"Camp theme" in the work of Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov. Essay on the topic "The peculiarity of the disclosure of the camp theme in the story of Solzhenitsyn" One day Ivan Denisovich

"Camp theme" in the work of Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov. Essay on the topic "The peculiarity of the disclosure of the camp theme in the story of Solzhenitsyn" One day Ivan Denisovich

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Shalamov, Solzhenitsyn, Sinyavsky, Aleshkovsky, Ginzbourg, Dombrovsky, Vladimov looked at the eyes of people who were deprived of their liberty, who had known how the state itself destroys the person through repression, destruction, violence.

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"Camp Prose"

"Gulag Archipelago" and " Kolyma stories"It was written not one year and are kind of encyclopedia of camp life. But still, in the works of Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov, the camp differs, it is divided in different ways, since each person has its own views and their philosophy on the same things.

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"Kolyma stories" Shalamov are closely related to serving the reference of the writer himself on Kolyma. This proves a high degree of detailed. The author pays attention to terrible details that cannot be understood without mental pain - cold and hunger, sometimes depriving a person, purulent ulcers on their feet, severe lawlessness of criminals.

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In the story of Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" most of Characters - genuine, taken from the life of heroes, for example, Brigadier Tyurin, Kavievna Buynovsky. Only the main character The story of shukhov contains collective image The artillery soldier of the battery, which was commanded at the front by the author, and the prisoner Sh-262 Solzhenitsyn.

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I was a representative of those people who opposed Stalin - no one never believed that Stalin and soviet authority - The same thing ... Love and hate I was ready for all my youth still soul. I dreamed of self-sacrifice with the school, I was sure that soulful forces I have enough big things. Of course, I was still a blind puppy then. But I was not afraid of life and boldly entered her in the struggle in the form, in which fought with life and for the life of my heroes youth years - All Russian revolutionaries.

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"I was still - I will lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, out of lies," Shalamov points out in the story "Meeting".

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In the camps there are their laws: "In the camps, here's who breathes: who is a bowl licking, who is hoping for the Sunchast, and who goes to Kum to knock," "Kryjahttya is gone. And you will be pregnant - shivering "," who can be able to, that time. " Camp, in Solzhenitsyn, a huge evil, violence, but suffering and compassion contributed to moral cleansing.

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Shalamov, unlike Solzhenitsyn, emphasizes the difference between the prison and the camp. The picture of the world is inverted: a man dreams of a camp not to get free, but to prison. In the story, the "tombstone" is a clarification: "Prison is freedom. This is the only place where people are not afraid, they said everything that thought. Where they rest to the soul. "

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In Solzhenitsyn, life remains in the camps. Outside the zone, full persecution of life, which is already "incomprehensible" to Ivan Denisovich. Condemning the inhuman system, the writer creates a genuine folk hero who managed to go through all the tests and keep top Qualities Russian people.

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By Shalamov, the whole country is a camp, where all those living in it are doomed. The camp is not isolated part of the world. This is a cast of that society.

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"Camp" topic in the twentieth century

Passing through all suffering and pain, Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov turned out to be folk heroeswho were able to convey the entire true picture of the society of the time. And they are united by the presence of a huge soul, the ability to create and contemplate.

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The dispute between Shalamov and Solzhenitsyna goes, firstly, about who and when was the cause of that distressed temptation, who wrapped the disaster avalanche to Russia - and not only on it - and, secondly, on the methods of overcoming the consequences of this avalanche.

Shalamov, telling about Kolyma, wrote Requiem. "Archipelago Gulag" was created by Solzhenitsyn as a tool of political activity. Shalamov believed that Solzhenitsyn "sold his soul to the devil", using the camp theme for the purposes of political struggle, while literature should remain within the culture: politics and culture - for Shalamov two things are incomplete.

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"Camp" topic in the works of A. Solzhenitsyn and V.Shalamova

Our dispute is not a church about the age of books,

Our dispute is not spiritual about the benefits of faith,

Our dispute is about freedom, about the right to breathe,

About the will of the Lord knit and decide.

