Scary fortune telling - A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Scary fortune telling - A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

"Listen, Valerian," said the Gusar lieutenant colonel Gremin to his friend Major Strelinsky, "do you remember that the black-eyed lady, which brought the whole youth to the ball at the French Messenger three years ago?"

This conversation took place in 182 ... G., on the day of winter nicol, not far from Kiev, where officers ** the St. Petersburg regiment celebrated the name of their favorite squadron commander of a hot-tempered and stubborn, but good and generous Nikolai Petrovich Gremina.

Of course, Strelinsky remembers an unknown beauty, she even dreamed of him for two nights, but his passion, as a decently noble hussar, passed a week; But Gremin seems to be loved?

Yes, three years ago Alina plotted him with his heart. She answered him reciprocity, but the lovers had to eat only the "sparks of views and the smoke of hope", for, unfortunately, on the calculation of their native Alina was the wife of a seventy-year-old Count Star. Doctors advised the old man to go abroad, on the water, the spouse should accompany him. By exchanging rings and vowes of constant loyalty, young people broke up. From the first station, she sent a letter to Gremin, then one more thing - since neither of her nor about her had no news. And only yesterday, with St. Petersburg Post, Lieutenant Colonel learned that the Countess Star returned to the capital, that she became even more beautiful and mile, which is only about her and says the big light. The passion saved from time to time revealed again in the heart, and next to her and jealousy and distrust: is it left by the previous love? Gremin asks for a friend to check the feelings of Alina: "Mila inexperienced love, but love tested priceless!" If Alina will love Strelinsky, that fate! Not easy to Strelinsky agree to expose not only love, but also friendship, and only Gremina's assurance that nothing threatens with friendship, forcing him to say "yes."

But the change of human nature is such that he did not have time to shut down the ringing of the bell for the left Strelinsky, as in the soul of Gremina doubted and jealousy. And there is already an next morning, he will send the ordinary to the brigades commander with a request to dismiss on vacation, going to overtake Strelinsky and first to see him with excellent Alina.

In the christmas Christmas Eve, a fuss and a fun pre-holiday throttle reigns on the streets of St. Petersburg, when the Sheny Square is made in all sorts of altitude, and Nevsky is burning from the carriage and sled, in which the Guards officers will jump to buy new-fashioned accelets, epolutions, hats and uniforms, and ladies are applied Sweet visits to fashionable shops, to seamstresses and gold master, - on the eve of the holiday through the Moscow I will enter Petersburg, the top three, in which one of our hussar was sitting. Who is it - Gremin or Strelinsky?

The brilliant Masquerade Ball, this prince about *** three days after Christmas, was in full swing, when a stars approached the stab in a magnificent Spanish costume and invited her to the dance. In the sounds of voice and brilliance of Done Alonzo E Fuenzées, Kolibrados, as a stranger introduced himself, made something familiar with something. And when he removed the glove with the left hand, the unwitting "Ah!" It was broken from her - the sparkling ring was the very thing that she presented three years ago Gremin! Having promised to appear to her to explain the riddles the next day, the stranger disappeared like a dream.

In a strange excitement, the Countess of the visit is waiting - almost forgotten love as if returned to his heart again. Here are reporting the arrival of the Guards officer! Now she will see him again! Alina goes into the living room ... But before Her is not the prince of Gremin, but an unfamiliar blonde hussar!

The riddle of the ring was revealed simply: two years ago, having seen his ring from his friend, Strelinsky ordered a similar. But how to explain another mystery: from the first minutes of the meeting, Strelinsky and Alina were frank and trustful, like old friends, and maybe more than friends. And from this day in the theater, on the balls, at the musical evenings and dinners, on Kathania and dance breakfasts - everywhere Alina seems to be occasionally with Valerian. Alina in love, no doubt! And our hero? He only performs Gremil's request? Although! And evidence of this is a change, with him what happened. He, according to friends, - a windmaking, now seriously reflects on the future, about marriage, and the family happiness of love with a cute girlfriend connects to his thoughts with a duty of a citizen: he will retire, go to the village and in concerns about the prosperity of peasants and improving The farms useful and happily spend their lives. But will Alina agree on this? Go to the village - the victim for the young, beautiful and rich woman! Three days later she will give the final answer.

And while the sad and concern Valerian is waiting for the decisions of his fate, Nikolay Gremin returns to St. Petersburg. The affairs of the service who detained him in the regiment, forced to forget about the former plans and hopes, and, fervently for the day, he did not remember the test, entrusted to a friend, and, perhaps, would not come to Petersburg at all if the death of his grandfather did not call him To get an inheritance. But the news about the close marriage of Strelinsky and the Countess Star, as the waterfall surcedid on him, awakened the jealousy who fell into the soul, and, boiling by a fortune, he rushes into the house of the previous friend to pour out all the rage of his indignation. How could Strelin's unfair donkeys of a friend? He is trying to recall that he urged Gremina to give up a crazy plan, which predicted everything that could happen, in vain! Resentment does not tolerate reasoning. Shot - the only possible answer to insult, bullet is the best reward to cunning!

Valerian's sister Olga Strelinskaya, a young girl recently released after training in a Smolny monastery, tormented by the forebodings about the fate of Brother, is decided to overhear the conversation of men in their home. Secundants discuss the quality of the "fine-grained" gunpowder, the design of pistols, the problem of the Invitation of the Lekary. Old Valerian servant helps cast bullet. You can assume that nothing will be missed.

Olga in despair. How to save your brother? For hours run precious moments! She likes Gremin so much, and now he will be the killer of Valerian! Olga appeals to God, and it helps her to decide ...

The usual tavern on the second verst on the road to Pargolovo, a place where dueling participants are constantly going in winter. Suddenly, Gremin reports that he wants to see a lady under a veil. "Olga! Are you here?!" "Prince, know, you will not be able to achieve my brother, otherwise I have piercing my heart!"

Gremin, who has long regrets his vain hotness, is now ready for a thousand apologies. His ardent and impressionable heart is fully occupied by another: "Olga! Be my wife! "

Reconciliation took place. Immediately, Strelinsky receives a letter from Alina. How stupid were doubts! Alina itself belongs to him. The gloomy mood was dispelled. He blesses Olga and Gremina: "I give you, Nikolai, the best pearl of my being!"

The gentlemen of the Secundants invite to put the past recklessness and in the future to change their failed roles on the role of chaphers on two weddings.

"Even the stupidity of man sometimes is unusually successful!" - Reasoned the skeptic doctor who present at the same time.

T. I. Voznesenskaya retold.

Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Scary divination

Debt Men, Responsibility Men, Dignity of Men

To read the story of Bestumeva Marlinsky, at least in order to have time to spend time to have time to do what the whole life dreamed about - to live a full life. Short, but complete events and heroism life is much better than a long and boring, when everything is beautiful, love, bringing pain and pleasure is postponed for later, and this "then" never comes.

We throw out other books and plunge into the fantastic world of terrible stories of Bestumev-Marlinsky. In the scenario of life offered by the writer, the scale and quality of heroism are important, and not a tedious digging in everyday life.

Everyday, if not affects physical wounds, injures the soul of each of us. She kills the soul of each of us. You only need to firmly to each of us that he is nothingness, scoundrel, stupid, fat, ugly, unhappy. This list is infinite. Then each of us will constantly feel the feeling of guilt for being born.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky makes each of us feel the hero, the writer does it so delicately and convincingly that we stop the wander in the desert of loneliness, but turn into the heroes that are able to work every second. For love. For the sake of honor.

To read Bestumeva Marlinsky to find out that at all, N. V. Gogol, N. V. Gogol, told the story about terrible fortune telling and fantastic metamorphoses ... to learn about the man who was grateful to M. Yu. Lermontov for recreating Caucasian exotic. Bestuzhev's entrepreneur is just needed to discover the importance of the term "Marlinism" to categorically disagree with Vissarion Belinsky, who considered Marlinsky a failed writer and a representative of "false romanticism".

The people say: "It's good to scare someone who is afraid." The works of Marlinsky are not frightened, but teach each of us to be strong, bothering, able to overcome obstacles, fight with enemies and win, if your right. And let you enter into an unequal battle, know, the clean heart is able to defeat even the most skilled and dangerous enemy.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky was not afraid of his destiny, she walked over her. The enviousness accused him of the absence of talent, egoism, called the killer, but he never inclined his head in front of the naval, nor before the deadly danger. Participation in the uprising of the Decembrists interrupted his brilliant career, but he adequately moved all the trials, remaining the faithful son of his fatherland and, most importantly, an honest person.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky proved with his own life: you should not be afraid of fate. He met his death in battle. His body has not been found. It turned out to be prophetic words that once chose a writer: "And I will die away from homeland and will ..."

Read Bestumeva Marlinsky! To confirm the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky that there are only three things that need to be argued in boys and boys - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man. To get acquainted with the history of life of a real man, a writer, poet, a military and Decembrist, who remained faithful to himself and his beliefs.

Terrible gadal

Dedicated to Peter Stepanovich Lutkovsky

Long ago
Repelled the possibility of the spirit of darkness;
But to a wonderful always inclined heart,
My friends; Who was not a gloomy? ..

I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, they would be horrified! Everything that the poets are so loved so that women are so frightly played, in which lovers are trying to pretend so, in me, it was boiling, like melted copper, over who and the pairs, not finding the source, were lit with the flame. But I have always been ridiculous to pity, sighs with your gingerbread hearts: I was miserable to the contempt of notebooks with our winter delight, with their memorable expressions, and to get into the number of them seemed to be wary of everything in the world. No, it was not me; In my love there was a lot of strange, wonderful, even wild; I could be incomprehensible, but never funny. Farmer, mighty passion rolls like a lava; She carries and burns all the oncoming; Destroying herself, destroys the oblasts in the ashes and at least a moment, but turns even the cold sea into a pile boiler.

So I loved ... Let's call her at least Polyno. All that a woman can inspire, all that a man can feel, was inspired and felt. She belonged to another, but it only raised the price of her reciprocity, only more irritated the blind passion of my, trembling hope. My heart should have been terminated if I closed him silence: I knocked him as a crowded vessel, before my lovedness of a woman; I told the flame, and my speech found a review in her heart. Until now, when I remember about the assurance that I love, every veil in me trembles like a string, and if the pleasures of earthly bliss can be expressed by sounds, then, of course, the sounds like! When I got down for the first time my mouthpiece to her hand, my soul disappeared in this touch! I thought it was as if I was crushed into a zipper; So quickly, so air, so dust it was feeling this if it can be called feeling. But briefly was my bliss: Polina was as much string as charming. She loved me how never I was not loved by Dotol, as I never love forward: gently, passionately and flawlessly ... What was cherished to me, it was worth more tears for her than me myself. She so trustingly indulged by the protection of my generosity, so noblely begged to save the most from the scream, which would be asent of the trust.

- Nice! We are far from vice, "she said," but is it always far from weakness? Who is trying to be often powerful, he prepares a fall; We should see how much you can see!

Sticking my heart I gave the floor to avoid any meetings with her.

And now he has been traced for three weeks, as I did not see Polina. It is necessary to tell you that I served in the Seversky Konnoegerer regiment, and we were then in the Oryol province ... Let me beat about the county. My squadron was located near the estate of Muga Polina. About the most saints, our regiment received the statement to speak in the Tula province, and I had a rather hardness of the spirit to leave without slipping. I confess that the fear of changing the secret in the presence of others more than modesty, kept me. To deserve her respect, it was necessary to abandon love, and I endured the experience.

In vain invited the surrounding landowners for the farewell holidays; In vain, comrades, who, too, almost, did not have a heart rate, persuaded to return from the transition to the ball, - I stood hard.

