The qualities of the Russian person are hardly working. The main features of the Russian National Character

The qualities of the Russian person are hardly working. The main features of the Russian National Character
The qualities of the Russian person are hardly working. The main features of the Russian National Character

To begin with, I would like to say what to talk about negative qualities, not touched by positive, it is not possible. The world is diverse and polar, we are all not like each other, and, therefore, the soul of each of us is filled with contradictions. In us there are both good, and bad, no one in our heart just need the predominance of positive qualities. What is good in the Russian man? Probably depth and kindness, courage and self-sacrifice ....

And now we turn to the negative. Why are we, the Russian people, so much suffer? We are destined to suffer? The roots of these problems must be sought in the past. Many classic writers of the 19th century portrayed the Russian man sitting in the Kabaska trying to wash off all the grief and suffering alcohol. Drunkenness - that's what our people ruined then! Let's remember the image of Marmeladov from Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." As he was unfortunate, he drank all his last money, trying to stroke spiritual pain. Yes, it was 2 centuries, but now nothing has changed. How many Russian people ruffles themselves, starting to drink from adolescent age. These young people still do not understand all the consequences of their addictions. But because of what some are so pulling towards alcohol? Desperation - this is the character of the nature of the Russian man, which worked and continues to destroy Russian people.

Probably, we, Russian people filled with some kind internal powerWhat lives in us. But why many are not self-sufficient! Envy ruffles everyone, we are not an exception. What we talked about the Slavs Greek historiansV - VI centuries of our era: "The Slavicae of the authorities will not tolerate and the other do not eat hate each other." Here is the root of many problems of our life! It disgusts to envy and hate their fellows only because someone is talented and better. This inner envy gives rise to uncertainty in people, and in some cases it pushes to extreme measures and sublits. The feeling of unnecessaryness or its insignificance turns Russian people in, I will not be afraid of this word, cattle, which becomes weapon in the hands of the villains.

Now I have left to find another disgusting trait of our national character. Thinking carefully, I realized that this fear that lives in us from childhood. In what conditions do we grow? Walking out on the street, we hear fucking words, in kindergarten and primary school We, defenseless kids, exposed to constant humiliation and insults. Some teachers are constantly shouting at us, saying that we are bad, uncompatible. I remember myself at this age, I remember how I was told - "she will never be able to learn perfectly." No, I do not hold the resentment on those teachers, I am glad that there were such people in my way, it was because of them I tried, I argued, I fought. Now I am not afraid of tests, but in my soul, and in my heart and today it lives that fear that they inspired me for many years.

I recently learned about the cult of the family in Japan. There is forbidden to even shry to the boy who has not been worth 7 years old, as it is different not a proven man, he will be a coward. The stores that people gave rise to him who surrounded him in childhood will live forever.

Yes, most likely, it is not interesting to read these lines, because it is so everyone known, it is not going anywhere in itself, it should be eradicated. Therefore, I decided to write you these letters. I really hope that you will allow me to take part in your project that I will be able to defeat all my fears and come to you.

Summing up, I would like to list these three negative traits Ruskrakhakter: despair, envy and fear if each of us can defeat these qualities in yourself, then you can change anything in our lives.

N. A. Berdyaev and N. O. Lossky.
Both thinkers, being religious orientation, put the religiosity of the Russian man, which was considered the internally inherent in it and from which all the private moral properties of the Russian soul were naturally emerged, first of all permanent - permanent and continuous - the search for absolute good.

An outstanding Russian philosopher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948) as the general main signs of a Russian nature, his inconsistency was noted (duality, antiqueness) and pronounced apoliticality, non-governmental Russian people. It is the first of these signs that determines the complexity of the understanding of the characteristics of the Russian soul and In the understanding of this contradiction, there is a riddrage of the riddles of the Russian soul.
Berdyaev unequivocally says: "To approach the raysterity of the mystery hidden in the soul of Russia, it is possible, immediately recognizing the antiqueness of Russia, terrible inconsistency." Contracted - and this is the main thing - leads to the fact that Russia lives "inorganic life", It does not have integrity and unity.
In the same connection, Berdyaev notes: "Alien to the Russian people, imperialism in the Western and bourgeois sense of the word, but he persecuted his strength to the creation of imperialism, in which his heart was not interested. Here is hidden the mystery of Russian history and the Russian soul. No philosophy of history, Slavophilic or Westernist, did not even solve why the most memorable people created such a huge and powerful statehood, why the most anarchic people are so conquered by the bureaucracy, why the people's free spirit seemed to not want free Life? This mystery is associated with the special ratio of feminine and courageous start in Russian folk character. The same antinomicity passes through all Russian Genesis. "

About second main sign of Russian Berdyaev says: "Russia is the most memorable, the most anarchic country in the world. And the Russian people are the most apolitical people, never able to arrange their land ... "
. And at the same time, according to Berdyaev: "Russia is the most state and most bureaucratic country in the world; Everything in Russia turns into an instrument of politics.The Russian people created the most powerful state in the world, the greatest empire. Since Ivan Kalita, Russia was consistent and stubbornly gathered and achieved sizes, stunning imagination of all the peoples of the world. They were thinking about the people who are not without reason that he is fixed to the inner spiritual life, he is given to a colossus of statehood, which turns everything into his weapon "however, in the quoted There is no contradiction in essence, because in the first case, there is a control mechanic (and in this regard - everything is true: we never sought to qualitatively manage the country, calling for this case of various kinds of foreigners, in the initial period of the formation of the Russian state - Varyagov, in Petrovskaya and the postpeople era - all sorts of "Germans"), and in the second - the real practice of creating a state, which was characterized by successful expansion in different directions of the world, first of all - east.

