What year is the year declared in the world. A year of cultural exchanges between Japan and Russia

What year is the year declared in the world. A year of cultural exchanges between Japan and Russia

Traditionally, for many years in a row, each year has been assigned a specific theme, so many are interested in what 2018 will be devoted to in Russia. Since the topic affects the social and cultural development of the country, as well as its positioning in the international arena, the choice is approached with a careful selection.

In simpler terms, every Russian should know which topics are relevant for the country, which milestones in history should not be forgotten. In educating the population - strength and this is well understood in the government. It is not enough to know only that in 2018 we will elect a new president and host the FIFA World Cup, but we need to have a broader outlook. That is why every year in Russia is dedicated to certain things and topics. It is known that several options have been proposed, but the final decision has not yet been made. The last word rests with the Government, and the Presidential Decree will be the final point. It is reliably known that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally supports several ideas. The options proposed by various departments are now being vigorously discussed by both ordinary people and officials.

2017 was the year of ecology, and 2018 will, of course, be the year of football for Russia by default. The entire first half of the year will be devoted to the World Championship - after all, the honor of hosting events of this level is rare. So, 2018 is what in Russia?

Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, at the International Cultural Forum, which took place last year in St. Petersburg, said that 2018 should be dedicated to Russian ballet. The fact is that 2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Marius Petipa, a choreographer who made a significant contribution to the development of Russian ballet. And although he himself was born in France, he lived most of his life in Russia, and his contribution to art is invaluable.

The great choreographer staged more than 60 performances on Moscow and St. Petersburg stages, including the following:

  • "Don Quixote";
  • "Mascot";
  • Pharaoh's Daughter;
  • "Sleeping Beauty";
  • La Bayadere;
  • Giselle;
  • other.

Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea. He signed a decree on the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Marius Petipa.

2018 will be the year of theater

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky submitted the idea that 2018 should be dedicated to the Russian theater. The head of the department noted that even in the conditions of the economic crisis, the government is making every effort to maintain theatrical activity in the country, but still, in remote regions, there is a lack of bringing the population closer to art. The 2018 dedication to the theater will solve this problem, and will also perform the following tasks:

  1. Introduces a wide range of people to real art.
  2. Expand the repertoire of theater groups.
  3. Organizes tour trips around the country.

According to Medinsky, the Bolshoi Theater is always 95% full, which means that people will support this idea and help to realize all ideas and development plans.

Everyone knows very well that you won't find tickets to most theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg, no matter how much they cost. At the same time, in many other, even fairly large cities, theatrical art is in open decline and oblivion. Perhaps, if 2018 is declared the year of theater, this dissonance will begin to correct.

2018 will be directed to civic engagement

The initiative to spend the next year under the motto of civic engagement to devote it to volunteering was voiced by Alexey Transev, director of the volunteer club. The Russian president liked this idea. It was announced to them that 2018 could become a year of civic engagement in the absence of other ideas from the government, since there should be a place for volunteering in the life of the country. Youth social activity has grown very much over the past decade and it is necessary to direct it in the right direction.

In addition, the World Championship will be held in 2018, during which thousands of volunteers will work. The desire to make people with disabilities feel like healthy people deserves respect.

2018 will become the point of development of tourism relations between Russia and India

Foreign policy relations with other countries are important for the development of Russia. During Putin's meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the possibility of dedicating 2018 to tourism was discussed.

As part of the thematic year, it will not only consider options for interaction between travel agencies and special advantageous travel offers. It is not excluded that negotiations will be held on the introduction of a visa-free regime between Russia and India. As part of the meeting, an agreement was even signed to increase tourist groups. The topic of tourism remains very relevant for many Russians, because until we discovered Turkey, we, in fact, were left without a cheap beach holiday abroad. The evidence of this was the avalanche-like increase in the tourist flow to Vietnam. And India is no worse, at least the tourist areas. There are good beaches and a lot of natural and cultural attractions at a low cost of recreation and food.

2018 will be a memorable year for Solzhenitsyn

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the country should not forget about its cultural heritage. The 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn is an excellent occasion to devote a whole year to him. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed to hold more than 100 different events aimed at preserving, distributing and popularizing the works of the famous writer not only within Russia, but also at the world level.

