The history of the creation and publication of the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart". Tale "Dog's Heart": History of creation and fate The author of the story of the dog's heart

The history of the creation and publication of the story of Bulgakov
The history of the creation and publication of the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart". Tale "Dog's Heart": History of creation and fate The author of the story of the dog's heart

Moscow Institute of Open Education

Department of Philological Sciences

Analysis of the story MA Bulgakov "Dog's Heart"

Prepared teacher

russian language and literature

Butrimova N.S.

Moscow, 2014.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov created his story "Dog's Heart" in the period of revolutionary changes in Russia. MA Bulgakov belonged to those writers who criticized socialist construction, ridiculed the methods of building a socialist society. The genre of anti-nightopia becomes a kind of form of control against the absurd state device.

The Satyric Tale of "Dog's Heart" was written in 1925, and published only after 62 years in 1987. This is a complex and multivalued story. Professor Preobrazhensky from the Milest PSA Ball by experiment creates a "rare scum" of Sharicikov. This experiment exposes absurd in society in the 1920sXX century. The revolution that happened leads to the full collapse of the country. Russia is almost destroyed. Bulgakov already then understood what happened. He, not embarrassed, ridicules the Soviet power, "pevunov", speaks of the need to do everyoneown Business. "... Although, if someday, if there is free time, I will study the brain and prove that all this social catcher is simple, it's just a sick nonsense ..." In the end, on May 7, 1926, the manuscript of the story "The dog's heart" was confiscated.

A lot of disputes arise around the name of the story. The author himself makes his heroes think about those who appeared as a result of the experiment. A man with a dog heart? But the worst thing is that the dog is completely nothing at what, Sharikov "... It is the human heart. And the most lousy of all that exists in nature. " Professor Preobrazhensky fully gives a report that he did: "... Miley dog \u200b\u200bturn into such a scum that the hair stands up! .." Perhaps the heart of the dog's ball and was the most humane and kind, in general, the dog is a devotee and loving creature .

Such a character asSh vorder is also a man with a dog heart, without his spiritual world, a slacker, Ham. It can be said that it is created artificially. The swordder has no own opinion. All views were imposed on him. Schwonder - the pupil of the proletariat - groups of people, according to Bulgakov, singing about the bright future, but nothing to do anything else. Bulgakov suggests that there are a lot of people with dog hearts among us, and they show themselves at certain moments, for example, a mother who refuses their child.

Bulgakov writes that the dog essence in the ball is only in the hunt for cats, but she will soon pass and the worst - Klim Chugunkin, who received the second life.

The composition of the story "The dog's heart" is most likely ring. The work begins with a monologue of the ball and ends with reflections of the ball. Polygraph of the balls disappeared, as if he did not exist at all. The dog of the ball did not remember his "human" past, he knew only one thing: "I got so brought me, it turned out so much ... I just turned it indescribable. I was established in this apartment ... "

There are several repeated phrases of the Miley PSA Ball: "I got it ...". The dog saw in the mysterious Mr. Salvation, he is ready to kiss the hands, only for a piece of "rotten horse".

The development of the story of the story gives the reader the opportunity to see how the characters of Bulgakov change. The dog of the ball turns first into the "new organism", then in the ball of the polygraph of polygraphphovich, and again in the silent PSA ball. Professor Preobrazhensky appears in front of the reader Mr., not a comrade, not a citizen, namely, a very emotional self-confident person, for whom sorrowful exclamations, a thorny voice ":" ... Philipp Philippovich entered the excitement, hrictered nostrils swollen him. Having touched the strength after the satisfying lunch, he thundered, like an ancient prophet, and his head sparkled with silver ... "What happens to the" ancient prophet "after surgery? The ball becomes a human-like being, continuously sweating, in it is resurrected by Klim Chugubin. All this produces on Philip Philippovich "A surprisingly painful impression", he loses his composure, becomes nervous. Dr. Bormental in the "History of Disease" writes that after a meeting with Philip Philippovich "For the first time ... I saw this confident and amazingly smart person confused." Here the old man appears for the first time. The student of the professor deeply respects his teacher, but the repeating "old man" does not leave doubts that the experience of the professor of Preobrazhensky broke this strong man who becomes the same professor after the observation of the silent PSA ball: "Former domineering and energetic Philip Philippovich, full of dignity, appeared before Night guests and apologized that he was in a bathrobe. " Professor Preobrazhensky is a stunning character, he frankly mocks the house management, constantly repeating the same phrase: "Kalabuhov's house disappeared!", Topics in indignation of comrades.

Bulgakov gives her heroes more than speaking names: the ball is a children's toy, carrying joy, in this word there is a diminutive-lascate suffix, such a dog wants to stroke, you are not waiting for any meanness. Philipp Philippovich - literally "loving horses", there is a special meaning in this, the horse will not submit a bad person with a "dog heart."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a sample of the Russian intelligentsia, he is the owner of the 8-room apartment in which he not only lives, but also works. After the revolution, he remained to live and work in Moscow, he is not able to throw a friend in a difficult situation: "I am a Moscow student, and not the balls!", His apartment is filled with special things that create a common comfort: "The light poured a whole abyss of items, of which The most advanced was the huge owl, sitting on the wall on the bitch. " And the speech is a sample of pre-revolutionary school: "Bluebind", he draws to everyone, even to the ball on "you", however, in his speech you can see the spaticrous words that are completely naturally fit into its image.