The most important property of the nature of the Russian people is tolerance for foreignersThat Berdyaev marks the following words: "Russia is the most not a chauvinistic country in the world. Nationalism always gives the impression of something non-Russian, apparent, some non-meticians. Germans, the British, the French are chauvinists and nationalists in the mass, they full of national self-confidence and complacency.
Russians almost shame that they are Russian; They are alien to national pride and often even - alas! - Alien to national dignity.
The Russian people are not at all peculiar to aggressive nationalism, the inclination of violent Russification.
Russian is not extended, not exhibited, does not despise others.
In the Russian element, truly there is some kind of national selflessness, sacrifice, unknown Western peoples.
Russian intelligentsia has always been disgusting to nationalism and bent them, as evil spirits ... Nationally in Russia, it is its super-nationalism, her freedom from nationalism; In this original Russia and does not look like any country of the world. Russia is designed to be the liberator of the peoples. This mission is laid in its special spirit. "

The Russian people poorly give in a political organization.
This is due to the fact that "Russia is a country of limitless freedom of spirit, a country of strangeness and the search for God's truth. Russia is the most bourgeois country in the world; It does not have that strong mesh, which so pushes and disgusts the Russians in the West. "
And at the same time: "Russia is almost impossible to move off the place, so she rejected, so inert, so lazy, so immersed in matter, so submractfully put up with his life.
All our estates, our soil layers: nobility, merchants, peasantry, clergy, officials - everyone does not want and do not like ascent; everyone prefer to stay in lowlands, on the plain, to be "like all"
. This kind of property of a Russian person leads to the fact that in our country there are still no well-developed political institutions that would create an effectively functioning civil society. However, individual elements of civil society, albeit with great difficulty, very slowly, but began to be born in Russia in last years The royal rule, that is, in the era of the constitutional monarchy, but all this was completely ruined by the Bolshevik coup, as a result of which the Brazuds of the Board took the political elite in the country, while the majority of the population remained purely indifferent in terms of the manifestation of the social initiative (which reflected in well famous rule soviet man, namely: "Do not stick").

Berdyaev notes as a negative feature of the Russian character excessive importanceIn connection with which it says that Russia is "a country that honors himself the only designed and rejecting the whole of Europe, like rot, and the devil's disappointment, doomed to death. The opposite side of Russian humility is extraordinary Russian self-conceit. The most humble and there is the greatest, most powerful, the only one called. "Russian" and there is a righteous, kind, true, divine. Russia - "Holy Rus". Russia is sinful, but also in sin, she remains Holy country - the country of saints living with ideals of holiness ... Russia honors himself not only the most Christian, but also the only Christian country in the world ... Church nationalism is characteristic russian phenomenon. They are impregnated by our old cohabitation. " However, to this opinion, the outstanding philosopher should be approached with caution, the name in mind that in this case there is a subtle line between really excessive self-conceit, which is not good, and the possible underestimation of its national role In the formation of the global system of moral relations, which fully corresponds to the spiritual potency of the Orthodox Russian people.

Berdyaev says that "Russia is a fantastic country of spiritual intoxication, a country of whips, self-propeller, Dukhoborov, Country of Kondratiya Selivanova (founder of the Skopic sect that existed in the second half XVIII century In the Oryol province - V.N.) and Grigoria Rasputin, the country of impostors and Pugachevschin. The Russian soul is not sitting on the spot, it is not a mesh shower, not a local soul. In Russia, in the soul of people there is some endless quest, a quest invisible hail Divine, invisible home. In front of the Russian soul, they will be given, and there is no outlined horizon in front of her spiritual eyes. The Russian soul burns in the flame search of the truth, absolute, divine truth and salvation for the whole world and the universal resurrection to a new life. She always seals about the mountain and the suffering of the people and the whole world, and the flour does not know her thickening. This soul is absorbed by the decision of the ultimate, damned questions about the meaning of life. There is a rebel, inconsistency in the Russian soul, non-ombidity and dissatisfaction with nothing temporary, relative and conditional. Further and further should go, by the end, to the limit, to the exit from this "world", from this land, from the entire local, meshansky, attached ... The heroically tuned intelligentsia went to death in the name of materialistic ideas. This strange contradiction will be understood if it seems that under materialistic implays, she sought to absolutely. Slavic riot - fiery, fiery element, unknown to other races "[ibid., SS. 9-10]. The properties of a Russian character marked by a brilliant philosopher, it seems, could not help but lead to the idea of \u200b\u200bRussian spacecraft and was also quite naturally picked up by the Russians born in free-refumen France.

The most deeply considered the topic of Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky (1870-1965) was developed in his book "The character of the Russian people", first published in Frankfurt am Main in the publishing house NTS "Sowing" in 1957, re-delivered in Moscow "Key" publishing house in 1990 G., and then as an article with the same name - in the magazine "Issues of Philosophy" in 1996 (No. 4), from where it is quoted. This philosopher emphasizes that the Russian idea is a Christian idea, and therefore the nature of the Russian man as a Christian is being formed under the influence of the Orthodox morality, focused on the search and nonsense of good, love and truth, "in the foreground in it - love for suffering, pity, attention to an individual personality ... "[see called source, p. 41]. In this regard, N. O. Lossky notes the exclusive role of religious devotees - monastic "elders", to which people walked for teaching, consolation and blessings, in finding answers to many life questionsAs the simplest - material, domestic family and elevated - moral and spiritual, including the meaning of their existence, about the kingdom of heaven, about the meaning church holidays And about other wisdoms.

