Powers portrait and biography. The main achievements of Powests

Powers portrait and biography. The main achievements of Powests
Powers portrait and biography. The main achievements of Powests

Powesty Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968) - Russian writer, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. His works are considered a classic of Russian literature, translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world are included in school Program.

Origin and family

Konstantin was born in Moscow on May 31, 1892, the bars were baptized in surfacing in the Church of St. George.

His grandfather in the father's line, Powesta Maxim Grigorievich, was the Cossack, served in the army of Nicholas I ordinary soldier. During the Russian-Turkish war, he was captured and brought home by Wound Turkish. Grandmother of the writer at birth received the name of Fatma, but after accepting christian faith Her name was the fence. After the war, the grandfather took the goods from the Crimea to Ukraine. Konstantin remembered him with a meek old man, who had amazing blue eyes and a slightly appreciated tenor. In the evenings, the grandfather fought the songs of Cossacks and ancient duma, it was he who instilled the grandson of the coste love for Ukrainian folklore.

Father, Paustovsky Georgy Maksimovich, 1852 years of birth, was a retired Unter-Officer II of the category, worked on the railway statistical. Among the numerous relatives had the glory of a man of frivolous, he was called a fantasist. And the grandmother on the maternal line later spoke about him that George did not have the right to marry, and even more so to start children. He was an atheist, a man is not very practical, freedom-loving, revolutionary moods combined in it with insane romance. Highlights all these qualities irritated. Father could not bother in one place, the family often moved. First, Georgy Maksimovich served in Moscow, then turned into the city of Pskov, then in a wine, his labor activity He graduated from the southwestern railway in Kiev.

Kostina Grandma on the motherboard, Vikentia Ivanovna, lived in Cherkasy, had the Polish origin and was a Catholic. She often took with his little grandson in the Catholic Temple, which caused his father's indignation. The boy the temple was very impressive, these remembers were deeply and for a long time settled in the children's soul. Grandma constantly walked in Tourés after the Polish uprising of 1863. She spoke relatives, which thus expresses the sympathy of the idea of \u200b\u200bfree Poland. But the relatives had another version of her mourning, they believed that during the uprising of Vinti, Ivanovna had a young groom (some proud Polish rebel). With grandchildren grandmother was strict, but at the same time very attentive and kind.

The grandfather on the maternal line served on the sugar factory, then notary in Cherkassy. He was a man sullen and undiscoverable, lived secluded in his room in Maison, grandchildren robbed with him rarely.

Mom Paustovsky, Maria Grigorievna (Vidnoyansky's maiden name), 1858 born, was a woman powerful. She treated the education of children with seriousness and solid belief that only harsh and strict appeal would help grow "something feet" from them.

So the pedigree from the writer is multinational, the Ukrainian, Polish, Turkish and Cossack roots are connected in his blood.

Konstantin was still the older brothers Vadim and Boris and Sister Galina. Both brothers writer in one day died at the fronts of the First World War.


A great influence on the formation of a small bone as a man of creative and loving around, relatives on the maternal line were provided. Nadya's aunt (Nadezhda Grigorievna - Mother's sister) - Beautiful and young, always impoverished I and fun, musically gifted personality. It was she who taught the dress to look around and in every touch finding beauty. Unfortunately, she died very early.

Mother's brother Joseph Grigorievich (children called his uncle Yousse), despite the fact that he had a military education was a tireless romantic, traveler and an adventure crawler, adventurer and fidget. He often leaving home, and then unexpectedly appeared and told her nephews, as the Chinese-Eastern Railway was built or fought in South Africa against the British in the Anglo-Board War. Uncle Stories were on the work of the writer Paust a huge impact.

After the birth of the bone, the Powesty family in Moscow lived for six years and in 1898 moved to Kiev. When the boy was twelve years, he became a student of the first Kiev classical gymnasium. Among school items Most of all Konstantin liked geography.


In 1908, father left the family. For a while, Kosta was sent to Uncle Hiddle Nikolay Grigorievich to the city of Bryansk, where the young man was trained in the local gymnasium.

A year later, Kostya returned to Kiev and recovered in the Alexandria gymnasium. In the future, the writer repeatedly recalled his teachers of humanitarian sciences - psychology, history, Russian literature and literature. They taught young gymnasists with love to relate to literary heritage, reading books Kostya spent much longer than the preparation of homework. All this in aggregate with adolescence, when I want to write poems, looking at beautiful gymnasics with heavy braids, and a dazzling, gentle Ukrainian spring with durable flavors of blooming chestnuts, led to the fact that the guy began to write the first lyrical works.

Left without paternal assistance, the young paustic began to earn up early, he was engaged in tutoring. Soon the grandmother moved to Kiev from Cherkasy, and Kostya began to live from her. Here, in a small fluege, he did the first prosaic sketches, which soon began to print. A small work "on the water" in 1912 was published in Almanaci "Lights".

After the gymnasium, Konstantin continued his studies at the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kiev Imperial University of St. Vladimir. Two years later, he decided to move to his relatives and translated from Kiev University to Moscow. On the summer vacation continued to earn as a tutor.

War and Revolution

In Moscow, Konstantin lived with his mother, brother and sister. Study at the university he had to interrupt, as the first began world War. He went to work on the Moscow tram of the conductor and the counselo. Then he entered the service of sanitary trains. At the end of 1915, he moved from trains to a field sanitary squad, together with whom he had to retreat from the Polish city of Lublin to Belarus.

After the death of two brothers, Konstantin returned to Moscow to the sister and mother. However, he stayed there quite long, soon he went and traveled, exactly, as his uncle Jwie. He began his working way in the city of Ekaterinoslava (now this is Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk), where she worked on the Bryansk Metallurgical Plant. Then he moved to the Novorossiysk Metallurgical Plant in Yuzovka (now it is the regional Ukrainian city of Donetsk). From there went to Taganrog on the boiler plant. In the autumn of 1916, Konstantin settled in Artel, went to the Azov Sea fishing.