As part of the thematic year, it is proposed to open a museum-apartment of Solzhenitsyn in Moscow, as well as to erect a monument. It is planned to announce a competition for the best design of the monument to the writer. The year dedicated to Solzhenitsyn will allow Russia and the whole world to remember the great philosopher and writer.

2018 will unite all nationalities and peoples in Russia

The head of the Assembly of the Peoples of the Russian Federation Svetlana Smirnova submitted the idea to devote 2018 to the unity of peoples in Russia. President Vladimir Putin supported the idea, saying that a large number of ethnic groups and nationalities live on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The head of state noted that holding the year under this motto would allow:

  1. Unite different peoples and nationalities.
  2. Learn about the history and traditions of each ethnic group living on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Consider all the beauties of our vast country.
  4. Form strong relationships between different nationalities.

The celebration of the year of unity of the peoples of Russia will make it possible to show concern for all ethnic groups and nationalities.

2018 will be dedicated to the fight against cancer

The number of patients with cancer is growing every year. Both adults and young children suffer from malignant tumors. Despite the best efforts of medical staff, about 280 thousand people die from cancer every year.

The holding of a year dedicated to the fight against oncological diseases will allow a number of activities to be carried out to solve such problems:

  1. To make the survey of citizens more accessible.
  2. Expand capabilities and methods for early detection of oncology.
  3. Increase research in the field of malignant tumors.

An indirect confirmation was a direct line with the president, where V. Putin talked to a young girl with cancer and promised her to change the situation for the better. Certain changes began to take place the very next day.

2018 - the year of Japan in Russia

During the visit of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Medinsky to Japan in December 2016, at a meeting of politicians, it was decided to hold 2018. This decision is aimed at developing economic, political and cultural ties between countries.

Russia has always had a difficult relationship with Japan. We still have not signed a peace treaty and there are territorial claims. Nevertheless, only open dialogue and cooperation can change the vector in a positive direction, for which the necessary efforts will be made.

A large number of events of various sizes and directions are planned to be held during the year. Various festivals, competitions, demonstration performances will help you get to know the culture, history and traditions of each nationality.

Time will show what 2018 will be devoted to, but each of the ideas submitted has the right to be implemented, since they are based on good intentions (uniting peoples, preserving people's lives or the country's cultural heritage).

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on January 5 stating that 2018 was declared the year of ecology in our country. This decision has one big goal - to draw attention to problematic issues that exist in the environmental sphere, as well as to improve the state of environmental safety in Russia.

Objectives and goals

Here are the main tasks to be solved:

  • Improve environmental performance.
  • Develop a system of nature reserves in the country.
  • Improve the legal and regulatory framework that regulate environmental protection and the practical application of those amendments that have already been approved by the parliamentary corps.
  • Formation of an active civil position in the field of ecology among the citizens of our country.

It is also worth noting that in August of last year, the President of Russia signed an order to give 2018 the status of the year of protection of special natural areas. It was created in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Burguzinsky reserve. This reserve is considered the very first in our country. You can find it in the Republic of Buryatia.

It is worth recalling that in our time, the system of specially protected natural zones of the country is formed by:

  • 64 reserves.
  • 103 state nature reserves.
  • 49 national parks.

In this way, it turns out that double attention is paid to ecology - improving the ecological sphere in general and, separately, the development of the system of reserves.

What will be the changes

Experts assure that it is in 2018 that the practical implementation of those changes in environmental legislation that Russian parliamentarians considered in previous years begins. The changes will affect the forest, water, land codes of Russia, as well as other federal laws that regulate this area of ​​legal relations. In political circles, it is for this reason that the next year is called the year of environmental reforms.

So what are the specific prospects to expect? Citizens of the country will see the tightening of legal and regulatory norms that regulate the activities of commercial and government structures in terms of their impact on the environment. Thanks to the new conditions, enterprises will have to take a more responsible attitude to the issue of the need to protect and protect all types of natural resources from any negative impact.

The amendments that were made to the federal law "On Waste" in terms of regulating the process of emission and discharge of waste into the atmosphere and into water bodies will immediately begin and take effect. Businesses will be encouraged by the law to use the best technologies available today, which do the least harm to nature.


