Director of the CIA Dulles. Plan Allen Dulles and its main goals on the ideological struggle against the USSR

Director of the CIA Dulles. Plan Allen Dulles and its main goals on the ideological struggle against the USSR
Director of the CIA Dulles. Plan Allen Dulles and its main goals on the ideological struggle against the USSR

"American Doctrine Fight against the USSR", 1945.
Alain Dallas

"The war will end, everything as it will get up and we will throw everything that we have, all gold, all the material power to foul and fooling people. Human brain, consciousness of people are capable of changing. Having saved there, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bon fake and make them believe in these values.
How? We will find our like-minded people, their allies and assistants in Russia itself. The episode behind the episode will be played by the tragedy of the death of the most immaculate on earth of the people, the final, irreversible fading of his self-consciousness. Literature, theater, cinema - everything will portray and glorify the lowest human feelings. We will strongly support all those who will affect the human consciousness of the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word with any immorality.

In the management of the state, we will create chaos and confusion. We will be imperceptible, but actively and constantly contribute to the novels of officials, bribes, unprinciples. Honesty and decency will be loosened and will not become needed by anyone, turns into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deception, drunkenness and drug addiction, betrayal, nationalism and enmity should be introduced into the consciousness of people. And only a few, very few, will guess what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, we will turn into a mixture, we will find a way to observe them and declare the salary of society.

We will pull out spiritual roots, shock and destroy the foundations of folk morality. We will, therefore, to draft generation by generation, we will take people from children's and youth years, We always make the main bet on youth. We will decompose, corrupt, indulge it. We will disclaim, so the generation of generation ... We will make young cynics, vulgar cosnopolitis from them. That's how we will do it. "

(A. Dulles, - Director of the CIA. From the presentation of 1945 to the US Senate Senate Commission, which became the doctrine 200)

Did you read carefully? And now let's deal with together ....

The legendary "plan of Dallas", which has been discussed for many years in Russia, is the most frank fake. There is no documentary evidence of its existence. Moreover, the draft collapse of the USSR is attributed to Alan Dallas, could not even belong to him even chronologically. Then, where did he come from and who benefits from one very popular literary work? (Allen Welsh Dulles)

"Dulles plan", dated 1945. This is the attributed to Allan Dallas (as it is written - the Director of the CIA) text in Russian, setting general principles Subordination of the USSR through ideological corruption of the population.
This document walks on the Internet, it is read by politicians and people in Major General, referred to him how to doctrine Alan Dallas.

Let's start with the fact that in 1945 there was no CIA, it was created on July 26, 1947, besides Dallas became director of the CIA in 1953, it is easy to check. (1953-61 - Director of the CIA). He didn't create any doctrine quite obviously, especially in 1945 this kind of documents would simply appear, America was occupied completely different, and the relationship with the Soviet Union was then completely different.
But what is interesting, neither to me, nor those who engaged in studying the problem of the origin of the Dallas plan, has not been able to find any links to the original text on english language.
Maybe this is due to the super-secretness of the document? But here is another example. In 1949, the US military amounted to a plan of war from the USSR, which received the code name "Rropshot". Among other things, they were envisaged to reset on Soviet Union 300 atomic bombs. The date of the preventive strike was chosen on January 1, 1950, then he was transferred to 1957, and later they were canceled at all. Is it worth saying that this document was not for extensive use. However, in the USSR they knew about him, and in 1978 the plan "Dropchot" was published in the United States in the open seal.

Well, the main thing is that the style of text is not similar to the plan, directive, doctrine, or on the CIA report. The text reminds - work of fiction. And text style - Soviet.
This text contains a mass of semantic and stylistic revolutions, absolutely not characteristic of American documents and statements of American politicians.
This plan is contrary to the position that America took in relation to the USSR at that time. But the main thing is that many people come to America, including Russian historians. They never bothered to go to the archive and find it if they wanted so much. I understand, during the "Cold War" it was possible to say that America was hiding this document while the USSR existed, now who prevents to go to the archive. In America, there is a law on freedom of information, it can be requested this for free, any archive will provide this information, but no one did it for 20 recent yearsSo it is impossible to do this, there is simply no such document.
It is known that in Russian sources even the name and surname of Dallas, even in different ways are written everywhere, not to mention the date of the appearance of this plan.

