Plan of events for the preparatory group “Theatre Week”. Project "Theater Week" for senior and preparatory groups Long-term plan for a theater week in the preparatory group

Plan of events for the preparatory group “Theatre Week”.  Project
Plan of events for the preparatory group “Theatre Week”. Project "Theater Week" for senior and preparatory groups Long-term plan for a theater week in the preparatory group

Topic of the week: "Theater Day"

Target: creating conditions for joining theater arts and developing a positive attitude towards it.

Sections of the thematic block:

Where does theater begin?;

Kids artists;

Theater and children;

Regional component (artistic and aesthetic development).

Duration: 2nd week of April.

Final event: joint creativity of children and adults, theatrical performances (showing productions and performances, mutual visits).

Responsible for the final event: teachers: Kobyz S.V., Mukhomedzyanova N.A., music director: Boyko S.V., instructor physical culture: Fedyukova G.P.

Deadline for the final event: 04/08/2016

Interaction with family and society:

1. Folder moving: “International Theater Day”.

Date: 04/04/2016

2. Consultations, conversations, surveys on the topic and blocks of the week.

Responsible for the final event: Kobyz S.V., Mukhomedzyanova N.A

Date: 04/06/2016

3. Replenish the group centers with attributes.

Responsible for the final event: Kobyz S.V., Mukhomedzyanova N.A

Date: 04/08/2016

Morning exercise complex No. 19 "Funny Clowns"

Target:create conditions formaintaining and strengthening children's health; development of motor activity; nurturing organization, gradual restoration of the body during daytime sleep...

1. “Pigtail up.” I.p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the pigtail with both hands behind your back.Performance:1-raise the pigtail back and up, do not lower your head, arms straight, movement from the shoulder. 2.- return to i.p.Repeat:8 times.

2. “Tilts to the sides.” I.p: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down with a pigtail.Performance:1-raise your straight arms with the braid up. 2-tilt to the left side, keep your arms above your head, do not bend your elbows. 3.-straighten up, arms with the braid up. 4.-return to i.p. Also to the right.Repeat:By6 times in each direction.

3. "Triangle". I.p.: lying on your back, pigtail in lowered arms (on the hips).Performance:1- simultaneously raise straight arms and legs, touch your toes to the pigtail (make a “triangle”), do not lift your shoulders off the floor. 2-return to i.p.Repeat:8 times.

4. “Rearrange the braid.” I.p: basic stance, braid in the right hand, arms down, hanging.Performance:1- arms to the sides. 2. -join your hands in front, transfer the braid to your left hand. 3. -arms to the sides.4. -return to IP Same with the other hand.Repeat:6 times with each hand.

5. “Put the braid further.” I.p.: legs wider than shoulders, braid in both hands, below.Performance:1. bend, place the pigtail as far as possible in front of you, do not bend your knees. 2. straighten up, arms down. 3. bend forward, raise the pigtail. 4-straighten up.Repeat:6 times.

5. “Pigtail jumping.” I.p.: The main stand is sideways to the braid, the braid lies on the floor.Performance:1-8-jump with two legs sideways through a pigtail, moving forward a little. Walking, hands on the belt.Repeat:8 times.

Gymnastics after a nap, complex No. 19

I . 1. “Log”. From a lying position on your back (legs together, arms extended above your head). In this position, roll several times, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

2. "Kolobok". Lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your arms, pull your head towards your knees. In this position, roll several times, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3. "Drawing" -ip.: sitting. Both hands move simultaneously in one direction, then in the opposite direction. First, the child draws straight lines, then inclined, then various circles, ovals, triangles, squares.

4. "Fists" -ip.: sitting on your knees and on your heels, your hands are on your knees. One hand clenches into a fist, thumb out. Unclenches. Clenches into a fist, thumb inward. Unclenches. The other hand is motionless. We change hands. The same with both hands together. Then the phases of movement shift (one hand contracts, the other simultaneously unclenches).

5. “Elbow-knee” -ip.: lying on your back, legs together, straight arms extended above your head. Right hand and right 9.

6. “Step in place.” The child marches in place, raising his knees high. The arms hang along the body.

7. "Tin Soldier" -ip.: standing on one leg, arms along the body. By closing our eyes, we maintain balance for as long as possible. Then we change legs.

II . Walking along the “Health” path. Correction track: rubber mats, buttons.


Morning of joyful meetings : create conditions for

1. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor. Watering indoor plants, caring for flowers.Goal: to create conditions for nurturing the desire to participate in caring for plants in a corner of nature.

2.Individual work: (education of cultural and hygienic skills) with Alina P., Artem B. Goal: to create conditions for continuing work to improve children’s self-care skills.

3. Communication activities. Conversation on the topic: "Different types of theater."

Goal: to create conditions for expanding and enriching children’s knowledge about various types theater

4. Work on life safety: Topic: “How to behave in the theater?”

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating knowledge in in public places.

5. Morning exercise complex No. 19.

6. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Goal: to create conditions for continuing to teach children to properly wash their hands, dry them, and rinse their mouths after eating.

Preparation for class


( FEMP).

Topic: “Measurement” Lesson 56.

Goal: to create conditions for developing the ability to carry out tasks given by the children themselves, to learn how to read dictation based on a finished drawing. Integration educational areas: Tasks: Educational: create conditions for continuing to teach children to count according to a given measure. Developmental: create conditions for developing the ability to navigate in space, consolidate time concepts and increase the number by one within 20. Educational: create conditions for nurturing organization. Material: ball, 3 hoops, apples cut out of paper, notebooks, pencil. Methods : verbal – instructions, explanation. Answers; practical – D.U “Stand where I say”, “Find your house”, “Count by twos”; visual – showing objects, diagrams. Plan: 1. Motivation (game motivation), 2. Main part (game exercises), 3. Final part (relaxation).


Target: Create creative environment for the formation of elementary concepts about theater using means musical expressiveness. Lesson 51. Tasks:Developmental : develop artistic abilities by creating images of musical characters from fairy tales. Educational: learn to express your feelings through creativity. Educational: develop the ability to act together, creative groups, duplicate each other. Integration of educational areas:

Construction / manual labor

Topic: “Clowns and other toys are fun”

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the ability to create an image of an object from parts, make cuts, cut paper straight and oblique, and carefully stick it on. Objectives: Educational: create conditions for developing the ability to divide a square sheet of paper into equal parts by folding; Developmental: create conditions for development mental processes in children (memory, attention, imagination and speech); Educational: create conditions for nurturing interest in teamwork.. Materials: sample parsley toy, scissors, glue, colored paper, pencils, oilcloths, album sheets, cardboard blanks, wire, awl. Methodological techniques: game situation (game), demonstration of the application method (visual), independent work of children (practical), physical exercise, examination finished works(visual), reflection (verbal). Plan: 1. Motivation (showing the finished product), 2. Main part (conversation about the circus), 3. Final part (reflection).


1. Observation of the flora. Willow observation. Target: create conditions forgetting to know the bushes of our area; continue to teach how to compare willow with other varieties of this tree and know about the peculiarities of the awakening of trees in the spring.

Progress of observation:Spring has not yet sewn shirts for the forests and meadows, Only the willow has unraveled the curly lambs. Compare willow and broom leaves.

2.Labor activity. Clearing paths. Goals:create conditions forformation of the desire for collective activity.3. Individual work: Development of movements (Matvey P. Rita K., Dasha P).

Goal: to create conditions for improving running and jumping skills.
4. Outdoor games: “Mousetrap”, “1,2,3-run”. Goal: create conditions for the development of speed and agility.

1.Perception of fiction. ReadingA. Barto “In the theater”.Goal: to create conditions for the formation of logical thinking. 2. Listening musical composition: "Ancient dance»



1.Plot- role-playing game: “We are artists”, “Theater”. Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children’s ability to develop the plot of the game based on existing knowledge.

2. Individual work on speech development with Alina K., Nastya B.

Goal: to create conditions for continuing to learn to find vowel sounds in words of one syllable.

3. Conversations about artists and paintings, didactic games on activity.

Examination of the reproduction “The Circus Lights the Lights.” Goal: to create conditions for the development of aesthetic feelings.


1. Outdoor games: “Traps”, “Catch up with a couple”. Goal: to create conditions for practicing running over obstacles.

2. Gaming physical exercise: "Throwing balls." Goal: create conditions for the development of accuracy.

3. Independent play activity: Games with external material. Goal: to create conditions for children to develop the ability to play together.

