Figures of different fairy tales. Russian folk fairy tales

Figures of different fairy tales. Russian folk fairy tales

The fairy tale is not possible to replace anything. Children need fairy tales. The tale of a multifaceted and comprehensive force helps to develop his inner world into the child, the basics of behavior and communication, fantasy and imagination, and creative potential. The fairy tale at night is the best tradition to lay a child to sleep. Accordingly, correctly chosen works will help the child calm down to forget the whole bustle of the past day and now ...

A gentle voice of Mom, soothing, lulling. The child can plunge into a calm flow of fantasies and dreams. Reading a fairy tale for the night is important to choose the right time (the child must be calm, tune in to the hearing). You can start a fairy tale on the night, even in the very small age, too, the baby is already knowing the mother's voice, the sweetest sound on the ground.

The plots of the fairy tales themselves should be good and selected in accordance with the age of the child. For children of senior preschool age, fairy tales are long, long (these children can already fantasize and represent heroes). Children of the middle preschool age like fairy tales in which the main characters of animals. Kids should read the fairy tales short with a repeating plot ("Kolobok", "Rack", "Teremok"). In short fairy tales, the plot is developing rapidly, so it is important to pick up such that the child can calm down before falling asleep and sleep sweetly. A fairy tale for the night can schedule the mother itself or ask to choose a child and do not be mistaken if you have read it more than once. Repeated reading the fairy tale will allow it better to understand its meaning and in the end it will become not interesting.

The fairy tale is a kind of game, and that the game is more fun adults to help come ridiculous fairy tales for children. Funny fairy tales create a lightweight atmosphere and clearly available tongue to be contacted to the consciousness of the child complex life situations. Unobtrusively in the fairy tale are presented such difficult-based concepts as good and evil, courage and cowardice, friendship and betrayal, greed and generosity, etc.

Based on funny and other different fairy tales with children, you can arrange home theatrical productions. It will be entertainment and development. Listening to a fairy tale or reading it yourself, a child and himself becomes a member of the events, identifies himself with heroes, the events that they fall into the words, to be transformed into a different, gaming reality. Being on the waves of a fairy tale in your ship, children are boldly speculate, carry the action outside the book and with ease of real wizards turn their room into a place of action of any fairy tale. After trying on one or another character, the child learns the verge of human characters and seems to check itself.

From the earliest childhood, we get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales and plunging into the world of fantasies by traveling with them in the Wonderland and Magic countries. Fairy tales came to us from the depths of centuries and carry historical information, genuine popular culture, reveal the borders of the imagination and dreams, encouraging to work. Once, a new folk art of clip art appeared in Russia. At these pictures, most often depicted stories of fairy tales, instructive stories. It was the most massive kind of fine art, because the simple rustic people were closer and clearer these simple pictures. Many great artists were passionate about the amazing world of folk fairy tale. V.M. Vasnetsov and Yu.A. Vasnetsov, I.Ya. Bilibin, MA Vrubel and these are not all great talents that at one time created illustrations for fairy tales. Children, and many adults perceive better information visually, so fairy tales for children with pictures are popular.

On a row with folk fairy tale, children like and fairy tales of foreign writers. Foreign fairy tales for children of such writers like G.H.andersen, Charles Feather, Brothers Grimm, L. Carroll, A. Miln, etc.

Which of adults does not know the "red hat" or "cat in boots" written by the chall feather? And is it possible to forget the merry fume of Peppi Long stocking and baby and Karlson Swedish writer A. Lindgren? And many other wonderful works uniting different people from different countries.

In the times of Soviet power, some time struggled against the fairy tale, considering that it is impossible to replacing the reality for fantasy and fiction. But still writers K. I. Chukovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov and many others despite the prohibitions wrote their Soviet fairy tales for children.

