Application of colored paper Autumn tree for children of the preparatory group. An abstract classes "Autumn tree Application on the topic" Autumn Golden "in the preparatory group: Master class on joy to children

Application of colored paper Autumn tree for children of the preparatory group. An abstract classes
Application of colored paper Autumn tree for children of the preparatory group. An abstract classes "Autumn tree Application on the topic" Autumn Golden "in the preparatory group: Master class on joy to children

Application in the preparatory group lays basic creative skills. Helps in the formation of logical thinking and imagination. During operation, children can make various simple geometric shapes. When working with kids up to 3 years old, pre-prepared parts are most often used. Sometimes it is possible to allow the guys to carefully prepare the parts independently.

During the manufacture of appliqués, children get acquainted with the main techniques of work and the skills of handling paper, glue. Children learn to correctly place the necessary fragments, form a solid image from scattered parts, lay out pictures in a certain sequence in harmony with the plot.

Among other things, children study the main geometric shapes, forms of various items, learn to harmonize colors. Start creating the simplest compositions.

While working, children in the preparatory group are mastering the main types of cutting. The program provides for the creation of plot applications, during which children think about the plot of their work.

Applications in the preparatory group can be on any interesting plot: seasons, transport, plants, and so on. The main thing is that the plot line is familiar to the baby and met in his daily life.

Autumn tree

On the subject of autumn, an excellent applique for the guys of the preparatory group will be the creation of an autumn tree with a crown of palms.

For this, they under the guidance of the teacher will drive their palms on a sheet of paper.

Carefully cut them out.

And glued to the pre-harvested tutor of the crown of the tree. It turns out such a wonderful group handicraft.

A bowl of fruit

Another remarkably theme for the applique will be a fruit vase.

The educator must tell pupils about the most common fruits, then ask the guys about their loved ones, and then offer to make a composition with you like.

Vase can be prepared by the educator in advance. You can also make a large number of apples, pears, lemons, paper oranges, so that the kids on the template can cut their own fruits and "put" in a vase.

Bright carpet

The applique of the autumn carpet will be interesting. For its manufacture, you can use both the leaves cut from paper and the real natural material. Only such leaves must be prepared. To do this, after a collection, remove the dirt from them, wash and let me dry under the press 2-3 days. After that, glue the leaves in an arbitrary order.

If the handicraft is a group, then the basics are best used Watman, which can be pre-painted.

Must get such a wonderful job.

Other options

Many children are familiar with mushrooms. Application on this topic can also be offered to the guys.

Who did not watch the wedge of migratory birds? Show some photos on the topic of migratory birds with pupils and offer to perform work on this topic.

Each child with great interest will execute the applique on the topic "My Family".

You can invite the guys to make a tree, in the corresponding places of which parents will help them stick photos of their family members.

All children love animals, so with great joy will make crafts on the topic "Pets".

Application from colored paper autumn tree "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Master class with step-by-step photo.

Place of work: MADOU CRR D / C №121, Kaliningrad

Description of the material:I present to your attention the master - class, the applique of the autumn tree from the colored paper "Autumn Kaleidoscope", for the children of the older - preparatory group of kindergarten, elementary school. Work allows children to plunge into the lyrics of the Golden Autumn, try to recreate the delicately charm, the beauty of autumn nature. The material will be useful for educators of senior - preparatory groups of children's preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, elementary school teachers.

"... I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and gold dressed forests ... "

Purpose: Manufacturing of the applixation of autumn tree


1. Learning to create an autumn tree image, make leaves, grass from colored paper, folded by the harmonica, sky - paper break technique,

2. Develop fine motility of hands, feeling of color and shape,

3. Fasten the skills and skills of working with scissors,

4. Rail the ability to see the beauty of nature,

5. Educate the prigidity and accuracy in the work.

Material: Blue cardboard sheet, brown paper, unevenly painted (imitating tree), colored paper, simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue

Preliminary work: Consider illustrations of "Golden Autumn", a conversation on this topic, the creation of herbarium from autumn leaves, listening to the play P. I. Tchaikovsky ("Seasons") - "October" ("Autumn Song"), learning the poems of autumn.

How much does the result of the fall, the leaves are satisfied?

Howhany for Winter Depella

Undress by qyg?

And definition too

Stripe late sleep!

(V. Orlov)

Step-by-step job description

On colored brown paper, unevenly painted (imitation of a tree), draw a tree

Recommendations: You can use a template made by the educator (teacher), and call it; draw (cut) a tree on white paper, and then paint with pencils, paints; Paper can be brown, uniformly painted

Cut out a tree

Note: Approximate height 19 cm, provided that the format of the sheet of blue cardboard A4 (background)

We make billets of the leaves - squares of different colors (red, orange, yellow, salad) 3cm x3cm

We also make a harvesting of grass - a rectangle 2cm x 28 cm green.

