Card file of outdoor games for preschool children on lexical topics of the week. Card file of outdoor games for the development of physical qualities in older preschool children

Card file of outdoor games for preschool children on lexical topics of the week. Card file of outdoor games for the development of physical qualities in older preschool children

Flexibility is a specific, but extremely important quality for an athlete. Mobility in joints, elasticity of muscles and ligaments is the ability to perform movements with a wide amplitude without the expenditure of great efforts and unnecessary tension. The ability to relax muscles, the dexterity of an athlete in general, largely depends on the development of flexibility. All this underlines how important it is to develop flexibility by all available means, including with the help of outdoor games. It is necessary to select such games on purpose, because they are designed to provide a strictly targeted, often local effect on individual muscle groups, ligaments and joints.

When organizing games aimed at developing flexibility, it is necessary to precede them with an appropriate warm-up in order to avoid sprains and ruptures of muscle fibers.

1. "Stick behind the back." Teams are formed in columns. Players stand half a step apart. The first numbers hold a gymnastic stick in front of them at both ends. At a common signal, the players pass the sticks from behind to the standing partners. In this case, the player raises his hands up and (without letting go of the ends of the stick and slightly bending) transfers the stick behind his back. The arms remain straight. The player standing behind accepts the stick and passes it on in the same way. The last player of the column, having received a stick, runs forward with it (while everyone takes a step back) and, having taken a place at the head of the column, again passes it back along the column.

The player standing behind cannot take the stick if the partner has not carried it back to the end and it is behind the head of the partner in front. If the player lets go of one end of the stick or drops it, this is also considered a fault. The winners are the players of the team who complete the pass not only faster than the others, but also with fewer mistakes.

2. "Ball Race". Players of two or three teams stand at a distance of 1 step from each other and pass the balls back along the column in the following ways:

a) pass the ball back with two hands behind the head, and back along the column (everyone turns in a circle) from hand to hand under the feet;

b) the player passing the ball, holds it behind his back, turns to face the standing partner from behind and, leaning forward, passes the ball to him from behind. When the ball reaches the last player in the column, he again directs it forward in the same way (moving the ball behind his back). Each player turns in a circle while passing the ball;

c) the players pass the ball to each other, turning their bodies to the right (without lifting their feet off the floor). The player behind, having received the ball, directs it forward from the other side. Now each rice 9 receives the ball, turning the body to the left.

In all variants of the game, the ball can go around the column two or three times (according to the condition). In this case, the players of all participating teams do not run around the site, but stand still.

3. "Run of crayfish" (Fig. 9). The relay is held in parallel or opposite columns. The first numbers sit on the floor, resting their hands behind. At a signal, they rush forward, tearing off the pelvis from the ground and moving their legs and arms. The next players enter the fray when their predecessors finish. For touching the floor with a pelvis during movement, a point is deducted from those 10 or 20 that are awarded to each team before the start of the game. Teams are awarded incentive points for quick action.

4. "The bridge and the cat". Players of two teams stand in columns, one at the start line. Two circles (1 m in diameter) are drawn in front of them at 5 and 10 steps. At the signal, the first numbers run forward and, being in the first circle, make a "bridge". Then the second player rushes forward. He crawls under the bridge and runs into the far circle, where he accepts the support while standing bent over (arching his back like a "cat"). Now the first number runs to the far circle and crawls between the partner's arms and legs. After that, both players, holding hands, run to their team. As soon as they cross the starting line, two new players run forward one by one, and those who have come run to the end of the column. When they are again ahead of everyone else, the game continues, and the players switch roles. The relay ends when each pair completes the task twice.

5. "Somersaults and rolls". Participants are located in opposite or parallel columns. One or two gymnastics mats lie in front of the players. The player running forward, upon a signal, makes a somersault in the grouping and stands at the end of the opposite column (having previously touched the hand of the participant in front). The player from the second column performs the same drill. During the reverse dash, the players, turning their backs to the mats, take a squat position and roll over their heads backward, then continuing to run to their column.

If the relay is held in parallel columns, then it can be agreed that on the first mat the player does a somersault, and then (after running 4-5 steps) on the second mat he rolls over. Having run around the mace or the stand, he returns to his column, calling for the start (touching the hand) of the second number.

6. "Bench over your head." Two or three teams line up in columns one after the other. On the right side of the teams (at the feet of the players) there is a gymnastic bench. At a common signal, the players of all teams lean to the right, taking the bench with a reverse grip, raise it above their head, move it to the left and put it on the floor. The players then jump over the bench to the left and lean back to the right to grab the bench and move it to the other side.

The game ends when all teams have moved from one side of the court to the other. In this case (according to the conditions of the game), the bench must go over the players' heads 4-6 times. The winner is the team whose players perform the drill clearly and quickly. If the bench is single or the playing area is small, the teams may compete in turns. The winner is the team that spends less time on the exercise.

This version of the game is also used. The players stand with their feet on one bench, and the second, bending over, is taken by the upper part and transported overhead to the other side. Having put it on the floor, they move to this bench, and the one on which they were standing is transported over their heads in the same direction. The game continues until the teams are behind the agreed line.

Outdoor games. Holiday Games


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility and dexterity.

Game progress

Players are divided into 2 teams. They are arranged in columns at a distance of a step from each other. The task of the participants is to pass the ball to the player standing behind the player above his head. The team that does it faster wins.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Necessary materials and visual aids: balls.

Game progress

Players are divided into 2 teams. They are arranged in columns at a step distance from each other. The task of the participants is to pass the ball to the one standing behind. Moreover, one of the players passes the ball over his head, and the other between his legs. The team that does it faster wins.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Game progress

Players are divided into 2 teams. Part of the team members hold the hoops, forming a tunnel, the other part, at the signal of the leader, runs through the tunnel. Then the participants change places. The winner is the team that completes the task first.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Necessary materials and visual aids: gymnastic sticks.

Game progress

Players will be added to 2 teams. They are arranged in columns at a distance of a step from each other. The first player, at the signal of the leader, steps over the gymnastic stick, which he is holding, then passes it to the next player. The first team to complete the task wins.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Necessary materials and visual aids: posts, rope.

Game progress

2 teams take part in the game. On the playground, posts are installed, for which the ropes are tied so that arches are obtained. Moreover, each subsequent arch must be lower than the other. The number of arches may vary. The task of the players is to go through all the arches, leaning back. The first team to complete the distance wins.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Required materials and visual aids: gymnastic hoops.

Game progress

A different number of people can participate in the game. At the signal from the presenter, the participants begin to twist the hoops at the waist. The one who lasts longer than others wins.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Required materials and visual aids: ball.