1. While eating, consolidate the ability to carefully use cutlery, make requests, thank, and consolidate the names of dishes.

2. Strengthen the ability to comply with the rules of staying in kindergarten through reminders, decision problem situations, situational conversations

3. Strengthen the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for class, without being reminded to clean your workplace.

Book Center. Submit a book Goal: create conditions for

Toy center. Add D.I. “Put the whole thing together.” Goal: create conditions for the development of logical thinking

Art Center. Add plasticine and planks. Topic: "Clown". Goal: to create conditions for the development of creative abilities.

Center for role-playing games. Add attributes to S.R.I. "Cinema". Goal: to create conditions for the formation of interest in joint games.

Construction Center constructive games . Bring in dolls and wooden building material for building a circus. Goal: to create conditions for the development of design abilities.

Science Center. Bring in magnifying glasses and herbarium. Goal: to create conditions for broadening the horizons of children.

3. Independent games with external material.

4. Encourage children to engage in independent musical and artistic activities.

Cooperative activity adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning of joyful meetings : create conditions forensuring the gradual integration of children into the rhythm of group life

1. Games for the development of the emotional sphere and creative imagination. Director's play based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault.Goal: to create conditions for the development of imagination, artistry, the ability to act according to the plot, and conduct dialogue.

2.Individual work: According to FEMP with Denis V., Dima K. Goal: to create conditions for continuing to teach the composition of the number 20.

3. Experimental games, research activities: “Light bulbs and batteries”, Target: bring children to the conclusion about the need for a person to sleep and rest, let children understand what snoring is and why sometimes a person snores in his sleep.

4. Guessing riddles on the topic Russians folk toys(matryoshka, horse, whistle, etc.) Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of logical thinking.

6. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Goal: to create conditions for consolidation of CGN.

Preparation for class


Integration of educational areas: “PR”, “RR”, “SKR”, “FR”, “HER”

Fine (modeling )

Topic: "Clowns". Goal: to create conditions for the continued development in children of the ability to sculpt a human figure. Educational: create conditions for continuing to teach how to create a human figure in the arena. Developmental: create conditions for the development of a sense of rhythm and composition. Educational: create conditions for the development of artistic taste. Materials: stacks, beautiful buttons and beads, napkins, plasticine, planks, clown toy. Methodological techniques: verbal – conversation, questions and answers; visual – examining the finished craft, showing modeling techniques; Game - game exercise. “We can’t sit still”; Practical – productive activities for children. Plan: 1. Game motivation (showing the finished craft), 2. Main part (modeling clowns). 3. Final part (reflection, examination of children's crafts).

Motor (in the hall)


Communicative (preparing for literacy)

Topic: dividing words into syllables

Target: creating conditions for children to become acquainted with the letter ь, talk about its features, the place of the sign in words, dividing words into syllables, isolating a stressed syllable and drawing up a word diagram, a sentence, rules about a sentence and composing a sentence based on key words, isolating sentences from micro-stories and drawing up a proposal outline. Integration of educational areas:

Materials: alphabet in pictures, notebooks, colored pencils, pencil, easel, cards with reference words and micro-stories. Methods: verbal – conversation, questions, answers. visual – looking at illustrations; gaming - physical minute; practical – productive activities of preschoolers. Plan: 1. Motivation (showing pictures), 2. Main part (reading a work, conversation on what was read), 3. Final part (reflection).


Goal: to create conditions for promoting health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

1. Observation of the animal world. Spring in the life of forest animals

Goal: to create conditions for expanding ideas about how life comes to life in the forest in spring: animals (bear, hedgehog), insects that slept in winter wake up.

2. Labor activity: Feeding birds in spring. Target:

3. Individual work on the development of basic movements (running) . (Arina S., Sofia Y.). Goal: to create conditions for improving running skills.
4. Outdoor games: “Sparrows and the car”, “Who’s next”.

5. Games with natural materials. Game with cones.

Goal: to create conditions for the development of knowledge about natural materials.

Returning from a walk. Relaxation before bed: 1. Perception of fiction. ReadingS.Ya. Marshak "In the theater for children."Goal: create conditions for developing the ability to expand and activate lexicon. 2. Listening to a musical composition: music. D.B. Kabalevsky “Clowns”. Goal: creating conditions for the formation of skills to distinguish between means of expression in musical works composers.


Relaxation exercises after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Target : create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of children's ability to perform basic movements, gradual recovery of the body after daytime sleep.

1. Individual work on musical education as part of interaction with the music director. Children's game musical instruments. "Forty, forty"

Goal: to create conditions for developing the ability to join your party in a timely manner.

2. Independent activity in the corner sensory development, desktop games:

DI “Who needs what?”, “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: create conditions for the development of attention.

3. Didactic games(for hearing development, for classifying objects, etc.): “What do you hear?” , “Listen to the sounds!” . Target: create a condition fordevelopment of auditory attention.


1. Folk games: " Baba Yaga", "Grandfather Mazai". Target:create conditions for introducing children to the culture of the peoples of Russia.Tasks:Educational: create conditions for getting acquainted with folk holidays, included in Russian folk calendar; Developmental: create conditions for the development of coordination of movements, artistic skills. Educational: create conditions for nurturing the desire to adopt and preserve folk traditions.
2. Observation. Continuation of observation along walk 1.

Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children’s attention, thinking, and speech.

3. Game physical exercises : “Christmas tree traps”, “Counter dashes". Goal: create conditions for continuationteach to follow the rules of the game, teach to run around the entire area.

4. Outdoor games: “Find us”, “Owl”. Goals: to create conditions for consolidating the ability to name objects on the site, to learn how to navigate in space.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

1. When carrying out hardening procedures, expand your understanding of the rules and types of hardening, talk about the benefits of hardening procedures, the role sunlight, air and water in human life and their impact on health.

2. Continue to develop fine motor skills hands in various activities

3. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of playing together, working together, and doing independently chosen activities. To develop the ability to calmly defend one’s opinion, the ability to negotiate, help each other, and the desire to please elders with good deeds.

Organizing an environment for independent activity

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Book Center. Submit the book “Friendly Children”. Goal: create conditions forlooking at illustrations and retelling them to each other, developing imagination and speech.

Toy center. Add D.I. “Fold the picture.” Goal: create conditions fordevelopment

Art Center. Bring in pencils and albums. Topic: “Houses for friendly children.” Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentcreative abilities.

Center for role-playing games. Add attributes to S.R.I. "Cash register". Goal: create conditions forformation of interest in joint games.

Construction Center constructive games . Insert diagram cards and “Rainbow” constructor for independent construction. Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentdesign abilities.

Science Center. Add a collection: dried leaves and flowers, magnifying glasses. Goal: create conditions forexpanding children's horizons and cognitive activity.

2. Encourage children to independently organize outdoor games, perform sports exercises while walking, using the available physical education equipment.

3. Independent games with external materials and equipment on the site. Removable materials: shovels, brooms, toys.

4. Encourage children to work.

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning of joyful meetings : create conditions forensuring the gradual integration of children into the rhythm of group life

1. Work on local history, patriotic topics: exhibition: children's drawings: “Circus”.

Target: create conditions for nurturing interest in the art of our native land.

2.Individual work: (sound culture of speech, preparation for teaching literacy) with Vika V., Kirill V. Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the pronunciation of sound (z) in words and phrases.

3. Didactic games with mathematical content. DI. “Guess where it is”, “Sticks in a row”. Goal: to create conditions for improvement in determining the spatial arrangement of the named objects, to learn to build a row of 10 sticks of different lengths in decreasing sizes by eye.

5. Complex of morning exercises No. 19.

Goal: to create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of motor activity; nurturing organization.

6. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.

Goal: to create conditions for continuing to instill in children KGN, teach them to be on duty in the canteen.

Preparation for class


Integration of educational areas: “PR”, “RR”, “SKR”, “FR”, “HER”

Musical Lesson 52.

Objectives: Developmental: continue to develop artistic abilities by creating images of musical characters from fairy tales

Educational : continue to learn to express your feelings through creativity

Educational: continue to develop the ability to act together, in creative groups, to duplicate each other

Communicative (speech development)

Topic: Examination of V. Bespalov’s painting “Baba Yaga”

Goal: create conditions for enriching children's literary baggage, getting to know the artist's paintings... Material: illustrations according to the text. Methods: verbal – conversation, questions, answers. visual – looking at illustrations; gaming - physical minute; practical – productive activities of preschoolers. Literature: Gerbova. speech development. Plan: 1. Motivation (showing pictures), 2. Main part (reading epics, conversation on what was read), 3. Final part (reflection).