Squares fold the harmonica, starting from the corner (necosok), the grass we fold the harmonica smoothly in width.

Making a hillock. Rectangle from green paper 9cm x 4cm fold in half, spinning with scissors Corners and unfold, we get a semicircle

Complete forming leaflets. The resulting harmonicker from the squares bend in half and glue the middle, we have such a leaflet

In the middle of the bottom edge of the cardboard sheet of blue, we stick the hillock

In the middle of the tuberca, retreating from the lower edge of 1.5 cm., We glue our workpiece of the tree, then we stretch the harmonica of green (grass) throughout the bottom edge of the cardboard, so that the "grass" covered the base of the tree

We start forming the crown of our tree. Print leaves, alternating colors.

Note: The more leaves, the more magnificent Crown. You can portray how the leaflets fly, cut off from the branches (disrupts the wind)

We do the sky, clouds. Mute scraps from blue paper and glue them to the upper edge of our applique. Here is such a kaleidoscope from the autumn colors we did!


Upon completion of working with children, you can use

What is the leaf fall?

Imagine your hand brushes are leaves. Slide your fingers and look, the leaves of what tree remind you of your hands. (Maple.) Make your leaves with solid, tense, tight. (The teacher checks the tension of the fingers.) Good. And now the leaves hung: relax hands. We repeat the exercise again. Now we will show how the leaves are swinging in the wind. Perform with me. (Hands bent in the elbows, hand brushes slightly hang and swing from side to side.) Now the leaves are trembling in the wind. (Fast movements fingers.)

I suggest to arrange an exhibition of work, note which trees are different, how many bright, joyful paints brought us autumn, and the children turned out to be real wizards, creating a kaleidoscope of autumn flowers!

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Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of late autumn;

Tasks: Consolidate the presentation of children about the characteristic signs of late autumn;

Teach find them in nature;

Clarify the ideas about changes occurring in the fall in the life of plants;

Educate cognitive interest, careful attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of the autumn landscape;

Fasten the ability to use scissors, observing safety techniques, beautifully position the application elements on the sheet, gently stick them;

Develop creative abilities and imagination of children;

Preliminary work:

Excursion in the fall in the city park. Reading fiction on this topic. Acquaintance with autumn signs, sayings. Viewing paintings, illustrations. Guessing mysteries. Consider various decorative compositions drawn or made in paper appliqués.

Material: Illustrations with late autumn image, toned paper format A 4 (for appliqués, colored paper for appliqué, semolina, scissors, adhesive pencil, napkin.

Node move:

Children are sitting on the chairs by a semicircle, the educator reads the poem A. S. Pushkin "Sky in the autumn breath ..."

The sky is breathing in autumn,

Sometimes the sun shone,

In short, it became a day,

Forests mysterious Sen.

With sad noise naked.

Went to the field fog,

Gusey criquid caravan

Stretched south: approached

Pretty boring time;

There was no yard.

Educator: Guys, please tell me what time the year is stated in the poem? (fall)

Educator: What autumn months do you know? (September October November)

Educator: What happens to autumn? (early, late, golden)

Educator: In the poem about what autumn says the author? (late)

Educator: Let's remember what are the signs of late autumn. (Birds fly to warm edges. Often it rains, sometimes snow flies, overcast, cold. People entering the street, dress warm clothes (boots, jackets, caps). With Trees Opala All foliage. Ice squeezed water rivers.)

What poems about autumn do you remember? (Children read poems)

Educator: You all are well done guys, many poems know about autumn. But it was time to warm up a little.


We are tired, dressed,

We wanted to warm up. (One hand up, the other down, jerks to change hands.)

Then the wall looked at the wall

Then the window was glanced.

Right, left turn

And then the opposite. (Cover Case.)

Naturally begin

Feet to the end bending.

Up and down, up and down

Nurse do not hurry! (Squats.)

And the last time sat down,

And now in place sat down. (Children sit down.)

Educator: Look, we found themselves in the autumn forest. How many trees are here! Do you know how they are called?

Game "Write Trees" (by description)

Educator: Now guess who lives in the forest?


