Consultation for parents "non-traditional drawing techniques". Advice for parents

Advice for parents
Consultation for parents "non-traditional drawing techniques". Advice for parents

Workshop for parents "Draw together" unconventional drawing

Inserting a picture

Compiled by: Malanich Irina Dariyevna, teacher of additional education

State educational institution of Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra "Nyagan boarding school for students with disabilities"

Nyagan 2015

Target : drawing the attention of parents to the value of the fine arts of children, to the benefits of non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: introduce parents to non-traditional drawing techniques; to promote understanding of the importance of the development of children's creativity.

Dear parents!

Today we will visit the country of Creativity, get acquainted with the traditions of this country and its features. Someone will tell us all this is known, but I really hope that some discoveries are waiting for everyone. Did everyone draw as a child? And who continues to draw now?

Drawing is an obligatory stage in the development of every person. We all drew in childhood: someone in albums, someone with chalk on asphalt, someone on wallpaper or linoleum. Creative activity is of great importance for the development and upbringing of children. Products of visual activity (drawings, crafts, etc.) are an image of reality that reflects the inner world of the child, his emotional experiences, relationships with the outside world, from the drawings you can determine the state of the intellect, his performance, the level of development of mental processes, mood. Creative activity can play a big role in the development of a child because of its accessibility. How to teach a child to draw if you yourself do not know how? Do not rush to get upset. There are many techniques with which you can create original work, even without artistic skills. Both you and your child will receive not only pleasure from such activities, but also a lot of benefits.

So, learn to draw unusual drawings with ordinary objects!

Draw raindrops with pva glue and hang the drawing vertically to dry, when the glue dries, transparent droplets will remain on the paper, similar to rain .

Finger painting




FOAM PUCK (small)


plant leaves (trees, flowers)






Plastic bottle

Our task is to help children open the door into the most amazing world - the magical world of children's creativity!

dare , fantasize!

Thanks for attention!

Practical advice for parents:

"Unconventional ways of drawing"

The image of various objects is a fascinating activity for children of any age. Children show interest in fine arts at an early age. Children of preschool age need to instill drawing skills.

There are many different drawing techniques for kids, but adults can also invent their own, thereby introducing the child to the world of beauty. You can draw at any time and use different materials, it all depends on your imagination.

Consider pictures with your child, ask him questions about what is depicted (people, trees, fruits and vegetables), explain that there are such genres of fine art as portrait, landscape, still life. Maybe the child will not immediately remember such complex words, but over time these terms will become clear to him. Ask the child what colors are in the picture, whether it is dark or light, name and show those colors that he does not yet know.

Important Rules

Starting to teach the baby to draw, we sometimes do not suspect how difficult it can be. It can be difficult for us to adapt to a novice artist: you think that you show how to handle an album, pencils, paints and a brush - and the process will go. In fact, everything is not so simple.

First of all, you must be patient. From the bay-floundering, the kid will not start writing masterpieces. At first, it can be funny pictures-mazilki, in which the baby is studying the properties and possibilities of paints. Only much later will the child, imitating, begin to draw meaningful pictures.

If you are determined to introduce your baby to the world of painting, then it will not be superfluous to follow a few rules.

Whatever happens during your classes, do not scold the child. And in general, it is better not to start drawing in a bad mood, so you can discourage the child from creating.

Try to finish the process of creating a masterpiece before the baby gets tired. Children cannot concentrate their attention on one thing for a long time. And to force the baby to do something creative is completely pointless.

Paints should be good and fresh, and brushes should be of high quality. After all, the quality of work depends on the quality of the raw materials.

Be sure to take care of the convenience of the workplace. If you prefer to draw on the floor, then the baby will have complete freedom of action. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a small table with a chair or a high chair, on which it will be convenient for the baby to draw at a large table. The smallest artists can be held in your arms.

Lighting must be correct. If you are painting during the day, open the curtains in the room. This is enough for the summer. Winter lighting is very poor, so you can turn on electric lamps. If you purchased a table lamp, the light from it should fall on the left, and the bulbs should not be very bright or too dim. The ideal option is fluorescent lamps.

Follow all these simple rules - and drawing lessons will bring joy to both the child and you.

Ways of unconventional drawing techniques

"Magic wand"

A pencil or pen is wrapped with foam rubber from the blunt end, which is tied with a thread. It turns out a large brush without hairs. The stick is held perpendicular to the leaf surface, without tilt. The trace left by it imitates animal hair, tree crowns, snow. A stick with foam rubber is dipped in paint (the main thing is that there is not a lot of water), and the baby begins to cover the sheet with traces of it. Draw the branches of a tree or a bush with a black felt-tip pen, let the child paint the leaves with paint. Draw the outline of a bunny or a fox with a pencil, let the kid “stomp” it with his “magic tool”.