Klim Chugulkin - on the one hand, Klim translates as gracious, but Bulgakov gives him a "wonderful" surname of Chu Grükkin. Cast iron is a heavy metal, but nevertheless, it is very fragile. Just in such people and the revolution needed: on the one hand, calm, soft, gracious, and on the other, it is very fragile, it is easy to break, go under himself, and if it happened, then the castle owes all their severity on people, destroying all human on his way. In his story, Bulgakov connects Klima Chugulkin with a new creation by polygraph polygraphic. Thus, he wants to show all the absurdity of the new government, all its deceit, the desire for destruction. Mikhail Bulgakov laughs at the "New Eroy" and a polygraph appears - a lie detector needed to establish truth. Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov deprives people of hope for a bright future. Sharikov - "Ham and Piggy", an alcoholic, bringing to his drunkenness of the residents of the apartment to madness, false ("wounded on the Kolchakov fronts", takes money from the Schwander to books and survives them). At the same time, the cowardly, he is afraid of Dr. Bormental and armed with a revolver, he writes the denominations on the professor. Bulgakov ceases to think Sharicikov: "He himself rushed into the embrace of the inevitable andhawkul Viciously and detribably ... "," ... he sang ... ".

Such characters like Schwonder, Vyazemsky and Pestruchin do not deserve names at all, they are comrades without sex, completely identical, people with dog hearts.

The peculiarity of the story is that Bulgakov deliberately does not give a story to one person. In the first chapter, the talk of the dog is the dog, but nevertheless he leads his story on behalf of the author, the author knows everything, he knows the name of the mysterious Mr., and the story of the young ladies. The "History of Disease" is described on behalf of Dr. Bormental, the beginning of his records is a dry outline of facts that gradually changes, it seems that he is nervous, blots appear, he writes uneven handwriting, exclamations appear. In the last chapter, the narrator again is the dog of the ball, thus, in the story, the author's assessment is dispersed between several characters: Preobrazhensky, bornet and ball.

The story of Bulgakova is a fantastic work, operation, transformation of the PSA into man and again into the dog. Bulgakov uses her favorite reception: the game of light and darkness. "Twilight was climbed, perfectly wary, in one word - darkness" and "Master and Margarita": "Darkness, who came from the sea, covered the city hated by the procurator."

In the story "The dog's heart" are very brightly shown by people of different classes, living conditions, speech. The balls are a lower creature, his speech is replete with obscene abundance, Hamsky behavior in relation to the professor and the doctor. Bulgakov resorts to a story to metaphors, comparisons and epithets: "... The atmosphere in Obukhovsky rooms was a stuffy", "... as a gray Faust ...", "... a gray-haired wizard ...".

Bulgakov uses mixing styles: During the conversation, the Swedder uses official-business style vocabulary. According to Professor Preobrazhensky, this unjustified use "there was a question about the compaction." Hence the question: "Who stood on com?"

"The dog's heart" is a philosophical work combining and sarcasm and fiction.Professor Philipp Philippovich imagined himself to be akin to God, he transforms the earthly creature one to another, from a cute and affectionate PSA, created a "bindow monster" without any idea of \u200b\u200bhonor, conscience, appreciation. Thanks to the polygraph of Polygraphfovich Sharikov, the whole life of the professor of Preobrazhensky rose down on his head. The balls, imagining themselves, contributes to the size and quiet life of Professor discomfort.Professor corrects his mistake, "reworking" Sharicikov in the ball. He explains the Schwonder and his company: "Science still does not know how to pay animals in people. So I tried, but only unsuccessfully, as you can see. Talked and started contacting the primitive state. Atavism!"Yes, it is an acute satire on a socialist society, which argued the right of "each cooking state". MA Bulgakov rose attempts to the Bolsheviks to create a new person.

For many years, the name M. A. Bulgakov and his works remained under the ban. But now we have the opportunity to rethink everything that happened and try to deprive the world of such a monster as balls.

The great Russian writer is widely known for its ingenious and, at the same time, full of humor works. His books have long disassembled quotes, witty and labored. And even if not everyone knows who wrote the "dog heart", then many have seen a magnificent film based on this story.

In contact with

Summary of the plot

How many chapters in the "dog heart" - along with an epilogue 10. The work of the work occurs in Moscow at the beginning of the winter of 1924.

  1. First describes a monologue of a dog in which the dog appears smart, observant, lonely and grateful to those who fed.
  2. The dog feels like her escalated body hurts, remembers how they beat her and watered boiling water wipers. The dog sorry for all these poor people, but yourself more. How puzzled women and passersby fed.
  3. Past Mr. (Professor Preobrazhensky) treats her Krakow - good boiled sausage and calls for himself. The dog goes down.
  4. Next, it is told about how the dog of the ball acquired his abilities. And the dog knows a lot - color, some letters. In the apartment, Preobrazhensky causes Assistant Dr. Bormental, and the dog feels that he fell into a trap.
  5. All attempts to fight off do not give the result and comes a wave. Nevertheless, the animal woke up, albeit the bandaged. The ball hears, as a professor teaches to treat it affectionately and carefully, to feed well.

The dog woke up

Retrozhensky's fastened and underforward PSA takes on reception. Then the ball sees patients: an old man with green hair, feeling again a young man, an old woman, in love with Shuler and asking for a monkey ovaries and a lot of whom. Suddenly, four visitors came from the management of the house, all in the leopard, boots and dissatisfied with how many rooms were in the apartment of Professor. After the call and conversation with an unknown, they are embarrassed.

