Tolstoy, analysis of the work of the Caucasian prisoner, a plan. Caucasian Captive - Analysis of Works of Pushkin Lion Tolstoy Caucasian Captive Analysis

Tolstoy, analysis of the work of the Caucasian prisoner, a plan. Caucasian Captive - Analysis of Works of Pushkin Lion Tolstoy Caucasian Captive Analysis

Afanasyev Anastasia

This scientific work provides evidence that the story L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive" can be safely called a "book of life".



Municipal educational institution

"Lyceum number 4"

Section "My main books of life"

"Caucasian captive" L. N. Tolstoy -

my main book of life

Student 5V class

MOU "Lyceum No. 4" G. Saratov

Scientific Director: Abakumenko S. V.,

Russian language and literature teacher

Saratov, 2010

Introduction ........................................................................ .2.

Chapter I "Caucasian Captive" L. N. Tolstoy - Life Book ...... ... 3

  1. "Folk Thought" in the story "Caucasian captive" ... ..3
  2. Features of human relations in the story ......... 4

Conclusion ........................................................................7

Literature ..................................................................... ... 8

Appendix ..................................................................9


In the history of Russian culture there are many names of outstanding figures, scientists, thinkers, artists, writers who make up the glory and pride of the nation. Among them, one of the most honorable places on the right belongs to Lero Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the great Creator, who created the immortal images and the characters that remain relevant and now. Such is the image of the "Caucasian captive" - \u200b\u200ba person of high morality.

In general, in the XIX century, the Caucasus was an emblematic space of freedom, no limited spiritual movement in opposition to the conventional conventions of the "civilization". We noticed that in the prose of the Tolstoy Caucasus began to turn the details of life, details of relationships, trifles of everyday life.

So, in the story "Caucasian captive" Tolstoy wants to say the main thing - the truth, the truth about the person and about the place of this person in society, and in society he is alien, completely someone else. This topic does not lose itsrelevance For several centuries.

purpose of work It is traced and explaining the reasons for the formation and development of the characters of the characters of the story, their morality.

We are following the followingtasks:

1. To conduct an analysis of the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Caucasian Captive";

2. Allocate the distinctive features of each of the heroes;

3. To determine what is the moral value of the "Caucasian Captive".

Object Studies acts as the character of the hero, as a carrier of morality, moral values.

Subject Research becomes directly artistic text - "Caucasian captive".

Chapter 1

"Caucasian captive" L. N. Tolstoy- the book of life

  1. "Folk Thought" in the story "Caucasian prisoner"

"Caucasian captive" is the last work in the "Russian book for reading". In a letter to N. N. Strahov, the writer called this story the best of his work, because, in his opinion, it was here that he managed to most naturally use the best artistic means of folk poetics.

Lion Tolstoy worked on him in 1872, persistently seeking simplicity, naturalness of the narrative, the work is written in the period of sharp thoughtful writer about life, the search for its meaning. Here, as in his big epic, separation and hostility of people, the "war" is opposed to what binds them together, "the world". And here there is a "people's thought" - the statement that ordinary people of different nationalities can find mutual understanding, because united universal moral values \u200b\u200b- love for work, respect for man, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance. And on the contrary, evil, enmity, egoism, self-esteem in essence of the anti-people and antiques. Tolstoy is convinced that "the most beautiful in man is love for people who give the opportunity to live a full life. The same love of various kinds of social foundations are prevented, ostelastic national barriers guarded by the state and generating false values: the desire to ranks, wealth, career - all that people seem familiar and normal " .

Therefore, Tolstoy turns to children, still "not spoiled" social and national abnormal relations. He wants to tell them the truth, teach to distinguish good from evil, help them follow good. He creates a work where it is clearly deliberately degraded from the ugly, the work is extremely simple and clear and at the same time deep and significant as the parable. "This story is proud of Tolstoy. This is a wonderful prose - calm, no decorations in it, and even what is called psychological analysis. Human interests face, and we sympathize with Zhilina - a good person, and what we know about him, we are enough, and he himself does not want to know a lot about himself " .

The story is simple and clear. The Russian officer Zhilin, who served in the Caucasus, where the war went to this time, goes on vacation and on the way, captures the Tatars. He runs from captivity, but unsuccessfully. Secondary escape manages. The hill pursued by Tatars is saved and returns to the military unit. The content of the story make up the impressions and experiences of the hero. This makes the story emotional, exciting. The life of the Tatars, the nature of the Caucasus is revealed by the author realistic, through the perception of the zilin. Tatars in the Presentation of Zilina are divided into good, heart and those who are offended by Russians and take them to the murder of relatives and the ruin of Aules (Old Man Tatar). Customs, life, morals are depicted as he perceives their hero.

  1. Features of human relations in the story

It must be said that the detailed, "domestic" description of the events in Tolstoy does not obscure the ugliness of human relations. There is no romantic heat in his narration.

"Caucasian prisoner" Tolstoy - story-called. Zhill is captured to the inverters on quite legal grounds. He is an opponent, a warrior, according to the customs of the mountains, it can be captured and get a redemption for him. The character of the main character corresponds to the surname, it is strong, resistant, dwelling. He has golden hands, in captivity he helped the mountaineers, she chined something, to him even be treated. The author does not indicate the author, only what is called Ivan, but so called all Russian prisoners. Kostylin - as if on crutches, backups. But pay attention: in fact, the captive of a thick one, which is eloquently says the name, although there are two hero in the story. Zhillin managed to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained not only and not so much in Tatar captivity, but in captivity of his weakness, his egoism.