1. Under the pines under the Christmas trees is a bag with needles. (hedgehog)

2. From the branch branch jumps aptive. (squirrel)

3. He sleeps in the Berorge in winter under the Big Pine.

And when spring comes, wakes up from sleep. (bear)

4. Guess what kind of cap, the fur is a whole ohaper.

Is the cap runs in Bor, the stems gnawing a bark? (hare)

5. Gray, terrible and toothy made a stir.

All animals fled. Scared brutally those (wolf)

6. Redhead rod hid under Christmas tree.

The hare is waiting for the cunning ta. What is her name?. (a fox)

7. Herbs touching with hooves, walks in the forest Handsome

It goes boldly and easily, the horns will spread wide. (Elk)

Educator: Well done guys! You know all animals in the forest. And now I suggest you with the help of the applique to portray the forest in late autumn, in which these animals live. Let's remember where to start your job (come up with a plot, cut the application elements, then post the story on the background).

Educator: In order to cut the Christmas tree, what color do you need to take colored paper? What kind of geometric shape is like this "piece" of paper? (rectangle)

Educator: That's right. Rectangle fold along the long side in half and once again in half. Next, we supply on the template part of the Christmas tree so that the middle is in the fold line. Cut out, it turned out two Christmas trees.

With the help of colored ropes, we will draw (glued) the trunk and twigs of deciduous trees

We decorate the leaves (pieces of scrubbing paper, snowball (semolina) trees and clearing. (Children perform work, after completion, work on a magnetic board).

Educator: What are you today? Everyone was bored for fame. Look carefully at our pictures: what beautiful forest we got! Which animals will live in it? What trees in it? What mood he causes you?

Marina Shablayev

Purpose: Help see the beauty of your native nature, the desire to take care of her and take it.


Systematize and summarize children's knowledge about the signs of autumn and on autumn phenomena, about the forest.

Secure the skill of the symmetric cutting of the silhouettes of the trees and the openwork crown of paper, folded twice.

Develop composite skills.

Brief interest in the knowledge of nature and the ability to solve contradictions.

Call in children an emotional, joyful attitude to a bright autumn nature by means of artistic words, music, painting works.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, socio-communicative, speech development, artistic and aesthetic.

Technologies: Personal oriented, game, informative, cooperation technology, communicative.

Equipment of the pedagogical process:laptop, Projector, Presentation, Tape recorder, Toy doll: Gnombic Milder, Autumn leaves of colored paper by the number of children, Colored paper, Scissors, Napkin, Adhesive Pencil.

Preliminary work: Conversation about autumn signs, viewing illustrations with autumn landscapes, reading and learning of autumn poems, observation for a walk for changes in nature.

Node's move: The teacher offers children a riddle:

In the morning we go to the courtyard

The leaves will rain with rain,

Under the legs rustle

And fly, fly, fly.

Day more and more decrees

When does it happen? (Autumn)

What autumn months do you know? (September October November)

slide No. 1- "Golden Autumn" - Reproduction of the picture I. Levitan

Pedagogue: Artists under the impression of beauty of autumn nature was taken for the brush and wrote pictures. Let's remember how the pictures of nature are called? (Scenery)

Game "Good-bad"

The people say: Lipa flashed with a yellow sheet - autumn called "and good or bad that autumn came?

Children are building offers, starting with the words "Good that autumn came, you can run around the leaves, and they are rustled under their feet. In the fall well, all such an elegant, multicolored. In the fall well, because many vegetables and fruits. . The good children went to school and met their friends. etc., or "bad, because in the fall, a lot of dirt under your feet when it is raining. Bad, because birds fly away and no longer sing. On the street it is impossible to walk a lot, you need to wear warm clothes, etc. "

So autumn is good and bad at the same time.

Every time of the year has its own signs. Let's remember the signs of autumn:

Late leaf fall to a harsh long winter;

Strong wind during the rain foreshadows winter good weather;

Thunder in September foreshadows good weather;

Web stelted on plants - to heat;

The appearance of mosquitoes in the late autumn - to a soft winter.

You know the signs of autumn. The teacher pulls the dungeon of a loving and reads a poem:

Autumn on the edge of paint bred,

In the foliage, quietly brushed,

Touched birch, monster bloom,

In the gold of the aspen, only the oak green.

Gnomic Lesovka invites children to visit, go take a walk in the autumn forest. Accept his invitation?

Next to the gnomer will go and find the road to the forest. (Children go on a figured snake with each other).

slide No. 2- "Autumn Forest"

Guys, see where we were with you? (In the woods)

Shumi, Shumi, Green Forest!

Familiar to me your magnificent noise

And your peace and gloss heaven

Above his head curly ... and. Nikitin

Gnomic Lesovka: The most important residents of forest trees, there are many of them, they are high. Do you know what trees grow in the forest?

slide number 3- "Oak"

Many poets were enthusiastic with autumn nature, her lifetime, a bright flavor:

Oak rain and wind is not afraid at all.

Who said that the oak is terribly cold?

After all, until late autumn, he is green.