With the beginning February Revolution Powesta again arrived in Moscow and settled the reporter in the newspaper. The October Revolution of 1917, he also met here, but when the Civil War began, together with his mother and sister moved to Kiev. At the end of 1918, Konstantin called on ukrainian army Hetman Scoropadsky, but then the authorities changed, and he found himself in the Red Army.

Traveling to the south of Russia

When his regiment was disbanded, the paustic began to travel again. Whether he really went to his uncle Yuzu, whether the roots of the father had affected, who could not live in one place for a long time. Konstantin traveled the whole south of Russia. About two years lived in Odessa, where he worked in the newspaper edition "Sailor". Here he met the young, in the future famous, Soviet writers Isaac Babel, Valentin Kataev, Ilyoy Ilfom, Lv's Slavic, poet Edward Bagritsky. The house where he lived was located on the very coast of the Black Sea, and the paustic wrote a lot during this period. However, it was not yet printed, he believed that he was not yet able to own the genre.

From Odessa, Konstantin went to the Caucasus, who traveled along and across Tbilisi, Batumi, Sukhumi, Baku, Julf, Yerevan. I even got to Northern Persia, after which once again in 1923 returned to Moscow.


In the capital, Paustovsky got a job in the Russian telegraph Agency (Growth) to the post editor. At the same time, she began to actively printed, and not only his essays were published, but also more serious works. So, in 1928 he saw the light of the first collection of paustovsky "counter ships".

In the 1930s, Konstantin began journalistic activity, I traveled a lot in the country, cooperating with the publications "True", "our achievements", "30 days". Long business trips were in Solikamsk, Kalmykia, Astrakhan. Personal emotions from traveling and traveling writer embodied in essays and works of artwhich were published in the magazine "30 days":

  • "Pursuit of plants";
  • "Talk about fish";
  • "Blue Fire Zone".

1931 became the key to literary activity Paustovsky, he finished work on the story "Kara-Bugaz". After she was published, Konstantin left the service and fully dedicated himself to creativity, becoming a professional writer.

He continued to ride around the country, visited the construction of the Bereznikovsky chemical factory and the Onega factory in Petrozavodsk, made a trip along the Volga and Caspian, visited the royal estate of Mikhailovskoye, Old Rousse, Novgorod and Pskov. After each trip from under the writer's pen, new works were published:

  • "The Fate of Charles Lonsievil";
  • "Lozhny Front";
  • "Onega Plant";
  • "Country of Onega";
  • "Murmansk";
  • "Underwater winds";
  • "New tropics";
  • "Mikhailov groves."

In early 1939, for their achievements in the field of artistic soviet literature Pouustovsky received the Order of the Labor Red Banner.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Konstantin Georgievich was on the southern front by the military correspondent. But soon he was freed from service, he was instructed to write a play on the fight against fascism "until the heart stops." The writer was evacuated with the family in Almaty, the premiere of the play on the play took place in the city of Barnaul in April 1943.

After the war, Powntsky lived in Moscow, traveled a lot in the world and wrote. For its literary activities, it was nominated for the receipt of the Nobel Prize, which eventually went to his compatriot Mikhail Sholokhov.

According to the works of the writer, films "Northern Tale" and "Promise of Happiness", as well as many cartoon films:

Personal life

The first wife of the writer was the Zagorsk Ekaterina Stepanovna - the daughter of a priest and rural teacher. They met during the First World War, when Paustovsky served as Sanitar, and Zagorskaya - nurse. In the summer of 1914, Katya lived in the Crimea in a small Tatar village, where local women called her Hatice. So the name of her and Konstantin, he wrote about his first wife: "Divine Hatice, I love her more myself and moms."

In the summer of 1916, they marked in a small church near Lukhovitz under Ryazan. This place was very expensive for the bride, since her father served in the church, who died even before the birthday of his daughter. Almost ten years later, in August 1925, the couple appeared long-awaited baby - Boy Vadim, Konstantin called the Son in honor of his deceased brother. In the future, Vadim, as well as his father, was engaged in literary activities, wrote essays about Konstantine Georgievich, carefully kept the parent archive, traveled to the places described in the works of the Father, was a consultant in the literary Museum of Powesta.

In 1936, Catherine and Konstantin broke up, she herself gave him a divorce, because I could not withstand the new passion for the polls of Valery Vladimirovna Valishevskaya. Lera became the second wife of the paustovsky and inspired him to many works, for example, in the "Through South" it is she who is a prototype of Mary.
In 1950, Paustovsky married the third time on actress Tatyana Watermelova. In this marriage, the son of Alexey, who died in young age From the overdose of drugs.

Konstantin Powesty is a classic in the literature of the twentieth century. All works with pleasure read adults, and children they personify the human and writing nobility. A paustovsky was born in Moscow in an intelligent family, theaters of loving playing the piano and sing. He died at seventy six years. He studied in Kiev in classical gymnasium. His parents divorced him and he had to work as a teacher.

After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the University of Kiev to the Faculty of Law, but he dreamed of becoming a writer. For himself, he decided for writing activity need to "go to life" and acquire life experience. In Moscow, he works car trades, at odds it is satisfied with the Sanitar on the rear train, replaces a lot different professionswas even a fisherman at the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

In the free, from work time wrote stories. During the revolution, worked in Moscow in the reporter newspaper and described the events. During the Patriotic War, he is a military correspondent. After the war, Paustovsky is engaged in literary activities and writes: novels, stories, as well as stories and fairy tales for children. The book "Stories and Tales of Animals and Nature". She entered her well-known stories:

  • Adventure of rhinoceros beetle;
  • Kvaqsha;
  • Steel ring;
  • Ballochy nose and other works.

