Which fairy tale has a clown. old clown

Which fairy tale has a clown. old clown

* Teach sound-letter analysis of words.

* Strengthen the skill of syllable reading words.

* Develop visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, imagination, memory.


Notebooks; colour pencils; a pen; rebus "Vasya"; posters; clown portrait; colored chips for analysis; split alphabet.

Organizing time






Sign the picture - CLOWN.

Sound-letter analysis of the word CLOWN


Divide the word into syllables;

Write down a syllable-stressed scheme;

Build a sound house;

Color the rooms for sounds;

Write the word in letters.

Solution of the letter puzzle: what is the name of the clown? (Vasya.) The clown came to life and walked through the country of words to amuse the people. Came to town and put up a poster: “Showing tricks. Payment for tricks- kilogram of rubbish. I take garbage from the nobles. Clown Vasya.

After reading this ad, the hostesses began to urgently clean their apartments.

And this was the first trick that the clown showed people. The whole city immediately found out who they are dirty. Those who could not scrape together a whole kilogram of garbage, the clown Vasya put in the best places and the performance began.

Word transformations

The clown asks to put the word COP in letters on the board and on the desks, and then turns it into the word CHEESE, which he treated his audience to. From a pile of garbage, he took a candy wrapper and turned it into a bow (how did he turn the word FANTIK into the word BANTIK?)

The clown gave the girl a bow, took out a stick, turned the word PALKA into the word DAW and released the bird into the wild (turn the word PALKA into the word DAW on your own, which letters should be changed?)

Physical education "Exercise for a clown"

Any exercises familiar to children are used.

Tricks from words

Clown Vasya invites everyone to his school of magicians. Poster reading:

* How did the pumpkin croak?

* How was a hut built from a bathhouse?

* How did the clown make a house out of smoke?

* How did you turn a cat into a mole?

* How did you launch the carriage into space? Read before playing:

If you take a big word,

Take out the letters one and two,

And then collect them again -

New words will come out.

Clue: PUMPKVA, mole, FROM Bath, smoke, ROCKET. Work in notebooks: write down the resulting words: KVA, CANCER, HUT, HOUSE, MOLE, ROCKET.

Summary of the lesson

Tell the story about the clown Vasya to parents and educator.

Thank you ABC!

(final lesson on teaching literacy in the group preparatory to school)

* Consolidate and summarize the knowledge and skills of children obtained in speech therapy classes during the year.


Notebooks; colour pencils; a pen; rebus "I want to know everything"; posters; isograph "Penal".

Speech therapist. My friends! Congratulations, you have learned all the letters of the Russian alphabet, learned to analyze the sound-syllabic composition of words, write, read, solve puzzles, charades, puzzles, crosswords. And in this you were helped: diligence, patience, curiosity and perseverance, and, of course, friends who helped to discover the secrets of literacy. They came to say goodbye to you. This is TIM and TOM, ZVUKOVICHKI, KOL'S BELL, AMU, LORD OF syllables, LETTER, SERVANT ERROR. Among them is not only Her Majesty the LITERATURE QUEEN.

Let's go to her. I would really like our trip today to be...

Children read the words, finishing the phrase of the speech therapist.

Once, at the end of winter, the clown Chizhik decided to play the fool. By a happy coincidence, the snow had not yet melted, and Chizhik thought that before playing the fool, he should be piled up. And he began to mold and sculpt an impressive figure from the snow. He blinded a huge ball, attached a slightly smaller sphere to it, and attached a small head, the size of a basketball, on top. I built hands from branches, eyes from buttons, a nose from carrots, and I didn’t even forget about the mouth, just drawing it with gouache.
- A great fool turned out! - Chizhik praised himself and, running up, tried to knock down the newly created sculpture. But it was not there! The snow person did not want to wallow at all. Chizhik tried this way and that, with his hands and feet, and even with a shovel, tried to implement his idea. But nothing worked. Only he rolled himself in the snow and became white-white, like a snowy owl ...
And completely exhausted, Chizhik shouted: "Well, wallow, I blinded you to wallow!"
- I would be glad, but I can’t, - the snowman unexpectedly answered, - for some reason I turned out smart for you ... And in general, it’s time for me to go north, to Santa Claus, another Snowman mailer will not hurt him to help. Bye!
The snowman extended his hand-branch to Chizhik, helped him get out of the snowdrift, laughed and slowly walked away towards the polar star. And Chizhik remained standing with his mouth open in surprise ...
- Chizhik! Why are you rolling in the snow? - Caramelka, who went out into the street, asked in surprise.
Chizhik closed his mouth, blushed in embarrassment and said, “Yes, I was lying around here ...
- Whom?
- Myself...
And he was both amused and somehow offended. But the joy was still more resentment, because Santa Claus quite by accident had another good helper.