For the first time, the statements similar in meaning with a quote from Dallas appeared in the USSR in artistic literature In the late 1960s.
In 1965, Roman Dolt-Mikhailik "And one in the Warrior field" came out in Kiev. In his second part, "Captive from the Black Knights", American General Dumbrait pronounces words that can be viewed as a free statement of Dallas settings for the deployment of ideological war against the USSR. Later something similar pronounces the other literary Character, Negative hero of Roman Anatoly Ivanova "Eternal Calls". So, what writes in the second volume "Eternal Call" Anatoly Ivanov: Quote:
"How to say, how to say," Lakhnovsky shook his head, "Because you are not filled with your head, than let's say, you have not thought about the future." Next, the fragment "But the war will end, everything somehow stalls, get out, and we will throw everything that we have, what we have, all gold, all the material power to foul and fooling people. The human brain, the consciousness of people is capable of changing, having sought chaos there, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bfor fake, make them believe them in these fake values \u200b\u200b"- everything goes literally and textually coincides with this" plan ". Further, Ivanov again "How, ask how?", Lakhnovsky as he said, began again in which it is already excited, run around the room "We will find our like-minded people: their allies and assistants in Russia itself," shook out, shouted Lakhnovsky . And again a 100% coincidence, and the paragraphs are followed, which completely coincide the word in the Word.
But some Russian politicians quoted it as a real document.
Lakhnovsky: "I'm Peter Petrovich, only a corner of the curtain opened to you, and you saw only a tiny piece of the scene, (then the text :) on which the episode behind the episode will be played by the tragedy of the death of the most unprotected on earth, about the final, irreversible fuss His self-consciousness. "
Since it was necessary to cite everything, because the tragedy was that Ivanov, unfortunately, did not use those words, so the following topic is. "We will pull out these spiritual roots (emitted) Bolshevism (ejected) to shift and destroy the main foundations of folk morality, we will corrupt, so the generation of generation (emanates) to weathelate this Lenin fanaticism." But since Alan Dallas (in the representation of Russian falsifiers), Lenin Fanatism was not worried, they threw it away.

"We will take people from the children's and youthful years, we will do the title bet on the youth, we will decide, corrupt, discharge it" further ends: "The shredded eyelids of Lachnovsky quickly and often dropped, eyes got round, frightened in them, frightened fierce fire He began to speak louder and louder, and at the end literally shouted "Yes, corrupt, indulgent", and at the end "We will make cynics, Bolsheviks, cosmopolitans from them."
In the first edition of this book on pages 510/517 you can all find it yourself. Just do not look for in other publications - this conversation Lakhnovsky with polypov is already being seized there. In the second edition of the novel, this conversation is already "smeared" for a dozen pages and somewhat smoothed.
And most importantly, this is completely contrary to the real documents, which at that time were created by the United States on confrontation with the Soviet Union. For example, all the installation of the United States was not to turn the Soviet Union into cosmopolitans, and just try to restore national roots, especially national minorities. None of any cosmopolitan should have been there. And the fact that in the 60s, the Soviet Union began to fight cosmopolitanism, hence, probably, it went to Ivanov's novel.
At the turn of the 1980-1990s, the "statement of Dallas", with a direct indication of the authorship of the CIA Director, appears in the socio-political articles of opponents of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. At the same time, the name of the document dated December 1945 also sounds for the first time: "Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR." But what it is - an article, head of the book, a memorandum or oral speech - Nowhere is not indicated.
And most importantly - the very idea. Some believe that Anatoly Ivanov took it from Alan Dallas. It is necessary to be quite naive to suggest such a version. Because Dallas clearly did not write in Russian. And at least three paragraphs "Plan" literally coincide with the text of the "Eternal Call". That is, the KGB failed to find, but Anatoly Ivanov managed, and rewrite it all for some reason literary hero. - Russian gendarme-traitor. ... Moreover, the Word in the Word in a good Russian language, in which it was difficult to suspect Dallas. It can be seen that it is untranslated text.