V. Shalamov

The "camp" topic again rises in the twentieth century. Many writers, such as Shalamov, Solzhenitsyn, Sinyavsky, Aleshkovsky, Ginzourg, Dombrovsky, Vladimov testified about the horrors of camps, prisons, insulators. All of them looked at the eyes of people who were deprived of their liberty, who had known how to destroy the human itself through repression, destruction, violence. And only the one who passed through all this can fully understand and evaluate any work about political terror, concentration camps. We also open the book only the curtain, look at which, fortunately, is not given. We can only feel the truth in your heart, somehow survive her in their own way.

The most reliably describe the camp Alexander Solzhenitsyn in its legendary works "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", "Archipelago Gulag" and Varlam Shalamov in "Kolyma Stories". The "Archipelago" and "Kolyma stories" wrote more than one year and are a kind of encyclopedia of camp life.

In his works, both writers in describing concentration camps and prisons seek the effect of vital persuasiveness and psychological reliability, the text is filled with signs of unadial reality. In the story of Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" Most of the characters are genuine, taken from the life of heroes, for example, Brigadier Tyurin, Kavennygen Buynovsky. Only the main character of the story of Shukhov contains a collective image of a soldier-artilleryman of the battery, which was commanded at the front by the author, and the prisoner Sh-262 Solzhenitsyn. "Kolyma stories" Shalamov are closely related to serving the reference of the writer himself on Kolyma. This proves a high degree of detailed. The author pays attention to terrible details that cannot be understood without mental pain - cold and hunger, sometimes depriving a person, purulent ulcers on their feet, severe lawlessness of criminals. In the story of "Carpenters" of Shalamov points to a deafly closed space: "A thick fog that there was no man in two steps", "few directions": hospital, watch, dining room, which is symbolic for Solzhenitsyn. In the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", prisoners are hostile and dangerous open areas of the zone: each prisoner tries as quickly as possible to run the sections between the premises, which is full opposite Heroes of Russian literature, traditionally loving breadth and distance. The described space is limited by the zone, construction, barrack. Prisoners are fencepred, even from the sky: the searchlights are continuously blind from above, hanging so low that as if deprived of air people.

But still, in the works of Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov, the camp differs too, it is divided in different ways, since each person has his views and their own philosophy on the same things.

In the Shalamov Camp, the heroes have already moved the line between life and death. People seem to show some signs of life, but they are essentially the dead, because they are deprived of any moral principles, memory, will. In this closed circle, forever stopped the time, where hunger reign, cold, bullying, a person loses his own past, forgets his wife's name, loses touch with others. His soul no longer distinguishes where the truth, where is a lie. Even every human need for simple communication disappears. "I would still like to lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, outside of a lie," Shalamov points out in the story "Meeting".

The relationship between people and the meaning of life is brightly reflected in the story "Carpenters". The task of the builders is to survive "today" in the fifty-fidged frost, and "further" than for two days, did not make sense to build plans. " People were indifferent to each other. "Frost" got to human soulShe was freezing, squeezed and, maybe forever remain cold.

In the camp Solzhenitsyn, on the contrary, live people, like Ivan Denisovich, Tyurin, Klevche, Buchenwald, who keep their inner dignity and "don't drop themselves," do not humiliate because of the cigarette, because of the soldering and even more so do not lick , do not convey on comrades for the sake of improving your own fate. In the camps there are their laws: "In the camps, here's who breathes: who is a bowl licking, who is hoping for the Sunchast, and who goes to Kum to knock," "Kryjahttya is gone. And you will be pregnant - shivering "," who can be able to, that time. " The camp, in Solzhenitsyn, a huge evil, violence, but suffering and compassion contributed to moral cleansing, and the state of irresistibility of heroes introduces them to a higher moral existence. Ivan Denisovich proves that the soul cannot be captured, it is impossible to deprive her freedom. Formal liberation can no longer change inner world Hero, his value system.