On the eve of the new year we made the third transition and settled on the day. One-Odystene, in Kurknaya Hut, I lay on a hiking bed my, with the Black Duma on the mind, with a heavy crash in my heart. I have not smired out for a long time since the soul, even in the circle of friends: their conversation became unanswered to me, their cheerfulness excited in me bile, their attentiveness - annoyance for extra charge; Therefore, the stronger I was frowning alone, because all comrades were driving on guests; The darkness was in my soul: it could not be smelly than any sequilament of outdoor greeliness, no accidental entertainment. And now I went to me by the riding from the friend, with an invitation to the evening to the old His owner, prince Lion's. They ask for sure: they have a feast mountain; Beauty is a star on the star, the swollen swarm, and the champagne spilled sea. In the assistee, as if she was passing, he informed that there would be Polina. I broke out ... my feet trembled, the heart was boiled. I walked around the hut for a long time, I lay for a long time, as if in forgetting the hotness; But the laster of blood did not subside, the cheeks were burning with a bugger glow, a reflections of a peace of mind; There was a challenge in the chest. Ride or not to go for this evening? Another once to see her, to breathe in one with her air, hens her voice, to pray the last forgive! Who would resist against such temptations? I rushed into the trim and rocked back, to the village of Prince Lionskogo. It was two hours for noon when I went from place. After a twenty-miles on their own, I then took the postal trip from the station and was still twenty-two versts safely. From this station I was already taught with a big road. The statute well done on the dick horses took me to deliver per hour for eighteen miles, in the village princess.

Current page: 1 (A total of 13 pages)

Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Scary divination

Debt Men, Responsibility Men, Dignity of Men

To read the story of Bestumeva Marlinsky, at least in order to have time to spend time to have time to do what the whole life dreamed about - to live a full life. Short, but complete events and heroism life is much better than a long and boring, when everything is beautiful, love, bringing pain and pleasure is postponed for later, and this "then" never comes.

We throw out other books and plunge into the fantastic world of terrible stories of Bestumev-Marlinsky. In the scenario of life offered by the writer, the scale and quality of heroism are important, and not a tedious digging in everyday life.

Everyday, if not affects physical wounds, injures the soul of each of us. She kills the soul of each of us. You only need to firmly to each of us that he is nothingness, scoundrel, stupid, fat, ugly, unhappy. This list is infinite. Then each of us will constantly feel the feeling of guilt for being born.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky makes each of us feel the hero, the writer does it so delicately and convincingly that we stop the wander in the desert of loneliness, but turn into the heroes that are able to work every second. For love. For the sake of honor.

To read Bestumeva Marlinsky to find out that at all, N. V. Gogol, N. V. Gogol, told the story about terrible fortune telling and fantastic metamorphoses ... to learn about the man who was grateful to M. Yu. Lermontov for recreating Caucasian exotic. Bestuzhev's entrepreneur is just needed to discover the importance of the term "Marlinism" to categorically disagree with Vissarion Belinsky, who considered Marlinsky a failed writer and a representative of "false romanticism".

The people say: "It's good to scare someone who is afraid." The works of Marlinsky are not frightened, but teach each of us to be strong, bothering, able to overcome obstacles, fight with enemies and win, if your right. And let you enter into an unequal battle, know, the clean heart is able to defeat even the most skilled and dangerous enemy.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky was not afraid of his destiny, she walked over her. The enviousness accused him of the absence of talent, egoism, called the killer, but he never inclined his head in front of the naval, nor before the deadly danger. Participation in the uprising of the Decembrists interrupted his brilliant career, but he adequately moved all the trials, remaining the faithful son of his fatherland and, most importantly, an honest person.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky proved with his own life: you should not be afraid of fate. He met his death in battle. His body has not been found. It turned out to be prophetic words that once chose a writer: "And I will die away from homeland and will ..."

Read Bestumeva Marlinsky! To confirm the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky that there are only three things that need to be argued in boys and boys - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man. To get acquainted with the history of life of a real man, a writer, poet, a military and Decembrist, who remained faithful to himself and his beliefs.

Terrible gadal

Dedicated to Peter Stepanovich Lutkovsky

Long ago
Repelled the possibility of the spirit of darkness;
But to a wonderful always inclined heart,
My friends; Who was not a gloomy? ..

I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, they would be horrified! Everything that the poets are so loved so that women are so frightly played, in which lovers are trying to pretend so, in me, it was boiling, like melted copper, over who and the pairs, not finding the source, were lit with the flame. But I have always been ridiculous to pity, sighs with your gingerbread hearts: I was miserable to the contempt of notebooks with our winter delight, with their memorable expressions, and to get into the number of them seemed to be wary of everything in the world. No, it was not me; In my love there was a lot of strange, wonderful, even wild; I could be incomprehensible, but never funny. Farmer, mighty passion rolls like a lava; She carries and burns all the oncoming; Destroying herself, destroys the oblasts in the ashes and at least a moment, but turns even the cold sea into a pile boiler.

So I loved ... Let's call her at least Polyno. All that a woman can inspire, all that a man can feel, was inspired and felt. She belonged to another, but it only raised the price of her reciprocity, only more irritated the blind passion of my, trembling hope. My heart should have been terminated if I closed him silence: I knocked him as a crowded vessel, before my lovedness of a woman; I told the flame, and my speech found a review in her heart. Until now, when I remember about the assurance that I love, every veil in me trembles like a string, and if the pleasures of earthly bliss can be expressed by sounds, then, of course, the sounds like! When I got down for the first time my mouthpiece to her hand, my soul disappeared in this touch! I thought it was as if I was crushed into a zipper; So quickly, so air, so dust it was feeling this if it can be called feeling. But briefly was my bliss: Polina was as much string as charming. She loved me how never I was not loved by Dotol, as I never love forward: gently, passionately and flawlessly ... What was cherished to me, it was worth more tears for her than me myself. She so trustingly indulged by the protection of my generosity, so noblely begged to save the most from the scream, which would be asent of the trust.

- Nice! We are far from vice, "she said," but is it always far from weakness? Who is trying to be often powerful, he prepares a fall; We should see how much you can see!

Sticking my heart I gave the floor to avoid any meetings with her.

And now he has been traced for three weeks, as I did not see Polina. It is necessary to tell you that I served in the Seversky Konnoegerer regiment, and we were then in the Oryol province ... Let me beat about the county. My squadron was located near the estate of Muga Polina. About the most saints, our regiment received the statement to speak in the Tula province, and I had a rather hardness of the spirit to leave without slipping. I confess that the fear of changing the secret in the presence of others more than modesty, kept me. To deserve her respect, it was necessary to abandon love, and I endured the experience.

In vain invited the surrounding landowners for the farewell holidays; In vain, comrades, who, too, almost, did not have a heart rate, persuaded to return from the transition to the ball, - I stood hard.

On the eve of the new year we made the third transition and settled on the day. One-Odystene, in Kurknaya Hut, I lay on a hiking bed my, with the Black Duma on the mind, with a heavy crash in my heart. I have not smired out for a long time since the soul, even in the circle of friends: their conversation became unanswered to me, their cheerfulness excited in me bile, their attentiveness - annoyance for extra charge; Therefore, the stronger I was frowning alone, because all comrades were driving on guests; The darkness was in my soul: it could not be smelly than any sequilament of outdoor greeliness, no accidental entertainment. And now I went to me by the riding from the friend, with an invitation to the evening to the old His owner, prince Lion's. They ask for sure: they have a feast mountain; Beauty is a star on the star, the swollen swarm, and the champagne spilled sea. In the assistee, as if she was passing, he informed that there would be Polina. I broke out ... my feet trembled, the heart was boiled. I walked around the hut for a long time, I lay for a long time, as if in forgetting the hotness; But the laster of blood did not subside, the cheeks were burning with a bugger glow, a reflections of a peace of mind; There was a challenge in the chest. Ride or not to go for this evening? Another once to see her, to breathe in one with her air, hens her voice, to pray the last forgive! Who would resist against such temptations? I rushed into the trim and rocked back, to the village of Prince Lionskogo. It was two hours for noon when I went from place. After a twenty-miles on their own, I then took the postal trip from the station and was still twenty-two versts safely. From this station I was already taught with a big road. The statute well done on the dick horses took me to deliver per hour for eighteen miles, in the village princess.

I sat down, - Katay!

It was already dark when we left the yard, however, the street was boiling by the people. Young guys, in velvet hats, in blue cafts, were pacing, holding a fellow comrades; Girls in the holy fur coats, covered with bright Chinese, went rounds; Everywhere the festive songs were heard, the lights flashed in all windows, and the burning rays were burning in many gates. Well done, my driver, standing in the headline Sanya, proudly smoked "Padi!" And, having hijacked, bowed to those who recognized him, very satisfied, hearing for themselves: "Out of our Alek rolls! Where, falcon, gathered? " etc. Having noted from the crowd, he turned to me with previation:

- Well, Barin, hold on! - laid the right mitten under the left mouse, led the naked hand over the triple, glaked, and the horses were swayed as Vikhore! The Spirit took me from the speed of their scope: they suffered us. As a vertical shuttle on the shawls, tumbled, lying around and jumped sleigh in both directions; My cab driver, overlooking the nagging and powerfully overwhelming the winds, fought for a long time with passionate power of stagnant horses; But I wondered only incited their rage. Moting his heads, having embarked in smoky nostrils to the wind, they rushed forward, brewing a blizzard over the sleigh. Such cases are so common for each of us that I, grabbing the irradiation, was quietly lying inside and, so to speak, admired this speed of travel. None of the foreigners can comprehend wild pleasure - to rush on a mad troika, like thought, and in the flight of the flight to eat a new selflessness. The dream has already transferred me to the ball. My God, how I will scare and I will give a policeman with my unexpected appearance! I'm wound, they caress me; The world is concluded, and I can't hurt with it in dancing ... And meanwhile, the whistle of the air seemed to me the music, and the flames of the hedge, the forests - the distrect crowds of the guests in a mad waltz ... Creek Crack, asking for help, called me from charm. Grabbing two entrances, I was so twisted the head was indigenous, which, overlooking suddenly, she almost jumped out of the clamp. Topcha and Fyrkkaya, finally stopped by exhausted runners, and when Other cloud, and the breeze spawned a couple, swinging over her horses:

- Where are we? - I asked the pot, meanwhile, as he pulled the broken artlessness and remembered the break. The smear timidly looked around.

- Give God's memory, Barin! - he answered. "We have long been killed with a big road to fall along the snowdrift of the bumps, and I do not confess something to this soul. Not this is a bunch of sink, because the Andronova is a fogging?

I was not fused on either the crucible from his topographic guesses; Impatient to come to overcoming me, and I with the annoyance beat my leg about the leg, meanwhile as my boyfriend ran to find the road.

- Well?

- Bad, Barin! - he answered. - In a good hour to pray, I will silent at thin, we left for a black lake!

- The better, the brother! If there is a sign, to leave not the debt of the song; Sit down and shouted in the tail and in the mane!

- What is better, Barin; This sign will start the severity where, the pump objected. Here my uncle saw a mermaid: I hear you, sits on a bitch, and she swayed, and the hair itself scratches, the brass is such that passion; Or's such a lubricant - ply, and only. And all nagging like my palm.

- Well, did he kiss the beauty? - I asked.

- Christ with you, Barin, what are you kidding it? She listens, so let me remember that you will not forget new brooms. Uncle with a fright is not to delay or read it, it didn't even have time to eat, as she, jealous of him, walked, hit his hands, and the buggy into the water. With this, the Schalu, Barin, he wandered around the day around and about, and when he looked home, barely had a tongue: might in animals, and only! And Kum Timosh Kulak, the rolling was held here; You hear you, he threw off a pig, and that's why I knew my feet! It's good that Timosh and himself in the devil does not know the power: as a leapfall went on it, yes, she grabbed her ears, she went to go huddled him, and herself squeales good math; I dragged the most cockpit, and at dawn found it under the congress from Gavryushka, that the daughter of Krasovita. Yes, or here it is fading! .. Serega oblique how to paint ...

- beat your affection to another case, - I objected, - I, right, no time yes no and hunting to be afraid! .. If you do not want, so that the mermaid lasted you to death or do not want to sleep with a cake under an ice blanket, then look for you Mostly the road.

We walked entirely, in the snowdrifles above the knee. On trouble, our sky was dotted with a pellena, through which the fluffy fascia was sown; Without seeing the month, it was impossible to know where the east and where the West. The deceptive gleam between the armor lured us right to the right, then left ... That's, you think, the road is visible ... you reach out - this is a slope of the ravine or a shadow of some tree! Some birds and hare trails flew mysterious nodes in the snow. The bell sounded in the arc, two every heavy step, horses steed, hanging his head; The cab driver, pale as a canvas, mumbled prayers, sentencing that we were bypassed, which we need to endure the fur coats up the fur and put on an inside out to the cross. I shattered in the snow and ropal loudly on everything and at all, leaving myself with an annoyance, and time flowed, and where is the end of this damned path?! It is necessary to be in a similar position, it is necessary to be in love and hurry on the ball to imagine all my anger at that time ... it would be very funny if it were not very dangerous.

