Methodology for preparing and conducting classes on reading fiction in the first junior group. Creative project "Our Favorite Fairy Tales" for children of the first junior group

Methodology for preparing and conducting classes on reading fiction in the first junior group. Creative project "Our Favorite Fairy Tales" for children of the first junior group


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10" of the city of Aleisk, Altai Territory


"My first tales"

in 1 younger group

Made up:

Educators: Samsonova S.A.

Shanina E. Ya.

2017 Nov.


Project name: "My First Tales" in the 1st junior group

Relevance of the project:

The development of speech is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as a common basis for the upbringing and education of children.

Telling children is a means of teaching coherent speech. And the most fertile soil, which has unlimited developmental and nurturing opportunities, is a fairy tale.

In modern conditions of life in children, there is a decrease in the reader's interest. Children do not perceive works, do not feel the beauty of literary speech. As a result, listening, perception and understanding of the literary text is reduced. Parents do not always understand that a book is a special artistic way of knowing the surrounding reality. Preschoolers have insufficient knowledge of fairy tales.

It is necessary to acquaint children with Russian folk tales, since it is the fairy tales that have firmly entered the children's life of the baby, and in their essence they fully correspond to the nature of a small child, are close to his thinking.

The main goal of the project method is to develop the child's free creative personality.

Objective of the project :

Consolidation and systematization of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Project objectives:

1. To create the necessary conditions for the acquaintance of children with Russian folk tales.

2. To develop the cognitive abilities of the child, curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy.

3. To enrich the vocabulary, the development of grammatical structure, coherent, expressive speech;

4. Lay the foundations of morality, educate moral values.

5. To involve children in the process of knowing good and evil, honesty and justice.

Project participants: children of the 1st junior group MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" in Aleisk, educators, parents.

Project developers: educators Samsonova S.A. Shanina E. Ya.

Duration project: April (1 week) (short term)

Project type: cognitive and speech.

Materials: collections of Russian folk tales, illustrations for fairy tales, methodological literature, different types theater, plasticine, pencils.

Forms of carrying out:cognitive and play activities, games, conversations, joint activities.

Methodological support:

Creating topic folders(visual aids, didactic games);

Creation of thematic exhibitions.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 - Preparatory

Determination of the project theme.

Work and selection of methodological literature

Selection of children's fiction for reading to children.

Selection of plot pictures and illustrations.

Slide folder

Stage 2 - Main

1. Conversation “My favorite fairy tales», « How to cure a book? "

2. Reading RNS "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Chicken Ryaba", "Turnip".

Examining illustrations. Audio listening to fairy tales. Viewing cartoons.

3. Puppet show: fairy tales "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba", "Teremok".

4. Drawing: "Kolobok"

Purpose: Development of the creative abilities of children.

5. Modeling “For grandfather, for grandmother, I bake pancakes"(Plasticine)

Purpose: to remember with children the fairy tales that begin"Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman ...", develop benevolence, respect for elders.

6. Book exhibition decoration" My favorite book " .

7. Promotion "Let's help the books"... Teach children to "heal" books with the help of a teacher. Develop respect for books.

9. Didactic games:"Assemble a fairy tale from parts", "From what fairy tale?".

"Guess the fairy tale"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about fairy tales. Maintain children's interest in Russian folk tales.

Working with parents

Stage 3 - Final

Project presentation"My first tales"... Photo report.

Expected results:

Children received additional knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Development of cognitive activity in children, creativity, communication skills.

The speech of children has become more coherent, expressive;

The children got acquainted with such concepts as good, evil, honesty and justice.

Children can retell short stories or an excerpt from it with the help of a teacher

List of used literature:

1. Internet resources:

2. Reader for reading to children in kindergarten and at home: 1-3 years. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2016 .-- 128 p.

3. Artistic Creativity: Integrated Lessons. First junior group / O.V. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 .-- 142 p.

4. Development of speech in kindergarten V.V. Gerbova. Publishing house Mosaic - Sintez Moscow, 2015.

5. A book for reading in kindergarten and at home. Moscow ONIX - 2011.

Annex 1

Parents questionnaire

Purpose: to understand how familiar the children are with fairy tales, what to focus on in their work.

1. How often do you read (tell) fairy tales to your child?

2. What fairy tales does your child prefer?


4. Does your kid have a favorite fairy tale? If so, which one?


5. Does your child play the fairy tales he listened to?


6. Does the child tell a fairy tale together with you or his dolls (toys)?


7. Does the child have self-study books?


8. Looking at the illustrations for fairy tales, does the child ask you questions?


9. Will your child recognize a fairy tale from an illustration?


10. Do you have any kind of children's theater at home (desktop finger, puppet, etc.)?


11. Do you ever come up with fairy tales for your child?


Educational tasks.