Shalamov, unlike Solzhenitsyn, emphasizes the difference between the prison and the camp. The picture of the world is inverted: a man dreams of a camp not to get free, but to prison. In the story, the "tombstone" is a clarification: "Prison is freedom. This is the only place where people are not afraid, they said everything that thought. Where they rest to the soul. "

Creativity and philosophy of two really amazing writers lead to different conclusions about life and death.

In Solzhenitsyn, life remains in the camps: the shukhov himself no longer represented his "existence" on freedom, and Aleshka-Baptist is glad to stay in the camp, as the thoughts of a person are approaching God. Outside the zone, full persecution of life, which is already "incomprehensible" to Ivan Denisovich. Considering the inhuman system, the writer creates a genuine folk hero who managed to go through all the tests and maintain the best qualities of the Russian people.

In the stories of Shalamov, not just Kolyma camps, fenced barbed wirebeyond which live free peopleBut all that is outside the zone is also drawn into the abyss of violence, repression. The whole country is a camp, where all those living in it are doomed. The camp is not isolated part of the world. This is a cast of that society.

Passing through all the suffering and pain, Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov turned out to be folk heroes who were able to convey the entire true picture of the society of that time. And they are united by the presence of a huge soul, the ability to create and contemplate.


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The "camp" topic again rises in the twentieth century. Many writers testified about the horrors of camps, prisons, insulators. All of them looked at the eyes of people who were deprived of their liberty, who had known how to destroy the human itself through repression, destruction, violence. And only the one who passed through all this can fully understand and evaluate any work about political terror, concentration camps. The most reliably describe the camp Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his legendary works "One day of Ivan Denisovich", "Archipelago Gulag" and Vamlam Shalamov in "Kolyma stories". The "Archipelago" and "Kolyma stories" wrote more than one year and are a kind of encyclopedia of camp life. In his works, both writers in describing concentration camps and prisons seek the effect of vital persuasiveness and psychological reliability, the text is filled with signs of unadial reality. In the story of Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" Most of the characters are genuine, taken from the life of heroes, for example, Brigadier Tyurin, Kavennygen Buynovsky. Only the main character of the story of Shukhov contains a collective image of a soldier-artilleryman of the battery, which was commanded at the front by the author, and the prisoner Sh-262 Solzhenitsyn. "Kolyma stories" Shalamov are closely related to serving the reference of the writer himself on Kolyma. This proves a high degree of detailed. The author pays attention to terrible details that cannot be understood without mental pain - cold and hunger, sometimes depriving a person, purulent ulcers on their feet, severe lawlessness of criminals. In the story of "Carpenters" of Shalamov points to a deafly closed space: "A thick fog that there was no man in two steps", "few directions": hospital, watch, dining room, which is symbolic for Solzhenitsyn. In the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", prisoners are hostile and dangerous open areas of the zone: each prisoner tries as quickly as possible to run the sections between the premises, which is the exact opposite of the heroes of Russian literature, traditionally loving breadth and distance. The described space is limited by the zone, construction, barrack. Prisoners are fencepred, even from the sky: the searchlights are continuously blind from above, hanging so low that as if deprived of air people. But still, in the works of Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov, the camp differs too, it is divided in different ways, since each person has his views and their own philosophy on the same things. In the Shalamov Camp, the heroes have already moved the line between life and death. People seem to show some signs of life, but they are essentially the dead, because they are deprived of any moral principles, memory, will. In this closed circle, forever stopped