It is interesting to work in this technique with a stencil. Cut out an image in the middle of a thick sheet of cardboard. Attach the cardboard with the cut-out stencil to the album sheet and invite the child to “trample” that part of the album sheet that is visible through the stencil hole. After the child has done this, let the work dry, then paint the eyes, mouth, mustache, stripes with a brush.


An interesting way to draw with a pencil, felt-tip pen, ballpoint pen using pre-made stencils. Stencils can be of two types - some are cut inside the sheet, others are made from the sheet and separated from it. It is easier for small children to trace shapes embossed inside the sheet. Many rulers have such patterns. Attaching them to the album sheet, you ask the baby to circle the shapes. Then you remove the stencil and together with it you come up with how you can finish drawing this or that shape. Having circled the patterns, children can paint over their images with felt-tip pens and paints, hatch with various lines: straight, wavy, zigzag, with loops, wavy with sharp tops. Stencils can help when creating your own drawings, they will complement what the baby himself has created. You can start a game: the child circles various objects, and you guess what it is.

"Mirror copy"

This method is based on the fact that a silhouette drawn with paints can be easily printed when a sheet of paper is superimposed on it. The sheet is bent in half, unfolded, the surface is slightly wetted with water. On one half of the sheet, the silhouette of an object or part of a symmetrical image is drawn with paints, for example, half a Christmas tree, half a flower, half a house. The sheet is folded and strongly pressed by hand. Expanding it, you will see the whole image or two objects (if you drew the whole object).

"Whose trace?"

Another way of drawing, or rather, printing, is based on the ability of many objects to leave colorful prints on paper. You take a potato, cut it in half and cut out a square, a triangle, a rhombus, a flower from one half. Moreover, one side of the print should be flat for applying to the paper, and you will hold on to the other side with your hand. Then the child dips such a signet in paint (preferably gouache) and applies it to paper. With the help of these prints, you can make beads, ornaments, patterns, mosaics.

"Salt Drawings and Tooth Paint"

But what if you paint with glue, and sprinkle salt on top of these areas? Then you get amazing snow pictures. They will look more impressive if they are performed on blue, blue, pink colored paper. You can create winter landscapes in another way - by painting with toothpaste. Mark with a pencil light contours of trees, houses, snowdrifts. Slowly squeezing out the toothpaste, walk it along all the outlined contours. Such work must be dried and it is better not to put it in a folder along with other drawings.

"Egg Mosaic"

Once an eggshell is left on your kitchen counter, don't throw it away. Separate from films, wash, dry and interpret. In several cups, dilute the paint and put the crushed shell there. After 15 minutes, the shell is caught with a fork and laid out to dry. Here is the material for the mosaic. Mark the drawing with a pencil outline and, after lubricating the surface with glue, fill it with a certain color of the shell.

"Like an artist to an artist"

The kid lies down on a large sheet of paper, and you circle him! Of course, it is better that it fits all (this can be achieved by gluing two or three sheets of Whatman paper). And now let him try to decorate the silhouette: draw eyes, mouth, hair, jewelry, clothes.

"Rainy Fantasies"

When it rains or snows, you boldly open the window and expose a sheet of paper for less than a minute, holding it horizontally. Raindrops or snow will remain on the sheet. Traces of bad weather need to be circled and turned into fabulous creatures.

Advice for parents on:

« Use of non-traditional technologies ir drawing in development of creative abilities of children of middle preschool age "

Children, getting acquainted with the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Rich opportunities in this respect are pictorial activity.

The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, to convey images of the imagination, turning them into real forms with the help of various materials.

Artistic creativity is one of the favorite types of children's activities.

In order not to limit the ability of kids to express their impressions of the world around them, the traditional set of visual tools and materials is not enough.

In art classes, drawing with non-traditional techniques liberates children, allows them not to be afraid to do something wrong. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions are both a process and a result of practical activity - artistic creativity. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to:

intellectual development of the child;

correction of mental processes and personal sphere of preschool children;

develops self-confidence;

develops spatial thinking;

teaches children to freely express their intention;

develops fine motor skills.

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for non-traditional drawing.

Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques: poking with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; stopper printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Let's take a closer look at some of these techniques:

Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure smear traces of paint on their palms and on a sheet of paper.

Athand drawing children first leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and then, according to the instructions of the teacher, draw the image of an animal.

In the middle group, children can independently depict an animal from their palms, using their own memories and imagination. So, a bird, a cat, a cockerel, an elephant calf can turn out from the palm.