Among the particularly valuable properties of the Russian person, the philosopher notes a sensitive perception of others spiritual statesFrom which there is a living communion of even unfamiliar people with each other. On this occasion, he writes: "In the Russian people, individual personal and family communication is highly developed. There is no excessive replacement in Russia individual relations Social, no personal and family isolationism. Therefore, even a foreigner, hitting Russia, feels: "Here I am not alone" (of course, I'm talking about normal Russia, and not about life at the Bolshevik mode). Perhaps these properties are the main source of recognition of the charming of the Russian people, so often expressed by foreigners, well knowledgeable Russia"[Ibid, s. 42].

A notged property is closely connected by the phenomenon of the openness of the Russian soul, which, in turn, is due to the sincerity of the Russian man. On this occasion, Lossky writes: "Life on the Heart" creates the openness of the soul of the Russian man and the ease of communication with people, the simplicity of communication, without conventions, without external gravest, but with those advantages of courtesy that flow from a sensitive natural delicacy "[ ]. As can be seen from the cited, Russian person is completely alien to everyday - so to speak, domestic - hypocrisy, the presence of politeness mask (like the same Americans who are always "mouth to ears", but at the same time - "stone for the sinus", or , if not a stone, then elementary coldness, solid indifference). In the Russian man, everything "on Roger" is written. That's where the one, almost by all - and domestic observers, and foreigners - the noted glooming of the Soviet - and the post-Soviet man - a person: what the main mass of Soviet people, and today most Russians, it was and is to rejoice?

Among the primary main properties of the Russian people, according to Lossky, belongs the powerful power of the will, the derivative of which is the passion as a combination of a strong feeling and voltage of the will, aimed at a favorite or hated value. Naturally, the higher the value, the stronger feelings and energetic activity causes people who have a strong will. Hence the passion of Russian people, manifested in political life, and even greater passion in the life of religious. Maximalism, extremism and fanatic intolerance essence of the cause of this passion. As an example confirming the presence of the last properties in Russian people, the professor resembles the fact of self-immolation of many thousands of Old Believers during the Reformation of Nikon's Patriarch, the most famous among which was Avvakum Protopop.

The same was, according to Lossky, and the Russian revolutionary movement, which also replete with examples of political passionism and the mighty of the will. Starting from the people who were obsessed with their idea about the need to establish social justice in society - creating the kingdom of God, but without God (!?), And ending with Lenin's Bolsheviks. Regarding the second he writes: " Unbeatable will and the extreme fanaticism of Lenin along with the Bolshevik leaders who created totalitarian state In such an excessive form, which was not, and God will give, will not be more on Earth "[there].

At the same time, Lossky also notes that the opposite will, the opposite will also have the opposite will and purposeful property, namely, the acquaintance of "Oblomovshchina", taperiness and passivity, which is excellently depicted by Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov". In this matter, he agrees with N. Dobrolyubov's opinion, which so explains the nature of the "Oblomovshchina": "... the Russian person has a desire for the absolutely perfect kingdom of being and at the same time excessiveness to all disadvantages of his and someone else's activities. From here there is cooling to the launched and disgust to the continuation of it; The idea and general sketch is often very valuable, but its infidelity and therefore the inevitable imperfections repel the Russian person, and he is lazy to continue the trim in the little things. Thus, the breakdown is in many cases overseas high properties Russian man is striving for complete perfection and sensitivity to the disadvantages of our reality ... "[ibid].

Among the primary properties of the Russian people, along with religiosity, the search for absolute good and power, Lossky refers love for freedom and the highest expression of it - the freedom of spirit. And the one who possesses the freedom of the Spirit is inclined to be doubtful in every truth and to test any value, and not only the thought, but even on experience. Due to the free searches of the truth, Russian people are difficult to challenge each other. Therefore B. public Life The freedom of the Russians is expressed in the tendency to anarchy, in repulsion from the state. One of the reasons for the conviction of Lossky, why the absolute monarchy was developed in Russia, sometimes bordering with despotism, it is difficult to manage the people with anarchic inclinations, for such people impose excessive requirements for the state [there].

All researchers of the considered question are noted as an indispensable property of the soul of a Russian man - his kindness, in connection with which they say, as if the Russian soul has a female nature, according to Berdyaev, eternally bare. However, Lossky does not agree with this, he speaks of a combination in the Russian nature of kindness and courage, which seems absolutely true. On this occasion, he writes that "Russian people, especially the Great Branch of His, the people who created in the harsh historical conditions a great state is highly courageous; But it is especially noteworthily a combination of courageous nature with feminine softness "[ibid].

With the property of kindness, this outstanding philosopher binds the presence in the nature of the Russian man of another wonderful human quality - the lack of balloon, which takes place in all layers of society. Lossky notes that "often the Russian man, being passionate and inclined to maximize, is experiencing a strong sense of repulsion from another person, but when meeting it, if necessary, the heart is mitigated, and he somehow involuntarily begins to show Him my mental softness, even sometimes condemning himself for this, if he believes that this person does not deserve a good attitude towards him "[there].

In full compliance with the inherent Russian person inconsistency, the property of kindness in its character is accompanied by the presence of a negative property - the need to lie in the name of good. Lossky explains this as follows: "The kindness of the Russian person encourages him sometimes to lie due to the unwillingness to offend the interlocutor, due to the desire of peace and good relations with people by anything" [there].

