Western Ruzho. Ruzho

Western Ruzho. Ruzho
Western Ruzho. Ruzho

At the festival "Spasskaya Tower-2019" in Moscow, the marching brass band "Tweet Union" from Norway will appear for the first time. The team was founded in the city of Christianshann in 1991 as a result of the Merger of two - Tveit Musikkorps (since 1952) and MusikkorpSet Union (since 1918), the word Tveit in the name of the orchestra comes from the name of the Kristiansanna district, where the orchestra is based. The team tours regularly and participates in national and international music festivals. In total, the orchestra is 35 participants whose age is from 16 to 47 years. Despite the fact that the team is civil, it is known for its level of military gauge. And this is not surprising, because both head of the orchestra once served in the ranks of the Royal Guard of Norway. "The Team of Orchestra" Tweet Union "is eagerly awaiting his participation in the International Military Music Festival" Spasskaya Tower ". We have repeatedly took part in the music festivals throughout Europe, and now we are pleased to demonstrate our skill and skill to the audience on Red Square. We are preparing an exciting performance that combines traditional Norwegian and Russian melodies. See you at one of the leading Military Music Festivals in the World, "said Daniel Sierensen's musical leader. Within the framework of the Spasskaya Tower Festival program, Tweet Union musicians will take part in the evening show from August 27 to September 1. Who will submit the Kingdom of Norway from August 23 to August 26, the organizers are still kept secret.

The new A-50U long-range detection aircraft joined the composition of the center of combat training and reappelment of the flight composition of military transport aircraft in Ivanovo the pilots of the CFC of Russia after the fulfillment of complex reception works, which were held both on Earth and in the air, relocated the car to the deployment item . The A-50U is designed to detect, accompaniment and determine the accessories of air, large ground and maritime purposes, issuing information about them on command points, guidance of aircraft to defeat the purposes detected. In the modification of the A-50U, the flight range increased, the number of simultaneously accompanied targets and aircraft inspected on them is established, a radio system with digital signal processing is installed.

The icebreaker of the Northern Fleet "Ilya Muromets" made the transition from the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Barents Sea to white, part of which is currently covered with ice. In the near future, the crew will begin to ensure ice tests of the oceanographic research vessel "Academician Aleksandrov" Ice Tests by the Arctic "Ilya Muromets" already passed. At the end of April last year, the first job of the vessel on direct purpose was held. Ilya Muromets provided wiring in the Ice of the White Sea of \u200b\u200bthe underwater rocket cruiser of the strategic appointment "Yuri Dolgoruky." From August to October, the icebreaker took part in the campaign of the Arctic grouping of the Northern Fleet along the Northern Sea Route and in the East-2018 maneurs, having completed the transition from the Barents Sea to Bering and back.

The Modernized Radar Station "Sky-U" Passed on combat duty in the conjunction of the air defense of the Central Military District in the Saratov Region of the RLS is intended for detecting, measuring the coordinates and maintaining air targets of various categories from aircraft to winged and managed missiles, including small-sized hypersonic, ballistic And low-challenging on a distance of 600 kilometers. The station also ensures the definition of the state affiliation of air objects and the direction finding the actuators of active interference. At the same time, the work of the station can be carried out automatically, autonomously and as part of the compound control system. The new radar will increase the control of the airspace and increase the detection radius of the goals.

More than 15 thousand inhabitants and guests of Ussuriysk met the Agito Train "Syrian Fracture" at the city railway station. This is the 31st point of the route of the route of the Museum-Echelon, in addition to the exhibition and excursions, the attention of visitors were presented with demonstrations of military personnel of the Airborne Connection and a concert with the participation of the artists of the song ensemble and dance of the Pacific Fleet. At the site of the action also worked the stands of OJSC Voentorg and field kitchen. After a two-hour parking, the railway train in line with the schedule headed in Birobidzhan. Read more with the route of the echelon can be found here: http://syriantrain.mil.ru.

The joint Russian-Belarusian Teaching of the Airborne Forces continues at the Poligon. During the next stage of the exercise, the combined peacekeeping forces reflected the attack of the conditional gangs on the observation post "The enemy" was detected in a timely manner and destroyed from small arms, weapons of combat vehicles and the Gaubic-self-propelled artillery settings "Nona". Psychological assistance points were organized on the territory of the equipped "refugee camps". It also deployed a medical center to provide emergency help "victims". The camp was equipped with refugee items to refugees. At the end of the column of paratroopers, the armed groups were attacked, but the fighters reflected the attack and successfully delivered humanitarian aid to the refugee camp. The final stage of the teaching is scheduled for today.

Tankists of the Kantemirov division set a record to overcome the scout trail among the military personnel of the clerk of the Tank Army - 36 minutes and 28 seconds the bar of the "Scout Trail" includes 20 elements: fences, facades of two-storey buildings and five-meter walls, wall with glass, and other obstacles. In the process of its passage, the fighters reflect the attack of conditional saboteurs. In the classes, nine intercomposition of ten people took part in.

At the Admiralty shipyards in St. Petersburg, the submarine "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" submarine for the Pacific, submarines of the updated project 636.3 have a higher combat effectiveness. The optimal combination of acoustic stealth and range of detection of goals, the newest inertial navigation complex, a modern automated information and control system, a powerful high-speed torpedo-rocket armament provide the global priority of the ships of this class in the field of non-national underwater shipbuilding. "The ships of this class have already confirmed their high efficiency, including when solving combat missions in the Mediterranean Sea, said Vice-Admiral Igor Mukhametshin, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. "We are confident that the Admiralty shipyard will perform all contractual obligations in time and we will jointly solve the tasks set before us by the Supreme Commander and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation." Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky submarine is laid in July 2017. On the second ship in the series "Volkhov" there is a process of docking blocks into a single case. The construction of submarines "Magadan" and "Ufa" of the same project is at the stage of forming blocks and conducting hydraulic tests. The construction contract was signed in September 2016. At the direction of the Ministry of Defense, the TsKB Rubin modernized a number of submarine systems of the baseline project 636.