Day of the Holy Trinity. Feast of the Holy Trinity Prohibitions on Trinity

Day of the Holy Trinity.  Feast of the Holy Trinity Prohibitions on Trinity
Day of the Holy Trinity. Feast of the Holy Trinity Prohibitions on Trinity

In the Orthodox world, the holiday of Trinity has a special meaning. This is one of the main religious holidays, which is marked as the twelfth and designated as a celebration, that is, the highest church holiday.

The celebration of Trinity depends on the date of Easter and falls exactly on the fiftieth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. In 2017, this event is celebrated on June 4. The Trinity holiday ends the spring Christian celebrations and ends with Lent, after which the cycle of summer celebrations begins.

How to celebrate Trinity

The Holy Trinity was established by the apostles and has been celebrated since ancient times. This event contains many traditions that remain unchanged to this day.

The celebration of Trinity begins with a great solemn service, which includes an all-night vigil. Orthodox Christians are present in the church at night and, together with the clergy, offer prayers to the Higher Powers, glorifying the day on which the Holy Spirit revealed himself to the apostles and the innocent Virgin Mary, thereby showing the trinity of Divine power. The blessed cleansing fire that they saw gave not pain, but cleansing from sinfulness, endowed hearts with reverent love, enlightened thoughts and revealed the secrets of Divine meaning.

Traditions of the day

The main attribute of the celebration of Trinity among Orthodox Christians is the birch tree. They picked branches with young leaves in large quantities and decorated their houses and temples with them. The floors were usually covered with freshly cut grass.

Families gathered for the service, taking with them several birch branches for blessing. At home they were placed near the home iconostasis. According to legends, such branches drive away all manifestations of negativity from the home, help to find the righteous path for lost souls, and give love and mutual understanding in families.

After the morning service, people headed home to prepare a festive lunch, an integral part of which was a loaf of bread. Street festivities, general joy, and the performance of Russian folk songs and dances were also obligatory. The remains of the home meal were taken to the church, where beggars gathered, waiting for alms, or given to the poor people encountered along the way.

Having fun from the bottom of the heart and glorifying the Lord through prayers instilled confidence in God’s providence and will in the heart of every Orthodox Christian. On this day, people asked for happiness and mutual understanding in families, guidance and protection for their children, and prayed for every person on Earth to atone for voluntary and involuntary sins.

For the celebration of Trinity, each housewife carefully cleaned her home, paying attention to household utensils and household items. The owners were busy putting things in order in the yard - straightening woodpiles, sweeping away last year's garbage, and repairing fences, gates and outbuildings.

The menu on this day included a variety of dishes, and since it was not a fast day, families could afford to bake a whole pig, cook jellied meat and other meat treats. The first spring salad of greens from your garden promised good luck and prosperity. They added boiled eggs to the dish, which the chickens laid on that very day. Drinks on the tables included kvass, all kinds of fruit drinks and compotes, which, among other things, had healing and immune-strengthening properties.

Young people on Trinity looked out for potential life partners, and acquaintances on this day were considered blessed in Heaven. Young people asked girls for consent to marriage and, if the answer was positive, they sent matchmakers to the bride’s house to seek parental approval.

The celebration of the Trinity contains centuries-old traditions, many signs and customs that everyone can join. May this bright day bring you only joy. We wish you love and happiness, and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.05.2017 06:14

Folk signs for Trinity are frightening in their content. According to some beliefs, if you don't visit the cemetery in...

This holiday, like many other Orthodox holidays, does not have a fixed date and day, so people often ask What date is Trinity in 2017 will be celebrated and what day of the week it will fall on. Let's look at these questions.

Even without knowing the exact day, you can calculate the day when Trinity will be celebrated this year. This can be done by counting exactly 50 days from the day of Holy Easter, which in 2017 was celebrated on April 16th. By the way, the second name of the Trinity is Pentecost. In general, by looking at the calendar, you can easily understand what date Trinity is this year - June 4, and the day of the week is Sunday.