Let us remember how the helpless, which is physically it is Costylin, as he hopes only for the ransom, who will send his mother.

Zhillin, on the contrary, does not count on the mother, does not want to shift his difficulties on her shoulders. It is included in the life of Tatars, Aula, constantly doing something, knows how to place his enemies to himself - he is strong in spirit. It is this thought first of all wants to convey to readers by the author.

The main reception of the story is contrasted; Contrast shown prisoners and crutin. Even the appearance of them is contrasting. Hill and externally energetic, moving. "On all handicrafts, the master was" , "Although it is small, the delete was" - the author emphasizes. And in the appearance of Kostlin to the fore L. Tolstoy, nominates the unpleasant features: "Male cargo, plump, poverty" . It is contrasted not only by the hill and crutin, but also by life, customs, people of Aul. Residents are depicted as he sees their hill. In the appearance of the old man, Tatarin is emphasized by cruelty, hatred, malice: "the nose with a crochet, like a hawk, and the eyes are gray, evil and teeth no - only two fangs" .

Kostylin - is in double captivity, which we talked above. The writer, drawing this image, says that without choosing from the internal captivity, it is impossible to get out of captivity of the external.

But L.N. Tolstoy - an artist and a person - wanted Kostlin to cause not anger and contempt from the reader, and pity and compassion. Similar feelings are experiencing to him and the author who sees every person a person, and the main path of change in life is in self-improvement, and not in revolutions. So in this story the favorite thoughts of L. N. Tolstoy are approved, his knowledge of human psychology and the ability to portray the inner world, experience; The ability to bright and simply draw a portrait of the hero, a landscape, the situation in which heroes live.

Causes the most warm sympathy The image of the Dina's Tatar girl. In Dene, the features of sincerity, immediacy are noticed. She sat down on a squat, began to turn the stone: "Yes, the handms are thin, like twists, - there is nothing good. Threw a stone, cried " . This little girl, obviously deprived of caressing, constantly left unattended, reached out to good, who had retreed to her housing.

The Caucasian Captive is a realistic work that is bright and vitally described by the Hytsev, the nature of the Caucasus is depicted. It is written in an affordable language close to the fabulous. The narrative is conducted on the face of the story.

By the time of writing the story, Tolstoy is finally approved by the need to learn from the people of His morality, his views on the world, simplicity and wisdom, the ability to "get tight" in any environment, survive in any situation, not a rap of and without shutting up their troubles on other people's shoulders. The writer at this time is entirely busy with folk education, he writes "ABC" for peasant children, all artistic texts in which are simple, entertaining, instructive. "Caucasian captive" is printed in the 4th book of "Russian children's books for reading", that is, the story is written in Tolstoy especially for children, and therefore he is so instructive.

Also, we conducted a survey among grades 5-7 (60 people) of our lyceum. The results of the survey are presented in the application.


So, reading the story "Caucasian captive" is fascinating the reader. Everyone sympathize with housing, despise Kostlin, diethy. The emotionality of perception, the ability to empathy, up to the identification of themselves with his favorite heroes, faith in the reality of what is happening in the story - these are the features of the perception of the literary work, but the reader must develop, enrich perception, learn to penetrate the writer's thought, test aesthetic pleasure from reading. The moral problematics of the story draws attention to to realize the Tolstsky ideal of an excellent person.

In the story "Caucasian Captive" L. Tolstoy solves the following problem: Can people live in peace and friendship that they disconnect them and what connects, is it possible to overcome the enemy enmity of people with each other? From here, the second problem implies: is there any such qualities in a person who make the unity of people? In which people have these qualities, and in what - no and why?

Both of these problems are not only quite accessible to readers, but also deeply relevant, because in life the relationship of friendship, partnership occupy an increasing place.


  1. Afanasyev T.M., Tolstoy and Childhood, M., 1978
  2. Bulanov A.M., Philosophical and ethical quest in Russian literature 2 halves of the XIX century, M., 1991
  3. Voznov N.M., Russian literature of the XIX century, M., 2004
  4. Lomukov K.N. L. Tolstoy. Sketch of life and creativity, M., 1984.
  5. Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich // Brief literary encyclopedia. -d7.-m., 1972.
  6. Strapchenko M.B., Tolstoy as an artist, M., 2000
  7. Shklovsky V. Lev Tolstoy. - m., 1963 - (ZhZL).


  1. Do you know the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Caucasian prisoner"?

"Yes, a sign" - 54 people.

"I heard something" - 5 people.

"I find it difficult to answer" - 1 person.

  1. Do you remember who is the main hero of the story?

"Yes, I remember" - 54 people.

"I find it difficult to answer" - 6 people.

  1. What, in your opinion, the main character of character has the main character - Zhilin?

"Bravery, courage" - 45 people.

"Honesty, devotion, gratitude" - 31 people.

"Care, goodwill" - 22 people.

"Warning, foresight" - 14 people.

  1. What do you think is the image of the main character "character of the people"?

"Yes, I think" - 48 people.