Fine (applique )

Theme: “Pigeons on a tiled roof” (silhouette ribbon applique). Goal: to create conditions for the formation of skills to create a collective composition, placing cut out elements in different ways. Objectives: Educational: create conditions for familiarization with: the graphic element “loop” and the graphic border “wave” of different curvature and height. Developmental: create conditions for the development of compositional skills. Educational: create conditions for education: interest in nature. Materials: colored paper, scissors, glue, brushes, colored pencils, sheets of paper of different sizes for the background, sketch. Methodical techniques: Verbal – conversation, questions and answers; Visual – examining a sketch, showing appliqué techniques; Game - game exercise. "Birds"; Practical – productive activities for children. Plan: 1. Game motivation (showing the finished application), 2. Main part (making the application, 3. Final part (reflection, examination of finished works).

Motor (while walking)

Topic: “Visiting spring.”

Goal: creating conditions for the development of motor activity.

Educational: create conditions for

Developmental: create conditions for

Educational: create conditions for

Progress: First part: walk along the bridge; jump over the stream; second part: P.I. "Mousetrap"; third part: walking.


Goal: to create conditions for promoting health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

1. Observation of the phenomena of social life. Observation “Footprints on the ground.” Goal: to create conditions for the development of skills to identify tracks: children's, adults, bird tracks.

2. Labor activity: Warming plants. Goal: to create conditions for continuing to teach to bring the work started to the end, education careful attitude to living nature.
3. Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing the ball into the distance) “Hit the hoop.” (Vasya B., Dasha K., Vika S., Vika V.). Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the ability to throw at a target.

4. Outdoor games: “Catch-up”, “Tag”. Target:create a condition fordevelopment ATS.

Returning from a walk. Relaxation before bed: 1. Perception of fiction. ReadingA. Barto “In the theater”.Goal: to create conditions for the development of the ability to expand and activate vocabulary. 2. Listening to a musical composition: “Ancient dance”» G. Sviridov. Goal: creating conditions for instilling a sense of respect for the traditions of another people.


Relaxation exercises after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Target : create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of children's ability to perform basic movements, gradual recovery of the body after daytime sleep.

1. Individual work on art activities with Lera Ts., Kirill T.

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the skill of working with gouache.

2. Role-playing game: S.R.I. "We're going to the theater""Cafe Lakomka"

Goal: create conditions for consolidating cultural skills.

3. Musical and didactic games: « JUMP" . Goal: to create conditions for the development of expressiveness in performing light jumps and a soft spring step.


1. Game physical exercises : “Catch up with your mate.”

Goal: to create conditions for the development of agility in running.Outdoor games: "Blind Man's Bluff", "Geese-Swans". Goal: to create conditions for the development of physical activity.

2. Independent play activity. Games with molds.

Goal: to create conditions for the development of independent play activities of children.

3. Didactic game to familiarize yourself with the world around you.

DI. “What good do people in this profession do.”Goal: to create conditions for the development of children’s knowledge about the work of adults in the theater.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

1. When organizing routine moments through situational conversations, reminders, individual work, cultivate the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself using an individual towel, rinsing your mouth after eating, using a handkerchief and comb correctly, taking care of your appearance, quickly undressing and dressing , hang clothes in a certain order, keep shoes clean; 2. Through explanations, reminders, individual work, teach children to make assumptions and draw simple conclusions, express their thoughts clearly for others, continue to develop the ability to defend their point of view; 3. Through explanations, examination, observations, situational conversations, form an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, and artistic and creative activity.

Organizing an environment for independent activity

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Book Center. Introduce the book “Important Rules”. Goal: create conditions forlooking at illustrations and retelling them to each other, developing imagination and speech.

Toy center. Add D.I. "My house". Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentattention, thinking, imagination.

Art Center. Bring in paints, brushes, albums. Topic: “Pictures for good friends.”

Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentcreative abilities.

Center for role-playing games. Add attributes to S.R.I. "Theater". Goal: create conditions forformation of interest in joint games, development of imagination, education of respect for each other, distribution of roles

Construction Center constructive games . Bring in Lego constructors to build a theater. Goal: create conditions fordevelopment of design abilities.

Science Center. Add funnels, measuring cup, and water. Goal: create conditions forbroadening the horizons of children.

2. Encourage children to independently organize outdoor games, perform sports exercises while walking, using the available physical education equipment.

4. Encourage children to engage in independent productive activities.

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning of joyful meetings : create conditions forensuring the gradual integration of children into the rhythm of group life.

1. Games to develop memory, attention, thinking, word games : “How are they different?”, “Finish the sentence.” Target: create conditions for the development of logical thinking, attention.

2.Individual work: (design and manual labor) with Daniil V., Vanya. Z. Topic: “Clowns.” Target: create conditions for developing the ability to bend a sheet of paper in half.

3. Educational games on speech development: “Recognize by voice-1”, “Recognize by voice-2”. Target: create conditions fordeveloping the ability to recognize each other by voice.

4. Complex of morning exercises No. 19. Goal: to create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of motor activity; nurturing organization.

5. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Goal: to create conditions for continuing to teach children to use a napkin and rinse their mouths after eating.

Preparation for class


Integration of educational areas: “PR”, “RR”, “SKR”, “FR”, “HER”

Cognitive and research ( FEMP)

Topic: “Problem Solving”. Target: create conditions for the formation of the ability to compose and solve problems on addition and subtraction on numbers within 20. Objectives: Educational: create conditions for the formation of: the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Developmental: create conditions for development: attention. Educational: create conditions for education: organization. Material: card on which 6 drawings for one plot, chips are arranged differently. Literature: Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten.” Methods: verbal - instructions, explanation. Answers; practical – CI “Clock”, “Repeat after me”; visual – showing objects, diagrams. Plan: 1. Motivation (game motivation), 2. Main part (game exercises), 3. Final part (relaxation).

Fine (drawing) )

Topic: "Circus".

Goal: to create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about the circus. Objectives: Educational: create conditions for getting to know the circus. Developmental: create conditions for the development of mental processes in children (attention, memory, speech and imagination); Educational: create conditions for cultivating interest in the circus. Materials: paper, watercolor paints or colored pencils, brushes, jars of water, circus sketch. Methodical techniques: verbal – conversation, questions and answers; visual – examining a sketch, showing drawing techniques; game-physical education session “Doing the exercise”; practical – productive activities of children; verbal - the results of children's work. Plan: 1. Game motivation (display of the finished drawing), 2. Main part (independent activity of children), 3. Final part (reflection, examination of children's finished works).

Communication (fiction)

Topic: Reading L. Tolstoy’s fable “The Dog and Its Shadow.”

Analysis of proverbs. Target: create conditions for the formation of understanding moral meaning fables, its figurative essence, correlate the idea of ​​a fable with the meaning of a proverb. Objectives: to create conditions for continuing to teach children to emotionally perceive the content of works; developing children's knowledge of proverbs; fostering interest in fables. Materials: illustrations for the fables of Krylov and Mikhalkov, paper, pencils. Methods: verbal - reading a fable, talking about what you read, questions and answers; visual – illustrations; gaming - physical just a minute. Plan: 1. Motivation (showing pictures), 2. Main part (conversation, explanation, instructions), 3. Final part (reflection).


Goal: to create conditions for promoting health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

1. Observation of inanimate nature. Observation of the pond. Target: create conditions forProgress of observation: Spring is gaining victory over every day cold winter. The first victory of spring is on the field. Thawed patches, coltsfoot flowers, and dark snow appear. The second victory of spring is the river one. The snow flows like a stream into the ravines and under the ice into the river. Water rises in rivers and breaks the ice. And huge ice floes rushed downstream, colliding with each other. When ice breaks and rivers overflow, the air temperature drops sharply. And in stagnant bodies of water, ice lasts longer, since the water does not flow or move. It just gradually runs under the ice and floods it from above. The ice does not break, but gradually melts.

Research activities.Measure the thickness of the ice using an ice meter.

2. Labor activity. Clearing the area of ​​debris and snow. Target:create conditions for the desire to work together..

3. Outdoor games: “The wolf in the ditch”, “From bump to bump”.Goal: create conditions for development physical qualities children.

4. Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing, catching) with Denis M., Zakhar M.. Purpose: to create conditions for throwing and catching exercises.

Returning from a walk. Relaxation before bed:

1. Perception of fiction. ReadingYuri Solov “Theater Song”.

Goal: to create conditions for development to expand and activate children’s vocabulary. 2. Listening to a musical composition: the song “Merry Holiday” lyrics. V. Viktorova.

Goal: creating conditions for the formation of skills to distinguish between means of expression in the musical works of composers.


Relaxation exercises after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Target: create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of children's ability to perform basic movements, gradual recovery of the body after daytime sleep.

1. Individual work on the development of coherent speech With Kirill V., Alena M.

Target: create conditions for the development of coherent speech.

2. Role-playing game "Cinema".

Goal: to create conditions for developing the ability to develop the plot of the game.

3. Independent activity in a corner of solitude "Viewing books depicting theater." Goal: create conditions for development cognitive ability children ) ; independent play activity. “Ball game - What types of theater do you know?”

Goal: to create conditions for the development of creative abilities.


1. Elements sports games: “Carry it - don’t drop it”, “Run - don’t touch it”.

Goal: to create conditions for the development of physical activity.

2. Didactic games: Game based on the painting “I go, I see, I tell myself.” Target:create conditions forimmersion in the plot of the picture. The feeling of its details as parts of a whole composition.

3. Walk observation 1. Continuepond surveillance

Target: create conditions forconsolidation of knowledge about the properties of ice.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

1. Remind children to save correct posture in various activities

2. Continue to cultivate a respectful attitude towards others. Explain to children that they should not interfere in adult conversations. It is important to listen to your interlocutor and not interrupt unnecessarily. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards children and the elderly, and a desire to help them.

3. Through situational conversations, game exercises, continue to develop interest in art and musical culture, cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste. Enrich musical impressions children, to evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

Organizing an environment for independent activity

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Book Center. Contribute story pictures. Target:create conditions forconsideration and independent conclusions, clarify ideas about the good and evil deeds of heroes.

Toy center . Bring in the counting sticks. Target:create conditions forfixing the bills, making pictures from them.

Center for role-playing games . Add attributes to S.R.I “Beauty Salon”. Target:create conditions for developmentthe ability to independently handle the situation.

Art Center. Bring in markers, sketchbooks, postcards for parsley.

Target:create conditions for developmentimagination, creativity.

Bring in a major builder. Topic: “Beautiful theatre.”

Target:create conditions for developmentchildren's constructive skills.

Science Center . Add in jars different types croup Target:create conditions forfor children to consolidate their names, type, color, and the name of the porridge in its finished form.

2. Encourage children to independently organize outdoor games, perform sports exercises while walking, using the available physical education equipment.

3. Independent games with external material, and free motor activity of children while walking. Removable materials: shovels, brooms, toys.

4. Encourage children to conduct independent cognitive and research activities.

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning of joyful meetings : create conditions forensuring the gradual integration of children into the rhythm of group life

1. Looking at albums "Famous theaters of Russia."

Goal: to create conditions for expanding and enriching children's knowledge about the theater.

2.Individual work: on speech development (dictionary, grammar) “Words are different” with Yarik L., Daniil M. Purpose: to create conditions for familiarization with the term word.

Z . Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the surrounding, natural world. DI. "Make no mistake." Goal: create conditions for the development of attention.

4. Work on traffic rules (games, conversations, looking at illustrations. Topic: “Crossing the street.” Goal: to create conditions for consolidating knowledge about the rules of crossing the road.

5. Morning exercise complex No. 19. Goal: to create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of motor activity; nurturing organization.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Goal: to create conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards the requirements of fulfilling the basic norms and rules of behavior at the table.

Preparation for class


Integration of educational areas: “PR”, “RR”, “SKR”, “FR”, “HER”

Cognitive and research (the world)

Topic: “Introduction to the profession of an artist.” Goal: to create conditions for children to become acquainted with professions and to develop respect for elders.

Methods: verbal (dialogue, monologue, conversation), visual (showing pictures), gaming (DI), verbal (reflection).

Material: examination of illustrations about the theatre, albums, colored pencils.

Methods: verbal - conversation, explanation; visual – looking at illustrations;

practical - reproductive; gaming - physical just a minute.

Plan: 1. Motivation (showing pictures), 2. Main part (conversation, explanation, instructions), 3. Final part (reflection).

Motor (in the hall)

Goal: creating conditions for the development of motor activity.


Educational: create conditions for

Developmental: create conditions for

Educational: create conditions for

Fine (drawing) )

Topic: "Clown".

Goal: to create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about the circus. Objectives: Educational: create conditions for the formation of: the ability to draw a human figure in motion. Developmental: create conditions for development: a sense of form and composition. Educational: create conditions for nurturing: interest in the circus. Materials: sheets of paper, ink paints, brushes, jars of water, toy clown. Methodical techniques: verbal – conversation, questions and answers; visual – examining a sketch, showing drawing techniques; game – Physical education lesson “Doing the exercise”; practical – productive activities of children; verbal - results of children's work. Plan: 1. Game motivation (showing the sketch “Clown”). 2. Main part (independent activity of children), 3. Final part (reflection, examination of children's finished works).


Goal: to create conditions for promoting health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

1. Observe seasonal changes, targeted walks and excursions . Hail sighting. Goal: create conditions for getting to know each otherwith the concept of “hail”; forming an idea of ​​why hail is observed in nature.

Progress of observation:White peas flew from the sky. The chicken got scared, the cat ran away. I wanted to try it. White peas, just for some reason, It melts in your palms.

When the earth warms up warm air rises together with water vapor. It is always cold high above the ground, so drops of water turn into ice. Hail usually comes with rain: some pieces of ice manage to melt, while others, the largest ones, fall to the ground. This is how we see it a natural phenomenon. Research activity: observe and determine where ice peas do not melt longer: on the road, under bushes, etc.

2. Labor activity. Clearing the area of ​​trimmed branches of bushes and trees. Target:create conditions forcontinuation to teach to bring the work started to the end.

3. Movable games: "The Birds and the Fox", "Run and Catch".

Goal: to create conditions for running exercises, developing attention and agility.

4. Individual work on the development of basic movements (climbing ) with Rodion B., Alena S. Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the ability to crawl through collars.

Returning from a walk. Relaxation before bed:

1.Perception of fiction. Reading poems about the theater. Goal: to create conditions for continuing to expand children’s knowledge about the theater, to expand and activate children’s vocabulary. 2. Listening to a musical composition: “Ancient dance”» G. Sviridov. Goal: creating conditions for instilling a sense of respect for the traditions of another people.


Relaxation exercises after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Target: create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; development of children's ability to perform basic movements, gradual recovery of the body after daytime sleep.

1. Constructive activity. Topic: “Cinema “Sayany”.

Goal: to create conditions for continuing to learn how to independently find a constructive solution for a building depending on its purpose, to consolidate the name of the parts.

2. Household work. Topic: “Placing order in play areas.”

Goal: to create conditions for the development of the desire to work side by side, the desire for communication in work.

3. Theater Friday. Theatrical and playful creativity "Black Panther" V. Enke

Goal: to create conditions for the development of children’s ability to invent plastic movements and coordinate them with music, creating a dance.


1. Role-playing game: S.R.I. " Puppet show" Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children’s ability to develop the plot of the game based on existing knowledge

2. Independent motor activity of children: "Round dance around the trees."

Goal: to create conditions for children to develop the ability to use their skills in independent activities.

3. Didactic games: “Find a couple”, “Who left?”

Goal: to create conditions for the development of attention, thinking, imagination.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

1. Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games and invent your own games.

2. Accustom to conscientiously perform the duties of duty officers

3. Replenish your literary baggage with riddles, rhymes, proverbs and sayings

Organizing an environment for independent activity

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Book Center. Contribute viewing the painting “In the Theater.”Goal: create conditions for formation of ideas about politeness.

Toy center. Add D.I “Say it differently.” Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentattention and thinking, words of gratitude.

Center for role-playing games. Add attributes to the S.R.I “Bureau of Good Deeds.” Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentthe ability to independently play out a situation, share game material, and play together.

Art Center. Add plasticine and animal samples for modeling fairy-tale heroes positive and negative. Goal: create conditions fordevelopmentcreativity, positive emotions.

Center for construction and construction games. Include a small construction set and diagram cards for independent construction. Topic: "Theater made of wooden constructor." Goal: create conditions for development of children's constructive skills.