Protect the health of children, take care of the further development and hardening of the body, balanced active behavior and a positive emotional state.

Expand orientation in the environment, form ideas and primary concepts about objects, qualities and phenomena. Continue the development of speech and visual-action thinking.

Improve movement. To develop the play activity of children. Expand and strengthen their positive relationships with each other and with adults. To educate the behavior of children in a team.

Improve elementary self-service skills, educate cultural and hygienic skills, involve children in elementary labor activities.

To cultivate interest and love for music, singing, poetry, stories.

Characteristics of children of the third year of life.

With proper upbringing during the third year of life, significant changes occur in the development and behavior of the child. Slightly slower in comparison with previous years, but still an intensive increase in weight continues (on average, a child gains 2.8 kg in weight per year) and an increase in height (by 7-8 cm).

Ossification of the skeleton continues and the development of the functions of all organs, but due to their relative imperfection, the child is still very vulnerable. The limit of the working capacity of the nervous system increases: the child can stay awake continuously for 6-6.5 hours, the required amount of daily sleep decreases to 11.5-12.5 hours (of which 2-2.5 hours during the day); can do the same thing for up to 15-25 minutes.

The child develops the ability to restrain, inhibit his desires and actions, but he is not yet capable of long waiting, cannot maintain the same posture for a long time, quickly gets tired of monotonous movements, is easily aroused.

As a result of the improvement in the quality of movements and the development of the ability to control them, the child becomes more dexterous and independent in eating, dressing, playing, and exercising.

The child's speech develops rapidly, which significantly changes his behavior. The content of speech is enriched. The dictionary is expanding. The child begins to use, although not always correctly, all parts of speech, to use common and complex sentences.

By the age of three, children pronounce all sounds, with the exception of "p" and hissing sounds, correctly, although in some combinations some sounds are replaced by others. Speech becomes the main means of communication not only with adults, but also with other children. The child begins to establish a causal dependence of frequently recurring phenomena, makes primitive comparisons, inferences, generalizations of a visual-effective nature.

In games, children more independently reproduce the actions of the people around them. Joint games arise. By the end of the third year of life, the initial forms of role-playing appear. It becomes possible to teach children new types of activity: manipulating a pencil turns into attempts at visual activity, playing with cubes gradually turns into construction.

In the second half of the third year of life, a child sometimes, before acting, defines in advance the content of his actions in words. "I will draw a plane"; more and more often acts on the basis of past experience, fixed in the form of ideas, concepts.

Children are keenly interested in everything that happens around them. They monitor the labor actions of adults, natural phenomena, animals. At the same time, children are not content with only one perception of the environment, but demand an explanation, ask questions: "Why?", "Why?", "When?", "Where?" They begin to compare objects, phenomena, although their impressions are still superficial, fragmentary and unstable.

Children love to look at pictures, while they talk a lot, ask. They listen with interest and attention to what adults tell them.

Despite the significantly greater independence in games, children, left to themselves for a long time, even in the third year cannot find something to do, as a result of which they become lethargic or, conversely, too excited.

In the process of activity and communication with adults, the child accumulates more and more knowledge and ideas about the immediate environment, his experience expands. He orients himself in a group room, at home and city d. On the basis of experience and under the influence of educational influences of adults, the child's ability to comply with elementary rules of behavior is improved; his relationship with adults and children becomes more complicated.

Children help each other, show interest in the activities of their comrades. The child's experiences become more varied, and they arise for various reasons. A child experiences many positive emotions when perceiving the environment, when communicating with adults, in connection with the results of his activities. Music, singing, artistic words evoke an ever greater emotional response in him.


In the group, one general mode is established, but games-activities, going for a walk, going to bed are carried out in subgroups.

The regime is drawn up around the clock. Children should receive their first morning breakfast no later than 1-1.5 hours after waking up.

A third-year-old child eats much faster than a second-year-old child and spends less time on washing, dressing and other processes. As a result, more and more time is filled with games and activities.

Children 2-3 years old, even dressed in warm clothes and shoes, can move around the street rather freely. This allows you to lengthen the walking time up to 1.5 hours.

In the cold season, children walk twice a day. With the onset of warm days, some of the classes are transferred from the premises to the site.

With daily dousing in kindergarten, children at home are given a hygienic bath once a week, before going to bed at night. If the douche is not done, then the children are bathed twice a week. For healthy children, splashing is recommended throughout the year.

During the summer months, children are put to bed 30-40 minutes later in the evening than in winter. The daytime sleep is lengthened accordingly. The game and all activities are organized on the site. If there is an area on the site that is protected from the sun, dust and noise, then sleep and food are also organized in the air. With the onset of hot days, dousing is carried out on the site before lunch, and before bedtime, children wash and wash their feet.