However, the annoyance did not bring us on the old road and did not protrude the new one; The image of Polina, who danced in front of me, and a feeling of jealousity, that she spins now with some lucky, he listens to his brushing, maybe, answers them, did not help me in search of them. Dressed with a heavy bear with noise, I could not otherwise go like a naval, and therefore the wind penetrated me through, Olondeniaya on the body of a droplet of sweat. My feet, shoe in light dance boots, were shredded and quenched, and it came to the point that it was not necessary to take care of not about the ball, but about life, so as not to finish it in the desert field. We listened in vague: Nowhere to the Otradny light, anywhere the voices of the human, even a flight of a bird nor the creeks of the beast. Only snoring our horses, or the fight hoofs from impatience, or, occasionally, the bryaknay of the bell tower, awesome, violated the surrounding silence. We looked sullenly with a circle of firings, like the dead, coated in Saven Savana, as if stretching to us the glaced hands; Busta, fed by clocks, spoiled on the pale surface of the shade field their own; Duck, burnt stumps, imaging gray cosmas, took dreamy images; But all this did not pass the footprint or the hands of the human ... Catch and the desert of the neighbor!

The young cab driver was dressed at all did not rise in price and, permeable on the cold, sharpened.

- know, I sinned before God, - he said, - that such death is punished; Drill like Tatar, without confession! It is hard to part with white light, just fed a foam with honey bowl; Yes, and wherever went to the post, and then on holidays. That's what I will curse Blugged my old woman! That will say my Tanya!

I was touched by simple complaints of a kind young man; Expensive would be expensive to be as tempting, as Mila was my life to me so that I also believed in love and loyalty. However, in order to raise his sleep, I ordered him again to go into the course of the muddy, keeping the movement with warmth. So we walked another half an hour, how suddenly the guy was cried with joy:

- Here he is, here he!

- Who is he? I asked, jumping on deep snow closer.

The rocket did not answer me; falling on his knees, he looked at something with delight; It was a track horse. I am sure that no poor man was so glad to find a bag with gold, as my boyfriend is a faithful sign and a vow of life. In fact, soon we got out on a brisk wood road; Horses, as if sickly night, joyfully put the ears and rushed; We strive to fly around her where the eyes look. After a quarter of an hour were already in the village, and how my driver recognized her, he brought him straight to the hollow peasant himself.

Confidence returned the vigor and the strength of the Izyarly guy, and he did not enter the hut, as long as he did not curse a beggar on the street of the seedy members, did not squeeze his hands and cheeks, even as long as she took her horses. I went on some legs, and therefore, wiped them in the Seine, the Sukonko, I was already sitting under the saints in five minutes, behind the table, a diligently lost with a welcoming owner and hitting the ball at rural sites.

First, everyone got up; But, giving me a rhenium bow, they satisfied as before and only sometimes, trushing and whispering between him, seems to be a word about the unexpected Guest. The rows of the Melodian in the Niza Kikov, in Kokoshniki and the Red Girls in the bandages of multicolored, with long braids, in which the triangular sinks were crowded, and the slices were woven, they were very closely sitting on the shops, so as not to give a breakdown between his place - Of course, the Spirit, and Not a man, because many guys have found a means to go through between.

Well done in Pestridden or Sitz shirts with oblique galloon gates and in the cloth kaftani came around or, gathered in a handful, shifted, clicked nuts, and one of the most amiable, shifting a hatching cap, branded on the balalaica "from under the oak, from Vsey " The gray-robed father's father lay on the stove, going face to us, and, shaking his head, looked at the games of young people; For frames of the picture, two or three picturesque children's heads, which, leaving on their arms and yawning, looked out, looking down. Gadania for the new year went the usual turning line. The rooster, fastened in the circle of whose oblivion was the nominal bunch of oats and barley with the rings buried in them, honored to peck from whom, arranged an inevitable wedding for a fortuneteller or a migratory ... Cut the dish with a bowl in which the pieces were covered with sprinkle bread, coal , I could not achieve the meanings of which I could not achieve, and the rings of girls, they all began to run-up songs, this lottery of the fate and its sentences. I sadly listened to the sonorous jerseys, which were erected in a ladian strokes in the bowl.

Thank God in the sky,
Sovereign to this land!
So that the truth was the beautiful sun light;
Golden Picking Age Full-Full!
To hits it not to express it,
Its dresses are not flawed,
His faithful nobles do not age!
Already we sing bread,
Bread is honored!
Large rivers Glory to the sea,
Small rivers to the mill!
Old people on fun
Good young on the hear,
Two rainbows bloomed in the sky,
The Red Maiden has two joy,
With a cute friend, the Council
And dissolved soiled!
Pike walked from Noovagoda,
The tail was carried out of the lake.
Schuchka head silver,
W. pinching spin pearl wicker;
And the eye is an expensive diamond!
Golden brocade fluttering
Someone is going to the road on the road.

They succumb to good and glory, but, warrant, I did not think to listen to endless and inevitable reflore covers; My heart was far away, and I myself flew to fly after him. I began to teach the youth to take me to the prince. To their honor, although to his annoyance, it must say that no fee lured them from funny heart. Everyone said that they have bad or exhausted horses. There was no San Owl, with another horseshoe without spikes, the third hand hurts.

The owner assured that he would send his son and without warfare, yes, he had a pair of good horses to the city of the assessor ... Charks are frequent, the head is alone, and here's the third day, right, celebrate in the sidelice.

"Yes, you want to know your mercy," she sewed one krasnobay, shaking curls, "now night, and the case is a batch." We have the brave people on our work: whether they are not afraid to run for Ovina, they are not afraid to run for Ovina, in the field to listen to a bell wedding ringing, or in the old bath, so that there was a brotherhood of a brotherhood on richestics, and today the tails pressed ... After all then the new year hello senokos.

- Full you, Vanka, the fears of telling! - cried several thin ballots.

- What is full? - continued Vanka. - Ask-ka from the wedding: Is it good for the damns of a wedding train, what she saw yesterday, looking behind the twins for a month in the mirror? They go, they are fistleted, rod ... As if alive, they are committed. She says one banenal

litched by the Gorgean Old Town Son Afona and one knee sticks: Sit down and sit in Sani. From the circle, know, louses. Well, that her mind almost with the braid, it was published.

- No, Barin, - Pretched the other, - Although Silver, hardly, is unlikely to take you to take you! The circle of the lake is the wheel of the vert twenty will, and through the ice to go without trouble trouble; cracks and worn in darkness; I'll joke sly, you will go pockets to catch cancers.

- And led, - said the third. - Now the hell is the fencing soon: from the claws of each other, the prey is torn.

- Fully shave, "said Krasnobay. - I found a valve. Black Angel, or, in a book, so to speak, an Efiopa, always for each person behind the left shoulder stands yes, I do not get to the worship, how to push the sin. Did you do not hear, what was the Friday on the desert about past sibilities?

- What is? - cried many curious. - Tell me, please, Vanyusha; Just do not die with horror.

The narrator looked back on the door, on the window, on the faces of the listeners, grumbled long, recovered the right hand of Kudri and began:

- It was, like us, at the gatherings. Well done were surrounded in the larva, and such Hari, what and the day to look - they will hide behind the stove, not to dance with them at night. The fur coats, wearing seven spans, the horns are like a sidoro goat, and in the teeth on the corner, and gap. Managed that the rooster came

riding on the cancer, and death with a skew on horseback. Parsley-Chebotar back represented, so he told me everything.

Here's how they played out, as if swallows in front of the weather; One guy is crazy, know, and whispered in the ear: "Seven, I steal from the dead, that in the chapel lies, Saban, and a crown, Surrounding in them, I brought a lime, and I will come to the Dead." On thin we are not lazy: I would soon than guess, he flew to the chapel, because where, tell me for mercy, the courage took. Almost to death, he was hurt everyone: the old one is hiding ... however, when he looked around his voice, he began to be baptized and to go, that he was a living man, went laugh in the former fear. Taras and bars Yes Sweet conversations, en and midnight in the yard, you need to carry bobbin new clothes back; calling no one to comrades; As he opal Hamlin in his head, fell and fallen wings; One fear is overcome, and pleasures unlock. The dead man had long walked the sorcerer, and no one wanted the devils to roll their head on the back of the head, their tracks should be considered. You, they say, rented Savan, you and give it away; We are what to become in someone else's pirus hangover to bear.

And now, two miggs did not pass ... I heard, someone goes on creaking snow ... straight to the window: knock, knock ...

- With us the crop! - cried the hostess, rigging frightened eyes on the window. - Our place is holy! - She repeated, they could not disappear from the impaired items. - Won, Won, someone terrible looking here!

The girls with a cry were pressed alone to the other: the guys rushed to the window, meanwhile, as those who were picked up, with a scattered eyes and open mouth at both sides, not knowing what to do. In fact, behind frost glasses as if someone's face flashed ... But when the frame was detached - there was no one on the street. Fog, breaking into a warm hut, walked a rocker, dimming for the time of the brilliance of Luchin. Everyone was so calmed down.

- It was imagined to you, "said the narrator, recovering himself from fright; His voice was interrupted and uneven. - Yes, here, hear the visa: she is already at all short. When people are meditated in the hut dared yes asked: "Who knocks?" "The sepper answered:" The dead has come for Savan. " Hearing this, a well done, surrounded into him, took off his coffin and a crown and threw them out for the window. "Do not accept! - shouted the sorcerer, creaking his teeth. "Let me take, there and give me." And Savan again found himself in the midst of the hut. "You, mock, called me at the gatherings," said the dead by a terrible voice, "I'm here!" Help the same guest and accompany him to the house, to the last of your and my home. " Everything, trembling, prayed to all the saints, and the poor fellow went alive either dead sat, waiting for evil death. The dead between those walked around, screaming: "Give it to me, not that and everyone is unlapeted." It was put in the window, yes, for happiness, the shoals were holy water sprinkled, so it was like a fire; Boiled yes back rushed. Here he ran into the gates, and the oak constipation, like salt, crumbled ... He began to appear at the congress ... True squeezed logs under the roaming washed; The dog with a screech climbed in the saints under the trough, and everyone heard how his hand fell on a junk. In vain read it to meet the prayer from the prayer, from the prize; However, nothing took ... The door with a moan turned on the heels, and the dead shares in the hut!

The door of our hut, accurately, dissolved the word, as if someone was overheard to enter this moment. You can not describe, with what horror the guests screamed, jumping from the shops and puting under the images. Many girls closing their face with their hands, fell behind the backs of her neighbors, as if they had escaped the danger when she was not visible. The eyes of everyone, as directed to the threshold, were waiting to meet there at least the exa, climbed by Savan, if not the most unclean with horns; And in fact, the snowstorming frosty couples could seek the hellish sulfur. Finally, the steam was interquered, and everyone saw that the included one had a kind of human. He burst out the entire conversation at all, although he did not cross in front of the icons. That was a slim man in a swollen Siberian, under whom there was a velvet camisole, the same sharovar descended to lacquer boots; The colored Persian handkerchief twit twice the neck, and in his hands it was a beaver hat with a visor, a special look. In a word, his costume argued that he was or a cradle, or an attorney for sputters. His face was correct, but pale as a canvas, and black extinct eyes stood motionless.

- God to help! He said, bowing. "I ask for a conversation for me not to repair you, the owner, do not take care of me. I wrapped in your village for a moment: you need to feed the corresponding line at the crossroads, I have it near Delz.

Seeing me in Mundire, he crushed very unleashed, even too unleashed for his condition, and asked modestly, can't you serve how to serve me? Then, with the permission, fell closer to me, taking a speech about the same, fifth and tenth. His stories were very funny, remarks cutting, jokes of poisonous; It was noticeable that he was rubbed for a long time between secular people as an intermediary forbidden to be fun or as their pursuer who knows, maybe, as a prodigal merchant son, who bought a pathetic experience, who lived with gold and good morals. The words of him responded to some kind of mockery it is necessary to all that people are accustomed to respect, at least externally. Not from the false boasting and not from hypocritical humility, he told about his vicious inclinations and actions; No, it has already been encouraging, cold debauchery. The evil smile of contempt to the whole surrounding endlessly wandered on his face, and when he induced his piercing eyes for me, the calendar ran around the skin.