Along with kindness, a Russian person has a lot of manifestations and directly opposite properties - cruelty. At the same time, Lossky notes that there are many types of cruelty and some of them may occur, as neither paradoxically, even in the behavior of people, not evil in nature. Many negative sides The behavior of the peasants of Lossky explains their extraordinary poverty, a variety of offensive and harassment experienced by them and leading them to the extreme bite. Especially indignant, he considered the fact that peasant life Husbands sometimes brutally beat their wives, most often in a drunken form.

From the works of Boris Petrovich Vyshysvetseva (1877-1954; by the way, a member of the NTS) themed character was made by him in 1923 on one of the philosophical conferences in Rome a report called "Russian national character", In which Professor noted that" we [Russian] are interesting, but are not clear to the West and, maybe, therefore, it is especially interesting that they are incomprehensible; We do not quite understand ourselves, and perhaps even the incomprehensibility, the irrationality of actions and solutions make up some trait of our character "[see B. P. Vesseltsy. Russian National Character // Questions of Philosophy. 1995. № 6, p. 113]. In the named work, the philosopher, noting that the nature of the people is manifested at the unconscious level, in the subconscious of people who make up one or another people (especially Russians, in the soul of which "the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious occupies an exceptional place" [Ibid]), draws attention to the possibility of penetration into This is a subconsciousness, so to heal, what is real, without silenting about the negative and unnecessary embellishment of the positive, thinks in the mass of his people. This can be done, according to Vysimvtseva, through the analysis of the content national Epos, through fairy tales and epics, invented by the people (including those used by him in order to upbringing the younger generation, which is particularly socially politically important), in which, as in a dream, the person is involuntarily expressed hidden thoughts, deeply charged, the internal aspirations of the people's dreams. Moreover, both positive in moral terms and not very.

When applying examples from Russian fairy tales, the elements determines the most peculiar features of the nature of the Russian people who act in the form of its fears and cherished dreams. So, according to the observation of the philosopher, the Russian people are afraid of poverty, even more - labor, but most of all "grief", under which it is understood "not the external fate of the Greeks, which rests on ignorance, at the delusion," Russians "is their own will, or rather Some sort of bravery. " But there is one more fear in the fairy tales of the Russian people, the fear is more suspended than the fear of deprivation, labor, and even "grief" is the fear of a broken dream, the fear of falling from heaven [there].

Analyzing the composition of the unconscious dreams of the Russian people presented in national fairy tales, Vystevtsev notes the presence of the whole range of desires, from the most sublime to the lowest, from the lowest everyday desires substantiated by the notorious "economic materialism", to the ideas about their desired future, which are based on the cherished dreams of Russian idealism [ibid]. So, the Lododr of the Emelya-Fool, selflessly dreaming, sitting on the furnace, about the bull of the baked and dairy rivers with fermented banks, - by no means negative hero famous for our fairy tales. Such actually existing characters in Russia, indeed, quite a lot. It is these dreamers-loafers and "rushed" through the whole crowd to the Bolshevik call in 1917. They are boring cepete dreamhovering by many, by and large, vicious in moral-political attitudes, dreaming about that they were not as a result of hard work, but "at a prominent class, in my desire," the temptation organized by the Bolsheviks Others - in their understanding, Miroyedov-Bogoyyev - under the Marxist slogan about the good of the "Expropriation of Expropriators". IN last case, as you can easily see, we have an example of the declining of a Russian person to your beloved extremes: the awareness of the vanity of unfair in many cases of the distribution of material wealth with practical ways to ensure social justice with the help of the easiest reception - "take away and divide", and not by the persistent improvement of public relationship.

A very significant example is another example of a negative property considered by Vysolstev. This example concerns, unfortunately, the most important moral imperative orthodox man - His religiosity, or, more precisely, the relationship to religious shrines, which once, in the heat of the unrestrained offense of a Russian person on something or someone, they suddenly do not become (again, the very case of manifestation of the psychological extreme in the nature of Rusich). We are talking about the Valiant Ilya Muromster, who, being "deadly" offended by the fact that Prince Vladimir did not call him on his "called feast," began to shoot the arrows of the dome and "wonderful crosses" at Kiev churches. As the philosopher notes, "here's the whole picture of the Russian revolution, which in the prophetic dream saw ancient epic. Ilya Muromets - the personification of peasant Russia, arranged with the most disgusting mobile, with drunkards and loafers, the real defeat of the church and the state, suddenly he began to destroy everything that he recognized the shrine and that he defended his whole life "[there, with. 116]. Further it follows that the entire Russian nature is clearly visible in this epuscess: injustice was, but the reaction to it is completely unexpected and spontaneous. This is not a Western European revolution, with its mining and the struggle for new Stroy life; this is a spontaneous nihilism, instantly destroying everything people's Soul worshiped, and seeking his crime. This is not a restoration of violated justice in the world, this is the rejection of the world in which such injustice exists. Here is this prophetic warning, completely clearly expressed in the Russian epic, did not understand the Russian monarchy than and ordered himself to be inevitable.

Also, it is also indicative of the reflection of one of the characteristics of the nature of Russian people, their desire to move in their fairy tales "for three seas, to another kingdom, to another state." As the philosopher analyst notes, it is probably the "main and the most beautiful dream of Russian people." And although in fairy tales, this dream is most often prose enough: in most cases it is a desire to get His Vasilis, which, again, will provide Ivan-Tsarevich personally happy and socially trouble-free, and Ivanushka-fool - that in Russian fairy tales it happens more often - and idle life. However B. fabulous travels "For the three seas" contains and something more sublime, namely the desire for the new, unknown. In the most thoughtful representatives of the Russian people, it once expressed in a dream about space, which is not just "in the three seas", but much further and inaccessible, and therefore even more tempting.