Food, sleep, toilet and walks must be organized in such a way as to provide children with a good appetite, fast and calm falling asleep, deep and sufficient sleep, and hygienic care. All this contributes to the active behavior and vigorous mood of the kids.

It is necessary to monitor the correct posture of children at the table.

In the third year, dressing, washing, feeding should be used as widely as possible for the development of speech, movements, orientation in the environment and the formation of organized behavior.

Through constant exercises, one should consolidate the skills acquired earlier and develop a greater independence of the child.

In the third year of life, the child should have the following skills and abilities: wash hands before eating, eat carefully, act mainly with the right hand; by the age of three - hold the spoon correctly; use a napkin; get it out before eating, and remove it after eating; do not leave the table without finishing your meal; do not interfere with other children while eating; say "save-bo" after eating; wash your face and hands yourself and dry them; take off and put on some items of clothing and shoes on their own, unbutton and button the front buttons, untie the laces of the boots; know the procedure for undressing and dressing, carefully folding the removed clothes.

Children should be taught to use only individual care items: their own handkerchief, towel, pot; wipe your nose yourself, notice dirty hands, disorder in clothes (a lowered stocking, a torn off button, etc.).

Children should be involved in various assignments, for example: helping the teacher bring toys to the playground, bring and remove material for classes. A child after 2.5 years of age may also have simple responsibilities, consisting of a series of sequential actions, for example: helping the nanny put chairs to the tables before eating, bring plates of bread. Self-service and the fulfillment of assignments are the initial forms of labor education.

The teacher should name the objects and actions that the child encounters, explain them, determine the properties, purpose of objects.

Services for children should be organized so that they do not have to wait for each other. After washing his hands, the child begins to eat without waiting for the others to sit down at the table; leaves the table as soon as he eats. Children dress and go out for a walk not all at once: part of the group begins to dress while others continue to play.

Dressed children go out with the teacher to the playground, not waiting for the nanny to dress the rest. Children should be dressed warmly but lightly so that their clothing does not hinder their movements. Children should be outdoors as long as possible. At the site, conditions are created for enriching children with a variety of different experiences and for various games.

On the playground, low benches or de-vans are needed on which children can sit and relax.

In the summer, it is necessary to have aids and toys on the site for the development of various movements (hexagon, gymnastic ladder, hoops, balls, etc.), natural material (sand, water) and aids for games and board exercises. In winter, children need paddles, sleds for skiing down the mountains, sleds for dolls, etc.

The teacher on a walk provides a change in movements and games, a change in different types of activities for children.

In everyday communication with children, the teacher expands their horizons and orientation in the environment, contributes to their sensory development, the development of movements and speech. She draws the attention of children to what is happening around, talks with children on various occasions: about, for example, where the child went with his mother yesterday, who gave him a horse, where is Tanya, why she is not in the group, etc .; draws their attention to what is beautiful in nature, in surrounding objects, in sounds.

The caregiver should support the children's desire to speak. She transforms the child's verbal appeal, if possible, into a dialogue, gives verbal instructions, in every possible way encourages the child's communication with adults and children. She fosters courage and perseverance in children, encourages them to show efforts to achieve their goal, encourages successful attempts to act, providing assistance in difficulties that children themselves cannot overcome.

It is necessary to form positive social feelings in children, to teach them to observe the simplest rules of behavior in a team.

The child should willingly fulfill the teacher's suggestions - go to eat, wash his hands; observe the order established in the bedroom: talk quietly, lie quietly in bed, do not disturb others.

He must greet, say goodbye, verbally express his desires calmly, without shouting.

The teacher, by her example and direct instructions, teaches children to talk affectionately with each other, encourages them to help each other (button up a button, move a plate of bread to a neighbor), to help the younger ones.

You should communicate with each of the children as often as possible, not only for their development and the formation of correct behavior, but also in order to please them, amuse them, sing a song to them, tell a joke poem, a joke, and caress them.


Play occupies a large place in the lives of children of the third year. Along with story games, they have many more games without a specific plot; children roll balls, put spinning tops; they not only sort through small toys, but also arrange them according to color, size, shape; children play a lot, run, climb.

Children in their third year of life can continuously play or do something for 15-25 minutes. Children's play becomes longer and more focused. Although individual play still occupies a large place, children are already starting to play together and three, as they can to some extent coordinate their actions with others.

Educational tasks.

Provide cheerful mood, active behavior of children, improve movement and speech; cause joy and a sense of satisfaction; foster positive relationships between children; diversify and complicate the game; a child of the third year of life should be taught to tell what, with whom he will play, how he uses toys, etc .; clarify ideas, develop attention, thinking, memory; cause frequent verbal communication of children with adults and with each other; foster a respectful attitude towards toys and aids.