Drawingpotatoes attracts children with its unusualness. Commonly used material is used to depict animals. To do this, the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get another both the boxes and the signet change. Signet is one of the most interesting ways for a child to make a drawing.

This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing different compositions from its prints. Before printing, it is necessary to make the tools themselves - seals.

First, the teacher should help the child make prints. To do this, take a potato, cut it in half, and on a smooth cut, apply a signet pattern - a certain animal with a ballpoint pen, then carefully cut out the shape along the contour.

In the middle group is also often usedtechnique poke with a hard brush . The proposed drawing method does not require children to skillfully depict thin lines that carry an important artistic load. It is enough to know and be able to draw geometric shapes in various combinations, and not necessarily the correct form and thin straight lines. In the process of painting with pokes, these inaccuracies do not affect the perception of the drawing, and the drawn objects turn out to be closer to real ones. For coloring, you need: thick gouache and a hard brush. The technique of drawing with a poke for younger preschoolers is as follows: the teacher draws a contour with a simple pencil in advance on a sheet of paper for children. Children first examine and trace the contour with their finger, naming its parts aloud: head, ears, eyes, tail, etc. Having begun to draw, they should poke with a brush along the contour line from left to right, leaving no gap between the poke; then, with arbitrary pokes, the surface inside the contour is painted over. Children draw the remaining necessary details of the drawing with the end of a thin brush.

A fairly complex technique isspatter . Instead of a brush, you can use a toothbrush and a stack. With a toothbrush in the left hand, we will pick up a little paint, and with a stack we will draw on the surface of the brush - with quick movements, towards ourselves. The splashes will fly onto the paper. In this case, it is possible to change the direction of movement of the hand (vertically, horizontally, obliquely, wavy, in circles), change the size of the specks, bringing the spray closer or further away from the plane of the workpiece. Several paints are used at the same time, which helps to create a multi-color pattern.

An interesting visual technique isblotography . This will require paper, ink or liquid gouache. In the center of the sheet, you need to drop a blot, the paper needs to be tilted to one side, then to the other, or blow on the blot. Thus, you can get the original image of the animal, the child's fantasy will tell you who it looks like.

There is also a techniquethread drawing » (nitcography). Simple threads are used, gouache of different , paper for drawing, rosettes for paint, a container for used threads. It is necessary to make pieces of thread (2-5 pieces) 7-10 cm long. Dip one piece of thread in paint and drive it along a sheet of drawing paper in different directions. To use the gouache of another take a clean thread. You can also dip the thread in paint, put it on one half of the sheet (randomly), then cover it with the other half, i.e. fold the sheet in half and carefully pull the thread out of there. Then we open the sheet and draw the resulting image.

Many of the above techniques can be used in one −collage . In general, the following is important: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them to the point, fulfilling a given goal. For example, a child decided to draw summer in a village, and for this he uses a bitmap (grass), and the child draws the sun with his finger, draws fluffy animals with foam rubber, cuts out other animals from postcards, depicts the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity.

It should be noted that the success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children. So, when teaching drawing, a wide variety of techniques and a wide variety of materials can be used.

Prepared by educators: Petrova E.A., Onoshina N.Yu.

Children, observing the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Rich opportunities in this respect are pictorial activity.

The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, to convey images of the imagination, turning them into real forms with the help of various materials.

Artistic creativity is one of the favorite types of children's activities.

In order not to limit the ability of kids to express their impressions of the world around them, the traditional set of visual tools and materials is not enough.

In art classes, drawing with non-traditional techniques liberates children, allows them not to be afraid to do something wrong. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions are both a process and a result of practical activity - artistic creativity. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to:

  • intellectual development of the child;
  • correction of mental processes and personal sphere of preschoolers;
  • develops self-confidence;
  • develops spatial thinking;
  • teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • develops fine motor skills.

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for non-traditional drawing.

So, for children of primary preschool age , when drawing it is appropriate to use the technique "drawing by hand" (palm, palm edge, fist, fingers), imprint with stamps from potatoes.
Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques poke with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; stopper printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).
BUT at senior preschool age children can learn more more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Let's take a closer look at each of these techniques.

During the course finger painting children reproduce a variety of movements with the palm (slapping, slapping, smearing), fingers (smearing, sticking).
Introduction to technology "fingerography" begins after mastering the basics of hand drawing: it is more difficult and requires more purposeful movements.
Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure smear traces of paint on their palms and on a sheet of paper. After several training games, a motor rhythm appears on paper, as children repeat the movements with their palms and fingers many times. This rhythm attracts children, becoming an additional stimulus for actions with paint and increasing interest in them. In the learning process, you can offer children to draw images of animals (dipping a finger in paint, draw eyes, a nose, a mouth, a tail, while using jerky lines, horizontal, arcuate lines).

