Successful use of the yin-yang symbol in your home. What does the symbol of the Taoist monad mean?

Successful use of the yin-yang symbol in your home.  What does the symbol of the Taoist monad mean?
Successful use of the yin-yang symbol in your home. What does the symbol of the Taoist monad mean?

The meaning of the Yin - Yang symbol The meaning of the Yin and Yang symbols originates from ancient Chinese philosophy. The Yin-Yang symbol was discovered as early as the 7th century BC. As you know, the whole world consists of opposites. And the power of the Yin-Yang amulet lies precisely in the combination of opposite forces, in their balanced and harmonious coexistence with each other. It doesn't matter what these principles are: unity, harmony, love or friendship, whether they find a consensus in the struggle. Only by inseparably interacting with each other, they develop. The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, as opposite parts of it, interacting with each other, mutually transforming into each other, making up together a common, strongest energy "qi". This inseparable connection of the parts determines the development of the “qi” energy. The concept of Yin and Yang is considered the basis of everything, and therefore even explains the nature of Tao, which is based on two main positions: - "Everything is in a state of movement." - "Opposites attract and complement each other." What, after all, does the Yin-Yang sign mean? Everyone, considering this symbol, highlights its main characteristic features: - The components of the symbol, Yin and Yang, are enclosed in a closed circle, which means the infinity of everything on Earth. - Equal division of the circle into two halves, painted in opposite colors (white and black), emphasize the equivalence of Yin and Yang, their opposite. - The division of the circle not by a straight line, but by a wavy one, creates, as it were, the penetration of one opposite into another, their mutual influence of one sign on another. After all, increase one sign - the other will undoubtedly be reduced. - The influence of one sign on another is also emphasized by the symmetrical arrangement of points - "eyes" - of the opposite color, that is, the color of the "enemy". This means that the Yin sign "looks at the world with the eyes" of the Yang sign, and the Yang sign perceives life with the "eyes" of the Yin sign. With the development of civilization, people began to attach different meanings to this symbol, expanding its semantic coverage. There are such "decryptions": earth - sky, bottom - top, cold - warm, feminine - masculine, evil - good, harmful - useful, dark - light, passive - active, old - young, internal - external, mother - father, night - day, valley - mountain, north - south, winter - summer, feelings - thoughts, constant - changeable, moon - sun, receiving - bestowal, soft - hard, death - life, etc. But always and in everything, speech it is only about opposites. The forces interacting with each other are continuous. They are constantly passing into each other. The sign of the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang carries universal forces that are continuously and eternally passing into each other. It also means active principles, in which wood and fire correspond to the Yang sign, and metal and water correspond to the Yin sign. The earth is neutral in this teaching. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Yang sign carries the meaning of light, active, masculine, dominant. And the Yin sign contains the meaning of the dark, secret, feminine, calm. However, remembering about the unity of opposites, even one, taken concretely, a person cannot be ranked in one category or another. Each of us has both the Yin force and the Yang force, in each person there are opposites. And the more in balance these forces are, the more successful the individual is. The same can be said about the relationship between a man and a woman. It is the amulet with the Yin-Yang symbol that helps balance two opposite energies, suppressing the dominant and strengthening the weak. The Yin-Yang talisman gives its owner complete energy balance. It helps to find a soul mate, to achieve success in a career and adds harmony to life. After all, the Yin-Yang symbol carries the meaning of not only struggle and unity, incessant movement and active energy, but also harmony, beauty. Yin-Yang in the form of a tattoo or a symbol-amulet on the pendant means energy supply, which protects a person from everything bad and evil. Perhaps this is one of the most ancient and powerful talismans. Here, however, there is a small nuance: the amulet should be as if attuned to the one who wears it. In other words, it is important for a person with a Yin-Yang tattoo to be aware of the existence of two opposite energies, in their powerful impact on life, the further fate of the individual. The most interesting thing is that the more harmonious, the more in balance Yin-Yang is, the more successful this person is.

Perhaps each of us has seen a simple picture more than once, which depicts a circle divided by a wavy line into two parts - black and white. Moreover, each of them has a point of contrasting color inside itself - white on a black background and black on white. As you know, it is a well-known Chinese symbol called Yin-Yang.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol and the history of its appearance

No one gives the exact date of its appearance, but historians probably know that around the 7th century BC. it was mentioned by ancient Chinese philosophers and followers of Taoism. Both then and today, it symbolizes the unity of two opposite principles, complementing each other (as there is no day without night, so).

