Yuri Grymov: "Spent in a creative environment is a crime. Tickets to theater Modern Modern Theater on Baumanskaya official

Yuri Grymov: "Spent in a creative environment is a crime. Tickets to theater Modern Modern Theater on Baumanskaya official

What are your signs of September?

Undoubtedly, one of them is the opening of the theater season.

I will say right away - this is a new point for me on the sky of Moscow theaters, but the excellent name is modern and the name of the artistic director -Euria Grymov, - promised something interesting and unusual.

So, are ready to get acquainted with the theater and his creative plans for the season?

He fascinates the theater from the entrance: a great design (oh, this beloved modern), friendly and attentive staff, cozy zones for relaxing and conversations ... At the same time, it is immediately felt that the theater is modern, it boils life in it, I see it in The repertoire and in a very interesting and professional design of posters., In the burning stakeholders of the meetings of the actors, in the coherence of the work of the whole team.

At the collection, the troupes were told about the plans and success of the theater artistic director Yuri Grymov and the director Alexey Cherepetnev.

About successes, I think, the simple figure will say the simple digit: ticket sales rose over the year in 5 ° C! And this is with the highest competition of theaters in Moscow. To attract and interest the sophisticated viewer, having the opportunity to choose - the task is not simple, but the theater is successfully coping with it.

In the creative plans of the tour of the tour, premieres and creative projects. So, in November the premiere of the play "nothing, what am I Czechs?", Director Yuri Grymov. The characters of this action will be Stanislavsky, Marilyn Monroe, Adolf Hitler, Beria ... Interesting? I am very much!

It continues in the theater and work on the performance on the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace". By the way, you can now buy tickets for it for 50% of the cost, as the theater launched crowdfunding to collect funds for the release of this performance.

In the same theater season in the theater, the Russian premiere of the full-length film Yuri Grymova "Anna Karenina. Intimate Diary." In the future, movies, with the subsequent meetings of viewers with actors, critics and directors are planned to be made permanent.

It is felt that in the theater there is a live blood that this place where ideas are born and embodied, where interesting and actors and viewers are.

I will soon, I will tell you about the performances of this theater - I will not wait to see them.

❗️ So far, tell me if you know the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing a dress code in the theater? The theater "Modern" decided to make this measure. The rules are not strict: the ban on shorts-jerseys and sports style. And, in my opinion, it's great. ❗️a still on performances will choose the most stylish pair, and give them a subscription to visit the theater. How do you like the idea?

Interested in you? Meet the theater?

Epros (Anatoly Efros, Soviet Theater Director. - Ed.) He wrote that the theater, as an army, dies without new people and new technologies. The Theater "Modern" began 30 years ago very brightly, but lately it was not at the Moscow Theater Map. Ask any of your friends: "Have you been to the" Modern "theater?" - And you will realize that there are practically no such people. The last three-four in Moscow theatrical boom, people go, prices grow. But "Modern" did not affect. Theater is in running. Let's say the hall was 206 seats. I found a few rows in stock. That is, the previous leadership removed the ranks to create the appearance of the full hall. Now we have already 312 seats. Potentially there may be 400. Over the past ten years, light and sound equipment has not been updated. And this is because the state theater, and I know that the Department of Culture of Moscow actively cooperates with theaters, invests in their equipment. Previous arthruck (Director Svetlana Enetern, Founder "Modern". - Approx. Ed.) fired for violations. The last check found disorders of labor protection last year, and now we will pay a fine. We buy a new light, change the lifting mechanisms, because the old were unsafe for the actors. By May 23, when we have the premiere of "On the wonderful new world" by Oldly Huxley, we repain the hall and foyer, change the curtain. We made a new site, broke up with ten employees, scored new people, reorganized a terrifying buffet. Since May you can order dinner in an intermission online or come to the theater and pay it to the performance, and a table will be covered with your last name.

Modern has traditions that we save - for example, an invitation of famous actors: Vladimir Zeldin played here, here Vera Vasilyeva still plays. But the theater cannot build his identity, pushing out from the architectural styles of the past - modern, Ar-Deco, AR-Nouveau, as it was here. Therefore, we read the name differently: Modern is modern.

- You said you want to update the interior. Who designs it?

I do not complain, but we have no money on the designer, we all make our own. If any designer wants to work with us and replenish your portfolio - we are open, we are looking for such people. But they all want to get insane money. We will do everything ourselves, we are small, but proud.