Organization of the game.

All free time should be given to children for active independent activity. To this end, it is necessary to provide children with a variety of toys and aids.

The teacher, during a walk and indoors, should draw the attention of children to the actions of the surrounding adults and older children, to the life of animals; she herself must act in front of the children - draw, build, repair toys, etc., show scenes, tell stories, show images of various actions in pictures, etc.

Children in the third year are already more independent in the game, but nevertheless their games are monotonous, primitive, if the teacher does not direct them. He suggests new games, recalls and reproduces any action previously seen by the child, with his question directs children to complicate the started game, encourages and teaches them to play together, he himself participates in the children's play.

While providing children with the choice of play, the educator should at the same time contribute to the diversity and change in the activities of children in play by adding or removing any toys or personal instructions; switches children from one movement to another, alternates between mobile and calm activities.

In the morning, the teacher is busy receiving children. She removes in advance complex manuals (folding pictures, mosaics, etc.), the game with which requires her constant supervision. Large cars should not be given at this time either. In the morning, the children, having come to the group room, play well with the toys they have already mastered: they build from blocks, carry dolls in carts, examine pictures, etc.

In the period from breakfast to class, the teacher should not stimulate those games that coincide with the nature of the upcoming class.

Immediately before bedtime, children should be involved in various types of quiet games.

Leadership of children's games should in no way suppress their initiatives: it consists in lively, emotional communication, taking into account the development of children, their interests and individual characteristics.

To maintain a cheerful, cheerful mood in children, as well as to develop positive emotions, the teacher organizes entertainment games - games of hide and seek, catch-up, shows funny funny toys, shadow theater, filmstrips. Familiar outdoor games and dances, funny puppet theater performances give children a lot of pleasure. These games cultivate positive emotions. The teacher's words, movements should captivate, delight children.

Types of games

Narrative games. In plot games, children begin to display not only individual actions they often see (going to bed, feeding, changing clothes, etc.), but also phenomena of life around them, for example, the work of a chauffeur, a hairdresser, and much more. More and more details appear in the game, for example: before feeding the doll, they wash their hands; when they feed, they tie up a napkin, etc.

By the end of the third year of life, a role-playing game appears, in which children begin to fulfill a certain role. They do not just lay or feed the doll, but portray a mother, doctors, saying in advance what role they are taking on: "I will be a doctor" or "I am a mother, and this is my daughter." Roles are still unstable, and children often change roles. For the development of role play, it is desirable that older children participate in it.

Outdoor games.

Children of the third year of life, much faster than children under two years of age, master the content of the game, become more confident in movements, and need less direct help from an adult. They can play birds and bunnies in games.

The subject of games and their content are gradually expanding, the conditions and rules of the game are becoming more complicated. For example, children, with the help of an adult, form a common circle, perform one or another role at the instructions of the teacher, turn away when their friend is hiding.

In games, more complex types of coordination of actions are given, for example: dance in pairs, holding hands, turn and run in the opposite direction.

The outdoor game is repeated 2-3 times in a row.

An approximate list of outdoor games.

"Little White Bunny Sits", "Catch the Ball", "Catch Me", "Crested Hen", "Ball" and others.

In outdoor games, a change in movements is needed, a transition from calmer to more lively movements, an alternation of moments that require tension and rest. But children of this age should not be required to move quickly from one movement to another.

Didactic games.

With children of the third year of life, it is necessary to conduct games that contribute to the distinction and naming of colors (red, blue, green, yellow); contrasting sizes (large, small); forms (ball, cube, brick); the formation of primary numerical representations (many, few, one, two); development of visual and auditory perception, attention, fine motor skills; the development of imitation.

These tasks are carried out in the following didactic games:

Games with demountable toys (nesting dolls, barrels, balls, turrets with rings of the same color and rings of different colors).

Games with split pictures from 4-6 parts (from 2.5 years old).

Games: "Ku-ka-re-ku" (author V. Fedyaevskaya), "Paired pictures", "Big and small", "Do it," you need it "," Pictures with verses "(author N. Eiges) and others, in which the child is given the task of comparing, picking up pictures for a specific purpose (for example, for the animals of their babies); according to this or that poem, find the objects about which they speak, etc.

Games for the development of hearing and orientation in the environment: "Let's listen and name what you hear", "Tell me what sounds?" (bell, drum, pipe), "Find out who's talking?", "What am I doing?"

As children master didactic games under the guidance of a teacher, they begin to use them independently. The teacher makes sure that didactic aids are used as intended.

Outdoor and didactic games are held both at the time specially allocated for classes and at the hours set aside for the independent activities of children.