Read the biography of paustovsky for grade 3

Konstantin Georgievich Powesta was born on May 31, 1892 in Moscow. In the family of Georgy Maximovich Paustovsky and Maria Grigorievna Powesta, had two brothers and sister. In 1904 he entered Kiev gymnasium. The favorite object in the gymnasium was geography and literature.

In 1912, changing the place of residence and school many times, the young man starts training at the Historical and Philological Faculty of Kiev University, ends 2 courses. After the start of the First World War, it is translated into Moscow University, but soon leaves him and starts working. Changes a lot of professions, is arranged by Sanitar to the front, participates in the retreat of the Russian army. After the death of the brothers returns to Moscow to the mother and sister, but for a long time it is not delayed. The young man travels around the south of Russia, two years live in Odessa, working in the newspaper "Mayak", and then leaves Odessa, leaves for the Caucasus, also visiting Northern Persia.

In 1923 it returns to the capital. A couple of years works as an editor in the telegraph agency and begins to be printed. The 1930s also spends on traveling around the country, the release of a lot of essays, leads. During the Great Patriotic War, it becomes a military journalist, serves on the southern front. In August 1941, she completes the service for the sake of work on the play for Moscow art Theater., moves to Alma-Ata, where the play is sitting on writing "until the heart" and the novel "The Fatherland".

In the 1950s, he lives in Moscow and in Tarusa, becomes one of the compilers of "Literary Moscow" and "Tarusk Pages". After receiving world recognition Traveling through Europe, lives on the island of Capri. In 1966, signs the letter of science and culture workers about the inadmissibility of Stalin's rehabilitation. He dies on July 14, 1968 in Moscow after Asthma's protracted disease.

For children 3 class, 4th grade, grade 5.

Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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    THIS. Gofman is a German writer who created several collections novel, two operas, ballet and a lot of small musical works. It was thanks to him in Warsaw a symphony orchestra appeared.

Konstantin Powesta born in 1892 in May. The hometown of the writer is Moscow. In childhood and the youth spent a lot of time in Ukraine, but a little later, together with the family, moved to the capital of Russia.

In addition to Constantine, his parents had a daughter and two sons. After the future author turned 12, his father left the family, and therefore young guy I had to work early. The paustovsky did not start study, he managed to combine the learning process with part-time. His brothers had to go to the First World War, they died there. The poet was younger than everyone, so he was not in the army. Military reporter Konstantin became in 1917 and since then began to get involved in writing poems, stories.

Interesting facts from the author's life:

Sly method

The writer has long remembered how he managed to knock the old man, while he worked as a conductor in the tram of the city of Kiev. An older man liked to ride, without paying the passage, at the same time he offered bills in a hundred rubles and the conductor could not give him a surrender. Pouustovsky found a method once again when the old man prepared a moneyless option, the writer prepared a trifle for the poor and gave delivery, the man was shocked, he did not expect him to be drawn in this way.

Meeting with a bride

The author met his future spouse in the Crimea during the next journey. Then the First World War was outside the window. In 1916, newlyweds decided to sign, and a baby named Vadim appeared to the world. Marriage of spouses was not long 10 years later, they decided to divorce.

When Konstantin became a little more than thirty, he decided to marry repeatedly, but with the second woman the author could not live long. The third woman of the writer delighted him and gave birth to him. Spouses decided to call the boy Alexei. After use large number Drugs, the guy died in twenty-five-year-olds, there was a girl with him, but she managed to save. For a writer, it was a big tragedy, which he never thought.

Popular story

Publication of the first work of the author called "On Water" was in 1912 in the magazine "Lights". In 1923, the first novel was written, the paustovsky called him "romance", although the beginning of the work was written in 1916. And only in 1935 the story was published and many readers could read it. The author has always pleased with his unusual works.

Award by merit

Lenin's Order and St. George Cross 4 degrees of Constantine awarded for creativity. Then he received the Order of the Labor Red Banner also for his works. The author's effort justified him always, he was repeatedly awarded medals. On the literature of Powestoys should have been awarded Nobel PrizeBut Awarded Mikhail Sholokhov. Of course, the author was insulting, but he did not give anyone, but continued to work not to give up his hands over the following works.

Fate book

After another travel, a good thought came to the author, write books. The works turned out under the name "Kara-Bugaz" and "Kolkhida". After the appearance of the literature, the author got great popularity. In 1935, on the first book was removed interesting film, in which the director was reasonable A. But the film was not allowed to rent, as various political views were present.

Best image

In the house of the author there is a photo that hangs on the wall. The picture is unusual, it depicts a woman sitting on his knees in front of the writer. On the girl is dressed nice dress And her name is Marlene Dietrich. When the actress was on creative evening in Central House writers, it was photographed there. In Moscow, she gave several concerts. On one of them she was asked about the fact that the actress would like to see in the capital. Her dream was to see the paustovsky, and she would like to fulfill the dream.

At that time, the writer became very ill, but still agreed to come. After lifting on the stage, Marlene Dietrich stood in a diamond necklace, and from the excitement she had to fall in front of the author to his knees. The actress decided to take the hand of a famous man and kiss him. All sitting people in the hall frozen, and then began to applaud. Surprised paustovsky sat down in a chair, it became quiet in the hall, and the actress began to talk about her sympathy for the writer, one of the hobbies of Marlene was reading books famous author. Konstantin wrote a work "Telegram", which influenced the fate of the actress.

Love for children

As famous writer Powesta began a trip to many countries from the mid-50s. Children perceived well and read the writer's literature with great pleasure. In his writings, the author relied on nature and beauty, he encouraged the responsibility of children. The guys liked to read the stories of the famous writer and they never refused the author's books.

Life writer in literature

In recent years, the writer has written an autobiographical "story about life." The work contains the history of the author's life, and also says how he is looking for the meaning of life and himself. Konstantin Georgievich devoted a lot of time to the novels, essays and historical leads. Some works could be heard in German, English and French.