Further events:

  1. Describes the lunch of the professor of Preobrazhensky and Doctor. For meal, the scientist argues that he brought only destruction and deprivation. Calosh steal, they will not head in apartments, the rooms are selected. The song is happy, because it is fed, warm, it does not hurt anything. Suddenly in the morning after the call, the PSA was again led in the viewing and whipped.
  2. The transplant operation is described by the seminal gland and pituitary gland from the criminal and the cream killed during the detention.
  3. Excerpts from the diary, which leads Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental. The doctor describes how the dog gradually becomes a person: stands on the rear paws, then legs, starts to read and talk.
  4. The decor in the apartment is changing. People walk oppressed, everywhere traces of the mess. Plays Balayaka. The former ball settled in the apartment - low, rough, aggressive little man, which requires a passport and comes up with a name - Polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov. He does not bother the past and spit at all. Most of the whole polygraph hates cats.
  5. The dinner is described again. Sharikov changed everything - the professor swears and refuses to take patients. The polygraph quickly took the communists in circulation and taught their ideals that were close to him.
  6. Sharikov demands to admit it to his heir, to allocate a part in the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky and arrange a residence permit. Then trying to rape the cook of the professor.
  7. Shares are arranged to work on catching stray animals. According to him, the cats will do "polita." A blackmail forces the typist to live with him, but the doctor saves her. The professor wants to drive out Sharicikov, but that threatening the gun. It is twisted and silence comes.
  8. The Commission, who came to challenge Sharicov, finds half-published. Soon the ball sleeps again at the professor's table and rejoices with his luck.

main characters

The symbol of science in this story becomes the laminated medicine - Professor, the name of Preobrazhensky from the story of the "Dog's Heart" of Philip Philippovich. The scientist is looking for ways to rejuvenate the body, and finds it to transplant the seminal glands of animals. Old men become men, women hope to throw a dozen years. The transplanting pituitary and semennikov, and the heart that they transplanted the dog in the "dog heart" from the dead criminal - only another experiment of the famous scientist.

His assistant is Dr. Bormental, the young representative of the miracle of the preserved noble norms and decency was the best student and remained faithful follower.

Former dog - Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov - Sacrifice of the experiment. Those who just watched the movie, especially remembered what he played the hero from the "dog heart". Orthodless couplets and jumps on a stool became the author's find of the screenwriters. In the story of the balls simply branded without breaks than terribly boring a professor by Preobrazhensky, appreciated classical music.

So, for the sake of this image of a slave, stupid, coarse and ungrateful man and was written a story. Sharikov Wants only to live beautifully and tasty there, does not understand the beauty, the norms of relations between people, Lives instincts. But Professor Preobrazhensky believes that for him a former dog is not dangerous, the balls will bring a much greater harm of the balls and other communists who are taught and teach it. After all, this created person carries all the lower and worst, which is inherent to a person, has no moral and moral landmarks.

The criminal and donor of the organs Klim Chugulkin in the "dog heart" seems to be only mentioned, but it is his negative qualities that switched to a good and smart dog.

Theory of origin of images

Already in recent years, the existence of the USSR began to say that the prototype of the Professor of Preobrazhensky - Lenin, and Sharikova - Stalin. Their historical relationship is similar to the story with the dog.

Lenin brought the wild criminal Jugashvili, believing in his ideological stuffing. This man was a useful and desperate communist, prayed on their ideals and did not regret life and health.

True, in recent years, as some approximate, the leader of the proletariat realized the true essence of Joseph Jugashvili and even wanted to remove from his environment. But the animal cunning and rage helped Stalin not only to resist, but also to take a leadership position. And indirectly this is confirmed by the fact that, despite the year of writing a "dog heart" - 1925, the story was printed in the 80s.

Important! This idea is confirmed by some allocations. For example, Preobrazhensky loves the Opera "Aida", and Lenin's lover Inness Armand. Machinist Vasnetsova, repeatedly flashed in close communication with the heroes, also has a prototype - the driver of the Bashanskaya, also associated with two historical personalities. Bashanskaya became a friend of Bulgakov.

The problem posed by the author

Bulgakov, confirming the status of the Great Russian Writer, in a relatively small story was able to put a number of extremely acute problems currently relevant.


The problem of the consequences of scientific experiments and the moral right of scientists to interfere in the natural course of development. Preobrazhensky first wants to slow down the course of time, rejuvenating old people for money and dreaming to find a way to return youth to everyone.

The scientist is not afraid to apply risky ways, transplanting the ovaries of animals. But when the result is a person, the professor first tries to raise him, and then generally returns to him the kind of dog. And from the moment of awareness of the ball itself, the most scientific dilemma begins: whom to consider man, and whether a scientist will be considered a murder.


The problem of relations, more precisely, the opposition of the rebel proletariat and the surviving nobility was painful and bloody. The arrogance and aggressiveness of the Schwonder and those who came with them is not an exaggeration, but rather frightening the reality of those years.

Sailors, soldiers, workers and people of the bottom floed the city and estates quickly and cruel. The country was bought by blood, the former rich people were starving, gave the latter for a bunch of bread and hastily leaving abroad. Units were able not only to survive, but also save their standard of living. These still hated, although they were afraid.


The problem of universal ruin and the erroneousness of the chosen path has risen more than once in the works of Bulgakov. The writer mourned the former order, culture and the most intelligent people who die under the onslaught of the crowd.

Bulgakov - Prophet

Still, the author in the "dog heart" wanted to say. Many readers and fans of his work feel such a prophetic motive. Bulgakov seemed to show the Communists, which person of the future, the homuncule they grow in their red test tubes.

Born as a result of an experiment of a scientist working on the needs of the people and protected by the Supreme Projection, the balls threaten not only the aging transfiguration, this creature hates absolutely all.

The expected discovery, breakthrough in science, the new word in the public device turns on only a stupid, cruel, criminal, tramping on a balaicine, who lies the unfortunate animals, those from which he himself came out. The goal of Sharicikova is to take the room and steal the money from the "Dad".

"Dog's Heart" M. A. Bulgakov - Summary

Dog's heart. Michael Bulgakov


The only way out for Professor Preobrazhensky from the "Dog Heart" is to take yourself in hand and recognize the failure of the experiment. The scientist finds the strength to recognize his own mistake and correct it. And whether it will be possible to do the rest ...

Creativity Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is an interesting, bright and original look at the life and morals of the USSR. The writer, who causing the times of the Empire, did not accept the Soviet power, living in a society that caused him only fear and misunderstanding. The dissatisfaction with Soviet reality was reflected in him in his famous story "The dog's heart", in which he portrayed the struggle of two worlds in all their contradictions. Multi-lighted Litrecon offers you the analysis of the story "The dog's heart".