Science Center. Watching the weather outside the window. Goal: create conditions for formation in children of interest in natural phenomena, the world around them, development of observation and attention.

2. Encourage children to independently organize outdoor games, perform sports exercises while walking, using the available physical education equipment.

3. Independent games with external material, and free motor activity of children while walking. Removable materials: shovels, brooms, toys.

4. Introduction of new board and printed games.

Calendar plan

Complex of morning exercises (card file No. 14)

A set of hardening measures after sleep (card file No. 14)

Interaction with family and society :

consultation for parents “What do we know about the theater”

Making scenery for the fairy tale “Teremok”

Joint participation of parents and children in the production of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Topic of the week : “Theater Day”

Target : create conditions for expanding children’s ideas about theater and theatrical professions. Develop children's curiosity, sense of humor, and artistic abilities. Cultivate a love for the performing arts.

Sections: "Theater Day"

Final event : screening of the fairy tale “Teremok” (joint creativity of adults and children)

Responsible teacher: Sokovets T.A.

MONDAY Date: 28.03. 2016


Morning of joyful meetings : ensure the gradual integration of children into the rhythm of group life

1. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor.

water houseplants, pick dry leaves, and, if necessary, loosen the soil in the pots.

Goal: to teach children to determine the moisture content of the soil by touch and to water flower pots in doses. Strengthen work skills.

    Individual work

education of cultural and hygienic skills with Vika Sh., Alyosha K.

Goal: continue to learn how to set the table for breakfast, don’t forget to put out napkins.

    Communication activities

(conversation on the topic of the week)

"Introduction to the Theater"

Goal: to create conditions for the formation of ideas about the theater, to introduce theater professions, and the rules of behavior in public places. Foster a culture of behavior when visiting the theater.

    Work on life safety

Conversation: “The spark of the carcass before the fire”

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating knowledge about the causes of fires and rules of conduct during a fire.

4.Perception of fiction

Perception of A. Barto’s poem “In the Theater”

Purpose: to show, using the example of the heroines of the poem, how one should not behave in the theater. Develop interest and curiosity. Foster a culture of behavior


1 Topic: FEMP

Objectives: 1.continue to teach how to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

2.Develop memory, attention, observation.

3. Foster a love of mathematics.

(individual work) with Alyosha K, Lera S, Nikita K.

2Motor activity

Work according to the plan of the physical training instructor

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, turning in the other direction at a signal; learn to walk on a tightrope with a bag on your head, practice jumping and throwing a ball, develop your eye and dexterity.

3Modeling. Theme "Rock Chicken"

Goal: to create conditions for the ability to make a chicken from a whole piece of plasticine, using previously mastered techniques: pinching, smoothing, pulling.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate perseverance, accuracy in work, teach to see the results of your work.

development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

    Observation of the flora.

Looking at buds on trees

Goal: to teach children to identify cause-and-effect relationships in nature, to develop eco- logical thinking, introduce the peculiarities of the awakening of trees in spring.

    Labor activity

Collection of small waste in the kindergarten area.

Goal: to create a desire for teamwork, develop diligence, the desire to keep the site clean and tidy.

    Outdoor games

1. “By the bear in the forest.” Goal: practice running in all directions.

2 "The Hunter and the Hares". Purpose: to secure throwing at a moving target.

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (jumping)

With Nastya K, Vanya B, Misha B.

Goal: practice jumping forward.


    Role-playing game


Goal: continue to introduce children to catering professions, develop an understanding of the work of a barmaid, and expand children’s vocabulary

    Individual work on speech development

with Dasha, Diana, Daniil.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to form words with the suffix “check” (lock, hook, tray, etc.)

    Conversations about artists and paintings, didactic games on art activities

Examination of I. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Goal: teach children to see beauty spring landscape, note the color of the picture. To educate children's aesthetic senses.


1 .Outdoor game

« Two frosts"

Goal: to reinforce the rules of the game, pronounce words clearly, practice running. Cultivate endurance.

2.Game physical exercises


Goal: run in a circle with acceleration and deceleration, without opening your arms.

3.Independent play activities

Organize a role-playing game based on cartoons of the children's choice, help with the distribution of roles, and monitor the development of the plot.

Goal: to teach how to assume the role of cartoon characters.

    During meals, reinforce the ability to carefully use cutlery, make requests, thank people, and reinforce the names of dishes.

    Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of being in kindergarten through reminders, solving problem situations, and situational conversations.

    Strengthen the ability to prepare materials and aids for class independently and in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.

Create conditions for the development of children in various centers

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject-development environment on the site

Book Center: bring in a book for viewing - a collection by A. Barto, introduce the poem “In the Theater”

Goal: to consolidate the rules of behavior in public places, to recall other poems by A. Barto

Arts Center: invite children to draw the scenery for the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Goal: develop creativity.

Science Center: “Invisible Air”

Goal: to continue to introduce the concept of “air” to its properties and role in human life.

Design center: building a tower

Goal: develop children's creativity, consolidate the ability to build buildings that are original in design.

Toy library center: game "Count it"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to compose and solve problems using named numbers

TUESDAY Date:29. 03

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY : include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Games for the development of the emotional sphere and creative imagination.

"Game of Riddles"

Goal: develop creative imagination, ability to write short descriptive stories-puzzles.

    Individual work

ByFEMP with Nikita K, Dasha, Lera.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to divide a whole into parts, compare a part and a whole, reflect the results of comparison in speech.

    Experimental games, research activities

Game – experiment “Travel on the map”

Goal: show and explain to children that the map is an indispensable assistant on any journey (card file No. 13)

    Guessing riddles

on the topic “Theater” - continue acquaintance with theatrical professions, develop memory and attention

    Perception of fiction and folklore.

Folklore. Reading fables “Listen up, guys”

Goal: to replenish children’s literary baggage with fables.


1 Topic: Perception of fiction. Poems about spring " Spring is coming- the way to spring"

Objectives: 1. Create conditions for children to get acquainted with new poems about spring, accustom them to poetic speech, teach them to understand genre features poems. Fix the names of the seasons and months.

2.Develop children's speech, attention, memory.

3.Cultivate a love for the nursery fiction, the desire to listen and perceive it.


According to the music director's plan.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the music, rhythmically clap your hands, clearly intone the melody of songs, correctly take the breath at the end of phrases, and clearly strike quarter notes in the orchestra.

3Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing on the theme “My favorite animal”

1 Create conditions for the ability to convey an image in a drawing, character traits favorite animal. Strengthen your sketching skills with a simple pencil, paint with watercolors.

2 Develop figurative ideas, imagination, fine motor skills of the hands.

3Cultivate accuracy in work, perseverance, and the desire to see the results of your work.


1. Observation of the animal world.

Behind the magpie

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, to teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Cultivate a love for birds

2. Labor activity

Collect twigs, sticks, pieces of paper from the area.

Goal: to notice the disorder in the area and eliminate it in a timely manner.

3. Outdoor games

1 “Make a figure”, “By the bear in the forest”

Goal: develop agility, practice running in a straight direction.

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (running)

with Vanya K, Maxim.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to run with acceleration and deceleration of the running pace.

5. Games with natural materials

With snow.

Goal: to consolidate the properties and qualities of spring snow


    Individual work

on musical education in the framework of interaction with the music director

2.Independent activity in the corner of sensory development; Board games

Board games“Mosaic”, “Who Lives Where”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to draw pictures and places of residence of wild animals, amphibians, and reptiles.

3. Didactic games (for hearing development, for classifying objects, etc.)

Did. game "What's first, what's next"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, the characteristic features of each period.


1.Folk games

« Ball up"

Goal: learn to catch and hold the ball after throwing it up.


Behind the melting of snow and ice.

Goal: learn to compare weather conditions during a morning and evening walk, draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships

3.Game physical exercises, outdoor games

"Geese-swans", "Don't get caught"

Goal: to strengthen running in all directions, agility, endurance.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

    When carrying out hardening procedures, expand your understanding of the rules and types of hardening, talk about the benefits of hardening procedures, the role of sunlight, air and water in human life and their impact on health.

    Continue to develop fine motor skills in a variety of activities

    Continue to foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of playing together, working together, and engaging in independently chosen activities. To develop the ability to calmly defend one’s opinion, the ability to negotiate, help each other, and the desire to please elders with good deeds.