- It is impossible to postpone economic issues. But your main task is to draw up an aesthetic program ...

I want 70% of the repertoire to be modern dramaturgy, preferably Russian. True, with her not everything is so simple, for a long time in fashion there were some avant-garde cases, what I call Chernuha - with a mat, feces on stage and so on. But this period was held, now there are decent authors. I'm going to put the play of Kati Nursa "Matryoshka on the roundness of the Earth" - this is a very unexpected text, very sensual, very relevant. Another 30% is a proven classic. I am confident that people of different ages should go to the theater. And different. The theater can work on a narrow audience, but it is not interesting for me. I myself am different: I am engaged in movies, video clips, design, theater. I have seven paintings, and all very different on aesthetics, by mood. But I am always interested in a person. For me, theater today is a statement. You have nothing to put on stage, if you do not want to speak. You may not agree with the audience, but if someone does not agree with you, it means that you had a statement. You saw how many people went to the street on March 26th. The theater can not notice this. I do not understand what it is for the category - "Modern Theater" . All theaters must be modern. We live now. There are no people in the hall in the hall of the XIX century. Therefore, the task of any theater is to raise the problems that are worried about people now.

You saw how many people went to the street on March 26th. The theater can not notice this. I do not understand what this category is "Modern Theater." Everything theaters are required to be modern

- You admit that the statement sounding from the Scene "Modern" was sharp, conflict?

In Russia, quite a long time, if you heard, canceled serfdom. But not in all theaters know about it. I do not consider "modern" his patrimonial, I am not a king here, not a landowner with serf artists. We made a project "Come today" to any director, playwright, the artist could come to us with his project, which may be arbitrarily controversial and conflict. The only condition is to be within the law. I'll tell you more: the Department of Culture, with which I have recently often often, only for. They say: let's do modern, express. I want to put a play about terrorists here. It exists. Once a month on the globe there is a terrorist act. This is the same catastrophe of the XXI century. Now we are doing "On the wonderful New World" by Huxley, this is the first statement in Russia. This is also a statement, a sharp statement about the world of consumption, about the loss of morality, loss of feelings. This is the Great Book of 1932, the World Bestseller. Huxley predicted what the whole world came up to today, not only Russia.

- Whose experience is world or Russian - do you rely? What the theater want to be similar?

It is impossible to be similar to another theater. Will not work. I did not find the bright period of the theater on Taganka and the "contemporary", I saw it only in the record. I am proud that I had a warm relationship with Peter Naumovich Fomenko. I like the argument of Epros and its performances that I saw on the video. This is a living theater, these are people on stage - are not actors, but people. I am not interested in Pozersky Theater, theater, where I do not understand anything. What language do they speak? In Russian? I understand the letters, words, and in the sentence it does not fold. They themselves do not understand what they say. As in Opera: Sing in Russian, and nothing is not clear. I am for a living theater. I have a success of "Flowers for Elgernon" in Rammit. All four years it is impossible to get to the performance. We play it two or three times a month, tickets are replenished in two months. There was no performance so that the hall in the end did not get up and did not face standing. Big, almost thousandth hall. Come and young people and middle-aged, and they cry, roar. It's fine. I believe that crying is needed in the theater, and not in life. You acquire knowledge. Why do you come to the theater? To acquire knowledge about yourself. You want, maybe to live another life and shifting it on yourself.

Troupe is always scandals: remember how it was in the theater on Taganka? It is ashamed and scary. I tell everyone actors: do not sit in our theater, Go starved in the series, in the movies, go to other theaters, earn Money, train

- Today, under the word "theater" means a variety of practices, and this is not necessary to set the play on the stage. Performative theater, immersion, documentary - something of this is a place in the new "modern"?

Of course, any sound may appear. If a person comes with his author's vision and suggest an interesting project in one of these areas - why not?

- What director would you like to see?

We recently communicated with Vladimir Pankov (The creator of the interdisciplinary theater genre of Soundrama and the studio of the same name. - Approx. Ed.), I am sure that we agreed. He has a lot of work, he also got theater (In the summer of 2016, Pankov became the artistic director of the Center for Dramaturgies and Directors. - Ed. Ed.). Now he will rack Augean stables, the same as I have, and will put in Modern.

"Suppose you are not limited to the budget, you can call any international star - at least Robert Lepazh, at least Robert Wilson. What then?