The story of writing the story "The dog's heart" is interesting facts, miraculously preserved in the lighter of the post-revolutionary history of Russia:

  1. The story was written by Bulgakov in 1925 by order for the magazine "Nedra", where his works of "Deviliad" and "fatal eggs" were published.
  2. Initially, the book was called "The dog's heart. The monstrous story ", but then the author decided to make the title more concise.
  3. Prototype Professor Preobrazhensky - The famous surgeon and uncle writer N.M. Pokrovsky.
  4. She never was published during the life of the writer, so it is not known that it is specifically inspired by the writer on its creation. However, many literary critic appealing that the plot of Bulgakov echoes the romance to the city of Wels "Dr. Moro Island", where the scientist opened a way to transform animals in people. The leitmotif of the story echoes many literary works of the twenties, when, after revolutionary storms and the transition to a peaceful life in society, some confusion and disappointment reigned related to the fact that the revolution did not solve the eternal problems of humanity.
  5. When the Bulgakov first read his book on the Nikitsky Saturday, he immediately reported to the CC: "The whole thing is written in hostile, breathing endless contempt for colon tones and denies all of its achievements."

The story "The dog's heart" was banned in the USSR, because Lion Kamenev, a high-ranking member of the Bolshevik Party, saw in the text "acute pamphlet for modernity", which "to print in no case". After such a verdict, the magazine "Subraser" and the MCAT Theater terminated the agreement with the writer about publication and theatrical statement of the book. In 1926, Mikhail Bulgakov had a search, and he had seized even the manuscript of scandalous creation. The story of the publication of the story "The dog's heart" ended only in 1987, when the epoch of publicity was coming.

Genre and direction

"The dog's heart" refers to the literature. Despite a minor fantastic element, which is also explained from the point of view of science, the author seeks to objectively portray the surrounding reality. The characters created by them, their actions and words look reliably and naturalistic. The author successfully recreated the flavor of the epoch in the smallest details: from singing ideologically correct songs, to "devastation in balls". The reader can believe that the events described could occur in real life.

The genre of the work of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" can be determined as a story. The narrative covers a rather short period of time, includes a small number of characters and plot lines. But at the same time, the product is characterized by a huge number of details and real places that give a more complete picture of the events of occurring than the action in the story.

Composition and conflict

Composition of the work of the "Dog's Heart" - ring:

  • The story opens the inner monolog of the homeless PSA ball, which acts as an exposure, designed to reveal the background and show the reader of the main actors.
  • Operation on the ball and its transformation into a person - the tie, which means the beginning of the conflict.
  • The culmination of the conflict falls on the ball attempt to adapt to the new life and his conflict with the professor.
  • The final ends with the next internal monologue of PSA Sharikov, who marks the resolution of the conflict and returning everything to the circles - the interchange.

In the story of Bulgakov there are several conflicts:

  1. The first conflict is to oppose the intellectual of the Processor Professor with the house management consisting of workers and political activists. This conflict is designed to show the collision of two generations and types of people who think completely different categories. Bulgakov on the side of the professor, because the privileges that he defends are deserved by his stubborn labor. The swordder looks like a caricature jack, which became someone significant only thanks to the coup.
  2. The second conflict takes place between the man turned into a man and the surrounding people, including the professor. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis conflict lies in the danger that threatens humanity if it does not restrain himself on the path of progress. Polycarp the balls could not become a full-fledged person, because they were missed by the necessary stages of development, but at the same time he demanded that he did not deserve. Conflicts are interrelated, and in the climax at all we are mad at one.

Essence: What is the story?

The old professor Philip Preobrazhensky finds a dying in the alley of the mound. Immediately giving a dog the name of the ball, Philip Philippovich with an unknown goal leads to her luxurious multicorate apartment.

The professor turns out to be a significant person who serves many rich and influential people, including members of the Communist Party. With the help of only one call, Preobrazhensky leads to horror and confusion of the head of the local house management - the Schwonder, who wanted to transfer one of the seven rooms in the apartment of Professor to the poor.

Finally, we learn that Philip Philippovich conceived and why he needed a ball. By transplanting the necessary organs, the professor conceived to turn the dog into man. The operation ends with brilliant success, the ball is transformed into a person and takes itself the surname of the balls.

Since the time due to the evil genetics of the donor of the organs and the inability of the professor to integrate its experimental in Human society, the character of Sharicikov begins to deteriorate.

Responsibility for Employment Sharikov takes over the Schwonder, making it the documents and arranged in the cat's catering service. Under the influence of the head of the house management of the balls, it begins to see in the Preobrazhensky of his direct enemy, it begins to blackmail a professor, threatening to write a denunciation. At that moment, the Assistant Philip Philippovich - Ivan Bormental comes out of himself and kills Sharicikov.

At the end of the story, the reader finds out that the Preobrazhensky sagged the life of Sharikov, turning it back into the ball of the ball and leaving to live at himself.

Main characters and their characteristics

The system of images in the story of the "Dog's Heart" is decorated with a multi-lone literagon in the form of a table:

heroes Tale "Dog's Heart" characteristic
polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov former courtyard dog ball. The fruit of a bold experiment of Preobrazhensky. It appears in front of the readers of two amplua: like a dog and as a person.

1) In the image of the dog, a rather smart and cute mongrel appears, prone to philosophizing.