In the third year of life, the child's independent activity increases in comparison with the previous age, but still the child cannot occupy himself for a long time. Therefore, in each segment of wakefulness, one lesson and one organized game is carried out. In the cold season, one of them is indoors, the other is on the site; in the summer, classes are transferred to the site.

Classes on the development of speech, with new material that requires explanations and help from an adult (cut pictures, a new designer, etc.), gymnastics are conducted with a small number of children (6-10).

The group is not divided into subgroups for music lessons, lessons with building materials, for watching a puppet theater or filmstrip, or staging.

In the second half of the third year, when the children have already mastered the necessary movements and learned the rules for using a pencil, clay, drawing and modeling are also carried out with all children at the same time.

Classes with new material should be repeated more often so that children's skills become sustainable.

The duration of different types of activities and games ranges from 7 to 20 minutes and depends on the nature of the activities, the development of children. Telling, drawing can last 7-10 minutes, music lessons, modeling, lessons with building materials last 20 minutes.

For classes, you need to select children with more or less the same level of development in each subgroup.

Development of speech, expansion of orientation in the environment


To ensure the further development of understanding of the speech of others, to enrich children with visual images and impressions available to them, to teach them to understand oral speech without visual support, to expand the child's active vocabulary.

Learn to pronounce sounds and words correctly. Learn to speak in sentences, convey your impressions, answer questions.

Develop emotional expressiveness of speech. Continue to develop the ability to listen to a short oral story, a short poem.

To cultivate the ability to independently consider pictures, books, talk about them, carefully handle the book.

For the development of speech and orientation in the environment, the following classes are held:

Organized observations (for example, see how the building is decorated for the holiday, how the snow is removed from the site, how they ski);

Targeted walks, for example: to the playground for older children, to the forest for flowers, etc.;

Didactic games: “Let's see what we have”, “Let's name what we see”, “Who needs what”, logo, etc. (see special section);

Reenactment of simple plots with the help of games (for example, how a naughty kitten burned his paw; like Natasha's bird almost flew away and Mr. p.);

Classes on pictures: examining pictures depicting individual objects and actions, simple plots; examination of several pictures, united by a common plot. For such activities, you can use, for example, the books: "Toys" A. Barto, "My Bear", "Katya in the manger" 3. Alexandrova, etc .;

Screening of filmstrips with the teacher's story; conversations about what the children saw during the walk, what toys are there at home, about the upcoming holiday, what we will do during the walk, etc .;

Telling fairy tales, reading short stories, poems, nursery rhymes, for example: "Ryaba Hen" (folk), "Cat and goat" by V. Zhukovsky, "We lived with a grandmother" (folk), "Sparrows" "Bayu-bai", " Toys "by I. Plakida," Ball "," Bunny "by A. Barto," Holiday "by J. Taits, folk nursery rhymes:" Okay "," Finger-boy "," Pussy-pussy ";

The teacher's stories that they themselves did not see the detail directly, but can understand on the basis of their past experience (for example, how a boy was sledding, fell, bruised his leg);

Using impressions from the environment, various activities of the child and special classes, the teacher should contribute to the accumulation of ideas and elementary concepts in children about the phenomena of inanimate nature (the sun is shining, it is snowing, it is cold today); about animals (cat, dog, horse, cow, etc.); about the plant world (flower, tree, grass, leaf, apple, carrot, strawberry); about some phenomena of public life (today is a holiday: there are a lot of people on the street, red flags, children receive gifts); about the work of adults (the nanny washes the dishes, watering the flowers, the driver drives the car, the doctor treats the children, etc.); about everyday phenomena and the purpose of household items (they sleep on the bed, eat at the table, pour milk into a cup, and soup into a plate).

It is necessary to form in children primary ideas about space (close, far, here, there), about time (morning, evening, then, now, tomorrow, today).

Children must learn to understand the elementary connection of phenomena (it is raining, there are puddles outside; the cup was dropped, it broke).

With proper educational work, the speech of children reaches a significant level of development by the age of three.

The child understands well the meaning of the adult's speech about what surrounds him, what is associated with his experience. You can talk with him about his past impressions, about what he will do, where he will go, etc.

The child easily repeats everything he hears; memorizes short poems and songs. The dictionary reaches 1200-1300 words, it includes all parts of speech, except for participles and participles. The child uses multi-word phrases; in his speech, relative clauses begin to appear (although grammatically the sentences continue to remain incorrect). He speaks a lot with adults and children in different ways, can convey the content of a heard fairy tale or story on questions. His speech is emotional and expressive. Pronunciation is mostly correct, with the exception of the sounds r, l and hissing.

Movement development


Contribute to the further improvement of walking, running, climbing, throwing.