Game progress

Players stand in a circle. Their task is to throw the ball, not letting it fall as long as possible. Moreover, the players should not leave their seats and even take their feet off the floor. Whoever drops the ball is out of the game.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Required materials and visual aids: chalk, spinner with numbers from 1 to 16.

Game progress

It is necessary to mark the playing field: a square divided into 16 parts. You can take forfeits from the players. A driver is selected from among the players, who, with the help of forfeits, will determine the participant, and with the help of a spinner, the numbers of the squares in which he must place 2 arms and 2 legs. All players are placed on the playground. The task of each player is to hold out on zero in an uncomfortable position for as long as possible. The one who was able to resist the longest changes with the leading roles.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Necessary materials and visual aids: musical accompaniment.

Game progress

A driver is selected from among the players. All players stand in a circle, and the driver turns away. During this time, players become entangled without opening their hands. The driver's task is to unravel the confusion.


Purpose of the game: develop flexibility.

Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on the stand to indicate the turning point, skittles.

Game progress

The game involves 2 teams. On the playing field "pins are placed, which will have to bend around the crawling players. At the signal of the leader, the players lie down on the floor and crawl along the distance, trying not to knock down the pins. The first team to pass the distance wins.

GBOU School number 1375 to number 6 Moscow.


An active game with rules is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. Outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

The specificity of the outdoor game is the child's lightning-fast, instant response to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" etc. An active game is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. The preschooler realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child's all-round development. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of each nation.

An active game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing to both the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, ethical values ​​of society. Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and learns the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural need for movement, the need to find a solution to a motor problem, is manifested. While playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

MOBILE GAME CARD ROOM for the middle group

Card-1 "Mousetrap"

Purpose: To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.
Game description: the players are divided into two unequal teams, the big one forms a circle - a "mousetrap", the rest - mice. The words:
Oh, how tired the mice are
They ate everything, everyone ate.
Beware of cheating,
We will get to you.
Here we will arrange the mousetraps,
Let's catch everyone now!
Then the children put their hands down, and the "mice" remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases.

Card-2 "Roll the ball"

Purpose: to develop endurance, attention, dexterity. Exercise in rolling the ball.
Game description: the players form a circle, kneel down and sit on their heels. The teacher rolls the ball to one of the children. The one pushes away from himself with his hand, not allowing the other player to touch his feet. If the ball touches the feet, the child steps out of the circle. Sitting behind a circle, the loser takes part in the game if he repels the ball that was accidentally sent to him. The duration of the game is 4 - 5 minutes.

Card-3 "Flight of the birds"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, the ability to move on a signal. Exercise in running, climbing.
Game description: children are scattered at one end of the playground - "birds". At the other end there is a climbing tower or a gymnastic wall with several spans. At the signal "birds fly away" birds fly, spreading their wings. At the signal "storm" the birds fly to the tower - they hide from the storm. At the signal "the storm has stopped," the birds fly. Duration 5-7 minutes

Card-4 "Burn, burn clearly!"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, orientation in space. Exercise in a brisk run.
Game description: the players are in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. The "catcher" stands on this line. Everybody says:

Burn, burn clearly, So that it does not go out.
Look at the sky - the birds are flying
The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word "run", the children in the last pair run along the column (one to the left, the other to the right), trying to grab the arms in front of the catching one, who is trying to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join their hands. If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the rest is the catcher.

Card-5 "Sly Fox"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance and observation. Exercise in a fast run, in formation in a circle, in catching.
Game description: the players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle, the "fox's house" is outlined. Children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes a "sly fox". Children open their eyes. The players ask three times in chorus, first quietly and then louder: "Sly fox, where are you?" The sly fox goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: "I'm here!" Children scatter, and the "fox" catches. Caught - into the house. Duration 6-8 minutes.

Card-6 "Hide your hands behind your back"

Purpose: to develop in children the speed of reaction to the signal. Exercise in running, in fishing, to consolidate the correct posture.
Description of the game: choose the driver - "trap", stands in the middle of the site. The rest stand in different places of the site and hold their hands behind their backs. According to the teacher's word “start”, the players give up and start running in any direction, but only within the boundaries of the area indicated by flags. The trap's task is to catch someone from the players, but you can only touch those who have their hands down. If the player managed to put his hands behind his back and say “I'm not afraid,” the trap cannot touch him. If the trap failed to catch anyone, another is appointed. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-7 "Guess What You Did"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, initiative, imagination.
Description of the game: choose one child who moves 8 - 10 steps away from the others and turns his back. Children agree on what action they will portray. At the word "time", the guesser turns, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!
Where have you been?
What have you seen?
Children answer:
What we saw - we will not say
And what we did - we will show.

All children represent some kind of action (playing the accordion, riding horses, etc.) The driver must guess this action. The duration of the game is 4-6 minutes.

Card-8 "Two frosts"

Purpose: to develop in children inhibition, observation, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise while running
Game description: the players are located on two sides of the site, two drivers stand in the middle (Frost - Red nose and Frost - Blue nose) and say:
We are two young brothers
Two frosts are remote:
I am frost - Red nose
I am Frost - Blue nose,
Which one of you will decide
On the way - to start the path?
All the players in chorus answer:
We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost.
After the word "frost", all the players run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and the frosts try to "freeze" them (touch with their hand). The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-10 "Traps from the circle"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in rhythmic walking, dodging and catching, forming in a circle
Game description: children stand in a circle, holding hands. The trap is in the center of the circle, there is a bandage on the arm. The players move in circles and say
We, funny guys, love to run and jump
Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch!
Children scatter, and the trap catches up. Caught temporarily steps aside. The game continues until the trap catches 2-3 children. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-11 "Catchers with the ball"

Purpose: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. Exercise in throwing at a moving target and in dodging running.
Game description: the playground is limited by lines. In the center of the court, the players form a circle, standing from each other at a distance of outstretched arms. One child stands in the center (driving). There are 2 small balls at his feet. The driver makes a series of movements, the players repeat. At the signal of the teacher: "Run out of the circle", the children scatter, and the driver tries to hit one of the children with the ball. At the signal “one, two, three in a circle, run”, the children again form a circle. The driver is changing. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-12 "Frogs and Heron"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to act on a signal, dexterity. Exercise standing high jump
Game description: a square is outlined - a "swamp" where "frogs" live. Pegs are driven in the corners or cubes are placed. Height 10 - 15 cm. A rope is stretched along the sides of the square. Outside the square is the heron's nest. At the signal from the "heron", raising her legs, she goes to the swamp and steps over the rope. Frogs jump out of the swamp, jumping over a rope, pushing off with two legs. Having stepped over the rope, the heron catches frogs. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-13 "Find where it is hidden?"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, observation, parity.
Game description: children sit along the wall. The teacher shows the children a flag and says that he will hide it. Then the teacher invites the children to stand up and turn to the wall. After making sure that none of the children is looking, the teacher hides the flag, after which he says "it's time". Children start looking for the hidden flag. Whoever finds it first hides it. Repeat the game 3-4 times.

