Praskovna name is diminishing. Name of Praskovya, History and Fate

Praskovna name is diminishing. Name of Praskovya, History and Fate

The name is Praskovya, translated from Greek - "Friday". Often, in early childhood, Praskovya is growing a rather calm girl, which often has a weak immune system, so it often sick infectious diseases, it is easily cold. The girl cannot be called at all - capricious, she just stubbornly achieves what he wants. At school age, Praskovya, very - preparing and mandatory. Therefore, always learning well itself and often loves to help classmates. After graduating from school, always gets higher education and then be sure to work in the specialty. Having become adult, Praskovaya becomes a fundamental, honest and fair special, which does not tolerate lies and is a Surov with those who deceived it.

It is often very self-critical and string to themselves. And also, the carrier of this name, indifferent public, service, or social position of man. It is most appreciated in people - decency in relationships, honesty, binding, kindness. Not devastating, it works a lot and quickly moves through the service. And also, has excellent organizational qualities and can even lead the team. It can not only set goals, but also almost always achieves them. Also, this woman has a high spirituality, femininity, disassembled in men, rasament, touching, often experiencing envy. It is also worth noting that Praskovaya is married several times and she does not always manage to immediately arrange his personal life. But in marriage, she is always - a devoted wife and a good mistress.

Praskovya self-critical and strict

Praskovaya Born in winter, loves to command, knows how to do so that everything is spinning around her. Does not like to impose another opinion and thinks that no one really knows without her tip and does not make anything and do not. However, she does not force others to obey her will, everything should be happening with their consent. Praskovaya can become a good actress, historian, political analyst, doctor, sociologist, lawyer, teacher, programmer. In relations with men, Praskovya is always limited, decisive and active. It can get acquainted with the man liked on his own initiative, push him to closest relationships. In Intimate Games, Laskov, gentle, but does not like it to demonstrate. Does not like indiscriminate sexual relations, so it always has one partner. If the relationship with him cease to arrange it, it can tear the relationship and find themselves another man. Create partner is experiencing hard, but with dignity, usually their relationships stop immediately and calmly.

Name Day Praskovei

  • The name of Praskovya by the sign of the zodiac: Suitable scorpions.
  • Talisman Praskovia: Malachite.
  • Saints Patolers Praskovia: Paraskeva-Roman, Holy Martyr.
  • Compatibility name Praskovia: Relationships with names: Anton, Igor, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter, Semen, Sergey.

Name Paraskeva in different languages

Consider writing and sounding a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Ukrainian: Paraskeva. Yiddish: פּאַראַסקעוואַ (Paraskeva). English: Paraskeva (Paraskeva).

Origin and meaning of Paraskeva

The origin of the name of Paraskeva -. Name value - prepared or Friday.

Character name

You quickly lose interest in what does not change and go to search for changes, and you often entail places where, expressing figuratively, "fear to step even angels." Such frivolousity causes many problems in which you blame others or "Wednesday", but not in any way. However, your resourcefulness, acute mind and fast response helps you easily cope with the difficulties and troubles. In addition, you have congenital respect for the law that almost always keeps you from rampant or illegal actions. It often happens that by the nature of their activities you have to follow the compliance of laws. All these factors make you a very difficult and somewhere contradictory personality.

Alas, you can hardly be attributed to real families, because you do not want to constantly bear the burden of responsibility - because it limits your freedomism. And if the relationship, in your opinion, lost your novelty and turned into a burden, you will easily ruin them.

If you have not received good education or education, you are often characteristic of impulsiveness, undisciplining and offensive to those who surround people. It becomes the cause of conflicts and incidents. You can even get problems with the law if the scandals in your environment will make you make rapid acts or pushed sharp statements.

You really attract the opposite sex, and you have a lot of fans (fans), but you do not rush to marry, as you really appreciate your own freedom and do not want to lose it.


You all heart are striving for freedom. Any framework and restrictions will be your soul, fighting her movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, choosing between stable well-being and unprofitable right to dispose of themselves, you always choose the latter.