On this day, solemn services with special prayers dedicated to the Holy Trinity will be held in God's churches:

  • priests dress in emerald-colored robes;
  • morning liturgy is held;
  • evening liturgy, after which those present in the church on their knees ask God for forgiveness of sins, healing and cleansing of the body.

It is advisable that on Trinity, when visiting churches, parishioners wear something green and bring with them a bouquet of young grass, spring flowers and birch branches.

Traditions of celebrating the Holy Trinity

Knowing what date the Orthodox Trinity is in 2017 in Russia, you need to know about the tradition of holding this holiday, as well as about the signs on these days.

The Orthodox Trinity has always been celebrated for three days:

  • 1st day - Green Sunday The floors of churches and houses are sprinkled with grass the day before, icons are decorated with birch branches, morning sermon, folk festivities.
  • 2nd day - Clergy Monday Service in the temple, prayers in the fields asking God for the harvest.
  • Day 3 - Bogodukhov Girls drive “Topolya”, the role of which is assigned to an unmarried girl. She was dressed up and taken around the yards, and the owners had to treat her. It was believed that the water in all wells was blessed on this day.

Signs and customs of Pentecost

There are many different customs and signs associated with Pentecost:

  • It has long been customary on this day to decorate your homes with green branches, field herbs and various flowers;
  • fresh grass laid at the threshold of the house scares away all sorts of troubles and misfortunes;
  • You cannot work on this day either in the garden or at home, but you are allowed to prepare treats for guests;
  • if a girl puts a wreath on a guy’s head on Trinity Sunday, then she likes him and thus chose him as her groom.

You can find out more about the Green Holiday of Trinity on this website.

We hope you remember what date the Trinity holiday will be in 2017 and will happily spend this day on June 4th in a good mood, with your family and friends, in harmony with Mother Nature.

Trinity occupies a special place in the church calendar - it is the birthday of the Christian church and the baptism of the first parishioners. The first baptisms were performed by the apostles, the companions of Christ, upon whom the holy spirit descended.

Birth of the Christian Church

It was 40 days after Jesus' resurrection, and ten days after his ascension. The apostles and the Most Holy Mother of God were in an upper room on the second floor in a house on Mount Zion. With them were the disciples of Christ and the first believers - they did not know what to do next.

What date does Trinity fall on in 2018?

Suddenly the whole room was filled with an unprecedented noise - as if the winds had filled the room. And the Spirit of God descended on each apostle and on the Most Holy Mary in the form of tongues of flame. The apostles suddenly began to speak together in different languages ​​that they did not know before. An unimaginable noise arose, which attracted residents of Jerusalem passing by and visitors to the city.

Passers-by decided that those in the house were drunk. Saint Peter came out onto the porch and announced that the spirit of God had descended on the apostles and they could prophesy. The apostles went out into the street and began their first sermons in different languages. Their speeches were filled with divine fire and captivated those present.

On the same day, about 3 thousand people were baptized - and thus the Christian Church was born. The first Christian church was that very house on Mount Zion - now the Assumption Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The apostles dispersed to many countries to preach.

They were endowed with the gifts of prophecy and healing, and carried the teachings of Jesus Christ to different nations, mastering different languages ​​by the divine will. Subsequently, all the apostles, except John, were executed. Nevertheless, the Christian Church still exists today, although the states that sentenced the apostles to execution have long since disappeared from the face of the earth.

Trinity Day, like most Christian holidays, is tied to Easter. It falls on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus, that is, on the fiftieth day after Easter. One of the Names of the Trinity is Pentecost - it is always Sunday.

Trinity Day is the birthday of the Christian Church, which found its first temple, first converts and preachers on Mount Zion. The tongues of fire, in the form of which the Holy Spirit overshadowed the first adherents of Christianity, endowed them with the abilities and special power to bring the Christian teaching to all countries, in which they succeeded.

Tongues of flame also signify the ability to scorch and cleanse from sins, warm souls and fill them with the light of faith. On Pentecost in churches, after the Divine Liturgy, they perform vespers in memory of the descent of the holy spirit on the disciples of Jesus.