"NOT not, than yes" - 8 people.

"No, this is not" popular character "- 4 people.

  1. Do you think the story "Caucasian prisoner" a kind of book of life?

"Yes, I think" - 40 people.

"Rather, no, than yes" - 16 people.

"No" - 4 people.

Zhuravlev V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 5. In 2 parts. Part 1. Enlightenment, 2007

Zhuravlev V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 5. In 2 parts. Part 1. Enlightenment, 2007

The genre of the work is a story. He is dedicated to military action in the Caucasus in the second half of the XIX century. At that time, a bloody war was going for the accession of the Caucasus to Russia. Mountain peoples have provided stubborn resistance, the Russian soldiers captured. Russian weapons could move from one fortress to another only under enhanced security. L. N. Tolstoy himself was a participant in hostilities and described the events, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe real picture of events, so the story "Caucasian captive" can be called full right.

The main participants in the events in the story were two Russian officers - Zhilin and Kostylin.

Zhilin receives a letter from the mother with a request to come home to visit her, urged on vacation and goes out of the fortress. This is the tie of the work. Culmination moments here are not there:

  1. when Zhill is first captured;
  2. unsuccessful escape of Zilina and Kostlin and their repeated captivity;
  3. happy savory of Zilina Cossacks.

The junction occurs when the zilin turns out to be in the fortress among his own and remains to serve in the Caucasus, and Kostilina barely live in a month, bought out for five thousand rubles.

Truthfully describing the details of the prisoner of the Tatars, Tatars, Tol-Stov shows that the war is a terrible evil, condemns the inter-national distribution, is terrifying what mutual hatred leads to. It is enough to remember the old man-hustras, a little unmanned in the shot at the fact that he approached close to his sackle. This old man has seven sons in this war, and he shot himself, when he moved to Russian.<…>The old man was blinded with hatred and demanded immediate violence over the life.

Simple mountaineers treated the housing in a different way. They will soon become accustomed to him, began to appreciate him for skillful hands, for the intelligence, for a sociable character. Dina's girl, at first, the erased towards him, as a beast, was attached to the prisoner, sorry him, and then helped run from captivity and thus saved his life.

The story is built on comparison of the main characters. It is already starting with their surnames. Zhilin - from the word "lived", that is, a stronger, a terrible person. The area called "Kostl" always serves only by the backup, or even the burden to his satellite. So Kostlin interfered with Zhilin in everything. According to the fault of Kostilina, Zhilin was captured and their first escape failed.

Comparing two heroes in everything - from appearance to acts and thoughts, we see that the sympathies of the writer, and, accordingly, readers are completely on the side of Zilina - a simple, brave, honest Russian officer. At the same time, it is impossible to rely on.

Tolstoy masterfully depicts in the story of the life and customs of Kav-Kaz. We get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the liveli-local residents looked like, that they ate and drank, as the life and household houses were.

The story admires the image of the magnificent Caucasian nature. Descriptions of landscapes seem to carry us to the place of times-returned events.

Tolstoy - Master of the portrait, and not only psychological. Multiple words are enough for us to see Dina with her handle, "thin, like twigs", eyes, shiny, like asterisks. Characteristic and appearance of two officers. Zilin - under-pull, slender, energetic, clinging for the life of the man-eyel. Kostylin is a cargo, cowardly, bad, non-violent daughter.

The language of the "Caucasian captive" is very similar to the language of fairy tales and epic. Offers begin with the verb-fag, followed by it. "Hearse ...", "how to shout Kostinin ..." and so on.

The story "Caucasian prisoner" is written in such a master of the word, with such perfection that, after reading it once, we remember His heroes for life.


  1. Zhilin receives a letter from the mother and straightens himself from-launch.
  2. Zhillin and Kostylin decide to get out of the conversation and go ahead. Material from site.
  3. Hill is captured to Tatars because of the coward of Costa Lina.
  4. Zilina is brought to Aul and plant in the shoes in the barn.
  5. The first close acquaintance with the kidnappers. Dina girl brings him to drink.
  6. The new "hosts" requires Zilin to write a letter to home asking for his own redemption.
  7. Croslin is given from which the redemption also require. Ko-Styline agrees.
  8. Close acquaintance of Zilina with residents of Aul. Friendship with Dina's girl.
  9. Description of the funeral of the local resident.
  10. Zhillus decides to escape from captivity. Kostylin is linked to him.
  11. Escape fails because of the crutin.
  12. Russians again put in the pit. The turnout time is tougher.
  13. Dina visits Thai Zilina and helps him run.
  14. Happy Salvation of Zilina.
  15. Junction.

A small story was created in the 70s of the XIX century, and many critics surprised simple and affordable, even for children, he was written. In addition to the realistic description of the life of Hydrests and the beautiful, wildlife of the Caucasus, Tolstoy pays attention to the other theme of the story, more moral and psychological.

This topic is a confrontation, which is revealed by the example of two personalities, the two main characters of the Caucasian Captive - Zilina and Kostlin. The story story develops quickly, and the description of all events is colorful and memorable.

N. Tolstoy skillfully uses contrast to convey to readers the topic of his story. Under the outer contrast of energetic hill and heavy crutin, the contradictions of their internal worlds are hidden.