Card-14 "The wolf in the moat"

Purpose: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in long jump with a running start.
Description of the game: two parallel straight lines are held on the court at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a "moat". A "house of goats" is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one who plays the "wolf", the rest - "goats". All goats sit on one side of the court. The wolf is getting into the moat. At the signal of the educator, the "wolf in the ditch" goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The caught are taken to the corner of the ditch. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-15 "Free place"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Exercise in a brisk run.
Game description: the players sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher calls a pru of children sitting next to him. At the signal "one, two, three - run!" run in different directions around the circle, run to their place and sit down. The teacher and all the players note who was the first to take the free seat. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-16 "Owl"

Purpose: to develop in children inhibition, observation, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise children to run.
Game description: at a distance of 80 - 100 cm, two straight lines are drawn - this is a "moat". At a distance of one or two steps from the border, the "house of the goat" is outlined. All goats sit on one side of the court. The wolf gets into the moat. At the signal "wolf in the ditch" the goats run to the opposite side, jumping over the ditch, while the wolf catches the goats at this time. The caught are taken to the corner of the ditch. Duration 6-8 minutes.

Card-17 "Homeless hare"

Purpose: to develop children's orientation in space. Exercise in a brisk run
Game description: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the playing - hares draw circles for themselves - "their house". The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare. If the hunter catches, they switch roles. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-18 "Firefighters on training"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise climbing and column formation.
Game description: children are built facing the gymnastic wall at a distance of 5 - 6 steps in 3 - 4 columns. A bell is hung against each column at the same height. At the signal "1, 2, 3 - run", the children who are standing first run to the wall, climb in and ring the bell. Then they go down and stand at the end of their column. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

Card-19 "Catching butterflies"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance and the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in running with dodging and catching, in squats.
Game description: choose four players - "children with nets". The rest of the players are “butterflies”. On the word "fly" the children scatter across the playground. At the signal "catch", two children run out to catch butterflies. they catch, closing their hands around the caught, then take him to a conventional place. to the words "Butterflies sat on flowers." butterflies sit down and rest. When 3-5 butterflies are caught, note which pair caught the most. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

Card-20 "Fishermen and Fish"

Purpose: to develop in children dexterity, quick wit, the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in a fast run with dodging and catching.
Game description: playground - "pond". A fisherman walks along the site, and his assistant is on the opposite side. In the hands of the senior fisherman "net" (rope), at the end - a bag of sand. The senior fisherman says to the assistant: "Catch!", And throws him the end of the rope with a load, then the fishermen surround the fish with the rope, which did not have time to swim away into a deep place (a marked place on the site). at the signal “fish, swim”, the fish swim out of a deep place again. The duration of the game is 6 - 8 minutes.

Card-21 "Catching monkeys"

Purpose: to develop in children initiative, observation, memory, dexterity. Exercise climbing, running.
Description of the game: children depicting monkeys are placed on one side of the area, where there are climbing devices or benches. On the other side 4 - 6 people are monkey catchers. Monkeys imitate everything they see. The catchers agree on what movements they will make. As soon as the catchers go to the middle of the site, the monkeys climb onto the tower and observe from there. Having made movements, the catchers leave, the monkeys approach the place where the catchers were and repeat their movements. On a signal, the "catchers" catch monkeys. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-22 "At the Bear in the Forest"

Purpose: To teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Game description: The bear den (at the end of the playground) and the children's house at the other are determined. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which is pronounced in chorus:

The bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms, berries,
And the bear does not sleep
And growls at us.
As soon as the children have finished speaking the poem, the bear stands up with a growl and catches the children, they run home.

Card-23 "Find and be silent"

Purpose: Learn to navigate in the hall. To bring up endurance, ingenuity.
Game description: The educator shows the children an object, and after they closed their eyes, he hides it. Then he offers to look, but not to take, but to tell in your ear where it is hidden. Who found the first one and the leader in the next game.

Antonova Oksana Ivanovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 27 "Golden Key" Bugulma municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Locality: Bugulma
Material name: methodical development
Topic:"Card index of outdoor games according to the degree of mobility for older preschool children"
Date of publication: 22.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education






Compiled by the teacher of the speech therapy group

Antonova O.I.

M.P. - a game of low intensity;

S.I. - a game of medium intensity;

IN AND. - high intensity game.

"Burners" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to run in pairs at speed, start running only after

endings of words. To develop in children the speed of movement, dexterity.

Game progress:

Children join the column in pairs. Ahead of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps

a line is drawn.

Lovishka is selected by counting. He gets on the line

back to the rest of the children. All standing in pairs say:

“Burn, burn clearly,

so as not to go out.

Look at the sky - birds

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three - run! "

At the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along

columns (one - on the right, the other - on the left, trying to grab hands).

Lovishka tries to catch one of the pair and join hands with him.

If Lovishka managed to do this, then he forms a new



becomes a Lovishka. If Lovishka didn't catch anyone, he



looks around


join hands.

"Traps" (with ribbons) (V.I.)


Teach children to run scattered without bumping into each




space, the ability to change direction.

Game progress:

under construction



the teacher's signal: "One, two, three - catch!" children scatter across

site. Lovishka tries to pull out the ribbon. At the signal: "One,

two, three in a circle, run quickly - all the children line up in a circle. " After

counting the caught, the game is repeated.

Option 2

A circle is drawn - Lovishka stands in the center. At the signal "One, two, three

catch "children run across the circle, and Lovishka tries

grab the tape.

"Simple traps" (V.I.)



dodging Lovishka. Develop speed of movement, reaction,

Game progress:

Children are on the playground, Lovishka is in the middle of the playground.

At the signal - one, two, three - catch - all the children scatter around the playground,



Option 2

The trap cannot catch the one who

managed to sit down.

Option 3

stop and stand on one leg.

Option 4

L o v and sh k a


o s a l and t

running away with the ball.

Option 5

anything towering object.

"Salki - don't hit

swamp "(V.I.)