Bylinochka about the parcel

One Sunday, when the clowns Chizhik and Caramel returned from a children's birthday party to the magical land of Veselyandiya, they saw a package on the threshold of their fabulous house. The package was like a package, nothing special, just like an ordinary gift box. Only now the postal stamp was on the box in the form of a kangaroo. As soon as Caramel picked up the package, this stamp jumped off the box, slapped its tail, giggled maliciously, and galloped home into the nearest brambles.
- An amazing thing, - said the clown Chizhik.
- Yeah, - said Caramel, - Something I don't really want to open this parcel.
- It's not good, someone sent us a gift, but we won't see it, it won't turn out very respectfully.
- Then let's open it!
Chizhik and Caramel opened the box, and there is an ordinary magic wand. And next to it is a note: "Drop me! You will know!".
Chizhik threw a magic wand into the blackberry thickets, and she, not reaching the berries, turned around, and, describing an arc, hit Chizhik on the top of his head!
- Wow! - said Caramel, - let me try!
Caramel launched a magic wand in the direction of the fabulous lake, and she, a little striking on the water surface, returned and clicked Caramel on the nose!
- So what, did you find out anything? - Chizhik asked puzzled, re-reading carefully the note from the parcel.
- I learned something! - Thoughtfully twirling the wand in her hands, Caramel answered, - Firstly, the grandfather of this wand was a boomerang, and a boomerang is such an Australian hunting tool that always returns to the owner ... Secondly, cabin boy Sklyanka is now in Australia, from where and sends us such funny gifts, and thirdly, we urgently need to send something equally funny to the cabin boy in return!
- Yeah ... I figured it out! - said the clown Chizhik, - And let's send the cabin boy a carpet-weaver! She will hang him on the wall in the cabin, and in the middle of the night, as he begins to tie rhymes with sea knots, as he begins to read poems to her, loudly, loudly, that will be fun on the ship!
- Exactly! Let's go pack the carpet!

Fairy tale about a circus performer

One day, Caramelka heard Chizhik's joyful cry coming from the yard.
"Hurrah!" Chizhik squealed jubilantly, "it worked out! Now I'm the best circus performer!"
Caramel was surprised and went into the yard to see what exactly made the clown Chizhik so delighted. When she came out, she was even more surprised, because she saw Chizhik, just smeared with chalk, and many, many circles, ovals and circles drawn everywhere, on the path, on the walls of the fairy-tale house, on the roof, and even on the birdhouse .. .
- Caramel, I am now the best circus performer, because I learned to draw a perfectly even circle! - said Chizhik, looking at Caramel somewhat condescendingly.
- Wait, Chizhik, I'm... Why are you the best circus performer? Because you used up all our crayons to draw circles?
- You do not understand anything! I read in the dictionary that the word "circus" comes from the Latin word "circus", which means "circle". And all clowns are circus performers! So the best circus performers should be able to draw a perfectly even circle! I learned!
- In that case, Chizhik, you are not a circus performer, you are a compass! Caramel laughed.