the time, where hunger reign, cold, bullying, a person loses his own past, forgets his wife's name, loses touch with others. His soul no longer distinguishes where the truth, where is a lie. Even every human need for simple communication disappears. "I would still like to lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, outside of a lie," Shalamov points out in the story "Meeting". The relationship between people and the meaning of life is brightly reflected in the story "Carpenters". The task of the builders is to survive "today" in the fifty-fidged frost, and "further" than for two days, did not make sense to build plans. " People were indifferent to each other. "Frost" got to the human soul, she was freezing, squeezed and maybe it will forever remain cold. In the camp Solzhenitsyn, on the contrary, live people, like Ivan Denisovich, Tyurin, Klevche, Buchenwald, who keep their inner dignity and "don't drop themselves," do not humiliate because of the cigarette, because of the soldering and even more so do not lick , do not convey on comrades for the sake of improving your own fate. In the camps there are their laws: "In the camps, here's who breathes: who is a bowl licking, who is hoping for the Sunchast, and who goes to Kum to knock," "Kryjahttya is gone. And you will be pregnant - shivering "," who can be able to, that time. " The camp, in Solzhenitsyn, a huge evil, violence, but suffering and compassion contributed to moral cleansing, and the state of irresistibility of heroes introduces them to a higher moral existence. Ivan Denisovich proves that the soul cannot be captured, it is impossible to deprive her freedom. Formal liberation can no longer be able to change the inner world of the hero, its value system. Shalamov, unlike Solzhenitsyn, emphasizes the difference between the prison and the camp. The picture of the world is inverted: a man dreams of a camp not to get free, and in prison. In Solzhenitsyn, life remains in the camps: the shukhov himself no longer represented his "existence" on freedom, and Aleshka-Baptist is glad to stay in the camp, as the thoughts of a person are approaching God. Outside the zone, full persecution of life, which is already "incomprehensible" to Ivan Denisovich. Considering the inhuman system, the writer creates a genuine folk hero who managed to go through all the tests and maintain the best qualities of the Russian people. In the stories of Shalamov, not just Kolyma camps, warped with barbed wire, outside of which free people live, but all that is outside the zone is also drawn into the abyss of violence, repression. The whole country is a camp, where all those living in it are doomed. The camp is not isolated part of the world. This is a cast of that society. The representative of the memoir direction of the "camp prose" was A. Zhigulin. The story of the Zhigulin "Black Stones" - the work is complex, ambiguous. This is a documentary and artistic story about the activities of the CPM (the Communist Party of Youth), which included thirty boys, in a romantic impulse, united for conscious struggle with the deification of Stalin. It is built as the author's memories of his youth. Therefore, in contrast to the works of other authors there is a lot of so-called "tribal romance." But at the same time Zhigulin managed to accurately convey the feeling of that era. With documentary accuracy, the writer writes how an organization was born, as a consequence was carried out. The writer very clearly outlined the conduct of interrogations: "The investigation carried out at all the entry ... There were also records in interrogation protocols. It was assumed to write a word into word - as the accused is responsible. But investigators have consistently attached to our answers a completely different color. For example, if I said: "The Communist Party of Youth," the investigator recorded: "Anti-Soviet organization KPM." If I said: "Assembly," the investigator wrote a "gathering". Zhigulin seems to warn that the main task The regime was "to penetrate the thought", not even born, to penetrate and strangle it to the cradle. Hence the advance cruelty of the self-adjusting system. For the game to the organization, the game is a semi-tech, but the deadly dangerous for both parties (about what both parties knew) - ten years of the prison-camp nightmare. So functions the totalitarian system.

Essay in literature:
Camp theme in the work of Shalamov and Solzhenitsyn

"Camp theme"In the work of Shalamov and Solzhenitsyn.