So, the oak is hardy, it means that seasoned. Tokmakova Irina

slide number 4- "spruce"

Ate on the edge - to the heavens of the crown -

Listen, silent, look at the grandchildren.

And the grandchildren-Christmas trees - thin needles

Forest gates water dance. Tokmakova Irina

slide number 5- "Maple"

Perhaps the first leafflower meets this male.

For the first time, the festive outfit put the wind he.

Six leaf leaves on his swirls are on.

They are red and wide, quite like big. Valentin Berestov

slide number 6- "Pine"

Pines to Sky want to grow,

Sky branches want to fit together

To within a year

Clearly stood the weather. Tokmakova Irina

slide number 7- "Birch"

Bereza my, Berozonka, Birch, my white,

Bereza kudryaya!

You're standing, Berozonka, Sceress the valleys;

On you, biron, green leaves;

Under you, Berozonka, the girls are singing;

Under you, Berozonka, red girls

Wreaths weave. (Russian folk song)

slide number 8- "Rowan"

You, Ryabinushka Lucky,

When did you rose when you grew up?

I settled in the spring, in the summer rose,

In the zorahs bloom, the sun rose. (Russian folk song)

Gnomic Lesovka: Forests are different: if trees grow in them, whose branches are covered with leaves, then the forest is called what? (Deciduous). But there are forests where only pines grow. What do you think is the name of such a forest? (pine). And there is a dark, gloomy forest, in which only ate. What is it called? (Spruce). And pine, and spruce forest called how? (Coniferous)

Which of you know the name of the forest, where do one birches grow? (Birch); Oak trees? (Oak) And what name does the forest have, in which various trees grow in close community? (Mixed Forest)

Gnomic Lesovka proposes to gain multi-colored fallen leaves to him. Children are collected and determined with what tree sheet.

Fizkultminutka to the music.

Oak leaves, maple leaves

Yellow and fall quietly.

The wind is enough, he throws in a pile,

Arrows leaves quietly.

So makes fly and spin,

So he plays and having fun.

Leaves dancing their dance,

Return again only a year later.

What is the name of the phenomenon of nature, when multicolored leaves fall to the ground (leaf fall)

slide number 9- "List Falls"

slide number 10- "Autumn rain"

Lesovik: Autumn - very beautiful time of year. It even smells especially: forest mushrooms, sweetly smell of autumn apples, and in the morning the autumn air smells in freshness. In the fall, lithuania rains are increasingly.

Walks autumn along the track,

Wocked in the puddles of the legs.

Pour rains, and no lumen.

Lost somewhere summer.

In autumn walks, falls autumn.

Wind from maple leaves dropped.

Under the leg mat new,

Yellow-pink, maple. (V. Avdienko)

The Lesovik invites children to relax under the trees and retells them the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Spore of the Trees"

Lesovik: Trees are also unique, as well as people - everyone has their own appearance and character, their mood. I really like Golden Autumn and I am sad when trees become bare.

The educator invites children to create a storyline with the image of the trees of curly autumn trees and give it to the memory of wooded.

Lesovik: Thank you guys, I will be grateful to you and I will wait for you to visit myself.

Together in the forest we go

Soon in the kindergarten.

The educator resembles children a method of symmetric appliqué. Children cut out trees and make up the story composition. During the practical activities of children, the musical composition of P. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons" October is an autumn song.

What guys did you like best in class? (Children's responses)

I hope you enjoyed our creativity.

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

A summary of the appliqué application "Autumn trees" (nursery) target. Creating an image of the autumn tree along with the educator: laying out and gluing crumbs from leaves on ready-made blanks. Development.

Abstract Node on appliqués in the preparatory group "Snegiri on the branches" A summary of the exercise classes on appliqués in the preparatory group "Snegiri on branches" Kozhemyaknak. K. Purpose: Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wintering.

Purpose: To form in children the ability to create an applicative composition. Tasks: - Improve the technique of appliqués - develop the feeling.

Abstract Node on appliqués in the preparatory group on the topic: "Goldfish in aquarium"

Julia Medvedev
Abstract Node for luxury appliqué "Autumn tree"

purpose: Secure the knowledge of children about non-traditional techniques. Introduce new technician - publishing appliqué. Learn to carefully do work. Secure knowledge O. trees. Secure knowledge of the days of the year.

Materials: Labor sheets, colored paper, glue, brushes, rags, markers.

Educator: Guys look outside the window.

Came to us in Golden Sarafan,

Waved because of the forest to us with her hand,

And suddenly the rain was hiding behind the mountains.

Always after the summer it follows.

Umbrellas and boots put on force.

Queen Autumn came to us,

And brought mushrooms Lukokhko to us as a gift.

Educator: Guys, and why autumn call gold?

