Classroom hours for schools. Scenario of an open classroom hour for teacher training college students on the theme "the most excellent position in the sun"

Classroom hours for schools.  Scenario of an open classroom hour for students of teacher training colleges on the topic
Classroom hours for schools. Scenario of an open classroom hour for teacher training college students on the theme "the most excellent position in the sun"

Faithful sons of the Fatherland ... Class hour dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
"You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen ..." The class hour is aimed at developing knowledge of legal culture among students, correcting moral behavior.
Symbols of the Russian state.
Let's save our common home! The class hour contributes to the formation of the ecological culture of students.
"Thanks to our mothers ..." Mother's Day class hour.
“We know, we remember, we believe ...” Festive class hour dedicated to Victory Day.
"We magnify a bright holiday ..." Class hour, introducing students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Russia.
“My years are my wealth ...” A festive class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.
"Fathers and Sons".
New Year.
The dangers of modern youth.
"Computer games - escape from reality",
"Abortion and Prevention",
"Terrorism in our lives."
Fostering interethnic tolerance
Traditions of Tolerance in the Culture of the Peoples of the North Caucasus
What is Tolerance?
Problems of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus and ways to normalize the situation in the region
"Towers of Peace" in the Caucasus
Children of the North Caucasus learn peace and tolerance
Moral and aesthetic education
How to resist aggression and resolve conflict?
Forgiveness or Revenge? A class hour devoted to the moral issues of human choice.
Depression and how to deal with it. Learn to rule yourself (about the need for self-education).
Man and his manners (about the culture of behavior).
About sex education (conversations, meeting with a gynecologist,
The world of my hobbies (about the culture of leisure).
Let's talk about tact.
Mood and its power over a person (about self-education)
Man is part of nature.
Ecology and health of the future Russia.
For a cup of tea (student tell us about yourself).
Educating a healthy lifestyle
Smoking shortens life.
Drunkenness and alcoholism.
The Truth About Drugs.
Let's say to smoking "No!"
Sport is a guarantee of health.
Youth against drugs.
Alcohol and offspring (on the prevention of alcoholism).
AIDS is a terrible disease of the century.
Say no to drugs!
Health and longevity.
Raising mercy and love for the future profession
Oh, medicine! I sing about you!
Talent and work (meeting with college graduates, healthcare workers).
Why I chose the medical profession.
We will devote beautiful impulses of souls to medicine.
To study well is to work.
We are future specialists, we are the future of Russia.
Mercy is the main commandment of the health worker.
A kaleidoscope of good deeds (assistance to veterans, health care facilities, participation in the actions "Generous Autumn", "Soldier's envelope", "Hurry to do good").
Civil-patriotic education
Rights and obligations of a student of the Pyatigorsk Medical School.
Person and law.
My college is my destiny.
Responsibility and safety. What is hiding behind these words?
The country in which I would like to live.
"I have the right to ..." - a conversation on a given topic.
And if it didn't work out? ... What's next? - dispute.
I am among people, people around me.
What kind of upbringing will I leave about myself in an educational institution.
My professional choice. Am I right or wrong?
How to get along with people (love, build relationships, find understanding with adults, be friends with friends).
Self-education. Self-improvement goals.
Cruelty, indifference and compassion.
The ability to communicate is the path to success.
How to learn to manage yourself.
Memory training is the key to future success.
Man and creativity. Great creations of mankind.
How to learn to rule yourself?
As long as I think, I live.
Humor in human life.
Why are we learning?
Ecology. Environmental pollution and science.
Difficulties of professional self-determination (classification of professions for orientation in the world of work, an algorithm for choosing a profession.)
Self-education as an "expansion" of consciousness.
Ten Commandments of the Creative Person.
Professional self-determination, its connection with the choice of the path of continuing education (multistage education, preparatory courses.)
And you must be a citizen ...
Morality and law.
Administrative and criminal liability.
Army and military conscription.
Family in a person's life.
Offenses and crimes.
Liability of minors.
Constitutional rights and obligations of citizens.
Human legal culture.
Citizenship. What is the meaning of this concept?
Let's say NO to drugs.
About the dangers of smoking.
On the dangers of alcohol addiction.
Stress is an inevitable part of life.
AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
Relationship with the police.
Health. How do I save it?
Indirect signs of drug use and drug addiction.
Behavior in an emergency.

Today, one of the most important forms of organizing educational work with students is the class hour. It is held once a week, on a specific day and time. During the lesson, the teacher conducts conversations with students, educates them, broadens their horizons, determines the tasks and goals of the classroom.

Basic information

The class hour is between the teacher and the students. Today it is held in every school. The lesson is included in the curriculum and is held, as mentioned above, once a week. Its duration is 40 - 45 minutes.

In general, this policy is not entirely correct. may take less time, since its main task is to complete the tasks set by the teacher. You can conduct a lesson both in the classroom and in the assembly hall, library, museum, even on the street.

Main goals and objectives

The class hour at school has several goals.

First of all, it is educational, which consists in expanding the circle of students' knowledge in various areas of life.

Followed by guide... It affects the practical side of the life of schoolchildren, their behavior and attitude towards life. It is realized with the help of a conversation about a particular life situation, supported by examples.

The final goal is orienting... With its help, a certain attitude towards objects of the surrounding reality, spiritual and material values ​​is formed.

The main classroom hours include:

Creation of conditions for the manifestation of the individuality of students;

Enriching their knowledge of the world around them;

Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere;

Formation of a cool team.

Forms of conducting

A class hour is an activity that can be conducted not only in the form of a lecture, but also:





Preparation for the lesson

Starting to prepare the class hour, you need to decide on the topic of the lesson. This can be done in advance by conducting a conversation with students or a questionnaire. When choosing a topic for a class hour, it is necessary to identify the age characteristics of the student, their interests.

Before you write your school hour script, you need to sit down and ask yourself a few key questions:

1. How to get children to participate in the classroom hour?

2. How and when to carry out preparatory work?

3. In what tasks will children be able to express themselves most fully?

4. Which student can help with the classroom hour?

5. How to correctly sum up the results of the lesson?

The answers to these questions should be written down on paper and returned to them periodically as the lesson notes are written.

After that, you need to start drawing up a script and carrying out preparatory work. In some situations, you can use ready-made classroom hours taken from specialized magazines for teachers, various Internet resources. However, it is important to remember that most of them require corrections. So, certain tasks may seem too difficult for children or not interest them. You should replace such tasks with easier or more interesting ones.

