The story of creating what to do briefly. Roman 'What to do?': The first utopian work in Russian literature

The story of creating what to do briefly. Novel'Что делать?': первое утопическое произведение в русской литературе
The story of creating what to do briefly. Roman 'What to do?': The first utopian work in Russian literature

Two months before the start of the bank, the novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky, sharing with his wife with his literary design, wrote that he finally thought about the work plans, which long ago dreamed of: a multi-volume "history of material and mental life of humanity", then the "critical dictionary of ideas and facts", where "all thoughts will be disassembled and disassembled All important things, and in each case the true point of view will be indicated. " Further, on the basis of these two works, it will be an "encyclopedia of knowledge and life" - "It will be an extract of a small volume, two to three volumes, written in such a way that it is clear not by one scientist, and the whole public.

Then I process the same book in the easiest, popular spirit, in the form of almost novel with jokes, scenes, sharpness, so that everyone who does not read anything other than novels read it.

The manuscript was sent from the fortress in parts. This decision Chernyshevsky was thin and cunning. One thing is viewing passages, another is a novel as a whole.

Work on the novel was launched on the fifth month of stay in the fortress - December 14, 1862, at a memorable date associated with the uprising of the Decembrists against autocracy. He wrote a novel in the intervals between interrogations, ads of hunger strikes, drawing up protesting letters to the commandant of the fortress by Sorokin, Governor-General Suvorov, and the like.

  • On January 26, 1863, the start of the manuscript of the novel was overlauning from the fortress of the Ober-police officer for the transfer of cousin Chernyshevsky A.N. Pipin with the right to print it "in compliance with the rules established for censorship." From Dspina, the manuscript went to Nekrasov, without waiting for the end of the novel, he decided to start typing it in the "contemporary". He himself took the manuscript in Wulf typography, which was not far from his apartment - on the foundry, near Nevsky, but suddenly quickly returned from the road home.
  • - A great misfortune happened to me, "said Nekrasov to his wife an excited voice:" I dropped a manuscript! .. And the hell suffered me today to go on yeast, and not in a carriage! And how many times before I drove the mass of the manuscripts in various printing houses and never lost the leaflet, and here it was eating a thick manuscript! .. four days passed ... three times appeared in the "Police Vedomosti" Announcement of the manuscript, but no one did not respond.
  • "She died!" Said Nekrasov in despair and reproached himself, why he did not print an ad in all newspapers and did not appoint even more remuneration. And only on the fifth day of Nekrasov, who dined in the English club, received a short note from the house: "The manuscript brought ..."

Roman wrote from December 14, 1862 to April 4, 1863 . The writer implements in the rows of the novel with a dream, embodied before that in serious theoretical articles available only to people well prepared for such reading. He seeks to introduce a wide reader to his ideas and even call them to actively. Written work, almost without hope for publication, sins with many artistic miscalculations and elementary shortcomings and still serves as a convincing document of the era.

The main storyline of the Roman ("First Love and Legal Marriage", "Marriage and Second Love", that is, the story of Lopukhov - Kirsanov - faith) partially reflected the true story, which is usually approved to communicate with the work of Chernyshevsky. The essence of it comes down to the following:

Dr. P.I. Bokov, one of the close friends of Chernyshevsky, during the years she was preparing for the exam, Mary Alexandrovna Obruchev. Under the influence of socialist ideas, hoped by her in the articles of Chernyshevsky in the "contemporary", Marya Alexandrovna sought independence, knowledge, to liberate from the heavy guardianship of the family. The leaving of the peasants, sides, suggested, like Lopukhov, his student is a fictitious marriage. In 1861, Marya Aleksandrovna listened to the lectures of the famous physiologist I. Suchenova who started his scientist's career. The latter became acquainted with the side and got close to them. Between the side and secheny friendship passed into love, and P.I. Bokov eliminated, retaining friendly relationships with both.

In the black version of the XVII part, Chapter V Chernyshevsky and himself indicates that everything is "essential in his story - the facts experienced by his good acquaintances."