2) After transformation, it appears the extremely unpleasant subject: selfish, rough and ignorant. It is inclined to alcoholism and smoking, behaves immoral and unknown, sticking to women and arranging mess in the apartment. Periodically complains about your new life, but it does not want to part with it. Loves scandals, quarrels and willingly proact them. Always pulls the blanket for yourself, wanting to assign yourself the maximum number of material values \u200b\u200bas soon as possible: he insists in the final of the Preobrazhensky apartments. Feelings of gratitude, responsiveness and tact him is not known. Only fear is able to cut Sharicikov. It finds himself only in the catch of stray cats, where it seeks great success, becoming the head of the service. A new proletarian society becomes an ideal habitat for him, where he can download law without fulfilling duties. He easily masters the new revolutionary lexicon and braving them, seeking his mercenary purposes.

philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky old Moscow professor, intellectual. This is a polite, cultural, but narcissistic and arrogant person who places overestimated requirements, but in return requires respect and recognition from others. Ingenious doctor and scientist, hardworking and purposeful leader. It looks at the world through the prism of pessimism, constantly waiting for the worst, often grumbling and complains of the lack of order and legality. After making the last era, he constantly compares with her a new time, and not in favor of Soviet power, because it is annoying the universal equalization of people, unnatural by its nature. Realizing the unnaturalness of its experiment, he recognizes a mistake and eliminates it. He behaves quite egoistic, little interested in the problems of others, striving to exorcate from social life by all means. It has extensive connections in the country's leadership and are not shy to use them. In his behavior, Philip Philippovich is guided by the principles of individualism, which is opposed to socialism as ideology.
schwonder chairman of the Household and Activist Communist Party. The functioner, strictly observing the prescription and formality and strive to create the same conditions for all residents. Faced with a professor who, living within the system, manages to ignore all its laws, begins to experience personal hostility towards him. In conscientiously participates in the fate of Sharikov, making him a passport and arranged to work, in parallel, however, exacerbating his conflict with Preobrazhensky. According to the character of the Schwonder - a typical proletarian prolevanist, which masks activity and formalism, the lack of real achievements and talents. High intelligence and success annoy it, because he lives a utopia about universal equality, but does not understand that from nature all people are not equal, but individual. Once having learned one theory, the swordner pounds life in its framework and does not think any deviations.
ivan Arnoldovich Bormental young doctor, assistant professor. A cultural and educated person is devoted to the professor and hardworking in work. It is reasonable and calm, but in the end, being unable to endure the behavior of Sharicov, it breaks down and kills him.


The topics of the story of the "Dog's Heart" predicted her fate: the author went along the edge and affected issues that demonstratively accounted for censorship:

  1. Scientific progress - On the example of the professor, it was clearly shown that often, going along the path of irrepressible progress, humanity himself is not fully aware of his actions and does not understand what they can lead to. In any opening, it is important not to violate the natural course of things so in order to exclude nature from a person's life and ignore its laws.
  2. New power - The work is impregnated with hostility to the Soviet power, in which Bulgakov saw something alien and dangerous. Universal passion for equality and fraternity killed individuality in people and deprived them of the opportunity to think freely.
  3. Creating a type of Soviet person- The ideology of communism implies a change in the consciousness of a person by changing being. The ideology was to raise people from which it would be possible to make nails, as Mayakovsky wrote. Bulgakov, accustomed to thinking about herself, as an elite, did not believed that simple workers and peasants would ever be able to compare with him. It was not only in the origin, but that people have different capabilities, and cannot be equalized, not deforming.
  4. Kindness - The world depicted in the story "The dog's heart" is completely deprived of kindness. Cruel validity is angry with people who do not feel pity even to the dog, not to mention each other. Preobrazhensky himself saves the dog only in order to extract the material for the experiment.
  5. Culture - Apartment Professor Preobrazhensky is represented by a lonely island of culturality and sophistication in the midst of the ocean of rudeness and ignorance. Only there you can still hear a refined speech and the right Russian language without disturbing and vulgarity. Every word of the professor is informed consciously and correctly, but the Schuvdeder's speech and to him like tear figs from revolutionary newspapers, mixed somehow.
  6. Education - Bulgakov showed what an important role is playing in the formation of a person. Preobrazhensky and Bornetal could not convey his balls their values, to instill culture, as a result, he began to learn from the Schwonder, opposing himself with his own creators. It is impossible to create a real person without education and a long path of becoming, which flows in adolescence.
  7. Pride and humility - At the beginning of the story, Philipp Philipovich appears in priority to us by a proud person, who considers himself able to overcome nature, but at the end he arms with the failure of his experiment, realizing that it was better to return everything as it was.


Problems of the story "The dog's heart" became the fatal for Bulgakov. Having raised acute social and political problems, he fell into opal and lost many sources of his income:

  1. Destroy after civil war- The country in the story of Bulgakov is a crying speech. Dark streets covered with snow, gloomy tired people and dilapidated houses surround the heroes. But in decline not only life, but the people themselves who have lost their lives and do not understand how to equip life. It is about this mouth of the professor of Preobrazhensky and says a writer.
  2. Bureaucracy - In the face of Schwonder, the writer showed the emerging Soviet bureaucrat - a executive person, obsessed with formalism and interested only in the fulfillment of the will of the state. Such a person causes an obvious hostility from Bulgakov, he sees his straight enemy in it.
  3. Traveling dissent - Between the professor and house management, at the first meeting, extremely hostile relations are established. The convinced communists understand that Preobrazhensky has a worldview, which directly contradicts their own views. Only this excites the antipathy in them and the desire to harm Philip Philippovich, who only saves his connections. The writer with condemnation looks at the attempt of the Communists to invade the personal life of a person and an attempt to forcibly change someone beliefs.
  4. Clip on the intelligentsia - The story shows an atypical situation when the anti-Soviet-minded intelligent not only avoids the repressive state of the state, but uses it for its own purposes. However, he has to constantly be on worship, waiting for any meanness from haters. For Bulgakov, as for the intellectual, this situation seems unacceptable and absurd.
  5. The inability of the new power to organize life - the mouths of the Preobrazhensky Bulgakov expresses the claims of a new government for the Bardak and lawlessness, reigning in the country. In his opinion, the country and the people need a strong hand, which will finally force people to work and fulfill the duties, and not only to demand the right.
  6. Negative consequences of scientific discoveries - In the first half of the twentieth century around the world, the beliefs that have previously stated that uncontrolled technical progress is dangerous for humanity. These looks are our response in the work of Bulgakov and the image of Preobrazhensky, who himself created the fact that he barely did not destroy him.
  7. Cruelty in relation to animals - Bulgakov separately emphasizes that evil that people cause a stray dog, starting with a cook, pouring it with boiling water, ending with a professor who uses the dog for his experiment. According to the writer, if people are cruel towards a harmless dog, then they are ruthless to each other.