Whenever destiny gives you the opportunity at least somehow diversify your life, you are without hesitation to give up already in favor of the new, still unknown. "Fight moss" - obviously not for you. You easily go through life, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul thirsty.

One should only remember that "one hundred friends" will never replace one "heartfall". Your reluctance to tie a stable relationship, for a long time to "stop" on one attachment, may subsequently cause the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness with which it will be difficult for you to accept.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom will no longer bring joy.

Exterior appearance

From the owners of Parassel, as a rule, fashion lawmakers are obtained for a narrow circle. You belong to a fairly thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, argue that they can "afford not to follow the fashion." The way it is. You carefully follow the way your body in itself looks, carelessly take care of him, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style every day depending on your own mood. That is why you have a long time to impress youth, every time being in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Numerology named after Parashev

The owners of the number 6 are distinguished by calm and sanity. "Six" appreciate stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name is more expensive than momentary benefits. They never resort to radical methods for solving problems, preferring a liberal path. "Six" are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but are capable and prospective workers. There are arrogant and smug "six", however, for most of them, the main landmark in life is a family and a small circle of loyal and devotees.


The planet Mars.
Element: fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: ,.
Color: Fire-red, bloody, ironed.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, Jasper, Amethyst, Lopar Blood.
Plants: garlic, onions, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bob, burning pepper.
Beasts: wolf, rooster, crows, neck, horse, dog.

Parashev name as phrase

And Az (I, I, myself, myself)
R Ries (rivers, say, saying)
And Az (I, I, myself, myself)
With a word
To Kako
E ECI (there is, to exist)
In lead
And Az (I, I, myself, myself)

Interpretation of the value of the letters name Paraskeva

P - wealth ideas, established sustainable opinions, care for their appearance. This letter sends a person's mind to generalizations, comprehending reality in its integrity.

P - the ability not to be deceived visibility, but to delve into the creature; Self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Drinking, a person is capable of stupid risk and sometimes too dogmatized in his judgments.
A - the symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement, thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
C - common sense, striving for solid position and material security; In irritation - authority and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
To - endurance, originating from the strength of the Spirit, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo "all or nothing."
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the inclination to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Catisfy is possible.
In - Communicability, communication with life, unity with nature. Creative person, aspiring to the future.
A - the symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement, thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Praskovya's female name occurred from the Greek name of Paraskeva, which means "the eve of the holiday." It meets in many countries of the world, for example, in the sound of Paraskeva, Paraska. Predated on the territory of our country this name was considered happy, but then gradually lost popularity. Currently, it returns from forgotten and occurs again among children.

Characteristic named after Praskovya

Phossemantically, the name of Praskovya creates the impression of something joyful, lung. This fully corresponds to its cheerful nature, mobility and communicability. Most often Praskovia is a simple, cheerful, energetic and pleasant person. She has a very easy attitude towards life, which allows her not to take close to the heart of trouble, not toolate themselves with experiences, but boldly pass through them and go ahead. In childhood, she is obedient, modest, very nice. Parents can fully rely on Praskov, to trust her independence and prudence. This girl is really very clear: she learns well, has developed creative abilities, loves to take care of everyone, from the small years, showing a gift of a good teacher. Adult Praskovya is quite prosperous, not offended by fate. She has a rich imagination and insightful intuition. People of insincere it is perhaps right away, refers to such a big neglect, demonstrating and other on their own side - principled, honest, strict. In the communication of Praskovia is interesting and easy. She has many friends, sincerely loving her, and colleagues, respecting her and always ready to help her.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name of Praskovya will suit the girl born under the zodiacal sign of the Virgin, that is, from August 24 to September 23. This sign impresses Praskovye with its modesty, diligence, sociability. Under his influence, it will always strive to fulfill the debt, will be honest, faithful, sincere, but at the same time very practical, workable and responsible.

Pros and Cons name Praskovia

What advantages and cons will be noted in the name Praskovya? A positiveness about it is rare and special antique-romantic sound, a good combination with Russian surnames and patronymic, as well as the great nature of many owners of this name. As for the shortcomings, parents can see them in the fact that the name of Praskovye is difficult to choose a beautiful reduction or a diminutive form, because usually the owners of this name are called asking, prong, paralysis, which sounds not very beautiful.