Another great Russian philosopher-state named Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (1883-1954) said about the nature of the Russian people (1883-1954): "The homeland is not there is a place on earth, where I was born, took place from my father and mother, or where I am used to live" ; But then the spiritual place where I was born in spirit and where I get out of my way life creativity. And if I consider my homeland - Russia, then this means that I love in Russian, contemplate and I think, I sing in Russian and say; What I believe in the spiritual forces of the Russian people and accept his historical fate with his instinct and its will. His Spirit is my spirit; His fate is my fate; His sufferings - my grief; His flourishing is my joy.

That's what he thinks and feels real Patriotspeaking of my homeland: "My people! I was born of your depths of the flesh and the Spirit. I burn the very spirit that burned in my ancestors. I live in me and it drives me the instinct of the people's self-preservation, who led you through the Debresses and the flour of your story "..." The sigh of my people there is my breath; And the moan of my people is my moan. I strongly strengthened him and this power I give him for him. I am associated with him in a single us. I believe in his spiritual power and in his creative paths. I myself do you like him; I pray and work with him, contemplating and thinking with him; I dream to have all his advantages and sick about his weaknesses and imperfections. His national interest is mine, personal. I am happily coming to His glory, and torments in the days of his crawling and shame. His friends are my friends. His enemies are my enemies. He owns my life. His language is my language. His earthly territory is my territory, and the army, faithful to him - there is my native army. I did not choose him, for he himself gave me from his depths. But, being born to them, I chose him and took it into the last depth of my heart. And therefore I am faithful; And it is faithful to him - in all the provisions, difficulties and dangers of life. I can't feed this feeling immediately to two peoples. It is impossible to have two mothers, or confess two different faiths. And if my people are great and diverse and accepted a jet of many blood, then any of these blood can and should find his baptism in his spirit; And every one of them is designed to tie their destiny with his fate, and think, and feel in spiritual identity with him "..." (I. Ilin. For national Russia. Manifesto of the Russian movement, paragraph 15 - love for the Motherland).

With this luggage - a set of classic, invoking the positive and negative properties of the character of the soul inherent in Russian people, we met the XX century. It is the presence of these properties that led the origin of those events and cases that accompanied the Russian people and who did the Russian people over the next century. They determined the future of our fate up to todayday, pushing us and into a terrible social experiment - the construction of an ugly socialist society, and bringing to the most desperate heights of human thought and the case - it was we, the Russians, the first of the earthlings went into space, realizing our own, invalid Russian, the idea of \u200b\u200bmastering the universe (in the second The case we became truly Gagarinians in everything - in theory, and in practice, having passed the way from the abstract dream of Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov-Gagarin, originated in the middle XIX century, To real flight to the cosmos of the first landing - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, through the century after that, on April 12, 1961). In order to go further, it is necessary to consider the factors of the formation of the nature of the Russian man and that Soviet reality has made with him.

Savior somehow spoke about Christians: "If you were from this world, the world would love you as their own; But since you are not from this world, for I took you from the world, the world hates you. " The same words can be attributed to the Russian people, in the flesh and blood of which Christianity absorbed the strongest.

Today we often encounter an open Russophobia and hatred from other states. But this is not a reason for panic, it started not today and will not end tomorrow - it will always be so.

The world hates us, but he does not suspect aside He himself needs Russian people. If the Russian people disappear, then from the world soul removed And he will lose the most sense of its existence!

That is why the Lord keeps us and the Russians exist, despite all the tragedies and tests: Napoleon, Batya and Hitler, revolution, restructuring and troubled time, drugs, the fall of the morals and the crisis of responsibility ...

We will live and develop until our relevance is relevant, while the Russian man retains the character traits inherent in our people.

Thoughtful "friends" often remind us of those who inherent in our features that can be attributed to bad, trying to make us hate themselves and self-disperse ... We will consider positive features Russian soul to remember what kind of gifted the Lord generously endowed us and what we should always remain.

So, TOP 10 best qualities Russian man:

1. Strong faith

Russian people on deep level Believes in God, has a strong inner sense of conscience, the concept of good and evil, worthy and unworthy, due and not proper. Even the Communists believed in their "moral code".

It is Russian who considers all his life from his position son of Godlike this father, or grieved. To do on the law or conscience (according to God's commandments) is a purely Russian problem.

Russian man believes in people who constantly making them good and even beyond sacrifice Personal for the good of the good. Russian man in another person sees first of all The image of God., sees equal, recognizes the dignity of another person. It is in this secret of the winning power of Russian civilization, our giant spaces and multinational unity.

A Russian man believes as a carrier of truth. Hence the strength of our actions and the legendary Russian survival. To destroy us could not alone conquerors in the world. You can only kill the Russian people, if we believe in that negative image Russian man who impose us.

2. Glazed sense of justice

We can not live in comfort while the world is the world of Kryvda. "A strong coffin will be thrown by the cat in mankind!" From the song "Sacred War" - this is about us.

For a long time, we fought with the Turks for the freedom of the Slavs Brothers, we have relief from Baev and their towers of the poor Central Asia, The Chinese Genocide of the Japanese army stopped and saved the Jews from the Holocaust.

It is worth a Russian man to believe that from somewhere comes the threat to all mankind, like Napoleon, Hitler, Mamay or anyone, immediately disappear from the historical canvase.

The same rule acts in internal life - Our riots and revolutions are just attempts to build a fair society, punish the fate of the poor (naturally, if we consider the motivation of simple workers and peasants, and not cynical leaders of the revolution).