The death of a famous personality

The life of a famous and popular poet broke into the capital Soviet Union July 14, 1968. According to the testament, he was buried on the cemetery of Taruza. The writer was a real Creator of Russian Literature, he was able to "draw" landscapes with the help of words. Many children thanks to the works of Powesty native region and countries they managed to see excellent moments In the outside world. Constantine was repeatedly awarded the orders and the St. George Cross of the fourth degree. Soviet prose Under his influence received good development.

Konstantin Powesty - Russian soviet writerwho worked in romanticism. He was a master of writing landscape and lyrical prose.

His father, Georgy Maksimovich, worked as a railway statist and took place from the genus of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Mother, Maria Grigorievna, was a housewife and was engaged.

In addition to Konstantin, two more boys and one girl were born in the paustant family.

Interesting the fact that the grandfather of the future writer on the father's line once served russian emperor. It was he who introduced the grandson with the Ukrainian folklore and Cossack culture.

Childhood and youth

FROM young years Powestoys liked, as a result of which he constantly conducted free time from . The family often moved, so the childhood of the future writer was held in Moscow, then in Bryansk, then in Kiev.

In 1904, the young man entered the first Kiev classical gymnasium. At that time, he was seriously interested in geography.

Powers in youth

Studying in the gymnasium, Konstantin Poist wrote the first story in his biography - "On the water". After that, he successfully passed the exams in the Bryansk gymnasium, but he studied in it for a long time.

In 1908, Palestovsky's parents decided to divorce that he was very upset by a teenager and made him think about the future.

A year later, he returned to Kiev and was restored to the Alexandrovsky gymnasium.

In this period, the biography of Powesta began to earn a life with tutoring, so that he was able to conduct an independent lifestyle. He liked to learn and receive new knowledge.

After graduating from the gymnasium, Konstantin entered the university at the Historical and Philology Faculty. At this time, he firmly decided to associate his life with writing activities.

In 1914, on the eve of World War II, Paustovsky goes to Moscow, where his relatives lived. There he is arranged to work by the conductor.

Soon he was encouraged to the army, but Paustovsky was recognized as unsuitable for service, due to severe myopia. Interesting the fact that both brothers writer died at the front.

Creativity Paustovsky

The first works in the biography of Konstantin Powesta were published in the publication "Lights". Shortly before the start of the war, he visited Taganrog, which was born.

Being in this city, Powesta began to write a book "Romance", over which he will work for 20 years.

Returning to Moscow, Paustovsky settled to work as a correspondent. In this regard, he had to repeatedly be on different demonstrations, which were often held in Russia.

At this time, from under his feather came out autobiographical work "Tale of life", consisting of 6 parts.

In this book, Konstantin Georgievich perfectly described the events of that time. In addition, he outlined the biographies of leading political figures and revolutionaries of that time.

After that, the writer traveled many Russian and Ukrainian cities, and also visited countries Central Asia. Soon Paustovsky realized that he was experiencing special interest and trembles to nature.

Works of Powesty

Inspired by the beauty of the landscapes, the paustovsky writes the stories "Ballochy Nose", "Snow" and "Blue Merin".

After that, he publishes a number of fairy tales and instructive stories, some of which are included in the school curriculum.

Soviet schoolchildren were well remembered by such short and deep works Paustovsky, as a "disheveled sparrow", "Residents of the Old House", "Warm Bread", etc.

Later on his stories and fairy tales, dozens of cartoon and artistic films will be removed.

During the biography of 1950-1960. Konstantin Powesty was at the peak of his popularity.

His talent was appreciated by critics, and the books began to translate different languages. In parallel with this, he was engaged in teaching activities.

Interestingly, the admirer of the creativity of the paustovsky was the famous hollywood actress Marlene Dietrich, highly appreciated the talent of the Russian writer.

When at the end of the 50s, Dietrich arrived in, she managed to meet with Konstantin Powesty and communicate with him personally.

Leaving back to the USA, she presented him with several photos on which they were captured together.

Personal life

When Paustovsky turned 23 years old, he met the future wife of Ekaterina Zagorskaya. They got married in 1915, and after 10 years they had a boy Vadim. Together, spouses lived 20 years, but over time they began to lose interest in each other.

Soon, Konstantin Georgievich had a mistress Valery Navashica. When Catherine learned about her, she immediately filed a divorce.

As a result, the second wife of Pouustovsky became Navashica, which he devoted many works. However, this marriage did not exist for a long time.

In 1948 he met Tatiana Watermelova, who was married for famous playwright Alexey Arbuzov.

Konstantin Paustovsky with his wife Tatyana Watermelon and Son

For the sake of Phaustovsky Tatyana threw her husband and began to live with him. In 1950, they had a son Alexey. Konstantin wrote about his wife Tatiana so:

Tenderness, the only man, swearing the life that such love (without boasting) was not still in the world. There was no and will not, all the rest of love - nonsense and nonsense. Let your heart be calm and happily beats, my heart! We will all be happy, all! I know and believe ...


Over the years, the biographies of Konstantin Powestae tormented Asthma. The disease escaped in the last years of life.

Despite this, he actively defended the optocrous writers and never participated in the injury "dissent."

There was even a case when the paustovsky publicly refused to shake the hand criticized against the stored.

Interesting the fact that a few years after his death, a small planet was named after 5269 in honor of the writer.

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Konstantin Georgievich Powesta was born 19 (31) .5.1892 in Moscow. In addition to him, in the family there were three more children two brothers and sisters. The Father of the writer was a railway employee, and the family often moved from place to place: after Moscow, they lived in Pskov, Vilna, Kiev. In 1911, in the last grade of the gymnasium, Kostya Poyustsky wrote his first story, and he was printed in the Kiev literary magazine "Lights".