The priests invoke the grace of the Holy Spirit on all those present at the service, their deceased relatives and living relatives. On the birthday of the Church of Christ, the temple is decorated with greenery, branches, even the floor is covered with green branches. Each believer comes to the service with a bouquet of flowers. Houses are decorated with branches of greenery, especially birch, and bouquets of flowers.

Trinity in 2018 will also be decorated with green birch branches and flowers. Even the priests’ clothes for the holiday are green, as a symbol of renewal and the birth of the church. The greenery on this holiday symbolizes the flowering in those days when Moses received the tablets of laws. According to Jewish customs, branches were used to decorate the upper room on Mount Zion, where the first adherents of Christianity gathered and where the Holy Spirit descended.

The greenery also reminds us of the Mamre oak grove, where the Divine spirit appeared to Abraham. The greenery also reminds believers that the grace of God fills human souls, and they blossom with virtue.

In Rus', celebrations lasted several days. Trinity Week was popularly called Green, Gryanaya or Klechalnaya. By Green Week, all spring work was completed and preparations were made for the summer harvest. The cycle began on the 7th Thursday after Easter - Semik. It was a day of remembrance for those who died a violent death (suicides, drownings) and unbaptized children.

Saturday - Parents' - was the day of obedience to deceased relatives. Monday was called Spiritual Day, and Thursday was called Nava Trinity or Mermaid Day. The week was green as the cult of vegetation reigned supreme. There was greenery everywhere. They mainly used birch branches, but also decorated houses and temples with branches of oak, ash, maple, and poplar.

People went to the Saturday service on the eve of the holiday with a bouquet of flowers, and on Sunday after the morning service it was customary to go on a visit, go out into nature, especially closer to the water. In Rus', on Pentecost, girls told fortunes about their betrotheds - fortune telling was called Green Christmastide. They mainly guessed about their betrothed and future family life. To do this, after the round dances, the girls took off their wreaths and threw them into the water.

It was a good sign if the wreath floated on the water. A drowned wreath was considered a very bad omen. The wreath, spinning in place, promised that the girl would not have a wedding this year.

On holidays, fairs and folk festivals were organized in cities and villages.

Believers attend church services and remember relatives, especially those who died by accident. During the holiday, it is customary to receive and treat guests and visit relatives. There are no restrictions for dishes. The only tradition is the loaf, which symbolizes family unity.

The Trinity loaf is then cut and dried into crackers - they are added to the wedding loaf. The tablecloth on which the loaf stood was placed under the tablecloth during matchmaking - to bewitch the groom. They begin preparing for the holiday the day before - they clean the house and yard, burn all unnecessary and old things.

The house is decorated with branches of birch, oak, maple, and bouquets of flowers. Even the yard can be decorated with green branches. Be sure to make beautiful bouquets, one of which will be taken to the evening service. The bouquet is scattered in the garden or field for fertility, and some are kept behind icons; medicinal decoctions are made from herbs.

After Sunday service, it is not customary to sit at home - people go out into nature, to the water. In the old days, people wove themselves wreaths from birch branches and flowers, young people danced in circles near the water, and then the girls threw their wreaths into the water. On this day, in round dances, young people looked for a mate; the Trinity wreath symbolized betrothal. The celebration of Trinity intricately combines the religious traditions of the birthday of the church and folk customs.

On the 50th day after Easter, believers celebrate another important religious holiday called Trinity. In 2017, Pentecost - another name for Trinity - falls on June 4th. What traditions are associated with Trinity and why should you go to church on June 4 and not to the cemetery? About this in the material FBA "Economy Today".

First, let's look at the history of the holiday. After Easter, Jesus came to his disciples for 40 days, and before ascending to the Father, he promised them to send a comforter in his place. The disciples began to wait for a miracle, gathering in a house on Mount Zion in Jerusalem for prayer (by the way, this is how the first Christian temple appeared). And on the 50th day after the resurrection, when the disciples were praying with the Mother of God, a loud noise was heard, and bright flashes appeared in the air, similar to tongues of flame. But the fire, touching the disciples, did not burn anyone. Along with the descent of fire, Christians received a gift - the ability to speak in different languages ​​and prophesy: ​​on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the 12 apostles and revealed to them that God is one and threefold at the same time - the Holy Spirit appeared from God the Father according to the promise of God the Son. Soon all of Jerusalem learned about the miracle, and the apostles spread the good news throughout the world.