In general, preparation consists of the following points:

  1. Definition of the topic and tasks.
  2. Determination of the place and time of the event.
  3. Identifying key points.
  4. Preparing a plan and script.
  5. Selection of material.
  6. Room decoration.
  7. Determination of the participants in the class hour.

After the lesson, it is imperative to analyze it.

Lesson structure

When preparing a lesson, it must be borne in mind that the class hour has its own structure. In general, it is the same as the structure of any lesson:

  1. An introduction, the main task of which is to activate the attention of students, to identify the problem.
  2. The main part, the content of which is determined by the tasks of the class hour.
  3. The final part, which stimulates the needs of students for self-education.

Hour of communication

One of the forms in which a classroom hour can be spent is a communication hour. It is defined as a joint creative process between a child and an adult. Children take part in organizing an hour of communication on an equal basis with adults, together with the teacher they determine the topic and range of interests.

An hour of communication has one important rule - to create a favorable environment in which each of the students can safely express their opinion.

The main forms of an hour of communication include:


Role-playing game;

Oral journal;

Socio-cultural project.

Information class hour

Classroom hours in the classroom can also be spent in the form of protection and implementation of information projects, political minutes.

The main goal of such a lesson is to form an understanding of one's own importance, the need to participate in the social and political life of the country and the world as a whole. During the informational class hour, children learn to understand complex modern problems, to correctly respond to what is happening around them.

The main forms of work in such lessons:

Newspaper reports;

Retelling the event using quotes;

Working with a dictionary;

Working with a political map;

Commenting on information;

Formulation of problematic questions and search for answers to them;

Viewing and discussion of video materials.


A few words about what the topic of class hours can be. Classes can be dedicated to:

  1. Moral and ethical issues.
  2. Questions in the field of science.
  3. Aesthetic problems
  4. State and law issues.
  5. Psychological issues.
  6. The peculiarities of physiology and hygiene.
  7. Healthy lifestyle issues.
  8. Environmental concerns.
  9. General school problems.

Within the framework of a particular topic, you can spend a number of class hours, united by one goal and having similar tasks.

Sample Topics

Based on the interests of the students and their age, the topics of the class hours may be as follows:

For grade 5 students:

  1. "How do I see myself in ... years?"
  2. "What am I?"
  3. "Books Around Us".
  4. "What I can?"

For 6th grade students:

  1. "My hobby".
  2. "I'm at school and at home."
  3. "Own opinion. Is it important?"
  4. "My strengths and weaknesses".
  5. "Learning to listen and hear."

In grade 7, you can spend educational hours on the following topics:

  1. "I want and can."
  2. "Learning to manage ourselves."
  3. "Attention and attentiveness".
  4. "Tell me who your friend is."

In grade 8, you can spend classroom hours on the following topics:

  1. "What is genius and talent?"
  2. "We train memory".
  3. "Responsibility and Safety".
  4. "The country of my dreams".

Grade 9 students will be interested in conversations:

  1. "Man and Creativity".
  2. "My rights".
  3. "My future profession".
  4. "Beauty in our life".

For grade 10, it is advisable to prepare the following classroom hours:

  1. "Me and my environment."
  2. "Adulthood - what is it?"
  3. "Human Deficiencies: Causes and Consequences".
  4. "Learning to control ourselves."

In grade 11, you can spend hours on the topic:

  1. "Will the school remember me?"
  2. "My professional choice".
  3. "My destiny".
  4. "Humor in human life".

In winter, you can spend a class hour "Prevention of influenza", as well as "Prevention of injuries", "Rules of conduct on ice", "How to behave in winter", "Holidays without violations" and others.

An interesting move that a teacher can make to determine the topic of classes is to voice the plans of class hours at the beginning of the year or semester and give the children the opportunity to independently suggest certain topics, supplementing the existing plan, to offer to participate in their preparation.

Do not forget to conduct KVN games, during which students will be able to test their knowledge and skills. The form of the event should also be changed occasionally. For example, today there was a lecture, which means that next time it can be an excursion or a conversation.

For a more effective classroom hour, you must adhere to the following tips:

1. The room in which the lesson is held must be cleaned and ventilated.

2. It is advisable to decorate the office with flowers. Both real and artificial can be used.

3. Write the topic of the class hour on the chalkboard. The use of an aphorism would also be appropriate.

4. Do not forget about multimedia projectors and presentations, they will significantly increase students' interest in the material.

5. When questionnaires, tests, use the forms. Don't forget about visual aids - brochures, booklets.

6. Pay special attention to preparation for the lesson if it is an elementary classroom hour. The peculiarities of the development and perception of children are such that the educational hours are best spent in the form of a game, travel. This way you will be able to get the students interested and attract their attention much faster.

7. Do not forget about the comfort of the students. Let them sit however they like. You can also arrange desks in a circle, move two desks into one, if group work is expected.

8. Do not be afraid to invite specialists to class hours - doctors, psychologists, historians, librarians. Of course, if they understand the topic of your class time better than you and can provide a lot of useful information.


The class hour is one of the most important forms of organizing the educational process. It is held once a week. During the lesson, the teacher raises the cultural level of students, forms their life attitudes and values, organizes the team. The form can be any, depending on the topic of the lesson and the goals set by the teacher.

The purpose of this class hour is to expand the students' understanding of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination; the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities as dedication, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself; formation of adequate self-esteem; motivation to analyze their actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, self-improvement.



Class hour: "Towards yourself"


Expand the students' understanding of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination;

To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as purposefulness, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself;

Contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem;

Encourage children to analyze their actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, self-improvement.

Class hour

I. Introductory word "Do we know ourselves?"

Students know many formulas, theorems, rules, laws, can solve difficult problems and evaluate literary characters, but not everyone can answer simple questions: who am I? what am i? what do I want to be? what do others think of me? Today we will learn how to answer these questions.

II. Interactive discussion on the topic "Why do you need self-esteem?"

The great German poet I.V. Goethe argued: "An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but who knows himself." Can you consider yourself smart people? (Students' Answers)

What can you learn about yourself?

Examples of children's answers:

  1. Your physical capabilities, state of health.
  2. Your talents, abilities (mental, creative).
  3. Your character, temperament, will.
  4. Your tastes, habits.
  5. Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. And what will it give? Why do you need proper self-esteem at all?