"It's not true, sir," he said to me after some silence, "you admire the innocence and the cheerfulness of these simplicities, comparing missing urban balls with peasant gatherings?" And, right, in vain. Innocence has long been not in misery anywhere. The townspeople say that it is a field flower, the peasants point to the mirror glasses, as if she sits behind them, in a gold-plated cell; Meanwhile, as it is Cryborne in the stationery books, which is just believe to disperse our time. And greasiness, sir? I, perhaps, will come to you for fun, this monkey you call the cheerfulness. Shtof sweet vodka guys, a dozen of gingerbread men and a couple of three Arshin ribbon girls - here is a Men's paradise; how long?

He came out and, returning, brought everything, which was talking about, from Sanok. As a person is familiar to this case, he hooked in a circle and completely rural adverbs, with different booms, slept with the gingerbread cocks, crushed the most fitful ribbons, buttons on sundresses, earrings with glasses and the like balancing, poured vodka guys and even persuaded some of the men Sweet squirrel. The conversation was incurred as a hive, the eyes spoiled from the men, the free expressions were broken from the lips, and, listening to the Rosskazni of the stranger, whispered in his ear, the red girls laughed and much more gentle, although they looked at their neighbors. To trigger a muddle, he approached the Stena, in which the stalk stuck the beaches in the old frying pan, began to straighten her and put out that was not on purpose. For about ten minutes he fed in the dark, swollen fire, and at this time the sounds of many immodest kisses were distributed around between the general laughter. When the muck broke out again, everyone was already modestly sitting in places; But the stranger Lukofully showed me to the ruddy cheeks of beauties. Soon there was a blowing consequence of his presence. The ohmel peasants began to argue and quarrel between themselves; The peasant in the envious eye looked at the girlfriends who got the best baotles. Many guys, in the rustling of jealousy, reproached their kinds that they are too affectionate by the unfamiliar guest; Some husbands threatened their halves that they would prove the love of their love for their fellowship with others; Even the children on the climb fought for nuts.

Fasting hands on the chest, stood a wonderful stranger at the wall and I pretext, but Ironic smile looked at the traces of his leprosy.

- Here are people! - He told me quietly ... But in the two these words there was a lot. I realized that he wanted to express: as in cities and villages, in all states and ages, human vices are similar; They equal to poor and rich nonsense; Different rattles for which they are thrown, but the child is equally. Then at least expressed a mocking eye and tone of speeches; So at least it seemed to me.

Alexander Alexandrovich's story Bestumev-Marlinsky "Scary fortune telling" - a purely fantastic work in which the author showed his love for Russian folklore: witchcraft, fortune investigation, unclean phenomena. This terrible sophisticated story with national identity is mixed with images of iswolves, mermaids, ghosts and unclean with real events. But in the inherent author of the manner, at the end of the story all fantastic works receive a rational explanation.

The narrative is conducted on behalf of a young, brave military. All his heart, all thoughts, the whole passion, warmth and love were focused around the only woman - Polina. The response feeling was died only by the fact that the young woman was married. And even strong feelings could not overcome her rigor. Lovers decided that for the common good they need to part and never see more. Such a decision could save and the good name of Polina, but clearly ruined the hearts associated with feeling.

With serious thinks, on the eve of the new year, the narrator finds in the garrison of the riding from a friend who calls him on the ball. In addition to all other charms in a letter, comrade indicates that Polina will be present at the festive evening. Of course, the young heart does not withstand and seduces once again to see the cute features, inhale alone, say goodbye to the last time. And the young man is decided to go on a date.

It is decided to carry a military young rustic guy on the brave troika horses. Speed, the ringing of the puments, the wind in the face, the snow above the knee - all this is pleased with the travelers until they come down from the road and the village guy will not recognize the enchanted lake in the vicinity. Here we saw people mermaids, lying and devils. Hence the men were returned and numb and numb. Not one traveler remained forever here.

Besides the fact that the place was enchanted, the travelers got lost from the road and lost the guidelines. A young guy who loved life, literally began to say goodbye to white light. But the saving track of the horse brought them to the road and in the village. Instead of a fun ball and a date with a beloved, the narrator gets into the village gatherings with red girls and young guys. Everything passes simply, peacefully until a strange guest appears.

Young, unleashed, beautiful merchant all saturated by vice. After his appearance, quarrels, booze, stories about unclean power begin in the peasant house. Finally, our hero receives an invitation from a young strong guy to draw up a company in terrible fortune. Our military brave agrees, part of curiosity. The roots of this divination are deeply in ancient paganism and periodically about such rituals can be heard in different parts of Europe.

After going to the cemetery with a complete set of ritual items, a young military and his companion wish only to know what is waiting for them in the future. And after the inscription of the magic circle, the murder of the rooster, our hero almost heard the stuff of unclean strength and terrible horror fastened his heart. But then it turned out only a new acquaintance, who sowed troubles in a rustic house. The young merchant offered to take the hero on the ball to see the policeman.

Such a proposal could not not to please the hero and he happily forgetting all the horrors of today's night, went to meet love. How his heart refused when he saw the subject of his adoration, heard her voice, closed his hands on her mill during the dance, caught a tender look. It seemed that Blessed here is it will be forever with two in love.

But the wife cannot give her love to anyone, except for her husband. And, of course, the jealous of the jealous is thrown into the room where the couple was retired, for revenge. It seemed that it was impossible to escape, until a strange new acquaintance appeared. He appeared exactly where it is necessary and at the required moment. Lovers are decided to run away from everyone and begin a new life, away from human prejudices and a postpone her husband. Of course, the severity of the decision is overshadows happiness and it is as if there is no. Lovers can no longer be happy to each other. And the tragedy occurs in the pursuit, which will forever poison their existence.

Flight from society, killing a person, causing suffering to his beloved person - all this can have an indelible impression, even if it all happened simply in a dream. Or maybe the unclean power found the path to the heart just? In any case, the answers to the questions give our hero, who ruled the lesson from terrible divination.

A worthy speaker for sounding audiobook "Scary Divination" is the love of Konev. As always professionally, as always artistic. The creepy details of the folk belief about the unclean strength are transmitted so that light chill runs on the back. The passion of loved, irony and simplicity of rustic life is also accurately transferred. Audiobook is worthy to decorate a few hours and leave his mark in the heart of the listener.

A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Terrible gadal

OCR: Pirate extra. Edit: V. Esaulov, October 2004

Dedicated to Peter Stepanovich Lutkovsky

Long ago
Repelled the possibility of the spirit of darkness;
But to a wonderful always inclined heart,
My friends, who was not a Greater? ..

