Introduction of preschool children to fiction. Parents' meeting "Introducing children to fiction

Introduction of preschool children to fiction. Parents' meeting "Introducing children to fiction

Organization: MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten No. 193"

Settlement: Altai Territory, Barnaul

Article "Involvement of children preschool age To fiction».

Shelkova L.V., Starodumova L.A.

(Barnaul, Russia,

MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten No. 193",

mbdou. kid barnaul- obr. ru)

Fiction plays special role in the upbringing of children, expanding their understanding of living reality, helping the child to learn about life, shaping his attitude to the environment, educating spiritually and morally. Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around them, which awakens them humane feelings- the ability to show participation, kindness, mercy, a sense of justice.

Today, the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction is especially relevant, since one cannot fail to note a decrease in children's interest in reading. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce the child to the book, to reading already in the preschool period, in accordance with federal state educational standards, otherwise it will be difficult to educate the reader in the future, which will negatively affect not only the development of a particular child, but also the spiritual and moral potential of society as a whole.

Many works have been devoted to the study of this issue, for example, teachers, psychologists, linguists K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S.Vygotsky pointed out the importance of introducing children to the beauty of their native word, the development of a culture of speech. , S. L. Rubinshtein, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. A. Leontiev, F. A. Sokhini.

Children's books are viewed as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to VA Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking educator finds a way to a child's heart."

The problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction is urgent, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer, first of all, when they lose touch with family reading.

Through reading fiction, the child learns the past, present and future of the world, learns to analyze. So that the knowledge of fiction becomes a school for the development of feelings, emotions and moral deeds, you need a systematic influence on the child from others and adults.

Therefore, the task of preschool educational institutions, first of all, is to organize the work in such a way that the book is present in various areas of the child's activity, the children have the opportunity to communicate with the book every day, and can develop their literary interests.

In this regard, in our kindergarten, for three years, experimental work on the topic "Development of interest and love for books in preschool children" has been successfully carried out. For experienced - experimental work we took great works of art: with children 5-6 years old we studied AA Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything", A.M. Volkova "The Wizard of the Emerald City", with children 6-7 years old - N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Heroes of the Russian Land" - the study of epics.

The main ideas of the experiment.Development of interest and love for the book, successful use fiction, as a means of raising and developing a child, it is possible, provided that the teacher proceeds from aesthetic nature words, uses widely expressive reading, methods and techniques to promote the development of recreational and creative imagination, emotional sphere, independent intellectual and artistic speech activities of children.

The purpose of the experiment:

1. Development of interest in books in older preschool children. 2. Creation of a model for working with a children's book.


1. Analysis of the available theoretical and practical experience the work of teachers on the stated topic.

2. Create a methodological set of materials (projects, notes, guidelines etc.)

  1. To develop a model for the work of senior preschool children with a children's book.

4. To acquaint children of senior preschool age with great literary works through different types of activities:

  • speech - a word (epithets, comparisons, rhythm, metaphor);
  • theatrical - movements, gestures, voice, facial expressions, intonation;
  • visual - drawing, juxtaposition paintings with literary texts .;
  • musical - melody, rhythm, intonation.
  • playroom - didactic games.

5. To form independent artistic and speech activity of older preschool children (through the enrichment of the subject-developing environment, "corners of the book", play activities)

6. Summarize the work experience of preschool educational institutions in the form teaching materials.

Object of research: educational process to familiarize with fictional literature of senior preschool children


Subject of study:development in older preschool children

interest in the book.


The development of interest in children is relevant in the process of forming the information culture of the individual, but the disparate methods and techniques implemented in practice do not motivate preschoolers to read great literary works. The development of older preschoolers' interest in books will be successful if:

The upbringing and educational process will be filled with a variety of methods and techniques for working with literary texts;

A developing subject environment has been created that orientates preschoolers to the formation of a child's reading culture;

Organized by joint activities Preschool educational institution and society by organization literary education children (preschool educational institution-BSPU-gymnasium No. 42-library);

Organized by interaction of preschool educational institutions and families in the formation of children's reading culture, literary taste.

Experiment stages:

Stage 1. Preparatory (6 months)

Development and adjustment of local acts for the control of the experiment;

Adjustment job descriptions and instructions on health and safety of EIA participants;

Development of phased plan OED;

Making adjustments to the development program and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

Registration of an application for an EIA to the Education Committee;

Acquisition of a fund of reference manuals, information materials on the problem of the experiment (including electronic media and the Internet);

Generalization of the work experience of preschool teachers

Stage 2. Operation of the experimental site (2 years)

Organization of experimental work in accordance with a long-term plan, a program of integrated projects;

Creation of conditions for professional growth and creative activity of teachers (workshops, exhibitions, presentations, literary

living rooms);

Development of teaching materials, didactic and methodological support of the experiment;

Organization open events, exhibitions of products of pedagogical and children's activities;

Determination of the effectiveness of the work done (final diagnostics)

Stage 3. Generalizing (6 months)

Data processing, description of results, correlating them with goals and objectives;

Writing reports;

Compilation of reports, speeches for scientific and practical conferences, methodological associations of teachers, etc.;

Preparation of materials for publication in magazines " Preschool education"," Office of the preschool educational institution "," Hoop ", newspapers" Preschool education ", etc .;

Publication of teaching aids on the topic of the experiment, approved long-term plans, copyright programs, etc.

Principles for the implementation of experimental activities:

- the principle of integration, which allows you to combine aspects in solving the problems of introducing children to reading fiction different types activities (cognitive and research, visual, artistic and speech, theatrical, musical and aesthetic activities), as well as in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard to the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program preschool education;

The principle of the activity approach, which forms the cognitive activity of preschoolers, practical and Creative skills children, develops creative thinking, observation, independence, has a positive effect on expanding the horizons of children through the inclusion of children in cognitive and research activities;

The principle of consistency in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with literary works on the basis of two-way interaction between teachers and parents;

The principle of reliance on the leading activity is realized in the organic connection of the game with other types of activity;

Accounting principle age characteristics and concentricity allows us to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to previously studied material at a new, higher level;

Development principle personality traits the child is aimed at forming a respectful, positive attitude towards the book;

The principle of cooperation and co-creation presupposes the unity of the adult and the child as equal partners, providing the possibility of self-development for everyone, the dialogic nature of interaction, the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relations;

The principle of continuity in interaction kindergarten and family and as a condition for building a single upbringing and educational space and ensuring the development of the child.

Conditions for the implementation of the basic principles of work:

1. Organization of the book corner "Book Island".

2. Organization of a book repair workshop "Knizhkina Hospital".

3. Creation of a theater corner.

4. Creation of a mini-museum of children's books.

5. Creation of a methodological, didactic and visual base.

6. Development of integrated projects to familiarize with the works and creativity of writers.

7. Development of the club program children's reading together with the library "Golden Key", the "Book Cradle" circle, the children's-parent studio "Visiting the Fairy Tale".

8. Development of seminar programs for preschool educational institutions and parents.

9. Development of a model for the work of senior preschool children with a children's book.

Forms of interaction with children:

1. Joint activities with the educator

Classes on the development of speech and familiarization with fiction and biographies of writers

Classes to familiarize children with the environment - the objective world("Where did the book come from")

Decoration of thematic exhibitions, dedicated to creativity writers (calendar of significant dates)

Creation of the "Knizhka Hospital" in groups

Classes in the "Book cradle" circle (once a week)

● making collages in the process directly - educational activities(artistic and productive activity)

● artistic creativity (organization of competitions for children's drawings on works of fiction, modeling, application, drawing on works of fiction, making layouts for large works of art, making homemade books)

● vocabulary (inventing stories, riddles, fairy tales)

● organization of leisure activities (entertainment, theatrical performances, dramatization)

● viewing reproductions, illustrations

● celebration of the name day of a literary work

Literary and musical holidays (opera, musical entertainment)

Competitions between the "heroes" of a work of art

Excursions and classes in the branch of the city library №1.

2. Independent activity of children

Organization of role-playing games, travel games, didactic games

Dramatization of fairy tales

Artistic creativity (modeling, drawing, applique)

Forms of interaction with parents

I. Information and analytical

Conducting questionnaires, surveys "About reading in the family", "Favorite book of childhood", "Raising a child's interest and love for the book"

- « Mailbox"(Parents put their questions and wishes in writing).

II. Cognitive forms of work (designed to acquaint parents with rational methods and techniques for introducing preschoolers to children's literature, forms practical skills for interacting with children)

Individual consultations, conversations

Parent meetings

Seminars - workshops

- "Days of open doors"

Project activities

Promotions "Give a book", "Homemade books"


Creation of layouts for works of art.

III. Leisure forms

Children's - parent studio "Visiting the Fairy Tale"

Evenings - entertainment, holidays

Building family libraries

Drawing and craft contests

Weekend club "For a cup of tea".

IV. Visual - informational

Parent's corner

Information for parents: lists of literary works by age, advice "How to organize reading at home", the heading "New items in children's literature" with a short annotation to them

Folders - slides


Wall newspapers

Information sheets "Raising the future reader".

Forms of activating teachers:

Traditional: seminars, seminars - workshops, consultations, creative groups, pedagogical advice, trainings, business game, training.

- Innovative:project activities, master classes, bank creation innovative ideas, use of quest - technology, case - technology, publishing, ICT - technology, literary salon.

Working methods:



- SWOT- analysis


- "Brainstorm"

Method "Moderation"

Methodical festival.

Experimental results:

1.The level has increased speech development and communication skills in older preschool children.

2. Increased children's interest in and attitude to the book.

3 educators know theoretical basis methods of working with fiction; are able to analyze and evaluate the ideological and artistic content and form of a literary work; know how to organize various artistic activity; possess means of expressive reading.

4. Parents became active assistants, participants in competitions and exhibitions, joint events with children held in kindergarten. They read many works to children, discuss them, and are regular visitors to the library.

5. Created a methodological package (integrated projects, long-term plans, methodological recommendations, class notes, didactic manuals, etc.).

6. A developing subject-spatial environment has been created in accordance with the peculiarities of the reading interests of preschool children.

7. Organized the work of the children's club "Golden Key" in interaction with society.

8. The work of the "Book Cradle" circle has been organized.

9.Children - parent studio "Visiting the Fairy Tale" was created.

10. A model for working with a children's book has been created.


  1. Arushanova The origins of dialogue: scenarios of activating communication / A. Arushanova // Preschool education. - 2003.- No. 10 - P. 73 - 80.
  2. Gritsenko Z.A. You tell the children a fairy tale ...: a method of introducing children to reading / - M .: Linka-Press, 2003.-176s.
  3. Kuzmenkova E., Rysina G. Education of the future reader: literary and artistic development of children 3-5 years old / - M .: Chistye prudy, 2005.-32s.
  4. Miklyaeva N.V., Mishina T.S. Interaction of the teacher with the family in organizing home reading: a method. manual / - M .: Iris-press. 2005 .-- 80s.
  5. K.D. Ushinsky Selected pedagogical works / K.D. Ushinsky - M .: Education, 1978 .-- 488s.
  6. Flerina E.A. Aesthetic education preschooler / W.A. Fleerina. - M .: APN RSFSR, 1961.- 334s.

Book - This is an integral part of raising a child. With its help, he will be able to find answers to questions of interest to him, to know the world and himself, to relive the stories of heroes, to fantasize the development of further events of this or that work.

The book is the educator of human souls.The kid is growing, which means that every day more and more new impressions await him, he actively learns the world and makes many discoveries. Receives more and more various information necessary for him to further correct physical, mental and mental development. Children receive new knowledge from the people around them, primarily from their parents, as well as from books.

It is no secret that modern children read little, preferring the book to watching TV programs and videos, computer films... This sad reality should make us parents think and try to somehow fix things.
From the small age kids need to read as much as possible more books... It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may interest both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read accumulates a rich vocabulary.
By reading with mom, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to children from early childhood.

The variety of children's books is surprising, but not always happy. It is important to remember that in any book, including a children's book, the most important thing is the content.
Recommendations for purchasing literature:

In children 4-5 years old, there is an activation vocabulary, goes
the development of coherent speech. Reading to the child literary works, you need to pay attention to individual words and expressions. Can be taught to retell short texts Russians folk tales... Slowly start memorizing poems.

At this age, you can acquaint a child with fairy tales by foreign authors, with heroic folk tales, with stories about nature and animals, with the work of K. Chukovsky.

In order for a child to love a book, parents need to work hard.

Tips for Parents:

Talk about the value of the book more often;
Educate respect to the book, showing the book relics of his family;
You are the main example for the child, and if you want your child to read, then it is also worth spending some time with the book;
Visit the library together, bookstores;
Buy books that are bright in design and interesting in content;
Rejoice at the child's success, and do not focus on mistakes;
Discuss the book you read among family members;
Tell your child about the author of the book you read;
Have family readings more often.

Reading for children should become a daily habit, become a necessity

Why reading is important

a habit of your child?

Reading in the family is a long-standing tradition.Among the enlightened class, family readings did not have a special target setting, but were a natural attribute of spiritual communication between adults and children. But, unfortunately, many cultural traditions were lost, including reading in the family.

The main difference family readings from other types of it - classroom, extracurricular and home is that parents, using the book, begin to really engage in spiritualthe development of your child, the formation of his morality.

Family reading is literature that is of interest to all family members, discussion of what the whole family has read, it is communication that brings people of different ages together.


When choosing books for your child, pay attention to the following qualities:

1. How the book is illustrated.Children love watching pictures as much as listening. They value beauty, humor and fantasy. Avoid books where the drawing style is too business-like or oversimplified.

2. Does the book match the abilitychild as a listener. Do not judge by age, but choose stories that are complex enough to grab the child's attention, but simple enough so that he can follow the development of events.

3. Is this the book that liked exactly to your child. Don't be overly concerned with its educational value. Any story that the child likes will be valuable in this sense.

4. Does the book havethe power of emotional impact. Although children also like those books that simply contain information, for a long time the child will love those that are close to him emotionally.

5. Is the book well written. Children listen to the sound of speech, not just its meaning.

6. Do you like the book. If you read what you like best, there is large base expect your child to like it.


By the way books that belong to a child's house look like, you can tell whether you give enough attention to instilling in your son or daughter the skills to use the book. Pay attention to whether your child adheres to the following guidelines for handling the book:

Before picking up the book, make sure your hands are clean;

The book is read and examined at the table;

Take a book: do not stain it, do not jam the pages, turn them over correctly, do not wet your finger with saliva;

Do not play with the book, it spoils from this;

After you have looked and read the book, do not forget to put it back;

Store the book correctly in a specially designated place for it - in a bookcase or on a shelf, and not among toys;

- if you notice that the book is out of order (the cover is torn or peeled off, a page has fallen out), fix it yourself or with the help of an adult.

1. Through reading, the child's speech develops andhis vocabulary is increasing.The book teaches little man express your thoughts and understand what other people say.

2. Reading develops thinking.From books, a child learns abstract concepts and expands the horizons of his world. The book explains life to him and helps to see the connection of one phenomenon with another.

3. Working with the book stimulates creative imagination , allows fantasy to work and teaches children to think in images.

4. Reading develops cognitive interests and broadens the horizons. From books and periodicals, the child learns about other countries and a different way of life, about nature, technology, history and everything that interests him.

5. Books help the childknow yourself.It is very important for self-esteem to know what other people think, feel and react in the same way as he does.

6. Books help children understand others. By reading books written by writers from other cultures and eras, and seeing that their thoughts and feelings are similar to ours, children understand them better and get rid of prejudices.

7. A good children's book can beread out loud to the child.The process of joint reading promotes spiritual communication between parents and children, the establishment of mutual understanding, intimacy, and trust. The book unites generations.

8. Books - parents' assistants in solving educational problems... They teach children ethics, make them think about good and evil, develop the ability to empathize, help them learn to enter into the situation of other people.

9. Books give strength and inspiration.They are captivating and entertaining. They make children and adults laugh and cry. They reduce loneliness, bring comfort, and indicate a way out of a difficult situation.

10. Reading is the most accessible and useful activity for the intellectual and emotional-mental development of a child. You can take the book with you wherever you go. It can be borrowed from the library for free and does not need an electrical outlet.



If parents are seriously concerned about the child's lack of interest in reading, they can use the advice of the American psychologist W. Williams. Here is some of them:

1. Enjoy reading for yourself and develop an attitude of children towards reading as a pleasure.

2. Let the children see you enjoy reading yourself: quote, laugh, memorize passages, share, etc.

3. Show that you value reading: buy books, donate them yourself, and receive them as gifts.

4. Let the children choose their own books and magazines (in the library, bookstore, etc.).

5. In a conspicuous place at home, hang a list that will reflect the child's progress in reading (how many books have been read and for how long).

6. Highlight home special place for reading (nook with shelves, etc.).

7. The house should have a children's library.

8. Collect books on topics that will inspire children to read more about it (for example, books about dinosaurs or space travel).

9. Invite the children to read the book the movie is based on before or after watching the movie.

10. Take turns reading each other's stories, or funny stories... Entertain yourself instead of watching TV.

11. Encourage your child to be friends with children who love to read.

12. Solve crosswords with children and give them to them.

13. Encourage children to read aloud whenever possible to build their skill and confidence.

14. Ask your children more often about the books they are reading.

15. Encourage reading of any periodical material: even horoscopes, comics, TV series reviews - let the children read whatever they want!

17. Have the children read in bed every night before falling asleep.

By reading together, you open up an interesting and colorful experience for your child. literary world... And remember like this in a simple way you give your child great amount happiness and love.

The book contains a list of works of fiction for reading to preschool children. Literary material selected in such a way as to ensure the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers, their aesthetic taste, culture of perception of works.

The book is addressed to a wide range of preschool education workers, as well as students teacher training colleges and universities.

Valentina Viktorovna Gerbova
Introducing children to fiction. Program and guidelines

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under general edition M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

The program for introducing children to fiction is printed according to the text of the book "The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.


This publication is part of the methodological kit for the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" (edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 4th ed., Revised and added. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006), which, in accordance with the modern tasks of preschool education, provides all-round development child based on his age and individual abilities.

The leading goals of the "Program" are the creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged living of preschool children, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the personality, the development of mental and physical qualities preparing a child for life in modern society, for school.

Brief "Methodical Recommendations" have been prepared for the "Program" (Moscow: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2005; Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006), kindergarten at different age stages of preschool childhood.

More detailed methodological manuals for the "Program" are contained in teaching aids: Komarova T.S. " Visual activity in kindergarten "(M .: Mosaika-Synthesis), Gerbova V. V." Development of speech in kindergarten "(M .: Mosaika-Synthesis), Teplyuk S. H., Lyamina G. M., Zatsepina M. B." Children early age in kindergarten "(Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis) and others.

The manual "Introducing children to fiction" continues the series of editions of this educational and methodological set. The book includes a program and guidelines for introducing children 2-7 years old to fiction.


In the "Kindergarten Education and Training Program" fiction is considered as an art form of its own. Literary material is not directly related to any of the program sections, although it does a huge impact on the development of intelligence, speech, a positive attitude to the world, love and interest in the book.

The program works were selected especially carefully, taking into account their artistic merit, the availability of content to children of a certain age. We tried to present how classical works, known to more than one generation of readers, as well as the works of modern domestic and foreign authors.

Educating the reader is a long and laborious process, therefore the lists of works of art and the tasks of introducing children to fiction are different for each preschool age.

Children of all ages should, if possible, read every day (new and familiar works). Program problems must be solved both in the classroom and outside of them.

The program grants the educator the right to make certain changes to the lists of recommended literature, taking into account the regional component of the content of preschool education and the specifics of the mode of operation of the preschool educational institution.

First junior group
(from two to three years)

Repeatedly read works of art provided by the program for children of the second group of young age.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, works of authorship. Accompany the reading by showing toys, pictures, characters table theater and other means of visualization, as well as teaching to listen work of fiction without visual accompaniment. Accompany the reading of small poetry with play activities.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

Encourage an adult to try to read the entire poem. Help children over 2 years 6 months old to play a well-known fairy tale.

Continue to involve children in examining drawings in books, encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the educator, teach them to ask the questions: "Who (what) is this?", "What is doing?" Retell the content of simple plot pictures to children. Offer to reproduce the actions (movements) of the character ("Show how chickens peck grains, how a girl eats soup").

To draw the attention of children to a child looking at a book on own initiative, approve of his activities.

For reading to children

September October November

Russian folklore

Repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, read and told to children of the second year of life.

Songs, nursery rhymes."Our ducks in the morning ..."; "The cat went to Torzhok ..."; "Egorka the hare ..."

Fairy tales."Little kids and a wolf", arr. K. Ushinsky

Folklore of the peoples of the world"Three cheerful brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina; "Boo-boo, I'm horned", lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. A. Barto. "Teddy Bear", "Truck" (from the series "Toys"), "Who Cries How"; V. Berestov. "Big Doll"; G. Lagzdyn. "Cockerel"; S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbreviated); N. Pikuleva. "Fox Tail"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedotka".

Prose. L. Tolstoy. "The cat slept on the roof ...", "Petya and Misha had a horse ...".

Works of poets and writers different countries S. Kaputikyan. "Everyone is asleep", trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova.

December January February

Russian folklore

Songs, nursery rhymes."Our Masha is little ..."; "Chiki, chiki, kichki ...", "Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven is sitting on an oak tree."

Fairy tales."Teremok", arr. M. Bulatova.

Folklore of the peoples of the world"Kotausi and Mousei"; English, arr. K. Chukovsky; "Oh, you zayushka-by-arrows ..."; per. with mold. I. Tokmakova.

Master class for parents of preschool educational institutions"Introducing children to fiction through fairy tales at home"

Master - class participants: Parents.
Duration of the master class: 10 minutes
Target: Introduce parents to children reading fiction through fairy tales at home.
- Develop emotional ties with the child, positive communication, the ability to find common interests and activities.
- Introduction of preschoolers to fiction, reading.
Planned results: parents will be more likely to read fiction at home to their children.
Equipment: No
Handout: sheets of fairy tale content, glasses of water, straws, plastic spoons, plastic bags, Balloons, tree branches, rustling bags, books, wooden sticks ..

Master class progress:

All participants sit in a semicircle or in a circle.
Host: Hello, dear parents, glad to see you at our master
class. The theme of our master class "Introducing children to fiction through fairy tales at home"
First, let's greet each other: the presenter greets the person sitting next to
participant: " good evening»The greeting is conveyed by a handshake, hug, or
with another acceptable gesture. We shared with you our warmth and good
1. Theoretical part master class.
Today we will talk about how to introduce children to fiction.
Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of remarkable discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, the most complex and great M. Gorky considered the book. The book contains a huge spiritual world humanity. Fiction helps a child at an early age to learn about the world around him. She develops thinking and imagination in a child, gives beautiful images Russian literary language enriching his emotions. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic value is enormous. However, at present, society is faced with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources (television and computers), thus, in fact, such an activity as reading is minimized. In this case, children suffer, first of all, because due to the lack of psycho-emotional communication with adults and peers, children appear misconceptions about communication between people as such. Therefore, teachers and parents are faced with the task of how to introduce preschoolers to fiction and reading. Children who have received a "book" vaccination in early childhood are incomparably better prepared for school. They know how to listen, focus on a certain type of activity, speak well. (L. N. Zelentsova). There are many forms of work to develop children's interest in fiction and reading. When we started working on this topic, we were faced with the following questions: Where to start? Do parents and children born in the 21st century need a book? Of course! Most parents do not read to their children at home, some read from time to time. But without the help of adults, a child cannot enter wonderful world books.
We use small pieces of art in the classroom, in regular moments outside of classes, in morning exercises, especially actively during the period of adaptation of children to the new conditions of the kindergarten. Fairy tales help us in this. When a child misses home, his mother, he is not capable of communicating with other children, we switch his attention to a bright, colorful book and accompany the examination of illustrations with movements of our fingers, reading ...
We recommend that you use the fairy tale "Spring" by Tatyana Domarenok-Kudryavtseva for reading the works at home.
2. The practical part.
Host: Now let's turn into actors. I will tell you a fairy tale and show you, and you will repeat with me.
One day a little Spring was born in the forest. As soon as he made his way out of the ground into a white light and saw the bright sun, blue sky, trees and grass, he was so happy that he jumped high up and sang his favorite song:
I am a cheerful fontanelle
And sonorous as a stream!
I will give water to everyone
Both birds and animals!
And began to purr
(Water in a glass and a straw)
At this time, a small long-legged foal was running along the path not far from the Spring, along with his mother's horse. He waved his tail and tapped his hooves, just like an adult bony. (Plastic spoons) The foal heard the Spring song, went up to him (plastic spoons), drank some spring water and hurried joyfully after his mother (spoons). A hedgehog hurried past him to drink water. He made his way through bushes and dry foliage (bag rustle). Suddenly there was a crackling and noise (branches breaking). It was a bear. The hedgehog got scared and wanted to run away. But the bear was kind and only came to drink water. In the distance, two shots were heard (popping the ball). Birds (books) fluttered and flew, animals were on the alert. A frightened hare jumped out of the bushes (knocking with wooden sticks). He drank some water and calmed down. The animals listened. No more sounds were heard. And they went to their burrows contentedly. And the little Spring was so pleased that everyone liked his key water, that since then he has been singing his funny song. Not getting tired day and night (water murmur). And whoever walked, did not fly by, will surely hear his sonorous murmur and come up to get drunk and wash spring water... Such a cheerful and kind Rodnichok was born one day.
3. The final part.
- Was the topic of our master class interesting to you?
- Did you find out how you can get children interested in reading works of art?
Host: In conclusion, I suggest you play the game of wishes. Each participant
wish his neighbor on the left something good (a toy and words
wishes). All your wishes will definitely come true.
I think that today we had a fun and useful time, learned something useful for yourself and use our advice.
Thank you all for your attention and success in raising our children.

It has long been known that the reading experience begins to take shape in childhood. Preschool childhood is a very important stage in the education of an attentive, sensitive reader, book lover which helps him to learn the world and yourself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, to develop the perception of the artistic word.



Introducing children to fiction.

It has long been known that the reading experience begins to take shape in childhood. Preschool childhood is a very important stage in the upbringing of an attentive, sensitive reader who loves a book, which helps him to get to know the world around him and himself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, and to develop the perception of the artistic word.

This is the age at which the ability to perceive a work of art through hearing, sight, touch, imagination is most clearly manifested; sincerely, from the fullness of the soul, to sympathize, to be indignant, to rejoice.

Any preschooler is a reader. Even if he does not know how to read, but only listens to the reading of an adult. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what he is interested in. However, sensitivity to what you read does not arise by itself. It depends on what exactly, how often and how the children are read.

Children's literature as part general literature is the art of the word. Its features are determined by educational - educational objectives and the age of the children (the interests, preferences and cognitive abilities of preschoolers are taken into account). Children's literature contributes to the development of the child's aesthetic consciousness, the formation of his worldview.

The circle of children's reading includes:

Artworks oral creativity the Russian people and the peoples of the world;

Classical children's literature (domestic and foreign);

Contemporary literature (Russian and foreign).

People's poetry - greatest achievement national culture of every nation. High artistic perfection and accessibility to the perception of a preschool child made folklore an important means of education, familiarization with folk culture, native language... The program includes songs, nursery rhymes, calls, calendar children's folklore, tongue twisters, riddles.

The pedagogical value of fairy tales is extremely great. Children of preschool age are told and read fairy tales about animals. In fairy tales different nations and at different times there are images of a rustic-stupid wolf, a cowardly braggart hare, a bumpy bear, a crafty coquettish fox, a warlike rooster, etc.

Fairy tales are loved by older preschoolers. They unobtrusively teach the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad. On the basis of folk tales, literary author's tales arose. Elements of fairy tales about animals, everyday and fairy tales are often intertwined in them.

The introduction of children to poetry begins at an early age with folklore and poets A. Barto, K. Chukovsky and others. Older children are introduced to the perception of a serious high poetry- poems by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Plescheev, A. Maikov, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin and many other remarkable Russian poets. Stories of various topics are widely presented in the program lists. Some reveal moral issues, and in others - environmental, in the third - "exploits" of children, inventors and dreamers, dashingly winning the right to independence.

So, the circle of children's reading is aimed at forming an interest in the book among preschoolers, at gradually replenishing their literary baggage, enriching literary experience, which manifests itself in an interest in works of a certain genre or a specific subject, in the need to consider illustrated books.