Pretty health is pretty strong. Due to its energetic and cheerfulness, it retains a good physical form, stamina and sick little.

Love and family relationships

Praskovya's marriage belongs very seriously, so before going with a man to the altar, long checks it, seeking to make sure of his reliability and loyalty. She really values \u200b\u200bwith family comfort, trying to establish sincere and trust relationships with her husband. In the economy, the owner of this name demonstrates the ability to cook delicious. Accuracy and economy allow it to keep the house in perfect purity, but at the same time not to spend big money on it. It belongs to the children with a huge caress.

Professional sphere

In the professional sphere, Praskovia does not seek to get a high position, so it, as a hardworking and valuable employee, is trying to download the most responsible work. From the owner of this name, a successful economist, an accountant, cashier, administrator, journalist, auditor, lawyer, sociologist, doctor or teacher can be obtained.

Name day

Name Day for the Orthodox calendar Praskovya (in church spelling - Paraskeva) celebrates April 2, August 8, October 27, November 10th.


The origin of Praskovya

ancient Greek.

Characteristic named after Praskovya

very movable, easy and extremely sincere. Its cheerfulness and emotionality make it too vulnerable to external influences. It is easy to upset, and cheer. Pasha is a responsive and mental person, she has many friends who love her. But she suffers all her life from its own sensitivity and pride. Praskovya will never sick and deceive, but also someone else's deception hurts and insult her. In general, Praskovya is very pleasant in communication, a person is soft, attentive, kind.

Famous personalities: Praskovya Zhemchugova (real surname Kovaleva, 1768-1803) - Russian actress, singer, until 1798. Fortress Count N.P. Sheremeteva.

Name Praskovya - when is the name day?


The Holy Great Martyr Parashev received his name in honor of Friday - the day, which Jesus Christ suffered. Young Paraskeva adopted vowiness and cared for the spread of the faith of Christ among the pagans. In the 300th year, the warlord of Emperor Diocletian, demanded from her sacrifice to idols. Parashev refused, and for it she was tortured for a long time, then cut off his head. In Russia, Holy Paraskeva is considered a healer of spiritual and bodily ailments, the keeper of family well-being and happiness. In pre-revolutionary Moscow there were four temples in her honor, including one in the Okhotny Row.

The old name of Praskovia was once very common among all classes. Over time, it has lost its importance, but in recent years it becomes popular again.

Tradition and meaning

According to church canons, the name of Praskovia should be pronounced as Paraskeva. His origin and importance are related to the Christian traditions of the Greeks. Παρασκεήή is literally translated as "preparation" or "waiting". So called the threshold of the holiday or the weekend, that is, Friday. Thus, the meaning of Praskovye began to tie with this day of the week, which in the pre-Christian times was dedicated to the female deity (Slavyan - Mokosha), and Paraskeva Friday became one of the most revered saints. It was believed that she helps in the household, with all family troubles, diseases, cares about pets and protects the dwelling from the fire, so on Friday, women did not hurt and not tibes. In Bulgaria, along with a generally accepted form, the translation of the word "Parashev" is used, while the female name sounds like a Petka (Friday), and Male - Petko.

Thanks to this origin, the name of Praskovia in Russia was widespread, so called even royal daughters. However, at the beginning of the XIX century, he began to be considered commonplace (Tatyana Larina's mother called Polyna's Praskov), and in a century, with a little gradually forgotten. Currently, old names are reborn, including Praskovia. So the name of many women in Greece (country of origin παρασκεήή), as well as in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, some Catholic states.

History has kept a lot of Praskovya carriers. Among them:

  • Praskovya Saltykova, the wife of Tsar John (coagitator of Peter I), the mother of Empress Anna.
  • Praskovya Ioannovna, her daughter.
  • Praskovya Pearlchugova (Kovaleva), fortress actress, wife of Prince Sheremetyev.
  • Praskovya Uvarova, archaeologist, historian.
  • Praskovya Angelina, noble tractor driver.
  • Praskovye Prokopyev, the pilot, the participant of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Paraskeva Papache, Greek athlete, athlete.