The main meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol has not changed over the years, however, in different historical periods it was identified with a variety of elements, matters and substances. So, according to one legend, initially a black and white circle was drawn following the example of a mountain slope, which is illuminated by the sun from one side during the day and from the other in the evening and, accordingly, constantly changes its appearance.

In the Zhou era, the sky began to be called the bright embodiment of Yang, while the eastern sages began to consider the earth as the personification of Yin. In addition, it is believed that Yang symbolizes:

  • light, tall and dry (like mountains and skies),
  • active,
  • masculinity,
  • The sun,
  • body,
  • positive,
  • solid and impenetrable
  • light and warmth,
  • odd digits,
  • the rational mind of a man.

Yin, on the other hand, symbolizes completely different concepts:

  • water,
  • passive,
  • feminine principle,
  • Moon,
  • soul,
  • negative,
  • soft and compliant,
  • north,
  • darkness,
  • death,
  • even numbers,
  • intuitive female mind.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but the meaning is probably already clear. Despite such radical opposites, followers of many Eastern teachings, including the same Feng Shui, strongly advise against opposing Yin and Yang to each other, but perceiving them as a single whole, an inseparable structure, without which our world and existence will lose meaning.

Practical application of the Yin-Yang symbol

Feng Shui, as a science, seeks to balance all flows of energy, strengthening positive and weakening negative flows. This is directly related to our life, home improvement, health and relationships with each other. Because of this, many feng shui masters suggest using special symbols and signs to eliminate negativity. One of these is Yin-Yang, which can be sold as wearable ornaments (usually pendants) or presented as paintings, patterns on statuettes, and the like.

According to Feng Shui, possessing such a talisman, a person is able to harmonize his life and achieve success in many matters, but for this it is necessary to believe in his power and make every effort to organize the space around him in the proper way. This primarily applies to the home.

So, in order to balance the flows of passive and active energy in your own home, it is important to remember that the living room, kitchen and study are the places where Yang energy should prevail. To do this, they must be painted in bright colors, diluted with books, family photos and other Feng Shui talismans, symbolizing an active principle, and also more often include live music in them. However, for balance, the design of these rooms should be diluted with Yin elements - soft armchairs, a couple of paintings and decorative items of soft deep shades.

As for the bedroom (as well as the bath), then, of course, the passive Yin energy should prevail here. Wanting to provide it with a smooth and unhindered flow, it is necessary to remove all bright and frankly aggressive (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) objects from here. These include office supplies, TV, stereo, fitness equipment and more. Instead of them, again, to achieve harmony in the bedroom, it is allowed to use other bright little things.

In addition, it is not prohibited to decorate your interior using the Yin-Yang sign itself. It can be part of esoteric objects, or be directly applied to walls, furniture and other surrounding objects. This is how it might look:

Of course, the above tips only partially reflect the basic principles of harmonizing the surrounding space. Indeed, in order to achieve complete balance, in addition to this, you need to monitor your health and inner state of mind, not to rush from one extreme to another and a measured lifestyle, where there are both active and passive periods of activity.

Each of us strives to be happy, to be in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us. The wisdom of the East reveals to us the laws that will help us do this.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the whole world is permeated by two opposite energies, which, despite their differences, cannot exist separately. For clarity, a yin-yang sign is drawn, on which a circle is depicted, divided by a smooth line into two equal, but different in color, parts - black and white. And in each of them there is a small circle of a different color. Thus, the meaning of the meaning of the drawing is emphasized: the unity of the two opposites of yin and yang.

They can be found everywhere. Yang denotes more active energy, masculine, and the yin symbol denotes passive, feminine. Neighboring, they are contained in everything living and inanimate, but in different quantities: in some people, things, yang predominates, and in some - yin. If the quantity changes, then there is a "skew", which leads to stress, problems, disharmony. And by combining the two principles, a person becomes the embodiment of the Universe and feels himself with the world as a single whole. It is also worth maintaining the balance of energies in the house, but if it is disturbed, then it will become unbearable to live in it.


Yin Yang is originally from China, so the hieroglyph of each of them will show what meaning was originally put into this symbol. The hieroglyph yang is depicted in the form of three parts, the left one means a mountain, the right one - dawn, and the lower right one is not allowed, that is, the mountain on the south side.

The hieroglyph yin means mountain and clouds, that is, the mountain on the north side. Also, hieroglyphs can carry the meaning of shadow - yin and light - yang.