One of the most terrible and tragic topics in Russian literature is the subject of camps.
The publication of the works of such the subject has become possible only after the twentieth Congress of the CPSU, on which the cult of the personality of Stalin was debunk.
TO camp prose The works of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" and "Archipelago Gulag", "Kolyma stories" V. Shalamov, "Ruslan Ruslan" G. Vladimov, "Zone" S. Dotlatova and others.
In his famous story, "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" A. Solzhenitsyn described only one day of the prisoner - from lifting to the penalty, but the narrative was built so that the reader could imagine the camp life of the Schukhalniy peasant Shukhov and his surroundings in full. By the time of writing, the author was already very far from socialist ideals. This story is about the illegality, unrestricted the system itself created by Soviet leaders.
Prototypes central Hero Ivan Shukhov became, the former soldier of the artillery battery Solzhenitsyn, and the writer himself, and thousands of innocent victims of monstrous lawlessness. Solzhenitsyn is confident that Soviet camps were the same death camps, like fascist, only killed their own people.
Ivan Denisovich has long got rid of the illusions, he does not feel himself soviet man. The bosses of the camp, the guards are enemies, notices, with whom Shukhov has nothing to do. Shukhov, carrier of universal values \u200b\u200bthat failed to destroy party-class ideology in it. In the camp, it helps him to stand out, to remain a person.
Prisoner Shch 854 - Shukhov - represented by the author as a hero of another life. He lived, went to war, honestly fought, but he was captured. From the captivity he managed to run and miraculously break through to "his". "There was a lot of counterintelligence of Claws. And the calculation was at Shukhov simple: do not sign - Bushland wooden, sign - even if you live. Signed."
In the camp of Shukhov, trying to survive, controls each step, trying to earn where it is possible. He is not sure that he will come to the will on time that they will not add ten years to him, but does not allow himself to think about it. Does not think of shukhov and about why he sits and many more people, not tormenting eternal questions without answers. According to the documents, he sits for treason to his homeland. For carrying out the task of fascists. And what a task, no shukhov, could not come up with the investigator.
By nature, Ivan Denisovich belongs to natural, natural people who appreciate the process of life. And the alar has its little joy: drink hot balancing, smoke a cigarette, eat a scraper of bread, peak, where the warming, and to build a minute.
In the camp shhukhov he saves labor. He works enthusiastically, not used to hacking, does not understand how it can not work. In life, he is guided by common sense, which is based on peasant psychology. He is "strengthened" in the camp, without dropping itself.
Solzhenitsyn describes other prisoners who have not broken in the camp. Old man Yu-81 sits on prisons and camps, as Soviet power is worth. Another old old man, X-123, is a fierce champion of Pravda, deaf Senka Klevshin, prisoner of Buchenwald. I survived the torture of the Germans, now in the Soviet camp. Latvian Jan Kildigs, who has not lost the ability to joke. Aleshka-Baptist, who sacred believes that God will remove from the people of "Screw." The captain of the second rank Buynovsky is always ready to entertain people, he did not forget the laws of honor. Shukhov with his peasant psychology Behavior of Buynovsky seems meaningless risk.
Solzhenitsyn sequentially depicts as patience and vitality help Ivan Denisovich survive in the inhuman conditions of the camp. The story "One Day Ivan Denisovich" was published during the "Khrushchev thaw" in 1962, caused a big resonance in the reader's environment, opened the world scary truth About totalitarian mode in Russia.
In the BB created by V. Shalamov " Kolyma story"The entire horror of the camp and camp life reveals. The writer's prose shakes. The stories of Shalamov saw the light after Solzhenitsyn's books, which would seem to have written about the camp of life. And while the prose of Shalamov literally turns the soul, perceived as a new word in the camp theme. In the style and author's view of the writer amazed the height of the spirit, with which the stories are written, the epic comprehension of life by the author.