Examples of children's answers:

  1. Learn the vocation.
  2. Avoid mistakes and disappointments.
  3. Behave correctly with others.
  4. Do not take on impossible tasks.
  5. Correctly define the goal in life.

Indeed, a person who objectively evaluates his abilities and capabilities will be able to unmistakably choose his vocation, determine the goal in life. It is easier for such a person to avoid the collapse of life plans, disappointments, mistakes. And if trouble arises, he will look for the reason not in others, but in himself.

III. Group work on the topic "Determining the level of self-esteem"

But how can you recognize a person with correct self-esteem? On the chalkboard, I compiled a table of signs of people with different self-esteem. But the signs are confused. How to place words in columns correctly? I propose to discuss this issue in groups (in rows, you can unite in 2 pairs). It is necessary to collect 4 signs of people with different self-esteem. The first group - with overestimated, the second - with underestimated and the third - with objective self-esteem. You should write the selected signs on a piece of paper. We will attach the correct answers to the table. An additional condition is to justify your choice.

(Students work for 3-5 minutes)

Time is up, we are listening to the opinions of the groups.

(They answer, justify their choice. Correct answers are attached with tape in the corresponding columns of the table.)

Notes on sheets

Overpriced: arrogance, self-confidence, insolence, irascibility.

Decreased: passivity, touchiness, suggestibility, cowardice.

Objective: poise, self-confidence, modesty, self-esteem.

What advice can you give to a person with high self-esteem? (Be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.)

What advice can you give to someone with low self-esteem? (Go in for sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say "no", etc.)

What advice can you give someone with objective self-esteem? (Do not lose confidence in yourself, continue to work on your shortcomings, do not brag about your merits, etc.)

IV. Problematic situation "How to evaluate yourself?"

From the outside it is easy to determine what a person's self-esteem is, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. Here's a story about a student's problems. The family (dad, mom) believe that Vanya is the strongest and most successful college student. But all the teachers constantly find fault with him and give threes, like his friends, whom Vanya considers much more stupid than himself. The boys, however, do not think so, and even told Vanya that he thought too highly of himself. Vanya's ex-girlfriend, with whom he had a fight, said the same thing. Vanya does not speak to them all now. He believes that everyone is just jealous of him. But when she becomes a world famous athlete, then she will prove to all of them that they are not suitable for him!

Did Vanya assess himself correctly? What mistakes did he make in evaluating himself?

Sample answers:

I judged myself according to my parents' opinion.

Learning failures were explained by the nagging of teachers.

I did not compare myself with the stronger, but with the weaker ones. He was demanding towards others, towards himself - condescending.

He did not listen to criticism, three people told him the same thing, but he did not draw conclusions.

He had a fight with friends who talked about his shortcomings.

I set myself unrealistic goals.

How to evaluate yourself correctly?

  1. Judge yourself by your deeds.
  2. Compare yourself to those who are better than you.
  3. The one who criticizes you is your friend.
  4. One criticizes - think about it.
    Two criticize - analyze your behavior.
    Criticize three - remake yourself.
  5. Be strict with yourself and gentle with others..

V. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals


Many cannot define their goals, principles, ideals. I think they just have a poor idea of ​​what it is. Let's understand these concepts. Life goals - what are they? (This is a dream. What a person strives for.)

Why set goals? (To strive for something, to have a meaning in life.)

How many goals can a person have?

What are the goals in life? (There may be short-term, long-term goals.)

Sample answers:

Wealth, fame, power.

Become a master of your craft so that everyone respects you.

Just be a good person, love people.

Create a good family, build a house, plant a tree, raise children.

Live for yourself: study, develop, travel.

Benefit people, live for people.

Find your love.

Live for pleasure, enjoyment.

Make a scientific discovery, find a cure for an incurable disease.

Scientists say that a life goal gives a person strength, he begins to do something to achieve this goal, and in the end his dreams come true. But life goals are different. Some give strength for life, while others only for a short period. What goals do you think could be the goals of a lifetime? (Students answer.)

They say that achieving a goal is not at all difficult: you just need to take at least one step towards this goal every day. Otherwise, this goal will remain a dream.


But even the most beautiful goal can be rejected by a person if it is necessary to compromise principles. Life principles are beliefs, outlook on things, life rules. What are the principles?

There are people who are guided by principles, for example: "Man is a wolf to man" (the law of the jungle) "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask" (prison law), "Take everything from life!", "After us - even a flood!" etc. What other principles do you know? (Students' statements)

Why are principles needed? Can a person change his principles during his life? Are there people without principles? (Provide answers).

There are many examples in history when people deliberately went to death for principles, if the cost of life was betrayal - of faith, the Motherland or friends, because to change your principles meant to lose yourself as a person, to lose self-respect. Can you give examples? (Students' statements)


The ideal is the perfect embodiment of something that is the highest goal of activity, aspirations. I will read the qualities of ideal people. Imagine that you need to line them up in descending order. What qualities would you put first? (write on sheets, rank)

Ideal man: attractiveness, loyalty, masculinity, delicacy, understanding.

Ideal woman: charm, loyalty, femininity, thriftiness, compliance, understanding.

Ideal Citizen:collectivism, patriotism, national honor and dignity, conscience, courage, responsibility.

Worker Ideal:professional competence, high efficiency, organization and efficiency, business cooperation and self-discipline, exactingness towards oneself and others, work culture and frugality, the need for self-education, self-improvement.


Vi. Drawing up a self-characterization

Now that we have figured out what self-esteem is and how it is formed, we have sorted out what goals, principles and ideals are and have decided what is closer for everyone, I will ask you to make self-characteristics. To do this, I ask you to answer the questionnaire.

(The psychologist reads the questions of the questionnaire, explains their meaning, students give answers.)

Self-characteristic questionnaire

1. Your appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance?

2. Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What are you striving for in life?)

3. Abilities and interests. (What interests you the most, what do you do best, what books do you read?)

4. Attitude towards work. (What kind of work do you enjoy and what do you reluctantly do? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?)

5. Moral and volitional qualities. (What human qualities do you consider to be the most valuable; what are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite character? Who and what would you like to emulate?

Anyone who wants to can keep the questionnaire. Hope it helps you with your self-esteem.

(Those who wish to hand over the questionnaire.)

Vii. Game "Mask, I know you!"

With the permission of some of the guys, I'm going to read their creations to you now. And you try to guess who is the author of this characteristic.