In our country, the year of ecology implies the implementation of a cycle of events. All levels of government will be involved in their implementation: regional, federal and municipal. Large sections of the population will take part in the events indicated. Namely: employees of nature conservation facilities, schoolchildren, active citizens and volunteers.

The organizing committee created by the order of the Presidential Administration of Russia is responsible for organizing the events and drawing up their plan, in accordance with Putin's decree. It includes the heads of regional and federal authorities, representatives of some organizations, members of the scientific community, employees of the Russian Geographical Society, and so on. The organizing committee by Putin's decree should form an action plan that will be held in 2018. To date, 168 items of this list are already known. They include those events that were planned to be held at the end of 2016 as part of the implementation of the state program "Environmental Protection" for 2012-2020.

Also, we should expect a number of all-Russian and regional meetings to discuss the most pressing issues in the development of natural resource protection, a cycle of forums and conferences, as well as round tables. All-Russian competitions will be completed and approved. For example, among schoolchildren all over Russia, to identify the best employee of nature conservation zones, and so on. The government wants to create a number of rallies and festivals, photo exhibitions, volunteer actions will be organized, and youth and children's camps will be organized. But the most striking events include the ascent to Mount Elbrus, as well as a large-scale run on the ice of Lake Baikal.

The officials will pay special attention to the coverage of all events in the media. There is also a project that will launch a number of radio spots and television programs. The corresponding headings will appear in the most popular scientific publications. For example, Around the World, Nature and Man of the 21st Century, Geo, and so on. On Channel One, residents of our country will be able to see a series of documentaries that are dedicated to Russian nature conservation zones.

Every year the President of Russia issues a decree according to which the next year is dedicated to a specific topic. It is worth saying that the people of the country are eagerly awaiting the publication of this decree. It is very important, as it determines the vector of the country's development for the next year. It's time to learn more about what 2018 is dedicated to in Russia in order to stay up to date with the latest events.

Thanks to this presidential decree and the definition of the topic, the social and cultural development of the country is primarily influenced. In addition, thematic development determines the place of Russia in the international arena. That is why the topic is usually chosen with the utmost seriousness.

Why do you need to know this topic?

If we start talking about what 2018 is dedicated to in Russia, according to the presidential decree in the education of cultural development, it may be necessary to start with the most relevant. To keep pace with development, you need to know what issues and problems are most pressing for the state. Basically, those topics are raised that certainly should not be forgotten. The country's leadership primarily relies on mass education of the country and raising the level of education of citizens. A resident of Russia should not be limited only by the fact that 2018 will be significant thanks to the next and holding of the World Cup in Russia. The outlook of every adult citizen should be much broader. It is for this reason that the authorities each time determine the theme of the year in order to give impetus to the development of a certain sphere of culture. As for how the theme of the year is determined, the final decision is put forward by the president of the country. Various departments, of course, offer their own options, but they come under strict and careful scrutiny. Now there are several ideas, the discussion of which does not stop by all segments of the country's population.

As you know, 2017 was declared the year of ecology. This is not surprising, because the problem of ecology is gaining momentum every year. The authorities decided that it was time to raise this topic and give it the amount of attention that should be enough for at least some changes to begin in the country. It should be said that to some extent the goal was achieved, but it is extremely difficult to radically change the situation and solve the environmental problem. Specifically, 2018 will be the year of football thanks to the hosting of the World Cup in this sport. It is a great honor to host such an event. Now it is worthwhile to find out what year 2018 is in Russia and what it will be devoted to.

Unusual theme

Continuing to talk about what 2018 will be devoted to in Russia, we must mention the most popular ideas. It should be said right away that the country's government has chosen the cultural vector of development. That is why the theme of 2018 may be ballet. This theme was chosen because this year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of the choreographer Marius Petipa. This man is famous for the fact that he made a really significant contribution to the development of ballet in Russia. Despite the fact that the famous choreographer is from France, he was destined to spend almost his entire life in the vastness of Russia, where, thanks to his vigorous activity, he managed to raise ballet to a new level. It is worth knowing that during his career, Marius managed to stage at least 50 performances on the main stages of Russia. Among their total number, it is worth highlighting the most significant works:

  • Pharaoh's Daughter;
  • "Sleeping Beauty";
  • "Don Quixote";

The head of state liked this idea, and therefore he fully supported it. Thus, a decree has already been signed and issued stating that in 2018 the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous choreographer Marius Petipa will take place.