Target: teach children to run without running behind the visual





speed of movement, orientation in space.

Game progress:



sh ish ka m and,



run in


garden). Choose Lovishka. On signal

he catches up with the children, trying to hurt them.

Salted by Lovishka leaves the game.

"Frost - red nose" (V.I.)


: teach children to run across

loosely on one side




signal, maintain a stationary posture. Develop endurance, attention.

Fasten the run with the overlap of the lower leg, lateral canter.

Game progress

On opposite sides of the site, two houses are indicated, in

one of them is the players. In the middle of the platform, facing them

becomes driving - Frost - red nose, he says:

“I am frost - red nose.

Which one of you will decide

Do you want to start the path? "

Children answer in chorus:

After that, they run across the site to another

catching up


to freeze.

The frozen ones stop where they are

Frost overtook, and they stand like this until the end of the run.

Frost calculates how many players were able to freeze at the same time,

taken into account,


ran out

those remaining after the signal are also considered frozen.

Option 2



(Frost-Red nose and Frost-Blue nose). Standing in the middle of the site

facing the children, they say:

We are two young brothers, I am Frost-Blue nose.

Two remote frosts, which of you will decide

I am Frost-Red nose

start up?

After the answer:

"We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost"

run across

try to freeze them.

"Kite and hen" (V.I.)


: teach children to move in a column, holding each other





consistent, dexterity.

Game progress

8-10 children participate in the game, one of the players is chosen as a kite,




hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other. Aside






stretching out his arms to the sides, does not allow the kite to grab the chicken. Everything



hen. The caught chick goes to the kite's nest.

Option 2

If there are many children, you can play in two groups.

"Paints" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to run, trying not to catch up, jump on



Develop dexterity, speed of movement, the ability to change

direction while running.



the seller and the buyer are selected.

the rest of the paints. Each paint makes its own color and quietly

informs the seller.

So, the paints and the seller sit on the bench.

The buyer comes up to the players and says, "Knock, knock."

Salesman: "Who's there?"

Buyer: "I am a Monk in blue pants"

Seller: "Why did you come?"

Buyer: "For paint!"

Seller: "For what?"

Buyer: names the paint.

If there is no such paint, the seller answers:

"We don't have such paint. Jump along the track on one leg!"

(Tasks for the Buyer may be different: ride one

leg, pass a duck, squat, etc.

The buyer completes the task and returns for new paint

If there is such a paint, then the seller says: "There is such."

Buyer: "How much does it cost?"

Seller: "Five (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.) rubles" (Buyer loudly

slaps the seller's palm 5 times).

At the last pop, the named "Paint" jumps up

benches and runs around benches

or around the line of the rest

children. The monk tries her

catch up. If he catches up

paint, then he himself becomes "

Paint ", and caught

party - paint becomes

Monk and the game continues.




teach children to act on a signal, run, scatter

imitating birds, maintain a stationary posture. Develop balance.

Game progress:

All the birds playing, one child is an owl that is in

side of the site. At the signal "day", the birds fly away, waving

wings, pecking grains. At the signal "night" everyone stops and

stand motionless. An owl flies out, looks out for those who move and

takes it to the nest. after 15-20 sec. Day signal beeps again, owl

flies to the nest, children - birds fly around the site.

Option 2

Two owls are chosen. Take interesting poses.

"The Wolf in the Moat" (V.I.)


teach children to jump over a ditch, 70-

100cm, with a running start, trying not to get pissed off by the wolf. Develop

agility, quickness of movement

Game progress:

In the middle of the site, two lines are drawn at a distance



are located in the house of the wolf in the moat. At the signal of the teacher -

the opposite


jumping over the moat, the wolf does not touch the goats, by

dom roy ",

run into the house, jumping over

across the moat. Wolf without leaving the moat

The captured children retreat to the end of the ditch. After 2-3 runs

the wolf is assigned to another.

Hunters and Ducks (V.I.)

Purpose of the game: to cultivate dexterity.

Rules of the game: The ball is thrown at the back or legs of the players.

Game progress:






platforms facing each other, one of them in his hands

ball. The hunters throw the ball, trying to hit them

ducks. Ducks run across from one side of the site to



who are hit by the ball are temporarily out of the game. The game



new drivers are selected.

Fishermen and fish (V.I.)

Purpose of the game: to form the consistency of motor


Game progress:



form a "network" (hold hands - one


run around the site, and the fishermen catch up


A fish caught in the net joins the fishermen.

The game continues until the network is broken or

until all players are caught.

Rules of the game: Fish should not collide, fishermen -

disengage hands

The Snow Queen (V.I.)


games: bring up



Rules of the game: Whom did Snow

queen ", turns into" piece of ice "and

remains standing still.

games: Players



The "Snow Queen" away from the players. By command players

scatter around the site, and the Snow Queen tries to

catch up and tarnish.

Crucian carp and pike (V.I.)

Target: educate attention and intelligence.

Rules of the game. Crucians should not touch the stones with their hands.

Game progress:

2 groups participate. One is built in a circle -

these are "pebbles"

the other is "carp"




pebbles. Those who did not have time to hide, the pike stains. Caught


drop out




Bears and bees (V.I.)


exercise children in climbing stairs, develop the ability

navigate in space.

Rules of the game:

You can't climb the stairs with your feet higher than the second

slats, jumping off the stairs.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two groups: "bears" and "bees". On the

one side of the hall is a hive, and on the opposite side

meadow. There is a den of bears to the side. On a conditional signal


take off

(climb down from the hills, fly to the meadow for

the Bears

run out

b e r l o g and

z a b i r a t with i


elevation) feast on honey. Once


"The Bears!",

bees fly to the hives, and bears flee to

den. Not having time to hide, bees

sting (touch with a hand). Stung




children change roles.

Mousetrap (V.I.)


develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words,

agility; exercise in running, squatting, building in a circle, walking in a circle;

promote the development of speech.

Rules of the game:

Lower the clasped hands on the word "clap". After

the mousetrap slammed shut, you can't crawl under the arms

Game progress:








depicting a mousetrap, join hands and begin to walk in a circle,


Oh, how tired the mice are

They ate everything, everyone ate.

Beware of cheating,

We will get to you,

Let's put a mousetrap -

Let's catch everyone now.





run out





slammed shut. Playing,


run out

are considered



go over

increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught,

children change roles.

Wattle (V.I.)

Purpose of the game: foster self-organization.

Game progress:

are going

opposite sides of the site and form a "wattle fence"

(bent arms crosswise in front of the chest, hold opposite

hands of neighbors to the right and left). At the signal, the children let go

hands and scatter in different directions, and on command


under construction

The team that builds faster is noted.