Nowadays, the tale of Multicolia and now our modern fairy tales for children are called differently "fantastic story", "fantastic book" and simply fantasy. Current children in another began to perceive the fairy tale reading mom or grandmother replaced audiobooks. Mama also became easier than a fairy tale to read for free on special sites with a selection of fairy tales on various topics. Sometimes you understand that children simply do not know fairy tales. Neither folk nor copyright. Literary critics were divided into opinions. On the one hand, they argue that the tale has been outprofitable and it would be time to say goodbye to her. And on the other, on the contrary, that fabulous products are gaining increasing scope (books, discs, movies, related products)

What is the difference between the folk tale from the author's fairy tale for children? The folk fairy tale came up with the people and she was passed from the mouth to mouth, that is, no one and when he does not know who and when it came up. But the author's fairy tale for children has its own progenitor, that is, a man who composed her - the author. Sometimes the author bases his work on an old rewritten fairy tale, and in some cases the author's fairy tale is from the beginning to the end of the fantasy and the talent of the writer. In general, the author's fairy tales are a huge reservoir in multifaceted world literature.

Folk tales for children at first glance are simple and uncomplicated, but in the opinion of some psychologists much more useful than the author. Folk fairy tales are full of wisdom and traditions of the people-writer. They can be traced, and therefore convey the following generation mechanisms to solve problems arising in the life path.

Ukrainian fairy tales for children is a certain chronicle of the traditions and life of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainian fairy tales reveal us how and what this people live, his holidays, the way of life, that they had and what was not. A long time lives a Ukrainian fairy tale, but so far she is relevant and interesting.

They gave us a fairy tale! The artists-illustrators who "revived" of our favorite heroes. Guide to books, style, technicians and stories from life.

Ivan Bilibin

Master graphics, creator of a special type of illustrated book, "First Professional Book" - as experts are called. His example is another science, in the work of Bilibin, they were looking for inspiration many generations not only illustrators, but also graphic designers.

"Tsarevna-frog", "Vasilisa-beautiful", "Mary Morrevna", "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "Fishing about fisherman and fish" - It is worth finding a book beloved since childhood to make sure - beauty!

Style. You can find out the works of Bilibin in the large format of a finebook notebook with large color drawings. And the artist here is not just the author of the drawings, but also all the decorative elements of the book - covers, initials, fonts and ornamental decorations.

Elena Polenova

In the Abramtsevo Museum, the Books illustrated by Elena Polenova are still stored. The sister of the famous painter Vasily Polenov, although it was connected with the Bohemian "Mammoth Circle" - artists, artists, architects, was always interested in people's peasant. She was inspired by the tales, in her letters to friends are mentioned by the Heroes of Folklore, for example: Grandma Fedosya - Master to invent merry non-residents.

Style: Main in Landscapes Polenova - Attention to "trifles": herbs, flowers, mushrooms, insects. She tried to "move to that distant childhood, when, listening to this story, I imagined miniature monasteries and cities in the forest, so to speak, in a mushroom scale, in which these amazing creatures live and apply."

Yuri Vasnetsov

"Stolen Sun" Kornea Chukovsky, "Koshkin House" Samuel Marshak, "Konk-Gorboon" Peter Ershova - We imagine the heroes of all these books thanks to the drawings of Yuri Vasnetsov .

Style: The artist inspired the elegant Drykovsky dolls and bright roosters, the tradition of Lubka and the folk fantasy had a noticeable effect on the creativity of the illustrator.

Detail: Book graphics was only part of Vasnetsov's creativity. In the picturesque works, he showed himself as a very large master who connected the folk culture and high aesthetics.

Vladimir Konashevich

Vladimir Konashevich gave us the opportunity to see Dr. Aibolita, Tanitskaya, Babyigon, Skate-Gorboon and Wise men who sailed in the sea in a thunderstorm. Talking about how inventing drawings, Konashevich confessed: "There are artists who invent and think with a pencil in hand ... I am an artist of another warehouse. Previously, what I take for a pencil, I have to figure out everything in advance, to imagine a mentally ready-made drawing in advance All details ... "

Style: For an artist who works with children's books of one talent to draw a little, we need a second - kindness. The world of Konashevich is just that, the world of kindness and dreams. The artist created a recognizable style in the design of fairy tales: bright images, suitable patterns, vignettes, "live" composition, which captures not only children, but also adults.