Since then, it is believed that it was this day that marked the beginning of the spread of Christianity in the world. The disciples of Christ, who scattered throughout the Earth and preached Christianity in different corners, easily spoke with residents of unfamiliar cities in their native languages. Of the 12 apostles, only one survived - John; the rest were executed by opponents of the new faith.

How to celebrate Trinity

For Trinity, as for any other major holiday, people always prepared in advance - they cleaned the house, decorated the home with branches of blossoming trees, and hurried to finish all the work in the field. On Trinity and the day after it - it is called Spiritual Day - they postponed all matters and spent time with prayer and visiting the temple. The solemn service for Trinity is very beautiful. The walls and floors of the temples are decorated with field herbs, flowers and birch branches.

The clergy wear green robes. As a result, a very joyful holiday atmosphere is created, in which believers are given hope for salvation and eternal life. It is not for nothing that the liturgy for Trinity is considered one of the most beautiful and impressive in Christianity. On the second day after Trinity, the All-Holy Life-Giving Spirit is sung, which is why this day is called Spiritual.

But you should not go to the cemetery on Trinity, because this is a holiday of birth, a holiday for the living, the symbol of which is considered to be blossoming plants. In order to remember your loved ones and relatives, clean up the graves, and fulfill your duty to the departed, there is a special day - Trinity Parents' Saturday. And the next day you have to be in church.

What you can do on Trinity Sunday 2017

Also on this day, herbs and bouquets of wild flowers were blessed in the temple, after which they were laid out in the house near the icons. People believed that the consecrated herbs of the Trinity would save the house from fire. At the end of the festive morning service, the home was blessed with holy water to create peace and peace of mind for everyone who lives in the house.

In addition, on Trinity Sunday it is useful to walk barefoot on the grass, collect and dry medicinal plants, which acquired special properties on this day.

According to custom, a loaf or sweet pie is baked on Trinity Sunday and a few dry crusts are always left. Later, these crackers are added to the wedding cake as a sign of happiness and love.

What not to do on Trinity

On the holiday of Trinity, they try to drive away sad thoughts, avoid quarrels and forgive old grievances.

On Trinity you cannot do laundry, clean the house, or work on the land.

On Trinity Sunday they do not swim in reservoirs. According to ancient legends, these days mermaids became more active and could tickle and drown anyone who went for a swim.

It was not customary to get married or have weddings on Trinity. But matchmaking and engagements made on this day were considered a good omen, which promised a successful marriage in the future.

The weather on Trinity Day is almost always rainy; it is believed that this is how nature mourns all the dead.

If there is no rain on Trinity Sunday and the weather is dry and sunny, then the summer will be dry.

Some Orthodox holidays have moving dates and in most cases they are all associated with Easter. Many important church dates depend on what date this Great Day falls on.

For example, if you want to find out what date Trinity is in 2017, then first of all you need to find out. In the year of the Fire Rooster, the day of remembrance of Christ's Resurrection will occur on April 16. We count down 50 days and the date of Trinity will be known. So, in 2017, the Holy Trinity is celebrated on June 4th.

Pages of history

Trinity Day is the most important church holiday of the year. Information about him can be found in the Holy Scriptures. It describes a miracle that occurred on the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ. Early in the morning, around 9 o'clock, all Christian people came to the churches to pray.

At that moment, strange things began to happen on Mount Zion: a loud noise that could be heard by every apostle in the house. Simultaneously with this roar, tongues of flame appeared in the sky and began to slowly fall on the heads of the apostles. At the same time, the flame did not burn, but, on the contrary, warmed and caressed.

Along with the warmth, incredible encouragement, inspiration, joy and peace penetrated into the hearts of the apostles. They were filled with extreme love for the Almighty. The apostles suddenly began to speak different languages, some of which were previously unknown to them. On this day, the prophecy described in the Gospel of Matthew was fulfilled.