Rules of the game: The order of players in a line can be changed


"Fox and

chickens "



c p r y g and w a t

p e d m e t o in,

landing on socks bent knees, run scatteringly without bumping

Each other. Develop dexterity, attention. Strengthen the arches of the feet.

Game progress:

Children depicting chickens stand on benches, cubes, stumps. One child

gets out by the fox - she sits in her hole. At the signal, the chickens jump from

roost and run around the yard, jump up, flap their wings, peck at the grain.


runs out


lingering chicken. Chickens should quickly take off to roost. Who caught

fox, takes him into his hole.

Option 2

The fox slowly begins to approach the chickens, one of the children depicting

the rooster notices the fox and shouts loudly: "Ku-ka-re-ku!". At this signal the chickens

run away to roost. The rooster keeps order and is the last to fly to the roost.

The fox catches the chicken that will not be able to stay on the roost or will not have time

take off to roost. And he takes her into a hole, but on the way she unexpectedly meets



lets go

runs away and the chicken returns home.

Who is attentive (S.I.)

Purpose of the game: bring up

attention and organization.

Game progress:

Children are lined up in a column


p l o sh a d k e

you are full

q w and wives and i

squat, 2 hits - standing on one leg, 3 hits - jumps on

location. The most attentive players are noted.






continue to walk in the column.

Streams and lakes (S.I.)





The course of the game. Children stand in 2-3 columns, with

the same



different parts of the hall are streams. On signal

"The brooks are running!" everyone is running after each other in different

directions (each in its own column). To the signal "Lakes!"

the players stop, join hands and build a circle -

The winners are the children who build the circle faster.

Rules of the game... Run slowly without pushing each other.

All children in the circle should join hands and lift them up.

"Catch your mate" (V.I.)


teach children to run fast in a given

direction, trying to catch up with your pair. Develop

ability to act on a signal, dexterity, speed

movements. Promote the exercise of endurance.

Game progress

Children stand in pairs on one side of the playground: one

the teacher is the first to quickly cross over to the other side


repetition of the game, children change roles.

Option 2

Spot your mate with a ball.

"The second extra" (V.I.)


teach children to run quickly in a circle, standing in front



Bring up

outdoor games


games: Run


grab hold of children in a circle, run not too long to

everyone could join the game.

The course of the game.

Children stand in a circle, the distance between them should not be

less than 1-2 steps. There are two drivers behind the circle. One of them

runs away, the other tries to catch up with him. Runaway child, fleeing

from the catching one, it becomes in front of some child. If he ran into

circle and stand up until it is stained, it can no longer be salted. Now

the second child must run away. If Lovishka

managed to touch the evader, then they change roles.

Option 2

You can stand in pairs in a circle, then the game will be

be called "The third extra".

"Flight of Birds" (V.I.)


teach children to run freely around the hall, imitating the flight of birds,

jump in


jump off,

landing on toes, bent legs. Teaching children to act

on signal.

Game progress:

At one end of the hall are children - they are birds. At the other end

hall - grants that you can climb - these are trees.

At the signal of the teacher: "The birds are flying away!" - children waving their hands like

scatter with their wings throughout the hall, at the next signal: "Storm!" -

children run to the heights and hide there.


will pronounce:

stop silt with b! "

let me go



(birds continue their flight). During



provides insurance for children.

Option 2:

When approaching the shells, spread the trees

children must jump over obstacles.

"Zhmurki" (V.I.)


teach children to run scattered around the playground,

move blindfolded while listening to warning

signals. Develop the ability to quickly move around the hall,

agility, speed of action.

Game progress:

Is selected

the middle

rooms, he is blindfolded, turned several times











Option 2:

If the game takes place on the street, then a border is drawn, beyond

which the players are not allowed to run. Overstepped,



burnt out

replace Zhmurka.

"Do not step" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to jump over the stick sideways to the right,


left, attention, dexterity. Strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Game progress:


40cm long, and stand from them to the right. At the expense of the teacher and

the rest of the children jump, shifting their legs to the right and left of

stepped on a stick, leaves the game.

Complication: jump alternately

each foot forward, backward.

"Flight of Birds" (S.I.)



jumping off it, not missing the reiki. Run

scattered, without bumping into each other.





the ability to act on a signal.

Game progress:

Option 1:

going to





the teacher "flew", the birds scatter around the site, straightening

wings. At the signal "storm", the birds fly to the trees - climb on

the wall. When the teacher says - the storm has passed, the birds are calm




Option 2:

Birds can fly using different


use benches, cubes.

"Build a line, circle,

column "(S.I.)




directions without bumping, is built in a column, a line

on signal. To consolidate the ability to form a line, column,

finding your place to keep the alignment. Develop attention.

Game progress: children walk freely in different directions on





line up

in advance, where you can stand in a column or

line. It is advisable to build a circle around some


To build


place, keep the alignment in the column, line.

Option 2:




the command that builds faster and better

on signal.

"Catching monkeys" (S.I.)




going up and down, without skipping the rails, run scatteringly, without bumping

Each other. Develop the ability to act on a signal, imitate actions

catchers, coordination of movements, speed of action, dexterity.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two groups - monkeys and catchers

monkeys. Children - monkeys are housed on one side of the playground,

where there are climbing aids, on the opposite side of the site

there are catchers. Monkeys imitate everything they see. Taking advantage of


agree on which movements will be shown and show them on

the middle of the site. As soon as the catchers come out to the middle of the area,

monkeys climb the stairs and watch the movements of the catchers.

Having made movements, the catchers hide, and the monkeys

dismount and approach the place where they were



"Catchers" - monkeys run to the trees and climb on

them. The catchers catch those who did not manage to climb the tree. And taken away to

yourself. After 2-3 repetitions, the children switch roles.

Complications: Catchers must come up with complex movements: twine,

bridge, etc.

"Take it quickly" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to walk, run in a circle, act on

signal, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

Children form a circle and, at the signal of the teacher, perform



the next signal "Take it quickly!"


object and raise it above your head.

Anyone who did not manage to pick up the object is considered a loser.

The game repeats itself.

Option 2:

Children perform dance moves, different types of running and

walk. There may be 3-4 less items.

"Pass silently" (S.I.)




silently, do not stand still. Develop the ability to move easily,

on toes.

Game progress:

Several children are blindfolded. They become pairs each other




try to pass through the gate one by one silently, carefully

crouching or crawling. At the slightest rustle, standing at the gate

raise their hands to detain a passing person. The winner is the one who

managed to get through the gate safely.