Organizing an environment for independent activity

(indicates how the environment is supplemented to implement the plan)

Book center: consider the children's encyclopedia, chapter “Theater”

Goal: to expand knowledge about the theater, theatrical professions, to consolidate the rules of behavior in public places.

Arts Center: invite children to draw a picture about spring

Goal: to develop creative imagination, strengthen the ability to draw with wax crayons..

Design Center: "Theater"

Goal: create conditions for children to design according to the scheme.

Center for role-playing games: game “Let’s go to the theater”

Goal: expand the theme of role-playing games, develop Creative skills, children's knowledge about the theater. Enrich children's vocabulary. (costumer, make-up artist, administrator)

Toy Library Center: Dienesh Logic Blocks

Goal: teach children to think and make puzzles on their own.

WEDNESDAY Date 30.03

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY : include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Work on

1 scientific-local history


3n. - moral memory

Looking at illustrations about Lake Baikal

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the sights of our region

    Individual work

(sound culture of speech, preparation for literacy) with Dasha, Lisa, Daniil

Goal: teach children to make sentences of 2-3 words

Perception of the fairy tale “The Old Man”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the seasons.

    Didactic games with mathematical content

Games with counting sticks

Goal: to consolidate the ability to lay out using counting sticks geometric figures different sizes.



Objectives: 1. Practice solving arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

2.Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square, attention, logical thinking. Improve counting skills by changing the counting base within 20

3. Cultivate a love for exact sciences.

2Physical development

According to the plan of the general physical training instructor

Repeat walking and running in a circle, changing the direction of movement and scattering. Practice running high jump, practice throwing bags at a target, and crawling between objects.

3Construction. Theme "Theater"

1Teach children to design buildings for various purposes, assign names building material, the ability to assemble crafts that are original in design..

2 Develop creative imagination, the ability to manage one’s activities.

3 Develop the ability to reason, prove one’s point of view, and be critical of one’s work and the activities of peers

(individual work) with Vanya, Lera.

WALK I : health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity

Observations on social life

Observations of the work of the janitor

Purpose: to help the janitor maintain cleanliness and order in the territory of the preschool educational institution

3. Outdoor games

1 "Mousetrap", 2 "Hunter and Hares"

Goal: practice running, throwing at a moving target, consolidate the ability to fairly evaluate the results of the game

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing)

With Nastya Ch, Maxim, Lisa

Goal: throwing snowballs at a horizontal target with the left and right hand


    Individual work

on art activities with Vika, Vlad

goal: to consolidate the ability to perform the technique of applying paints.

    Role-playing game

“In the theater” (continuation of the game)

Goal: to enrich the plot of the game with new roles - make-up artist, costume designer. Foster a culture of behavior in public places

    Musical and didactic games, conversations about music. works, composers

Musical game “Shadow-sweetness”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to come up with movements that reflect the content of the game. Develop independence in finding a method of transmission in movements musical images, promote activity and independence.


1.Game physical exercises, outdoor games

"Carousel", "Shooter"

Goal: to practice the ability to run in a circle without opening your arms, with acceleration and deceleration; throw snowballs at the target.

2. Independent play activity

In the doll's corner

Goal: to form the gender identity of children

3. Didactic game to familiarize yourself with the world around you

"Birds, animals, fish"

Purpose: to secure the habitats of birds, animals and amphibians

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

    When organizing routine moments through situational conversations, reminders, individual work, cultivate the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself using an individual towel, rinsing your mouth after eating, using a handkerchief and comb correctly, taking care of your appearance, quickly undressing and dressing, hanging clothes in a certain order, keep shoes clean.

    Through explanations, reminders, individual work, teach children to make assumptions and draw simple conclusions, express their thoughts clearly for others, and continue to develop the ability to defend their point of view.

    Through explanations, examination, observations, situational conversations, to form an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, and artistic and creative activity.

Organizing an environment for independent activity

(indicates how the environment is supplemented to implement the planned

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject development environment on the site

Book Center: add the “Theatres” album for viewing

Goal: to show children the variety of theaters: drama, opera, puppet. Introduce the Bolshoi Theater.

Arts Center: offer coloring books

Goal: color carefully, without pressing on the pencil, without going beyond the outline.

Science Center: experiments with water.

Purpose: to consolidate the properties and qualities of water (fluidity, transparency, thermal conductivity, colorability, etc.)

Design center: designing from paper “Furniture”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to make furniture from cubic boxes

Goal: to develop logical thinking, the ability to geometric shapes

THURSDAY Date: 31.03

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY : include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Games to develop memory, attention, thinking, word games

Word game “Knock, knock, find the word dear friend”

Goal: to teach children to name words consisting of 2-3 parts

    Individual work

(design and manual labor) with Alyosha K, Vika Sh, Nikita K. practice cutting and gluing a square box according to the pattern.

Goal: to consolidate the techniques of bending and ironing a sheet of paper along dotted lines, the ability to work with scissors. Develop motor skills.

Cultivate accuracy in work and perseverance.

    Perception of thin. literature and folklore

Perception of the poem p. Marshak "In the theater for children"

Goal: to show the magical world of theater

    Didactic games for speech development

“Find what I’ll describe”

Goal: to teach children to find objects in their immediate environment by description. (Then the children describe any object, the teacher finds it)


1 Topic: “Sounds (g) and the letter G” (preparation for learning to read and write (communicative)

Objectives: 1. Introduce children to the mechanism of sound formation G. Learn to determine the place of sound in a word. Strengthen the ability to come up with words with a given sound.

2Develop phonemic hearing and general motor skills.

3. Cultivate a love for your native language.


Work according to the music director's plan

3 Fine. Application on the theme “Clown”

1Create conditions for the ability to paste an image from parts of different sizes and shapes. Reinforce the techniques of paired cutting from paper folded in half.

2Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3 Cultivate accuracy in work and the ability to use glue.

(individual work) with Vika, Nikita.

WALK I : health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity

1. Observation of inanimate nature.

Watching the wind.

Goal: to teach children to use turntables and use signs to determine the strength and direction of the wind.

2.Labor activity

Sweep the floor in the gazebo.

Goal: to notice the disorder in your area and eliminate it in a timely manner.

3. Outdoor games

Goal: to strengthen throwing into the distance, running with acceleration and deceleration, without releasing your hands.

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing, catching)

With Nastya, Alyosha.

Goal: catch the ball after clapping.


    Individual work

on the development of coherent speech with Maxim, Lera, Vanya.

Goal: learn to compose stories with continuation

    Role-playing game

" Theater"

Goal: to create conditions for children to develop the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge about life around them in play.

Strengthen ideas about the theater, creatively develop the plot, perform a performance based on the familiar fairy tale “Teremok”

    Independent activity in a corner of solitude. independent play activity

Games for children based on their interests.

Goal: to teach children to find activities of interest, play together, avoid conflict situations


1.Elements of sports games

"Ball on the ground"

Purpose: to introduce the rules of dribbling the ball for the game basketball

    Didactic, word games

Did. game "What's extra?"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to highlight generalizing words.


Watching each other

Goal: learn to observe the mood and behavior of other children.


    Remind children to maintain correct posture in various activities

    Continue to develop a respectful attitude towards others. Explain to children that they should not interfere in adult conversations. It is important to listen to your interlocutor and not interrupt unnecessarily. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards children and the elderly, and a desire to help them.

    Through situational conversations and game exercises, continue to develop interest in art and musical culture, and cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste. Enrich children's musical experiences, evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

Organizing an environment for independent activity

1.Create conditions for the development of children in various centers

(indicates how the environment is supplemented to implement the plan)

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject development environment on the site

Book Center: review books about theater

Goal: look at the illustrations and plunge into the world of theater

Arts Center: sculpting heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok” -

Goal: to create conditions for creative and independent work, consolidate the techniques of pulling, pinching, smoothing

Design Center: by design

Goal: to consolidate the ability to assemble buildings that are original in design

Science Center: experiments with water for transparency, taste, thermal conductivity, fluidity.

Toy Library Center: “Mathematical Lotto”

Goal: to consolidate the names of geometric shapes, to be able to lay out various objects from them.

FRIDAY Date: 01.04

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Looking at albums and illustrations

View the album "Pets"

Goal: to teach to classify animals into domestic and wild, to know the names of wild and domestic animals and their young. Cultivate a love for animals and a desire to care for them.