To develop the ability to stop movement on a signal, to switch from one movement to another, to change the pace of movement.

Contribute to the elimination of unnecessary accompanying movements, form more economical and rhythmic movements, and foster correct posture.

The development of the child's movements occurs in everyday life, games (especially mobile ones), during a walk. In addition, in accordance with the doctor's prescription, daily gymnastics is carried out according to certain complexes.

By the age of three, children are able to:

Walk on a straight and inclined limited surface (on a board 15-20 cm wide, raised from the floor by 25-30 cm), step over obstacles (for example, over a stick at a height of 25-30 cm).

Ascend and descend from the stairs, climb and descend from the gymnastic wall 1.5 m high with an attached and alternating step;

Throw the ball at a vertically located target located at the level of the child's eyes at a distance of 100–125 cm, throw and catch a large ball at a distance of 70–100 cm;

Coordinate your movements with other children (for example, walk in pairs, in a circle), act simultaneously with your hand and foot (for example, stamp your foot, clap your hands at the same time);

Change your movements in pace, direction, character, depending on an external signal (for example, switch from fast running to walking);

Restrain, albeit with some tension, your movements, wait for the signal (for example, do not run until they say "one, two, three", stand calmly and do not take the flag from the floor until the last word is uttered).

Drawing, modeling and classes with building materials


Arouse interest in drawing, modeling, design.

Learn to use a pencil (keep it in the fingers of your right hand not too close to the sharpened end, draw straight, rounded and zigzag lines, close the line into a rounded or angular shape), act with clay (tear off pieces, crush, roll), desktop construction material and constructor, consisting of the simplest elements (sticks, wheels, walls and roof of the house).

Encourage the pictorial nature of the drawing, post-construction, sculpting and repetition of the pictorial form found by the child; be able to reproduce elementary buildings by display.

Teach children to understand the figurative drawing or construction of an adult and other children.

To teach to follow certain rules: to draw only on paper or on a blackboard, not to knock with a pencil; use the material carefully, do not wrinkle the paper; sculpt at the table, do not scatter clay; remove the material at the end of the lesson; sit at the table in the correct position.

The teacher, during drawing, modeling or classes with building material, teaches how to hold a pencil, shows how to roll out clay, how to draw, for example, a path, what needs to be done so that the construction does not fall. Sometimes she herself draws, builds, tete various objects that are easy to reproduce, for example: sculpts a carrot, an apple, draws a fence, a ball, builds a house, a garage, inviting children to find out what she has done.

With regular classes throughout the year, children of three years old correctly use a pencil, clay, building material;

They willingly draw, sculpt, build and name their post-swings, drawings by accidental similarities, as well as drawing, construction, modeling by the teacher;

Sometimes they set a goal in advance and draw and mold accordingly, although in the process of action they often deviate from the set goal.

In drawings, buildings and modeling, there is a similarity, albeit distant, with the named objects.

Musical education


Develop the ability to listen to music, memorize and distinguish the features of its sound (loud, quiet; high, low registers); encourage children to sing along; develop the ability to play musical plot games, connect the general character of movements with music; teach children to move together. Children listen to the melodies of familiar songs with an introduction and accompaniment performed on an instrument (myrliton, metallophone, piano), and piano pieces characterizing the images of plot games (Bunny and Bear, Birds and a Car, etc. ); sing along with individual sounds and sing songs that are light in melody and sound composition of words.

In narrative musical games, children play roles, depicting various actions in accordance with the music (for example, birds sleep, flutter, and then fly away).

In exercises and dances, children move from calm movements to faster ones, depending on the contrasting sound of various parts of the music; walk and run in pairs, holding one hand, whirl in pairs, holding both hands, form a circle with the help of an adult, go to the middle of the circle.

Musical works for singing and me and singing: "Bunny", "Sun", Russian folk songs; "Rain", music by Vl. Feret; "Bird", music by T. Popatenko; "Herringbone", music by E. Tilicheeva; "Cat", music by An. Alexandrova; "Cow", music by M. Rauchverger.

Musical pieces for listening: "Horse", "Fungus", music by M. Rauchverger; "Winter", music by V. Karaseva; "The Cat", music by V. Vitlin; "From under the oak", "Oh, you canopy", Russian folk melodies; "Little Polka", music by D. Kabalevsky.

Musical works to accompany the movements of children.

For exercises: "Ladushki", Russian folk melody; "Gopachok", "Stukolka", Ukrainian folk melodies; "March", music by E. Parlov; "March and Run", music by An. Alexandrova; "Dexterous Hands", music by E. Tilicheeva.

For the game: "Bunnies", music by A. Grechaninov; "Honey, after all", music by V. Rebikov; "Festive Walk", music by An. Alexandrova; "Lullaby", "Game", music by V. Vitlin.