The artistic work of Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich, the son of the Saratov priest, is small in volume (they are completed by the novels "What to do?" And "Prolog"), but certainly requires a separate conversation. This man ended with large and diverse natural talents, a socialist thinker and an influential literary critic was one of the most vibrant and outstanding figures of Russia XIX century. At the same time, this is definitely a tragic figure. In the USSR, the legacy of Chernyshevsky was studied as closely as the heritage of another Socialist - A.I. Herzen (however, Herzen showed himself as an artist incomparably more versatile).

In the early 1860s N.G. Chernyshevsky fascinated by the hopes on the ambulance of the peasant revolution and, in essence, without having a real revolutionary party or organization (information about its membership in "Earth and Will" is rather humans), made an attempt to engage in revolutionary propaganda, writing the appeal "Barsky peasants From their goodwires bow. " This essay of intellectuals ineptly and quite falsely stylized under the "people's" speech.

Chernyshevsky was arrested and after a long investigation (there was practically no direct evidence against him) as a result of coarse extensions and violations of legal proceedings, was convicted of a civil execution (over his head publicly broke the sword) and for 14 years of religious works (King Alexander II reduced this period twice ). The verdict Chernyshevsky was widely and sharply survived in society as a despotic arbitrary of authorities and extreme injustice.

Until 1871 N.G. Chernyshevsky stayed at Katorga in Eastern Siberia, and then was transferred to the settlement to Vilyuisk (Yakutia). Revolutionaries for whom his name has already become a high symbol, repeatedly tried to arrange his escape. But these torture failed, but Chernyshevsky, apparently, was not at all those whom they wanted to see in it - not a practical actor, but rather a woman-book-book man, a thinker, writer and a dreamer (however, at the beginning of the XX century. Vladimir . Rozanov, in his "secluded" reasoned about him as a failed energetic statesman - but this is just a personal opinion Rozanova).

In 1883, the Government allowed Chernyshevsky to repay to Astrakhan, and climate change unexpectedly turned out to be destructive for him. His health passed him sharply. Chernyshevsky managed to achieve permission for another move - home, in Saratov, but there he died from a stroke.

During the investigation, Chernyshevsky wrote a novel in the Petropavlovsk fortress called "What to do? (From the stories about new people) "(1862 - 1863). In 1863, the novel was published in the magazine "Contemporary" (as it is believed to inadvertent a censor, which was deceived by his "inverted" composition and accepted this work after the inattentive, runaway reading the first chapters for love watering history - although not excluded, That the censor just understood everything and did secretly quite consciously, for the left-liberal minds were very widely distributed in the medium of representatives of a wide variety of professions). Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" I had a huge impact on the Russian society of the second half of the XIX - early XX century. (It can be compared with the influence of written in the late XVIII century. "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" A.N. Radishcheva).

However, the indicated effect was ambiguous. Some admired the novel "What to do?", Others he outraged. The first-kind reaction is invariably displayed in the training publications, and the work itself is assessed apologetically - as a specific program for young revolutionaries, personified in the image of a "special person" Rakhmetov (exposing itself to harsh spiritual and physical hardening up to the famous lying on sharp nails), as Life textbook for youth, like a bright dream about the coming victory of the socialist revolution, etc. etc. (However, the utopism of the hopes of Chernyshevsky for the peasant revolution was recognized). Recall the same brief about what the reaction of indignant readers was based.

Many of the "anti-nigilastic" novels of different authors of the 1860s and 1870s contain a kind of referring to Chernyshevsky ("Povertyr" V.P. Avenais, "Nochda" and "On Knee" N.S. Leskova et al.). Relations between his main characters (emancipated faith of the Pavlovna Rosalskaya, her first husband, Dmitry Lopukhov and the second husband Alexander Kirsanov) were often perceived as a preaching of immoralism and an attempt on the principles of the Christian family device. For such an understanding, there were grounds - in any case, attempts to immediately emerge imitators to live and do "in Chernyshevsky" a lot of young destinies. Writer V.F. Odoevsky, one of the most famous people of his time, recorded in the diary (January 1, 1864):

"I read for the first time" what to do? " Chernyshevsky. What is ridiculous, at every step contrary to yourself? But as La Promiscuite de Femmes (women's freedom of possession) should seduce young people. And when are you? ".