Georgy Narbut

"From the small years, how much I remember," said Georgy Narbut, "painting attracted me. Behind the lack of paints, which I did not see, until I got into the gymnasium, and I used the pencils, I used the colored paper: cut off with scissors and glued with flour glue."

The artist, draftsman and illustrator, the organizer of the highest graphic education in Ukraine, Georgy Narbut, studied from Mikhail Dobuzhinsky and Ivan Bilibina, the latter even said: "Narbut of the most huge, directly immense sizes of talent ... I consider it the most outstanding, the largest of Russian graphs."

STIL. Ingenial ideas were born in the workshop of Narovka and the masterpieces were created, which changed the history of the book in Russia. Book graphics is not just a virtuoso technicality and sophistication of taste. Narbet style is always an expressive cover, decoratively decorated title leaf, lettering and skillful illustrations.

Boris Zvorykin

The artist deliberately avoided excessive publicity, because the facts about her biography are so scarce. It is known that he was an outcomes from the Moscow merchants and studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture.

Zvorkina is considered the founder of the "Russian style" in the book illustration and the best schedule of the beginning of the 20th century in .. Since 1898, he illustrated and drawn up books for Moscow and St. Petersburg publishing houses Ivan Sotin and Anatoly Mamontov. The first experience of the artist in the field of children's book was a book "Tale of the Golden Cockerel" Alexander Pushkin.

Style. Inspiration for their works Boris Zvorykin searched in Russian old, decorative and applied art, icon painting, wooden architecture and book miniature. No wonder he was one of the active members of the Society for the Renaissance of Art Rus.

Boris Diodorid

Boris Diodorus "revived" for us the heroes of Russian and foreign classics. "Tutta Carlsson the first and only," Ludwig of the Fourteenth and others "," Amazing Journey Niels with wild geese "," Case in a hat "(about the history of hats in Russia, together with Irina Konchalovskaya) - Do not list everyone: the artist illustrated about 300 Books.

Diodorre worked as the main artist of the Publishing House "Children's literature", got from the hands of Princess Denmark Gold Medal G. H. Andersen, his work was exhibited in the USA, France, Spain, Finland, Japan, South Korea.

Style: Beauty of thin lines. The technique of etching at which the steel needle scratches the drawing on the coated metal plate is quite complex, but only it allows you to achieve airiness and subtleties performed.

For kids, feeding, for teenagers and for dreaming boys and girls are collected on the Russian folk tales page. Moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers can remember childhood and plunge along with their loved ones in a fascinating world of magic children's literature on our site the site "Russian Fairy Tale" online, free and without registration.

Author and folk tales are accompanied by unusual illustrations. For several centuries after the invention, the unpretentious wealth of colorful fabulous sketches of Palekh, Fedoskino, Holly, Mshel, Zhostovo, Dimkovo, Gzhel, Khokhloma, Russian Matryushka and other folk crafts were collected in Russia. One look at the page is enough to understand the imagination of the artist endlessly!

Without having a television, nor radio, nor the Internet, but the canvas, paints and their own imagination, artists of fuels created real masterpieces in the Arsenal.

The incredible rusty of paints and drawing the smallest details make these pictures in the property of national Russian art and true historical value.

Looking at the paintings, you can understand how our ancestors lived, as dressed, as this huge world was. Modern children through the paintings of Russian artists will be able to realize, life was not so comfortable and carefree, as in our rapid time!

People had to work a lot to grow bread, weaving the cloth and paint their life in several bright colors.

The charge of good and light in Russian folk legends.

In times, when there were no televisions and the Internet, all the children and adults were going in the evening in one big room. They lit candles, women were sitting at work, and the kids climbed onto a warm and cozy stove and asked her grandmother: - tell me a story. The teacher of the teacher began the oven and read beautiful fastity, stories that were composed of people on the basis of real events. The narrator knew many, many folk fairy tales and transferred them to the nationality, creating a magical theater stage.

The kids listened to the long and short fairy tales at night by holding his breath, and absorbed by the soul and memory every crushed word about magical animals and people. In addition to the games in the courtyard and invented stories, they did not have other entertainment, but the guys grew smart, bold and real patriots of the Great Mother of Russia.