You cannot stand without movement, go through the gate. If standing in

the gates will catch the players, they immediately put their hands down.

Complication: Walk through the gate with your back forward.

"Lineer" (S.I.)

Purpose of the game: foster self-organization.


games: To build

the order in the line does not matter

Game progress:

Players line up in 2 - 3 lines around the perimeter of the site. By

team diverge or scatter in different directions,

and on a sound signal, they line up on

its place. The team is marked that is faster and smoother

lined up.

"The guys have a strict order" (S.I.)

Purpose of the game: learn to find your place in the game, educate

self-organization and attention.

Game progress:

Players line up in 3 - 4 circles in different parts of the site, take on

arms. On command, they scatter across the site and say:

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places.

Well, trumpet more fun:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

the last

are built in circles.



who I am

built correctly and faster than anyone

Rules of the game. Children need to get up in

the same circles in which they stood at the beginning

"Figure walking"



teach children to do different things according to the assignment

types of walking: snake, snail, chain, holding hands. Develop

ability to navigate the site, attention.

games: on



children join hands and, turning to the left, follow

concentric circles one in the other. Distance between rings

the spiral should be at least 1 m.


children walk in a column from one side of the playground to



"Needle and thread"

children hold hands, forming a chain.





passes under the gate, a child who raised his hands for


flips over

continues to go in a chain.

Forbidden traffic "(M.I.)




m o t o r n u y



Game progress... Players line up in a circle, with a teacher in the center.

He performs various movements, indicating which one -









movement is out of the game. Forbidden traffic

should be changed after 4 - 5 repetitions.

"Who has the ball?" (M.I.)



bring up


quick wits.

Game progress... Players line up in a circle, close to each other.

friend, hands behind his back. In the center - the driver with closed

eyes. Players pass the ball in a circle

behind the back. At the signal, the driver opens his eyes and

tries to guess who has the ball. If he guessed right, then

stands in a circle, and the one who had the ball,

becomes the driving one. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Rules of the game. The player who drops the ball during the pass

temporarily out of the game

"The ball to a neighbor" (M.I.)






under construction



standing on opposite sides of the circle, - along


one direction, as quickly as possible, trying

so that one ball overtakes the other. The player is losing

which will be 2 balls.



hand over


do not miss anyone.

"Catcher with the ball" (V.I.)


teach children to scatter in the hall, form a circle,

throw the ball at a moving target - a child. Develop skill


bumping into

Cultivate endurance.

Game progress:



stands in the center of the circle. This is the driver. At the feet


calls or performs a series of movements. Children repeat. Suddenly

the teacher says "Run out of the circle!" and the children run to different

sides. The driver picks up the balls and tries on the spot

to get into the running away children. Then, at the signal "One, two, three in a circle

run quickly. ”The children form a circle again. A new driver is selected.

Option 2:

after a few seconds of play, the teacher says: “

Stop!" and children should freeze in their places. The driver aims at

the one who stands close and throws the ball.

"Day and Night" (S.I.)

Purpose of the game: to teach children the ability

throw and catch the ball.

Game progress:

Each of the children has a ball in their hands. By


familiar movements with the ball (throws up, down, against the wall, in

ring, hitting the ball in place, in motion, etc.). By

team "Night!" - freeze in the position in which she found

The game is played for 3 - 4 minutes.




will follow

The Day! team.

Whoever moves is out of the game.

"Stop" (V.I.)


teach children to throw the ball against the wall so that it touches the wall,



tarnish the players. Develop an eye, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress:

Children stand in front of the wall at a distance of 4-5 steps. The driver throws a ball at the wall

so that he touched the wall, bounced off it. Throwing the ball, the driver calls

whom he assigns to catch him. The latter quickly catches the ball on the fly, or

picks up from the floor. If he catches the ball, he immediately throws it against the wall and

calls a new catcher if he lifts from the ground

then, taking it, shouts "Stop!" and when everyone stops

stains, not leaving the place of the nearest child. The one in

in turn, takes the ball quickly, shouts "Stop" and

stains another and so on until the first miss. After

miss all go back to the wall, but the right to throw and



missed child.

When catching the ball, everyone scatters, but as soon as the ball

will be caught and an exclamation will be heard - stop, everyone must



dodge, sit down, bend over, jump, but you cannot leave the place.

"Pass" (S.I.)


teach children to pass the ball to each other by rolling




Game progress:

Standing opposite, the children pass the ball to each other by rolling it

on the ground with a kick.

Option 2:

passed to the person standing opposite or to the neighbor

Option 3:

hand over

chips distance 30cm.

"Onlooker" (S.I.)


: teach children to catch a ball thrown up with two hands,

without clutching to the chest, throw up, calling the name of the child. Develop

ability to act quickly. Strengthen hand motor skills.

Game progress:

Children walk or run around the playground. The teacher holds in his hands

big ball. He calls out the name of one of the children and throws the ball up.

The named must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name


catch, and in the direction of whoever was named.

Option 2

Children stand in a circle, one child tosses a ball

up and calls the name of the one who should catch him all

The one who catches the ball shouts - stop! Everyone stops. A

the one who caught the ball throws the ball from the spot at the one who

stands closer, if he hits, he becomes a driver, if he does not hit, he

throws the ball up.

"Hot Potato" (S.I.)

Purpose of the game: to secure the pass of the ball in a circle.

Game progress:

Players line up in a circle , one of the players is holding the ball.

To the music or the sound of a tambourine, children pass the ball in a circle

each other. As soon as the music stopped


ended up

out of the game. The game continues until those

until 2 winning players remain.

Rules of the game:

When passing the ball, do not throw, dropped the ball,

drop out of the game.

"Throw over the bar" (S.P.)


teach children to hit the ball, with a foot from below, trying

throw the ball over a bar 20-30 cm high, then 50-60




Bring up

sports games.

Game progress:

Knocking out



throw the ball over the bar,


land 20cm, 60cm, 100cm.

Option 2:


bar and did not roll out of the opposite line.

"Hunters and Beasts" (V.I.)


teach children to throw a small ball, trying to hit





beasts. Develop dexterity, eye.

Game progress:

Children form a circle holding hands. Calculated for the first

the second is divided into hunters and animals. The hunters stay on

their places in the circle, and the animals come out in the middle of the circle.


throw over


get them at the feet of the fleeing and dodging animals. That,


shot down

circle. Then the players switch roles.