Time of dominance of each energy

As in the symbol, the circle is divided into equal parts, so in life the time is divided when this or that beginning reigns. Depending on the time of day, moon phases, seasons, yang and yin replace each other. Let's consider in more detail:

  • It is light during the day, so yang energy reigns, reaching its maximum at lunchtime. When night falls, yin awakens and is most active at midnight.
  • The phases of the moon also affect the distribution of energies. The full moon is the time of the masculine, and the new moon is the feminine. Accordingly, during the full month, people become more energetic and during this time it is better to plan things, and on the new moon, creative endeavors and reflections are good.
  • Spring and summer are sunny seasons, so yang protects them, but yin protects winter and autumn. But there is one peculiarity: children born in spring or summer carry more Yin energy, and those who were born in the cold season are carriers of Yang energy. There is an opinion: at what period did most of the pregnancy fall, such energy will prevail in the child.

Feminine and masculine principles in nature

In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, our land is divided into two types: water and mountain. Symbols are present in nature: yin - mountains, yang - water. Since a mountain is a static immobility and, in general, mountains are the skeleton of our planet, it is not surprising that they embody the yin symbol. But the water in the seas, oceans, rivers, waterfalls is constantly in motion, which means it carries a more active yang energy.

But mountains, in turn, are also divided into two types: Yin and Yang. The former include those with a sharp peak, and the Yang mountains - mountains with a smoother, rounded peak. Likewise, water in reservoirs can carry yin or yang energy. The feminine principle prevails in high waterfalls and fast rivers, and the masculine one - in flowing lakes and calm rivers. Yin water is characterized by destruction, and Yang water - calming and pacification.

How to use the yin-yang law when building a house?

  • In an area dominated by mountains and little water, energy decreases. The opposite situation: an excess of water and a lack of mountains leads to an increase in energy, and in the end to the inability to control it. Therefore, when choosing a site for housing construction, you need to pay attention to those places where the symbols are not suppressed, but equalized: equally yin (mountains) and yang (water).
  • Also, do not start building in places where a large number of trees and bushes grow.
  • A house located near places bearing the stamp of death: a cemetery, a prison, a hospital, is under the influence of yin energy, which will suppress activity and vigor.
  • However, you should not jump to the conclusion that a locality that carries yang energy will make your life happier. The masculinity will lead to the fact that life events will pass very quickly. Therefore, when choosing a location for building a house, it is very important to have a balance between the two principles.

How to establish a balance of energies in the house?

If your home is already built and you cannot change the surrounding

its locality, that is, there are still ways to achieve a harmonious coexistence of the two principles. With the predominance of the overwhelming yin energy, it is necessary to make the front door smaller or even move it altogether. It will do and repaint it red, or increase the illumination in front of the entrance to the house. There is a logical reason for such actions - most of the energy enters through the door into the home.

With an overabundance of yang energy, the opposite measures must be taken. Make the door dark blue, reduce the illumination of the porch, add a shadow on the site by planting bushes and trees. The body of water will also reduce active energy.

Yin-yang in the apartment and at the workplace

Symbols are also present indoors, yin helps to rest, and yang helps to work. A balance between energies should also be maintained in these rooms. If it is violated, it will be almost impossible to successfully engage in any business. The difference between the beginnings is allowed only in small quantities and is determined by what kind of activity there will be. In the workplace, it is necessary to strengthen the male energy. For this:

  • it is necessary to ventilate the room well;
  • tools and devices must be clean;
  • put a small aquarium or fountain;
  • increase the brightness of the lighting;
  • the walls of the room should not be white, if this cannot be changed, then decorate them with paintings and flowers;
  • you can turn on music;
  • hang a clock on the wall.

The last two points are explained by the fact that sounds enhance active energy. At the same time, the Yang energy should not suppress Yin, but only prevail over it.

If you work from home, then these tips are also suitable for the office. In the case when you work and relax in the same room, you should somehow delimit it into two separate spaces: for work and for rest. Yin energy should reign in the bedroom and in the resting places. Generally speaking, both in the apartment and at work, there should be a little more masculine than feminine. This will stimulate you to take action and new achievements.


Yin brings calmness, yang - energy, it is not surprising that this sign is often depicted on amulets, pendants, tattoos. It energizes a person and protects from everything bad. Therefore, its use goes back centuries. Both principles are present in every person, the symbol tries to balance them and make a person whole and harmonious.

In this article, we looked at how the ancient Eastern Yin Yang Law can help us in everyday life. Namely, given the presence of masculine and feminine principles in the construction of a house, with its interior decoration, using additional items, you can create a good atmosphere for work or a comfortable environment for relaxation. Amulets will also help us live an active, rich and harmonious, calm life. But the most important thing is to strive to achieve a balance between such different and inextricable energies, that is, to pay attention to different areas of life, and to develop opposite, but useful qualities in oneself. Then prosperity, well-being, love, health and good luck in all endeavors await us.

The meaning of the Yin and Yang symbols originates from ancient Chinese philosophy. As you know, the whole world consists of opposites.

And the power of the Yin-Yang amulet lies precisely in the combination of opposite forces, in their balanced and harmonious coexistence with each other.

It doesn't matter what these principles are: unity, love or friendship. Only by inseparably interacting with each other, they develop.

From the history of Yin and Yang

Initially, the ancient Chinese associated the signs with a mountain. One half of it was always illuminated by the sun, and the other was in complete darkness. But this situation could not persist permanently. The point was that sooner or later the parties should switch places.

With the development of the world and civilization, the original meaning of the symbols has changed somewhat. They began to give a deeper meaning. But always and in everything, we are talking only about opposites. For example: cold - warm, masculine - feminine, good - evil. The forces interacting with each other are continuous. They are constantly passing into each other.

The Yin and Yang amulet is designed to bring harmony and balance. After all, every person has opposites. And the greater the balance of these forces, the more successful the individual is. The same can be said about the relationship between a man and a woman.

Amulet in everyday life

The Yin-Yang talisman gives its owner complete energy balance. It helps to find love, to achieve success in a career and adds harmony to life. It helps to strengthen weak energy and suppress the dominant one. The amulet protects its owner from the effects of evil forces.

One of the important factors in the action of the amulet, especially with the symbols of Yin and Yang, is its attitude towards its owner. You can't just buy an amulet, put it on and wait for it to take effect. Talismans and amulets require mandatory preparation, charging and activation. If you use the basic rules, you can get a very powerful amulet that can provide its owner with protection and good luck in life.

The Yin symbol represents the dark side. He is considered mysterious, calm, feminine. Water and metal correspond to it. The Yang sign, on the contrary, symbolizes the bright side. This is an active, strong masculine principle. It is compared to wood and fire.

Personalization of the amulet

Any talisman for effective work and protection of the owner must be charged with his energy. If you bought an amulet in a store, before charging it, be sure to clear it of the energy of the people in the hands it has been in.

To do this, you need to hold it for a few minutes under running water or dip it in a saline solution, or you can simply put it in salt.

Before adding your energy to the talisman, it will be useful to charge it with the energy of your element.

For example, the fiery sign of the zodiac (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) must carry the amulet through the flame seven times in a row. It is best to use a candle. For scorpions, fish and crayfish, you need to dip the amulet in a glass of water, also seven times in a row. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius will have to fumigate their amulet with incense. It is enough to do this for a couple of minutes. And Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus should sprinkle the little thing with earth. It is enough to leave it in this position for a couple of minutes.

How to charge a talisman with your energy

First you have to choose a day. There are men's and women's days. Women's days are Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Men's - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Charge the amulet with energy, only late at night.

  • Sit down at the table, taking the talisman in your hands, hold it firmly in your palms.
  • Concentrate and think only good things. Sit in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  • To enhance the properties of the Yin-Yang amulet, you can use magic. Read the following words over it:

“My amulet, I decided to choose you! Now we have one fate! You will bring me luck, you will bring me luck, but I will please you with care and attention! "

  • The words are repeated three times.
  • For activation, the amulet is wrapped in a mother's shred. Any color other than black. He is taken to a secret place for a week.
  • Further, every evening for a week, take out a magical amulet and hold it in your hands. You can talk to him, talk about problems, share intimate things. All this is your energy, which the amulet absorbs.
  • For a week, the amulet will absorb enough of your energy. Now he should always be with you.

How to use the talisman correctly?

The use of a Yin and Yang talisman is simple:

  • no need to flaunt the amulet and give it to strangers;
  • you need to take care of the amulet, as for any valuable jewelry: clean, wipe;
  • to maintain energy and its strength, it is periodically necessary to take the talisman in hand and talk to it.

It is very useful to share happy moments in life with the amulet. Thanks to this attitude, you can get a strong amulet against adversity and misfortune. In the future, it will attract only positive moments into the life of its owner.

"Bobruisk Courier" returns to its "historical" rubric "Yin-Yang", which is more than 20 years old, and which in recent years has been undeservedly "forgotten" by us.

The relationship between man and woman; internal forces, energies that allow us to live and develop; ways to achieve harmony with yourself and others ... And much, much more ... Follow our publications.

Yin-Yang is with you again!

Peace, tranquility, prosperity to your home!

Editorial staff

Yin and Yang - feminine and masculine. This concept came to us from China. The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, the opposite parts of which merge into each other, making up the strongest energy together.