I am with great interest in what is happening in Europe, but I primarily interest the Russian directors and Russian actors. I do not have this complex: oh, we must have to be invited. So, if I had unlimited financial opportunities, I would still work with Russian directors. I am friends with the Wakhtangov Theater and would love to offer Rimas (Director Rimas Turnas, Head of the Wakhtangov Theater. - Ed.) Work with our troupe. Yuri Butusov would invite. But I am interested in new, no one known guys. Russian cinema disappeared, because the hunt for talents ceased and the clan appeared, another word - corruption. For me, the arrival of new people - and actors, and playwrights, and directories are important.

- Do you leave the troupe or you will dial a new team for each project?

We are quietly moving to the contract system. Now we have a combined story: regular artists get minimal wages and additional money for rehearsals and performances. Plus there are people who are already working under the contract. In general, all theaters need to go to the contract system. Troupe is always scandals: remember how it was in the theater on Taganka? It is ashamed and scary. I say to all the actors: do not sit in our theater, go to the serials, in the movies, go to other theaters, earn money, train. Some theaters prohibit actors to remove - what nonsense? It is clear if you are busy in the play, you can not let down the theater. But the actors sometimes do not go to the scene and still do not remove. I have been told: "Oh, there are stupid serials." I agree, stupid series, but this is an experience. You must work. They read all such Brecht, Stanislavsky, Chekhov, list Western actors, some master classes listened. And on the scene go - and zero. Go Work, echo! Cook your experience!

- Here you say: people stopped buying tickets, I took off the performance. But people often simply do not understand why they need to look such a statement, go to such an exhibition, while curators or artists themselves tell them that it is really interesting. Are you planning educational work?

Yes, I think you need to invest in the viewer. I explain what it is. So we have now opened a children's studio. We do not prepare directors or actors, we are preparing viewers. Explain the difference between the Japanese theater and European, between the Greek and the theater of the conditional island of Bali. I plan the same courses for adult spectators.

- And after all, why do you enter the dress code?

I understand that someone in the network is already joking on this topic, but, you know, I still do it. We introduce a dress code from May 23, when the Huxley Premiere will be, and only on the evening performances. It can be a jacket, a shirt, you can without a tie. Woman can come in a trouser suit. No sneakers, ughows, no sportswear. You will simply not be allowed to the theater. We are written about this on the site, on the ticket, at the checkout. We will refund your money. We can afford it. We are not a thousandth hall, we have a very comfortable hall, we are now reacted by it, re-equip. We have very comfortable seats, we have a buffet, we can drink champagne. All service staff will be in tuxedo. We have such an evening. I want people beautiful. When I went with my mother in the theater, we always wore replacement shoes in the bag. They came, sleeved in the toilet, and the shoes handed over to the wardrobe. It was always in Moscow. Do not want to follow the dress code - please go to other theaters. The cinema died because the cinema was placed in large shopping mollas between cowards and socks. What can go there? For me, the theater is a cultural temple. So please change clothes. You will not know yourself when you change clothes.

- Just strange, you are so tired for the free statement for the artist and at the same time demand from the viewer so that its appearance consistent with your aesthetic standards.

Have you ever thought that you can with your freedom you can step over the border of my freedom? A person comes in shorts, with holes on the ass, and next to people of another age, another religion - they can insult them.

Moscow, December 28th. / TASS /. The director Yuri Grymov was appointed to the artistic director of Modern Theater, instead of fired Svetlana. The TASS reported on Wednesday in the press service of the Department of Culture of Moscow.

"At the suggestion of the Council of Art Directors of Moscow theaters, the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow appointed the artistic director of the State Budget Institution of the Culture of Moscow" Moscow Dramatic Theater "MODERN" Yuri Vyacheslavovich Grymova, "said the press service.

The candidacy of Grymov was also approved by the Chairman of the Union of theatrical Workers of the Russian Federation Alexander Kalyagin, added in the Department.

Grymov is known for its films "Casus Kukotsky", "Collector", now he completes the picture "Intimate Diary of Anna Karenina". In the theater of the Grymov, in particular, set "Flowers for Eldzernon" (Russian Academic Youth Theater).

Grymov about the theater "Modern"

"For me, this proposal turned out to be unexpected, - led in the press service of the department of the word Grymov. - This theater knows good. That concept of the original theater with multifaceted platforms is very interesting for me, this is what I'm close." The director added that he was always "the work was not interesting in the classical theater space, but the possibility of combining various forms and genres."