Today, reading fairy tales with pictures is intended for the development of imagination and replenishing the wealth of the native Russian language. A large font will help you easily read the text, remember the words and love reading the book, and after each line of the story there is a picture, drawing or photo of a varnish miniature, which illustrate the event and adventures of fabulous heroes.

Our favorite fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers are collected on the page. Here are stories about popular and well-known characters with which each child should get acquainted in early childhood. Start immersion in the magical world of fairy tales is better with repka, Masha and Bear, Kolobom and chicken rim. Then go to the acquaintance with Morozko, Emers and Magic Pike, Baba Yaga and Koshetia, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa, a beautiful, princess frog and a beetroot, Ivan-fisherman, a fisherman and a goldfish. Gradually, children will learn and love all fairy-tale heroes, to study in their examples to live, love, create good and will definitely remember fairy tales from childhood for a long-to-year years.

Fairy tales for children 3 years old, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years old, 9 years old ... For children of a kindergarten of different ages, school students and their parents, teachers and educators.


Tales online

In this section of the site you can read children's fairy tales online completely free and without registration. It is enough to choose in the author's right menu you need a fairy tale and can be immersed in fascinating reading about the magical adventures of fabulous heroes. All fairy tales on our website with colorful illustrations and summary, so we recommend that you first read the short content of the fairy tales before reading it for children for the night. Fairy tales for children on our website are represented in the form of an alphabetic list so that you are more convenient to find the desired fairy tale and read it online. Reading the fairy tales is not only interesting, but also very useful - this occupation is perfectly developing fantasy in a child.

Children's fairy tales

Remember your childhood. Each of us as a child loved fairy tales for the night. At first, when we have not been able to read, we made her parents and grandparents, showing colorful illustrations in the book. When we learned to read on our own, we have already become read by interesting fairy tales. Fairy tales are chosen on our website for any age of children: from 2 years and before the age, while children are finished to believe in fairy tales)) Each author's or folk fairy tale carries a certain meaning who has invested the author or people in this fairy tale under the influence of the appropriate time .In fairy tales, the basic principles of morality are laid. It is from fairy tales a child begins to understand what is good, but what is bad. He learns to empathize with heroes, tries to imitate them, so correctly selected children's fairy tales will play an important role in raising children.

Our site presents fairy tales of the best authors of all times and peoples. The list of copyright fairy tales is constantly expanding and complemented by new arrivals. In the right menu, you can see a list of authors whose fairy tales are published on the site. If you have not seen the desired author there - use the search site.

Folk tales

The site for children collects and publishes folk tales with colorful illustrations and summary content. In the right menu, you can see a list of folk fairy tales, which are presented on our website. This list is constantly complemented by interesting folk tales.

Best fairy tales

The best fairy tales that enjoy the greatest demand from our readers are put in a separate block on the right, materials that have the largest reyneg are cleared there - the maximum number of views and the highest assessments of readers.

Heroes of fairy tales

Each hero of the children's fairy tale can be attributed to one of two types: good or bad. Almost in any fairy tale there is a struggle of good with evil and, most often good wins.

In addition, the heroes of fairy tales can be divided into the following categories:

Magic heroes (Kolobok, Thumbelina, Little Mermaid, Kashing the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Water, Monster,SnakeGorynych, Dragon, Chippolino, Gulliver ...)

Magic animals (Cat in boots, rocker rush, fox, bear, Cheshire cat, nasty duck, golden cockerel, Gray Wolf, Crane, Frog - Traveler ...)

Social heroes (Princess, Prince, King, Queen, Barin, Boyar, Guy, Peasant ...)

Representatives of occupations (blacksmith, forester, swineweed, soldier, carp, pop, bishop ...)

People of different ages (Grandma, Grandfather, Granddaughter, Red Hat, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Groom, Bride ...)

Bogatyri (Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Ilya Murometh ...)

Each fairy tale has its own atmosphere, characteristic of a certain people and the era, to which the author of the fairy tale belonged.

Free fairy tales

All fairy tales contained on our website are collected from open sources on the Internet and published on our site solely for informational purposes. Any fairy tale can be read completely free.

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We wish you a pleasant reading of children's fairy tales for the night!

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