Bylinochka about sunbeams

Once, on a hot, hot summer day, the clown Chizhik wanted to catch a sunny bunny. I looked after one - plump, nimble. He chased and chased him, tried to grab him, tried, but nothing came of it.
"Some shy hare got caught," Chizhik thought, "and why did I choose the most harmful one? Or maybe he's just wild?"
And Caramel, who sympathetically watched Chizhik’s futile attempts, said: “Chizhik, you can’t catch a sun bunny! Sun bunnies are the wildest animals in a fairy-tale land, they are terribly afraid to play with someone and be late home for dinner, to my mother-sun”
- Clear...
- But! There are still not very wild sun rabbits, those can be caught. If you quietly approach and stroke their ears, they will immediately freeze in place and will sit quietly until the mother-sun calls them over the edge of the earth. Then they will politely and imperceptibly melt until the morning...
- Great! And how to distinguish them in appearance?
“Think for yourself,” Caramel laughed.
And Chizhik, puzzled even more, went to the fabulous library to look for a book about the habits of sunny rabbits.

How Chizhik drew birds

"Albatrosses, pelicans, gulls, ducks, eggplants," said the clown Chizhik, taking out an easel and brushes to paint a picture of marine life as a gift to Captain Coco. "The main thing is not to forget anything, the names of sea birds are so complex ... albatrosses, pelicans, gulls, ducks ... these, like them, eggplants!" - Chizhik muttered, deftly applying the first strokes of watercolor paint to the canvas with a brush.
Three hours later the picture was ready. The art turned out so bright, cheerful and festive that the clown Chizhik wanted to show the picture to Caramelka before sending it as a gift to Captain Coco.
- Watercolor! Oh, Caramel, and I drew a picture about sea birds! Chizhik boasted.
- Wow, how cool, - said Caramel, - A wonderful picture, there are so many different waterfowl here! Who is this?
- Albatross!
- And this?
- Pelican.
- You made it beautiful! And these are gulls and ducks, I guessed it myself ... Chizhik, why do you have eggplants in the picture, they don’t grow in the sea?
- And you don’t know anything, Caramel, they not only grow, but also hunt fish, and they scream disgustingly, disgustingly, loudly, loudly, I myself read in the marine encyclopedia!
Then Caramelka burst out laughing and said: “What a funny mess you are, Chizhik! Cormorants! Cormorants are sea birds, and eggplants grow near our magic house in the garden. They are blue. They grow quietly and silently. "
- Oh, again I mixed everything up, now the captain will have to draw another picture as a gift ... And I tried so hard, - the clown Chizhik was upset.
- Don't have to, give this one. It turned out fun and fantastic! - said Caramel, - In addition, from last year's birthday I have a gift from the cabin boy Flask lies, a bandana with embroidery, she embroidered herself, so I water the cormorants growing on a bush from a watering can, and they peck!

Bylinochka about the incomprehensible

Once, from a particularly distant expedition, the pirate Kokos sent the clown Chizhik a picture book as a gift. Chizhik read it, read and read, did not understand anything. More precisely, I understood half of it, and half I didn’t understand at all. And why he didn’t understand - Chizhik didn’t understand either. And the smart clown Karamelka looked at the book and said: "Nothing surprising - the letters in the book are Japanese!"
- And the pictures? - Chizhik asked.
- Do you understand them?
I just understand them...
- So the pictures are Russian!

A story about a dog

Once the clown Chizhik made a dog out of a modeling balloon. The dog turned out to be angry, biting. But as soon as she was about to bite Chizhik, she immediately burst out of anger. And the clown Chizhik decided to make henceforth only good animals.

Bylinochka about gifts

Once, at a children's birthday party, the clown Chizhik lost his gifts. Well, completely out of my head where he put them! And Caramel says: "Do you see the arch of colorful balls? Look under the arch!" Chizhik looked under the arch, and for sure! It was there that he left gifts for the children. Chizhik and Caramel took gifts from under the arch, and gave them to all the children!