Among other ideas, the theme of the theater also received considerable support. This topic is to the liking of the Minister of Culture. It is worth knowing that the theater has been very popular since ancient times. Recently, however, there has been a loss of citizens' interest in this art form. The head of the department believes that this problem is more urgent than ever, especially in a crisis situation in the country. Enlightening all strata of the population and bringing them closer to the spiritual is an important goal set by the government. If 2018 is nevertheless recognized as the year of ballet, then thanks to this it will be possible to achieve the following:

  • mass enlightenment of citizens will be carried out and their accustoming to attending cultural events will be carried out;
  • theater groups will receive important support from the state and the people, which will significantly expand the repertoire and raise the sphere to a new level;
  • thanks to the development of the sphere, the number of tours of theater groups across the vastness of Russia will significantly increase.

According to statistics, the Bolshoi Theater fills up more than 90% during a performance. This means that the theater is still very popular. This means that this proposal will receive support.

Theatrical art in different regions of Russia is developed unevenly. If in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is an extremely difficult task to find tickets to theaters, in other cities theaters are completely empty, since this kind of art is practically forgotten there. If 2018 is nevertheless determined as the year of the theater, then it may be possible to solve this problem.

Civil development topics

The volunteer movement is an important element of civic engagement. It is this movement that shows that the residents of the state care. If there are no other more important ideas, then this topic will be chosen, because this kind of activity should have its place in every country. Some believe that it is precisely this idea that should prevail in the question of what 2018 in Russia is devoted to in the education of cultural development. According to statistics, the activity among young people has increased several times. Now the main task is to direct this activity and on the right track. If this is not done, then youth activity can lead to devastating consequences.

In addition, in 2018, important events will be held in Russia, such as, for example, the same World Cup. It is within this framework that the volunteer movement will allow people with disabilities to no longer feel alienated, since everyone deserves an equal perspective and respect.

Scope of tourism

The tourism industry is a very important element for the healthy functioning of every state. At the moment, the Russian government is actively trying to develop relations with representatives of other countries. At the moment, relations with India are actively developing. That is why such a vector of development is considered very likely.

Thus, if tourism becomes the theme of the year, there will be many special offers for the citizens of the country. The sphere will receive an incredible impetus to development. Some experts say that it is even possible to achieve a visa-free regime with India. India is quite a popular destination with tourists from all over the world. Here you can sunbathe on the beach, enjoy the local flavor, and get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the past. If it happens that when the question is raised about what topic 2018 in Russia is devoted to and the topic of tourism is chosen, then residents of the state will be able to travel much cheaper and will receive many special offers.

Fight against a terrible kind of disease

Every year there are more and more people with cancer. The appearance of tumors is observed not only in adults and the elderly, but also in young children. Oncology is an urgent problem for all mankind. If when they decide what will be devoted to 2018 in Russia, the topic of oncology is chosen, then it will turn out to pay a lot of attention to this problem. Thanks to such actions, it will be possible to achieve the following changes:


It can be concluded that many ideas have been proposed. And these are far from all the topics available today. It remains only to wait for the decision of the head of state on what and what it will be devoted to.

SAINT PETERSBURG, December 2. / Corr. TASS Oleg Serdobolsky /. The year 2018 in Russia will be dedicated to Russian ballet and the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great choreographer Marius Petipa (1818-1910). This was announced at the International Cultural Forum by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets. Under her chairmanship at the Agrippina Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, a meeting of the organizing committee was held to celebrate a significant date in the history of Russian and world ballet.

“We decided to come up with an initiative to devote 2018 to Russian ballet and Marius Ivanovich Petipa. I think this will draw attention to Russian ballet both domestically and abroad,” Golodets said.

According to her, the organizing committee for the celebration of the anniversary will be invited "representatives of Petipa's homeland - France and his hometown of Marseille", as well as leaders of the world's best choreographic schools. Such interaction is necessary in order "for the work to be structured very clearly and interconnected, because they, too, have already de facto begun this work."