Shalamov was born in 1907 in the family of the Vologda Priest. Poems and prose began to write in young years. He studied at Moscow University. For the first time Shalamov was arrested in 1929 on charges of distributing the allegedly fake political will V. Lenin. Three years, the writer spent in the camps in the Urals. In 1937, he was again arrested and sent to Kolyma. It was rehabilitated after the twentieth CPSU Congress. Twenty years in prisons, camps and links!
Shalamov did not die in the camp to create an impressive psychological impact of a kind of Kolyma Epos, telling the merciless truth about life - "not life" - "anti-lips" of people in camps. The main topic of the stories: a person in inhuman conditions. The author recreates the atmosphere of hopelessness, moral and physical impasse, in which long years People turn themselves, the state of which is approaching the state of the "warmer". "Hell on earth" can absorb a person at any time. Camp takes away from people all: their education, experience, connection with normal life, principles I. moral values. Here they are no longer needed. Shalamov writes: "The camp - the negative school of life is entirely and completely. Nothing useful, no one from there will lead away from there, nor the prisoner himself, nor his boss, nor his guard, or involuntary witnesses - engineers, geologists, doctors - neither chiefs nor subordinate . Every minute of the camp life is a poisoned minute. There is a lot of such that a person should not know, and if he saw - he best to die. "
The narrative tone is calm, the author knows everything about the camps, everything remembers, devoid of the slightest illusions. Shalamov argues that there is no such measure to measure the suffering of millions of people. What the author tells about, it seems impossible at all, but we hear the objective voice of the witness. He tells about the life of the Lagnikov, about their slave labor, the struggle for soldering bread, diseases, deaths, executions. His brutal truth is devoid of anger and powerless exposure, no longer have the strength to indignant, feelings died. The reader shudders from the realization of how much "far" went out in the "science" inventing torture and torment to themselves. Writers XIX. The century did not dream of the horrors of Auschwitz, Maidanec and Kolyma.
Here are the words of the author, spoken on their own name: "The prisoner tears there to hate work - he cannot learn anything else. He learns there to be lagged, Lganya, small and big sublosts, becomes an egoist. Moral barriers moved away somewhere aside. It turns out , You can make a meanness and still live ... It turns out that a person who committed meanness does not die ... He is too highly appreciates his suffering, forgetting that every person has his grief. To someone else's grief, he learned to treat sympathy - he Just does not understand him, does not want to understand ... He learned to hate people. "
In piercing I. scary story "Vaska Denisov, a pig kidnapper" tells, to what state can the man's hunger can bring. Vaska sacrifices life for food.
Fear of corrosive personality is described in the story "Typhoic Quarantine". The author shows people who are ready to serve leaders of the gangsters, to be their lackers and slaves for the soup and bread crusts. The hero of the story of Andreev sees in the crowd of such coats of Captain Schneider, the German Communist, educated person, the wonderful connoisseur of Creativity Goethe, who now performs the role of "cheerbacker heels" at the Vor Seine. After that, the hero does not want to live.
The camp, according to Shalamov, is a well-organized state crime. All social and moral categories are intentionally replaced with opposite. Good and evil for the camp - naive concepts. But still there were those who retained the soul and humanity, innocent people communicated to the Tsotsky state. Shalaov writes about people "there are not former who did not know and who did not become heroes." In the word "heroism" there is a shade of paradity, shine, short-term act, and what word to determine the many years of torture of people in the camps, not yet invented.
Creativity Shalamov became not only documentary evidence huge powerbut also a fact philosophical understanding The whole era, common camp: totalitarian system.