Tale of the fish

In the early morning, when the birds and butterflies were still asleep, the clown Chizhik started to fish, bit-bit, bit-bit. I fished out a lot of different fish, but all the fish turned out to be somehow boring, taciturn. Peskariki, crucian carp, perch ... Ordinary fish, not fabulous at all.
"It's strange," thought Chizhik, "where did such a boring, ordinary fish come from in the fairyland of Veseland, maybe I fished it wrong?"
Chizhik released the fish back into the magic lake, returned with a fishing rod to the fairy-tale house and shared his bewilderment with Karamelka.
“Nothing surprising!” said Caramel, “you just fished, so you fished out the usual one. And in order to lure a magical fish, wonderful, you need not to fish, but to be weird! Let's go to be weird on the shore!”
Chizhik and Karamelka took their clown props, bright balloons, a lot of all sorts of children's tricks and went ashore to play weird! They freaked out, freaked out, freaked out, and freaked out: the Golden Fish, the Miracle-Yudo fish-whale and the Pike, whose decrees helped Emelya from another fairy tale a lot. And until the very evening they laughed merrily with the fish, shared with them funny land stories, and they, in turn, all sorts of fun from aquatic life.
And when the sun began to sink towards the horizon, and the crayfish, yawning, whistled from the other side, the clowns and wonderful fish said goodbye and dispersed, swam to their homes, very pleased with each other!

Tale of Mocus

Once the clown Chizhik learned to do magic tricks with a magic album, and it was summer, so the clown Chizhik breathed fresh air, listened to the birds, basked in the sun and at the same time was doing useful and fun work. Suddenly, thunder struck, a downpour fell from a clear sky, and before Chizhik had time to come to his senses, he and his magical album became completely wet.
- Eh, the focus will not work now. Everything is wet now! - Chizhik complained to Caramel when he returned to the fabulous house.
- It's okay if everything is wet - let it be not a trick, but a mocus! laughing, consoled Caramel.

Bylinochka about the robot

One day, the clown Chizhik took his magic tablet and wanted to know in what sea his friends, the pirates Kokos and Flask, are now swimming with Caramel. But for some reason, the Index robot, which lived in a magic tablet and always regularly found everything that was needed, this time slipped Chizhik some abandoned bays, some incomprehensible addresses, various pictures, in which, in addition to the real Captain Kokos and cabin boy Flask, they met completely different pirates, and sometimes not pirates at all.
"It's strange," thought Chizhik, "maybe someone bewitched Index's robot? What do you think, Caramel?"
- No, Chizhik, this is not witchcraft, most likely Index's robot fell into a state of stupidity, it happens, it's made of iron, that's why it breaks sometimes, and when engineer Gluck comes to visit him for repairs, he is so keen on improving Index, which sometimes changes his serviceable parts to new, but completely untested ones. Look!
- Where?
- To the Index icon!
- Look...
- Read what is written under the icon?
- "Index! Losing everything!"
- Here! And before it was "Index! I know everything."
- And now what to do? How do we know where Coconut and Flask are now?
- And let's send them a letter in a bottle and wait for an answer.
- Let's!
Chizhik and Karamelka wrote a letter to Captain Kokos and cabin boy Sklyanka, put it in a bottle of strawberry juice, sealed it with colored magic plasticine, threw it into a fairy-tale river and the river carried the bottle into the sea.
- Eh, - Chizhik said dreamily, - maybe it's not so bad that engineer Gluck is now experimenting with the Index robot, because we remembered such a wonderful way of delivering letters, romantic, fabulous, marine.
“Come on, Chizhik, first we’ll wait for an answer from the pirates, and then we’ll decide whether it’s good or bad that the Index robot is constantly being repaired,” Caramel said with a sigh.