As noted by the Deputy Prime Minister, it was decided "to step over the sectoral boundaries of the Ministry of Culture and enter the education system." This is very important, because "it cannot be said that today for all of Russia ballet is an integral part of culture." A recent survey in general education schools showed that most of the students do not even know Petipa's name.

"Those who live next to the Bolshoi Theater, the Mariinsky Theater, find themselves in a privileged position compared to those regions where there are no ballet companies or theaters, but today we have already talked about the coverage of such regions as Sakhalin and Kamchatka." The school curriculum of the subject "World Artistic Culture" will include topics on the history of Russian ballet and the work of Marius Petipa.

“I hope that professional colleagues will find a very interesting language in order to tell every student of Russia about our ballet, because Russian ballet is really the most important component of our culture, this is what we pride ourselves on,” Golodets said.

Earlier, the Vaganova Academy came up with an initiative to open a memorial plaque to Marius Petipa in St. Petersburg. According to the rector of the Academy, People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Tsiskaridze, “today Olga Yurievna (Golodets - TASS comment) gave very important instructions, which, I hope, will soon be carried out not only with regard to the board, but also with respect to printed publications, exhibitions and festivals not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg ".

He believes that the celebration of the anniversary will be a good occasion to draw attention to the art of ballet. “It is necessary not only to preserve, but also to increase, to really make a big contribution so that people become familiar with the art of ballet,” stressed the rector of the oldest ballet university in Russia.

One of the most important steps in this direction, he called the decision to open a branch of the Academy of Russian Ballet in Vladivostok. He stressed that no country in the world, except Russia, "allocates so much funds for free education in the field of musical culture and ballet," and our ballet and music diplomas do not require additional confirmation anywhere abroad.

The initiative to celebrate the Year of Petipa is supported by the President

At one time, the Vaganova Academy also initiated the announcement of 2018 as the Year of Petipa, which was ultimately supported by a petition from the city's leadership and was confirmed by the corresponding decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A native of France, Marius Petipa found his second home in Russia for half a century. His creative heritage includes over 60 ballets staged on the stages of St. Petersburg and Moscow, including "The Pharaoh's Daughter", "Tsart Candavl", "Don Quixote", "La Bayadere", "Talisman", "The Sleeping Beauty", " Swan Lake "(together with Lev Ivanov)," Raymonda "," Harlequinade ". The pinnacle of his creativity came in the 1890s, the time of collaboration with Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Alexander Glazunov, who composed ballet music according to his detailed musical and stage plans.

Ballet issues occupy a significant place in the program of the current Cultural Forum. For the first time, the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum was held in 2012. This time it will take place from 1 to 3 December, the main venues will be the General Staff of the State Hermitage and the Russian Ethnographic Museum. Key topics of the forum in 2016: transition from the Year of Russian Cinema to the Year of Ecology, 125th anniversary of S.S.Prokofiev, 25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The main program consists of a professional and a community part. The first one includes 14 sections, according to the areas of cultural activity - in particular, "Circus and Street Theater" (head of the section, head of the new programs directorate of the Russian State Circus Vyacheslav Polunin), "Museums and Exhibition Projects" (section leader, Hermitage Director Mikhail Piotrovsky), "Mass communications "(Section Head, TASS General Director Sergei Mikhailov)," Creative Environment and Urban Studies "(Section Head, Moscow Chief Architect Sergei Kuznetsov). The public part of the forum includes free performances, open lectures, exhibitions and master classes, which can be accessed using the forum's e-ticket.

TASS is the general information partner of the Fifth St. Petersburg Cultural Forum.

In the Russian Federation, there is a practice of annually defining the main "topic", which at this time will become key in the life of the country. This helps to draw public attention to the most significant problems in the social and economic life of the state, improve its relations with partner countries, and ensure the integral and harmonious development of Russia. So, 2015 became a year dedicated to literature, 2016 - to Russian cinema, and in 2017, ecology was declared the main problem.

Determining the "theme" of the new year is a responsible business, therefore it is not surprising that representatives of almost all sectors of the social and economic spheres are involved in the discussions. To date, it is not known for certain what the year 2018 will be under the sign of, however, several public and government initiatives have already become the subject of vivid discussions and have received justification and approval from representatives of various departments!