Zhillin creates the impression of a living and joyful person, while Kostylin is unfriendly looking at the world around him, and is distinguished by cruelty and malice. Moreover, it is impossible to say that the difference between these heroes is definitely the circumstances of both Russian officers, both participate in Russia's war against the Caucasus.

But between them the abyss of their internal principles, their views on the world, their vital values

Absolutely opposite. The hill is a devotee and an honest person who helps Kostilin even after he betrayed him due to his cowardice and stupidity.

After all, Zhilli could not even think what could be done differently, and when he rushes to a friend for a gun to protect himself from the mountaineers, he was sure that he would help him. And even when they captured, he still takes a cowardly soldier along with him during escape.

His shower is wide and open, hill with sincerity and inner honesty looks at the world and other people. He carries on himself a soldier of Kostlina, when he tired of a long rescue from captivity of the Tatar. And both heroes fall there again, from where they hardly got out only now they are planted into a huge pit.

And then Tolstoy is described by the climax of the story of a girl Dina, with which good soldier managed to make friends during the captivity, with the help of a stick helps to escape Zhilina. And the weak and brown crutin is afraid to flee and thinks that it will be better if any of the relatives will pay for him.

Zhiline is able to escape on their own, he does not want to worry his mother requests for money, and thinks about her health. Zhilin cannot be such a hazardous coward like Kostylin, its nature is courage, courage and courage.

And hence it follows that the values \u200b\u200bof life are completely different for him, they are spiritual and clean. Costlin The same personification of passivity and inaction, the only thing that lives in this fear is only for himself and anger towards other people.

He is lazy and harsh, he relies in everything on others, and Hill prefers to create his fate himself, and he succeeds, since his motives and intentions are clean and sincere.

Works on topics:

  1. He served in the Caucasus Officer Zhilin. He came a letter from the mother and he decided to go on vacation home. But on the road ...
  2. The events of this story L. N. Tolstoy occur in the Caucasus during the bloody, conquering war under Nicolae I, who sent Russian troops ...

In the middle of the last century in the Caucasus, he was heavy, bloody war. Tsar Nikolai The first sent his troops to conquer the Caucasian lands. Goric nations living there provided stubborn resistance to the royal troops. On steep mountain roads, in the forests and gorges, at the crossings of rivers, the mountains arranged ambushes, they took Russian soldiers and officers. Russian visits moved from one fortress to another only under reinforced guard.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy at the time was at military service in the Caucasian army, participated in the combat actions of Russian troops.

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Once, far away from his squad, he almost fell. He helped his writer from his satellite and friend Chechen Sado. That's how it was.

Shortly before this case, Sado bought a young horse, producing a good horse. Friends - Tolstoy and Sado, in Caucasian custom, changed horses. Sado presented his horse to the Tolstoy, and he gave him his strong correspondent.

And so,. When friends began to overtake the Chechens, Tolstoy could easily escape from them on a sharpening horse, but he would never agree to throw a comrade in trouble. Sado had a gun, but it turned out to be uncharged. However, Sado was not confused. He is terrible to have a gun in the approaching persecutors and shouted on them. And those wanted to take the Sado and Tolstoy in captivity alive and therefore did not shoot. Especially they were evil on their fellow Sado, who was friends with the Russian officer.

Pursued by Chechens, Tolstoy and Sado approached the fortress Grozny so much that he saw the clock and raised the challenge. Equestrian Cossacks immediately appeared from the fortress; Chechens, who drank in Tolstoy and Sado, turned back and cleaned in the mountains. In memory of this case, Sado presented his saber to the thick. She is now stored in the Moscow Museum of L. N. Tolstoy.

During the Caucasian War, which spent more than twenty years, magazines and newspapers willingly placed stories about Russian officers and soldiers captured by the mountaineers, especially if these stories were recorded from the words of people who were in captivity.

Tolstoy met with such people, asked about the details of their life in captivity.

The events of the Caucasian War are captured by Tolstoy in the stories "/ Caucasian prisoner", "Rieza" and "Riding Forests", written during the years of his service in the army.

After half a century, the writer returned again to the Caucasian theme and wrote a wonderful story "Haji Murat."

In these works, Tolstoy severely condemned the royal government for the cruelty, with which it led the war for the accession of the Caucasus. The royal troops ruined and burned the aules, caused the hatred of the mountain tribes to themselves. At the same time, in the story of "Haji Murat" and in the stories about the Caucasian war, the writer condemns the leader of Histsens of Shamil and his associates, with their cruelty not inferior to the royal generals.

Tolstoy opposes the national retail, against those who rauve one people to another.

In the "Caucasian prisoner" Tolstoy tells how the brave Russian officer Zhilin was taken by Nogai Tatars captured and taken to Aul. Aul residents looked at the captive with fear. "As they touch the beast," says Tolstoy. And one old Highlander, it happened, "how the zilina will see, so cares and turn away." He almost shot the captive for the fact that he came close to his sackle. The seven sons of this old man died in the war, and he killed the eighth himself when the Son switched to the Russians. This old man "First Dzhigit" was, he broke a lot of Russians, was rich. "

Such jigites like this old man hated not only Russians, but also all other "inners", alien Muslim religion. Dipped with hatred, the old man demanded immediate violence with the prisoner.