We can rely on us - because we keep the word and do not give allies. The concept of honor, unlike the Anglo-Saxons, the Russian person is not only familiar, but also deeply inherent.

3. Love for Motherland

Motherland love all nations. Even Americans, the people of emigrants, with reverence relate to their national Symbols and traditions.

But the Russian man loves his homeland tough others! Beloamigrants fled from the country under the threat of death. It would seem that they had to hate Russia and quickly assimilate where they arrived. But what happened really?

They were sick of nostalgia that they taught the sons and grandchildren to Russian, so thousands of small Russians were worried about themselves - they founded Russian institutes and seminars, built orthodox churches, taught Russian culture and language thousands of Brazilians, Moroccans, Americans, French, Germans, Chinese ...

They died not from old age, but from longing in their fatherland and cried when the USSR authorities allowed them to return. They infected their love surrounding and today the Spaniards and Danes, Syrians and Greeks, Vietnamese, Filipinos and Africans are going to Russia.

4. Unique generosity

The Russian man is generous and generous in everything: both on material gifts and for wonderful ideas and on the manifestation of feelings.

The word "generous" in antiquity indicated mercy, grace. This quality is deeply rooted in Russian.

For a Russian person, it is completely unnaturally spending 5% or 2% of the salary for charity. If a friend in trouble, then Russian will not bargain and something for himself to guess, he will give to a friend all cash, and if she is not enough - let the hat or remove and sell and sell the last shirt for him.

Half of inventions in the world did Russian "Kulibins", and patented aliens. But the Russians do not take offense at it, as their ideas are also generosity, the gift of our people to humanity.

Russian soul does not accept a semi -mer, does not know prejudice. If in Russia who was once called something else, then they will die for him if the enemy is will surely be destroyed. At the same time, it is absolutely no matter who our visa, what is he race, nation, religion, age or sex - the attitude towards it will depend only on his personal qualities.

5. Incredible hard work

"Ryuski Oshin Lenivia people" - Goebbels propagandists broadcast and continue to repeat their today's followers. But it is not.

We are often compared with bears and this comparison is very much - we have similar biological rhythms: the summer in Russia is short and you have to work shock to have time to collect a harvest, and the winter is long and relatively idle - Ruby Firewood, Topi Stove, remove the snow, and collect crafts . In fact, we work a lot, just unevenly.

Russian people always worked diligently and conscientiously. In our fairy tales and proverbs, the positive image of the hero is inextricably linked with skill, hardly worker and smelting: "The sun is painting the sun, and the person is labor."

Since ancient times, ancient times, he was famous and read in the middle of the peasants and artisans, scribes and trading people, warriors and the Inok and was always deeply linked to the protection of the Fatherland and the attachment of His Glory.

6. The ability to see and appreciate the beautiful

The Russian people live in extremely picturesque places. In our country, you can find large rivers and steppes, mountains and sea, tropical forests and tundra, taiga and desert. Therefore, the feeling of excellent is exacerbated in the Russian soul.

Russian culture was formed for more than a thousand years, fanning particles of cultures of many Slavic and threat-Finnish tribes, as well as perceiving and creatively reworked by the heritage of Byzantium and the Golden Horde and hundreds of Small Peoples. Therefore, on the wealth of detention with it can not be compared no other culture of the world.

The consciousness of the inconsistency of their own wealth, material and spiritual, made a Russian person benevolent and understanding towards other people's peoples.

A Russian man, like no other, is able to allocate a beautiful in the culture of another people, admire this and recognize the greatness of achievements. There is no backward or underdeveloped peoples for him, he is not needed to treat anyone dismissible from the consciousness of its own damage. Even the Papuans and Indians, Russian will always find what to learn.

7. Hospitality

This national trait Character is associated with our huge spacesWhere in the way it was rare to meet a person. Hence the joy of such meetings - stormy and sincere.

If a guest comes to a Russian person - it always expects a covering table, the best tableware, a festive food and warm overnight. And all this is done free, since we have not taken to see in a person only "Wallet with Ears" and treat him consumer.

Our person knows that the guest in the house must not be bored. Therefore, a foreigner who fell towards us, leaving difficulty can be folded into a bunch of memories of how he sang, danced, rolled, fed to the dump and died to amazement ...

8. Patience

The Russian people are surprisingly patient. But this patience does not boil down to banal passivity or "slaveness", it is wokering with the victim. Russian people are not stupid and always tolerate in the name of something, in the name of a significant goal.

If he understands that he is deceived, the rebellion begins - the same, merciless riot, whose flame is killed by all the usurists and negligents.

But when a Russian man knows, in the name of what purpose he suffers difficulties and works for wear, then the national patience gives incredible positive results. For us for five years cut the whole fleet, win world War Or carry out industrialization in the order of things.

Russian patience is a kind of strategy of non-aggressive interaction with the world, solutions life problems Not at the expense of violence over nature and consumption of its resources, but mainly due to internal, spiritual efforts. We do not break the heritage of God given to us, and we will die slightly with our appetites.

9. Sincerity

Another of the main features of Russian character is sincerity in the manifestation of feelings.

A Russian man has a bad thing to extract a smile, he does not like the narrowness and ritual courtesy, annoyed to the insincere "Thank you for the purchase, come more" and does not serve the hands of a man who considers a bastard, even if it could benefit.

If a person does not cause emotions from you, I don't have to express anything - do not stay without lingering. History in Russia is not in honor (if this is not a profession) and most respect to those who say and acts as it thinks and feels like God put on the soul.