At hand drawing children first leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and then, according to the instructions of the teacher, draw the image of an animal. At the first stage, the teacher himself can finish drawing, showing by his example the principle of the image.
In the middle group, children can independently depict an animal from their palms, using their own memories and imagination. So, a bird, a cat, a cockerel, an elephant calf can turn out from the palm.
Potato drawing attracts children with its unusualness. Commonly used material is used to depict animals. To do this, the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the boxes and the signet change. Signet is one of the most interesting ways for a child to make a drawing.
This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing different compositions from its prints. Before printing, it is necessary to make the tools themselves - seals.
First, the teacher should help the child make prints. To do this, take a potato, cut it in half, and on a smooth cut, apply a signet pattern - a certain animal with a ballpoint pen, then carefully cut out the shape along the contour.

One of the varieties signet is tampon or impression. For this exciting activity, you need to make a swab of gauze or foam rubber, foam, crumpled paper. The stamp pad will serve as a palette. Children pick up paint, and with a soft touch on the paper draw something fluffy, light, airy, transparent or prickly. This technique is best suited for drawing animals, as it conveys the texture of the furry surface of the object.

In the middle group is also often used jabbing technique with a hard brush. The proposed drawing method does not require children to skillfully depict thin lines that carry an important artistic load. It is enough to know and be able to draw geometric shapes in various combinations, and not necessarily the correct form and thin straight lines. In the process of painting with pokes, these inaccuracies do not affect the perception of the drawing, and the drawn objects turn out to be closer to real ones. For coloring, you need: thick gouache and a hard brush. The technique of drawing with a poke for younger preschoolers is as follows: the teacher draws a contour with a simple pencil in advance on a sheet of paper for children. Children first examine and trace the contour with their finger, naming its parts aloud: head, ears, eyes, tail, etc. Having begun to draw, they should poke with a brush along the contour line from left to right, leaving no gap between the poke; then, with arbitrary pokes, the surface inside the contour is painted over. Children draw the remaining necessary details of the drawing with the end of a thin brush.

Older children should independently draw the contours of objects with a simple pencil or immediately with a brush. The painting technique is the same.

A fairly complex technique is spatter . Instead of a brush, you can use a toothbrush and a stack. With a toothbrush in the left hand, we will pick up a little paint, and with a stack we will draw on the surface of the brush - with quick movements, towards ourselves. The splashes will fly onto the paper. In this case, it is possible to change the direction of movement of the hand (vertically, horizontally, obliquely, wavy, in circles), change the size of the specks, bringing the spray closer or further away from the plane of the workpiece. Several paints are used at the same time, which helps to create a multi-color pattern.

One of the modern ways of non-traditional drawing is bubble painting . To do this, you need shampoo, gouache, water, a sheet of paper and a cocktail tube. Shampoo, a little water are added to the gouache, stir and blow into the tube until foam forms. Then attach a sheet of paper to the foam, draw the details.

This technique developed from one interesting visual technique - blotography . This will require paper, ink or liquid gouache. In the center of the sheet, you need to drop a blot, the paper needs to be tilted to one side, then to the other, or blow on the blot. Thus, you can get the original image of the animal, the child's fantasy will tell you who it looks like.

Monotype can also be used to depict animals. The first way is to fold the sheet in half symmetrically. On the sheet, you can depict the reflection of a bear cub in the mirror surface of the water. To do this, take a landscape sheet and fold it in half, tint the upper part with light yellow (sky), and the lower part with blue (water). After drying the sheet, we draw a drawing of a bear cub with a pencil, and then cover it with gouache, then fold the drawing along the fold line and iron it to make an imprint on the underside of the sheet, we get a mirror image of the bear cub in the water. The second way - we apply paint on a plastic board, then with a wooden stick or a brush handle we scratch the image of objects - figures of birds and animals, put a sheet of paper on top, lightly press and remove, an imprint is obtained on the sheet.

stroke drawing allows you to focus on the shape, structure of animals, their movements. With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the character of the animal, convey its pricklyness or softness, kindness or aggressiveness, express a personal attitude towards the animal. Hatching is great for depicting hedgehogs and porcupines.