For dances: "Oh, on the mountain", "Zainka", Russian folk melodies; "Stukolka", Ukrainian folk melody; "Yurochka", Belarusian folk song; "We Gu-Wee and Dance", music by M. Rauchverger

Music and song should sound not only in the classroom, but also during the independent activities of children.


On the days of national holidays - May 1, November 7, festive parties are organized for children. For the children of this group, they also arrange a Christmas tree holiday and celebrate their transfer to the next group.

Created on 12/01/2014 04:32 PM Updated 02/16/2017 10:19 AM

  • "The Fox and the Bear" (Mordovian);
  • "The War of Mushrooms and Berries" - V. Dahl;
  • "Wild Swans" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Chest-plane" - Kh.K. Andersen;
  • "The Gluttonous Shoe" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Cat on a Bicycle" - S. Cherny;
  • “By the side of the sea, a green oak ...” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse" - P. Ershov;
  • The Sleeping Princess - V. Zhukovsky;
  • “Mister Au” - H. Mäkelä;
  • The Ugly Duckling - H.K. Andersen;
  • “Everyone in their own way” - G. Skrebitsky;
  • "The Frog the Traveler" - V. Garshin;
  • "Deniskin's Stories" - V. Dragunsky;
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich" - V. Odoevsky;
  • "Mistress Blizzard" - Br. Grimm;
  • “The Tale of Lost Time” - E. Schwartz;
  • "Golden Key" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Warranty Men" - E. Uspensky;
  • "Black Hen, or Underground inhabitants" - A. Pogorelsky;
  • "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Baby Elephant" - R. Kipling;
  • "The Scarlet Flower" - K. Aksakov;
  • "Flower - seven-color" - V. Kataev;
  • "The cat who could sing" - L. Petrushevsky.

Senior group (5-6 years old)

  • "Winged, furry and oily" (sample by Karanoukhova);
  • "Princess - Frog" (sample by Bulatova);
  • "Ear of bread" - A. Remizov;
  • "Gray Neck" D. Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • "Finist - a clear falcon" - rn fairy tale;
  • "The Case of Yevseyka" - M. Gorky;
  • "Twelve Months" (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Silver Hoof" - P. Bazhov;
  • Doctor Aibolit - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Bobik Visiting Barbos" - N. Nosov;
  • "Boy - s - finger" - Ch. Perrault;
  • The Gullible Hedgehog - S. Kozlov;
  • "Khavroshechka" (arr. A. N. Tolstoy);
  • "Princess - an Ice" - L. Charskaya;
  • Thumbelina - H. Andersen;
  • "Flower - seven-light" - V. Kataev;
  • "The Mystery of the Third Planet" - K. Bulychev;
  • "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters) - A. Volkov;
  • “Dog's griefs” - B. Zakhader;
  • "The Tale of the Three Pirates" - A. Mityaev.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

  • "About the girl Masha, about the dog, the cockerel and the cat String" - A. Vvedensky;
  • "A vigorous cow" - K. Ushinsky;
  • "Zhurka" - M. Prishvin;
  • Three Little Pigs (translation by S. Marshak);
  • "Chanterelle - little sister and a wolf" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • Zimovye (sample by I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • "The Fox and the Goat" (sample by O. Kapitsa;
  • “About Ivanushka - the Fool” - M. Gorky;
  • "Telephone" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Winter's Tale" - S. Kozlova;
  • "Fedorin's grief" - K. Chukovsky;
  • The Bremen Town Musicians - Brothers Grimm;
  • “The dog that did not know how to bark” (translated from Danish by A. Tanzen);
  • "Kolobok - a prickly side" - V. Bianchi;
  • "Who said 'Meow!'?" - V. Suteev;
  • "The Tale of the Rude Mouse".

II junior group (3-4 years old)

  • "The Wolf and the Kids" (sample by AN Tolstoy);
  • “A goby is a black barrel, a white hoof” (sample by M. Bulatova);
  • “Fear has big eyes” (sample by M. Serova);
  • “Visiting the Sun” (Slovak fairy tale);
  • “Two Greedy Bear Cubs” (Hungarian tale);
  • "Chicken" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Fox, hare, rooster" - bn. fairy tale;
  • "Rukovichka" (Ukrainian, arr. N. Blagina);
  • “Cockerel and a bean grain” - (sample by O. Kapitsa);
  • "Three Brothers" - (Khakassian, translation by V. Gurov);
  • "About the Chicken, the Sun and the Bear" - K. Chukovsky;
  • “A tale about a brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail” - S. Kozlov;
  • Teremok (sample by E. Charushin);
  • "Fox-Lapotnitsa" (sample by V. Dahl);
  • "Sly Fox" (Koryak, translation by G. Menovshchikov);
  • "Cat, Rooster and Fox" (sample Bogolyubskaya);
  • "Geese - Swans" (sample by M. Bulatova);
  • "Gloves" - S. Marshak;
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - A. Pushkin.
  • < Назад

