rejection by society and the refusal of the beloved girl make the image of Chatsky tragically lonely, but can confront in the war. The appearance of his type of people gives hope for an emerging change in the public consciousness of Russians 19 V.

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The comedy "Mount from Wit" was written in those distant times when people, such as Chatsky A.A., the main character of the work of A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", brought new moods to society, ideas.

A person, in whose image was Chapski wanted to show a person inspired by high ideas, raising a riot against society to protect freedom, mind and art, raising absolutely new morality, creating a new look at the world and human relationships.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is a man in the heyday, nobleman. Parents of Chatsky died pretty early, and he was forced to brought up in the house of Famusov - Comrade of his late father. Chatsky was very smart. He defended the right of a person to freedom the choice: to travel, relax in the village, read smart books or devote himself to "art creative, which he considered high and beautiful," therefore, Magovsov believes that Chatsky is a dangerous person who does not recognize any authorities.

Chatsky does not like all the vulgar, as well as slave worship in front of all foreigners, pleasing, lowlands and other nonsense. His desire is to serve the Fatherland, labor, not selective persons. Being a true patriot, Chatsky most wanted to pay for my duty to the Fatherland, sought to honestly to serve him. It was because of this that he left Sophia and went to St. Petersburg. With this, a brilliantly launched career was cut around: "It would be glad to serve - to be sick." And the state, as not strange, servicing is required. Chatsky thinks around him only people who are looking for only high ranks, crosses, money, not love, but favorable marriage. Their ideal is "moderation and accuracy", their goal is to "pick up all the books to burn."

One of the most important properties of the Chatsky is full of feelings. She manifested itself and in how he loves, and, at least, in how angry and hates him. In all, he shows passion, often flames soul. He is ditch, sharp, clever, impatient and, nevertheless, full of life. All these qualities make it open for errors and a vulnerable person.
Chatsky, no doubt, is the only positive hero in Griboyedov's comedy.

Chatsky turns out to be in such an environment where it cannot be understood. And his views not only do not appreciate, but they are rejected, and more of them are persecuted. He is alone and suffers, "Millon Torzania" falls on his share for one day.

In the sleepy silence of the house of Famusov, Chatsky breaks down like a whirlwind, but its stormy joy, a ringing and uncontrollable laughter, sincere tenderness, from the heart, and a fervent indignation that are completely inappropriate in the house where everything is built on deception and pretency. The behavior of the Chatsky causes a misunderstanding, then developing into irritation. He is sincere in everything: in joy, and in indignation.

Sea alone. In her loneliness, he himself is to blame. He lacks the flexibility of the mind and tricks to adapt to the society in which he lives. His not quite beautiful behavior and behavior behavior to behave and speak on the ball, set up society against him. He was not a smart person, and mad. I would not call the Chatsky absolutely positive hero of comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind."

Which at that time already had little concerned about his spirituality, moral and moral condition. The main character of the work - Chatsky, very dare. All accusatory speeches, he pronounces loud and immediately receives a response negative reaction. Therefore, the question arises: why the company I caught in our orders does not accept anything new, does not want to change and rebuild? Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness? Is it really no support and approval? It was on the example of his hero of Griboedov, it shows how difficult it is to make new ideas into the well-established society, because they immediately rejected and ridicule.

Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness?

According to the comedy "Mount from the mind", the essay is not so difficult to write, because you can say a lot about the main hero. Chatsky Alexander Andreevich has an independent and freedom-loving character, hence all his problems. He is ready to stand up in any minute to fight false and injustice. He always has his own look at what around him is happening. Chatsky is a cultural and enlightened personality. Griboedov was impregnated with the long-suffering Russian people who brutally oppressed the serf system.

This was the same as the author of a new era. So why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness? The essay on this topic should be started with the fact that the protagonist is not like that. He is the "hermit" and "stranger", which means, is doomed to misunderstanding, because he threw the challenge that mired into hypocrisy and deception, where a person is evaluated only by his supply, the number of serf and position. Strong and courageous Chatsky as he could fight for his ideals and principles, but he was condemned and messed up, recognizing the crazy. That is why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness.

Be like everyone

He is invited to become the same as everyone, and forever refuse his fervent revolutionary speeches and thoughts. But he does not see himself in that gray crowd, which is afraid to ban his cozy swamp. For him, it is equivalent to death, his conscience will simply won't go to it. Deeply revealing the theme "Why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness," it is necessary to understand that we have a real hero, who, without the support of like-minded people, decided to go against the whole system, so it is accepted for the crazy.

No one can understand such a "madman", so everything that expects him at best is exile from society, and at worst - Katorga in Siberia. Such liberty represented a threat to autocratic and the supreme rulers were brutally straightened with revolutionary masses.


Returning to the question why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness, it should be noted that the forced mining of the main character is due to the incompatibility with its Famovsky society. These rich and capricious people from the secular circle have absolutely different life priorities, values \u200b\u200band ideals. They will never be able to abandon their goods for the sake of someone, it is simply excluded for them.

Therefore, Chapsky has only one way - hermit and outcast, which dared to go against the existing system. Two different worlds, and they have no way of reconciliation.

"Public" comedy with the social clash of the "century of the past" and "century of the present" called Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". And it was built so that about the progressive ideas of the transformation of society, the desire for spirituality, only Chatsky speaks about the new morality.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - the personality that Griboedov awarded such features as independence, freedom and generosity of the soul. He has his own look at what is happening, the desire to deal with injustice. The hero was literally impregnated with love for the people and the desire to resist the brutal serf system, inhibiting people. His feelings are sincere and immediate. This applies to the purity of his love in Sofye.

In his work, the playwright has created a "new person" of the era. He is not like everyone else, "strangers", "Otchenets", and therefore is doomed to misunderstanding and loneliness.
The hero comes to the world with new ideas, thoughts, glances. He condemns the morals that became the basis of the life of the "Famovsky society", rooting in the minds and hearts. Chatsky is a strong and courageous man, ready to fight for his principles and ideals.

But it turns out that his new views are not simply not needed, but even harmful. After all, they violate the rest of what has already been established, turning into a cozy swamp. Chatsky is trying to change something, but it was not there. He is invited to become such as everyone, to abandon his views. But for him to become a gray person in the same crowd of equivalent moral death.

The comedy hero, who took the unconditional decision to go against the system, remains in complete loneliness. Moreover, the Famusov society does not forgive him independence and freedom, spreading a stupid rumor about his madness. It rejects the "madman", hurning it out of his world.

The loneliness of Chatsky is explained by incompatibility with its surrounding society. After all, the goals, values, ideals for them are completely different. Representatives of the world of Famine can not recognize the eyes of Chatsky correct, because then it will be necessary to abandon their cozy Mirka. And this is impossible for them.

So it turns out that, as well as for any person who decided to go against the system, the only way out is prepared for Chatsky - the path of the burden. Two completely different worlds cannot be near.

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    • The famous comedy AS.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" was created in the first quarter of the XIX century. The literary life of this period was determined by the obvious signs of the crisis of the autocratic-serf system and the ripening of the ideas of noble revolutionism. The process of gradual transition from the ideas of classicism was made, with his addiction to "high genres, to romanticism and realism. One of the bright representatives and ancestor of critical realism and became A.S.Griboyedov. In his comedy" grief from the mind ", successfully combining [... ]
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