The original meaning of Yin and Yang is the shady and sunny side of the mountain. This meaning perfectly reflects the essence of these two principles. They represent just different sides of the same mountain. Their differences are determined not by the inner nature of the slope itself, but by the third force (the sun), which alternately illuminates one or the other side.

And now - in more detail about each of the components of the Yin-Yang symbol.


The Moon corresponds to the feminine energy in astrology. Therefore, the feminine principle is night, darkness, abyss, cold, passivity, introversion (emphasis on the inner). This is where the principle of fluidity and flexibility finds its place. As a result, the predominance in women of such qualities as gentleness, tenderness, the ability to forgive and accept. Feminine power is the power of intuition and emotion.

Yin energy can be compared to water: water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world, fills with itself.

Also, the earth is endowed with Yin energy to a large extent: it humbly cultivates in itself all the seeds that have fallen into it from outside. She waits idle to be used. She accepts.

Yin energy is inert: it is simply in space and waits for something to give it a vector of motion.


Male energy in astrology corresponds to the Sun. The masculine principle is day, fire, activity, dedication, dynamics, categoricalness, leadership, extroversion (emphasis on the outside). The power of the masculine principle is the power of the mind.

Yang energy gives motivation and desire to act. It has a vector and aspiration.

The masculine principle is the Idea, the Seed. He needs a land that will grow this Seed in itself. Yang energy gives.

But this does not mean at all that a woman is filled exclusively with Yin energy, and a man - with Yang energy. In fact, both energies are present in each of us, regardless of gender. But for the harmony of the personality, it is important that women have more feminine energy, and men - masculine. Otherwise, an imbalance of energies will occur, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Let's talk about them in more detail.

There is too much Yin in a woman.

1. Loss of physical fitness. Extra weight appears or the muscles become sluggish and weak.

2. Outbursts of uncontrollable emotions. Sadness, depression, tantrums, resentment, apathy become a constant companion of a woman if she lacks Yang energy.

3. Laziness, unwillingness to do anything. Such women will always want to take a horizontal position: lie on the sofa and do nothing. After all, Yin is peace, earth.

4. Lack of goals in life. Since the Yin energy has no vector, then a woman in whom there is too much of this energy will become inert and lack of initiative.

5. Dissatisfaction with everyone and everyone. Yin has no goal, therefore no result can be achieved. Such a woman will not know what she wants, and everything that she has will seem to her not what she would like.

There is too much Yang in a woman.

1. Male physique. Large shoulders, narrow hips, lean muscles - this type of figure is often caused by an overabundance of Yang energy in a woman. And if such a woman begins to gain weight, then this happens, as a rule, according to the male type: her arms grow fat in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe shoulders and the belly grows.

2. The habit of “building everyone”. A woman with an overabundance of energy Yan loves to command, does not tolerate disagreement with her opinion.

3. Tension. Yang is the energy of constant tension. It is very difficult for a woman who is dominated by this energy to relax and turn off her brain.

4. Inability to accept. Yan energy is a giving energy, not a receiving one. It is not surprising that a woman with an overabundance of this energy is ready to give up the “last shirt”.

5. Sexual deviations. The desire for rough sex with elements of violence is a way of harmonizing oneself for women with an imbalance of energies.

The man has too much Yang energy

1. Excessive passion for your body. The activity that is contained in the Yang energy will definitely find a way out in sports. And if a man has increased this energy, then he will not get out of the gym for days, bringing his body to the ideal.

2. Dominance. A man with an overabundance of Yan energy wants to dominate always and over everyone. Great difficulties will arise in relations with the authorities, because obeying for such a man is sheer torture.

3. Aggression and rudeness. An overabundance of Yan energy transforms such good qualities as determination and confidence into obstinacy and self-confidence. Attempts to disagree with a man who has an increased Yang energy level are fraught with outbursts of aggression and rudeness on his part.

There is too much Yin energy in a man.

1. Passivity. It is not surprising that a man with a predominant Yin energy will be overweight and have little income. After all, the activity and determination inherent in the Yang energy will be blocked by the passivity and inertia of the Yin energy.

2. Softness. The principle of fluidity and flexibility inherent in Yin energy will lead to the fact that a man in whom this energy is dominant will try to avoid sharp corners, not enter into conflicts, and make compromises.

3. Inability to give. Such a man does not feel like a breadwinner. He has absolutely no desire to give something, but to receive something without making efforts, he will not refuse.

Balance is a very fragile thing. It can be difficult to achieve a balance of energies and find harmony. But not easy does not mean impossible. We will tell you about the ways of personality harmonization in our next article under the heading "Yin-Yang".