10. Collectivity, Cat

Russian man is not loner. He loves and knows how to live in society, which is reflected in the sayings: "On the world and death of Krasnaya", "one in the field is not a warrior."

The Nature itself, since ancient times, the Russians encouraged Russians to unite in the teams - communities, artel, partnerships, squads and fraternities.

Hence the "imperiscience" of Russians, that is, their non-equilibration to the fate of a relative, a neighbor, a friend and, ultimately, the whole of the Fatherland. It was because of the Cattrying in Russia for a long time there were no homeless children - orphans always disassembled on families and brought up to all siel.

Russian CathedralAccording to Slavophila Homyakova, this is a "holistic combination of freedom and unity of many people based on their general love for the same absolute values", Christian values.

The West failed to create such a powerful state as Russia, united on the spiritual principle, because he did not reach the Council, and first of all violence was forced to unite the peoples.

Russia has always united on the basis of mutual respect and mutual accounting of interests. The unity of the people in the world, love and mutual assistance has always been one of the basic values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people.

Andrei Stemteda

In contact with

The nature of the Russian people was formed mainly under the influence of time and space. The history and geographical position of our Motherland also made their own adjustments. The constant danger from possible raids and wars was rallied by people, there were special patriotism, the desire for strong centralized power. Climatic conditions, I must say not the most favorable, forced the people to rally, harden a particularly strong character. Huge expanses of our country attached a special scope of actions and feelings of the Russian man. Although these generalizations are conditional, but still you can allocate common features and patterns.

Since its occurrence, Russia showed itself a country of unusual, not like others, which caused curiosity and attached mystery. Russia does not correspond to templates, does not fall under any measurements, everything in it is not similar to the majority. And from this, its character, the nature of her people, is very complex and controversial, difficult to understand foreigners.

Nowadays, scientists and researchers began to find an increasing role of a national nature in the development of society as a whole. It is a single, holistic system that has a hierarchy of features and qualities affecting the image of thoughts and actions of this nation. He moves to people from generation to generation, change it by adopting administrative measures is quite difficult, but still it is possible, the truth is needed for large-scale changes. a large number of time and strength.

The Russian national nature shows interest not only abroad, but we ourselves are trying to understand him, although it is not quite successful. We cannot understand our actions, explain some of the historical situations, although we notice some originality and illogy in our actions and thoughts.

Today in our country there is a fracture, which we are experiencing with difficulty and, in my opinion, is not quite true. In the 20th century, many values \u200b\u200bhave occurred, there has been a decline of national self-consciousness. And in order to get out of this state, the Russian people should, first of all, understand themselves, return the previous features and instill values, eradicate shortcomings.

The very concept of national character today is widely used by politicians, scientists, media, writers. Often in this concept is invested the most different meaning. Scientists argued about whether there is a national character in fact. And today the existence of certain features characteristic only for one people are recognized. These features are manifested in the lifestyle, thoughts, behavior and activities of this nation. Based on this, it can be said that the national character is some combination of characteristic only for one nation of physical and spiritual qualities, the norms of activity and behavior.

The nature of each people is very complicated and controversial due to the fact that the history of each people is complex and contradictory. Also important factors are climatic, geographical, social, political and other conditions affecting the formation and development of a national nature. Researchers believe that all factors and conditions can be divided into two groups: natural-biological and socio-cultural.

The first explains the fact that people belonging to different races will show their character and temperament in different ways. Immediately it should be said that the type of society, formed from a given people, will also have a strong influence on its nature. Therefore, the understanding of the national nature of any people occurs through the understanding of society, the conditions and factors in which this people live.

It is also important that the type of society itself is determined by the value system adopted in it. So, social values \u200b\u200bare the basis of a national nature. National character is a combination of important methods for regulating activities and communication created in accordance with social values \u200b\u200binherent this nation. Therefore, in order to understand the Russian national character, it is necessary to allocate the values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of the Russian people.

In the Russian character, such qualities are allocated as cattosis and nationality, aspiration for something endless. Our nation has versoity and ethno-performance. Russian person constantly has discontent with what is on this momentHe always wants something else. The peculiarity of the Russian soul is explained, on the one hand, "twist in the clouds", and on the other hand, to comprehend with their emotions. We or hold back to them as much as possible, or we release to the outside. Maybe therefore in our culture there are so many senses.

The most accurate features of the Russian national nature are reflected in the works of folk art. Here it is worth highlighting fairy tales and epics. The Russian man wishes the best future, but really something to do for this too. He will better resort to the help of a goldfish or speaking pike. Most, probably popular character Our fairy tales are Ivan Fool. And this is not good. After all, for externally disadvantaged, lazy, nothing knows how to make the son of an ordinary Russian man hiding a clean soul. Ivan good, responsive, smeared, naive, lubricant. At the end of the fairy tale, he always turns out to win before the prolonged and pragmatic royal son. Therefore, the people consider him their hero.

The feeling of patriotism among the Russian people, it seems to me, does not cause doubts. It has long been the fight against the invaders and the occupiers and the old men and children. Enough to remember Patriotic War 1812, when all the people, the whole army asked to give the battle the French.

Special attention deserves the nature of the Russian woman. The huge power of will and spirit makes sacrifice all for the sake of a person close to her. For her beloved, she can go at least to the edge of light, and it will not be blind and obsessive consequences, as is customary in eastern countries, And this is a conscious and independent act. You can take an example of the Decabrists and some writers and poets sent to Siberia. These women were very realized deprived themselves with all sake of their husbands.