Moreover, there is English text translated from Russian. This is one of the propaganda brochures, which were published in the Soviet Union, apparently, for English-speaking allies somewhere in Africa. It can be seen that this is a translation from Russian to English. Because you need to know the style of the language, the style of political American documents. They are easy to see. They are now a lot on the Internet.
Further, in Russian literature there are links that these are supposedly from the book of Dallas, never published that allegedly from the Dallas article, which no one ever seen, allegedly from the speech of Dallas in the US Congress, which is generally full of nonsense, because all performances in The US Congress is necessarily published. There, after all, a lot of people sits, and it ever would have known to someone.
If you are doing a flag, make it professionally. I understand that during the "cold war", many things were difficult to check if something such as Dallas plan with a huge number of contradictions, inaccuracies, actual errors. But now, at least, it was possible to constraint Dallas plan before quoting serious people, including in the book or quote it in the media.

So, the roots of the Dulles plan are ideologically growing from Soviet propaganda, the purpose of which was to cause hate soviet people to the Americans.
In addition to the "Plan of Dulles", on the Internet you can find "Dallas Doctrine". This is a realistic directive of US National Security Council 20/1 of August 18, 1948 "Tasks in respect of Russia". This directive was published in open print. There is nothing sensational in this document, and the main tasks are indicated as follows: "Reduce the power and influence of Moscow to such limits under which it will no longer pose a threat to the world and the stability of the international community."
However, Allen Dulles has nothing to do with the 20/1 directive - it was high-ranking officials, among which Dulles was not listed, because he returned to the civil service only in 1950, becoming the Deputy Director of the CIA on Planning.
Who benefits the dissemination of this fake information?

This is related to the lack of some kind of ideology, value systems in russian society. And, apparently, there are forces that are interested in forming this system of values \u200b\u200bin a certain direction. What are the strength - you can not guess.
Or it can be assumed that the sinister plan is compressed by people who have a tendency to blame in their troubles and failures of all under a row, except for themselves. They say, it's nice to master the hope that in your country everything is not bad because we cannot do anything yourself, and that these are all spoils to us, although we are doing everything on the highest category. After all, the anger will come, the evil Americans will come and everything is entrusted, they will rise.

Well, as for the fact that the events occurring in Russia go exactly according to the Dallas plan - you take any country. There are also drugs, and bad habits, and prostitution .... And a lot of other. But the difference between these countries from Russia is that the governments of those countries work hard to minimize all negative phenomena. And we have a government what does? So in his troubles and misfortunes should not blame not other American Americans, but their rulers. Power in Russia, speaking of patriotism and getting up from his knees, much and consistently does to destroy the economy, social sphere, morality, science, defense industry and the army of the country.

Here are such things.

New look at practical psychology

Allen Dulles. The plan for the destruction of Russia.

Topics for reflection

"Mighty will be Russia, but you will see the spectacle of unmatched grief. Native land In the darkness of the land. Shadows inhabited Great silence reigns. Cry blood blood ". Allal Ming. 4.12.21. "People who do not have a national self-consciousness - there is a manure on which other nations grow." P.A.Stolhapin.

Plan for the destruction of Russia

"Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine
against the USSR ", 1945.

Allen Dulles (1893-1969) worked at the US CIA since its inception in 1947. In 1942-1945, he led the polytriber in Europe. CIA Director in 1953-1961. Ideologist cold War", One of the organizers of intelligence activities against the USSR and other socialist countries.

Allen Dulles 1893 1969 worked in the US CIA since its inception in 1947. In 1942-1945, he led the polytriber in Europe. CIA Director in 1953 1961. The ideologist of the Cold War, one of the organizers of intelligence activities against the USSR and other socialist countries.