Option 2:

there can be 3-4 hunters, they are on the same side of the site,

to another house of animals - a forest. At a signal, the animals run away into the forest, and

the hunters shoot them from the spot. Or they may run after the beasts, but not

run into the forest.

"The Magic Skipping Rope" (S.I.)


teach children to jump rope as many times as in a word

syllables. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables. Develop attention,

coordination of movements

Game progress:


jump ropes.





the columns in front should say how many parts are in the named

word, and perform as many forward jumps as there are syllables in the word.

The teacher and children note the correctness of the actions performed.



goes over

side of the site, who made a mistake, he stands at the end

Option 2:

Children jump rope until

Run with skipping ropes together. Who quickly

will run to the line and will not touch the rope.

"Change the subject" (V.I.)


run across

the opposite


subject and betray to your friend. Develop the ability to act




Bring up





Game progress:

On one side of the court behind

the players become a line, forming 4-5 columns.

On the opposite side of the site, opposite each column

circles with a diameter of 60-80cm are outlined. every first in the column holds

holding a sandbag, cube or other object. To the center of everyone


circles, put an object and take another, then return running

into place and raise the brought object above their head. That,



Come running

passing objects to those standing behind them, while they themselves run to the end of the column.

When everyone completes the task, the column is marked with the highest

number of wins.


: run after the subject with a snake between the pins, do not

dropping the pins.

"Whose column is likely to be built?" (S.I.)


teach children to move around the playground in different directions,

upon a signal, it is built in three columns in accordance with the objects

in the hands. Develop attention, the ability to act on

signal, orientation in space.

Game progress:

Children are divided into three groups with the same number of players.

Each subgroup chooses a specific item, such as a pine cone.

or a pebble, etc. All children in the same group have the same



subgroups - stump, bush, plank, which are indicated by the same



under construction

the corresponding item in the column.

Option 2:

The teacher gives the signal: "Stop!" Children

stop, close their eyes, and the teacher at this

time changes the place of objects, then gives a signal

"To the place!" Children open their eyes, run to their own

objects and are built.

"Change of Places" (V.I.)


teach children to run across from one side of the playground to

in another line without bumping into each other. Develop skill

under construction


in agreement,

Strengthen the side canter, running with straight legs.

Game progress:

Two teams of 8-10 people line up in ranks facing each other

a friend on opposite sides of the site behind the city lines



outstretched arms. At the signal, they run towards each other to


turn up

the opposite



are built in a row. The team that made

it's faster.

Option 2:

Run across at a side gallop, with straight legs.

"Collect the flags" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to throw from one side of the site to

the other, trying to quickly raise the flag, hold the flags tight,

trying not to drop. To develop in children agility, speed of movement,

coordination, attention.

Game progress:

On the field, on the site, flags are placed every 8-10m. In the first

playing, in the second row 2 more less. So

Thus, if 10 children are playing, then the flags should

be in each row 8, 6, 4, 2, 1. at a signal, children


take over

first row. Two who did not have time to do it,

drop out of the game. After the second stage, it remains


the strongest.


the last

checkbox becomes the winner.


get there



forward on two legs.

"Be attentive" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to quickly run after objects by listening

command, which of the items to bring. Develop

attention, dexterity, speed of movement.

Game progress:

There are 5-6 players on one side of the court,



three objects lie opposite each (a cube,

rattle, flag) to the signal "Run!" children




the middle


For example

take the named object and run with it to the starting line,

the winner is the one who first brought the item, if the wrong one is taken

item, you need to return and replace it.

Option 2:

Children should be told immediately which item to bring. Come running

pick up the object and lift it up.

"Penguins with a ball" (IN AND.)


teach children to jump to a visual reference point on


lose the ball, land on both feet. Develop dexterity,

speed of movement, coordination.

Game progress

Children stand in 4-5 links.

Opposite each link in the distance

5m reference point - stump chip. First in

links get on the ball. Clutching them

between the knees, jump to the object, take me, and, after running

landmark, each return to their link and pass the ball


Jump without losing the ball, the loser must re-clamp

kick the ball and start jumping from where you lost

Option 2:

Jump with the ball to the landmark and

back, play as a team.

"Running in a sack" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to jump


l about in to with t,

speed, endurance.

Game progress:

Two - three children put on spacious bags on their feet and



the distance is faster and he wins.

Complication: the bag contains 2 children.

"Who is the most accurate" (V.I.)


vertical target from above from behind the head, trying to hit

her. Develop an eye, hand motor skills.

Game progress:

Children are divided into 4-5 links. On one side of the room

a line is drawn, and at a distance of 3 meters from it a 4-

5 identical targets. Children one by one from each link

come out on the line and drop the pouch trying to hit

purpose. At the end, the number of points in each

Option 2:



can be made from hanging hoops.

"Knock down a pin" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to roll the ball, trying to knock down


betraying other children. Develop an eye, strength, accuracy

Game progress: 3-4 circles are drawn on one side of the hall, in them




the lines stand opposite the pins, take on

ball and roll, trying to knock down the pin. Then

run, put pins, take balls and bring

their next children.

Option 2:

push off with your foot.

"Fast and accurate" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to throw bags in



race. Develop an eye, accuracy of a throw, dexterity.

Game progress:

2-4 children run a race, each in their hands

two sandbags. Reaching the line that



have to stop and throw the bags in circles

diameter - 1m, drawn 3 meters from the line

finish line. Then the children must quickly return to



bags and quickly returned to their place.

Option 2:

Children run to the finish line, running around the pins.

"Bear Cubs" (V.I.)

Target: teach children to walk on high all fours,

race. Develop the muscles of the back, legs, dexterity.

Game progress:

Children stand on the start line in pairs at the signal children crawl on

high all fours to the finish line.


on all fours



over the lawn with climbing over

"Don't drop the ball" (S.I.)

Target: teach children to walk, holding a spoon with a ball in their hands.


motor skills





Game progress:

Children take turns - or at the same time 2-3 children, carry in

spoons balls, trying not to drop to convey to the landmark-8-


put the ball in a spoon and continue moving from that

places where the ball fell.

Complication: carry a ball,


p r e p i t s t in and e:

stepping over


"Troika" (S.I.)

Target: teach children to walk around the playground in threes, helping







Develop an eye, spatial orientation, attention.

Game progress:

Children stand up in threes, holding hands. Between threes

distance not less than 1 meter. In each

the middle child stands face on

direction of movement, the other two with

to the right and to the left of him stand

back. At the signal, the triplets move

on the site, at the signal "Stop" they stop, change

in places in threes.

Complication: arrange a competition, whose top three

will come to the finish line.