Konstantin Georgievich changed a lot of professions: he was the countertime and conductor of the Moscow tram, working at metallurgical factories in the Donbas and Taganrog, Fisherman, Sanitar in the army during the First World War, employees, a teacher of Russian literature, a journalist. IN civil War Pouustovsky fought in the Red Army. During the Great Patriotic War was a military correspondent on the southern front.

For his big writing life, he visited many corners of our country. "Almost every of my book is a trip. Or rather, each trip is a book, "said Powesty. He was from the Caucasus and Ukraine, Volga, Kamu, Don, Dnieper, OKU, and the gum, was in Central Asia, in Altai, in Siberia, silence, in the Baltic.

But he fell in love with Mescher - a fabulously beautiful edge between Vladimir and Ryazan, - where he arrived for the first time in 1930. There was everything that attracted a writer since childhood, - "Deaf forests, lakes, winding forest rivers, abandoned roads and even innovative courtyards " Pouustovsky wrote that he was "owed by many of his stories," Summer days"And the little fault" Meshcherskaya side ". Peru Paustovsky belongs to the cycle of stories for children and several fairy tales. They teach love native natureTo be observant, to see in the usual unusual and be able to fantasize, be kind, honest, able to recognize and correct your guilt. These are important human qualities So necessary in life.

Powesty books are translated into many foreign languages.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders and a medal.

The writer died - 14.7.1968; Buried in Tarusa Kaluga region.


Balloon nose

The lake near the shores was falling asleep with yellow leaves. There were so
A lot that we could not catch fish. The fishing line fell on the leaves and did not die.
I had to go on the old chelny to the middle of the lake, where they did theft
Sweatshirts and blue water seemed black, like a dead.

There we caught multicolored perch. They beat and sparkled in the grass like
Fabulous Japanese roosters. We pulled the tin roach and the raffle with
Eyes similar to two little moon. Pikes shook on us small as
Needles, teeth.

Standing autumn in the sun and fogs. Through the flowered forests were visible
Forty clouds and blue thick air. At night in thickets around us
She moved and trembled low stars.
We had a fire in the parking lot. We burned it all day and night out,
To drive the wolves, they quietly thicked around the far banks of the lake. Them
Worried the smoke of the fire and cheerful human screams.

We were sure that the fire scares the beasts, but once in the grass in the grass
The fire began an angry sniffing some beast. It was not visible. He is concerned
ran around us, noisy the huge grass, snort and angry, but did not give up
From the grass even ears.

Potatoes roasted in a frying pan, it was a sharp delicious smell from her, and
The beast, obviously, ran into this smell.

With us were a little boy. He was only nine years old, but he is good
Transferred overnight stays in the forest and cold of autumn dawns. Much better than us
Adults, he all noticed and told.

He was a fifteentist, but we, adults, loved his fiction very much. We are in no way
Could, and did not want to prove to him that he was telling a lie. everyday
He came up with something new: he heard the fish whispered, then saw
As ants staged themselves a ferry through a stream of pine crust and cobwebs.

We did the look that believed him.
Everything that surrounded us seemed to be unusual: and late Moon,
Relieved over black lakes, and high clouds, similar to the mountains of pink
Snow, and even the usual sea noise of high pines.

The boy first heard the snort of the beast and came up on us so that we
silenced. We pulled. We tried to do not even breathe, although the hand involuntarily
stretched to double break, - who knows that it could be for the beast!

After half an hour, the beast stole a wet black nose from herb, similar to
Pork patch. The nose sniffed for a long time and trembled from greed. Then out of grass
The sharp muzzle with black shrill eyes seemed. Finally seemed
Striped skin.

A small badger got out of the thickets. He pursed his paw and carefully
looked at me. Then he squeezedly snorted and took a step towards potatoes.

She roasted and spiked, splashing boiling fat. I wanted to shout
the animal that he burns down, but I was late - the badger jumped to the frying pan and
put in her nose ...

Smelled with pale skin. Badger screamed and rushed with a desperate cry
back to the grass. He fled and poured on the whole forest, broke a bushes and spoiled from
indignation and pain.

On the lake and in the forest began confusion. Without time scared frightened
frogs, broken birds, and the shore itself, like a cannon shot,
hit powder pike.
In the morning the boy woke me up and told me that he himself had just seen
As a badger treats his burned nose. I did not believe.

I sat down by the fire and the sponsors listened to the morning voices of birds. In the distance
The whitewatest wrenches were scoffed, rushed ducks, knotted cranes on dry
Swamps - Msharah, splashed fish, quietly burned Gorylinka. I did not want

The boy pulled my hand. He was offended. He wanted to prove to me that he
did not lie. He called me to go see how the badger is treated.
I reluctantly agreed. We carefully got into the thickets, and among the thickets
Heath I saw a rotten pine stump. From him pulled mushrooms and iodine.

Near the stump, back to us, stood badger. He lit a stump and shoved in
Middle Stump, in wet and cold dug, burned nose.

He stood motionless and refrigerated his unfortunate nose, and he ran around and
Fused another little baccake. He worried and pushed our badger
Nose in the stomach. Our badger was lying on him and lasted the rear fluffy paws.

Then he sat down and cried. He looked at us with round and wet eyes,
Skonal and licked his sick nose with his rough tongue. He seemed to ask about
help, but we could not help him.
A year later, I met on the shores of the same Lake Barsuk with a scar on
nose. He sat at the water and tried to catch a pace of retreat, like tin, dragonfly.

I waved him with my hand, but he became angry in my direction and hid in
Thickets lingonberries.
Since then, I have not seen him anymore.

Steel ring.

Grandfather Kuzma lived with his granddaughter Various in the village of Mokhovoy, at the forest itself.

Winter was harsh, with strong wind and snow. In the whole winter, it never warmed up and did not order with the seal roofs of a fussy thawed water. In the night in the forest, extended wolves. Grandfather Kuzma said that they were fighting from envy to people: the wolf would also hunt in the hissing, scratch and lie down at the stove, to warm up the zero-selected cosmode skin.