The war will end, everything will fall and get used. And we will throw everything that we have: all gold, all the material power for foliation and fooling people!

Human brain, consciousness of people are capable of changing. Saving chaos there, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bfor fake and make them believe in these fake values. How? We will find our like-minded people, their allies in russia itself.

The episode behind the episode will be played by a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most immaculate on earth of the people, the final and irreversible fuss of his self-consciousness. For example, from art and literature, we will gradually cut his social essence; We memorize artists and writers - we will have a hunt from their hunt to the image and research of those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the lowest human feelings.

We will maintain in every way and raise the so-called artists who will raise and jerk into human consciousness. cult Sex, Violence, Sadism, betrayal - Word, every immorality. In government management, we will create chaos and confusion.

We will be imperceptibly, but actively and constantly contribute to the novels of officials, the prosperity of bribes and unprinciples. Bureaucratism and Volokita will be built in virtue. Honesty and decency will be loosened and will not become needed by anyone, turns into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deception, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and disappointment, betrayal, nationalism and hostility of peoples - primarily enmity and hatred for the Russian people - all this we will be cleverly and imperceptibly cultivate, all this will bloom the terry Color.

And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, we will turn into a mixture, we will find the way they will be accepted and declare society. We will pull out spiritual roots, shock and destroy the foundations of folk morality.

We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will take people from children's, youthful years, and the main bet will always be done on young people - we will decompose, corrupt and disconnect it.We will make cynics, vulgar cabled and cosmopolitans from it.

That's how we will do it!

Book Allen Dulles
"DOCTRINE. Russia must be put in place!"
Publishing house "Eksmo, Algorithm".

In the late 1940s, the US Guide believed that the war from the USSR on the threshold ... There were no doubts about the workers' workers to manage special operations of the CIA on this score. The enemy is the Soviet Union, "Soviet goal is our mission. We considered ourselves the same participants in the American cross campaign against Stalin, as against Hitler." In this atmosphere, the Director of the CIA Allen Dulles has developed a doctrine of the comprehensive struggle against the Soviet Union; CIA, according to Dulles, was to carry out secret intelligence operations against our country, including murders political leaders. Later, a special division under the code name Zr Rifle was created in the CIA. In addition, the CIA was actively engaged in a program on testing chemical and biological agents to influence a person and control over his behavior. In his book, A. Dollies tells about those methods with which they were carried out secret War against the USSR, leads excerpts from secret American documents, the US central intelligence directives. Without hiding mine the main task - Ensure the exclusive leadership of the United States in the world, "Dulles frankly writes about how he sought it.

July 10, 2013, 16:34

Information taken from -

Who is Allen Dulles?

Allen Dulles was born on April 7, 1893 in Waterloo, New York. During the Second World War, he was the head of the residency of the management of strategic services in Bern. In 1953 becomes the director of the CIA.

He became widely known in the Soviet Union after Vyacheslav Shalevich played him in the cult series "Seventeen Moments of Spring". According to the plot of the film, the highest German ranks come into contact with Dulles and conduct secret negotiations with him with the aim of imprisoning the Separate world, while Dulles acts behind President of President Roosevelt. Scout of Stirlitz reveals a plot and disrupts the continuation of the negotiations, reporting the conspirators to the German authorities and informing Moscow about the details of the negotiations.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but it came 1993.

Suddenly, the deceased Allen Dulles, became the author of the secret plan for the destruction of Russia. On the expanses of the Russian information space, a certain passage is begun, allegedly for the authorship of the scout. A short slice of text began to use incredible popularity and quoted by Russian media, patriots, nationalists and authors of popular science books great amount time. Even politicians have been fed somewhere.

This is the so-called Dulles or Doctrine of Dulles.

February 20, 1993 " the plan "was first introduced to the court of the audience Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Ladoga John and published in the newspaper" Soviet Russia". Almost at the same time, in the journal of the young guard writer Boris Oleinikov, refers to the plan in his work" Prince Darkness "(July, 1993).