The social utilityism of Chernyshevsky's creativity, its social and destructive minds could also be perceived as irresponsible and socially harmful. The educated people knew what bloody development received (contrary to dreams of educators) The Great French Revolution, and could not crave to repeat something like in Russian land. As naive-vulgar looked for a number of readers "Social Darwinian" motifs in the novel. During these years, near publicists was mechanically relocated to the laws of public life, a fashionable novelty belonging to the field of biology is the theory of Ch. Darwin, outlined in his work "On the origin of species through natural selection" (1859). For a while, before the spread of the ideas of Marxism, Social Darwinism played the role of ideological help for our revolutionary figures (mainly in the 1860s). Publists-Sixties willingly reasoned that in society there is a "natural selection" and "struggle for existence". As part of this surface "teaching", the so-called "theory of reasonable egoism" was ripened, which are guided in their behavior of the heroes of Roman Chernyshevsky.

Sewing workshops of the Rosalskaya faith (in which it saves, re-educating the labor, former prostitutes, and also works the crucifier, fasciating the "girls" with a personal example) as a positive program looked pretty naive. The utopian tenderness of this storyline of the novel was proved by a portion of the image of the Fair of Pavlovna, more than once at the Russian reality of the 1860s - 70s to create such workshops (sewing, binding, etc.), - these arrows were usually ended with material problems, quarrels between women and women and Source breakdown "Commune".

All this has to be stated, having the opportunity to look at the novel historically retrospectively. However, the undoubted fact remains that the book of Chernyshevsky at one time played a huge role in the public life of Russia.

N.G. Chernyshevsky is impossible to refuse and in the talent of the novelist, in high literary skills. The images of the main characters are impossible to consider lifeless schemes - they are written with glitter, Chernyshevsky made their behavior, their inner appearance is realistic with convincing (otherwise they could not cause a huge amount of life imitation among Russian youth over the next decades). In short, it is hardly true to blow a literary personality, studying the work of Chernyshevsky in detail, turning it into the "Great Russian Writer" (which sometimes was observed in the conditions of the USSR), but in this author it is necessary to see who he really was, is large, due to objective The reasons did not fully expand the artist.

History of creation

Chernyshevsky himself called these people the type, which "recently nourished and quickly spreads out," is the generation and time sign.

These heroes are inherent in a special revolutionary morality, which is based on a 18 V educational theory, the so-called "theory of rational egoism". This theory is that a person can be happy if his personal interests coincide with public.

Vera Pavlovna is the main heroine of the novel. Her prototypes is the wife of Chernyshevsky Olga Socratan and Marya Alexandrovna Bokova-Sechenov, which fictitiously married his teacher, and then became the wife of Physiologist Sechenov.

Vera Pavlovna managed to escape from the circumstances that surrounded it from childhood. Its character tempered in the family, where the father was indifferent to her, and for the mother she was just a profitable product.

Vera is also an adventurous as a mother, thanks to which she managed to create sewing workshops, giving good profits. Vera Pavlovna is smart and formed, balanced and good and to her husband, and to girls. She is not a hunger, not hypocritical and smart. Chernyshevsky admires the desire of the faith of Pavlovna to break outdated moral edges.

Chernyshevsky emphasizes the similarity of Lopukhov and Kirsanov. Both doctors are engaged in science, both of the poor families and have achieved heavy labor. For the sake of helping the unfamiliar girl, Lopukhov refuses the scientific career. It is more rational than Kirsanov. This is evidenced by the idea of \u200b\u200bimaginary suicide. But Kirsanov is capable of any sacrifice for friendship and love, avoids communicating with a friend and beloved to forget her. Kirsanov is more sensitive and charismatic. He believes Rakhmetov, joining the path of improvement.

But the protagonist of the novel (not in the plot, but in theory) is not just a "new person", but the "special person" revolutionar of Rakhmetov. He generally refuses egoism as such, from happiness for himself. The revolutionary must sacrifice himself, give life for those who love, live as the whole people.