Grymov noted that the theater has its own traditions. "Which of us did not go to Katerina Ivanovna and does not remember this wonderful performance ?! - continued the director. - But it is clear that time takes its own and communicate with the spectator in the language of aesthetics of 20 years ago, probably not quite right I would like to bring a new one, while carefully referring to the traditions laid by Svetlana enetern. "

Dismissal of enemy

Svetlana Enemy founded the theater "Modern", which from 1988 to 1993 was called the studio at Spartakovskaya. On December 8, on the website of the Department of Culture of Moscow, it was reported on December 8, "in connection with numerous violations in the conduct of financial and economic activities" Theater, "the main control department of the city of Moscow, the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, in accordance with Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the contract with the head of the theater S. V. Enetern-Gurjan. "

Earlier, in an interview with TASS, Enemy noted that he would like to remain a kind of the theater, also, in her opinion, in the theater could be introduced the position of the director who would be responsible for financial issues.

Must take a step towards the team

Yuri Grymov must take a step towards the team. This opinion was expressed in conversation with the TASS Director of the Wakhtangov Theater Kirill Krok, who worked for 10 years by the director of Modern.

"I worked for 10 years in the theater" Modern ", however, the last seven years I have no relation to him," I noticed the Krok. "As a person who knows the theater, I want to wish the success of Grymov in a new post. First of all, he must take a step towards meeting. A team of the theater in which there are talented people. "

According to Krock, "Joint the joint efforts" Modern "can be returned from oblivion, in which the theater, unfortunately, is the last five years."

Modern Theater is one of the most famous places in the capital, where the theater fans can enjoy the most advanced and modern scenics. For three decades in a row, this Center for Art and Dramaturgia does not cease to amaze and admire their guests with bright, original productions. The theater repertoire is diverse - here includes productions created by the most modern plays of Russian and foreign authors, as well as the dramatization of the classic works submitted to guests in unusual, original interpretations. Convenient location in the city center makes the center of the popular cultural holiday destination.

His story began since 1987. It was then that the youth experimental theater studio, the state allocated a large building at the Spartak Square. An excellent mansion, built at the beginning of the twentieth century, on the project of the famous architect Capitol Dulin, has undergone many historical events. At various times, various departments were housed here, but by the end of the twentieth century the building was decided to convey a young promising theater studio. Already the first performances are "dear Elena Sergeyevna", "... looking for meetings" and others - caused great audience interest.

A feature of an artistic approach to theatrical productions is the appeal mainly to modern, new plays. Speaks have always been very popular with the spectators, which played the famous meters - Spartak Mishulin ("Happy Event"), Vladimir Zeldin ("Uncle Sleep") and other masters of theatrical art. Currently, the artistic director of the Center is the famous director Yuri Grymov.

Today guests of the Center can see bright, thin stage projects - there is a place for dramatic productions, comedies, as well as performances for the smallest audience. The theater's space includes several scenes, restaurant zones, as well as the premises of a multifunctional orientation. Modern technical equipment allows you to carry out projects of any level of complexity. The building can accommodate more than five hundred guests. Thanks to the features of the view architecture, they are great from any point of the halls. To touch the world of beautiful, you can buy tickets to the theater Modern.

The theater "Modern" was created by Svetlana enetern at the end of the 20th century. The first performance made the troupe famous. And today in the repertoire - the original productions expressing their own, not similar to the world.


Modern - the theater, which appeared in Moscow in 1988. He gained fame in a very short time. Initially, he was called the "Theater Studio at Spartakovskaya". And a year after its creation, a tour of Yugoslavia and the United States has already committed. Theater formulations are distinguished by their brightness and avant-gardeness. Many of them have repeatedly become the winners and winners of prestigious festivals and contests. In the 1990s, Svetlana Enegov turned to a new time for our country in culture - modern. Then a new line of development of the theater began. He changed the name on the one that wears now.

The repertoire of the theater "Modern" includes performances on the works of classics, on the play of Soviet and modern playwrights. As well as fairy tales for children. But the basis of its works of the Silver Century. It believes that Modern should rely on serious cultural traditions and search for new forms. The theater "Modern" closely twists the tradition and modernity. It relies on a serious psychological component of performances.