And all wrap ...

Actually, the text itself:

The war will end, everything will fall and get used. And we will throw everything that we have: all gold, all the material power for foliation and fooling people! Human brain, consciousness of people are capable of changing. Saving chaos there, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bfor fake and make them believe in these fake values. How? We will find our like-minded people, their allies in Russia itself. The episode for the episode will be played by a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most immune on earth of the people, the final and irreversible fuss of his self-consciousness. For example, from art and literature, we will gradually cut his social essence; We memorize artists and writers - we will have a hunt from their hunt to the image and research of those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will portray and glorify the lowest human feelings. We will in every way to maintain and raise the so-called artists who will raise and climb into the human consciousness of the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. In government management, we will create chaos and confusion. We will be imperceptibly, but actively and constantly contribute to the novels of officials, the prosperity of bribes and unprinciples. Bureaucratism and Volokita will be built in virtue. Honesty and decency will be loosened and will not become needed by anyone, turns into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deception, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and disappointment, betrayal, nationalism and hostility of peoples - primarily enmity and hatred for the Russian people - all this we will be cleverly and imperceptibly cultivate, all this will bloom the terry Color. And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, we will turn into a mixture, we will find the way they will be accepted and declare society. We will pull out spiritual roots, shock and destroy the foundations of folk morality. We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will be taken for people from children's, youthful years, and the main rate will always be done on young people - we will decompose, corrupt and disconnect it. We will make cynics, vulgar cabled and cosmopolitans from it. That's how we will do it "Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR", 1945, A. Dulles.

Very sinister, right? The plan was so loved by people that some oddities were not immediately seen.

They can be understood, because in Russia there really exist problems of addiction, drunkenness and bureaucracy. But the question is not whether this text is prophetic (this is a topic for a separate discussion), and there existed this plan in reality.

The answer is negative.

Let's start with the small one. Here is the analysis of just one word from the so-called plan, author Mark Dehin (in any way after all, the secret agent of the Zionists, well, oh well):

" Disassemble the text attributed to Dulles - the occupation is tedious and worthless. It is enough to pay attention to the last phrase:

"We will make cynics, vulgar cosmopolitans from them."

The word "cosmopolitan" - from greek words "Kosmos" (Universe) and "Polites" (Citizen): "Citizen of the World", "Citizen of the Universe". The famous explanatory dictionary of English "The New Bantam" gives two values \u200b\u200bof this word:

"one. He who feels everywhere in the world as at home;

2. The one who is free from the provincial narrow of views. "

As you can see, in English, the word "cosmopolit" does not have such an interpretation that would allow it to put it in one sense row with a cynic and voyage. But there is in Russian. Dictionary Edited by Ozhegova (1984):

"Cosmopolitanism is a reaction bourgeois ideological course, which under the cover of the" World State "slogans and" world citizenship "rejects the right of nations for independent existence and state independence, national traditions and national culture, patriotism.

Maybe Mr. Dulles, specializing in the USSR, knew Russian and managed to deduct somewhere to determine such a definition of cosmopolitanism?

No, it does not work either. The fact is that this way this word is interpreted only since 1947 - with the beginning of the unfolded Stalin's fight against "rooted cosmopolitans." And the quotation attributed to Dulles dates back to 1945. At that time, Generalissimus had not yet declared a cosmopolitism war, so the definition of the concept was quite neutral:

"Cosmopolitan. A person who does not consider itself belonging to any nationality, recognizing the whole world with his fatherland. " (Explanatory dictionary edited by Ushakov, 1940)

It is curious that in the post-Soviet time the dictionary of Ozhegov (edition of 2000) gives a completely different (compared with 1984) the definition of cosmopolitanism is also absolutely neutral, to become Ushakovsky. Therefore, the wind of change - it also acts on the linguistic.