The work reflects the troubled and alarming atmosphere of the beginning of the twentieth century. The author is anxiously looking into the future, warning humanity from the path through which it goes. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the "dog heart" is hidden in the symbolic meaning of the experiment itself. In the post-revolutionary time, the ideologists of the Bolshevik Party were abandoned by the process of creating a new type of man - Soviet. Motivational posters hung everywhere, in newspapers and magazines, exceptionally useful and right news reasons were described, slogans sounded at meetings and rallies, and education was completely subordinated to the needs and demands of the party. From the people it was decided to make a coordinated mechanism that would mascel the industrialization necessary for the backward agrarian country. Preobrazhensky made the same thing: created a new type of person. But his idea, like the initiative of the party, failed, because it is impossible to go against nature and simplify a person to the mechanism. The Soviet government ignored the same thing that he did not notice the Preobrazhensky - the process of upbringing, a long and complex, as well as the process of historical formation of the people, which cannot be forced. Such is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the "Dog's Heart": you need to recognize the failure of the Soviet experiment and return the natural order in which each person had a "place in abilities." Universal equality is also impossible as the creation of a full-fledged person from the dog.

The conservative beliefs of Bulgakov are brightly awake in the work. The ball symbolizes the Russian people, the professor - the Russian intelligentsia, which, according to Bulgakov, liberated the people, and Schwonder denotes Soviet power, which due to the weakness of the intelligentsia assumed the role of the tutor of the people and led him against the intelligentsia. The writer saw the salvation of the country in an ordered and evolutionary developing system, which will return the peasants and workers to the place put on them, and will not raise them where they will not cope with their duties, as the balls did not cope with the role of man.

What does it take?

In the face of Sharicikova, the writer demonstrates us what Bedakultu and ignorance is. Hero Bulgakov shows how a decent person should not behave. The author makes us think about the fact that the obsolete bourgeois morality is significantly higher than the proletarian, because it relies on eternal values \u200b\u200band the centuries-old experience that new people deny. We can extract the historical conclusion from the story "Dog's Heart": the Global Soviet experiment was initially doomed to failure, because it is impossible to artificially equalize people with different capabilities and inclinations.

Also the story teaches us prudence and restraint in their desires. Speaks about how important to respect others and defend the freedom of personality.


If we are rudely disguised (for all this "alignment" - only emphasized, noticeable, unscrewly praises appear on the USSR's book market, then the White Guard abroad ... It remains only to envy the exceptional conditions for counter-revolutionary authors with us.

However, the intelligentsia approved the work of Bulgakov, and the reviews of critics very much supported him in difficult times:

"This is the first literary work that dares to be yourself. It was time to realize the relationship to the happening ... [This refers to the Oktyabrsky coup 1917] "(M. Ya. Schneider, 1925)

"I was very pleased to read your feedback about M. Bulgakov ... His humorous things - pearls who promise the artist of the first rank. But censorship cuts him mercilessly. Recently stabbed the wonderful thing "Dog's Heart", and he completely falls in spirit. " (V. Veresov (Smidovich) - M. Voloshin (Kiriyenko-Voloshin), a letter of April 8, 1925)

More modern critics also noted the skill of Bulgakov, who was able to pass the nature of the epoch, the eyewitness of which he became:

One of the burning problems of that time is the problem of the value of the human person. Most often, social demagogues have reduced the question to the external "indicators": if the worker, then "our"; If from the nobles or bourgeois, then the enemy, the "alien element", which has no right to revolutionary conquests, in essence, does not even have any rights, "Lisheman". The antagonism of the warring parties, is quite natural in the years of revolution and civil war, deftly inflating H heated and after revolutionary events, when V. I. Lenin called on all segments of the Russian population to cooperate with the Soviet vastos. Bulgakov showed such an antagonism between the Preobrazhensky and the bornethal, on the one hand, and the swordder and members of the jack, on the other. While the victory was won by the Preobrazhensky, his talent, his genius. And Bulgakov, along with their heroes, tries this victory. " (Viktor Perezin, article "Happy time" // Bulgakov M. A. Collected works in 10 volumes. T. 3. Dog heart. - M.: Voice, 1995.- 464 p.)

Critics noticed that the "dog's heart" is a clean water of satire, and even the reader himself is at ridiculous:

Formally, it can be regarded as a work dedicated to the new stage of the celebration of science: the hero, Professor Preobrazhensky, is able to ... to cope with the creation of his own hands with reckoning against him. But you should not hurry with conclusions based on formal signs. After all, at the same time, again, formally, the "dog heart" is Satira, the witness is everyone who read it. Therefore, it is necessary to figure it out, whether the science triumphs in this case or subjected to ridiculous. And if if not science is ridiculed here, what?<…> Yes, the reader of the "dog heart" laughs on itself ... ... reader ... and serves as the main object of ridiculous in the "dog heart".<…> (E. G. Stepanyan, "On Mikhail Bulgakov and" Dog's Heart "", Publishing House "Oklik", 2011)

The legendary work of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" is studied in literature lessons in grade 9. Its fantastic content reflects quite real historical events. In the "Dog's Heart" analysis according to plan involves a detailed analysis of all artistic aspects of the work. It is this information that is represented in our article, including the analysis of the work, criticism, problem, compositional structure and the history of creation.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - The story was written in 1925.

History of creation - The work is created quickly - in three months, it is divided into samizdat, but it was published in the homeland only in 1986 during the period of restructuring.