By origin, he is an aristocrat, but broke with the past. Rakhmetov earned like a simple carpenter, burlack. He had a nickname "Nikitushka Lomov", like a bogatyr-burly. All Rakhmetov means invested in the case of the revolution. He led the lifestyle is the most ascetic. If new people are called the Chernyshevsky Salt of the Earth, then revolutionaries like Rakhmetov are "the color of the best people, engines engines, salt salt of the earth." The image of Rakhmetov Ovedan is a halo of mysteriousness and inexpensive, since not all Chernyshevsky could say right.

Rakhmetov had several prototypes. One of them is a landowner Bakhmetev, who passed in London Herzen almost all his state on the case of Russian propaganda. The image of Rakhmetova is collective.

The image of Rakhmetov is far from perfect. Chernyshevsky warns readers from admiration with such heroes, because their ministry is unrequited.

Stylistic features

Chernyshevsky widely uses two means of artistic expressiveness - allegory and default. The dreams of Vera Pavlovna are full of allegory. Dark basement in the first sleep - allegory of non-free women. Lopukhov's bride is a great love for people, the dirt is real and fantastic from the second sleep - the circumstances in which poor and rich live. A huge glass house in the last sleep is an allegory of a communist happy future, which, according to Chernyshevsky, will definitely come and will give the joy to everyone without exception. The default is connected with censorship forbids. But some mysteriousness of images or plot lines does not spoil the pleasure of reading: "I know about Rakhmetov more than I say." The meaning of the Roman Final, which is interpreted in different ways, the image of the lady in the mourdies remains. All songs and toasts of the cheerful picnic is allegorizing.

In the last tiny chapter of the "change of decorations", the lady is no longer in the traw, but in elegant clothes. In the young man, 30 years guess the liberated Rakhmetov is guessed. This chapter depicts the future, even if it is not far.

To understand why, why and what was written by Roman N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" What to do? ", We must know what the situation reigned in the public life of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the second half of the XIX century. The noble revolution "from above" was defeated, and the first roles were published representatives of the so-called "differences". These people had completely different ideals and goals. The rulers of the Dum are Belinsky, Pisarev, Dobrolyubs and the people of their circle. A special place among them is Chernyshevsky.

In many ways, the utopian ideas of Nikolai Gavrilovich were based on the idealization of community land tenure in Russian villages in serfdom. It is from here that it takes the beginning of his thoughts about the possibility for Russia, where there is public ownership of land, bypassing the bourgeois path of development, to come to socialism. And this was considered the advanced people of that time hardly not the ultimate goal of humanity. But for this you need a new type of people whom Chernyshevsky and withdraws in the famous novel. Characteristics of the heroes of the novel "What to do?", His brief content, the history of creation and essence - all this in the article.

People of the Past and Future

Although the Decembrists have already become by that time mythological characters, nobles in general for the author, no one else like vulgar people. This is how the composition of the work is built: from vulgar people to new, from them to the highest, and at the end - dreams. The dynamics consists in motion from the past through the present to the future. Past - Serge and Solovts type characters. They do not have the foundation, as they are not busy business, and the idle life is one of the women of the novel, Juli, calls naughty. Another thing is the frontier, bourgeoisie. They are still working to get the livelihood. These are Rosales led by Marya Alekseevna. She is not up to entertainment, it is active, but everything is subordinated to the calculation of personal benefit. Even at the care of her daughter, she reacts cry: "Rogue!" Nevertheless, Chernyshevsky devotes to the praise of this image of the novel "What to do?" Whole chapter. Why? The answer to this question is given in the second dream of Vera Pavlovna. But before that, there are many events in the work. Summary of the novel "What to do" read further.