Differently belonged to housing ordinary hills. They soon got used to him, began to appreciate it for a fun, sociable character, for the mind.

The heroine of the story of Young Dina, too, was afraid of the Zilina. This is how the writer tells about it.

Father ordered Deine to bring water to drink prisoner. Dina brought a tiny pitcher, she served water and "sits, his eyes opened, looking at the zilina, how he drinks - as on the beast of which". And when Zhilin got drunk and gave her a pitcher - "How she jump away, like a goat wild." But with each new meeting the fear of Dina passed. A kind and responsive girl with all his heart was attached to the prisoner, sorry him and helped him what could.

Dina saved Zilina when he threatened a penalty after a failed escape. The feeling of pity and love for a good, nothing in anything helped the Dee to overcome fear. Risks his life, she freed Zilina from the capture.

(Schoolchildren are often called the "Caucasian Captive" by the story "about Zilina and Kostilina". And indeed, the companion of Ztilin was a companion and his companion in captivity. This is a cargo, a sniffer, a cowardly person, whose fault of Hill was captured. -Is-for He did not succeed in the first to escape prisoners from Aula.

Comparing their actions, their behavior in difficult minutes, their characters and even the appearance of one and the other, we see that all the sympathies of the "writer on the side of Hilina - simply, honest, brave and persistent in the misfortune, boldly coming towards hazards.

And on such people like crutin, it is impossible to rely on. They and comrades will put in a difficult moment and will destroy themselves. On the way, Kostylin was completely out of his strength and began to persuade Zilina: "Go one, for what you because of me to disappear." There is no doubt that at the place of Zilin he would have done so. And he, although he was angry at Kostlina and was not less tired than he, but responded with firmly and decisively: "No, I will not go, I don't get a comrade to throw." She picked up exhausting crutin on the shoulders and moved with heavy wear on. Only this can act real warriors.

The story "Caucasian captive" is written with striking art. There are six small heads in it, every no more than ten pages. And how much we learn from it! Before our eyes, not only the episodes of the Caucasian War, but also the life of a mountain aul. Not many of the artists are able to describe nature as it knew thick. In his works, nature lives with one life with people.

Remember the description of that night when Zilin runs out of captivity: "There is a hill, all the shadows hold. He is in a hurry, and the month is even more chosen; And the urges were lit up. Began to approach the forest, the month got out of the mountains, - white, light, just as day. On the wood all the leaves are visible. Quietly, light in the mountains; How extinct everything. Only hear - at the bottom of the river ripples. "

Everything moves in a drawn poppy picture: a month, light from it, shadows, running on the slopes of mountains, river, murmur under the mountain.

Several colorful tolstroke strokes can create memorable portraits of their heroes. Here is Dina - with her black eyes, which are glowing in the dark, "so shine like stars," with her handms "thin, like twigs," with her calls, joyful laughter. Here is the hill - the rude, dexterous, low growth, very alive, movable, taking. But his unfortunate satellite Kostylin is "Male cargo, chubby ...".

The language of the "Caucasian captive" reminds the language of folk fairy tales and the have been. The phrases are often starting with the verb, from the faithful, followed by a noun, subject to: "I left the hill forward ...", "he wanted to rise ...", "the girl came running - thin, slender ..." and so on So building phrases, the writer not only reaches rapidness in the transfer of events, but does the language of the story close to the conversational.

The Caucasian Captive is written to the "ABC" - an educational book for children, which he released in 1872. "I want education for the people," Tolstoy said. In 1859, he opened a clear clearer school for peasant children in his estate. At the same time, with his help, another twenty-three primary schools were discovered in the villages of the Tula province surrounding the clear clearing.

Having become a teacher, Tolstoy realized that for folk rural schools needed good educational books and benefits.

"Alphabet" Tolstoy and appeared a good school book, which was studied by "Literactions of several generations of Russian children. "ABC" "consists of four books. Each of them contains fables, fairy tales, exciting stories. Tolstoy turned on a lot of riddles in the "alphabet" (proverbs, sayings. The writer sought to ensure that it was as many interesting and instructive material as possible. For this, he was engaged in a lot with physics, mathematics, astronomy and other sciences, acquainted with Greek, Indian, Arabic literature, studying fairy tales, were historical legends of many nations.

Tolstoy cared for in his "alphabet," as he said, "everything was beautiful, briefly, simple and, most importantly, clear." "Caucasian captive" quite answered these requirements, and the writer was very pleased with them. The story is written with such an artistic perfection that from the very first lines it takes off the reader with the attention of the reader. Having become acquainted in school years with the heroes of this story, we remember them for life. Such is the power of real, large art.

K. Lomunov


  • Tolstoy L. N. Caucasian captive. Story. Fig. Y. Petrova. Chechen-Ingush book "Publisher, Grozny, 1978. 48 p.
  • Annotation: In this book, you will read about the adventures of the brave and intelligent Russian officer Zilina, who has captured to the mountaineers and managed to escape from captivity.

    This story is so wonderful written that everyone, after reading him in childhood, remembers his heroes for all his life.