Subject - rejection of violent intervention in history, political changes in society, the theme of human nature, its nature.

Composition - Ring composition, based on the image of the main character.

Genre - Socio-philosophical satirical story.

Direction - Satire, fantasy (as a way of filing artistic text).

History of creation

The work of Bulgakov was written in 1925. In just three months, a brilliant work was born, which found the legendary future and nationwide fame subsequently.

It was preparing for the publication in the journal "Nedra". After reading the text, the chief editor, of course, refused to print such, frankly hostile to the existing political system, a book. In 1926, a searcus was made on the apartment with the author's apartment and the manuscript of the "Dog Heart" was withdrawn. In the initial version, the book was called "Dog Happiness. The monstrous story ", later she received a modern name, which is associated with rows from the book by A. V. Laifer.

The idea of \u200b\u200bFabuly, according to the researchers of Creativity Mikhail Bulgakov, borrowed by the author of Welts science writer. The Bulgakovsky plot becomes hardly covered with a parody of government circles and their politics. The writer twice performed with reading his story, for the first time - on the Literary Assembly "Nikita Saturdays".

After the next speech, the hall was delighted, with the exception of several communist writers. During the life of the author, his work was not published, largely due to the optoconance, but there was another reason. "The dog's heart" was first published abroad, it automatically "sentenced" text to persecution in the homeland. Therefore, only in 1986, 60 years later, it appeared on the pages of the magazine "Star". Despite dismicement, Bulgakov hoped to publish the text during his lifetime, he was rewritten, copied, passed friends and familiar writers, admiring the courage and originality of images.


Writer raises problemthe ideology and politicians of Bolshevism, the uneducation of those who reached the authorities, the impossibility of a rapid change in history. The results of the revolution are crying, it, as well as the Operation of Professor Preobrazhensky, led to very unexpected consequences, revealed the worst diseases of society.

Subject Human nature, nature, characters also affected by the author. He gives a translucent hint that a person feels too omnipotent, but not able to control the fruits of its activities.

Briefly O. problematicsworks: The violent change in the social system and the text will inevitably lead to the deplorable results, "Experiment" will be unsuccessful.

Ideathe story of Bulgakov is sufficiently transparent: any artificial intervention in nature, society, history, politics, and other spheres - will not lead to positive changes. The author adheres to healthy conservatism.

The basic idea The story says the following: uneducated, immature "people" like "ball" cannot be given power, they are morally immature, such an experiment will turn the catastrophe for society and history. Too narrow will be the conclusion about the artistic objectives of the author from the position of the state system and politics of 20-30 years, so both ideas have the right to life.

Meaning of the name The works are that not all people, from birth normal, spiritually "healthy" hearts. There are people on Earth who live the life of Sharicikov, they have doggy (bad, evil) hearts from birth.


The story has an annular composition that can be traced, following the content of the work.

The story begins with the description of the dog, which soon becomes a man; Ends at what started: the balls are operated on and again acquires the appearance of a satisfied animal.

A feature of the composition are the diary records of the border on the results of the experiment, about the degeneration of the patient, about its achievements and degradation. Thus, the story of "life" Sharicikova was documented by the assistant professor. The bright key point of the composition is the acquaintance of Sharicikov with a swordder, which has a decisive influence on the formation of the identity of the newly minted citizen.

In the center of the story, two main characters: Professor Preobrazhensky and polygraph of the balls, it is they who have a plot-forming role. In the string of work, the work is interesting when life is shown by the eyes of the PSA ball, his "doggy" reflections on the weather, about people and their own life - the reflection of that little, which is needed for a relaxing existence. The culmination of the narrative is the rebirth of the polygraph, its moral and spiritual decomposition, the highest manifestation of which was the murder of the professor. In the junction - Bordell and Philipp Philippovich return the experimental in its original appearance than the mistake corrected. This moment is very symbolic, as it determines what the story teaches: some things can be corrected if you recognize your error.

So, as a sign of peaceful lead
I remove the hat, Bew Man,
Upon learning of the philosopher poet
Under the cautious cap.
A. S. Pushkin

According to the genre of "Dog's Heart" (1925) is a story, but, arguing about its genre of originality, it should be recognized that this is a socio-philosophical satirical story with elements of fiction.

The story describes the NEPOV moscow in the mid-20s of the 20th century. The life of ordinary people, for whom the revolution was made for the happiness, very hard. It is enough to remember the girl-typist, a citizen Vasnetsov. For its work, she gets pennies, for which it is impossible to feed even in the dining room "normal nutrition of employees of the Central Council of the National Economy", so it is forced to become a mistress of his head, a rude and self-satisfied "leaving of the people" (I). This leader ("Chairman of something") believes: "My time came. I now (...) How much is your lap - everything is on the female body, on cancer necks, on Abrau-Durso. Because I was glad in my youth enough, it will be with me, and there is no afterlife. "(I). A young driver will be bride Sharicikov, and, of course, she will agree to marry this miracle of nature not from a good life.

Simple Soviet people the author describes sympathy, but there are other characters that are satirically ridicule. This is a thick cook of the mentioned dining room "normal nutrition ...": he steals high-quality products, and visitors feed with rotches, because of these visitors the belly hurt. This is a new elite - patients of Professor Preobrazhensky, full and satisfied, but concerned about various sexual problems. The professor himself, similar to the medieval French knight, is ridicule, and his faithful student-squirrel doctor Dr. Bormental, who wanted to correct the laws of nature.

The social content of the story is expressed through the description of the everyday life of Moscow: in the capital, as before, enveloping the criminals (Klim Chugunkin), there are a problem of food supply, the drama of communal apartments, bitter drunkenness. In other words, Bulgakov shows the inconsistency of the official Soviet propaganda and real life. The social idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is to show a heavy, unresolved life of a simple person in the Soviet country, where, as in the old days, the cake of the rogues and the villains of different texts are right - from the head of the dining room to high-ranking patients of Professor Preobrazhensky. These heroes are depicted satirically, and the logic of the story leads the reader to the conclusion that the full and convenient life of such people is paid by the suffering of the whole people during the revolution and civil war.