Detective start

Although the content of the novel "What to do" is brief, but we will try to transfer the entire atmosphere in the most detailed as possible in it. So, all begins as in a detective novel. From the St. Petersburg hotel disappears the tenants. He leaves a note, from the content of which conclude that the young man sucks accounts with life. This is not true, but not a draw. He really committed himself with the life that he left before. Then, gradually, the pages appear new heroes of the novel "What to do?" N. G. Chernyshevsky is not shy, disturbing the literary tradition, interrupt the story with a conversation with readers. They are different, and he argues with them, then agrees, discusses the heroes of the work, their actions. Then returns to the plot again. He, in fact, is uncomplicated.

Love in the name of the revolution

Faith, daughter Maryia Alekseevna, against the will of the mother marries Alexey Lopukhov. Marriage is fictitious, this is the only chance of the girl to gain freedom. Then Kirsanova meets, who becomes her true love. And Alexey himself suits her happiness with those who seem to be his opponent. He does it not quite in the usual way. He plays his suicide. Love line in the novel occupies an important place. Thanks to this feeling, faith gets rid of the Meshchansky existence, and the subsequent love of Lopukhov and Kati Polozova brings them a feeling of completeness of life. But this is not the feeling that was described then in traditional novels. It is subordinated to the most important case in the life of a person, revolution. That is why these people are for Chernyshevsky "new". But they are only a transitional stage to the "Higher" people, which is Rakhmetov.

Higher man

Chernyshevsky himself wrote that he knew only eight people like the main, created by him, literary hero. But in the capital of the empire, he comes, without standing out from the mass of the same well-brought up young people from aristocratic families. Changes in the inner world of Rakhmetov occur with incomprehensible speed. Already during a conversation with Kirsanov, his reaction to the "injustice of this world" is indicative. He is indignant, crying, talks about the need to immediately change the existing order of things. And begins with himself. Rakhmetov not just "goes to the people", he does not educate people, but lives with them, works by Burlak, who deserving the nickname of the mythical Nikitushka Lomov, a carpenter, at all causing the very hard physical work. So the famous lying on the nails is simply the most extreme manifestation of his desire to remake their nature, prepare the psyche and body to severe trials that are inevitable when preparing the revolution.

Change the world to improve man

Rakhmetov in the novel "What to do?", And behind him, "new people" deny the old morality based on Christian values, that is, for victims and selflessness. It seems that their ideals are based on the same, but they do not have the concept of human imperfection. Not people are to blame, but their surrounding reality. It is worth rebuilding it on the basics of fraternity and the general service of the good of all members of society, and the best qualities will manifest. It will come a kind of paradise on Earth. In the same venerer, love problems and family relationships are allowed. The dependence of a woman from a man, that is what these problems are rooted in the novel "What to do?" As soon as the representatives of the two floors become equal, the excessive concentration of women in love will disappear.

Two years alone

Rakhmetov himself in the novel "What to do?" Refuses feelings in favor of the business of his life. What it lies, is not very clear. Chernyshevsky speaks about it only hint. This is understandable, considering the history of the creation of the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

After the publication of the proclamation facing the peasants, her alleged author was arrested and concluded in the Peter and Paul Fortress. Began a consequence that lasted two years. Hunger strikes, protests, single chamber Alekseevsky Ravelin. In such conditions, the history of the creation of the novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky in four months wrote full of allegory and false story strokes. Readers whose taste has developed on the works of another type, were simply not able to understand the topic of the novel "What to do?" And the main thing, and for what all this was created? The work caused them first of all the irritation, which was tested, for example, Turgenev. He had a novel called simply "physical disgust." Such feelings were also experienced censors, especially since the novel was transferred to the will of four parts. The first thing that attracted attention is loved by the loving collisions in the relationship of heroes. When it was conscious, what the author actually calls on, it was too late, the magazine with publications managed to disperse in the country.

