The features are characteristic of the 19th century Russian prose. Prose of the first quarter of the XIX century

The features are characteristic of the 19th century Russian prose. Prose of the first quarter of the XIX century
The features are characteristic of the 19th century Russian prose. Prose of the first quarter of the XIX century

The nineteenth century is the golden age of Russian literature. During this period, a whole Pleiad of the geniuses of the art of the word, poets and prose plates was born, the unsurpassed creative skill of which determined further development Not only Russian literature, but also overseas.

Thin weave social realism And classicism in the literature absolutely accurately answered national ideas and canons of that time. In the 19th century, such witty problems began to rise for the first time as the need for priority change, the rejection of obsolete principles and the confrontation of the society and the personality of a person.

The most significant representatives of the Russian classics of the 19th century

Such genius words like A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky and A.S. Griboedov, in his writings openly demonstrated contempt for the highest layers of society for their egoism, vanity, hypocrisy and immorality. V.A. Zhukovsky, on the contrary, introduced his own works in Russian literature and sincere romance. He tried in his verses to get away from gray and boring around, to show in all the colors a sublime world that surrounds man. Speaking of Russian literary classics, it is impossible not to mention the great genius A.S. Pushkin - Poet and Father Russian literary language. Works of this writer made a real coup in the world literary art. Poetry Pushkin, story " Peak lady"And the novel" Yevgeny Onegin "became a stylistic feed, which many domestic and world writers repeatedly used.

In addition to the entire literature of the nineteenth century, philosophical concepts were characterized. They are most brightly disclosed in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov. All your creative activity The author admired the Decembris movements and defended freedom and human rights. His poems are impregnated with the criticism of the imperial power and opposition calls. In the field of drama "lit up" A.P. Chekhov. Applying thin, but "barbed" satire, playwright and writer ridicule human vice and expressed contempt for the deposits of representatives of the noble nobility. His plays from the moment of birth and to today do not lose relevance and continue to be put on theaters in the world around the world. It is also impossible not to mention the Great L.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Kupina, N.V. Gogol, etc.

Group portrait of Russian writers - members of the editorial board of the magazine "Contemporary». Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, Leo Tolstoy, Dmitry Grigorovich, Alexander Druzhinin, Alexander Ostrovsky.

Features of Russian literature

In the nineteenth century, Russian realistic literature gained unprecedented high artistic perfection. Her main distinctive feature There was originality. The second half of the 19th century in Russian literature passed with the idea of \u200b\u200bdecisive democratization artistic creation and under the sign of tense ideological struggle. Among other things, Paphos modified in these time frames artistic creativityAs a result, the Russian writer faced with the need of an artistic understanding of the unusually mobile and rapid elements of being. In such a situation, the literary synthesis was born on much narrow temporal and spatial segments of life: the need for certain localization and specialization dictated by the special state of the world characteristic of the era of the second half of the nineteenth century.

XIX century spawned a large number of Russian talented prose and poets. Their works rapidly broke into and occupied in it the appropriate position. Their effects of many authors worldwide were affected. The overall characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century became the subject of studying a separate section in literary criticism. Undoubtedly, the prerequisites for such a rapid cultural takeoff have served events in political and social life.


The main trends in art and literature are influenced by historical events. If in XVIII century public life In Russia, it was relatively measured, the next century included many important peripetias that had influenced not only the further development of society and policies, but also on the formation of new trends and directions in the literature.

The bright historical milestones of this period were war with Turkey, the invasion of the Napoleonic army, the execution of the oppositionists, the abolition of serfdom and many other events. They all were reflected in art and culture. The overall characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century cannot do without mentioning the creation of new stylistic standards. The genius of the word art was A. S. Pushkin. From his work and this great century begins.

Literary language

The main merit of the ingenious Russian poet was the creation of new poetic forms, stylistic techniques and unique, previously unused plots. To achieve this Pushkin managed thanks comprehensive development and excellent education. Once he set a goal to achieve all vertices in enlightenment. And reached her to his thirty-seven years. Atypical and new for that time steel pushkin heroes. The image of Tatiana Larina combines the beauty, mind and features of the Russian soul. It literary type There were no analogues in our literature.