VIII. Final word

As you know, all people are unique, but many cannot or do not want to realize this uniqueness. And for this you just need to know yourself, give yourself an objective assessment. It turns out that this is not easy at all. And even to make an objective description of being in the 3rd year, few succeed. The process of knowing oneself is different for everyone, individual, unique. It will last a lifetime. The cognition of oneself begins with the cognition of other people, and cognition of the world, and cognition of the meaning of life.

IX. Summing up (reflection)


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Slide captions:

"Towards yourself" Educator-psychologist P.E. Golovina

"An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but who knows himself." I. V. Goethe

You can find out about yourself: Your physical capabilities, health status; Your talents, abilities (mental, creative); Your character, temperament, will; Your tastes, habits; Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to know yourself in order to: Know your vocation; Avoid mistakes and disappointments; Behave correctly with others; Do not take on impossible tasks; Correctly define the goal in life.

Self-esteem Inflated Underestimated Objective arrogance self-confidence insolence irascibility passivity sensitivity suggestibility cowardice poise self-confidence modesty self-esteem

Problematic situation "How to evaluate yourself?"

How to evaluate yourself correctly? Judge yourself by your deeds; Compare yourself to those who are better than you; The one who criticizes you is your friend; One criticizes - think about it; Criticize two - analyze your behavior; Criticize three - remake yourself; Be strict with yourself and gentle with others.

Goals, principles, ideals

Self-characteristic questionnaire Your appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance? Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What are you striving for in life?) Abilities and interests. (What interests you the most, what do you do best, what books do you read?) to work. (What kind of work do you do with pleasure, and what do you reluctantly? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?) Moral and volitional qualities. (What human qualities do you consider the most valuable; what are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite hero? To whom and what would you like to emulate?

Subject:"Can you communicate?" (situational workshop on the culture of communication)


Development of a culture of communication, communication skills of students.

Fostering ethical standards of conflict-free communication with younger ones, with peers and with adults.

Equipment. If possible, prepare for each student text extracts from books and the text "Conflict without Violence", sheets, papers and pens.

The course of the class hour.

Situation 1. "Can you manage a conflict?"

The rules to be followed in a conversation (from the book "Do You Know?" By V.V. Lyubimtsev):

- it is necessary to conduct a conversation in a polite and even voice;

- there must be a desire to talk;

- should look into the eyes of the interlocutor;

- no need to interrupt or interrupt the interlocutor;

- you should not get too carried away with gestures;

- you should not unnecessarily complicate your speech using foreign words or scientific terms;

- try to speak clearly, not rushing, not mumbling or swallowing the endings of words;

- intonation should not be offensive or offensive to a person.

1. You need to know how the conflict is developing:

- the emergence of disagreements; increasing tension in relationships;

- awareness of the situation as conflicting at least by one of its participants;

- actual conflict interaction, the use of various interpersonal styles of conflict resolution, accompanied by an increase or decrease in emotional tension;

- outcome (resolution) of the conflict. The resolution of the conflict is the elimination of the problem that gave rise to the conflict situation and the restoration of normal relations between people.

2. Clarification of the latent and obvious causes of the conflict, determination of what is really the subject of disagreements, claims. Sometimes the participants themselves cannot or do not dare to clearly formulate the main cause of the conflict.

4. Focus on interests, not positions. Our position is what we declare, what we insist on, our solution model. Our interests are what prompted us to make this decision. Interests are our desires and concerns. It is in them that the key to solving the problem is.

5. Make a distinction between the parties to the conflict and the problems that have arisen. Put yourself in your opponent's shoes. Be tough on the problem and gentle on people.

6. Treat the initiator of the conflict fairly and impartially. Do not forget that behind the dissatisfaction and complaints, as a rule, there is a problem that weighs on the person, gives him anxiety and inconvenience.

7. Do not expand the subject of the conflict, try to reduce the number of claims. It is impossible to sort out all the problems at once.

8. Stick to the rule of emotional endurance. Be aware and control your feelings. Consider the state and individual characteristics of the parties to the conflict. This prevents realistic conflicts from escalating into unrealistic ones. When discussing a conflict, it is important to avoid the following serious mistakes:

- the partner puts forward his own mistake as another's mistake;

- the partner's behavior is dictated exclusively by tactical considerations;

- the partner is hiding behind the "production necessity";

- the partner insists on the recognition of his authority;

- the most vulnerable points of the partner are used;

- old grievances are recalled;

- in the end, the winner and the loser are revealed.

Possible and other mistakes made by the interlocutors:

- Disconnection of attention: Anything that acts unusual or annoying can distract attention. For example, the speaker's appearance, voice or pronunciation;

- high speed of mental activity. We think four times faster than we speak. Therefore, when someone speaks, our brain is free most of the time and is distracted from the speaker's speech;

- antipathy to other people's thoughts. We value our thoughts more, it is more pleasant and easier for us to follow these thoughts than to force ourselves to follow what another says;

- selectivity of attention. Since childhood, we are used to listening to a lot at the same time, not paying utmost attention to everything. Trying to listen carefully to everything would be overwhelming. In self-defense, we learn to alternately choose what is of interest now. This habit of shifting makes it difficult to focus on one thing;

- the need for a replica. The words of another may make us feel compelled to respond. If this happens, then we no longer listen to what we are told. Thoughts are busy formulating "devastating" arguments and comments.

Exercise 1. Do you agree with all the "rules"?

Task 2. Have you ever used some of the “rules” given in the text in any life situation?

Situation 2. "What is tact?"

(From V. V. Lyubimtsev's book "Do You Know?")

Tact is primarily understood as a sense of proportion, the ability to navigate in certain circumstances. What to do at the moment? What should be said, and what is better to remain silent about? Stay in the room or go out? Pretend not to notice a bad line or turn it into a joke?

Tact is sensitivity, modesty in behavior, the result of upbringing, at the heart of it is respect for others, respect for someone else's opinion, respect for relatives, friends, colleagues.

- by their behavior, draw attention to themselves in some public places (in a museum, theater, library, etc.);

- talk in a public place about the personal affairs of their own or loved ones (friends, relatives, etc.);

- to impose their tastes and ideas.

The task... Supplement the concept with your sentences:

"It is considered tactless ...".

Situation 3. "How to get a person to accept your point of view?"

- To convince a person of anything does not mean to argue with him: the only way to win an argument is to avoid him. Misunderstandings cannot be resolved by dispute; they can only be eliminated with tact, a desire for reconciliation and a sincere desire to understand the other's point of view.