    Updated: 2011-09-12

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Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy


First lesson.
L. N. Tolstoy: Childhood, the beginning of literary activities.
"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

I. L. N. Tolstoy: Childhood, the beginning of literary activities. "Prisoner of the Caucasus"story-Father

Fifth-graders read the stories L. N. Tolstoy for children from "Azbuchi", for example: "Father and Sons", "Long", "Two Comrass", "Lion and Doggy", "Philipok", "Shark", "Jump"; Usually know about the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina". In the reading lessons they were told about the school for peasant children organized by Lv Tolstoy in a clear glade.
A brief and informative introductory article is given in the textbook.

The teacher can tell about the thickness, who fed the facts that will be interesting to children.

23 years was Llyah Tolstoy, when the brother Nikolai convinced him to go with him to the Caucasus. The Caucasus at the time was the most dangerous place in the Russian Empire. At the beginning of the XIX century. According to the persistent requests of the Georgian king, George XII Georgia was attached to Russia. Then, during the Russian-Iranian and Russian-Turkish wars, Azerbaijan was attached to Russia, and then Armenia. Thus, all the Transcaucasia turned out to be ruled by the Russian king. But in the Caucasus there were horses, which prevented the free movement on the roads, robbed and robbed.
In 1817, the tsarist government began the Caucasian War, which lasted until 1864, then subsided for a while, then resumed with a new force. As a result, the Caucasus was attached to Russia. At the beginning of the war, the fortresses of the formidable, sudden, durable trench and others were built on the border, and others, they were troops. The Cossacks were settled throughout the border. They lived with families in the village, cultivated land and took part in military operations. On the other side of the border, Circassians lived (so called Chechens and Ingush). They fought against the power of the Russian king, attacking the detachments, fortresses and stages. The Caucasian War was very cruel.
- How many years did the war lasted at the time of the arrival of Tolstoy there?
The war lasted 31 years (from 1817 to 1851, when L. N. Tolstoy arrived in the Caucasus).
Lion Tolstoy thought to find incredible adventures in the Caucasus and was first disappointed. In the future, L. Tolstoy realized that the peculiarity of the people with whom he had to meet. The Caucasus forever remained in the soul of the writer. In twenty years, especially for children Tolstoy wrote a story "Caucasian captive", which calledstory-Father.
- How old was Tolstoy, when he wrote a story "Caucasian captive"?
- What do you think it isstory-Father?

The writer in artistic form tells the story that really happened in life.
Then you can read the materials of the textbook "From the story of the story" Caucasian Captive ""Another approach to this work is possible: learn about the history of the story of the story after it is read, and compare real history with a works of art.

II. "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Commented reading
Introducing familiarity with the story, explain thatTolstoy calls Highland Tatars, but this is not the designation of nationality: in the time of Tolstoy, the so-called Muslims called in general.
The story begins to read the teacher.
The story was written for "Azbuchi", intended for peasant children, and many words and expressions in it, which in modern speech are considered outdated. Some of these words and expressions can be commenting in the course of reading, it is worth working on others.

Take the story to the end.

The lesson is the second.
Zhillin and Kostylin

I. Articulating warm-up

II. Zhillin and Kostylintwo different characters, two different fate
Work Let's start with the clarification of impressions from the story.
- Was you wondering if you were reading a story? What episodes caused sadness, sympathy, joy? What episodes would you like to reread?
- Which of the heroes caused respect, who is hostility?
- Why is the story called "Caucasian captive", and not "Caucasian prisoners", because the captives were two?

The story is called the Caucasian Captive, and not the "Caucasian Captive", because the writer focuses on the story of Zhilin. Zhillin and Kostylin - the characters of the story, but the genuine hero can only be called Zilina.

Drawing up a comparative table
First discuss the meaning of the names of heroes.
Progress:pupils are in turn begin to read the text of the story. Finding the definitions or facts that characterize the heroes from one side or the other, students at the suggestion of the teacher stop reading and write out a quote, a character line or a hero act in a table. Drawing up the table will be completed at home.

Option table

Quality Zhilin Kostylin
Meaning of the surnameHousings - blood vessels, tendons.
The dwelling is a lean, muscular, with protruding cores
The crutch is a stick with a cross-labeled mouse that serves as a support when walking with chrome people or those who have sick legs
Appearance"And the hill is not high in growth, yes deleted was""And Kostilin is a car, thick, the whole red, and the sweat with it so and pours"
Promotiveness"" You need to go to the mountain to look, and then, perhaps, they will jump out from behind the mountain and you will not see. "
"Zhilin is always pronounced her" (dog)
Attitude towards horse"The horse under the housing was Hunting (he he paid a hundred rubles for her in herd in herd and leaned himself) ..."
"... Mother, I will not hit the foot ..."
"The scarf is like a horse from that side, then from another"
Bravery - cowardice"- ... I will not give alive ..."
"- ... with them what to rob, then worse"
"And Kostylin, instead of waiting, just saw the Tatars, it rusted that there is a spirit to the fortress."
"And Kostilin burned."
"Kostylin and fell with fear"
Behavior in captivity"Posted by the hill letter, and the letter did not write so, - so that it did not come. He thinks: "I leave". "
"And everything hesishes himself, gets away, how to run. He walks through Aulu, whether hersize, and it sits, something needlewing - or from clay dolls sculpts, or shears the brackets from the rods. And Zhilin on all needlework was a master "
"Kostylin once again wrote home, everyone waited for the sending of money and missed. For all days sits in the barn and considers the days when the letter comes; or sleeps "
Opinion Tatars about prisoners"Dzhigit""Smurry"
Observation, curiosity"He became a little to understand the world."
"Hill got up, squandered a bigger, began to watch"
Endurance, courage"Jars from the pebble on the pebbles and looks at the stars""Kostlin is lagging behind and eats"
Loyalty, devotion"... no comrade to throw"Kostylin threw a zilina in trouble and row on a horse

Finish the compilation of the table.
Prepare an oral writing on the topic "Zhilin and Kostylin".