Name and pronunciation

In the old days, the most common brief name for Praskova was Parasha (which is reflected in the literature of that time), but now this option is considered intact. The girl can abbreviated can be called a pan, pan, parana, pass, ask, sometimes, pash, etc. As a dimension, the names of the Praskovoy, Panek, Parenka, Panyuchka, Paranyushka, etc.

In different countries, there are similar names of this name, they are presented in the table:

When making a passport, this name is written as PRASKOVIA.

How to celebrate Name Day

Due to the widespread name of Praskovya, the Orthodox calendar contains eight corresponding commemoration dates, therefore, the name day can be noted in one of them. The most revered are:

  • On August 8 - the day of the commemoration of the presovicariats of Paraskeva Roman, who lived in II century. AD After the death of the parents, she distributed their own property, accepted the nightness and engaged in missionary activities, rushing miracles. Was executed during the persecution of Christians;
  • On November 10, the Day of the Great Martyr Paraskeva Iconian, has long been particularly honored. This holy lived in Icon's III. AD And she was the daughter of the senator. She professed Christianity, a ascetic lifestyle was led and was executed at the time of Emperor Diocletian. On this day, it is customary to sanctify the fruits, pray for the preservation of livestock and relief from diseases.

What is the little Praskovya

In childhood, a girl with such a name does not cause problems to others. It grows calm and quiet, very good and obedient, stronger and does not boast achievements. Panechka develops earlier than their peers, speaks well and likes to ask questions. It never whirls, but always seeks to get the desired. The girl prefers quiet games and often one presence prevents conflict among peers.

The serious and balanced character of Pasha helps her easily overcome school problems. She knows how to clearly plan their affairs and performs them hard and at the same time rationally. In the exact sciences, she achieves success most often with the help of perseverance and efforts, but very loves humanitarian items and creative classes. Many girls who bear such a name have excellent artistic abilities, sing well and dance, then successfully implement their talents in adulthood.

Praskovya is distinguished by a strong health from nature, and if he should heal it from childhood, then there will be no special problems and subsequently. The carrier tone of this name is so high that they have a positive effect on all others. The only thing that could be suspended is the love of fashionable clothes not for the season.

Features of adult age

As Praskovye is growing, it loses children's shyness, acquiring confidence and cheerfulness. She knows how to like others, and its developed intuition contributes to the establishment of good relations with everyone. At the same time, Praskovia does not like manipulators and itself never uses dishonest techniques. It greatly appreciates sincerity, decency and kindness and is characterized by justice and principle. Such a woman is strict, but first of all, in relation to themselves, she can admit their own shortcomings and correct them. Her secret is the ability to tough and uncompromising actions, especially if it comes to those who are her roads. For others, it can become an unpleasant surprise, but Praskov will always be fair and objective.

Love and family

Praskov can be considered liberated in matters of love, but it will not be exchanged for a random connection or a fast-moving novel. It is capable of how to show the initiative in establishing relations, and sharply cut them into them when something does not suit her. If the satellite will show sincerity and decency, which she appreciates, then the fate of their relationship will be very happy.

Praskovya is able to show the most tender feelings, although it does not demonstrate it outsiders. But in marriage with those who love, it will be able to combine femininity with economicism and at the same time will become a true friend and the assistant to his chosen one. She will make the house cozy and will be able to raise children in the atmosphere of love. Praskovi compatibility with her husband's name is shown below.

Work and profession

Praskovaya chooses his profession even at school and rarely changes it. It is working selflessly and often generates new ideas. A woman with this name is well in contact with everyone and can become a successful leader, although herself does not seek this. Her intuition and ability to establish relationships contribute to the exercises of pedagogy, psychology, trading business, crisis management, etc. At the same time, the creative start will help to achieve success in acting skills, choreography, design, etc. Praskovya will never be unemployed and everywhere will be able to achieve success.