I was then in love, in love with madness. Oh, how they were fooled by those that, looking at my mocking smile, at my scattered eyes, on my carelessness of speeches in the circle of beauties, considered me indifferent and cold-blooded. They did not know that deep feelings rarely manifest exactly because they are deep; But if they could look into my soul and, seeing, to understand her, they would be horrified! Everything that the poets are so loved so that women are so frightly played, in which lovers are trying to pretend so, in me, it was boiling, like melted copper, over who and the pairs, not finding the source, were lit with the flame. But I was always ridiculous to pity, sighs with their gingerbread hearts; I was miserable to the contempt of notebooks with your winter delight, with their memorable expressions, and to get into the number of them for me seemed the worse than everything in the world. No, it was not me; In my love there was a lot of strange, wonderful, even wild; I could be incomprehensible, but ridiculous - never. Farmer, mighty passion rolls like a lava; She carries and burns all the oncoming; Destroying herself, destroys the oblasts in the ashes and at least a moment, but turns even the cold sea into a pile boiler. So I loved ... Let's call her at least Polyno. All that a woman can inspire, all that a man can feel, was inspired and felt. She belonged to another, but it only raised the price of her reciprocity, only more irritated the blind passion of my, trembling hope. My heart should have been terminated if I closed him silence: I knocked him as a crowded vessel, before my lovedness of a woman; I told the flame, and my speech found a review in her heart. Until now, when I remember about the assurance that I love, every veil in me trembles like a string, and if the pleasures of earthly bliss can be expressed by sounds, then, of course, the sounds like! When I got down for the first time my mouthpiece to her hand, my soul disappeared in this touch! I thought that I was crushed in a zipper: so quickly, so air, so it was a feeling that could be called feeling. But briefly was my bliss: Polina was as much string as charming. She loved me how never I was not loved by Dotol, as I never love forward: gently, passionately and flawlessly ... What was cherished to me, it was worth more tears for her than me myself. She so trustingly indulged by the protection of my generosity, so noblely begged to save the most from the scream, which would be asent of the trust. -- Nice! We are far from vice, "she said," but is it always far from weakness? Who is trying to be often powerful, he prepares a fall; We should see how much you can see! Just a heart, I gave the floor to avoid any meetings with her. And now he has been traced for three weeks, as I did not see Polina. It is necessary to tell you that I served in the Seversky Konnoegerer regiment, and we were then in the Oryol province ... Let me beat about the county. My squadron was located near the estate of Muga Polina. About the most saints, our regiment received the statement to speak in the Tula province, and I had a rather hardness of the spirit to leave without slipping. I confess that the fear of changing the secret in the presence of others more than modesty, kept me. To deserve her respect, it was necessary to abandon love, and I endured the experience. In vain invited the surrounding landowners for the farewell holidays; In vain, comrades, who, too, almost, did not have a heart rate, persuaded to return from the transition to the ball, - I stood hard. On the eve of the new year we made the third transition and settled on the day. One-Odystene, in Kurknaya Hut, I lay on a hiking bed my, with the Black Duma on the mind, with a heavy crash in my heart. I have not smired out for a long time since the soul, even in the circle of friends: their conversation became unanswered to me, their cheerfulness excited in me bile, their attentiveness - annoyance for extra charge; Therefore, the stronger I was frowning alone, because all comrades were driving on guests; The darkness was in my soul: it could not be smelly than any sequilament of outdoor greeliness, no accidental entertainment. And now I went to me by the riding from the friend, with an invitation to the evening to the old His owner, prince Lion's. They ask for sure: they have a feast mountain; Beauty is a star with a star, a swarm, and champagne spilled sea. In the assistee, as if she was passing, he informed that there would be Polina. I broke out ... my feet trembled, the heart was boiled. I walked around the hut for a long time, I lay for a long time, as if in forgetting the hotness; But the laster of blood did not subside, the cheeks were burning with a bugger glow, a reflections of a peace of mind; There was a challenge in the chest. Ride or not to go for this evening? Another once to see her, to breathe in one with her air, hens her voice, to pray the last forgive! Who would resist against such temptations? I rushed into the trim and rocked back, to the village of Prince Lionskogo. It was two hours for noon when I went from place. After a twenty-miles on their own, I then took the postal trip from the station and was still twenty-two versts safely. From this station I was already taught with a big road. The statute well done on the dick horses took me to deliver per hour for eighteen miles, in the village princess. I sat down, - Katay! It was already dark when we left the yard, however, the street was boiling by the people. Young guys, in velvet hats, in blue cafts, were pacing, holding a fellow comrades; Girls in the holy fur coats, covered with bright Chinese, went rounds; Everywhere the festive songs were heard, the lights flashed in all windows, and the burning rays were burning in many gates. Well done, my driver, standing in the headline Sanya, proudly smoked: "Paddy!" And, having hung, bowed to those who recognized him, very satisfied, hearing for him: "Out of our Alek rolls! Where, falcon, gathered?" etc. Selling from the crowd, he turned to me with prejudation: - Well, barin, hold on! - laid the right globe under the left mouse, led the nude hand over the triple, Garked - and the horses were swayed as Vikhore! The Spirit took me from the speed of their scope: they suffered us. As a vertical shuttle on the shawls, tumbled, lying around and jumped sleigh in both directions; My cab driver, overlooking the nagging and powerfully overwhelming the winds, fought for a long time with passionate power of stagnant horses; But I wondered only incited their rage. Moting his heads, having embarked in smoky nostrils to the wind, they rushed forward, brewing a blizzard over the sleigh. Such cases are so common for each of us that I, grabbing the irradiation, was quietly lying inside and, so to speak, admired this speed of travel. None of the foreigners can comprehend wild pleasure - to rush on a mad troika, like thought, and in the flight of the flight to eat a new selflessness. The dream has already transferred me to the ball. My God, how I will scare and I will give a policeman with my unexpected appearance! I'm wound, they caress me; The world is concluded, and I can't hurt with it in dancing ... And meanwhile, the whistle of the air seemed to me the music, and the flames of the hedge, the forests - the distrect crowds of the guests in a mad waltz ... Creek Crack, asking for help, called me from charm. Grabbing two entrances, I was so twisted the head was indigenous, which, overlooking suddenly, she almost jumped out of the clamp. Topcha and Fyrkaya, stopped, finally, exhausted runners, and when Other cloud, and the breeze spoiled a couple, swinging over her horses: - Where are we? - I asked the pot, meanwhile, as he pulled the broken artlessness and remembered the break. The smear timidly looked around. - Give God's memory, Barin! - he answered. "We have long been killed with a big road to fall along the snowdrift of the bumps, and I do not confess something to this soul. Not this is a missing sink, not after all the Andronov is a fault? I was not fused on either the crucible from his topographic guesses; Impatient to come to overcoming me, and I with the annoyance beat my leg about the leg, meanwhile as my boyfriend ran to find the road. -- Well? - Bad, Barin! - he answered. - In a good hour to pray, I will silent at thin, we left for a black lake! - The better, the brother! If there is a sign, to leave not the debt of the song; Sit down and shouted in the tail and in the mane! - What is better, Barin; This sign will lead the severity where, the pump objected. - Here my uncle saw a mermaid: I hear you, sits on a bitch, and she swayed, and the hair itself scratches, there is such a passion; Or's such a lubricant - ply, and only. And all nagging like my palm. - Well, did he kiss the beauty? - I asked. - Christ with you, Barin, what are you kidding it? She erupts, so let me remember that you will not forget for new brooms. Uncle with a fright is not to delay or read it, it didn't even have time to eat, as she, jealous of him, walked, hit his hands, and the buggy into the water. From this, the Schalu, Barin, he wandered around the whole day. Yes, and when he looked home, barely served as a language: might in the animal, and only! And Kum Timosh Kulak, the rolling was held here; You hear you, he threw off a pig, and that's why I knew my feet! It's good that Timosh and himself in the devil does not know the power: as a leapfall went on it, yes, she grabbed her ears, she went to go huddled him, and herself squeales good math; I dragged the most cockpit, and at dawn found it under the congress from Gavryushka, that the daughter of Krasovita. Yes, whether it might here! .. Serega oblique as it will paint ... - beat your affection to another case, - I objected, - I, right, no time yes no and hunting to be afraid! .. If you do not want, if you do not want, So that the mermaid has lasted you to death or do not want to sleep with a crucible under an ice blanket, then look for the road. We walked entirely, in the snowdrifles above the knee. On trouble, our sky was dotted with a pellena, through which the fluffy fascia was sown; Without seeing the month, it was impossible to know where the east and where the West. The deceptive gleam, between the transfer, lured us right to the right, then left ... That's about, you think, the road is visible ... you reach out - this is a slope of the ravine or a shadow of some tree! Some birds and hare trails flew mysterious nodes in the snow. The bell sounded in the arc, two every heavy step, horses steed, hanging his head; The driver, pale as a canvas, mumbled prayers, saying that we were bypassed, which we needed to pull the fur coats up the coats and put inside out - all before the cross. I sneak in the snow and ropat loudly on everything and at all, going out of myself with an annoyance, and time flowed, - and where is the end of this damned path?! It is necessary to be in a similar position, it is necessary to be in love and hurry on the ball to imagine all my anger at that time ... it would be very funny if it were not very dangerous. However, the annoyance did not bring us on the old road and did not protrude the new one; The image of Polina, who danced in front of me, and the feeling of jealousy, that she spinning now with some lucky woman, he listens to his brushing, can be answered by them, did not help me in search of them. Dressed with heavy bearish look, I did not otherwise go like a naval, and therefore the wind penetrated me, glaced on the body droplets. My feet, shoe in light dance boots, were shredded and quenched, and it came to the point that it was not necessary to take care of not about the ball, but about life, so as not to finish it in the desert field. We listened in vague: Nowhere to the Otradny light, anywhere the voices of the human, even a flight of a bird nor the creeks of the beast. Only snoring in our horses, or the battle of hoofs from impatience, or, occasionally, the bryakal of the bells, shaded by Hazdyo, broke the surrounding silence. We looked sullenly with a circle of firings, like the dead, coated in Saven Savana, as if stretching to us the glaced hands; Busta, fed by clocks, spoiled on the pale surface of the shade field their own; Duck, burnt stumps, imaging gray cosmas, took dreamy images; But all this did not pass the footprint or the hands of the human ... Catch and the desert of the neighbor! My young cab driver was not dressed at all in a road and, permeable on a cold, sharpened. - know, I sinned before God, - he said, - that such death is punished; Drill like Tatar, without confession! It is hard to part with white light, just fed a foam with honey bowl; Yes, and wherever went to the post, and then on holidays. That's what I will curse Blugged my old woman! That will say my Tanya! I was touched by simple complaints of a kind young man; Expensive would be expensive to be as tempting, as Mila was my life to me so that I also believed in love and loyalty. However, in order to raise his sleep, I ordered him again to go into the course of the muddy, keeping the movement with warmth. So we walked another half an hour, how suddenly my boyfriend screamed with joyful: - Here he is, so he! -- Who is he? I asked, jumping on deep snow closer. The rocket did not answer me; falling on his knees, he looked at something with delight; It was a track horse. I am sure that no poor man was so glad to find a bag with gold, as my boyfriend is a faithful sign and a vow of life. In fact, soon we got out on a brisk wood road; Horses, as if sickly night, joyfully put the ears and rushed; We strive to fly around her where the eyes look. After a quarter of an hour were already in the village, and how my driver recognized her, he brought him straight to the hollow peasant himself. Confidence returned the vigor and the strength of the Izyarly guy, and he did not enter the hut, as long as he did not curse a beggar on the street of the seedy members, did not squeeze his hands and cheeks, even as long as she took her horses. I went on some legs, and therefore, wiped them in the Seine, the Sukonko, I was already sitting under the saints in five minutes, behind the table, a diligently lost with a welcoming owner and hitting the ball at rural sites. First, everyone got up; But, giving me a rhenium bow, they satisfied as before and only sometimes, trushing and whispering between him, seems to be a word about the unexpected Guest. The rows of men in the Nizanikov, in Kokoshniki and red girls in the bandages of multi-colored, with long braids, in which the triangular sinks were woven with the pendants or chosen ribbons, sat at the bezels very closely, so as not to give a place for the shutters - of course, spirit, And not a man, because many guys found a means to lose between. Well done in Pestridden or Sitz shirts with oblique galloon gates and in the cloth caftans were around or, gathered in a handful, shifted, knocked nuts, and one of the most amiable, shifting a hatching cap, branded on the balalaica "from under the oak, from Vsey ". The gray-robed father's father lay on the stove, going face to us, and, shaking his head, looked at the games of young people; For frames of the picture, two or three picturesque children's heads, which, leaving on their arms and yawning, looked out, looking down. Gadania for the new year went the usual turning line. The rooster, broken in a circle, on the exhort of which were pounded by the nominal heap of oats and barley with the rings buried in them, having honed from which to peck out, arranged an inevitable wedding for a fortuneteller or a muggy ... Cut the dish with a bowl in which the pieces were covered with spontaneous bread , coals, I could not achieve the values \u200b\u200bof Koi, and the rings of the girls could not achieve, and all the fate of the fate and its sentences were mistaken. I sadly listened to the sonorous jerseys, which were erected in a ladian strokes in the bowl. Thank God in the sky, the sovereign to this land! So that the truth was the beautiful sun light; Golden Picking Age Full-Full! To the horses not to express it, it is not colored with the dresses, it is not true for her faithful nobles! We sing bread, we will consider bread! Large rivers Glory to the sea, small rivers - to the mill! Old people on fun, kind well done on the hear. Two rainbows bloomed in the sky, the Red Maiden has two joys, with a pretty friend, the Council is