It is impossible not to say about the fun and perky moral moral, about the sense of humor of the Russians. No matter how hard it is, the Russian man will always find a place for fun and joy, and if it is not hard and everything is good, then the razbah is provided with fun. The latitude of the Russian soul was spoken, they say and will still speak. A Russian man just needs to be shaved on the full, produce Furore, to put dust into the eyes, even though let it, for this you need to give the last shirt.

From a long time, in Russian character there was no place in a charter, never material values \u200b\u200bwent to the fore. A Russian man could always make tremendous efforts in the name of high ideals, whether to protect the Motherland or defending sacred values.

The harsh and difficult life taught Russians to be content with and interrupt what is. Permanent self-limitation imposed its mark. That is why in our people the desire for monetary accumulation and wealth at any cost was not extended. It was the privilege of Europe.

For Russians is very important oral folk art. A knowledgeable proverbs, sayings, fairy tales and phrases, reflecting the reality of our life, a person was considered educated, wisely wisely, possessing folk spirituality. Spirituality is also one of the characteristic of the Russian man.

By virtue of high emotionality, our people are peculiar to openness, incessia. This is especially brightly manifested in communication. If you take an example of Europe, then individualism is highly developed, which is in every possible way, we are interested in, on the contrary, people are interested in what happens in the lives of others, and the Russian people will never refuse to tell about their lives. Here, most likely, the compassion can be attributed - another very Russian trait of character.

As well as positive qualities, such as generosity, the latitude of the soul, openness, courage, there is one, of course, negative. I'm talking about drunkenness. But it is not something that a hand went hand with us throughout the history of the country. No, this is the ailment that we picked up relatively recently and can not get rid of it. After all, we did not invent vodka, we were delivered it only in the XV century, and she did not become the hour of popular. Therefore, it is about the fact that drunkenness is distinctive trait And the peculiarity of our national nature is impossible.

It is still worth noting such a feature that at the same time and you will be confused - this is the responsiveness of the Russian people. It is laid in us since childhood. Helping someone, our person is often guided by the proverb: "As it will happen, it will respond." What, in general, correctly.

The national character is not static, it is constantly changing as society changes, and, in turn, has its impact on it. The Russian national nature has developed in our days has similarities with the character that was once before. Some features remained, some lost. But the basis and the essence remained.

The mystery of the mysterious Russian soul for many centuries was trying to comprehend foreign guests and merchants attending at first Russia, and then - Russian Empire. Worldwide famous classics Russian literature also did not remain aside from the decision of the riddles of Russian mentality - in their works they tried to describe Russian men and women and as fully uncover the edges of their character and the peculiarities of the worldview. But nevertheless, even now, the majority of foreigners are Russians seem mysterious and in many ways incomprehensible, and Russians themselves can unmistakably distinguish their compatriots among the crowd of foreigners in another country. But what is the peculiarity of the mentality and psychology of Russians, what makes them such unlike representatives of other peoples?

National Features of Russians

The national characteristics of the nature of the Russians were formed over the centuries, and the basis of the unique mentality of the nation began to be laid during the days of the Middle Ages, when most Russians lived in the villages and led the collective farm. It is from those centuries for the Russian opinion of society and their own position in the team began to mean a lot. Also at that time began to form and such a national trait of Russians, as and commitment to patriarchal traditions - From the cohesion of the collective and on the presence of a strong leader, the survival and well-being of the entire village, parish, etc. depended in many ways.

These features are inherent in the psychology of Russians and now - most of the representatives of the nation are confident that the country needs a strong leader, do not consider themselves the right to openly criticize and challenge the decisions of superior persons, and are ready to support the government anyway. In relation to the role of each individual in society, the Russian mentality, as well as the geographical position of Russia, is located between the "West" and "East": it is difficult for representatives of this nation to adopt the Western European model of society, in which the individuality of each individual is considered unconditional value, but also to such The privilege role of the team over the individual, as is peculiar and the Chinese, there are no Russians. We can say that the Russians were able to find " golden middle"Between collectivism and individualism - they give great importance Public opinion and its role in the team, but at the same time be able to appreciate the individuality and uniqueness of the personality of each person.

One more national feature The nature of the Russians, which distinguishes it from the mentality of other nations, is considered the "latitude" of the soul of the Russian man. Of course, the soul can not be wide in the literal sense of the word, and under this expression it is understood that Russian people have the following features of nature:

Russian psychology in personal life and in everyday life

Most Russian people believe that spiritual is more important than material, so they do not make the goal of their lives earn millions, but choose other priorities - family, self-development, etc. representatives of this people are characterized by "light" attitude to money - The Russian person will not be too much to lose heart during, as well as often prefer to spend money on something pleasant for himself, and not to save finances for the future.

However, despite this attitude to finance, the Russians love luxury and courage, so they do not regret money on expensive renovation in housing, fashionable gadgets and status items. In the homes of Russians, in addition to furniture and household appliances, there are many interior decorations - a variety of souvenirs, figurines and other cute baubles. It is also not uncommon when there will be any unnecessary things in the storeroom or at home - Russian people from the time of existence of the USSR still did not quite get rid of the habit of keeping about the reserve everything that mayoretically come in handy in the future.

IN love relationship Russian men are gallant, romantic, generous and cavulus and always seek to surround their lady heart with the maximum concern. Russian women are able to completely dissolve in the beloved person, are ready to go for victims for the sake of love and are sure that "with a cute paradise and in the chaolache." In most Russian families between husband and wife, an equal relationship, but still care for children and household affairs are predominantly female business, And making money for the whole family - male.