Children: The leaves are yellowing, grass also becomes yellow. Therefore, it seems that all yellow or gold.

Educator: Right. And what color besides yellow become leaves?

Children: Red, brown.

Educator: And then, what happens to leaves?

Children: They come off from the branches trees and fall to the ground.

Educator: Right. Let's play the game "Guess what tree leaf". (On the table, the teacher lays out leaves: oak, birch, maple, rowan, and images trees Including coniferous. Children should find to everyone wooden your leaflet).

Educator: Well done boys. And now I want to offer you to do autumn tree. First we draw a barrel with branches. And now click Papers of three colors and glit to the twig.

Autumn time inspired not only poets and artists. This time of year has always been a fertile soil for the development of a fellowship of the beautiful. Application on the subject of autumn - visual confirmation. Baby gardens and schools have always used this topic in their work. The child is glad to do something beautiful with his own hands. This allows him to feel more adult, meaningful and listen to the praise of parents. Applications of this kind - a competent pedagogical step in education in the child feelings of the beauty of the surrounding world. And it is impossible to refuse such techniques.

Autumn time inspired not only poets and artists

Application on the topic "Autumn Golden" in the preparatory group: master class on joy to children

The main task of educators in kindergartens has always been the same thing - to take the child so that he does not sit without doing. No need to lose time. If it can be spent on learning kid. Let the child make the applique on the theme of golden autumn. Outside the window - the most beautiful landscapes, which are a natural visual manual for any kind of craft.

What will be required for children of the preparatory group to perform the intended:

  • color cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the basis. After that, tree trunks (trees) and leaves are cut. After all intended blanks are made, the process of sticking them is based on the basis.

  1. Tree trunks are first glued to the cardboard. What trees will be better to come up in advance.
  2. Then comes the queue of leaves. They need to be glued so that the crowns of the trees are saturated, thick and large. In the preparatory group, you can cut, for example, maple, oak and birch leaves.
  3. The glue should not be applied to the entire surface of the cut blank. It is enough to miss only the edges. This is done in order for the glued parts after dried, not deformed.
  4. On one canvase of cardboard, you should not make more than two trees: the child will be difficult, he simply confused in this forest of blanks. One or two and enough.

Tuping children that you can improve how to make beautiful: they are waiting for the tips of the elders, although they can not ask them.

Dancing leaves: Applique on the autumn topic (video)

Gallery: Application on the topic "Autumn" (25 photos)

Application on the topic "Autumn" in the younger group: Teach the child is beautiful

The simplest, but very interesting option for children of the youngest group will be an applique of real autumn foliage. On the walk, offer the child to keep the autumn beauty for memory. Let it be created by various leaves. Help him take away good, dry, not ripped leaves. Try to gather together with children foliage from different trees.

Necessary materials to continue work:

  • glue, tassel;
  • paper that will be the background - the basis for the leaves;
  • you can come up with any minor decor elements.

Of the total mass of the collected autumn "gold" it is necessary to select the most beautiful, those that did not have time to do. Eliminate them in one row and get very little. It is not necessary to dry the leaves badly - they will break when you start gluing them. Then you need to select the required number of color background paper sheets.

On each piece with a brush, apply glue and glue the foliage on paper. It is better to do it randomly, without observing any symmetry - so the applique on the topic of autumn gold will be more natural. It is necessary to try to make sheets of not one type of wood on a sheet of paper, and different. After the sheet is filled, you need to put it, for example, closer to the battery, so that the glue is dried.

Alternatively, on a sheet of paper, which serves as a background for future appliqué, you need to draw a tree - just a naked barrel. And already to glue the collected leaves. Such a combined applique will look even more interesting than from single leaves.

Application on the topic "Trees" for children of the Preparatory Group: Instruction and Useful Tips

For children of the preparatory group, appliqués on the topic "Trees" make sure not only from paper, but also from plasticine. But first things first.

First, let's see how to execute color paper appliqué:

  1. To do this, take a sheet of brown paper. If it is not a monophonic, but with small third-party splashes - nothing terrible. On the selected sheet draws a tree. You can use ready-made templates if they are. But still, if a child draws a tree independently - it is much more useful.
  2. Next, the drawn tree should be carefully cut with scissors.
  3. The approximate height of the tree will be 20 cm from the A4 sheet. Then we prepare the billet of the leaves: you need to cut the squares of different colors about 3 cm x 3 cm. After the leaves, the billet for grass is made - green rectangle 2 cm x 28 cm. Squares need to be folded by the accordion, starting to fold from the corner. The harvesting of grass is also harmonica, but in width.
  4. When the workpiece for the tree itself is ready, you need to make a small holloch on which the tree grows. For this, the green rectangle is 9cm x 4cm folded twice. Cut the arc scissors. Expand - it turns out the right semicircle. Now you need to complete the formation of foliage. The harmonica, which turned out from color squares, bend in half and glue in the middle. In the center of the bottom edge of the Cardboard Cardboard List paste the carved hilly. In the center of the Holloch, retreat from the bottom of the cardboard sheet 1.5 cm. Printed wood harvest. Stretch the harmonic of grass along the length of the bottom edge of the cardboard. The grass should cover the "roots" of the tree.
  5. Now the formation of the crown of the tree begins. You need to glue leaflets, trying to make the colors do not go in a row. More leaves are a lisher krona. You can stick a couple of leaves to anything not attached, creating the effect of leaf torn by the wind and soar in the air. It remains to do the sky. The sky itself is already there - cardboard blue, it is not necessary to allocate the sky on it. But the clouds will need to do. Blue paper is taken for this. You can cut clouds, you can simply break the paper in small pieces. It remains only to glue them to the top of the cardboard without some order.

Tree on the background of the autumn sky is ready, notice, without any effort. But, if you want to complicate the drawing - it all depends on who makes the applique. There would be a desire. In drawings, it is also given several options that are also made quite simple.

The ideas of autumn appliques for kids: turn on imagination

The smaller the child, the more he is demanding. With the youngest part of mankind, it is always harder than with the rest. Here already to help parents come fantasy and all sorts of little tricks. For example, you can make a cheerful autumn applique in just a few minutes. At the same time, the child will laugh with joy.

A simple option is easier for which it is already difficult to find. Take only one yellow leaflet of those that the wind hit the balcony (or take on the extreme case of yellow paper for appliqué).

The leaf should be like in the picture:

Turn over it with a wide part down. Stick cardboard sheet. Turn the legs and handles to it, in one of which will be an umbrella. On the leaf itself, cover a pair of buttons more. And on them - a couple of smaller diameter. Draw droplets of rain and smile on the resulting cunning face. Everything. Cheerful yellow autumn man - leaf ready.

Time passed - 15 minutes. The child laughs from happiness. Parents sigh lightweight.

Beautiful crafts from leaves (video)

Of course, ideas on the topic "Autumn Golden" - a great set. And everything is different in different ways, trees and everything else. Here are the simplest techniques and applications. If fantasy treacherously does not want to help, you can buy books on this issue. In stores now there have been a lot of interesting literature on this kind of topics. Read and create something special together with the child so that he is proud of the project with his parents.

Application from colored paper autumn tree "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Master class with step-by-step photo.

Place of work: MADOU CRR D / C №121, Kaliningrad

Description of the material:I present to your attention the master - class, the applique of the autumn tree from the colored paper "Autumn Kaleidoscope", for the children of the older - preparatory group of kindergarten, elementary school. Work allows children to plunge into the lyrics of the Golden Autumn, try to recreate the delicately charm, the beauty of autumn nature. The material will be useful for educators of senior - preparatory groups of children's preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, elementary school teachers.

"... I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and gold dressed forests ... "

Purpose: Manufacturing of the applixation of autumn tree


1. Learning to create an autumn tree image, make leaves, grass from colored paper, folded by the harmonica, sky - paper break technique,

2. Develop fine motility of hands, feeling of color and shape,

3. Fasten the skills and skills of working with scissors,

4. Rail the ability to see the beauty of nature,

5. Educate the prigidity and accuracy in the work.

Material: Blue cardboard sheet, brown paper, unevenly painted (imitating tree), colored paper, simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue

Preliminary work: Consider illustrations of "Golden Autumn", a conversation on this topic, the creation of herbarium from autumn leaves, listening to the play P. I. Tchaikovsky ("Seasons") - "October" ("Autumn Song"), learning the poems of autumn.

How much does the result of the fall, the leaves are satisfied?

Howhany for Winter Depella

Undress by qyg?

And definition too

Stripe late sleep!

(V. Orlov)

Step-by-step job description

On colored brown paper, unevenly painted (imitation of a tree), draw a tree

Recommendations: You can use the temporary template (teacher), and the children will circle; draw (cut) a tree on white paper, and then paint with pencils, paints; Paper can be brown, uniformly painted

Cut out a tree

Note: Approximate height 19 cm, provided that the format of the sheet of blue cardboard A4 (background)

We make billets of the leaves - squares of different colors (red, orange, yellow, salad) 3cm x3cm

We also make a harvesting of grass - a rectangle 2cm x 28 cm green.

Squares fold the harmonica, starting from the corner (necosok), the grass we fold the harmonica smoothly in width.