Among the winter, the grandfather came out Mahork. Grandfather coughed very much, complained about the weak health and said that if he had to delay the time-another, he would immediately be easier.

On Sunday, Varusha went behind Machorus for his grandfather in the neighboring village. Past passed by the village railway. Varyzha bought Machorkas, tied it into a shatter bag and went to the station to look at the train. In the intersections, they were rarely stopped. Almost always they rushed past with clanging and rumble.

Two fighters were sitting on the platform. One was bearded, with cheerful gray eye. Roaring locomotive. It was already visible as he, the whole couple, fiercely rushing to the station from a long-range black forest.

Again! - said the fighter with a beard. - Look, Girl, blows you by train. Will fly under the skies.

The locomotive with a scope flew to the station. Snow is spinning and shoved his eyes. Then they went to cross, catch up with each other's wheels. Varyusha grabbed a lamppost and closed his eyes: no matter how really it was raised above the ground and did not drag on the train. When the train swept, and the snow dust is still drunk in the air and sat down on the ground, the bearded fighter asked Varyush:

What is your bag? Don't Machorka?

Mahorka, "Varyusha replied.

Maybe sell? Smoking big hunting.

Grandfather Kuzma does not make selling, "Varyusha replied strictly. - This is him from cough.

Oh, you, - said the fighter, - flower petal in the boots! Painfully serious!

And so take how much you need, - Varyusha said and extended the fighter the bag. - smoke!

The fighter snapped into the pocket of Sineli, a good handful of Machorka, twisted Tsygarkka, lit up, took Warusha for his chin and looked, laughing, in the blue eyes.

Oh, you, - he repeated, - pansies with pigtails! What should I thank you? Is this this?

The fighter pulled a small sinel from his pocket steel ring, blew the crumbs of Machorkas and Salt from him, rubbed over the sleeve of Sineli and put on Varyusha on middle finger:

Wear it in good health! This pen is completely wonderful. Loose how to burn!

And why he, uncle, so wonderful? - asked, painted, Varusha.

And because it answered the fighter, - that if you wear it on the middle finger, he will bring health. And you and grandfather Kuzme. And put it on this, on this, on Unnamed, - the fighter pulled Warusha for the church, red finger, "you will have a great joy. Or, for example, you want to watch the white light with all his wonders. Non-perrapenek on forefinger - You will certainly see!

As if? - asked Varyzha.

And you believe him, - a walking the other fighter from under the raised gate of the sinel. - He is a sorcerer. I heard such a word?


Well then! - Fighter laughed. - He's old sapper. His even Mina did not take!

Thank you! Said Varyusha and ran to her moss.

The wind fell, thick-tech snow fell. Varychash all tongal

the ring, turned it and watched how it glitters from winter light.

"What a fighter forgot me to say about the little finger? She thought. - What will happen then? Give me to Nadnu Kolyvko on the little finger, I will try. "

She put on the ring on the little finger. He was slight, the ring on it could not resist, fell into deep snow near the path and immediately dived into the snowy bottom.

Varyzha fucked and began to rack the snow with his hands. But the ring was not. Fingers at Varyushi cried. They are so reduced from frost that they no longer bended.

Varyisha cried. Loading a ring! It means that there will be no health by grandfather Kuzme, and she will not have great joy, and she will not see the white light with all his wonders. Varyusha stuck in the snow, in the place where the ring dropped, the old fir branch n went home. She wiped the tears to the mesmer, but they still fought and frozen, and it was a cracker and hurts.

Grandfather Kuzma was delighted by Machorka, shook all the hut, and said about the ring:

You do not burn, daughter! Where fell - there and lying. You're asking you. He will be pleased.

Old Sparrow Sidor slept on the sixth, swelling like a ball. All winter Sidor lived in the hut in Kuzma on his own, as the owner. With the character of his own, he forced to be considered not only Warusha, but also his grandfather. He knocked back from the bowl, and the bread tried to snatch out of his hands and when he was distilled off, offended, he washed and began to fight and chirk so angry, that the neighbor sparrows were flown, listened, and then no longer shrew, condemning Sidor for his bad temper . Lives in the hut, with warmth, in satiety, and all of him is not enough!

Another day Varysh caught Sidora, wrapped in a handkerchief and carried into the forest. From under the snow, only the tip of the fir branch was shaking. Varyusha put on the Sidora branch and asked:

You look for, tearing out! Maybe you will find!

But Sidor squinted his eyes, looked incredulously on the snow and regained: "You are! You are! Found a fool! ... you, you, you! " - repeated Sidor, fell out of the branch and flew back to the hut.

So did not find the ring.

Grandfather Kuzma coughed increasingly. By the spring, he climbed onto the stove. Almost never descended from there, and more often asked to drink. Varyzha served cold water in the iron bucket.

The blizzards circled over the village, linked heaves. Pines were thrown in the snow, and Varychah could no longer find the place in the forest where the ring dropped. Increasingly, she, hiding behind the stove, quietly cried from pity for her grandfather and sank himself.

Douryha! She whispered. - Gang it, dropped the finish. Here you are for it! It is for you!

She beat himself with a fist on the pattern, punished herself, and Grandfather Kuzma asked:

Who are you noise there?

With Sidor, - answered Varysh. - Such became unfortunate! Everything strives to fight.

Once in the morning, Varyusha woke up because Sidor jumped follows and pounded the beak in the glass. Varyzha opened his eyes and clogged. From the roof, distilling each other, fell long drops. Hot light beat in with Sonse. Oral daws.

Varyzha looked out on the street. Warm wind reheated her eyes, scrupted his hair.

So spring! - said Varyusha.

Black branches glittered, rustled, sliding from the roofs, wet snow and is important and merrily noishes behind the scene of the raw forest. Spring walked around the fields as a young mistress. It was worth it only to look at the ravine, as it immediately began to bud and shimmer the stream. Spring walked and the ringing of the streams with each step became louder and louder.