In short, the superficial analysis of the only one word - and the conclusion is obvious: fake. Never wrote anything like Mr. Dulles and did not say. And in such expressions that are attributed to him, did not even think. "

But you can get distracted from philology and move to dry and cruel facts. For example, to the fact that the English-speaking source of the plan never was not presented. Because in nature it does not exist.

What is called the Dallas Planna, in fact, is a passage from the book "Eternal Call", writer Anatoly Ivanova. The text "Plan" is invested in the mouth negative hero Lakhnovsky-former gendarme rank in Tomsk, and during the Great Patriotic War - SS Standentenfuer.

Watch from 2.18.

"- how to say how to say: - shook Lakhnovsky's head .... because you are not filled your head than, let's say, I haven't thought about the future. The war will end - everything somehow stalls, get it. And we will throw everything that we have, what we have: All Gold, all the material power for foliation and fooling people! Human brain, consciousness of people capable of changing. Saving chaos there, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bfor fake and make them believe in these fake values! How do you ask? How?!
Lakhnovsky as he said, began again, in which once, excited, run around the room.
- We will find our like-minded people: their allies and assistants in Russia itself! - Touching, cried out Lakhnovsky.

"I, Peter Petrovich, opened only the corner of the curtain, and you saw only a tiny piece of the scene on which the episode for the episode will be played by a grandiose tragedy on the death of the most immovable on earth of the people, about the final, irreversible extinction of his self-consciousness "

"We will pull out these spiritual roots Bolshevism, wash and destroy the main foundations of folk morality. We will draft thus generation for generations, weathered this Leninsky fanaticism. we we will be taken for people from children's, youthful years, we always do the main bet on the youth, we will decide, corrupt, indulge in it! - The shredded eyelids of Lachnovsky quickly and often dropped, eyes became round, frightened in them, fired a furious fire, he began to speak louder and louder, and at the end literally shouted: - Yes, corrupt! Distil! We will make cynics, vulgar cosmopolitans from them, cosmopolitans!"

In general, everything is a little obvious. The second volume of the Eternal Call, which includes the plan, appeared in 1981. It is difficult to imagine that Ivanova caught unknown to anyone more secret documents, which he literary processed. The opposite option seems much more believable.

But the history of the collapse of the USSR does not end.

After the fans of conscience are burned in the "first" Plan of Daleez, its insurers of the Directive of the US National Security Council 20/1 from August 18, 1948

These fragments are also often called Dulles Plan.

Here, there are English primary sources in the presence, but they almost do not pay attention. And in vain.

The directive was fame thanks to the book of Yakovolev "CIA against the USSR", where it is repeatedly quoted.

And now a lot of copy-paste taken from here:

"My own comparison impressions english text With the book Yakovleva almost completely coincided with my expectations.

1) Russian translation is very trimmed compared to the original.Omitted most of a document dedicated to threats emanating from the Soviet Union to the world community soviet ideologyAs the source of these threats proposed by the methods of the counter-effects of these threats by peaceful means, etc.
Only a small part of the tasks was translated in detail, which will have to be solved in the case of a military collision, and it is not mentioned that this option is previously represented in the document as extremely undesirable.

2) NSC 20/1 However, there is analogs of most phrases existing in the Russian version.

3) Many of these phrases are distorted with translated, often cut off, sometimes spilled out of context.
For example, charging "not washing, so catalym" is a translation of a completely neutral "in One Way or Another" - in one way or another.

Actually, Yakovlev's text is an ideological controversy with the NSC 20/1 directive, but not its presentation. "

The atmosphere of the document is very contrasted with the first plan. If the "original" plan of Dallas is a plan for enslaving evil forces, initially a good society and turning it into society bad, then everything appears in a slightly different context:

Accordingly, it can be stated that our first goal in relation to Russia in peacetime is to promote and encourage non-unauthorized funds to a gradual reduction in the disproportionate Russian power and influence in the current zone of satellites and the release of Eastern European countries for the international scene as an independent factor.