- Respect the opinion of other people, never tell a person harshly that he is wrong, especially in public. In such conditions, it is difficult for a person to agree with you.

- If a person expresses some thought, and you are sure of its erroneousness, it is better to turn to him with the words: “I can be wrong. Let's look at the facts. " This will force the interlocutor to be just as fair, make him admit that he can also be wrong.

- If you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively. It's much more summer to admit your mistakes or shortcomings yourself, than to listen to condemnation from another person. If you know that the other person thinks or wants to say something negative about you, say it yourself earlier, this will disarm him.

- Do not start important conversations with demands to say yes or no. If a person said no, his principles require you to remain consistent to the end. He may later feel that "no" was wrong, but you yourself cut off his escape routes. Therefore, it is very important to conduct the conversation so that the interlocutor does not have the need and opportunity to say "no".

- If you want to convince people of something, try to look at things through the eyes of these people. You will save a lot of time and your nerves.

Exercise 1... Do you agree with the above rules?

Assignment 2... Do you think these rules always work?

Situation 4. "Will the given recommendations help you to speed up the process of conflict resolution?"

- During negotiations, priority should be given to discussing substantive issues,

- The parties should strive to relieve psychological and social tension.

- The parties must demonstrate mutual respect.

- The negotiators should strive to turn the hidden part of the conflict situation into an open one, openly and demonstratively disclosing each other's positions and deliberately creating an atmosphere of public, equal exchange of views.

- All negotiators must show a willingness to compromise. The final, post-conflict stage is of particular importance. At this stage, efforts should be made to finally eliminate the contradictions of interests, goals, attitudes, eliminate socio-psychological tension and stop any struggle.

The task... Do you agree with these recommendations?

Situation 5. "How should you greet a familiar person you meet?"

The task:

1. What ways of greeting do you know?

2. Is the greeting among young people different from the greeting among adults?

3. Do you choose this method of greeting with friends only on the basis of age or personal qualities of this person?

4. Please take note of the information below.

"Why do people shake hands?"

(From the book by V. I. Malov "Riddles and Secrets")

There are many other ways to greet each other. In the movies, you've probably seen courtiers bow down, well-mannered girls and ladies curtsy, and gentlemen raise their hats when they meet.

More exotic forms of greeting are also known: among some peoples, for example, when they met, it was customary ... to rub their noses or even perform a special dance. However, the handshake alone has survived all times and became widespread. This happened because it is the most peaceful, the most friendly gesture, understandable to everyone.

Stretching out his open palm, the person seemed to show the other that he had no weapon, that his intentions were pure. And if these intentions were not rejected, followed by exactly the same reciprocal gesture. And by shaking hands, people were convinced that a weapon was not really hidden in the other's hand. Therefore, it is customary to take off the glove before shaking hands - the palm should be open.

From very ancient times, a persistent prejudice has come down to us: you cannot shake hands across the threshold. Its meaning is as follows - at home, a person is reliably protected by walls, and beyond the threshold there are dangers, uncertainty. So if someone comes into the house, let him first go inside, into the light, where you can take a good look at the person who has come and recognize the threat in time, if there is one. And if not, exchange a firm handshake.

Situation 6. "Will the test help you when communicating?"

Conflict Without Violence Test

Choose the correct answers, in your opinion.

1. Are constant arguments with friends a manifestation of your freedom of choice?

A. yes, they are;

B. no, they are not;

B. it all depends on the culture of the person, the country where he lives, and the legislation.

2. Children have the right to freely make their choices:

A. in all spheres of life and activity;

B. only among his friends;

V. only in the family.

3. Why should a person follow generally accepted rules?

A. because it is so accepted in society;

B. because it matches his desires;

B. because it happens.

4. When people agree with each other, they:

A. are quarreling;

B. defend their positions;

B. make rules.

5. Why does a person not follow the rules?

A. living by the rules is not interesting;

B. he is poorly educated, he has a low level of culture;

B. believes that following the rules is a sign of weakness.

6. What are the causes of conflicts?

8. What concept does the definition of "a state of mutual enmity, a serious disagreement" refer to:

A. conflict;

B. contradiction.

According to psychologists and teachers, the correct answers are: 1.b; 2.a; Per; 4.c; 5.c; 6.a, c, e; 7.b; 8.b.

Comic situation 7. "Will humor help you when communicating?"

Test "Can you perform beautifully at the blackboard?"

Studying is not such an interesting activity. But it is in your power to make sure that every time you go to the blackboard becomes a memorable event for you, for your classmates, and for your teacher (and your teachers have even fewer opportunities for entertainment than you do).

Do not limit yourself to just answering a question (although some cannot do that either), but complement your speech at the blackboard ... How? Well, as you can.

Mentally or on paper, give yourself 2 points for an optimistic answer, 1 point for a positive answer, 0 points for a negative answer to the following questions:

1. Do you know funny jokes?

I know a lot!

I know, but you can't tell such stories in an audience.

I don’t know, I’m an excellent student.

2. Do you know at least one song by heart?

Yes, I know a lot!

I know, but I get the words mixed up all the time.

I tried to learn it, but I couldn't yet.

3. Do you know how to dance any exotic dances, for example, break, mazurka, squatting, little swans, dance of the mambu-hryambu cannibal tribe?

No, I don't know how yet.

I only know how to dance in kindergarten.

4. Can you stand on your head?

I can both on the head and on other parts of the body.

I can, but only on someone else's head.

I can hardly stand on my feet.

5. Can you reach your nose with the tip of your tongue?

In no time!

Only to someone else's nose.

Not yet, but I have already started training.

6. Can you show any trick?


I can "cut" the teacher (the number is performed only once).

I don’t know, I haven’t tried it.

Let's summarize. If you typed:

- 10-12 points. You are a cheerful young man (girl)! Humor helps you not only in your studies, but also in communication.

- 6-9 points. You can please your classmates and don't miss this chance!

- 1-5 points. Are you such a boring person? How, then, do your fellow students communicate with you? Memorize at least one of the student jokes and tell it to your comrades at a convenient time. Maybe this will help ...

Mini-totals... The class teacher (tutor of the study group) summarizes all the students' reasoning.

1. Team building training for 1st year students (1 semester).

2. Training of communication skills for 1st year students (2nd semester).

3. "I choose life!" A lesson on the prevention of HIV infection with training elements.