Making a hillock. Rectangle from green paper 9cm x 4cm fold in half, spinning with scissors Corners and unfold, we get a semicircle

Complete forming leaflets. The resulting harmonicker from the squares bend in half and glue the middle, we have such a leaflet

In the middle of the bottom edge of the cardboard sheet of blue, we stick the hillock

In the middle of the tuberca, retreating from the lower edge of 1.5 cm., We glue our workpiece of the tree, then we stretch the harmonica of green (grass) throughout the bottom edge of the cardboard, so that the "grass" covered the base of the tree

We start forming the crown of our tree. Print leaves, alternating colors.

Note: The more leaves, the more magnificent Crown. You can portray how the leaflets fly, cut off from the branches (disrupts the wind)

We do the sky, clouds. Mute scraps from blue paper and glue them to the upper edge of our applique. Here is such a kaleidoscope from the autumn colors we did!


Upon completion of working with children, you can use

What is the leaf fall?

Imagine your hand brushes are leaves. Slide your fingers and look, the leaves of what tree remind you of your hands. (Maple.) Make your leaves with solid, tense, tight. (The teacher checks the tension of the fingers.) Good. And now the leaves hung: relax hands. We repeat the exercise again. Now we will show how the leaves are swinging in the wind. Perform with me. (Hands bent in the elbows, hand brushes slightly hang and swing from side to side.) Now the leaves are trembling in the wind. (Fast movements fingers.)

I suggest to arrange an exhibition of work, note which trees are different, how many bright, joyful paints brought us autumn, and the children turned out to be real wizards, creating a kaleidoscope of autumn flowers!

What rows pop up the first in memory when we think about autumn? "Sad time! Ocho charming! " Autumn time inspired not only poets and artists. This time of year has always been a fertile soil for the development of a fellowship of the beautiful. The volumetric modeling of the autumn depicts the gifts of the forests - mushrooms and berries, juicy fruits, or luxury appliqué on the subject of late autumn - visual confirmation of this. Baby gardens and schools have always used this topic in their work. The child is glad to do something beautiful with his own hands. This allows him to feel more adult, meaningful and listen to the praise of parents. Applications of this kind - a competent pedagogical step in education in the child feelings of the beauty of the surrounding world. And it is impossible to refuse such techniques.

Autumn time inspired not only poets and artists

Application on the topic "Autumn Golden" in the preparatory group: master class on joy to children

The main task of educators in kindergartens has always been the same thing - to take the child so that he does not sit without doing. No need to lose time. If it can be spent on learning kid. Let the child make the applique on the theme of golden autumn. Outside the window - the most beautiful landscapes, which are a natural visual manual for any kind of craft. In grade 1, children make the applique of the "flying of birds", in 2 - "Portrait of the Autumn", the older children - the more interesting and saturated program becomes.

What will be required for children of the preparatory group to perform the intended:

  • color cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the basis. After that, tree trunks (trees) and leaves are cut. After all intended blanks are made, the process of sticking them is based on the basis.

  1. Tree trunks are first glued to the cardboard. What trees will be better to come up in advance.
  2. Then comes the queue of leaves. They need to be glued so that the crowns of the trees are saturated, thick and large. In the preparatory group, you can cut, for example, maple, oak and birch leaves.
  3. The glue should not be applied to the entire surface of the cut blank. It is enough to miss only the edges. This is done in order for the glued parts after dried, not deformed.
  4. On one canvase of cardboard, you should not make more than two trees: the child will be difficult, he simply confused in this forest of blanks. One or two and enough.

Tuping children that you can improve how to make beautiful: they are waiting for the tips of the elders, although they can not ask them.

Dancing leaves: Applique on the autumn topic (video)

Gallery: Application on the topic "Autumn" (25 photos)

Application on the topic "Autumn" in the younger group: Teach the child is beautiful

The simplest, but very interesting option for children of the youngest group will be an applique of real autumn foliage. On the walk, offer the child to keep the autumn beauty for memory. Let it be created by various leaves. Help him take away good, dry, not ripped leaves. Try to gather together with children foliage from different trees.

Necessary materials to continue work:

  • glue, tassel;
  • paper that will be the background - the basis for the leaves;
  • you can come up with any minor decor elements.

Of the total mass of the collected autumn "gold" it is necessary to select the most beautiful, those that did not have time to do. Eliminate them in one row and get very little. It is not necessary to dry the leaves badly - they will break when you start gluing them. Then you need to select the required number of color background paper sheets.

On each piece with a brush, apply glue and glue the foliage on paper. It is better to do it randomly, without observing any symmetry - so the applique on the topic of autumn gold will be more natural. It is necessary to try to make sheets of not one type of wood on a sheet of paper, and different. After the sheet is filled, you need to put it, for example, closer to the battery, so that the glue is dried.