    Individual work

on speech development (vocabulary, grammar) with Maxim, Janis.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to divide words into 2-3 syllables (ma-li-na, ma-shi-na; sea-re, z-rya, etc.)

    Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the surrounding, natural world

Game "Who Lives Where"

Purpose: to secure the habitats of wild animals, reptiles, and fish.

    Perception of thin. literature

Reading N. Nosov “Living Hat”

Goal: remember the story, teach to understand the humor of the current situation. Cultivate a love for children's fiction and a desire to perceive it.

    Work on traffic rules (games, conversations, looking at illustrations)

Conversation: “Road accident culprits”

Goal: to teach children to anticipate dangers that arise on the streets and roads and try to avoid them. Raise competent, attentive pedestrians


1. Theme “Planets” solar system»

Objectives: 1. Create conditions for the formation of ideas about the planets, their diversity and size. Introduce the names of the planets.

2.Develop curiosity, cognitive interest, desire to learn something new.

3. Develop the ability to listen to peers’ answers and evaluate them competently.

2Speech development.

“Let’s compose a fairy tale about Cinderella”

Goal: to create conditions for the ability to compose fairy tales on the proposed topic, improve phonemic perception, and activate children’s speech

Develop active colloquial speech, intonation side of speech.

Cultivate a love for your native language

3Manual labor. Theme “Lessons from Princess Needle”

Goal: to create conditions for familiarization with safety precautions when working with cutting and piercing objects. Develop the ability to thread a needle and tie a knot.

Develop an interest in work and a desire to help comrades.

Cultivate accuracy and caution when working with a needle and scissors.

(individual work) with Vanya, Nikita, Alyosha.

WALK I : health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity

    Observe seasonal changes, targeted walks and excursions

Observations of snow near the fence.

Purpose: to show the dependence of snow melting on sunlight, to teach children to draw conclusions

    Individual work on developing basic movements (climbing)

With Anya, Nastya, Maxim.

Purpose: to strengthen climbing on a gymnastic bench on all fours


    Constructive activity

“Mosaic”, “Puzzles” - learn to compose beautiful flowers from small objects, pictures based on a model.

    Household labor

Cleaning the group room.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to maintain order in a group.

    Theater Friday (cultural and leisure events, holidays, entertainment, theater and other types of theaters)

Topic: showing the fairy tale “Teremok” for younger preschoolers.

Goal: to develop children's creative abilities, to bring joy to their younger friends.


1.Plot role-playing game

"We are sailors"

Goal: expand children’s horizons, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries. Cultivate a desire to travel and friendships

2.Independent motor activity of children

Outdoor games: “At the bear in the forest”, “Toss and catch”

Goal: to practice running in all directions, the ability to catch the ball after throwing it up.

3. Didactic games

Game "Who's Calling Us"

Goal: develop auditory attention, activate the vocabulary on the topic “Pets”, consolidate the ability to form diminutive forms of the name of baby animals (kitten, puppy, etc.)

Joint activity of adults and children in (regular moments )

    Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games and invent your own games.

    Accustom to conscientiously perform the duties of canteen attendants

    Replenish your literary baggage with riddles, rhymes, proverbs and sayings

Organizing an environment for independent activity

1.Create conditions for the development of children in various centers

(indicates how the environment is supplemented to implement the plan)

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject development environment on the site

Conversation “April 1st – April Fools’ Day”

Goal: to introduce the holiday of April 1, to talk about the history of its origin, that on this day everyone jokes, pranks each other and no one is offended, to introduce traditional pranks from different countries.

Book center: consider the book “Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster

Purpose: to show the humorous nature of the advice, to consolidate knowledge of how to behave correctly..

Arts Center. Application. Topic: “My favorite animal”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to cut out animals using a stencil.

Science Center: experiment “The balls quarreled”

Purpose: to show children that objects (balls) that received the same electric charges, repel each other. (card file No. 67)

Game Library Center: Magnetic Theater

Goal: to teach children to invent a fairy tale, lay it out on a magnetic board and tell it.

Center for role-playing games. Game "Toys at the Doctor"

Goal: teach children how to care for the sick, use medical instruments, and expand their vocabulary. Cultivate sensitivity and attentiveness.

Kovyazina Raisa
Planning educational work in the preparatory group “Theater for preschoolers”

Raisa Kovyazina

Planning educational work in the preparatory group on the topic« Theater for preschoolers»

Target: Developing children's abilities through theatrical arts.


Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities;

Teach children the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression;

Activate children's vocabulary, improve sound culture speech, intonation structure, dialogic speech;

Introduce children to different species theater;

Develop children's interest in theatrical gaming activity.

Working with parents:

Visual propaganda about the week theater in preschool educational institution;

Conversations on the topic of the week;

Organization and holding of joint events;

Participation in enrichment gaming environment V group;

Participation in the design of a photo exhibition "We are in theater» ;

Consultation for parents “The meaning of theatrical activities in life preschooler», “So that the fairy tale does not become boring”.


Conversation "We came to theater»

Introduction to the concept theater, species theaters, theatrical professions.

D.I. "Wonderful bag"

1. Cognition. FCCM. Conversation "Visiting a fairy tale"

2. Artistic creativity. Drawing. "My favorite character".

physical plan. Instructor.

Raising children. Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Conversation about the rules of conduct in theater. Parse the meaning of the proverb "Visual Culture"

S/R. a game "We came to theater»

Conversation “Our hands are not for boredom”

Introducing children to finger theater, theater - mitten, theater shadows - with the characteristics of this type theaters;

Word game “Create a funny and sad dialogue between the Mouse and the Bunny”;

Finger gymnastics "Bird".

1. Artistic creativity - collective application “There is a tower in the field”.

plan musical director.

Raising children. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Conversation « Musical arrangement theater» ;

Children's games with sounding instruments.

Finger theater"Ryaba Chicken".

Conversation "Dolls are artists"

Looking at bi-ba-bo dolls;

Guessing riddles from fairy tales.

Organization of a situation for independent activity of children in the center of board and printed games.

1. Artistic creativity. Drawing by design.

2. Communication "That's the story"

3. Motor activity by physical plan. Instructor.

Raising children. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking barefoot on massage paths.

Psycho-gymnastics "Different Faces" ;

S.R. game "A trip to the puppet room" theater» .

Organization for independent activities of children in the music center and theater.

Exercise “Tell poetry using facial expressions and gestures”;

D.I. "Wonderful bag";

Finger gymnastics "Owl"

The organization of a situation for children’s independent activity is in the center of the book.

1. Design “Creating fairy-tale characters from paper tubes”.

2. Musical activities By plan musical director.

Raising children. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures.

- Working on the album"Everything about theater»

Watching a video puppet show "Parsley"

The organization of a situation for children’s independent activity is in the center of the book. Repair of books and boxes of board games.

Conversation « Theater and music» - familiarity with various genres of music theater;

Rhythmoplasty "A Trip to the Zoo".

Independent activity of children in play centers.

1. Cognition. FEMP.

2. Artistic creativity drawing.

3. Motor activity by physical plan. Instructor.

Raising children. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep (Health-improving gymnastics after sleep (room No. 1 “Days of the Week”).) Tempering procedures.

Rhythmoplasty. Sketches "The Fox is Coming", "Dance of the Animals";

Vocalization of a chosen fairy tale by children using noise instruments.

Independent activity of children in play centers.

Publications on the topic:

Planning educational work for a week in the preparatory school group “Cosmos” Planning educational work for the week in accordance with the “Basic educational program preschool education.

Planning educational work for September in the preparatory speech therapy group 1. Planning educational work from 1.09.2014 to 5.09.2014 Group: PREPARATORY (Speech Therapy) Topic of the week:.

Planning educational work in a group (5–6 years old) for the week from 4.09 to 8.09 Planning educational work in group No. 7 (5-6 years old) for the week from 4.09 to 8.09 Theme of the week: “Hello, kindergarten!”

Time Joint activity of adults and children Independent activity of children Interaction with specialists, parents, social workers.

Time Joint activity of adults and children Independent activity of children Interaction with specialists, parents, social workers.

Theater day. Entertainment scenario for older children preschool age and their parents.

Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, physical education instructor. MDOBU "Novoarbansk kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy village.
Purpose: Entertainment for children of senior preschool age.
Description of work: The material may be useful for educators, physical education instructors, music directors for entertainment.
Target: To instill in children an interest in theatrical art.
- To introduce children to the concept of theater, to intensify interest in theatrical art; Expand words knowledge.
- Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater.
- Develop agility, speed, endurance.