A lesson with elements of drug addiction prevention training. Formation of responsibility in adolescents for their actions as a factor of psychological defense against involvement in drug addiction and antisocial activities

5. Game "Master of Destiny". R consideration of various aspects of the problems of drug addiction, tobacco smoking, drunkenness.

6. Lesson with training elements “Preparing for the session. What to do, if…".

7. Lesson with elements of personal growth training (for 2-3 courses).

8. "Family alphabet begins with" We "... (for 3-4 year students).

9. Within the framework of the program "Adaptation to the labor market" for graduate students.

- Topics of classes:

Lesson topics for course class hours for the 2011-2012 academic year

"The power of words or the poison of foul language". – 1 course November

"Weak link"(for the prevention of bad habits). - 2 course March

Adaptation to the labor market(for graduation groups). 3, 4 course April

Educator-psychologist N.Yu. Grubnikova

By groups on patriotic topics

For the 2011-2012 academic year.


1. "Great generals:

2. "It is not easy in training - easy in battle" (The capture of the fortress of Izmail under the leadership of A. Suvorov on December 24, 1790) - December

3. ".A. Nevsky - the science of winning ", dedicated to the Battle of the Ice on April 18, 1242 - April

6. "Hero City Leningrad", dedicated to the lifting of the blockade near Leningrad - January.

7 .. "Indestructible Stalingrad", dedicated to the victory of Soviet troops at Stalingrad - February

8. "Cities - heroes and cities of military glory" - March

9. "I am a citizen of Russia" dedicated to the Constitution Day

10. "Youth chooses a family", dedicated to the Day of the Family

11 "Conquerors of space" dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics

12. "Warmth of mothers hearts" dedicated to Mother's Day


13. "You could do everything, my Russia!", Dedicated to the Day of National Unity (November)

List of course subject class hours

For the 2011-2012 academic year.

Course 1: 1. Classroom hours at the college museum

"History of the College" September - November(on schedule)

1. "Mikhailovka yesterday, today, tomorrow" (bus tour) - October, April

2. Classroom hours on the basis of the Cemzavod Museum

"Cemzavod - Mikhailovka town-planning enterprise"


4. Oral journal "My city is my destiny" April

2nd course:1. Classroom hours based on the room of the Cossack life

College in conjunction with the Museum of Local Lore in Sera-

fimovich (November - March)

1. Classroom hours - excursions to study Cossack culture

- Art. Kumylzhenskaya - November

- Alekseevskaya station - April

-st. Veshinskaya - May

3. "Symbols of the Volgograd Region" - March

3course:one. "Afghan paths" - February

Events of the TPM department

for 2011-2012 account year.


1.Casting "What are you capable of young?" - October

2. Festival of creativity "Touch your heart to a heroic deed" May

Festival stages:

Contest of wall newspapers "Glory will not stop these days" - April

Readers' competition "Lines scorched by war" April

Research competition "The history of my family within the history of my country" - April


1. Competition program "Miss Spring" dedicated to International Women's Day ... March

2. Folk holiday "You are my Cossack land" March


1.Intellectual casino "Wheel of history" (to the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov) November

2. Competition program "Come on guys" in the framework of the final stage of the youth army game "Rusichi" February


1. Competition of pedagogical skills "I give my heart to children"

December b

General activities.

1. Aleksey Chindrov Patriotic Song Festival

"To you, my Russia, I dedicate .." February

2. Folk festival "Maslenitsa" February


Director of GOU SPO

"Mikhailovsky professional

College of Education "

_______________ V.V. Arnautov

"_____" _____________ 2011


Educational work

State educational institution

Secondary vocational education

"Mikhailovsky Professional - Pedagogical College"

For the 2011-2012 academic year.

purpose: Creation of conditions for the comprehensive development and self-realization of the individual, the formation of a patriotic-oriented educational environment, professionally significant qualities of a future specialist.

Tasks and main directions:

Ø Civil-patriotic education;

Ø Formation of a healthy lifestyle and ecological culture;

Ø Development of cognitive and creative abilities of students;

Ø Development of relations of cooperation between students and teachers;

Ø Creation of conditions for the formation of the worldview and the system of value orientations of the student;

Ø Aesthetic education and organization of leisure activities;

Ø Formation of legal culture;

Ø Formation and strengthening of college traditions;

Ø Family education;

Ø Social problems and social adaptation;

Ø Formation of professional orientation of educational activities;

Ø Fostering a culture of interethnic communication;