In the story, social content is closely intertwined with philosophical reflections on the new, post-revolutionary time and the "new" person generated by this time. In the work, at least two serious philosophical problems should be allocated.

The first is about the responsibility of the scientist for its discovery. Professor Preobrazhensky decided to carry out a unique operation - to transplant the human pituitary on the brain of the experimental dog. Since Philipp Philippovich is a talented surgeon, he managed to imagine the pituitary gland of the Bandita Klima Corma to the brain of the polarie ball. This operation has conceived this operation in order to test his guesses for the artificial rejuvenation of the human body. Having received the hormone extract from the pituitaryness, the professor could not even know that there are many different hormones in the pituitary. The result was unexpected: the miscalculation of the experimenter led to the emergence of a disgusting jammer, an alcoholic, demagogue - polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov. Preobrazhensky challenged the evolution, the natural situation of things in nature.

But, according to Bulgakov, violate the laws of nature is very dangerous: a monster may appear on the world, who will destroy the experimenter himself, and at the same time with him and all of humanity. In the artistic literature, this idea was developed in the middle of the XIX century (Roman M. Shelli "Frankenstein, or a new Prometheus"), and many times in the 20th century (Roman A.N. Tolstoy "Hyperboloid Engineer Garina", Piez B.Brcht "Galilee ", The story of the Strugatsky brothers" Monday begins on Saturday, "etc.). Preobrazhensky understood all the danger of his scientific experience when the balls robbed him, tried to survive from the apartment, wrote a denunciation about the counter-revolutionary statements and actions of the professor. Philipp Philippovich in a conversation with a bormental recognized his experience almost useless, albeit brilliant, from a scientific point of view: "Please explain to me, why do you need to artificially add spinosis if any woman can give birth to genius ever. (...) Humanity itself takes care of this and in an evolutionary manner every year hard, allocating from the mass of every bullet, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses adorning the globe "(VIII).

The second philosophical problem of the story is about observing people of social development laws. The revolutionary way, according to the author, cannot be healing social diseases: the writer is experiencing deep skepticism regarding the revolutionary process in his backward country and opposes him "favorite and great evolution" (Letter M.A. Bulgakov Government of the USSR on March 28, 1930). In the story of the "Dog's Heart" reflected a sharp change in the public glands of Bulgakov compared to the previous beliefs presented in the "White Guard" novel (1921-1924). Now the writer understands that it is not a revolution with its unpredictable explosions and zigzags, and the Great, an inequate evolution acts according to nature, natural and human. Only as a result of the revolution, such individuals as Schwonder and Balls can come to power, - uneducated, low-cultural, but self-satisfied and decisive.

Schwonder and Sharic seems to have a fair society easier to easily: you need to take everything and divide. Therefore, the swordera outraged that Professor Preobrazhensky lives in a semi-nominal apartment and even has a servant (Khukov Daria Petrovna and Maid Nine). A wrestler for "Universal Justice" and at the same time the chairman of the House House cannot understand that the scientist for normal operation and successful experiments requires the premises and exemption from economic worries. A scientist brings such a huge benefit to his scientific discoveries that the Company itself is beneficial to create good domestic conditions for him. After all, an outstanding scientist, which is presented in the Tale of Preobrazhensky, is a rarity and great value for the nation. However, such reasoning above is the understanding of the Schwander, and he, seeking formal social equality, as he understands it, constantly setting Sharicikov against Philip Philippovich. Professor, analyzing the situation, I am confident that as soon as the balls end with their "creator", so be sure to "take the" ideological leader "(VIII). Then the Schwonder will not last, for the balls are dark, evil and envious of the force that can not create anything, but he wants to divide everything, and herself to seize more. Sharicovsky view of the world seems to be pre-convertible (and Bulgakov himself) primitive, although the polygraph of polygraphovich polygraph in the undeveloped brains could not be born. Skeptically belonging to the idea of \u200b\u200b"universal delay", the writer, essentially repeats the opinion of the Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaeva, who wrote that "Equality is an empty idea and that social justice should be based on the dignity of each person, and not on equality" .

There are elements of fiction, which give the plot of the exercise and at the same time help reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Of course, the pituitary transplant operation is fantastic and the dog's transformation into a humanoid being, but fantastic (even from the point of view of the physiologists of the beginning of the XXI century), the ideas of artificial rejuvenation of the human body seemed in the mid-20s of the 20th century by some domestic scientist quite real. This is evidenced by newspaper articles - reports, enthusiastically painting the promising experiences of doctors (L.S. Aizerman "loyalty to the idea and loyalty of ideas" // Literature at school, 1991, №6).

So, in your story, Bulgakov, being a doctor, expressed a skeptical attitude towards the problem of rejuvenation, and being a writer, satirically portrayed the "success" of the gerontologists and philosophically comprehended the consequences of the revolutionary intervention of a person in the life of nature and society.

The story "The dog's heart" can be considered the most interesting work of the early creativity of Bulgakov, as the main artistic principles of the writer completely manifested themselves. In a small work, Bulgakov managed a lot: in detail and satirically portrayed the modern life of the country of the Soviets, to put the most important moral problem on the responsibility of the scientist for their discovery and even state their understanding of the human society's development paths. New social conditions give rise to "new" people, and the story argues about the crash of the idea, as if the "new" person can be created quickly, for example, some wonderful pedagogical or surgical methods. The courage of the Professor of Preobrazhensky, who decided to improve the nature itself, was cruelly punished.

The Multiplicity of the "Doggy Heart" content resembles the main work of Bulgakov - the novel "Master and Margarita", for according to genre features and novel, and the story coincides - a socio-philosophical satirical work with elements of fiction.