Answering the question: "What is the overall characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century?", A person who has at least basic philological knowledge will remember such names as Pushkin, Chekhov, Dostoevsky. But it was the author of Evgenia Onegin who made a coup in Russian literature.


This concept takes the beginning of the Western medieval epic. But K. XIX century It acquired new shades. Burning in Germany, romanticism penetrated into the work of Russian authors. In prose this area, the desire for mystical motifs and folk legends. In poetry, the desire to transform life for the better and chanting folk heroes. The opposition and their tragic end became the fertile soil for poetic creativity.

The overall characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century was marked by romantic sentiments in lyrics, which were quite common in Pushkin poems and other poets of his Pleiads.

As for the prose, there were new forms of the story, among which the fantastic genre occupies an important place. Bright examples romantic prose - early works Nikolai Gogol.


With the development of this direction, Russian literature of the 19th century begins. General prose is sensuality and emphasis on the reader's perception. In Russian literature, sentimentalism penetrated in late XVIII century. The founder of the Russian tradition in this genre became Karamzin. In the XIX century, he had a number of followers.

Satyrian prose

It is at this time satirical and journalistic works appear. This trend is traced primarily in the work of Gogol. Starting your creative way with descriptions malaya Motherland, this author later moved to the All-Russian social topics. It is difficult to present today, whatever without this Master Satira was Russian literature of the 19th century. The general characteristic of his prose in this genre is reduced not only to a critical look at the stupidity and the tunation of landowners. Satir's writer "walked" almost all the strata of society.

Masterpiece of satirical prose became the novel "Lord Golovy", dedicated to the topic Poor spiritual world landowners. Subsequently, the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, like the books of many other satyrikist writers, became the starting point for birth

Realistic novel

In the second half of the century, a realistic prose is developed. Romantic ideals turned out to be untenable. There was a need to show the world as it really is. Prose Dostoevsky - an integral part of this concept as Russian literature of the 19th century. The overall characteristic is briefly a list of important features of this period and prerequisites for the occurrence of certain phenomena. As for the realistic prose of Dostoevsky, it can be described as follows: the story and novels of this author became a reaction to the moods, which in those years prevailed in society. Portraying in his works of prototypes of people familiar to him, he sought to consider and solve the most actual questions Socyum in which he rotated.

In the first decades, Mikhail Kutuzov was glorified in the country, then the Decembrists romantics. This is brightly indicated by Russian literature of the early 19th century. The overall characteristic of the end of the century is set in a few words. This is a reassessment of values. The fate of all people, but its individual representatives, was not on the fore. Hence the appearance of an "excess person" in the prose.

Folk poem

In the years when the realistic novel took the dominant position, poetry went to the background. The overall characteristics of the development of Russian literature of the 19th century allows you to trace a long way from a dreamy poetry to truthful novel. In this atmosphere creates its ingenious work of Nekrasov. But its essay can hardly be attributed to one of the leading genres of the period. The author united in his poem several genres: peasant, heroic, revolutionary.

End of century

At sunset of the XIX century, Chekhov became one of the most read authors. Despite the fact that at the beginning creative path Critics accused the writer in the coldness to the current social topics, his works received indisputable public recognition. Continuing to develop the image " little man"Created by another Pushkin, Chekhov studied Russian soul. Various philosophical and political ideas that have developed in late XIX. century, could not not affect the lives of individual people.

IN late literature The XIX century prevailed revolutionary moods. Among the authors whose work was at the junction of centuries, Maxim Gorky became one of the most vivid personalities.

The overall characteristic of the 19th century deserves more attention. Each major representative of this period created his artistic world, whose heroes dreamed of unrealized, fought with social evil or worried their little tragedy. AND the main task Their authors were reflected in the realities of the century rich in social and political events.

The XIX century is one of the most significant in Russian literature. It was this epoch that gave the world names of great classics that had an impact not only to Russian, but also on world Culture. The main ideas inherent in the literature of this time is height human soul, the struggle of good with evil, the celebration of morality and purity.

Difference from the previous century

Giving overall characteristic The 19th century Russian literature can be noted that the previous eyelid was distinguished by a very calm development. Throughout the preceding century, poets and writers challenged the dignity of a person, tried to instill high moral and moral ideals. And only at the end of the century, more audacious and bold works began to appear - the authors began to focus on the psychology of a person, his experiences and feelings.

Causes of bloom

In the process of working on a homework or a report on the topic "The general characteristic of the Russian literature of the 19th century", a legislative question may arise: and what these changes were caused, why the literature was able to achieve such high level development? The reason for this was the public events - this is the war with Turkey, and the invasion of the Napoleonic troops, and the abolition of serfdom, and the promial disgrace over the oppositionists. All this was the fact that completely new ones began to be applied in the literature. stylistic techniques. Working on the overall characteristic of the 19th century Russian literature, it is necessary to mention that this era rightfully entered the story as the "golden age".

Directitude of literature

Russian literature of that time was distinguished by a very bold question of the meaning of human existence, the most relevant socio-political, moral and ethical issues. The importance of these issues is far beyond its historical era. Preparing the overall characteristics of the Russian literature of the 19th century, it must be remembered that it has become one of the most powerful means of influencing both Russian readers and foreign, acquiring the glory of influential strength in the development of education.

The phenomenon of the era

If you need to give the overall characteristic of the Russian literature of the 19th century briefly, it can be noted that a common feature of this era was a phenomenon as "literary centerness". This means that literature has become a way to transfer ideas and opinions in political disputes. It turned into a powerful tool for expressing ideology, determined value guidelines and ideals.

It is impossible to say unequivocally, it's good or bad. Of course, giving the overall characteristic of Russian literature of the XIX century, one can reproach the literature of the time in the fact that it was too "preaching", "mentor". After all, it is often suggested that the desire to become a prophet can lead to an inappropriate guardianship. And this is fraught with the development of intolerance to dissent of any kind. Of course, in such arguments there is a share of truth, however, giving the overall characteristics of the Russian literature of the 19th century, it is necessary to take into account the historical realities in which the then writers, poets, critics lived. A. I. Herzen, when it turned out to be in emigration, described this phenomenon as follows: "The people who have deprived of freedom of speech and self-expression, the literature remains almost the only intense."

The role of literature in society

Almost the same spoke of N. G. Chernyshevsky: "We still focus on our literal life of the people." It is worth paying attention to the word "while". Chernyshevsky, who argued that literature is a textbook of life, still recognized that the mental life of the people should not focus on it constantly. However, "while", in those conditions of Russian reality, it was she who took upon themselves this feature.

Modern society should be grateful to those writers and poets, which in the most severe social conditions, despite the persecution (it is worth remembering the same N. G. Chernyshevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and others), with the help of their work they contributed to the awakening in the man of Light, spiritual principle, principle, active confrontation of evil, honesty and mercy. Given all this, you can agree with the fact that N. A. Nekrasov expresses in his message to Lion Tolstoy in 1856: "Writer's role is primarily the role of the teacher."

General and excellent in the representatives of the Golden Age

Preparing materials on the topic "General characteristics of Russian classical literature The 19th century, "it is worth saying that all representatives of the Golden Age were different, their world was unique and peculiar. The writers of that time are difficult to bring under some one common image. After all, each true artist (The poet, and the composer, and the painter) creates its own world, guided by personal principles. For example, the world of Lion Tolstoy is not similar to the world of Dostoevsky. Otherwise, perceived and transformed the validity of Saltykov-Shchedrin than, for example, potters. However, there are representatives of the "Golden Age" and common feature - This is the responsibility to the reader, talent, a high idea of \u200b\u200bthe role that literature plays in a person's life.

General characteristics of Russian literature 19th century: Table

"Golden Age" is the time of writers of completely different literary directions. To begin with, consider them in the consolidated table, after which each of the directions will be considered more.

GenreWhen and where

Types of works

RepresentativesMain features


XVII century, France

Oda, tragedy, epic

G. R. Derzhavin ("Anaresis Songs"), Hersakov (Bahariana, "Poet").

National historical topics prevails.

Preferably developed genre of OD.

There is a satirical orientation

SentimentalismIn the second halfXVIII in. in Western Europe and Russia, most fully took shape in EnglandTale, Roman, Elegy, Memoirs, TravelN. M. Karamzin (" Poor Lisa»), early creativity V. A. Zhukovsky ("Slavyanka", "Sea", "Evening")

Subjectivity in the evaluation of the events of the world.

The first place is given feelings, experiences.

Nature plays an important role.

The protest against the spoilness of the highest society is expressed.

The cult of spiritual purity and morality.

The rich inner world of the lower social layers is approved.


End of XVIII - the first half of the XIX century, Europe, america

Story, Poem, Tale, Roman

A. S. Pushkin ("Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Boris Godunov", "Little tragedies"), M. Yu. Lermontov ("MTSYRY", "Demon"),

F. I. Tyutchev ("insomnia", "in the village", "Spring"), K. N. Batyushkov.

The subjective dominates above objective.

A look at reality through the "Prism of the Heart".

The tendency to reflect the unconscious and intuitive in man.

Fantastics, conventions of all norms.

The tendency to the unusual and sublime, mixing of high and low, comical and tragic.

The personality in the works of romanticism rushes to absolute freedom, moral perfection, to the ideal in the conditions of an imperfect world.

RealismXIX. in., France, England. Tale, Roman, Poem

Late A. S. Pushkin (Dubrovsky, "Tale of Belkin"), N. V. Gogol (" Dead Souls"), I. A. Goncharov, A. S. Griboedov (" Mount from Wit "), F. M. Dostoevsky (" Poor People "," Crime and Punishment "), L. N. Tolstoy (" War and Peace " "," Anna Karenina "), N. G. Chernyshevsky (" What to do? "), I. S. Turgenev (" Asya "," Rudin "), M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (" Poshekhonsky stories "," Gentlemen Gogolev "),

N. A. Nekrasov ("Who lives well in Russia?").

In the center of the literary work is an objective reality.

Realists seek to identify causal relations in events.

The principle of typical is used: typical heroes, circumstances, specific time, are described.

Usually realists turn to the problems of this era.

The ideal is the very reality.

Increased attention to the public side of life.

Russian literature of this era was a reflection of the jump, which was made in the preceding century. The "golden age" began mainly with the heyday of two flows - sentimentalism and romanticism. From the middle of a century, more and more power acquires the direction of realism. Such is the overall characteristics of the 19th century Russian literature. The sign will help the student to navigate in the main currents and representatives of the Golden Age. In the process of preparing for the lesson, it is necessary to mention that the further socio-political situation in the country is becoming increasingly tense, the contradictions between the oppressed classes and simply nations. This leads to the fact that in the middle of the century, the development of poetry subsides somewhat. And the completion of the epoch is accompanied by revolutionary moods.


This direction is worth mentioning, giving the overall characteristic of Russian literature of the early 19th century. After all, classicism arising from the century ago before the start of the "Golden Age", first of all refers to its beginning. This term is translated from latin language Means "exemplary" and directly related to the imitation of classical images. This direction arose in France in the XVII century. In essence, it was associated with the absolute monarchy and the approval of the nobility. For him, the ideas of high civil subjects are characterized, strict adherence The norms of creativity established by the rules. Classicism reflects real life in ideal imageswhich are in a specific pattern. This direction strictly adheres to the hierarchy of genres - the highest place among them is occupied by tragedy, soda and epic. It is they who highlight the most important problems for society, are designed to display the highest, heroic manifestations of human nature. As a rule, "high" genre was opposed to "low" - fables, comedy, satirical and other works, which also reflected reality.


Giving the overall characterization of the development of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is impossible not to mention this direction as sentimentalism. In him big role Plays a teller's voice. This direction, as was indicated in the table, is different increased attention To the experiences of a person, to his inner world. This is an innovation of sentimentalism. In Russian literature, the "poor Lisa" Karamzin is a special place among the works of sentimentalism.

Noteworthy words of a writer who can characterize this direction: "And love the peasant women." Many argued that a common person, Simpolyn and the peasant, in moral terms, in many respects surpasses the nobleman or representative of the highest society. An important role in sentimentalism plays a landscape. This is not just a description of nature, but the display of the internal experiences of the heroes.


This is one of the most controversial phenomena of the Russian Literature "Golden Age". Already more than a century, disputes are being conducted about what lies in its basis, and no one has given any recognized definition of this flow. Representatives themselves this area They focused on the originality of the literature of each individual people. With this opinion it is impossible to disagree - in each country, romanticism acquires its features. Also, giving the overall characteristic of the development of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is worth noting that almost all representatives of romanticism ratified for public ideals, but it was done in different ways.

Representatives of this flow have not dreamed of improving life in its private manifestations, but on the full resolution of all contradictions. Many romantics in the works prevailing the mood of the fight against evil, protest against the bounce in the world of injustice. Also, the romance is typical of mythological, fiction, folk leishes. As opposed to the direction of classicism, serious influence is given to the inner world of man.


The purpose of this area is the truthful description of the surrounding reality. It is realism that matures in the soil of a tense political situation. Writers start contacting social problemsto objective reality. Three major realists of this era are considered to be Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Turgenev. The main topic of this area - life, morals, events from life ordinary people from the lower estates.

Aksakov Ivan Sergeevich (1823-1886) - Poet and Publicist. One of the leaders of Russian Slavophiles. The most famous work: the tale of "Scarlet flower".

Aksakov Konstantin Sergeevich (1817-1860) - Poet, literary critic, linguist, historian. The inspirer and ideologist of Slavophilism.

Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich (1791-1859) - Writer and public figure, literary and theatrical critic. Wrote a book about fishing and hunting. Father writers of Constantine and Ivan Aksakov.

Annensky Innokentiy Fedorovich (1855-1909) - poet, playwright, literary critic, linguist, translator. Piez author: "Tsar Ixion", "Lodamia", "Melanippa-Philosopher", "Famir-Kefred".

Baratsky Evgeny Abramovich (1800-1844) - Poet and translator. Author of poems: "Ed", "Peters", "Ball", "concubine" ("Gypsy").

Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1787-1855) - Poet. Also, the author of a number of famous prosaic articles: "On the character of Lomonosov", "Evening of Cantemir" and others.

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich (1811-1848) - literary critic. He headed the critical department in the publication " Domestic notes" The author of numerous critical articles. Preded a huge impact to Russian literature.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky Alexander Aleksandrovich (1797-1837) - Writer-Bayronist, literary critic. Published under the pseudonym Marlinsky. Published almanac "Polar Star". He was among the Decembrists. Prose author: "Test", " Scary divination", Frigate Hope and others.

Vyazemsky Peter Andreevich (1792-1878) - Poet, memoirist, historian, literary critic. One of the founders and the first chapter of Russian historical society. Close friend Pushkin.

Venevetinov Dmitry Vladimirovich (1805-1827) - Poet, Prose, philosopher, translator, literary criticis Author of 50 poems. It was also known as an artist and a musician. The organizer of the secret philosophical association "Society of Lyomudium".

Herzen Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870) - writer, philosopher, teacher. Self famous works: Roman "Who is to blame?", Tale "Doctor of Kraisov", "Soroka-Worp", "damaged".

Glinka Sergey Nikolaevich (1776-1847) - Writer, Memoirist, Historian. Idea inspirer of conservative nationalism. The author of the following works: "Selim and Roxana", "Virtues of women" and others.

Glinka Fedor Nikolaevich (1876-1880) - Poet and writer. Member of the Decembrist Company. The most famous works: Poems "Karelia" and "mysterious drop".

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852) - writer, playwright, poet, literary critic. Classic Russian literature. Posted by: " Dead souls", The cycle of the stories" Evenings on the farm near Dikanka ", the stakes" Shinel "and" Viy ", the" auditor "and" marriage "and many other works.

Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich (1812-1891) - writer, literary critic. The author of the novels: "Oblomov", "open", " Ordinary History».

Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich (1795-1829) - poet, playwright and composer. He was a diplomat, died in service in Persia. The most famous work is the poem "grief from the mind", which served as a source of many winged phrases.

Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilyevich (1822-1900) - Writer.

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich (1784-1839) - Poet, memoist. Hero Patriotic War 1812. The author of numerous poems and military memories.

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872) - Writer and Ethnographer. Being a military doctor, along the way, collected folklore. The most famous literary work – « Dictionary living Great Russian language. " Dahl was banned over the dictionary for more than 50 years.

Delvig Anton Antonovich (1798-1831) - Poet, publisher.

Dobrolyubov Nikolay Alexandrovich (1836-1861) - literary critic and poet. Printed under pseudonyms -bov and N. Lybov. The author of numerous critical and philosophical articles.

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) is a writer and philosopher. A recognized classic of Russian literature. The author of works: "Brothers Karamazov", "Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", "Teenager" and many others.