Reasonable egoism, as a goal of life

What is the essence of the novel "What to do?" What does he call for? To build a happy society of the future. It is shown in the fourth dream of the faith of Pavlovna. Society of the Future in the novel "What to do?" - This is a society where everyone's interests are organically and voluntarily combined with the interests of all. There is no separation between mental and physical labor, and the personality of man has gained harmony and fullness. Here, an important role is played by such a concept introduced by Chernyshevsky as "Reasonable Egoism". This is not the spirit of satisfaction of your own, often exaggerated, the needs of "vulgar" people are permeated, and something else that resembles a good deal in the name of those who need you more. If you look superficially, the ideal, a little different from the Christian commandments. Not in vain Karl Max called "what to do?" Gospel of Russian Social Democracy. This, perhaps Roman Chernyshevsky and attracted Russian youth of the XIX century. Familiar, a result, in Orthodox traditions, they did not see the contradictions of the country's vitality. But many missed the need to improve themselves. And here again it is necessary to return to Rakhmetov.

Fortunately for the people and rejection of happiness

Chernyshevsky divides his life path into three stages. First, it is theoretical preparation. He reads a lot, but it categorically denies the benefits of books in which the truth "is" truth ", given in the works similar to the writings of the German philosopher-materialist Ludwig Feyerbach. Only such books can benefit, the rest is in vain the spent time. The second thing is necessary, this is an attachment to a folk life. Rakhmetov became her for people like Masha maid. For the rest, even such as Lopukhov and Kirsanov, he is still incomprehensible and even a little terrible. Third stage - professional revolutionary activities. Rakhmetov from time to time disappears somewhere, he gather incomprehensible people. Among them, many are committed to their leader with soul and body. The author, of course, could not write about this side of his life. Well, one more thing: Rakhmetov considered an unable to himself with a woman with a woman. Including because at any moment it can be arrested and cut out of ordinary life. In such a refusal of love, there is not even a hint of sacrifice. This is the most "reasonable egoism." If it is necessary to achieve the good goal, then this is good for him. Such people at all times were extremely small, and Chernyshevsky considers it possible that all members of society possessed such qualities. This is one of the manifestations of the utopism of the famous Social Democrat.

The new society is the case of the future, but not so far, if you start doing the first steps to build it. The author is trying to prove it, talking about the fate of women working in the workshops of Pavlovna faith. In them, everything is based on cooperation, that is, "from everyone in opportunities, everyone according to needs." In this later thesis, too, you can also see the influence of the Noman Chernyshevsky. Its "stories about new people", what is the second name of the novel, in many ways invatic. It is people like Rakhmetov, ascetics, ready to sacrifice in the name of achieving the great goal of themselves and others, became the heroes of the subsequent era. But Chernyshevsky did not see much in the near future of Russia. The proletariat, which was made by the Bolshevik bid, he does not consider as a significant force. The peasant revolution, that, in his opinion, should shake the country.

Dreams about the future

The dreams of the faith of Pavlovna are the main binding links between the parts of the novel. In the already mentioned second, two parts of the field are seen. On one half - wheat was richly rich, on the other - only dirt. Again, you can see an analogy with the arrival of Jesus about the Pleallies. But the conclusions are different. Sociality in the pointer, according to "Commandments", for "new" people inadmissible. Dirt - the allegory of life of such people as a serge that appeared in a dream. It is not suitable for anything, and nothing is useful. There is no place in the new life for him. If you remember the very first dream, then this is an allegory of the acquired freedom and desire to do free others. Dreams in the novel are not only an anticipation and show of the future. They are used to analyze the psychological state of one or another character. In the third, in the account, Vera Pavlovna guess that she does not like Lopukhov. This expense is interesting to read the opinion of the novel of the "political school authorities". One of the harmful ideas of the novel there is the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom of marriage relations. "A woman can live freely in harmony with her husband and her lover at one time." It seems to be the censors unacceptable, and here it is difficult to argue with them.

Why remember Chernyshevsky

The work of Chernyshevsky has not been studied for a long time in schools, and indeed, few people know even the summary of the novel "What to do?" It can be attributed to the "forgotten" literature. According to its artistic advantages, he is indeed incomparable with books under the authorship of most contemporaries Nikolai Gavrilovich. There was a time when Rakhmetov was compared with the prince of Myshkina. Indeed, it makes sense. Two "ideal" hero appeared in a reader's use almost simultaneously. One personified humility and all-things, the other - an implacable struggle for the best future, which should be created by every person. The revolutionary took the top of the Christian, but it was time for awareness of the impossibility of changing consciousness of living conditions. Nevertheless, Chernyshevsky managed to achieve his goal, and it is important to know how.