Therefore, we can say that our second goal in relation to Russia in peacetime is that information activity and any other means at our disposal to undermine the myth, with the help of which people away from the Russian military influence are held in submission to Moscow, to achieve So that the whole world see and realize, which represents the Soviet Union, and would make logical and realistic conclusions from this.

The Kremlin leaders are so negligible, so ruthless, powerful and cynical in those compliance with the discipline that they prevent their followers that only a few able to withstand their power long enough.

And yes, to Alenna Dallas this directive does not have any relationship.

Despite the fact that the "original source" plan was found already in 1999, he still has supporters. Why so? I think there is a mechanism characteristic practically for any conspiracy theories. All of them refer to a variety of problems and injustices of this world (or strange) and shift responsibility for them to a certain enemy group of people (in this case, at the CIA, which in 1945 did not exist).

The approach is a bit infantile, but very popular.

Of all the chiefs of the CIA, Allen Dulles is the most important for us, because it is attributed to the authorship of the plan for the destruction of Russia. Big adventurer, Germanophile, he loved Dostoevsky and hated the USSR.

Dobryak hated by the USSR

Albert de Sylongzak, correspondent of the newspaper "France Susar", characterized the chief of the CIA as a rare fusion: "I had rarely to meet so open, good-natured and charming people. Healthy, under two meters tall and weighing at least a hundred kilograms, graying, with hard mustes, who never took out his mouth, ever dressed in the old tweed jacket, he seemed to have no worries in life. "
Deputy Dulles Ray Kine recalled that the boss with a huge passion was taken for risky and complex operations, did not tolerate inertia and peace. America was man, the culture of Europe, Japan and China respected, was a fan of Russian literature - raped quotes from the books of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. And hated the Soviet Union, considering his country savages.

Lenin and Dulles: a failed acquaintance

In 1917, young Allen Dulles worked in American representation in Bern. Once, during his duty, a phone call was heard: a man introduced by Vladimir Lenin, asked for an urgent audience with some of the Mission staff. But Dulles, who for the evening a romantic date was scheduled, recommended to wait in the morning. "Tomorrow," the interlocutor replied, "it will be too late." Dulles who took the man for the crazy, hung up.
The next day, Lenin was already driving in Russia in a "fillful car" ...


On the eve of World War II, Brothers John and Allen Dulles have made a modest contribution to the militarization of fascist Germany. Company "IG Farben ", whose representation was headed by John, supplied the Nazis oil. Once, at the table of negotiations, Dulles got acquainted with the top of the moss - Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, which was subsequently responded as wonderful, decisive and mental people. Sympathy to their companions did not leave Dulles and during the war - he recruited about 10% of the personnel of Hitler's military intelligence and even Wilhelm Canary. After graduation, the Second World CIA presented the widow of the Abwall Villa in Spain and the full board until the end of life.

Dulles and Case Kennedy

In 1995, the ex-officer of military intelligence officer John Newman published sensational data that the CIA and FBI destroyed the documents pointing to the connection of the special services with Harvey Lee Oswald, the "official killer" of President Kennedy. According to Newman, the organizers of the most loud shot of the century were the head of the counterintelligence James Engleton and the Ex-director of the CIA Allen Dulles, sent by Kennedy in retirement after the failure of the invasion of Cuba.
Researcher Anthony Summers agrees: "Mafia, the CIA and Cuban opposition united to kill President Kennedy. By that time, these three groups were in the same bed for several years - they fucked them to fight against Fidel. "
Matthias Brekers, author of Kennedy: State Coup in America, "believes that the president signed a sentence," when settled the rocket crisis in Cuba through contacts with the Soviet leader Khrushchev, achieved the cessation of nuclear tests along with the councils and ordered the troops from Vietnam. All this is against the will of the military, the CIA and even against the views of many members of his own administration. "
Interestingly, Dulles was included in the commission investigating Kennedy's murder. However, almost all issues delivered by the consequence remained rhetorical.