Snow in the forest fenced. At first, the brown needles came out on it. Then there was a lot of dry boughs - they were broken back in December, - then the narrings last year's leaves, the first flowers were blooming on the edge of the last snowdrifts.

Varyzha found in the woods an old fir branch - the one that stuck in the snow, where he dropped the ring, and began to carefully cut off the old leaves, empty bumps, tidy with herddes, branches, rotten moss. Under one black leaflet shine lights. Varyzha screamed and sat down. Here it is, steel-nose ring! It did not rust well.

Varyusha grabbed him, put on the middle finger and ran home.

Still published, running towards the hut, she saw grandfather Kuzma. He came out of the hut, sat on Zawalinka, and the blue smoke from Machorka rose over the grandfather straight to the sky, as if Kuzma knew on the spring sun and a couple smoked around him.

Well, "said Grandfather," You, the turntable, jumped out of the hut, forgot the door to cool down, and blew all the hollow with light air. And immediately the disease let me go. Now I'll smoke, take the column, ready to prepare, we flood the oven and sin with rye pellets.

Varyishha laughed, stroked his grandfather across the rude gray hair, said:

Thanks to the ring! It cured you, Grandfather Kuzma.

All day Varyshka wore a ring on the middle finger to fade to drive a grandfather's disease. Only in the evening, putting sleeping, she removed the ring from the middle finger and put it on the Unnamed. After that, a great joy was happening. But she slowed, did not come, and Varusha fell asleep, without waiting.

She got up early, dressed and left the hut.

Quiet and warm dawn was engaged in the ground. On the edge of the sky, the stars still trembled. Varyisha went to the forest. She stopped on the edge. What does it right in the forest, as if someone gently move the bells?

Varyusha was bent, listened and splashed his hands: White snowdrops swung a little bit, they called the dawn, and every flower called, as if it was sitting in it little beetle Kuzka-Ring and beat a paw on a silver cobweb. At the top of the pine hit the woodpecker - five times.

"Five hours! - thought Varysh. - What an early one! And quiet! "

Immediately high on the branches in the Golden Zorah Light of Ovolga.

Varyzha stood, the open mouth, listened, smiled. She was planted with a strong, warm, gentle wind, and something whisper is near. The album was injected, yellow pollen fell out of walnut earrings. Someone has passed invisible past Varyushi, carefully removing the branches. Having hurt him, the cuckoo was smoothed.

"Who passed this? And I did not see! " - thought Varysh.

She did not know that this spring was passed by her.

Varyishha laughed loudly, on the whole forest, and ran home. And the greatest joy is such that they do not cover with their hands, - rang on her heart.

Spring flared up every day all brighter, all fun. Such a light flowed from the sky that the eyes of the grandfather Kuzma became narrow, like click, but they laughed all the time. And then but the forests, in the meadows, on ravines immediately, as if someone splashed on them with magic water, bloated-set thousands of thousands of colors.

Varyzha thought it was to put on the ring to the index finger to see the white light with all his miracles, but looked at all these flowers, on sticky birch leaves, on a clearer sky and hot sun, she listened to the rings of roosters, the ringing of water, lifting the birds over the fields - and It did not put the finger on the index finger.

"IT IT IT," she thought. - Nowhere on white light can not be as good as Paz in Mokhov. It's the beauty of what is! Not in vain After all, Grandfather Kuzma says that our land is true paradise and there is no other such good land on white light! "

Hare Paws

To the veterinarian in our village came from the Uzensky Lake Vanya Malyavin and
Brought a small warm hare wrapped in a torn cotton jacket. Hare
We cried and often blinked red from tears with eyes ...

- Did you smell? - shouted veterinarian. - Soon you will go to me mice
To carry, rolling!

"And you do not lie, this is a special hare," Vanya said hoarse whisper. -
His grandfather sent, ordered to treat.

- From what to treat something?

- His paws are buried.
The vet turned his face to the door, pushed in his back and shout

- Valya, Valya! I do not know how to treat them. Zazhzar him with bow - grandfather will be

Vanya answered nothing. He came out in Song, blinked his eyes, pulled
The nose and burst into a log wall. On the wall we drove tears. Hare quiet
trembled under a salted jacket.

- What are you, small? - asked Vanya Porny grandmother Anice; she brought
To the vet your only goat. - What are you, heart, together tears
Pour? Ah happened what?

"Liberty he, Grandfather Hare," said Quiet Vanya. - on a forest fire
My paws root, it cannot run. That's about, looked, wept.

- Do not worry, small, - I stuck in Anusya. - Tell my grandfather, if
His big hunting hare go out, let's go to the city to Karl

Vanya wiped tears and went homes home, to the Uzensky lake. He did not go, and
Fight barefoot on a hot sandy road. Recent Forest Fire has passed
Side to the north near the lake itself. It smelled by Gare and dry clove. She is
The big islands grew in the glades.
Hare moanal.

Vanya found on the road fluffy coated with silver soft hair
The leaves, snatched them, put it under the pine and deployed a hare. The hare looked at
The leaves, bundled in them head and quiet.

- What are you, gray? - quietly asked Vanya. - You would sing.
The hare was silent.

The unheard of heat stood in the summer over the forests. Merenitsy stood in the morning
White clouds. At noon, the clouds rapidly rushed up, to Zenit, and on
Eyes worn and disappeared somewhere outside the sky. Hot hurricane dul already
Two weeks without a respite. Resin flowing over pine stems turned
in amber stone.

The next morning the grandfather put on clean onuchi and new lapties, took a staff and a piece
Bread and walked to the city. Vanya carried a hare from behind. The hare is completely satisfied, only
Occasionally shuddered with all the body and sighed convulsively.

Sukhov swirled over the city of dust cloud, soft, like flour. In it fleet
Chicken down, dry leaves and straw. Published it seemed that the city smokes
Quiet fire.