caring home

Once the clown Chizhik decided to go outside, opened the door of the magic house, stepped on the threshold and ended up in the closet! Before the clown Chizhik had time to be surprised, a hat with earflaps fell on him from the top shelf of the closet, exactly on the top of his head. Chizhik, without thinking twice, went out of the closet and again tried to go outside, took a step outside and found himself for some reason not on the street, but near the shelf with shoes that stood in the hallway, and Chizhik's legs hit exactly in winter boots! "Something strange happened to our door," thought the clown Chizhik and decided to get outside through the window. He opened the sash, stood on the windowsill ... Bam! Found myself in the dressing room, wearing a coat! Moreover, the mittens flew off the hanger, and, chirping loudly, landed right on Chizhik's hands. Although the word "landed" obviously did not fit here, but Chizhik was so dumbfounded that he did not find a more suitable word to explain the strange behavior of the mittens. "Tame them, cuddle them, okay, I'll figure it out later... But how can I get into the street?" Chizhik thought. Through the fireplace! Chizhik squeezed into the fireplace and climbed up the chimney, but as soon as he stepped from the chimney to the roof, he ended up in the closet again! A strange hissing sound was heard, a warm scarf wrapped around the neck of the clown Chizhik, and, after grumbling rather, it calmed down ... Completely bewildered, Chizhik again went to the door, opened it, looked out into the street, and carefully, on tiptoe, tried to get out ... It turned out ! And on the street it turns out that the first snow fell during the night, a noticeable frost hit, and all the branches of the trees of the fairy-tale country were covered with nice frost! "That's why the magic house did not let me go for a walk, he took care of me!" Chizhik guessed and gratefully stroked the wall of the house. The little house chuckled merrily, but then he remembered that it was big and important, and, creaking its architraves instructively, fell silent. "Next time I'll dress myself according to the weather, and not as it comes into my head!" - Chizhik promised and joyfully galloped to the lake - to look at the thin, sparkling ice.
And when Chizhik breathed fresh air, admired the snowflakes, he returned to the fairy-tale house, and he and Karamelka began to prepare for the next children's holiday. Collect props, come up with fun games and tricks for children, prepare prizes and surprises - Mom, can you sit with me? I'm afraid ... - said Seryozha, when he began to go to bed.
- What are you afraid of?
- It seems to me a terrible clown and he is going straight for us, - Seryozha said frightened.
- Mmm ... And you know, I remembered a story about a clown, - said my mother and began to tell.

In one big, big city there was a big circus. Every evening many, many people, children, mothers, fathers, grandparents gathered in this circus. They all had fun, laughed, ran, jumped and waited for the performance to begin and the clown Vasya to enter the arena (this is such a round stage in the circus). He was very cheerful this clown Vasya. He had beautiful big painted eyes, huge boots and a huge red mouth that was always smiling. Vasya ran out into the arena, fell funny, tumbled, laughed and shouted to the guys "HELLO!". All the time he came up with various funny things and tricks, and such that everyone around just rolled with laughter. And one boy laughed so hard that he even lost his braces! (these are wires that are briefly glued to the teeth so that they become even and beautiful). Everyone thought that Vasya was the funniest clown in the world.
And no one, no one, no one knew that in fact Vasya's smile and his cheerful big eyes were painted. That his shoes are the most ordinary, it's only in the circus that he wears such ridiculous huge shoes to amuse the guys. And no one knew that Vasya was the saddest person in the world, because he had no friends. When should he be friends? When all the people are relaxing and talking to each other, visiting each other, Vasya works in the arena, amuses them and cheers them up with his jokes and tricks. And when Vasya comes home, it's already late and everyone is asleep.
Yes, and at home Vasya was also sad. He will come from the circus, but it is dark at home, no one is waiting for him, no one meets him ... Vasya lies down in bed, falls asleep and has colorful dreams about how he walks with friends, goes to the circus and rides on a carousel to the park.

One day, a boy who really liked the performances with the participation of the clown Vasya came to him backstage. Well, of course, he came not alone, but as a grandmother. After all, boys are not allowed to roam anywhere alone. The boy knocked on the door of the dressing room (this is a room where artists change clothes), went in and said:
- Dear clown Vasya. My grandmother and I want to say that you are the best clown in the world! And that we love you very much!
But then the boy saw that the clown had already washed off all the paint from his face. And that in fact he has very sad eyes and a sad smile.
- Thank you, boy, - said Vasya. - I am very pleased that you like my performances, come again, okay?
“Vasya, why do you have such sad eyes?” the boy asked.

So they talked and became friends. Of course, they could not see each other very often, because the boy had to get up early in the kindergarten, and the clown returned late after the performances. But they often called each other, talked about everything in the world and sometimes even wrote letters to each other! And of course the boy always came to the clown performances.