USSR - a disgust

With the arrival of the CIA Allen Dulles, activities in the preparation of spyware against the USSR were activated. The transfer of agents was carried out by air. The former members of the army of Andrei Vlasov - Yashchenko and Voronets became the first illegals. They were thrown under Minsk in August 1951. However, the Americans received information about their agents only three months later, and from the Soviet press: it was reported that spies are shot.

In the period from 1951 to 1954, more than thirty parachutes were caught by Soviet counterintelligence, most of whom were shot. The rest were used in the radioigra. The head of the CIA Dulles signed in complete helplessness - and ordered the order to abandon the rise of spies to the territory of Soviet Russia.

Have there been a plan?

Many experts tend to believe that Dulles did not write the Directive on the destruction of Russia. Political scientist Nikolay Zlobin indicates: the original in English was not presented, and "Variations on the American Plan" for the extermination of Russians sounded in the books "Eternal Calls" Anatoly Ivanova, "And one in the Warrior field" Doldoevsky and even "Demons" Dostoevsky .

Yuri Drozdov, General KGB, the former Soviet Resident-illegal in the United States, believes that "Russian ears are too clearly sticking out of this" plan ". It is more logical to assume that the authors were soviet writers Or publicists who, apparently, with the approval of the KGB, tried to prevent Soviet society about the impending danger. In favor of the writing version also testifies overly emotional style "Plan". It is characteristic of writers, and not for employees of secret services ... ".


Most of the issues of the authorship of Dulles said something ended in failures, and many and at all were anecdotic.
In 1954, during the operation "Moby Dick" airspace of the USSR "attacked" thousands of unmanned balloons For aerial photography. In theory of the author, American aircraft were supposed to meet "flying agents" in Pacific OceanHowever, no ball, the cost of which was $ 50,000 goals and reached.
The grand planning underground construction was the apotheosis of bold planning. In 1955, the CIA broke through a tunnel with a length of about 500 meters from his Berlin zone to the Soviet sector in order to listen to telephone conversations. It cost 6 million dollars. However, the secret operation "left the wet trail": the snow due to the heating of the underground equipment was estimated, and a treacherous track was fired over the tunnel ... However, the construction of "one of the most effective intelligence activities" for the KGB was not secret at the design stage.

Allen Dulles (1893-1969), worked in the central Reconnaissance management USA (CIA) from the moment of its creation in 1947. In 1942-1945 He led the polytriber in Europe. CIA Director in 1953-1961. One of the organizers of intelligence and spy-sabotage activities against the USSR and other socialist, the ideologist of the Cold War.

Plan Allen Dulles.
"The war will finish, everything somehow gets up and settled. And we will throw everything that we have - all gold, all the material power for fooling and fooling people!
Human brain, consciousness of people are capable of changing. After saving chaos, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bfor fake and make them believe them in these fake values. How? We will find our like-minded people, their allies in Russia itself.

The episode, the episode will be played a grandiose on its scale the tragedy of the death of the most dismissed on earth of the people, the final, irreversible extinction of his self-awareness. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually cut their social essence, we will travel by artists, we have a hunt for the image of them ... with research, or those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will portray and glorify the lowest human feelings. We will in every way to maintain and raise the so-called artists who will raise and climb into the human consciousness of the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal, in words, all immorality. In government management, we will create chaos and confusion.
We will be imperceptible, but actively and constantly contribute to the novels of officials, bribes, unprinciples. Bureaucratism and Volokita will be built in virtue. Honesty and decency will be loosened and will not become needed by anyone, turns into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deception, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and unhappiness, betrayal, nationalism and hostility of peoples, primarily enmity and hatred for the Russian people - all this we will be cleverly and imperceptibly cultivate, all this will bloom in terry color .

And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, we will turn into a mixture, we will find the way they will be accepted and declare society. We will pull out spiritual roots, shock and destroy the foundations of folk morality. We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will take people from children's, youthful years, the main rate will always be done on the youth, we will decompose, corrupt, to indulge it. We will make cynics, vulgar cosmopolitans from them.
That's how we will do it. "

(c) A. Dulles. "Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR"