Information about the artist to F Jun. Konstantin Jun - biography and paintings by the artist in the genre Impressionism, social realism - Art Challenge

Information about the artist to F Jun. Konstantin Jun - biography and paintings by the artist in the genre Impressionism, social realism - Art Challenge
Information about the artist to F Jun. Konstantin Jun - biography and paintings by the artist in the genre Impressionism, social realism - Art Challenge

Konstantin Fedorovich John (1875-1958) - Russian and Soviet painter, master landscape; Theater artist, theorist of art.

People's Artist of the USSR (1950). Winner of the Stalinist Premium First Degree (1943). Valid member of the AH USSR (1947). Brother P. F. John. Member of WCP (b) since 1951.

K. F. John was born 12 (24) October 1875 in Moscow in the Swiss-German family. Father - employee of an insurance company, later - its director; Mother is a musician amateur.

Konstantin John from 1892 to 1898 studied in men. His teachers were such masters as K. A. Savitsky, A. E. Arkhipov, N. A. Kasatkin.

At the end of the school, two years worked in the workshop V. A. Serov. Then he founded his own studio in which he taught from 1900 to 1917 together with I. O. Dudin. His disciples were, in particular, A. V. Kubrin, V. A. Favorsky, V. I. Mukhina, Brothers Vesnins, N. D. Collie, Roiter, Mikhail Grigorievich.

In 1903, John became one of the organizers of the Union of Russian artists. He also entered the number of participants in the "World of Art".

Since 1907, he worked in the field of theatrical scenery.

1906. At the shores of the river Pskov. B on cardboard, AKV, Belil, coal. 68x104. GTG

From 1925, Jouon - Member of AHRR. In addition to work in a picturesque genre, he actively engaged in the design of theatrical performances, as well as artistic graphics.

In 1948 to 1950, the artist worked as director of the research institute of the theory and history of the arts of the Ah of the USSR.

From 1952 to 1955 he taught as a professor in the MGAHI named after V. I. Surikov, as well as in a number of other educational institutions. Since 1957 he was the first secretary of the Board of the USSR.

K. F. John died on April 11, 1958. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (section No. 4).

1890th. Landscape with church. Cardboard, oil.

1903. Festive day. Cardboard, temperatures 95. 5x70. GRM

1905. Lubyanskaya Square in winter. B., AKV., Belil. 47. 2x57. GTG

1907. Bruzina bush. Decorative landscape. Pskov. H., m. 70.5x123. Tashkent

1908. Blue bush. Canvas, oil. 71x107. GTG

1909. Night. Tver Boulevard. B., AKV., Belil. 60x73. GTG

1910. Trinity laurel in winter. Canvas, oil. 125x198. GRM

1913. Mill. October. Ligachevo. Canvas, oil. 60x81. GTG

1914. Winter. Bridge. Canvas, oil. 68. 6x104. Penza

1913. Carousel. Uglich. B., AKV., Bel. 51x68. Emergency

1920. Portrait A. A. Bakhrushina. B., to. 50x35. HCTM them A.. Bakhrushina

1921. New Planet Cardboard, temperatures 71x101 GTG

1922. Russian province. From alb. lithographs. Moscow, ed. Berendia, 1922.

1922. Symphony of action. X., m. 78x92. Private assembly. Moscow

1923. Parade of the Red Army. H., m. 89,5x111. GTG

1923. People. X., m. 91x121. Kharkov

1924. Portrait of K. A. Jun, artist's wife. X., m. 50x55. Assembly O. I. John. Moscow

1925. Rainbow. Ligachevo. X., m. 63x81. GTG

1926. In those days at the House of Unions in the days of the funeral V.I. Lenin. B., AKV., Bel. 32x49. Central Museum V. I. Lenin

1927. Subject to full cooperation. Poster

1927. The first appearance of V. I. Lenin on Petrosovet Senovet in Smolny 25 Oct 1917. H., m. 132x191. GRM

1929. The outgoing province. H. on plywood, m. 79x104. Voronezh

1942. Morning Moscow. Canvas, oil. 100x150. Irkutsk

1947. Opened window. Ligachevo. H., m. 115x132. GTG

1954. ESC. to SC. Marshak "God to be afraid - do not see happiness." Tsarist Chamber. B., AKV., By 29.3x48. MUZ. Theater them. Vakhtangov

1954. Songs of collective farm youth. Ligachevo. X., m. 65x100. MUZ. music. cult. them. Glinka, M.

1956. Moscow. View of the stadium to them V. I. Lenin in Luzhniki. Emergency


Konstantin Jun (1875-1958) - Russian Soviet painter, master landscape, theater artist, art theorist.

Biography Konstantin John

Born in the family of the insurance agent, a leaving from Switzerland. In 1894 he entered the manviza, for the architectural department. Soon switched to a picturesque department, he studied at K. A. Savitsky, A. E. Arkhipov, L. O. Pasternak, in 1899 he worked in the workshop V. A. Serov.

From 1896 until the end of the 1900s, Paris was visited repeatedly, where he was engaged in private studios. From 1898 gave private lessons. In 1900-1917 he headed the school K. F. John and I. O. Dudin in Moscow. He fascinated by the culture of ancient Russia.

In the late 1890s - 1900th, he repeatedly traveled according to the old Russian cities. I also visited Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany. He lived in Moscow, in Sergiev Posad (1903, 1911, 1918-1921), Tver Province (1905-1906, 1916-1917), Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl.

He took part in the exhibitions of the Moscow Partnership of Artists (1899, 1902), the partnership of mobile art exhibitions (1900), the "Art World" (1901, 1906). Since 1903 he was a permanent exhibitor of the Union of Russian Artists, from 1904 - was part of the Union Committee.

He worked mainly as a landscape officer, gaining "broad fame" at the Moscow and St. Petersburg public.

Creativity John

In early work, Jun often applied to the renowmns of the Russian village: the artist was interested in the state of nature, the change of seasons, the life of provincial cities and villages, the architecture of ancient churches and monasteries.

His picturesque manner was influenced by the lessons of the Korovin and Serov.

After the revolution, the individual handwriting of the artist changed little, somewhat different became a circle of plots. In the 1920s - 1950s, he created a number of portraits, paintings on the topics of the history of the revolution and the modern life in which he adhered to realistic tradition.

The landscapes of this time are close in the manner of execution by earlier work of the 1910s, in which elements of impressionism and "mobile realism" are closely intertwined.

Filled with thin lyrics, they represent the greatest value in all the creative heritage of the master.

Just as the theater decorator is greatly inferior to Jouu-painter. Most of its theatrical works are not distinguished by the novelty and artistic imagination, which are characteristic of the scenography of many of his contemporaries.

The personal exhibitions of John were organized in 1926, 1945, 1955 in the State Tretyakov Gallery (they were confined to the 25th anniversary, the 50th anniversary of the 60th anniversary of creative activity), 1931 - in the State Museum of Fine Arts, 1950 - at the Academy of Arts of the USSR.

Posthumous retrospectives of the Master took place in 1962 and 1976 in the Tretyakov Gallery, in 1976 in the Russian Museum. The works of the artist are in the collections of many domestic museums, including GTG and GMI them. A. S. Pushkin in Moscow, timing in St. Petersburg.

Famous artist's work

"Russian Winter. Ligachevo ", 1947 Tretyakov Gallery
"To Trinity. March ", 1903, GTG
"Spring sunny day", 1910,
"Spring evening. Rostov Great ", 1906, Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum (Sh)
"Sergievsky Posad", 1911, written from the window of the old Lavrian hotel. In the collection of the CAC MPDA.
"Wizard-Winter", 1912
"Martov Sun", 1915,
"Dome and swallows", 1921, gtg
"New Planet", 1922,
"Youth Moscow region", 1926;
"Before joining the Kremlin in 1917. Trinity Gate ", 1927, State Museum of the Revolution of the USSR
"The first collective farmers. In the rays of the sun ", 1928, gtg
"Opened window", 1947
"Kremlin's assault in 1917" 1947, GTG
"Parade on Red Square in Moscow on November 7, 1941", 1949, GTG
"Morning Industrial Moskva", 1949, GTG
"The end of winter. Noon ", 1929

Bidding held on Saturday brought us a new price record of Russian painting in Russia: 76 million rubles were purchased "Troika in Uglich" of the famous Russian and Soviet artist K. F. John

"I wanted to write pictures, as songs about life are written,
On the history of the Russian people, about nature, about the ancient Russian cities. "
Konstantin Jun

Posted on Saturday, May 18, bidding of the "Russian enamel" houses brought us a new price record of Russian painting in Russia: for 76 million rubles, the "Troika in Uglich" was purchased by the famous Russian and Soviet artist K. F. John.

Thanks to the success of its works, K. YUON from the end of the 1890s was in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany. From 1896 until the end of the 1900s, Paris has repeatedly visited, where he was engaged in private studios, made the ethambi (Aquatin) with landscapes (urban species) of Camille Pissarro and other impressionists; The artist was not a goal with thorough accuracy to copy the painting of the masters of new art in the chart, he tried to reproduce them in his own style.

Already since 1898, K.F.Uon began to take the first students. In 1900-1917, he headed his own art school "Classes of drawing and painting" (together with I. O. Dudin) in Moscow. Among school students at different times there were many famous artists, architects and sculptors, including V.I. Mukhina, V.A. Vatagin, V.A. Favorsky, R. R. Falk and others.

In the late 1890s - 1900s, Jouu has repeatedly traveled according to the old Russian cities. From 1908 and until death in 1958, he worked mainly in the Ligachev suburban, which became a permanent home for him and the unchanged source of Russian motives.

In the middle of the twentieth century, he held high positions in the Soviet art community, including the first secretary of the board of the Union of Artists of the USSR. At the same time, he did not stop his creative searches, creating works that were now the classic of Soviet painting. And although Konstantin Fedorovich John did not leave any not less records of visiting the city of Kuibyshev, nevertheless, he supported close ties with many creative people of our city (Fig. 1).

He was born 12 (according to a new style 24) of October 1875 in Moscow, in the German-speaking Swiss family. His father worked as an employee of the insurance company, later - its director, and the mother was a musician amateur.

From 1892 to 1898, the young man studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture (Music). His teachers were such masters like K.A. Savitsky, A.E. Arkhipov, N.A. Casatkin. At the end of the school, Jun, two years worked in the workshop V.A. Serov, and then founded his own studio, in which he from 1900 to 1917 he taught together with I.O. Dudine. His disciples were, in particular, A.V. Kubrin, V.A. Favorsky, V.I. Mukhina, Brothers Vesnins, V.A. Vatagin, N.D. Collie, A.V. Grishchenko, M. G. Royter.

In 1903, John became one of the organizers of the Union of Russian Artists. He also entered the number of participants in the "World of Art". Since 1907, he worked in the sphere of theatrical scenery, led the art studio at Prechistan working courses together with I.O. Dudine. One of his students at this time was Yu.A. Bakhrushin. At this time, K.F. Jonea was written one of the most famous self-portraits (1912) (Fig. 2).

During the revolutionary events and civil war in Russia, Jun rose on the side of Soviet power, and in 1925 he joined the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR), although there is every reason to believe that at least at first he did not sympathize with Bolshevism.

In particular, on the picture "New Planet" created in 1921-1922, the artist depicted a space catastrophe that symbolizes the October Revolution. In another "cosmic" picture "People" (1923), the contours of the Solovetsky camp of special purpose (elephant) are guessed (Fig. 3, 4).

Great fame to this day also uses his picture "Dome and swallow. Assumption Cathedral of Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra "(1921). This panoramic landscape, written from the Cathedral's bell tower with a clear summer evening, at sunset. Under the gentle sky, the Earth is gracious, and in the foreground shone the dome lit by the sun with gold patterned crosses. The motive itself is not only very effective, but also very bold for that era when the Soviet government led a merciless struggle with religion (Fig. 5).

In addition to work in a picturesque genre, he actively engaged in the design of theatrical performances (Boris Godunov in the Paris Theater of Dyagilev, "Auditor" in the Art Theater, Arakcheevshchina, etc.), as well as artistic graphics.

In 1943, K.F. John became the laureate of the Stalinist Premium of the first degree, in 1947 he was elected academician of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, and in 1950 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In 1951, K.F. John entered into the ranks of the CPSU.

In 1948 to 1950, the artist worked as director of the research institute of the theory and history of the arts of the Ah of the USSR. From 1952 to 1955 K.F. Justa taught as Professor at the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I. Surikova, as well as in a number of other educational institutions. In 1957 he was elected the first secretary of the Board of the USSR, and in this post he was before his last days.

At the end of the life of K.F. Jouu left memories of his comrades on study - Samara artist V.A. Mikhailov. Here is this entry.

"Mikhailov was my comrades in the years of exercise in the Moscow School of Painting, Scarying and Architecture. We were with him in the same group and together passed from class to class. He was a very witty man, a soul of a friendly medium, squeezed without end, there was a lot of humor in it.

Every year, student exhibitions were organized in the school holidays in the school, which were very popular among art lovers. Petshenates have always been at the student exhibitions. They had a desire to guess the future wizard and buy as many things as possible.

With Mikhailov V.A. I had to be among the so-called students of the student exhibitions for two years in a row. I have preserved a photo of a group of exhibitors, including Mikhailov. A manager of Mikhailov and here could not not make and attached a label to the heart with the inscription "Sold".

I remember the student work of Mikhailov. He studied not bad. As an artist, Mikhailov wrote with great feeling. I have his Ural etude - pearliness, the overflows of the morning paints turned out well.