2018 - Year of theater

The head of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation proposed to declare 2018 the Year of Theater

According to the statement of Vladimir Medinsky, who holds the post of the head of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, 2018 should become the Year of Russian Theater. Such an initiative should serve as a stimulus for the development of the theatrical process, expanding the repertoire, intensifying the touring activities of troupes and providing thousands of spectators with the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful.

In his statement, the head of the country's cultural sector noted that the government is doing everything possible so that the theater sector has the opportunity to develop in difficult economic conditions, which has resulted in a gradual increase in the number of performances and productions, especially in federal institutions financed from the budget. For example, the number of federal theater troupes on tour has increased by 60% over the past few years, with more than 1,000 shows nationwide.

The Russian viewer finds the time and finances to attend such events, so that the percentage of the audience occupancy remains quite high. The leader in this sector is the Bolshoi Theater, which is always at least 95% full. The introduction of the theatrical year will provide an opportunity to finance the development of regional theaters, draw the attention of the public and the authorities to the existing theatrical problems, and also allow the mass audience to get acquainted with a variety of plays, operas and ballets.

2018 - Year of civic engagement

2018 could be the Year of civic engagement and volunteerism

The initiative was announced by Alexey Transsev, an expert in the field of the volunteer movement of the Russian Federation and director of the Inclusive Club of Volunteers in Samara. This choice was also favored by the President of Russia, who said that if the members of the Government and the Administration had no other ideas, this initiative could turn out to be quite viable.

First of all, we are talking about supporting the volunteer movement in an inclusive environment, as well as socializing people with disabilities. The main task of the state is to ensure a normal life for people with disabilities. If 2018 is declared the year of civic engagement and volunteerism, it will be possible to develop the sphere of min-inclusive education, as well as to conduct more events to create a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities.

In addition, in 2018, a significant sporting event in the life of the country will take place, within the framework of which a huge number will be involved. People with disabilities should not be left out of this celebration of sports life, and the implementation of programs in an inclusive sphere will help them join the Championship volunteers and test new social, infrastructure and sports facilities under construction for the World Cup.

2018 - Year of Russian Unity

The Year of Russian Unity has already been approved by the President

The Assembly of the Peoples of the Russian Federation proposed to spend 2018 under the flag of Unity. This will remind you that Russia is a multinational state in which representatives of hundreds of nationalities and nationalities coexist peacefully. The idea was initiated by Svetlana Smirnova, who holds the post of head of the Assembly of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

The main message of her statement to is that it is important for Russia to prevent disunity between residents of different parts of the federation, as well as to intensify intercultural dialogue while ensuring each people the right to national self-identity. This initiative was approved by the President of the Russian Federation, who said that the peoples of Russia should be better acquainted with the cultural heritage of the ethnic groups inhabiting it, learn more about the natural beauty of the state and its history.

2018 - Year of development of Russian-Indian tourism

As for the sector of foreign economic relations, in 2018 Russia decided to intensify tourism relations with India, announcing the corresponding theme for 2018. This news was the result of negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Within the framework of the meeting, a bilateral statement was prepared, which said that the year spent under the sign of intensifying tourism cooperation will help to fully reveal the potential of states in this area, establish cooperative ties between travel agencies and will contribute to the movement towards the abolition of visa barriers.

2018 - Year of Alexander Solzhenitsyn

2018 is proposed to be spent remembering the legacy of Solzhenitsyn

This initiative was expressed by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They invited UNESCO to spend 2018 remembering the cultural heritage of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. In 2018, Russia will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer. On the territory of the Russian Federation, they promise to hold almost a hundred events, the main purpose of which will be to study, popularize and disseminate information about the life and work of this outstanding figure around the world.

In the capital, they promise to open a museum-apartment of the famous philosopher and writer for visiting, and the Ministry of Culture announced a competition for the best design of the monument to be installed on Solzhenitsyn Street. If the note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is adopted by UNESCO, then the date of 12/11/1918 will be included in the list of memorable days that are important for all citizens of the world, and the celebrations will take on a global character.