Summary of GCD in 1 junior group "A fairy tale came to visit us"

Material description: I offer you a summary of an integrated lesson for children of the younger group on the topic: "A fairy tale has come to visit us." The material will be useful for teachers of younger groups of kindergartens. During the lesson, children get acquainted with the Russian folk tale "Turnip", consolidate knowledge about vegetables. At the end of the lesson, a character from a fairy tale appears.

1. Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk art with a fairy tale.
2. Strengthen the knowledge of children about vegetables.
3. To develop the ability of children to use excerpts from a fairy tale in their own speech.
4. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, to recognize a familiar work, to recognize the heroes of a fairy tale.
5. Encourage children to express pleasure in meeting a literary hero, joy in emotional cooperation and empathy.
Equipment: A letter, a basket of vegetables, pictures of fairy-tale characters on the carpet, the fairy-tale character "Mouse", 1/2 of an album sheet with a picture of a mouse, cotton swabs, yellow gouache paint, napkins.
The course of the lesson.
V.- Hello children! Look at our guests, let's welcome them!
D.- Hello!
V.- And now let's sit on the chairs and say hello to our fingers.
(Finger game: "Hello.")
Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Hello, free breeze!
Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same land -
I greet you all!

V.- You guys are so beautiful and smart today. Let's show everyone how funny you are?
“The sun woke up and pulled the rays. We raise our hands, they are rays - affectionate, kind, gentle. Carefully touch each other with the handles - rays and smile. We became kinder and happier from the touch of the sunbeam "
(There is a letter on the board.)
V.- Guys, look at the letter sent to us. And my grandmother sent us a letter. She asks us to help her grandfather pull out a vegetable in the garden. Let's help them? And what kind of vegetable we will now find out with you.
1 task.
V.- But first, let's remember what vegetables we know.
(There are vegetables in the basket. The teacher shows the children call.)
2 task.
V.- Guys, there is another vegetable in this basket, the name of which we now find out by guessing the riddle:
“Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting in a garden bed
Grown into the ground firmly
What is it? ....... (Turnip)

V.- That's right, grandfather tried to pull the turnip out of the ground.
V.- Well done guys, you coped with the task so cleverly. Now let's get up and knead our arms and legs.
(Physical education for a minute.)
“We sit like a turnip
Stamping our feet like a grandfather
Hands on your belt like a grandma
We braid like a granddaughter
We clap our hands like a bug
We wash our eyes like a cat
We wave our tail like a mouse. "

3 task.
V.- Guys fairy tale heroes messed up, help them take their place. Who pulled the turnip for whom?
(Children take turns coming up and hanging the characters on the board.)
"Wonderful turnip
She sat down firmly in the garden,
Grandfather Ivan pulls the turnip -
A kind strong giant.

Grandma Marya helps,

And behind the grandmother is the granddaughter Daria

Sundress for a cheerful granddaughter
Grabbed tightly by the Bug

And behind the Bug is Murka's cat,

And behind Murka is the mouse Shurka.

Though she held on tight
The turnip is stretched out! "
V.- Guys, who was the last one to come to the rescue?
D.- Mouse.
V.- Oh, let's call the mouse?
"Mouse, mouse come,
The kids will be happy. "

(Music sounds, mouse runs out)
M.- I am a mouse Shurka,
Gray skin.
I ran across the field
I was looking for the grains.
Did you guys call me?
D.- Yes!
V.- Of course, they did! We need your help. The fact is that the grandfather planted a turnip in the garden. The turnip grew big, big. It's time to harvest. Everyone has already gathered alone, you are left:
"Mouse, mouse, don't be lazy
Work with everyone together. "

M.- I would be glad to work hard,
What reward awaits !?
4 task.
V.- Guys, tell me, what does the mouse like to eat?
D.- Grains.
V.- Mouse do you like grains?
M.- Yes.
V.- Ah, let's draw the seeds for our mouse now.
(Children draw seeds with cotton buds, music sounds.)

V.- Well done boys! Show the mice and guests how many grains you have drawn!
M.- Thanks! I have prepared my own surprise for you too.
V.- Thank you mouse, ... but it's time for you to return to the fairy tale:
"1,2,3 spin,
You will find a mouse in a fairy tale. "

(Music sounds, the mouse runs away.)
V.- Guys, so we helped grandfather and his family. Now let's say goodbye to the guests.
D.- Goodbye!