dissolved! Pike walked from Noovagod, the tail was carried from the lake from Bela; Silver head has a silver head, the pinch has a spin pearl woven, and an eye - an eye - dear diamond! Golden Parcel is waving - someone is going to the road on the road. They succumb to good and glory, but, warrant, I did not think to listen to endless and inevitable reflore covers; My heart was far away, and I myself flew to fly after him. I began to teach the youth to take me to the prince. To their honor, although to his annoyance, it must say that no fee lured them from funny heart. Everyone said that they have bad or exhausted horses. There was no San Owl, with another horseshoe without spikes, the third hand hurts. The owner assured that he would send his son and without warfare, yes, he had a pair of good horses to the city of the assessor ... Charks are frequent, the head is alone, and here's the third day, right, celebrate in the sidelice. "May you want to know, your mercy," she sewed one krasnobay, shaking curls, "now Night, and the point is a batch." We have a brave pair of girls on this: whether you are not afraid of a southener - they are not afraid to run for Ovina, in the field to listen to the bell wedding ringing, or in the old bath, so that I stroked the house shaggy lap in the richestics, and even today tails pressed ... After all, the eve of the new year the hell senokos. - Full you, Vanka, the fears of telling! - cried several thin ballots. - What is full? - continued Vanka. - Ask-ka from the wedding: Is it good for the damns of a wedding train, what she saw yesterday, looking behind the twins for a month in the mirror? They go, they are fistleted, rod ... As if alive, they are committed. She says, one banenal was blown up by the Gorgean Old Son Son Afona and one knee sticks: Sit down and sit in Sani. From the circle, know, louses. It's good that it is a little bit with a braid, so in advanced. - No, Barin, - Pretched the other, - Although the silent of silver, is unlikely to take you to take you! The circle of the lake is the wheel of the vert twenty will, and through the ice to go without trouble trouble; cracks and worn in darkness; I'll joke sly, you will go pockets to catch cancers. - And led, - said the third. - Now the hell is the fencing soon: from the claws of each other, the prey is torn. - Fully shave, "said Krasnobay. - I found a valve. Black Angel, or, in a book, so to speak, an Efiopa, always for each person behind the left shoulder stands yes, I do not get to the worship, how to push the sin. Did you do not hear, what was the Friday on the desert about past sibilities? - What is? - cried many curious. - Tell me, please, Vanyusha; Just do not die with horror. The narrator looked back on the door, on the window, on the faces of the listeners, grumbled long, recovered the right hand of Kudri and began: "It was, like us, at the gatherings." Well done were surrounded in the larva, and such Hari, what and the day to look - they will hide behind the stove, not to dance with them at night. The fur coats, wearing seven spans, the horns are like a sidoro goat, and in the teeth on the corner, and gap. We managed that the rooster came to the riding on the cancer, and death with an oblique on horseback. Parsley-Chebotar back represented, so he told me everything. Here's how they played out, as if swallows in front of the weather; One guy is crazy, know, and whispered in the ear: "Seven-ka, I steal from the dead, that in the chapel lies, Saban, and a crown, Surrious in them, I brought a lime, and I will come dead to the land." On thin we are not lazy: sooner than he guess, he flew into the chapel, because from where, tell me for mercy, the courage took. Almost to death, he was hurt everyone: the old one is hiding ... however, when he looked around his voice, he began to be baptized and to go, that he was a living man, went laugh in the former fear. Taras and bars Yes Sweet conversations, en and midnight in the yard, you need to carry bobbin new clothes back; calling no one to comrades; As he opal Hamlin in his head, fell and fallen wings; One go - fear overcomes, and pleasants unlock. The dead man had long walked the sorcerer, and no one wanted the devils to roll their head on the back of the head, their tracks should be considered. You, they say, took on the rental of Savan, you give it up; We are what to become in someone else's pirus hangover to bear. And now, there were no two miggs ... I heard, someone goes on creaking snow ... straight to the window: knock, knock ... - With us the godfather! - cried the hostess, rigging frightened eyes on the window. - Our place is holy! - She repeated, they could not disappear from the impaired items. - Won, Won, someone terrible looking here! Girls with a cry pressed one to another; The guys rushed to the window, meanwhile, as those of them, who were pouring, with scolded eyes and open his mouth, looked at both sides, not knowing what to do. In fact, behind frost glasses as if someone's face flashed ... But when the frame was detached - there was no one on the street. Fog, breaking into a warm hut, walked a rocker, dimming for the time of the brilliance of Luchin. Everyone was so calmed down. - It was imagined to you, "said the narrator, recovering himself from fright; His voice was interrupted and uneven. - Yes, here, hear the visa: she is already at all short. When people remembered in the hut dared yes asked: "Who knocks?" "The sepper answered:" The dead has come for Savan. " Hearing this, a well done, surrounded into him, took off his coffin and a crown and threw them out for the window. "I do not accept! - shouted the sorcerer, creaking his teeth." "Let me take, there and gives me." And Savan again found himself in the midst of the hut. "You, mock, called me at the gatherings," said the dead by a terrible voice, "I am here! Honor a guest and accompany him to the house, to your last and my home." Everything, trembling, prayed to all the saints, and the poor fellow went alive either dead sat, waiting for evil death. The dead all went around the dead, screaming: "Give it to me, not that and everyone is not necessary." It was put in the window, yes, for happiness, the shoals were holy water sprinkled, so it was like a fire; Boiled yes back rushed. Here he ran into the gates, and the oak constipation, like salt, crumbled ... He began. Walked at the congress ... True squeezed logs under the roam of isolate; The dog with a screech climbed in the saints under the trough, and everyone heard how his hand fell on a junk. In vain read it to meet the prayer from the prayer, from the prize; However, nothing took ... The door with a moan turned on the heels, and the dead shares in the hut! The door of our hut, accurately, dissolved the word, as if someone was overheard to enter this moment. You can not describe, with what horror the guests screamed, jumping from the shops and puting under the images. Many girls closing their face with their hands, fell behind the backs of her neighbors, as if they had escaped the danger when she was not visible. The eyes of everyone, as directed to the threshold, were waiting to meet there at least the exa, climbed by Savan, if not the most unclean with horns; And in fact, the snowstorming frosty couples could seek the hellish sulfur. Finally, the steam was interquered, and everyone saw that the included one had a kind of human. He burst out the entire conversation at all, although he did not cross in front of the icons. That was a slim man in a disintegration of Siberian, which was a velvet camisole; The same harslers descended to lacquer boots; The colored Persian handkerchief twit twice the neck, and in his hands it was a beaver hat with a visor, a special look. In a word, his costume argued that he was or a cradle, or an attorney for sputters. His face was - God to help! He said, bowing. "I ask for a conversation for me not to repair you, the owner, do not take care of me. I wrapped in your village for a minute: you need to feed the correspondence on a crossway; I have a daiety. Seeing me in Mundire, he crushed very unleashed, even too unleashed for his condition, and asked modestly, can't you serve how to serve me? Then, with the permission, fell closer to me, taking a speech about the same, fifth and tenth. His stories were very funny, remarks cutting, jokes of poisonous; It was noticeable that he was rubbed for a long time between secular people as an intermediary forbidden fun, or as their pursuer, - who knows, can be like a prodigal merchant son, who has bought a miserable experience that lived with gold and good morals. His words responded to some kind of mockery need to all that people were accustomed to respect, at least externally. Not from the false boasting and not from hypocritical humility, he told about his vicious inclinations and actions; No, it has already been encouraging, cold debauchery. The evil smile of contempt to the whole surrounding endlessly wandered on his face, and when he induced his piercing eyes for me, the calendar ran around the skin. - It's not true, sir, "he said to me after some silence, - Do you admire the innocence and the greasicness of these simplicities, comparing missing urban balls with peasant gatherings? And, right, in vain. There are no innocence for a long time in a lot of anywhere, the townspeople say that it is a field flower, the peasants point to mirror glasses, as if she sits behind them, in a gold-plated cell; Meanwhile, as it is Cryborne in the stationery books, which is just believe to disperse our time. And greasiness, sir? I, perhaps, will come to you for fun, this monkey you call the cheerfulness. Shtof sweet vodka guys, a dozen of gingerbread men and a couple of three Arshin ribbon girls - here is a Men's paradise; how long? He came out and, returning, brought everything, which was talking about, from Sanok. As a person is familiar to this case, he hooked in a circle and completely rural adverbs, with different booms, pulled by the gingerbread cocks, crossed the most fitted ribbons, buttons on sundresses, earrings with glasses and the like balancing, poured vodka and even persuaded some of the men Sweet squirrel. The conversation was incurred as a hive, the eyes spoiled from the men, the free expressions were broken from the lips, and, listening to the Rosskazni of the stranger, whispered in his ear, the red girls laughed and much more gentle, although they looked at their neighbors. To trigger the turmoil, he walked over to the Stena, in which the stalk stuck the beaches in the old frying pan, began to straighten her and extended, as if she was more unwisely. For about ten minutes he fed in the dark, swollen fire, and at this time the sounds of many immodest kisses were distributed around between the general laughter. When the muck broke out again, everyone was already modestly sitting in places; But the stranger Lukofully showed me to the ruddy cheeks of beauties. Soon there was a blowing consequence of his presence. The ohmel peasants began to argue and quarrel between themselves; The peasant in the envious eye looked at the girlfriends who got the best baotles. Many guys, in the rustling of jealousy, reproached their kinds that they are too affectionate by the unfamiliar guest; Some husbands threatened their halves that they would prove the love of their love for their fellowship with others; Even the children on the climb fought for nuts. Fasting hands on the chest, stood a wonderful stranger at the wall and I pretext, but Ironic smile looked at the traces of his leprosy. - Here are people! - He told me quietly ... But in the two these words there was a lot. I realized that he wanted to express: as in cities and villages, in all states and ages, human vices are similar; They equal to poor and rich nonsense; Different rattles for which they are thrown, but the child is equally. Then at least expressed a mocking eye and tone of speeches; So at least it seemed to me. But I soon bored the conversation of this immoral creature, and songs and rural games; Thoughts went again the usual path. Having leaning the hand on the table, Khmuren and scattered, I answered the questions, I looked at the surrounding, and the invalid ropot broke out of the heart, as if she was satisfied with a wormwood. A stranger, looking at his watch, told me: - Soon there are ten hours. I was very pleased; I longed for silence and privacy. At this time, one of the wellms, with red-haired oars and an open person, probably daring with the gift of Yerofich, approached me with a bow. "What I ask you, Barin," he said, "Do you have a great courage in you?" I smiled, looking at him: I surprised me very much. "When anyone inxistently made you a similar demand," I answered, "he would take the answer to his sides. - And, the father of Sudar, he objected, - as if I doubt that you will go with my broad shoulders on a dozen, not drunk sleeves; Such a delete in each Russian wellhead is not a wonder. It's not about people, Barin; I would like to know if you are not afraid of sorcerers and damns? It would be funny to reason it; In vain to assure in my disbelief to all this. - The devils I'm afraid even less than people! - There was my answer. - Honor and praise you, Barin! - said well done. - I found the comrade by Nasil. And you would not but horrified to see an unclean nose to the nose? - Even grab him behind the nose, my friend, if you could call him from this haunted man ... - Well, Barin, - he said, hitting his voice and leaving about my ear, if you want to pay out about - Lostivsky, if you have, as I have, what a raspberry, so, perhaps, a knit; We will see everything that happens to them and with us forward. Chur, Barin, just do not rob; It is necessary for this fortune. Well, order or refusal? I wanted to answer this long-propelled fortunetel that he is OLC Fool, or Bouncen and that I, for His fun or his simplicity, I don't want to do nonsense at all; But at this moment, the mocking look of a stranger met, who as if he said: "You want a friend, cover with prudent words a stupid timidity! We know your brother, free-sighted nobility!" He joined this eyes and admission, although he could not hear that I was called to fortune. "You really won't go," he said doubtfully. - What is to be a beether, even funny from such people! "On the contrary, I'll go! .." I objected dryly. I wanted to go on anything to this stranger. "I have long wanted to take a walnut, my future fate and get acquainted shorter with the villages," I said to the fortuneteller. - What are you calling it from hell? "Now he chops on the ground," he answered, "and closer to us than who thinks; We must make him do in our vein. "See so that he doesn't make you do in his own way," said a stranger important. "We will guess the terrible gadan," the guy told me on the ear, "the swapping of an unclean on the whisk. I really wore on it on the air, and that I saw there, I heard, "he sat down, pale, - that ... yes you yourself, Barin, try everything. I remembered that in the notes to the "Lake Beauty" ("Lady of the Lake") Walter Scott brings a letter to one Scottish officer, who wondered exactly in this way, and speaks horror that the human language could not express those fears he was Loggy. I was curious to find out if we were performed by our rites of this gadanha, the remainder of paganism at different ends of Europe. "We go now," I said, squeezing my saber and putting the dried boots. - It can be seen, today I am fate to pump horses and hell! Let's see who of them will take me to the goal! I crossed the threshold when the stranger, as if with a view of the participation, told me: - In vain, sir, ignite to go: imagination is the most evil wizard, and you god a news that can comradized! I thanked him for the advice, having tried that I was going for one fun, I am rather crazy to notice the deception, and too sober head and too hard heart so that he can succumb. - Let them come true what should! - said after my stranger said. The conductor went to the next house. "We took the evening with black as a Smith bull, without the slightest mark," he said, pulling out a fresh skin from there, "and she will be our carpet-plane." - He carried the red rooster under his mouse, three knives were sparkling behind the belt, and because of the sinuses, the head of Halfotofa peered, according to him, some kind of potion collected on Ivanov's night. The young month of passing is already full. We went soon on the street, and the accomplicer I noticed to me that no dog did not break on us; Even oncoming rushed to grind into the gateways and only, grumbling, peeking out from there. We passed the versts to one and a half; The village from us was hiding behind the hill, and we turned on the cemetery. Old, depressed by snow, the log church arose in the midst of the semed fence, and her shadow stretched into the distance, as if the path for the world of grave. The rows of crosses, raised monuments of smoldering under them, were intense, humbly tended over the hillocks, and several firings, creaking, swung their black branches, hesitated by the wind. -- Here! - said my conductor, throwing the skin upside down. His face has completely changed: the death pallor has fired on it instead of a hot blush; The place of the former talidness took out important mystery. -- Here! - he repeated. - This is an expensive place for whom we will call: here, at different times, three pets of hell are caviar. I remind the last time I remind, Barin: If you want, you can grind, and having started a blockage, do not look back, whatever you think, no matter how you click, and do not know the cross, do not read prayers ... Do you have any freak on Gateway? I replied that my chest had a small image and cross, parent blessing. - Remove it, Barin, and having at least on this grave: your bravery is now defense. I obeyed almost reluctantly. Strange thing: I would like to be worse when I deleted my fenats from myself from my infancy; It seemed to me that I was left alone, without weapons and protection. Meanwhile, my gadel, uttering the vague sounds, began to circle a circle near the skin. Having drawn the track, he sprinkled her moisture from the flask and then, strangling the rooster, so that he did not shine, he cut off his head and watered blood for the third time the fascinated circle. Looking at it, I asked: - Would you cook in the black cat in the boiler, so that the witch, the relatives of her, gave a redemption? -- Not! - said the caster, stunned by the triangle knives, - the black cat is boiled for a spell to himself beauties. The thing is to choose from the bones of one, with whom if you touch, who you think about, so you will go crazy. "It would be expensive for such a bone in the capitals expensive," I thought, "then the mind, and courtesy, and beauty, the best of the fools would give the flags." "Yes, he doesn't care," he continued, "you can get the same power in Ivanov. To plant a frog into a holey borook, talk, and throw in an anthill, so she will shout in a human voice; The next morning, when it is eaten, only a fork will remain in the buzza and the hook: this hook is unchanged on the heart; And if it hurts it, Turning the fork - as a globe's mitten, will remove all the same love. "As for oblivion, I thought," for this you do not need with our ladies of the sorcery. " - It's time! - said the gadel. - Look, Barin: if you are a soul cas, do not look around. Fuck for a month and wait, which will come true. Wrapped in a bearish fur coat, I lay down on the fatal oath skull, leaving the comrade to walter how much he pleases. Involuntarily, however, how the wheel of thoughts again and again brought me a question: where in this person such confidence? He could clearly see that I am not lighted at all, in effect, if he thinks to fool me, then in an hour, a lot of two, I will open up his deceptions ... moreover, what kind of benefit does he find in deception? Nobody dares to rob or steal me ... However, it happens that the innermost forces of nature are sometimes given to people with the most ignorant. How many healing herbs, magnetic agents in the hands of commoners ... really? .. I was ashamed of myself that the grain doubt was sank into my head. But when a person admires himself a question about any subject, it means that his belief is shaken, and who knows how far there will be the swords of this pendulum? .. To distract yourself from the Duma about the world of spirits, which may be surrounding us invisibly and act. We are imperceptible on us, I pulled the eyes by the month. "A quiet side of dreams! - I thought. - Are you intense with one dreams of our dreams? For what is so lovingly flying to you and the dooms of human dooms? For what is so cute your heart Merzian, how is a friendly hello Il Lask mother? Not native if you are Light earth? Do you girlfriend Are you fate of her inhabitants, how is her companion in the ether's wealth? Charming you, the Star of Peace, but our Earth, the habitat of storms, is still in lovey, and therefore I do not believe the thought of poets that there is destined to dangle shadows to our shadows that Because you can enter the hearts and the Duma! No, you could be a cradle, a depreciation of our Spirit; There, maybe his infancy bloomed, and he loves to fly from a new monastery in a friend, but your forgotten world; But not you, quiet side, be the shelter of the violent youth of the soul of human! In flight to improving it, the share is still the most beautiful worlds and more tested, because bright thoughts and subtle feelings are purchased by the cost of price! "My soul litto the touch of this spark; the image of the polyna, designed by all the charms attached to the imagination, carried before me .. . "ABOUT! Why we live in the age of magic, I thought, "so that at least the blood price, the price of the soul to buy temporary allocating," you were mine, Polina ... My! .. "Meanwhile, my comrade, standing from behind me On the knees, pronounced incomprehensible spells; but his voice ran away gradually; he ropal is already like a stream riding under the snowy harbor ... - goes, goes! .. - he exclaimed, falling by the NIC. His voice answered the noise and Topot. As if Vikhore was driven by a blizzard, as if the hammer strikes thundered on a stone ... Small caster, but the noise, gradually, flew closer ... I was involved in the mind of the feared expectation, and the cold ran into member ... The land sounded and trembled - I did not suffer and looked back ... And what? Pollstof stood empty, and my drunk sputum snapped with him, having fallen a thing! I walked, and the more worse, that I kept the horse of my stranger before me drove away in sleds past. He willingly help me to laugh such a meeting. - Did I say to you, sir, which will do E believing this fool. It's good that he missed you for a short time, hurrying to overthrow myself first; Wonderful wonders see such gadarers with a reference! And meanwhile, the evil eyes penetrated the heart of his frost, and meanwhile, the cunning smile argued his joy, seeing my confusion, pulling, as an erabeled child, in fussy and surprise. - How did you find yourself here, my friend? - I asked the inevitable stranger, not very pleased with his lesson. - It is worth thinking about me, sir, and I like a leaf before the grass ... - he answered a custody. - I learned from the owner, that you had anything to go to the Ball of Prince Lion; I learned that the village nonsense refused to drive you, and very happy to serve you: I myself go there to see the skeins with the same Barnah. My ITO, I can praise, runs like a damn from Ladan, and through the lake is not the next eight miles! Such a proposal could not be accepted by me. I bounced off my joy and rushed to hug a stranger. To come at least at midnight, even by a moment ... it is charm, it is entertaining! - You raised me, my friend! I am ready to give you all cash! - I cried, sitting in Sanochka. "Sing them in yourself," said a stranger, sitting down with me nearby. - If you exercise them better than I, I would be reckless to give them, and if the same bad, like me, in vain! The enthusiasm stretched, and as an arrow, the steel onion rhinum, flew by the line of the lake on the ice. Just sounded cutting, only whistled the air, torn apart by quickly internally. I took up my spirit and silenced my heart, seeing how our Kazans jumped through the cracks, as they woven and spinning themselves. Meanwhile, he told me all the secret adventures of the district nobility: he drags over the leadership; That was our major away under the mask; That instead of the wolf hit the dogs on the trail of a neighbor and almost hid the animal in his wife's bedroom. Our colonel shared at how many thousands with the governor to clean the receipt for the post ... The prosecutor recently received a cake with gold starting, to lean the case of a remitenna landowner, who docume his person, and so on., And so on. "I am surprised how much a gossip here," I said, "I wonder even more as they can be known to you. - Do you really think, sir that silver goes here in another course or the conscience is more expensive than in the capitals? Do you really think that the fire does not burn here, women are not windy and husbands do not wear horns? Thank God, this fashion, I hope it does not endure until the end of the world! This is true, now they talk more about honesty in the courts and more show modesty in societies, but this is for the only price. In big cities, it is easier to hide all leprosy; Here, on the contrary, sir, there are no fashion stores, nor lies with lattices, nor hired carriages, no visits to the poor; The circle is a fine, but a rapid courtyard and kids at every step. Went out of fashion to go beyond mushrooms, and not yet introduced riding walks, so poor things in gentle hearts, to talk, you need to wait for the departure of the field, or the prestial holiday of neighbors, or a stormy night, so that the rain and wind dared traces of a brave adorable guard that is not afraid of Dogs of dogs, nor neighbor languages. However, sir, you know it's not worse than mine. On the ball will be the star of the local beauties, Polina Pavlovna. "I don't care," I answered coldly. -- Indeed? - said a stranger, looking at me mockingly. - And I would construct my beaver cap and, to her put, my head, that you are going there for her. .. In fact, you would have time to dry out the kisses of her tears, as it was three weeks ago, in the fifth hour after lunch, when you stood before her knees! - Is you either a man?! - I cried fiercely, grabbing a stranger for the gate. "I will make you express you, from whom you learned this slander, make the century to keep quiet about what you know." I was amazed and annoyed by the words of a stranger. Who could he give the details of my mystery? I never opened it; never had no wine in me indiscreet; Even my pillow never heard the sound of the changed; And suddenly, the thing that occurred in the four walls, between four eyes, in the second floor and in the room, in which, of course, no one could survive us, - this thing became known to such a slacker! My anger did not have borders. I was Silen, I was angry, and the stranger flopped as a cane in my hand; I raised him from the spot. But he pulled away my hand my hand, as if the Popper of the reurenik, and pushed like a seven-year-old child. "You will lose with me to this game," he said in cool, however, it's decisively. - Threats for me a coin, which I do not know the price; And why all this? The creep door will not make silent with a hammer, and butter; Moreover, my own gain in modesty. Here we are at the gate of the princess at home; Remember, despite your incredulusity, that I have an unchanged spear for you to any delete service. I am waiting for you to return at this angle; good luck! I did not have time to form, as our sledges swung to the entrance and a stranger, having landed me, disappeared. I go, - all the noise and shrinks: the rural ball, which is called, in the collapse itself; Dance spit, as in a promise, ladies, despite midnight, were very vigorous. Curious shuffled me, slightly freezing, and watered questions and exclamations. I'm briefly talking briefly, I apologize to the owners, I applied to the gloves of honorary old worm, I shook hands to friends, I quit the ladies in the Lest Lady Lady and quickly running the room one for another, looking for Polina. I found her away from the crowd, a lonely, pale, with a pounding head, as if the floral wreath suppressed her like lead. She joyfully screamed, seeing me, a fire blush flashed on her face; I wanted to get up, but she was left her forces, and she again sank into the chair, closing the eyes of the eyes as if blinded by a sudden glitter. Ukraine, how much could, excitement, I sat down beside her. I immediately and frankly asked her forgiveness in that I could not withstand a serious test, and, separating, can be forever, before I quit into the deaf, the cold desert of the world, I wanted to warm my soul to her eyes, or not: not For love - for science, I came in love with her came, from the desire to find in it some lack of it, from the thirst to quarrel with her, being distressed by her reproaches, annoyed her coldness, in order to give her the very reason although accuse Me, so that it was easier for us to part, if she has cruelty to call the wine into the indirect attraction of love, remembering the covenants of the Summary-reason and not to the suggestions of the heart! .. She interrupted me. "I would have to blame you," she said, "but I'm so glad, so happy, seeing you that I was ready to thank for an unfulfilled promise." I'm justifying, I consoles the fact that you are, a solid man, weakly available; And do you really think that if even I was pretty prudent and could be angry with you, I would have poisoned with ukrums for the last minutes of dating? .. My friend, you still believe less than my love than prudence, in which I have so much needs; Let these joyful tears come in opposition! If it were possible, I would have fallen to her legs, I would kiss the traces of her, I would ... I was free from admiration! .. I do not remember what I said and what I heard, I was so fun, so happy! .. Hand in hand we intervened in the circle of dancing. I do not know how to describe what I became when, whining the subtle flock of her hand, thriftyly from pleasure, I shook another prelative handle; It seemed that the skin of the gloves took life, passing the beat of each fiber ... It seemed that the entire composition of Polina pimp on the sparks! When we rushed in a mad waltz, her flying, fragrant curls concerned sometimes of my lips; I inhaled the fragrant flaper of her breathing; My wandering views penetrated through the haze, - I saw how the snow-white hemisphans worn and falling out and falling out, I saw her grievous cheeks, I saw - no, I didn't see anything ... Paul disappeared under his feet; I seemed to fly, fly, fly by air, with sweet sinking hearts! For the first time I forgot the decency of the light and myself. Sitting beside the polina in a circle of a quotylon, I dreamed that we were only two in space; All other things seemed to me pumidly as the clouds bloated by the wind; My mind spinned in a flame whirlwind. The language, this high gift of heaven, was the last tool between us for the felt feelings; Each hairs told me on me about love; I was so happy and so unhappy, together. The heart burst out of completeness; But I lacked something ... I begged her to let me pronounce the last time I love to freedom, capture the kiss separation of the eternal ... This word shake her hardness! He did not love who did not know the weaknesses ... The fatal consent was broken from her language. Only at the end of the dance, I noticed a husband of Polina, who, leaving for the anti-fallen wall, reversed all my views, all our conversations. It was an evil, low soul man; I did not love him always as a person, but now, like a husband of Polina, I was ready to hate him, destroy him. The slightest clash with him could be fatal for both, - I felt it and retired. Half an hour, which proceeded between the vow and the term, seemed endless. Through the long gallery stood a small home theater of the printed house, in which in the evening they played; In case, a date was scheduled. I wandered on an empty hall, between the overturned chairs and fromy benches. Moonlight, falling through the windows, painted in the walls of unsubstate flowers and trees reflected by frosty crystals of glasses. The scene was blossomed as the Vertips, and on it in the disarray, the shifted scenes were stood like those who attached the giants; All this, however, took me one minute. If I were and in fact a coward in front of disembodied creatures, then, of course, I would not have a timid corner in my chest at such a time: I was all waiting, the whole flame. Hit two hours over midnight, and a dumping bell of the fence, the