Our dispute is not a church about the age of books,

Our dispute is not spiritual about the benefits of faith,

Our dispute is about freedom, about the right to breathe,

About the will of the Lord knit and decide.

V. Shalamov

The "camp" topic again rises in the twentieth century. Many writers, such as Shalamov, Solzhenitsyn, Sinyavsky, Aleshkovsky, Ginzourg, Dombrovsky, Vladimov testified about the horrors of camps, prisons, insulators. All of them looked at the eyes of people who were deprived of their liberty, who had known how to destroy the human itself through repression, destruction, violence. And only the one who passed through all this can fully understand and evaluate any work about political terror, concentration camps. We also open the book only the curtain, look at which, fortunately, is not given. We can only feel the truth in your heart, somehow survive her in their own way.

The most reliably describe the camp Alexander Solzhenitsyn in its legendary works "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", "Archipelago Gulag" and Varlam Shalamov in "Kolyma Stories". The "Archipelago" and "Kolyma stories" wrote more than one year and are a kind of encyclopedia of camp life.

In his works, both writers in describing concentration camps and prisons seek the effect of vital persuasiveness and psychological reliability, the text is filled with signs of unadial reality. In the story of Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" Most of the characters are genuine, taken from the life of heroes, for example, Brigadier Tyurin, Kavennygen Buynovsky. Only the main character of the story of Shukhov contains a collective image of a soldier-artilleryman of the battery, which was commanded at the front by the author, and the prisoner Sh-262 Solzhenitsyn. "Kolyma stories" Shalamov are closely related to serving the reference of the writer himself on Kolyma. This proves a high degree of detailed. The author pays attention to terrible details that cannot be understood without mental pain - cold and hunger, sometimes depriving a person, purulent ulcers on their feet, severe lawlessness of criminals. In the story of "Carpenters" of Shalamov points to a deafly closed space: "A thick fog that there was no man in two steps", "few directions": hospital, watch, dining room, which is symbolic for Solzhenitsyn. In the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", prisoners are hostile and dangerous open areas of the zone: each prisoner tries as quickly as possible to run the sections between the premises, which is the exact opposite of the heroes of Russian literature, traditionally loving breadth and distance. The described space is limited by the zone, construction, barrack. Prisoners are fencepred, even from the sky: the searchlights are continuously blind from above, hanging so low that as if deprived of air people.

But still, in the works of Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov, the camp differs too, it is divided in different ways, since each person has his views and their own philosophy on the same things.

In the Shalamov Camp, the heroes have already moved the line between life and death. People seem to show some signs of life, but they are essentially the dead, because they are deprived of any moral principles, memory, will. In this closed circle, forever stopped the time, where hunger reign, cold, bullying, a person loses his own past, forgets his wife's name, loses touch with others. His soul no longer distinguishes where the truth, where is a lie. Even every human need for simple communication disappears. "I would still like to lie to me or will not, I was out of truth, outside of a lie," Shalamov points out in the story "Meeting".

The relationship between people and the meaning of life is brightly reflected in the story "Carpenters". The task of the builders is to survive "today" in the fifty-fidged frost, and "further" than for two days, did not make sense to build plans. " People were indifferent to each other. "Frost" got to the human soul, she was freezing, squeezed and maybe it will forever remain cold.

In the camp Solzhenitsyn, on the contrary, live people, like Ivan Denisovich, Tyurin, Klevche, Buchenwald, who keep their inner dignity and "don't drop themselves," do not humiliate because of the cigarette, because of the soldering and even more so do not lick , do not convey on comrades for the sake of improving your own fate. In the camps there are their laws: "In the camps, here's who breathes: who is a bowl licking, who is hoping for the Sunchast, and who goes to Kum to knock," "Kryjahttya is gone. And you will be pregnant - shivering "," who can be able to, that time. " The camp, in Solzhenitsyn, a huge evil, violence, but suffering and compassion contributed to moral cleansing, and the state of irresistibility of heroes introduces them to a higher moral existence. Ivan Denisovich proves that the soul cannot be captured, it is impossible to deprive her freedom. Formal liberation can no longer be able to change the inner world of the hero, its value system.

Shalamov, unlike Solzhenitsyn, emphasizes the difference between the prison and the camp. The picture of the world is inverted: a man dreams of a camp not to get free, but to prison. In the story, the "tombstone" is a clarification: "Prison is freedom. This is the only place where people are not afraid, they said everything that thought. Where they rest to the soul. "

Creativity and philosophy of two really amazing writers lead to different conclusions about life and death.

In Solzhenitsyn, life remains in the camps: the shukhov himself no longer represented his "existence" on freedom, and Aleshka-Baptist is glad to stay in the camp, as the thoughts of a person are approaching God. Outside the zone, full persecution of life, which is already "incomprehensible" to Ivan Denisovich. Considering the inhuman system, the writer creates a genuine folk hero who managed to go through all the tests and maintain the best qualities of the Russian people.

In the stories of Shalamov, not just Kolyma camps, warped with barbed wire, outside of which free people live, but all that is outside the zone is also drawn into the abyss of violence, repression. The whole country is a camp, where all those living in it are doomed. The camp is not isolated part of the world. This is a cast of that society.

Passing through all the suffering and pain, Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov turned out to be folk heroes who were able to convey the entire true picture of the society of that time. And they are united by the presence of a huge soul, the ability to create and contemplate.