The content of the work deadlines Responsible Expected Result
  1. Adaptation measures for students of the new recruitment,
development of student self-government
1. Solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge 01.09.2011 Department of TRM Yu.V. Shishkina Formation of OU traditions
2. Celebration for freshmen “Dedication to students. Welcome to our common home! " 01.09.2011 Department of TRM Yu.V. Shishkina Formation of OU traditions
3. Director's hour for groups of the new set "Our College: Traditions and Norms." 02.09. 2011 Kosenkova O.I. Acquaintance with the "house rules of the college"
4. Group diagnostics of first-year students "Features of the adaptation period" October Maksimova G.V. analysis of the problems of the adaptation period
5. Team building training for freshmen September Grubnikova N.Yu. development of the level of team cohesion
6. Seminar-training “Preparation for the session. What to do if ... "for 1st year students December Grubnikova N.Yu. psychological preparation for the session
7. Revealing socially unprotected categories of students. September Data bank formation
8. Providing advisory assistance in collecting documents for social scholarships and targeted assistance. September Social educator Popova N.M. Appointment of a social scholarship.
9. Creation of a databank (large, low-income, guardians, dysfunctional families). September Social educator Popova N.M. Formation of the data bank of the college
10. Questioning of freshmen: "Analysis of cultural and household relations in families of orphans, children left without parental care." October Social educator Popova N.M Student questionnaires
11. Formation of a system of student self-government in groups, in college. Self-presentation of candidates for the college student council. Organization and conduct of reporting and election meetings in groups. September October Stud. advice, Stud. club Nikhaeva N Donetsk A.P.
12. Organization and holding of student reporting and election conference. Formation of the new composition of the College Student Council for 2011-2012 year October Stud. Council of Nikhaev N. Donetsk A.P. Student council formation
13. Study of the asset "Freshman School" Within 1 semester Stud. A.P. Donetsk club Implementation of the "Freshman" program
Freshmen survey "Your requests, interests, needs" September Department of TRM Yu.V. Shishkina Identifying the interests and creativity of students
14. Issue of the student newspaper "6 ares" October Student Council Nikhaeva N Informing students
15. Casting "What are you capable of, young?" among 1st year students October Department of TRM E.L. Zatsepina Disclosure of creative abilities of student youth
16. Release of the newspaper presentation of freshmen "Hello, this is us!" September Student Council Nikhaeva N.
17. Thematic course class hours for the groups of the new set: - "History of the College" (on the basis of the museum) - "Respecting the law - respect yourself" - "My health is in my hands" - "The power of words or the poison of foul language" September October November November Center "Rus" Stud. healthy lifestyle volunteers club teacher-psychologist Formation of a healthy lifestyle, traditions of educational institutions, skills of law-abiding and moral behavior
18. Presentation of creative teams for the first courses September Department of TRM E.L. Zatsepina Attracting students to participate in creative studios and circles
2. Organizational and methodological measures
1. Planning for 2011-2012 academic year year. September deputy. Director for BP Kosenkova O.I. Drawing up a plan of educational work for the 2011-2012 academic year. year
2. Meeting of MO class teachers. Recommendations for planning educational work in groups. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Makarova L.M Approval of the work plan of the Ministry of Defense class. leaders
3. Organizational meeting at the TPM department. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Zatsepina E.L. Approval of the work plan of the TPM Department
4. Elections of the Council of the Patriotic Center "Rus". Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Bumagina O.N Approval of the work plan of the Center "Rus
5. Approval of the work plan of the college history museum September Pavlova Yu.I. Approval of the work plan of the Museum of College History
6. Meeting of the heads of the structural divisions of the college, head. branches, heads of the PCC. Approval of the long-term work plan for 2011-2012 ac. year for the implementation of the comprehensive target program "Patriotic education of students" in the framework of the College Development Program for 2011-2016. to create a patriotically oriented educational environment. September Kosenkova O.I. Approval of the work plan for the implementation of the Program of patriotic education of students.
7. Organizational meeting with the staff of the social and psychological department. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Maksimova G.V. Grubnikova N.Yu. Popova N.M. Approval of the work plan of the social and psychological department
8. Preparation and holding of organizational meetings for the implementation of social projects, competitions: - on patriotic education; - on student government September October O. N. Bumagina A. P. Donetskov Implementation of social projects and competitions
9. Conclusion of cooperation agreements - the city center "Yunost" - MU "Social and leisure center for adolescents and youth in Mikhailovka" - MUZ "Mikhailovskaya City Children's Hospital" - MUZ "Mikhailovskaya Central District Hospital" - MU "Mikhailovsky Sports Complex" - Volgograd Regional Branch of the Youth All-Russian Public Movement "Russian Student Teams"; - with local history museums of Mikhailovka and Serafimovich; - with the Cossacks departments of the city district administrations of Mikhailovka and Serafimovich; - with the Cossack Culture Center of the Mikhailovsky District September Organization of joint activities.
10. Participation in the organization and holding of traditional scientific and practical conferences:
  1. Regional scientific-practical conference "Military-patriotic education in the system of continuous pedagogical education";
  2. Regional scientific and practical conference "XXI century - a healthy generation"
February May Kosenkova O.I.
3. Activities for the formation of moral and ethical qualities, communicative culture of students.
Communication skills training for first year students May Grubnikova N.Yu.
Thematic class hour for 2-year students: "The Great Gift of Communication" December Maksimova G.V. Instilling a communicative culture
Classes with elements of personal growth training (for 2-3 courses) March Grubnikova N.Yu. Formation of leadership qualities and an active life position
4. Holiday "Thank you, Teacher": - the release of newspapers - a gala concert October Zatsepina E.L. A.P. Donetskov Form- ing respectful attitude towards the teacher
5. Gala evening “Mother is the beginning of everything”; (3-4 courses) November Yu.V. Shishkina. A.P. Donetskov formation of the correct attitude towards family values:
6. Musical and entertaining game "Love is a beautiful country" dedicated to Valentine's Day February Student Council Stud. club Development of student self-government
7. Competition "Miss Spring - 2011" March Department of TRM, Student Council Formation of aesthetic culture, development of students' creative abilities
8. "Build a temple in your soul" - a meeting of students with a representative of the Serafimovichi Monastery By agreement Lecturer-guide of the Pavlov Museum Yu.I. Spiritual and moral education
  1. Activities for the formation of patriotism and civic position
Thematic class hour for 3 courses "Afghan Trails" November Pavlova Yu.I. To acquaint with the sights of the Don region
2. Thematic class hour for 2 courses "Symbols of the Volgograd region" March Bumagina O.N Formation of knowledge about their native land, about their small homeland.
3. Classroom hours - excursions to study Cossack culture - Art. Kumylzhenskaya - st. Alekseevskaya - st. Veshinskaya November April May Center "Rus" O. N. Bumagina Study of Cossack culture
4. Folklore holiday "You are my Cossack land" March Department of TRM PCC Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks.
5. Album design dedicated to the college veterans "People and Fates" During a year Pavlova Yu.I. Accumulation of material for the college history museum
6. Start of the student youth army game "Rusichi" (for 2-3 courses) - competition "War Pages of the History of the Fatherland"; - Competition "Fundamentals of Military Service"; - Competition "Strength training" October Center "Rus" ON Bumagina
7. 2nd stage of the student youth army game "Rusichi": - shooting competition; - competition for sanitary training; - competition for incomplete disassembly and assembly of MMG AK November Center "Rus" ON Bumagina Preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces
8. The final stage of the student youth army game "Rusichi": - Viewing the formation and songs - competition of battle lists - combined relay February Center "Rus" ON Bumagina Preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces
9. Thematic class hour for 1st year students "State symbols of Russia and the city of Mikhailovka" December Center for Heroic-Patriotic Education "Rus" ON Bumagina the formation of patriotism, a sense of pride in soybeans big and small homeland
10. Youth actions "Glory, Fatherland!" - "We are citizens of Russia", dedicated to the national holiday Day of Russia; - "Symbols of Russia" dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of Russia (based on the DOL of the region); “We are united - we are Russia!”, Dedicated to the Constitution Day - the “Joy to Children” campaign (to organize play programs for disabled children. Together with the City Center “Family”); - campaign for servicemen "Parcel to a soldier", "Letter to a soldier"; - action "Decorate a piece of the planet" (for the improvement of the college territory) June 12 August 22 December 12 December 3 Throughout the year Stud. advice the formation of patriotism. Development of student self-government
11. Intellectual casino "Wheel of history" for the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov (for 3 courses) the 3rd of November Department of TRM Yu.V. Shishkina To acquaint with the work of M.V. Lomonosov.
12. Competition of pedagogical skills "I give my heart to children" (4 - 5 courses) December 22 Department of TRM Head. branches, class teachers The readiness of graduates to work at school, for professional activity.
13. Festival of patriotic songs named after Alexei Chindrov "To you, my Russia, I dedicate ..." (1-4 courses). 16 february Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of patriotic consciousness
14. Competition program "Best College Student -2011" dedicated to the International Student's Day. 17 november Zatsepina E.L. Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of leadership qualities, identification of talented and gifted youth
15. Participation in the city competition "Young Family". Preparation of business cards for the contestants May TRM department Formation of family values, identification of creative student families
16. Participation in the Regional Festival of student groups "Student Summer - 2011" October TRM department Development of the student group movement
17. Formation of student profile teams. December-June Together with the educational and production department A.P. Donetskov Development of student brigades, solving the problem of summer employment of students
18. Review - competition "Particle of the heart and Russia" for the design of the corners of groups of civil-patriotic orientation September Bumagina O.N Education for citizenship and patriotism
The work of the "School of the conscript" during a year O. N. Bumagina Preparation for military service
20. Organization and holding of the Day of the conscript "We can serve Russia" (for students of graduation groups) April Center "Rus" Preparation for military service
21. Organization of excursions to local history museums of the Volgograd region in order to study Cossack culture October-May Center "Rus" Implementation of the program "Revival of Cossack culture"
22. Participation in the annual Regional Competition "Museum of the 21st Century" March Pavlova Yu.I.
23. Participation in the regional youth readings "The Battle of Stalingrad in the history of Russia" February Center "Rus" Education of patriotism, development of creative abilities.
24. Action "Army Biography" February Center "Rus" Preparation for military service
5. Events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
Organization and holding of the Festival-competition "Touch your heart to a heroic deed" Together with the City Council of Veterans May Shishkina Yu.V. Pavlova Yu.I.
Readers' competition "Lines scorched by the war" "(within the framework of the festival) May TRM department Formation of patriotism and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War
Research Competition "The Story of My Family within the Story of My Country" April May Pavlova Yu.I. Research work on the formation of family values, patriotic feelings
4. Contest of wall newspapers "Glory will not stop these days" May Student Council Education of patriotism, artistic taste
5. Participation in the "Dobra" month together with the department of social protection of the population in the city of Mikhailovka May Pavlova Yu.I. Helping veterans
6. Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War September February May Pavlova Yu.I. Education of patriotism
7. Implementation of the project "Hurry to do good" Actions: - "Veteran lives nearby"; - "Letter to a Veteran" (veterans living in nursing homes); - "Flowers for a veteran" (for veterans in hospitals and hospitals) - "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" (to care for the graves of former college employees, veterans of the Great Patriotic War); April May Pavlova Yu.I. Nikhaeva N. Chef assistance to veterans
6. Activities to promote a healthy lifestyle
Questionnaire "My attitude to alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs" (for groups of a new set) September October Social educator Popova N.M. Prevention of bad habits
Information and prophylactic meetings with specialists of the State Drug Control Service, a dermatovenous dispensary, a doctor in the narcological office of the city children's hospital. By agreement Social educator Popova N.M.
3. Formation of volunteer teams on healthy lifestyles in the framework of cooperation with the MU "Social and leisure center for adolescents and youth in Mikhailovka", the city PC "Rovesnik". September Donetskov A.P. Nikhaeva N. Prevention of bad habits
5. Participation in the events of the regional information campaign on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by young people of the Volgograd region "Live healthily - it's great" All period Donetskov A.P. Nikhaeva N. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
Thematic class hours (1-2-3 courses): - "Say NO to drugs!" with the screening of the video film "Undeclared War" (1st year); - "The danger of beer alcoholism" (2nd year) - "Health - the path to a successful career" for 3-year students November February March Social educator Popova N.M. Volunteers Stud. Advice Formation of a healthy lifestyle
Make Your Choice Poster Contest November Stud. Assets group council Development of student self-government
7. Organization and implementation of events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving legal culture, preventing deviant behavior During a year Popova N.M. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
8. Preventive conversations of the PDN inspector with students: - "What does a person's actions depend on?" (department of primary school teachers) - "Law and responsibility" (department of teachers of physical education and jurisprudence) - "My rights and responsibilities" department of technical disciplines) During a year Popova N.M. Formation of law-abiding behavior
9. Round table with specialists (narcologist, medical worker, leading PDN specialist) on the topic "Family well-being" (for 1-2 courses of all departments)
7. Activities for the formation of a competitive specialist
1. Club of interesting meetings "Technology of Success" In tech. years as agreed Department of TRM E.L. Zatsepina curators Formation of skills of a successful person
2. Review - competition of creative works "My idea of ​​the future profession" November Department of TRM E.L. Zatsepina curators of the PCC To cultivate love for the chosen profession
3. Conducting trainings on the formation of a specialist's communication skills. February March Educational psychologists
4. Thematic classroom hours "Features of the professional image" (for all specialties, 3-4 courses) March-May Educational psychologists, Preparation for professional activity
5. Classes with elements of training under the program "Adaptation to the labor market" February Educational psychologists Formation of competitive qualities of a specialist
8. Development and implementation of college program documents that ensure the activities of the educational process.
1. Concepts of educational work for 2011-2016. 2. Programs of educational work for 2011-2016. 3. Programs of patriotic education of students for 2010-2016. 4. Programs "Revival of Cossack culture"; 5. "Formation of a socially active personality through the development of student self-government" 6. A program of educational work on the formation of a health-preserving educational environment Development of Regulations:
  1. Group rating regulations
  2. Competition Regulations:
“What are you capable of, young?”; "Best Student of the Year" "Miss Spring 2012"; “The history of my family in the history of my country”; Youth Army student game "Rusichi"; "Schools for conscripts" "I give my heart to children" Work on programs:
  • "Psychological and pedagogical support of the adaptation period of I - II year students"
  • "Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the GOU SPO" MPPK "
  • "Organization of interpersonal interaction of college students."
  • Parenting program;
  • Program for the prevention of bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, AIDS, drug addiction);
  • Program "Prevention of Offenses and Crimes";
  • Law & Order program.
September-October throughout the year Department of TRM Center "Rus" Stud. advice.

Deputy Director for educational work O.I. Kosenkova