There is also a technique "drawing with threads" (nitkography) . Simple threads, gouache of different colors, drawing paper, paint sockets, a container for used threads are used. It is necessary to make pieces of thread (2-5 pieces) 7-10 cm long. Dip one piece of thread in paint and drive it along a sheet of drawing paper in different directions. To use gouache of a different color, take a clean thread. You can also dip the thread in paint, put it on one half of the sheet (randomly), then cover it with the other half, i.e. fold the sheet in half and carefully pull the thread out of there. Then we open the sheet and draw the resulting image.

In engineering "drawing with a cardboard edge" cardboard strips are used (height - 2 cm, length from 2 cm to 6 cm, it depends on the size of the object to be depicted; cardboard width is about 2 mm), drawing paper, gouache, paint rosettes, brush. Here, the edge of the cardboard needs to be painted with gouache, leaned against the paper and drawn over the sheet, leaving a trace of the paint. Depending on what object is depicted, the movement of cardboard can be straight, arcuate, rotational.

For technology "crumpled drawing" . Drawing technology: draw an object on a piece of paper with colored crayons, make a background around the object with wax crayons. The sheet of paper must be completely covered. Gently crease the drawing so as not to tear the paper, then straighten it, paint over the background and the picture with gouache. Without waiting for the paint to dry, wash off the gouache with a sponge under running water. The ink should remain in the cracks in the paper. "Paper Printing" . Drawing technology. Dilute gouache paint with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Crumple a piece of thick paper into a small lump, lower it into the paint. With this lump of paper, apply paint to the landscape sheet.

Many of the above techniques can be used in one − collage . In general, the following is important: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them to the point, fulfilling a given goal. For example, a child decided to draw summer in a village, and for this he uses a bitmap (grass), and the child draws the sun with his finger, draws fluffy animals with foam rubber, cuts out other animals from postcards, depicts the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity.

It should be noted that the success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children. So, when teaching drawing, a wide variety of techniques and a wide variety of materials can be used.

Target: To reveal the importance of non-traditional methods of creative activity in working with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Show the relevance of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. To acquaint parents with a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its development begins more effectively from preschool age. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." According to many teachers - all children are talented. Therefore, it is necessary to notice in time, feel these talents and try, as early as possible, to give children the opportunity to show them in practice, in real life.

The term “non-traditional” implies the use of materials, tools, methods of drawing that are not generally accepted, traditional, widely known. In the process of non-traditional drawing, the child develops comprehensively. to complete the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to the intellectual development of the child, the correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers.

Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. And by emotions, one can judge what is currently going on in the child’s soul, what mood he has, what makes him happy and what upsets him. As you know, children often copy the model offered to them.

Non-traditional drawing techniques make it possible to avoid this, since the teacher, instead of a ready-made sample, demonstrates only a way of working with non-traditional materials and tools. This gives impetus to the manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality. Applying and combining different image methods in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive. Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates positive motivation in a child, causes a joyful mood, and relieves fear of the drawing process.

An unusual beginning of work, the use of game techniques - all this helps to prevent monotony and boredom in children's visual activity, ensures the liveliness and immediacy of children's perception and activity.

Tasks in working with children:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

There are a lot of methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing, I want to introduce you to some of them. Such methods and techniques will help to interestingly organize the creative process in the classroom of fine arts.

1.Drawing with a palm

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors.

2.Finger drawing.

The child dips his finger into the gouache and puts dots, spots on the paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint.

3. Foam impression

  1. crumpled paper drawing
    In this way, for example, you can draw silhouettes of animals, grass, sky, snow, tree trunks. To do this, crumple a thin sheet of paper, dip it in paint and, carefully, priming it on a landscape sheet.

5. Drawing with leaf prints

The child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the painted side to make a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. Leaf petioles can be painted with a brush

  1. Monotype.

The child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

  1. Poke drawing.

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, such as a cotton swab. We lower the cotton swab into the paint and with a precise movement from top to bottom we poke along the landscape sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The shape of the print will depend on what shape the object for the poke was chosen.

  1. Blotography.

The basis of this drawing technique is the usual blot. During the drawing process, spontaneous images are obtained first. Then the child draws the details to give completeness and resemblance to the real image. It turns out that a blot can also be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but, on the contrary, will also be praised.

  1. spray.

The child picks up paint on a toothbrush and hits it against the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. The paint splatters on the paper.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears
  • Develops self-confidence
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure

Drawing in kindergarten is an artistic and creative activity, just like the activity of an artist, it includes a certain technique. It is necessary for a child to master this technique so that he can freely dispose of it when solving various visual problems, to most fully express his impressions of events and phenomena taking place in life in a drawing. . Thanks to the perception of artistic images in the visual arts, the child has the opportunity to more fully and vividly perceive the surrounding reality, and this contributes to the creation of emotionally colored images in the visual arts by children.