"Relay in walking" (V.I.)


teach children to perform a variety of movements: walking on








endurance, speed of movement.

Game progress:








(crawl up,

crawl through, step over, etc.). the child who came wins

to the finish line first and correctly completing all the tasks.

Option 2:

Walk along a winding path (w-20cm, d-6 -10m); crawl under



step over



"Obstacle course" (V.I.)


teach children to cross the lane






children coordination of movements, agility, quickness, skill

pass the baton.

Game progress:







For example:

crawl up







jump over two lines, crawl along the bench,

run with a small ball (or sandbag) 6-7 m

and throw it at the target. Evaluated

speed and accuracy

completing the assignment.

In games, endurance is manifested not in static, but in dynamic conditions, when robots alternate between moments of tension and relaxation. These exercises, especially of a cyclical nature, can cause fatigue and decreased performance. Therefore, such exercises should be given in the second half of the lesson.

"Fishermen and Fish".

Preparation: the players are positioned in a circle. In the center is a driver with a skipping rope.

Game description: the driver rotates the rope under the feet of the players, everyone jumps, trying not to touch it. And whoever touches the rope takes the place of the “fisherman” himself.

2. "Who is faster."

Preparation: Players split into two teams and stand along the endline.

Game description: there is a ball in the middle of the court; the leader calls the number of the players, they rush to the ball, in order to quickly take possession of the ball.

3. "Interception of the ball".

Preparation: draw three circles. There are three participants in each circle.

Game description: within the circle, two players throw the ball to each other. The third tries to intercept him.

4. "Tigrobol".

Preparation: the players form an 8m circle, with several "tigers" in the middle of the circle.

Game description: the trainees play the ball among themselves, the "tigers" try to touch the ball. Whoever allowed the "tiger" to touch the ball takes his place.

5. "Knockers".

Preparation: the players are divided into two teams. One team is located on one half of the site, and the other on the other.

Game description: each team tries to knock out the players of the other team with the ball, playing the ball among themselves.

6. "Rugby".

Preparation: on the site, two teams of 5 people, 6th at the gate.

Game description: the ball is placed in the center. Both teams try to catch the ball from their goal line. Each team tries to get the ball over the opponent's goal line.

7. "Football on the back"

Preparation: the players are in a supine position, support with their hands behind and break the ball with their feet. Teams try to score the ball into the opponent's goal.

8. "Horse Racing".

Preparation: the players are divided into "riders" and "horses".

Game description: couples line up along the endline, the "rider" sits astride the "horse".

Task. Reach the opposite endline faster.

9. "Manage to catch up"

Preparation: 16 players on the treadmill. They are 25 meters apart.

Game description: a signal starts running. It is necessary to catch up with the running player in front, but also not to allow the runner to catch up with you from behind.

Agility Games

Agility is a complex, complex quality that does not have a single criterion for assessing. Agility is understood as:

the ability to quickly master new movements;

the ability to master complex movements in coordination;

3) the ability to quickly find a way out of a motor situation.

This quality is manifested in the ability to quickly rebuild.

according to the changing environment. Agility helps in the mastery of sports technique and its improvement. A variety of exercises are used to develop dexterity.

"Sharp Eye".

During walking or running, according to a visual signal, the trainees perform a predetermined action. For example: a raised hand means that children should jump forward and assume a conditioned stance.

"Falling stick".

Preparation: trainees stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver, who holds the stick by the upper end, which is in an upright position.

Description of the game: the driver calls the number of one of the players and releases the stick, the player must lunge forward and grab the stick without letting it fall.

3. "Ball over rope".

Preparation: through the middle of the field at the height of the raised hand, a net or rope is pulled. There is one team on each half of the site.

Game description: each team tries to throw the ball over the net onto the opponent's field so that it touches the ground and at the same time prevent this from happening on its own field.

4. "Passing by volleyball players".

Description of the game: the trainees stand in a circle and hit the ball upward to each other using the method of top transfer. The player who allowed the ball to fall receives a penalty point. The winner is the one who made the fewest mistakes.

5. "Only from the bottom."

Game description: An ordinary volleyball game, but the ball can only be passed from below with two or one hands. Otherwise, the ball is passed to the opposite side and the team scores a point.

6. "Bombardiers".

Preparation: participants stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other.

Game description: the person who made a mistake when receiving the ball or who sent the ball sits in the center of the circle inaccurately. The rest, from time to time with an attacking blow, send the ball to the sitting ones. If you hit a player, he leaves the circle and continues the game. The bombardment lasts until one of the seated people catches the ball in his hands, then everyone stands up, and the player who punched in his hands sits in a circle.

7. "On a ground target."

Preparation: two circles are drawn on the volleyball court.

Game description: the players take turns running up and throwing the ball into the circle with both hands. For a successful hit, the team receives a point.

8. "Precise serve".

Preparation: squares are drawn on the volleyball field.

Description of the game: players perform any serve, having previously named the number of the square they want to get into. The player hitting the square gets a point.

9. "Change of circles".

Preparation: circles are drawn on the site. One team is in circles, the other in between.

Game description: the team outside the circle tries to take the ball away from the players in the circle, who throw the ball between themselves without leaving the circle.

Flexibility Games

Flexibility is the ability to perform large-amplitude movements. Flexibility depends on the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Flexibility is manifested in all techniques. Therefore, the high elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments contributes to good play.

The main means of developing flexibility are exercises with small weights, with a partner, and exercises similar in structure to the exercises of a volleyball player performing a technique.

1. "Who will transmit faster."

Preparation: two teams line up in a column. The distance between the players in the team is 1 m.

Description of the game: upon a signal, both teams begin to pass the ball, using the overhead pass of the ball, to a standing partner behind. Who will pass the ball faster.

2. "Who is faster."

Preparation: two teams are built. Each medicine ball, the distance between partners is 1m.

Game description: the players pass the ball to each other by turning their bodies to the right, reaching the outermost player, the ball is passed in the opposite direction by turning to the left.

3. "Bench over your head."

Game description: on command, the players lean to the right and take the bench, passing it over their heads to the other side, then move to another place so that the bench is on the left, and perform the exercise again to the conditional line. The game is timed.

4. "The bridge and the cat".

Preparation: two teams are built. Each team is calculated for the first-second. Two circles are drawn in front of each team.

Game description: upon a signal, the first couples from each team start the relay. Once in the first circle, one of the players makes a "bridge", and the second crawls under it and runs into another circle, where he takes an emphasis, standing bent over. His partner crawls under him, after which both, holding hands, run back and pass the baton to the next pair.