The lesson is the third.
Hill and Tatars. Zhillin and Dina. The thought of the writer about the friendship of different nations as a natural law of human life. Pictures of nature in the story

I. Checking homework

We sum up the results of the work compared to two heroes: the weakness and passivity of the Kostilin writer contrasts the activity, durability and humanity of the zilin. Courage and excerpt helped him run to his own, overcoming all obstacles.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is to show that you can not give up even in the most difficult circumstances, you need to persevere your goal.

II. Hill and Tatars. Zhillin and Dina. The thought of the writer about the friendship of different nations as a natural law of human life
- How is the life of Aul: the eyes of the crutin or the eyes of Zilina? Why?
We will offer students to find in the text of the description of the life of Aula, read and retell these descriptions close to the text.
The Tatar village introduced himself by Zhilin in the morning of peaceful, calm. People wake up, all are busy with their business, women bring water, boys indulge. Zilin counted the houses ten and the church of Tatar, with a turret (that is, a mosque with a minaret).
When Zhill entered the house, he saw the walls smoothly smeared clay, the barbell is good. Dear carpets hang on the walls, on carpets weapon in silver. The stove is small, and the floor is earthen, clean. The front corner is eliminated by felt, carpets on them, on carpets down pillows. Tatars are sitting here and treat.
Zilin watched the Tatars dressed - both men and women, noticed that they were very loved by silver. The house did not pay attention to that they are the first, large shoes leave at the threshold, and in others, the inner shoes are sitting on the carpets. Another Zhilin noticed how they wash their hands and pray after eating. Servants on carpets with pillows are not allowed. Women are just serving for meals, but do not sit with men.
We draw the attention of children to the description of the funeral of Tatar, on the details telling about worship services and the life of women in the village.
- Why did the old woman smashed Dean's first doll?
Muslim tradition prohibits portraying people. In addition, the old woman was angry with Russian.
- How did the Tatars belonged to the housing? Why Abdul Murat loved Zilina?
Tatars were treated with respect for the fact that he did not give himself to intimidate when a ransom was demanded from him, and for what he knew how much. Abdul-owner said he loved Zilina. Red Tatar and an old man who lived under the mountain hated all Russians, and Zilina too.
- Tell about the relationship between Dean and Zilina. Why did Dina helped Zhilina?
Zhillius was grateful to Dee for help. Dina helped Zhilina, brought him food, because the hill showed goodness to her, made her a doll, then the second. After the thunderstorm, he made a toy for children - a wheel with dolls. Describing the friendship of the girl and the prisoner of the Russian officer, Tolstoy wants to say that the feeling of hostility is not congenital. Children Chechens belong to Russians with ingenious curiosity, not hostile. And the hill is fighting with adult Chechens who attacked him, but not with children. With respect and gratitude, he refers to the courage and the kindness of Dean. If his father found out that Dina helped Zhilina, he would have cruelly punished her.
The author wants to say that the enmity between the nations is meaningless that the friendship of people is the norm of human communication, and confirms this by an example of the friendship of Hilina and Dean.

III. Pictures of nature in the story
Expressive reading
Note that there are no large descriptions in the story: the pictures of nature are brief and capacious.
Let me read the description of the mountains that saw the hill sitting on the top of the mountain (chapter fourth), from the words: "persuaded small, went" - before: "And so it seems to him that this is the fortress Russian."
- What is the feature of this description?
Note that very little adjectives. Landscape is shown as if in action.
- Where else in the story we see the image of nature, as if actively accompanying the action of a person?
We read an expressively episode from the chapter of the sixth of the words: "Perevilin crossed himself, picked up the castle on the block on the block ..." - before: "Only hear, the river is right."
We will strive to ensure that the text of the story sounded in the lesson in reading students. The story of the second shoot of Zilina must be surely read entirely.

To write rare, outdated words and expressions, explain them. (I distribute the class for four to five groups and offer each group to work with the text of one of the chapters.)

Four lesson
Briefness and expressiveness of the language of the story. Story, plot, composition, idea of \u200b\u200bwork

Lesson for the development of speech

I. Briefness and expressive language of the story
This work was already started in the previous lesson. Understand the attention of students to short proposals that the story is written. The brevity and at the same time depth is the main advantages of the story.

Wordwork (by groups)
Work is very important to explain the meaning of words by selecting synonyms and referring to sensible dictionaries. The group allocates one or two representatives who are preparing to respond from her behalf. Then listen to the answer of students about the meaning of rare words.
Attention requires a significant number of words and expressions. We will remember that seemingly natural and understandable to us, adults, can cause significant difficulties for children. At the same time, ignorance of the meaning of even one word in the sentence (especially if it is key) often makes it unclear everything offer for children.