The building is his aristocratic, decorated with stained glass window. Inside - a beautiful staircase that managed to restore the grains. The building perfectly harmonizes the title of the theater - "Modern". This is a mansion built in the early 20th century. His architectural style is modern. Such buildings in the capital preserved quite a lot. But the fact that the theater went, carries something special, reminds of past Russia.


A diverse and interesting repertoire gives its viewers "Modern" (theater). The poster offers the following productions:

  • "About love".
  • "Dyadushkin Sleep."
  • "Magic night".
  • "Love in two actions."
  • "The loop".
  • "Boy-Zaknayka".
  • "An old house".
  • "Happy event."
  • "Dance".
  • "One man, one woman."
  • "Salome".
  • "Traveling a small prince."
  • "Three pigs and a gray wolf."
  • "Sleep of the Empress."
  • "Katerina Ivanovna."
  • "My dear men."
  • "... looking for meetings."
  • "Cowardly".
  • "Once in Paris."


"Modern" - Theater, which prepared in the new season for its audience two premieres:

  • Comedy "He. She. They" On the play "Women Without Borders" is a story that, during a romantic journey, anything can happen. He and she go relax. And here, almost like snow on the head they fell apart - former. And with them and their loved ones: parents, new satellites of life. This is a mystical and humorous fairy tale for adults.
  • The second premiere of this season is the play "Prison tariff of premium class". The action takes place in the city of N. Two reality here. On the surface of the Earth - poverty, war, debauchery and corruption. Below is the opposite. There is some kind of imprison here. But it leads a dreamy romantic. He is in prison of everyone who wants to relax and sit in silence. Burgomaster, visiting this institution and seeing happy guests, decided to create on this business.


Modern - Theater, which gathered on his scene of wonderful actors. Here are young artists, and already cornea scenes.

The troupe of the "Modern" theater consists of the following actors:

  • Vladimir Zeldin.
  • Vladimir Levashev.
  • Elizabeth Vedernikova.
  • Alexander Zhukov.
  • Arthur Zais.
  • Vera Vasilyeva.
  • Daniel Avramenkov.
  • Valeria Dmitrieva.
  • Svetlana Ruban.
  • Maria Arnaut.
  • Svetlana Bulatova.
  • Anton Kukushkin.
  • Oleg Vavilov.
  • Marina Dianova.
  • Tatyana Nastashevskaya.
  • Leonid Tregub.
  • Valeria Korolev.
  • Yuri Vasilyev.
  • Pavel Dorofeev.
  • Konstantin Konushkin.
  • Alexey Bagdasarov.
  • Maxim Brand.
  • Grisha Gavrilov.
  • Catherine Brand.
  • Elena Starodub.
  • Karina Zhukova.
  • Irina Greenieva.
  • Denis Ignatov.
  • Dmitry Vysotsky.
  • Victoria Kovalenko.
  • Alexandra Bogdanova.
  • Ekaterina Wince.
  • Nelli Uvarova.
  • Olga Bogdanova.
  • Alexey Baranov.
  • Evgeny Kazak.
  • Love Novak.
  • Alexander Kolesnikov.
  • Roman Zublin.
  • Alena Yakovleva and others.

Artistic director

The theater was created by Svetlana Aleksandrovna Eggs - People's Artist of Russia. Her first director's work was the play "Spring Revolutionages" in the Tyuza of the city of Kirov. Then Svetlana was still a student, but her work was already distinguished by a high level of professionalism and originality. After graduating from the Institute, S. Enegov worked as a director in the Moscow DramaTheater named after A. S. Pushkin. The most famous her setting of that period is "the fifth tenth". The next stage of the creative path was the work of the director in the Moscow New Drama Theater. In 1981, Svetlana created a studio "on Spartakovskaya". In Troupe, she accepted graduates of the famous "pinch". The first performance of the studio was a play "Dear Elena Sergeevna". Troupe took this placement on tour in the United States. In 1995, the Studio was transformed into the Moscow Dramatic Theater "Modern". With the new status expanded the repertoire. Theater performances demonstrate a special look at the world, sophisticated style and artistic novelty.

Where is and how to get

At the address: House 9 / 1A, the "Modern" theater is located. How to get to the drama Svetlana enetern? It is best to get to the theater on the subway. Go out at the station "Baumanskaya". From her to the theater will need to pass only four hundred meters on foot. You can go to the Riga station. Also to the theater conveniently take by bus number 778. You will need to go out at the Spartak Square stop.