From then to this day, people have honored and remembered the feast of the Holy Trinity.

Traditions of the Holy Trinity

The Orthodox holiday of Trinity, like other celebrations, has its own traditions. This celebration is also popularly called Rusal Week. It is associated with a pagan ritual, when people dressed in loose clothes, decorated their heads with a bright wreath, danced and thanked Mother Nature for all her blessings.

According to ancient beliefs, on these days mermaids emerge from rivers and lakes, ride on tree branches and look after people. Of course, many trinity traditions have sunk into oblivion, but sometimes it is interesting to know how our ancestors lived.

  1. When leaving the church, people certainly tried to take several bunches of grass to mix with hay, boil and drink as a healing decoction in case of illness. If there were trees on the church grounds, the leaves could be plucked from them and woven into a wreath, which was then used as a talisman.
  2. Dwellings were decorated with wreaths, tufts of grass, and bouquets of wildflowers. People have always identified greenery with life, so when they brought fresh flowers or grass into the house, people thanked the Lord for giving them existence. You could decorate the house with any plants, but birch was most valued.
  3. Before the holiday, it was necessary to clean every corner of the house, wash linen and clothes. After cleaning, the housewives had to prepare delicious dishes (loaves, pies, meat, etc.).
  4. It used to be customary to get married on Trinity Sunday. The girls dressed up in their best clothes, walked around the village, looking for the groom. Many believed that those who wooed on Trinity would live happily ever after.
  5. On this day they baked kozuli (round cakes with an egg in the form of a wreath). The girls took the finished treats to the birch trees and arranged gatherings there.

Rituals for Trinity

This cheerful spring holiday was accompanied by interesting rituals that they tried to carry out every year. Trinity among the Slavic peoples was a kind of farewell to spring and a welcome to the long-awaited summer:

  • girls aged 7-12 had to break birch branches themselves, collect wild flowers and decorate the walls and windows of their houses with them;
  • The traditional breakfast dish was scrambled eggs, because they symbolized the bright summer sun. After the meal, the children hurried into the forest, curled the birch tree (the branches of the tree were decorated with wreaths, ribbons, and beads), danced around, sang songs and danced in circles;
  • On the eve of the holiday (Saturday), Orthodox people remembered their deceased relatives; people called this day “stuffy Saturday” or “parents’ day”;
  • On Sunday everyone went to church, carrying beautiful bouquets with them. After the service, the youth went to the birch trees to develop them. Then a sumptuous meal was held. At the end of the evening, the tree was cut down and carried around the village. Also, in some villages they let a log flow down the river, because they believed that it was able to give its strength to the first shoots.

Folk signs

For a long time, people have observed how animals, insects and nature behave. From all these observations, they compiled the signs that the current generation uses. It’s no wonder that such a powerful holiday as Trinity has its own signs. Here are some of them:

  • Rain on Trinity - expect a good mushroom harvest.
  • If you collect herbs and flowers on this day, you will receive a powerful amulet and a cure for many diseases.
  • After Holy Spirit Day, the frosts recede.
  • Give away change to the poor and needy - protect yourself from adversity and illness.
  • On the eve of Trinity, all plants are endowed with magical and healing powers.

Prohibitions on Trinity

There are several beliefs and prohibitions associated with the holiday week. people tried not to break any of these rules, so as not to bring misfortune on themselves and their family. On Trinity it is prohibited:

  • make birch brooms or brooms;
  • repair or build a fence;
  • work in the first days of Trinity week, although cooking treats was allowed;
  • During the week it is not recommended to go to the forest or swim in ponds.

Holy Trinity today

Of course, now few people honor those long-standing traditions, but still Trinity is everyone’s favorite holiday. In the morning, young and old go to church to stand the service, cleanse themselves of bad thoughts and recharge with positive, bright energy.

The day before, housewives clean their apartments, decorate them with fresh flowers, and prepare a delicious lunch. On Sunday, close people visit each other, bringing small souvenirs with them. Trinity is a family holiday, so if you want to spend it correctly and usefully, gather your closest, beloved people around you and enjoy this wonderful day.