Alternatively, on a sheet of paper, which serves as a background for future appliqué, you need to draw a tree - just a naked barrel. And already to glue the collected leaves. Such a combined applique will look even more interesting than from single leaves.

Application on the topic "Trees" for children of the Preparatory Group: Instruction and Useful Tips

For children of the preparatory group, appliqués on the topic "Trees" make sure not only from paper, but also from plasticine. But first things first.

First, let's see how to execute color paper appliqué:

  1. To do this, take a sheet of brown paper. If it is not a monophonic, but with small third-party splashes - nothing terrible. On the selected sheet draws a tree. You can use ready-made templates if they are. But still, if a child draws a tree independently - it is much more useful.
  2. Next, the drawn tree should be carefully cut with scissors.
  3. The approximate height of the tree will be 20 cm from the A4 sheet. Then we prepare the billet of the leaves: you need to cut the squares of different colors about 3 cm x 3 cm. After the leaves, the billet for grass is made - green rectangle 2 cm x 28 cm. Squares need to be folded by the accordion, starting to fold from the corner. The harvesting of grass is also harmonica, but in width.
  4. When the workpiece for the tree itself is ready, you need to make a small holloch on which the tree grows. For this, the green rectangle is 9cm x 4cm folded twice. Cut the arc scissors. Expand - it turns out the right semicircle. Now you need to complete the formation of foliage. The harmonica, which turned out from color squares, bend in half and glue in the middle. In the center of the bottom edge of the Cardboard Cardboard List paste the carved hilly. In the center of the Holloch, retreat from the bottom of the cardboard sheet 1.5 cm. Printed wood harvest. Stretch the harmonic of grass along the length of the bottom edge of the cardboard. The grass should cover the "roots" of the tree.
  5. Now the formation of the crown of the tree begins. You need to glue leaflets, trying to make the colors do not go in a row. More leaves are a lisher krona. You can stick a couple of leaves to anything not attached, creating the effect of leaf torn by the wind and soar in the air. It remains to do the sky. The sky itself is already there - cardboard blue, it is not necessary to allocate the sky on it. But the clouds will need to do. Blue paper is taken for this. You can cut clouds, you can simply break the paper in small pieces. It remains only to glue them to the top of the cardboard without some order.

Tree on the background of the autumn sky is ready, notice, without any effort. But, if you want to complicate the drawing - it all depends on who makes the applique. There would be a desire. In drawings, it is also given several options that are also made quite simple.

The ideas of autumn appliques for kids: turn on imagination

The smaller the child, the more he is demanding. With the youngest part of mankind, it is always harder than with the rest. Here already to help parents come fantasy and all sorts of little tricks. For example, you can make a cheerful autumn applique in just a few minutes. At the same time, the child will laugh with joy.

A simple option is easier for which it is already difficult to find. Take only one yellow leaflet of those that the wind hit the balcony (or take on the extreme case of yellow paper for appliqué).

The leaf should be like in the picture:

Turn over it with a wide part down. Stick cardboard sheet. Turn the legs and handles to it, in one of which will be an umbrella. On the leaf itself, cover a pair of buttons more. And on them - a couple of smaller diameter. Draw droplets of rain and smile on the resulting cunning face. Everything. Cheerful yellow autumn man - leaf ready.

Time passed - 15 minutes. The child laughs from happiness. Parents sigh lightweight.

Julia Medvedev
Abstract Node for luxury appliqué "Autumn tree"

purpose: Secure the knowledge of children about non-traditional techniques. Introduce new technician - publishing appliqué. Learn to carefully do work. Secure knowledge O. trees. Secure knowledge of the days of the year.

Materials: Labor sheets, colored paper, glue, brushes, rags, markers.

Educator: Guys look outside the window.

Came to us in Golden Sarafan,

Waved because of the forest to us with her hand,

And suddenly the rain was hiding behind the mountains.

Always after the summer it follows.

Umbrellas and boots put on force.

Queen Autumn came to us,

And brought mushrooms Lukokhko to us as a gift.

Educator: Guys, and why autumn call gold?

Children: The leaves are yellowing, grass also becomes yellow. Therefore, it seems that all yellow or gold.

Educator: Right. And what color besides yellow become leaves?

Children: Red, brown.

Educator: And then, what happens to leaves?

Children: They come off from the branches trees and fall to the ground.

Educator: Right. Let's play the game "Guess what tree leaf". (On the table, the teacher lays out leaves: oak, birch, maple, rowan, and images trees Including coniferous. Children should find to everyone wooden your leaflet).

Educator: Well done boys. And now I want to offer you to do autumn tree. First we draw a barrel with branches. And now click Papers of three colors and glit to the twig.