He showed in the novel of people who are independent of the rules and even the patterns of life. They, above all Rakhmetov, change themselves in their own will, but in the name of the good of others. It is the need for this that the author sought to convey to readers. Therefore, they say a lot about the fact that the main thing in its essay is publicism, not artistic. It is unlikely that Chernyshevsky himself began to deny it. The task of art is a human refueling. Approximately it sounded his statement in earlier works. The effect he achieved, mixing a variety of stylistic and composite elements in the novel. As soon as they did not define the genre of its main work, but none of the same is definitely true. The originality was largely predetermined and the need to bypass censorship. Allegoryrs, conversations with the reader, Ezopovsky. It is especially used in the last chapter. After all, the novel ends optimistically. "The change of decorations" means the victory of the revolution. Everyone is happy, including Rakhmetov himself, who did not consider himself entitled to even dream of the future for himself. His dance at the wedding means that the time has come when even the "iron" person can think about his own life.

On this we graduate retelling the brief content of the novel "What to do?" The only thing that can be said with confidence is that the work should not be forgotten. He needs to read and think about what the author wanted to say.

Year of writing: Publication:

1863, "Contemporary"

Separate publication:

1867 (Geneva), 1906 (Russia)

in Wikitek

"What to do?" - Roman Russian philosopher, journalist and literary criticism of Nikolai Chernyshevsky, written in December - April, during a conclusion in the Petropavlovsk Fortress of St. Petersburg. Roman was written in part in response to the novel of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children".

History of creation and publication

Chernyshevsky wrote a novel, being in a single camera of Alekseevsky Retalin Petropavlovsk Fortress, from December 14, 1862 to April 4, 1863. From January 1863, the manuscript of parts is transferred to the Investigation Commission on the Chernyshevsky case (the last part was transferred on April 6). Commission, and after her, and censors saw in the novel only a love line and gave permission to press. The lack of censorship was soon seen, the responsible censor of Beketov was removed from office. However, the novel was already published in the magazine "Contemporary" (1863, No. 3-5). Despite the fact that the rooms of the "contemporary", in which the novel "What to do?" Was printed, were banned, the text of the novel in handwritten copies was divided into the country and caused a lot of imitation.

"About the novel Chernyshevsky was interpreted not to a whisper, not stupid - but in the full sip in the halls, on the entrances, at the table of Ms. Milbret and in the basement Pivnice of the Passage. I shouted: "nasty", "charm", "abomination", etc. - all on different tones. "

"For the Russian youth of that time, she [the book" What to do? "] Was a kind of revelation and turned into a program, made a kind of banner."

The entertaining, adventure, melodramatic beginning of the novel had not only to confuse censorship, but also to attract the wide masses of readers. The external story of the novel is a love story, but it reflects new economic, philosophical and social ideas of time. Roman is permeated with hints of the coming revolution.

  • In the novel N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Mentioned aluminum. In the "naive utopia" of the fourth sleep, the faith of Pavlovna, he is called the metal of the future. And this big Future To date (Ser. XX - XXI century) aluminum has already achieved.
  • "Lady in Tourra", appearing at the end of the work, is Olga Socratna Chernyshevskaya, Writer's wife. At the end of the novel, we are talking about the release of Chernyshevsky from the Petropavlovsk fortress, where he was during the writing of the novel. He never waited for liberation: on February 7, 1864, Kathers were sentenced to 14 years later, followed by settlement to Siberia.
  • The main characters with the surname of Kirsanov are also found in the novel of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children".


  • Nikolaev P. Revolutionary Roman // Chernyshevsky N. G. What to do? M., 1985.


  • 1971: TRERY SERVICE TELESPEXTAKLY (Directors: Nadezhda Maulmalova, Pavel Reznikov)


see also



  • Literary works according to the alphabet
  • Nikolai Chernyshevsky
  • Political novels
  • Novels 1863 years
  • Romanes in Russian

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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