Our student exhibitions performed senior artists. Here Mikhailov could get acquainted with some of them, in particular, Bialynitsky and Zhukovsky were still exhibited at the exhibitions of the School.

It seems that Gundobin also studied with me.

In school, teaching was so delivered that from class to class you fell into new hands. In the first primary class, only one teacher was taught - it was Casatkin. In the second, head, the class was taught by two: the Gorsky and the teacher on the s .., I can not remember the last name. In figure, third class, where they painted the figure of a person, teachers of Pasternak and archups. Later archups moved to the neturic class. With me there were serov and archups. The following year, Serov received a personal workshop at school, and he did not teach in classes.

At the end of the school, Mikhailov moved to Samara and engaged in pedagogical activities. The first time we were rewritten, and then each of us went to our own way. "

These memories k.f. Jun "Comrade for study" about V.A. Mikhailov is given along the stenographic record made from his words in 1958. Now in the Samara Regional Art Museum is the Etude K.F. John "Monastery" with a grant inscription: "Dear V.A. Mikhailov. K. JUN ". Etude entered the collection of the museum as a gift from V.A. Mikhailova (Fig. 6-8).

Currently, other works of KF are kept in the Samara Regional Art Museum. Jouta (Fig. 9-11).

Konstantin Fedorovich John died on April 11, 1958 and was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (Fig. 12).


Apushkin Ya.V. K.F. Jun. M., 1936.

Volodin V.I. From the history of the art life of Kuibyshev. End XIX - early XX century. M., Publishing House "Soviet artist". 1979. 176 p.

Generalova S.V. 2003. The role of the regional cultural counseling department for the preservation of cultural heritage in Samara. - in Sat. "Unknown Samara". Digest of articles. Materials of the City Scientific Conference of the Municipal Museum "Children's Art Gallery" G. Samara. Samara. Edition LLC "Cultural Initiative", p. 3-4.

Konstantin Fedorovich John (1875-1958) - Russian Soviet painter, master landscape, theater artist, art theorist.

Academician Ah USSR (1947). People's Artist of the USSR (1950). Winner of the Stalinist Premium First Degree (1943). Member of WCP (b) since 1951.

Born 12 (24) October 1875 in Moscow, in the German-speaking Swiss family. Father - employee of an insurance company, later - its director; Mother is a musician amateur.

From 1892 to 1898 he studied in men. His teachers were such masters as K. A. Savitsky, A. E. Arkhipov, N. A. Kasatkin.

At the end of the school, two years worked in the workshop V. A. Serov. Then he founded his own studio in which he taught from 1900 to 1917 together with I. O. Dudin. His students were, in particular, A. V. Kubrin, V. A. Favorsky, V. I. Mukhina, Brothers Vesnins, V. A. Vatagin, N. D. Collie, A. V. Grishchenko, M. G. Roiter.

In 1903, John became one of the organizers of the Union of Russian artists. He also entered the number of participants in the "World of Art".

Since 1907, he worked in the field of theatrical scenery.

He led the art studio at Prechistan working courses with I. O. Dudin (one of the students - Yu. A. Bakhrushin.)

In 1925, John became a member of AHRR. There is every reason to believe that he sympathized Bolshevism. So, on the picture "New Planet" created in 1921 or 1922, the artist depicted a space value of the Great October Socialist Revolution. In another "space" picture "People" (1923), we are talking about the content of the new world filled with the same content, although I want to "guess" the contours of the Solovetsky camp of a special purpose (elephant). In the same terms, the picture "Parade of the Red Army" (1923) was performed.

The picture "Dome and Swallow" also uses great fame. Assumption Cathedral of Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra "(1921). This panoramic landscape, written from the Cathedral's bell tower with a clear summer evening, at sunset. Under the gentle sky, the Earth is gracious, and in the foreground shone the dome lit by the sun with gold patterned crosses. The motive itself is not only very effective, but also symbolizes the significant cultural and historical role of the Church

In addition to working in the picturesque genre, Jun was engaged in the design of theatrical performances ("Boris Godunov" in the Paris Theater of Dyagilev, "Auditor" in the Art Theater, Arakcheevshchina, etc.), as well as artistic graphics.

In 1948 to 1950, the artist worked as director of the research institute of the theory and history of the arts of the Ah of the USSR.

From 1952 to 1955 he taught as a professor at the Moscow Art Institute. V. I. Surikov, as well as in a number of other educational institutions. Since 1957 he was the first secretary of the Board of the USSR.

K. F. John died on April 11, 1958. Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (plot number 4)