Pearls Alexander Mikhailovich (1826-1896) - Poet. Together with brothers and writer Tolstoy A.K. Created the image of Kozma Prutkov.

Pearls Alexey Mikhailovich (1821-1908) - Poet and Satir. Together with brothers and writer Tolstoy A.K. Created the image of Kozma Prutkov. The author of the comedy "Strange Night" and the collection of poems "songs of old age".

Pearls Vladimir Mikhailovich (1830-1884) - Poet. Together with brothers and writer Tolstoy A.K. Created the image of Kozma Prutkov.

Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich (1783-1852) - Poet, literary critic, translator, founder of Russian romanticism.

Zagoskin Mikhail Nikolaevich (1789-1852) - writer and playwright. The author of the first Russian historical novels. The author of the works of "Pumps", "Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612", "Kulma Petrovich Miroshev" and others.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826) - historian, writer and poet. The author of the monumental labor "The History of the Russian State" in 12 volumes. His Peru belongs to the story: "Poor Lisa", "Eugene and Julia" and many others.

Kireevsky Ivan Vasilyevich (1806-1856) - Religious philosopher, literary critic, Slavophil.

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769-1844) - Poet and Basinois. Author 236 Basen, many expressions of which became covered. Magazines published: "Mail of Spirits", "Spectator", "Mercury".

Kyhelbecker Wilhelm Karlovich (1797-1846) - Poet. He was among the Decembrists. Close friend of Pushkin. The author of works: "Argivyan", "Death of Bairon", "Eternal Jam."

Lazhchnikov Ivan Ivanovich (1792-1869) - a writer, one of the hedlemen of the Russian historical novel. The author of the novels "Ice House" and "Basurman".

Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich (1814-1841) - Poet, writer, playwright, artist. Classic Russian literature. The most famous works: the novel "Hero of Our Time", the story " Prisoner of the Caucasus", Potsry and Masquerade Poles.

Leskov Nikolai Semenovich (1831-1895) - Writer. The most famous works: "Left -sha", "Sobira", "on the knives", "Righteous".

Nikratov Nikolai Alekseevich (1821-1878) - poet and writer. Classic Russian literature. Head of the magazine "Sovremennik", editor of the journal "Patrican notes". The most famous works: "Who lives well in Russia", "Russian women", "Frost, red nose".

Ogarev Nikolay Platonovich (1813-1877) - Poet. Author of poems, poems, critical articles.

Odoevsky Alexander Ivanovich (1802-1839) - poet and writer. He was among the Decembrists. The author of the poem "Vasilko", the poems of Zosima and "Staritsa-Growing".

Odoevsky Vladimirovich Fedorovich (1804-1869) - writer, thinker, one of the creators of music. Wrote fantastic I. utopic works. The author of the novel "4338th year", numerous stories.

Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich (1823-1886) - Dramaturgome. Classic Russian literature. The author of the Pieces: "Thunderstorm", "Dustpannica", "Marriage Balzaminov" and many others.

Panayev Ivan Ivanovich (1812-1862) - writer, literary critic, journalist. The author of the works: "Mamenkin Son", "Meeting at the station", "Lions provinces" and others.

Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich (1840-1868) - literary critic and sixteen, translator. Many Pisarev articles disassembled aphorisms.

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837) - Poet, writer, playwright. Classic Russian literature. Author: Poltava poems and Evgeny Onegin, Tale " Captain's daughter", Collector of the" Tale of Belkin "and numerous poems. Founded literary Journal "Contemporary".

Raevsky Vladimir Fedoseevich (1795-1872) - Poet. Member of the Patriotic War of 1812. He was among the Decembrists.

Railings Kondrai Fedorovich (1795-1826) - Poet. He was among the Decembrists. The author of the historic poetic cycle "Duma". Published literary almanac "Polar Star".

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Efgrafovich (1826-1889) - Writer, journalist. Classic Russian literature. The most famous works: "Lord Golovy", " Wheat Pescar"," Poshekhonna Older ". He was the editor of the journal "Domestic Notes".

Samarin Yuri Fedorovich (1819-1876) - publicist and philosopher.

Sukhovo-Kobylin Alexander Vasilyevich (1817-1903) - playwright, philosopher, translator. The author of the play: "Wedding of Krechinsky", "Case", "Death of Tarelkin".

Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich (1817-1875) - writer, poet, playwright. The author of the poems: "Sinnia", "Alchemik", Pieces "Fantasy", "Tsar Fyodor John", the leader "Ghir" and "Wolf Education". Together with the pearl brothers created the image of Kozma Prutkov.

Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich (1828-1910) - writer, thinker, educator. Classic Russian literature. Served in artillery. Participated in the defense of Sevastopol. The most famous works: "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection". In 1901, he was excommunicated from the church.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich (1818-1883) - writer, poet, playwright. Classic Russian literature. The most famous works: "Muma", "Asya", " Noble Nest", "Fathers and Sons".

Tyutchev Fyodor Ivanovich (1803-1873) - Poet. Classic Russian literature.

Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich (1820-1892) - a poet Lirik, a memoirist, translator. Classic Russian literature. The author of numerous romantic poems. Translated by Juvenal, Goethe, Katulla.

Khomyakov Alexey Stepanovich (1804-1860) - Poet, philosopher, theologian, artist.

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich (1828-1889) - writer, philosopher, literary critic. The author of the novels "What to do?" And the "Prolog", as well as the leads of Alfaev, "small stories".

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904) - Writer, playwright. Classic Russian literature. Piece author " The Cherry Orchard"," Three sisters "," Uncle Vanya "and numerous stories. Purpose of the population on Sakhalin Island.

Russian national culture In the 19th century reached in art, literature, in many areas of knowledge of heights defined by the word "classic". Russian literature of the 19th century is well deserved by the "golden age." Even unfavorable in the literature will not be able to argue. She became the legislator of the literary fashion, rapidly broke into world literature. "Golden Age" gave us many famous masters. XIX century - this is the development time of the Russian literary language, which formed for the most part thanks to A.S. Pushkin. It began with the heyday of sentimentalism and the gradual formation of romanticism, especially in poetry. During this period, a lot of poets, but the main figure of that time was Alexander Pushkin. How now it would be chosen "Star".

His climbing Olympics began in 1820 from the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. And "Eugene Onegin" - the novel in verses called the encyclopedia of Russian life. Epoch of Russian romanticism opened it romantic Poles « Bronze Horseman"," Bakhchisarai Fountain "," Roma ". For most poets and writers A. S. Pushkin was a teacher. Traditions laid by him in the creation literary works, Many of them continued. Among them was M. Lermontov. The Russian poetry of the time has been closely connected with the socio-political life of the country. In the works, the authors tried to comprehend and develop the idea of \u200b\u200btheir special purpose. They called on the power to listen to their words. The poet of that time was considered a prophet, conductor of the Divine Truth. This can be traced from Pushkin in the poem "Prophet", in the "liberty", "poet and a crowd", Lermontov "on the death of the poet" and many others. In the 19th century, enormous influence on all world literature was provided by English historical novels. Under their influence A.S. Pushkin writes the story "Captain's daughter".

For the 19th century, the main artistic types There were the type of "little man" and the type of "excess person."

From the 19th century literature inherited satirical nature and publicism. It can be traced from Gogol to the "Dead Souls", "Nose", in the comedy "Auditor", at M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city", "Lord Golovy".

Formation of russian realistic literature Comes from the mid-19th century. She acutely reacted into the socio-political situation in Russia. Between Slavophiles and Westerns there is a dispute about the paths historical Development countries.

The development of the genre of realistic novel begins. Special psychologism is traced in the literature, philosophical, socio-political issues prevail. Somewhat subsidizes the development of poetry, but, despite the common silence, Nekrasov's voice is silent, which in the poem "Who lives well in Russia?" Lights the hard and hopeless life of the people. -

The end of the century gave us A.P. Chekhov, A.N. Ostrovsky, N. S. Leskova, M. Gorky. In the literature "Red Thread" are pre-revolutionary sentiment. The realistic tradition began to fade, for the change of which decadent literature came, with mysticism, religiosity, as well as a premonition of changes in the socio-political life of Russia. Then everything turned into a symbolism. And in the history of Russian literature a new page opened.

On the works of the writers of that time, we learn humanity, patriotism, we study our story. Not one generation of people has grown on this "classic".