Material: suitcase with things; Baba Yaga mask; fishing rods and fish with magnets, hoops; winders - frogs with arrows; red cap, blue cap; two spoons, two eggs. two gymnastic boards; slippers, medicine balls; fairy tale costumes; money and tickets according to the number of children;

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music. They stand in a semicircle.
Leading: Guys, we have all gathered together in this hall because today is International Theater Day. Every year around the world it is celebrated on March 27th. And on this day everything is possible. Even the most amazing and incredible adventures. And we celebrate this holiday in our kindergarten, where we all live very friendly and fun together.
Song:"Kindergarten Magic Country"(children sit on chairs)
Leading: Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:
There is a stage and backstage,
Both actors and actresses,
There is a poster and intermission,
Scenery, sold out.
And, of course, the premiere!
You probably guessed it...
(The presenter's story about the theater)

Leading: It's so good that there is a theater!
He was and will be with us forever.
Always ready to assert
Everything that is human in the world.
Everything is beautiful here - gestures, masks,
Costumes, music, acting.
Our fairy tales come to life here
And take off the bright world of goodness.
The music "Pinocchio" is playing.

Leading. Did you find out where this music came from?
Buratino enters to the music.
Pinocchio. Hello guys! I was in such a hurry to come to you for the holiday, I wanted to inform you that I had prepared a gift for you. Let's dance my favorite dance.
Dance is a waste.
Oh, guys, do you hear, it seems Malvina is coming to us. Now, I’ll make fun of her, hide, and you don’t say that you saw me. (Pinocchio hides behind the curtain.)
Music is playing and Malvina comes in with a suitcase.

Malvina. Hello guys. Have you seen Pinocchio here? (Places the suitcase on the floor). Guys, if Buratino is not there, does that mean I came first?
(Buratino comes out from behind the curtain and quietly takes the suitcase.)

Malvina(turns) Oh, where is my suitcase?
(looks up to the curtain, Pinocchio comes out wearing a Baba Yaga mask.)
Malvina gets scared, crouches down and cries. Pinocchio takes off his mask and begins to calm him down.
Pinocchio. Guys, help me cheer up Malvina. I have costumes in my suitcase; we will dress up for the theater. (Pinocchio opens the suitcase and takes out things).
Game: “Dressing up for the theater”

Pinocchio takes out outfits from his suitcase. For girls: glasses, hat and fan. For boys: hat, glasses and tie. Children dress up and walk around the hall to music.
Malvina: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers)
Well done, then I am sure that you will cope with my tasks!
You need to guess riddles about your favorite fairy tales.
1. He was a log once, and now everyone knows
what I was looking for in the swamp mud, the treasured key (Pinocchio)
Competition "Golden Key"
(The guys put on a “nose” like Pinocchio’s, hang a key on their nose and run to
landmark, run around it and come back)

Pinocchio: I also love fairy tales and know riddles. Guess my riddle?
2. We had a golden egg,
And the basket was left empty...
The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying,
But they are consoled (Ryaba Hen)
Relay game: “Chicken Ryaba”
(Running with an egg on a spoon. Walk along the gymnastics board, reach the landmark and return back, pass the baton to the next player.

Malvina: Well done, everyone got their assignments right. Listen next riddle.
3. It was a frosty winter.
In the hole by the lake
Gray tailed fox
Who got frostbite? (Wolf)
"Who can catch the most fish"
(Two children, a girl and a boy, come out. The girl puts on a fox hat, the boy puts on a wolf hat. The children each take a fishing rod. They go to the hoop where six fish lie and try to catch them; whoever catches the most fish, the fox or the wolf. (Fishing rod and fish on magnets) .

Pinocchio: And the fairy tales don't end,
The mysteries continue.
4. I went to visit my grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
Gray wolf I was watching her
Deceived and swallowed. "Little Red Riding Hood"
Presenter: Get up in the circle quickly, try on the hats of the front line on whom the music ends, try on the hats. (To the music, two caps are passed around. For girls, a red cap, for boys, a blue cap, the music ends, the children put on their caps and go out to dance in the middle of the circle.)
Musical game “Pass the Cap”

5. The young man’s arrow landed in a swamp,
Well, where is the bride? I'm eager to get married!
And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head.
The bride's name is... (Frog Princess)
“Which one can the frog jump to faster?”
(Frogs are winders. Children wind a rope around a stick, with a frog at the end.)

6. He put magic shoes on his feet,
And he overtook everyone on the sports track.
The padishah tried to steal his shoes,
But in the end I was left with my own nose. (Little Muck)
(Running with slippers “snake” between medicine balls)

7. You know this girl,
She in old fairy tale sung.
She worked, lived modestly,
I didn’t see the clear sun,
There is only dirt and ash around.
And the beauty's name was (Cinderella)
"Let's help Cinderella sweep the floor"
(Paper is laid out around the hall. Children use a broom to collect the paper onto a dustpan and put it in a hoop. Who can collect the trash faster).
Children perform the song “Miracle Theater”

Leading: We will continue the celebration, we will all dance together.
Polka dance
Leading. Pinocchio and Malvina. Our little artists prepared a fairy tale “Turnip” as a gift.
Malvina: To get into the theater, what is needed for this?
Children: To buy tickets.
Pinocchio: You tried your best, solved all the riddles, completed all the tasks. For this you receive money with which you can buy theater tickets.
Malvina: Buratino and I will be cashiers, we will sell theater tickets.
Leading: Guys, go to the box office and buy tickets from the cashiers for the fairy tale “Turnip” (children go to the box office and buy tickets).

Leading: When entering the theater, we present our tickets to the “ticketer”.
(children sit on chairs)
Fairy tale "Turnip".

As a gift, children and adults received: glasses, mustaches, hats, smiles.
Photo for memory.

Theater week in the preparatory group "Swallow".

Goals of the Theater Week:
Moral education children of preschool age, the formation of their cultural values, development of intellectual and personal qualities children.
Objectives of Theater Week:
Deepen children's knowledge about theater as an art form.
Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.
Give children an idea of ​​the types of theaters.
Help create a joyful mood in children, develop imagination and creativity.
Improve children's improvisational abilities, develop initiative and independence in creating images of various characters.
Organizing conditions in kindergarten for theatrical games, developing children’s interest in visiting professional theaters.
Through the theater, teach a child to see the beautiful in life and in people, to instill in him the desire to bring the beautiful and good into life.

Theater is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible spheres of art for a preschooler. It develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development children, helps to relax, develops communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, emotional sphere and simply brings bright, unforgettable variety to daily life, enriching the child’s inner world.


Conversation “History of theatre”

Goal: to tell children about the emergence of theater and the history of its development.
Puppet theater "Teremok".
Goal: to develop verbal and pantomimic expressiveness; activate speech, develop speech expressiveness.

Conversations of young theatergoers about types of theaters.
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the different types of theaters, their purpose and purpose.

Plot-role-playing game “We came to the theater.”
Goal: in a playful environment, to give children an idea of ​​the theater, the rules of behavior during the performance, and intermission.

Wednesday “We are artists, we are spectators!”
March 29
A surprise moment: introducing children to a “living hand” doll.
Goal: to talk about the variety of puppets in the theater, to give an idea of ​​how to manipulate a given doll.
Drawing competition “The Magical World of Theater”.
Goal: to enable children to convey in their drawings their vision of the theater, the stage, and the characters of the performances; development of creative and graphic abilities.
Dramatization games, director's games using a doll with a living hand.
Goal: to develop imagination, pantomimic expressiveness.

Thursday "Puppet Master"

30th of March
Entertainment game-dramatization “Kolobok”.
Goal: to develop the expressiveness of children’s speech and pantomime; consolidate knowledge of the content of a fairy tale, the ability to use the attributes of the theater.

Theater on flannelgraph based on nursery rhymes and poems.
Goal: consolidate knowledge of nursery rhymes and poems; develop children's speech, expressiveness, artistry, and develop imagination.

Friday “Theater, theater!”
March 31
Photo collage “Give us applause!”
Purpose: to show the work of teachers and children in theatrical activities organized in a group.
Theatrical games using human puppets
Goal: to give an idea of ​​a new type of doll: “ dolls - people"; develop imagination, pantomimic expressiveness; be able to organize your theatrical activities taking into account the chosen character.

This is how interesting and fun our theater week was.
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