Chapter first
Straightened vacation - I made a vacation.
Warred soldiers - soldiers who accompanied the group of people; security.
The sun has already passed for half a day - passed noon.
Attorney to Tatars - Suddenly the meeting of the Tatar.
Hunt Hunting - A horse that does not need to pour, which easily understands what to do.
Took it on the circle - The horse together with the rider easily rose to the steep mountain.
Lucky is sick - Strongly hits the leaf.
He began to choke - began to stretch the reins to stop the horse.
The horse spread out - The horse rushes, can not stop.
Tremulously - flinched.
Nogaen - Nogaitsa - People in Russia, speak in the language of the Turkic group.

Chapter Second
Disgusting - without a belt.
Beshmet - Men's and women's swing clothing, located under Kaftan, Chekmen, Circassy among the peoples of Central Asia, Caucasus, Siberia.
Snoring wet - Mordy Mokray.
Galunchik will be covered. Galloon - Dense tape or braid, often with silver or gold thread.
Safian shoes. Morocco - Thin, soft, usually brightly colored leather isolated from goat skins or sheep.
On the sleeves is broken red - Sleeves are covered with red (galoon, braid, ribbon).
Monisto from Russian Fuxnikov - Necklace from Russian coins in 50 kopecks (at the time the admirations were silver).
Their church, with a turret - Mosque with a minaret.
Clean, like a current. Current - Playground for throat; There is always clean on the current, because the grains are harvested here and sweep in the direction of sex.
Felt - Tight thick material from felted wool.
Cow oil dissolved in a cup - Cow oil (creamy) lies that melted, in a cup.
Pelvis - Wooden round or oblong dishes, here - for washing hands.
Rouge stopped - The gun gave a mischief, that is, did not shoot due to the malfunction of the weapon or cartridge.

Three Arsshina. Arshin - measure of length, equal to 71.12 cm; Three Arshina - 2.13 m.
Approved them - firmly, stable, attached.
Will scratch and turn away (old man) - It will begin to breathe outrageously, so there is a sound similar to snoring, and turns away to not look at the person of another faith.
For the stone to arrive - Hide behind the stone, clinging to it.

Chapter Fourth
Under the mouse yes under the flavor - under the mouse and behind the legs of the knees.
Chobel - Tried timidity, frightened.

Chapter Fifth
Sheep flies back - Sheep convulsively cough down in a navigation, that is, in a shower for small livestock.
Avoids descend steel. Vise, or strokes, or pleiades - scattered star cluster in the constellation of the Taurus; In the summer time, the staitro in the first half of the night is high in the sky, and in the second half of the night, they gradually descend to the horizon.
Brilline. Malt - the product that is prepared from the grain gear in moisture and warm, then dry and largely intertwined; hererusselodel - became wet (sweaty), as if loose (weak muscles), sluggish.

Chapter Six
Stone Vostrich - Stone sharp.
Lang in the forest, front - Hiding in the forest, wait a day, wait dark.

Let's summarize: The brevity of the story of the story makes it clear and fascinating, the use of old folk words makes the story expressive and memorable.

II. Story, plot, composition, idea of \u200b\u200bstory
In the textbook Dane definitions:idea, plot, story, episode. Definition composition You can see in the dictionary textbook. We will work with them based on the fact that children know about the narration from the lessons of the Russian language. We write the definitions in the notebook.

The plot is a chain of events occurring in the work.

- What is the story of the story "Caucasian Captive"?

The story is a small narrative work, which is united by one story and consists of several episodes.

- Which of the works read in the 5th grade can we call the stories?
Composition - a phenomenon that is familiar to children at the presentation level.
Composition - construction of the work, location of parts, episodes and images in a significant time sequence.
Let's say that this sequence is never accidental.
The composition of the story "Caucasian captive" is based on his plot. We highlight in the workexposition, Typing, Development, Culmination, Bulkand epilogue.
Exposition and epilogue Tolstoy rapid, fit in one or two phrases.
Vazka - Getting a mother's letter. Action is developing rapidly and leads toculmination - The second Bunker.
Junction - Pozilin has time to reach his own.
(Often the concept of composition of the narrative product is given in the lessons of the Russian language, so we do not write here in detail about the structural elements of the composition of the narrative work.)
We will talk about the 7th questiontextbook:
- What took the writer from the memories of the officer F. F. Tornau, what is the author's fiction? What ideas, thoughts, feelings want to tell the reader by the author of the story?
Tolstoy took from the memories the idea of \u200b\u200bthe friendship of the prisoner officer with the Tatar girl who resorted him to spend and brought food. F. F. Tornau tells that he faced the dog that was guarded. He drew the figures and cut the tree so that even Circassians asked him to cut off for them. These facts, slightly changed, used Tolstoy. From his life, he took the memories of how the Chechens chased him and almost took him in captivity.
The writer used the author's fiction. He came up with the captives two, and speculated the history of the first and second shoots. The author wants to cause readers a sense of pride in a Russian officer who came pronounced, fighting with the enemies, he behaved in captivity worthy and managed to run.

Idea - The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is that persistence and courage will always win. The writer condemns hostility between nations, considers it meaningless.

In writing to prepare the answer to the question: what do you think is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of L. N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive"?