In the market area was very empty, sultry; Emission horse Dremali
Near the watershed booth, and on their heads they had straw hats.
Grandfather crossed himself.

- Not that horse, not that bride - the jester will discern them! - he said and flattened.
Long asked passersby about Karl Petrovich, but no one really
did not answer. Located in the pharmacy. Fat an old man in Pensne and in short
White coat angrily shrugged and said:

- I like it! Pretty weird question! Karl Petrovich Kush -
Specialist in childhood diseases - for three years I have ceased to take
patients. Why do you need you?
Grandfather, stout from respect for the pharmacy and from timidity, told about the hare.

- I like it! - Slap pharmacist. - Interesting patients started in
Our city. I like it remarkably!
He nervously removed Pensne, rubbed, again pressed on his nose and stared at
grandfather Grandfather was silent and trampled on the spot. Pharmacist was also silent. Silence
It became painful.

- Postal street, three! - Suddenly the pharmacist shouted in the hearts and slammed
Some of the disheveled thick book. - Three!

Grandfather from Vanya see to the post office just in time - because of the Oka
Went a high thunderstorm. Lazy thunder sipped by the horizon as
Suspension Salo straightened his shoulders and reluctantly shook the land. Gray ripples went
down the river. Silent zipper, the empty, but rapidly and badly beat in the meadow;
Far behind the glades have already burned the haystack, grilled by them. Large rain drops
fell on the dusty road, and soon she became like lunar surface:
Each drop left a small crater in dust.

Karl Petrovich played something sad and melodious piano when
There was a disheveled beard of the grandfather.
A minute later, Karl Petrovich was already angry.

"I'm not a veterinarian," he said and slammed the piano lid. Immediately B.
The meadows grumbled thunder. - I treated children all my life, not hares.

"What a child is that the hare is all one," the grandfather mumbled stubbornly. - Everything
One! Outdoor, Javi Grace! Veterinarian Our cases are obvious. He is from us
Eaves. This hare can be said, my Savior: I owe him life,
Gratitude should provide, and you say - throw!

Aven a minute, Karl Petrovich - an old man with gray-haired eyebrows,
- Worried, listened to the stumbling story of the grandfather.
Karl Petrovich eventually agreed to treat a hare. In the next morning
Grandfather went to the lake, and Vanya left Karl Petrovich to walk behind the hare.

A day after the postal street, overgrown with goose grass, already knew that
Karl Petrovich treat a hare that burned down on a terrible forest fire and saved
Some old man. Two days later, he already knew the whole small city, A.
The third day to Carlo Petrovich came long young man in a felt hat,
called an employee of the Moscow newspaper and asked to give a conversation about the hare.

The hare cured. Vanya wrapped it in cotton rag and rushed home. Soon
The story of the hare was forgotten, and only some kind of Moscow professor long
Sold from grandfather so that he sold him a hare. Sent even letters with
Marks on the answer. But grandfather did not give up. Under his dictation Vanya wrote
Professor Letter:

The hare is not a coherent, live soul, let him live in the wild. At seven stay
Larion Malyavin.

... This fall I spent the night at the grandfather of Lariona in the Uzensky Lake. Constellation
Cold, like grapple ice, swam in the water. Noise dry reed. Duck
Challenges in the thickets and plaintively quiced all night.

My grandfather did not sleep. He sat at the stove and revenge the ripped fishing net. Later
Put a samovar - from him windows in the hut immediately fucked and stars from the fiery
Points turned into muddy balls. In the courtyard Leaf Murzik. He jumped into the darkness
I shook my teeth and bounced - fought with an impenetrable October night. Hare
I slept in the Seine and occasionally in a dream pounded the back paw on the rotten half.
We drank tea at night waiting for distant and indecisive dawn, and for
Team grandfather told me finally a story about the hare.

In August, the grandfather went to hunt to the northern shore of the lake. Forests stood
Dry like gunpowder. Grandfather fell a bunny with a torn left ear. Grandfather shot B.
It is from the old rifled rifle, but missed. Hare dRA.
Grandfather went on. But suddenly raised: from the south, from Lopukhov,
Higher pulling Gar. The wind got stronger. Smoke Gustela, he was already carried by a white veil
In the forest, delayed bushes. It became difficult to breathe.

Grandfold realized that the forest fire began and the fire goes straight to him. Wind
Switched to a hurricane. Fire challenged on the ground with unheard of speed. According to
Grandfather, even the train could not get away from such a fire. Grandfather was right: during
Hurricane fire has walked at the speed of thirty kilometers per hour.
Grandfather ran around the bumps, stumbled, fell, smoke went his eyes, and behind
A wide buzz and crackle of the flame was already heard.

The death of Santa overtook him, grabbed his shoulders, and at this time from under his feet
Grandfather jumped the hare. He ran slowly and dragged the rear paws. Then only
Grandfather noticed that they had a hare burned.

Grandfather was delighted with a hare, as if native. Like an old forest resident, grandfather
knew the beasts much better than man Fuck where the fire comes from, and always
saved. They are dying only in those rare cases when the fire surrounds them.
Grandfather ran after the hare. He fled, cried from fear and shouted: "Wait
Cute, do not run so much! "

The hare brought grandfire from fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, hare and grandfather
- both fell from fatigue. The grandfather picked up a hare and rushed home. The hare was
Opalen hind legs and belly. Then grandfather cured him and left him.

- Yes, - said the grandfather, looking at the samovar so angry, as if samovar
Was all kind, - yes, and before the hare, I walked a lot
nice man.

- What have you guessed?

"And you do, look at the hare, at my Savior, then you know." Take

I took a lantern from the table and went to the Senets. Hare slept. I burned over him with
The lantern and noticed that the left ear in the hare was torn. Then I understood everything.

// June 7, 2010 // Views: 126 229