Ropesch, as if the guard, reluctantly awaken; The sound of him shook me to the bottom of the soul ... I trembled, as in a fever, and my head burned, - I was exhausted, I melt. Each creak, each click threw me into the sweat and cold ... and, finally, the welcome MiG came: doors opened with a slight rustle; As a shadow of smoke, Polina flashed into her ... another step, and she lay on my chest !! Silence, captured by a long kiss of separation, lasted, lasted ... Finally, Polina interrupted him. "Forget," she said, "that I exist that I loved that I love you, forget everything and forgive!" - To forget you! - I exclaimed. - And you want me to break the last link of the consolation in the cast iron chain of life, which I was now convicted of dragging, like the wellbore; So that I cut out of the heart, smoothed the thought of you from mind? No, it will never be! Love was my life and end only with life! And meanwhile, I squeezed it in my arms, meanwhile I ran the hell in my veins ... it broke away, asked, begged; I said: - More, another moment of happiness, and I rush into the coffin of the future! "I'm sorry again," she finally said firmly. - For you I forgot my duty, I donated to you with a home destroy, now the ambiguous girlfriends are sought for you, mockery of men and threats of a husband; Do you really want to deprive me of the last outdoor good - a good name? .. I don't know why I am so fading my heart and the involuntary flutter flies for me; This is a terrible premonition! .. But forgive ... already time! - Late! - said the voice in the doors dissolved quickly. I was overlooked for Polina, I rushed towards the came to the came, and my hand was over in his chest. It was a stranger! - Run! He said, fattening. - Run! You are looking for. Ah, madam, what noise you made your negligence! - he sat down, noticing Polina. - Your husband is coming from jealousy, River and mosk everything, chasing you ... He is close. -- He will kill me! - cried Polina, falling to my hands. - to kill will not kill, madam, and, perhaps, will hear; From him everything will be; And what will announce it for all the world, there is nothing to doubt. And that's all noticed that you had disappeared together, and, learning about, I rushed to warn the meeting. -- What should I do? - Polina said, breaking his hands and in such a voice that he pierced me the soul: the reproach, repentance and despair responded in it. I decided. -- Pauline! - I answered. - Lot Broken: Light for you locked; From now on, I should be for you to all, as you were and you will be for me; From now on, your love will not know the partition, you will not belong to the two, not belonging to anyone. Under a stranger, we will find a shelter from persecution and prejudices of people, and an approximate life will be redeemed a crime. Pauline! Time is expensive ... - Eternity is more expensive! She objected, bowing his head on the concise hands. - Go, go! - cried a stranger, returning from the door. - My sleigh stand at the rear entrance; If you do not want to die useless, then step after me! He grabbed both of us for his hands ... The steps of many people sounded along the corridor, the cry was distributed in a blank room. -- I'm yours! - whispered to me Polina, and we soon ran through the scene, along the narrow ladder, down, to a small gate. The stranger led us as home; Inhodokhatsa called, seeing the saddles. I wrapped my sleeper left in the fur coat, barely breathing Polina, injured in Sani, and when I flew crashed in the theater of doors, we had flown to us all across the village, through the village, in the village, to the right, left, under the mountain, - - And now the ice of the lake sounded from the horseshoes and cuts. Frost was cruel, but my blood went with a fireflow. The sky is clear, but it was gloomily in my soul. Polina lay a quiet, immovable, silent. I broke the belief in vain, in vainly consoled it with the words that the fate itself connected us that if she was left with her husband, then her life would be a grip of ukrizn and offense! "I would be demolished," she objected, "and demolished patiently, because there was still innocent, if not in front of the light, then before God, but now I'm a foefulness, I deserved my shame!" This feeling can not be hidden from myself, at least far away, in a foreign land, I have revived civilian, in a new circle of friends. Everything, you can upgrade everything for me, everything except the criminal heart! We rushed. My soul was crushed sadly. "So this is such a desired happiness, which in the most ardent dreams I did not think possible, I thought," so those charming words I have yours, whom the sound dreamed of me with the voice of the sky! I heard them, I own Polyno, and I'm so deeply unhappy who is unhappy than ever! "But if our faces expressed melancholy, the face of a stranger, sitting on the gazebo, turned to us a joyful of ordinary. Inquisitively smiled, as if rejoicing someone else's misfortune , and terribly greeted his dull eyes. Some unwitting feeling of disgust removed me from this man who was so inappropriately imposed on me with his fatal services. If I believed the sorcery, I would say that some unsympathetic charm was placed in his eyes. that it was crazy, - such evil fun about the fall of the near, so cold, the insensitive ridicule was visible in the features of his pale face! It was not far to the other shore of the lake; everyone was silent, the moon pounded a raid chymnka. Suddenly pulled the breeze, and on It was heard by the football chase. - Easily, for God's sake, soon! - I cried the conductor, shortening the run of my correspondent. He shuddered and angrily answered me: - This is a name, sir, would need you Oh remember earlier or not to mention it. - Run! - I objected. - Do not give me lessons to me. "A good word must be taken from the hell," he answered, as deliberately holding back his correspondent. - Moreover, the sir, in Scripture it is said: "Blessed, who and cattle is sleeping!" We need to regret this animal. I will get my payment for hire; You will own a beautiful ladder; And what will he win for sweat? Ordinary dock of oats? After all, he does not use champagne, and the common stomach does not cook him and does not appreciate expensive yokes, for which the two-legged souls, nor body, do not regret. Why, tell me, will he pull himself? - I went, if you do not want me to exit you yourself! - I cried, grabbing a saber. - I will soon facilitate Sani from the excess cargo, and the light from the slacker like you! "Do not be warm, sir," a stranger crossed me coldly. - Passion blinds you, and you become unfair, because impatient. I do not joke, I assure you that the correspondent was out of his strength. Look at how couples with him and flowed foam, as it snoring and walking; Such gravity did not carry it so. Do you really think you are for nothing three saddles ... and a grave sin in an increase? - he sat down, exposing the evil grin teeth. What should I do? I felt that I was in power of this immoral villain. Meanwhile, we have moved forward a little lynx. Polina remained like in forgetting: neither my caress, nor close danger extracted her from this desperate ingenuction. Finally, with a dim light of the month, we walked a rider, groaning in full support for us; He knew the horse with cry and blows. The meeting was inevitable ... And he, for sure, overtook us when we began to rise on the steep entry of the coast, having encouraged the garbage. He was already close, he almost grabbed us when the rathering horse him, jumped up, stumbled and fell, gave the rider to him. He fought for a long time under her and, finally, jumped out from under a real estate corpse and rushed to us with rabies; It was Polina's husband. I said that I already hated this man who made his wife his unhappy wife, but I overcame myself: I answered his vocabulary, but firmly; To his brand, Krotko, but boldly and resolutely told him that he, for whatever he fell, will not be more owned by Polyno; that the noise will only announce this accident and he will lose much without returning anything; What if he wants noble satisfaction, I am ready to change bullets tomorrow! - Here is my satisfaction, low seducer! - shouted her husband and brought a bold arm ... And now, when I remember about this fateful minute, my blood flashes like powder. Which of us was not written from the infancy with the concepts of the inviolability of the nobleman, about the honor of a person's well-known, about the dignity of man? Much-much flowed since then the time of my head; It cooled it, the RATIVE is fading quieter, but still, with all the philosophical rules, with everything I am experimenting, I do not pass for myself, and touching me with finger would blow the air and me and the offender. Imagine what happened to me, arrogant, quick-tempered young man! In my eyes, I had a dead when I had a blow my face: he did not pass my honor! As ... I rushed with a saber on an unarmed enemy, and my blade was plunged on three times in his skull before he had time to fall on Earth. One terrible sigh, one short, but shrill cry, one bubble of blood from the Russian Academy of Sciences - that's all that remains from his life in an instant! The soulless corpse fell on the slope of the coast and rolled down on the ice. Another revenge, I ran away in the burning of the frenzy on the bloody track on the lake, and, leaning on a saber, leaving the body of the murdered, I greedily listened to the murmur of blood, which was a sign of a sign of life. Did you experience thirst for blood? God forbid to never touch your hearts; But, in misfortune, I knew her in many and I cheered himself. Nature punished me with frantic passions, which neither upbringing or skill could be curled; Fire blood flowed in my veins. For a long time, I incredibly a long time I could keep a cold moderation in speeches and actions in the insult, but it disappeared instantly, and the rabies mastered me. Especially the type of blood shed, instead of fury, was oil on fire, and I, with some kind of tiger greediness, was ready to exude her from the enemy a drop of a drop, like a tigra, who had a hated drink. This thirst was terribly quenched by murder. I assured that my enemy does not breathe. - dead! - I said my voice over my ear. I raised my head: it was the inevitable stranger with the unchanged smile on the face. - dead! - he repeated. - Let the dead do not interfere with alive, - and pushed the head of the blossomed corpse into the wormwood, the thin icy bark, which twisted the water, was somewhat smashed; The jet splashed on the cuticle, and the dead quietly went to the bottom. "This is what is called: And the ends into the water," the conductor of mine said with a laugh. I flinched unwittingly; His hellish laugh sounds even accommodated in my ears. But I, in view of the eyes on the mirror surface of the crawler, in which, with a pale moon beam, I could still have a face of the enemy, I stood immobile for a long time. Meanwhile, a stranger, capturing snow to grievillas from the cloud of ice, poured them a bloody path, which rolled off the corpse from the coast, and the drove the drunk horse into the place of contractions. -- What are you doing? I asked him, leaving the stupor. "Horon's treasure," he answered significantly. - Let, sir, think that they want, and it will be difficult to see you: this Mr. This could fall from the horse, to kill and drown into the hole. Spring will come, the snow becomes ... - And the blood of the murdered will fly away to the sky with couples! I objected gloomily. - We are going! "To God highly, to the king far," said a stranger, as if causing earthly and heavenly justice to fight, "how to go exactly right." You need to get to the village to the village, from there to jump home on the triple-rested now and then try to go abroad. White light wide! I remembered Polina and rushed to Sanya; She stood climbing them on his knees, with her arms, and it seemed to pray. Pale and cold as marble was she; Wild eyes stood her; My questions answered all questions quietly: - Blood! On you blood! My heart was terminated ... But I would be merged. I again wrapped her in my fur coat as a sleepy child, and Sani flew. One, I could make the burden of evils, I had a nice. Fused to light morals, or, it is better to say, immorality, still hot revenge, we are still waving turbulent passions, I was not available then to true repentance. Killing a person, so much offended me, seemed to me reprehensible only because he was unarmed; I considered someone else's wife, in relation to myself, only a pole, but I felt it was all important about it in relation to her, and the kind of woman who loved I was above the life, which I would kill my love, because she sacrificed to me , to all that it is nice to the heart and sacred soul, - familiarizing, relatives, the Fatherland, good glory, even the rest of the conscience and the most reason. .. and what could I reward her in the future for the lost? Could she forget what was the Wine? Could you fall asleep with a serene in the arms, smoking murder, find sweetness in a kiss leaving a blood trace on the lips, - and whose blood? Who was with whom she is connected by the sacred bings of marriage! Under what beneficial sky, on what land will the heart of the hospitable will find a criminal rest? Maybe I would find the oblivion of everything in the depth of reciprocity; But could a weak woman be removed or drowning conscience? No no! My happiness disappeared forever, and the most love for her from now on the hellish fire. The air whistled past the ears. - Where are you carrying me? I asked the conductor. - Where did you get on the cemetery! - he objected the viciously. Sani flew into the fence; We rushed, tasty for the crosses, from the grave to the grave and, finally, became the bullish skins, on which I performed a fortune: Only there was no former comrade; Everything was empty and dead, I shuddered against the will. -- What does it mean? - I cried angrily. - Your jokes are not at the place. Here gold for the damned works are yours; But drove me to the village, to the house. - I have already received my fee, "he answered viciously, - and your house here, here is your marriage bed! With these words, he dried out the skin: she was stretched over fresh grave, on the edge of which they stood Sani. - For such a beauty, the soul is not sorry, "he sat down and pushed the shaky sleigh ... We flew into tearfully. I hit the head to the edge of the grave and fuse; It seems to be through a muddy dream, I could only fly below and below that terrible laughter in depth answered a moan of Polina, which, falling, grasped for me, exclamation: "Let even in hell do not divide us!" And finally, I fell to the bottom ... Following me, the boulders of the Earth and the snow fell, the bold, waking up us; My heart was frozen, thundered in the ears and sounded, terrifying whisers and howling me were heard; Something serious, the savory pressed his chest, broke into the lips, and I could not move broken members, could not raise my hands to cross ... I ended, but with the inexplicable torment of the soul and body. The convulsive last movement, I dropped my burden with myself: It was a bear fur coat ... Where am I? What happened with me? Cold sweat rolled along the face, all the veins trembled from horror and effort. Wearing, I remember the last ... and slowly return to me feelings. So, I'm on the cemetery! .. The crosses are inclined around; I need a swelling month; under me the rocky oxide of the skin. Comrade Gadania lay the NICs in a deep haunted ... Little, I assured that everything was visible to me only a dream, a terrible, sinister dream! "So this is a dream?" - You're almost with displeasure. Friends, friends! Are you so corrupted that you regret, why didn't you really come true? Thank you better than God, as I taught him, for keeping me from a crime. Sleep? But what else is all the past, as not a vague dream? And if you did not survive with me this night, if you did not feel that I felt so vividly, if I did not experience me the tried in a dream, this is the fault of my story. It all existed for me, terribly existed, as in reality, as in practice. This fortunex opened my eyes blinded by passion; A deceived husband, a seduced spouse, torn, disgraced marriage and, why know, maybe, bloody revenge me or from me - here is the consequence of the insane love of my !! I gave the floor to not see more Polina and kept him.