Once the boy found out that the clown Vasya will soon have a birthday. He consulted with his grandmother and they decided to surprise the clown!
In the evening, Vasya, tired and sad, came home from the circus. The house was dark and quiet as usual. Vasya sat down on a chair in the corridor and sighed sadly: Oh, oh, oh ... and then someone pushed him in the leg. Vasya thought: "Oh... I must be so tired that something seems to me already!" and sighed again: eh-eh-eh... And then someone again pushed him in the leg and said: tyaf! Vasya was so frightened that he was imagining something! He jumped on the spot, then jumped onto a stool, turned on the light and heard a cheerful:
- Hooray!!! Happy birthday, Vasya!
And below the little puppy added6 Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!
This boy and his grandmother baked a cake for Vasya and found him a little friend who will always meet Vasya from work and rejoice at him! And the clown Vasya will no longer be so sad and lonely. And the boy's grandmother talked to the director of the circus and convinced him that Vasya just needed a vacation. And they all went to the park together, ride the carousel, and then to the zoo, and then just walked, walked, walked. And Druzhok (as the clown called his puppy) also walked with them and yelped happily, because he really liked that he now has such a big, kind and cheerful friend - the clown Vasya.
And when Druzhok grew up, Vasya taught him circus tricks and they began to perform together. And the boy had already entered school, but he was still friends with the clown and tried to study well, because Vasya was more happy with each of his five than with sweets! And grandmother sometimes made a delicious cake, and they all sat down at the table together on Saturday evening, drank tea with cake and talked about different things. And the clown Vasya was never sad again. And cheerful eyes with a smile on his face became real, not painted!

Now let's go to sleep, - said my mother. - And let you dream of a performance where the clown Vasya performs with his friend Druzhok.

red clown

Funny fairy tales for children and adults

Nikolay Shchekotilov

Illustrator Andrey Minyakov

© Nikolay Shchekotilov, 2017

© Andrey Minyakov, illustrations, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-8446-6

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

red clown

One day, a red-haired boy woke up in a hat and with a butterfly around his neck. Mom even got scared when she came to wake him up. The hat and bow tie were hidden in a closet. But the next morning he was again wearing a hat and a bow. Mom checked - not from the closet.

I had to go to the doctor. He felt his pulse, tapped his knee, and said:

"The case is not normal, the professor's consultation is needed."

The professor also felt his pulse and tapped his knee. Then he walked around with his hands behind his back and, finally, confidently said: “The boy has a clear predisposition to circus art. My diagnosis: redhead-clown-focusnicism.

So the boy became a magician clown in the circus. Under the creative name Ryzhik. But not ordinary, but a wizard. Because his tricks were not tricks at all, but real transformations and animations. Even the choir of hares and squirrels, on his command, merrily sang children's songs for real. Not for plywood*.

Ginger was not at all greedy, and in the morning he gave his hats and butterflies to other children. After all, every time he had new ones, and the one who put on his hat and bow tie became a magic clown himself. And the city in which Ryzhik lived, day by day turned into a city of cheerful wizards.

But one day such posters appeared on all city streets:

“Love yourself! The world's best magician clown presents! Hurry to see!”

And then the audience poured into a new performance, in which another wizard boy in a hat and with a bow around his neck invited everyone to look into the magic mirror. In this mirror, any person saw his reflection as the most beautiful and intelligent in the world. And then he fell in love with himself.

Since then, the city has become more unkind and gloomy day by day. After all, he who loves only himself is not only indifferent to others, but also wants to steal all their joys and appropriate them for himself. And people stopped helping each other. They bought their own cakes for the holidays and no longer went to visit each other.

And the children who looked into the evil magic mirror grabbed magic hats and bows and staged similar performances. And there were long queues at the box office for tickets. Because those who have already looked in the mirror wanted more and more, so that others would get less.

How can I save the city from disaster? - Ryzhik asked his mother. And they came up with it together.

“Want to be the ONLY super clown wizard in the world? Hurry! Master Class! Only one show!” - posters appeared one morning all over the city.

All egoists, of course, came to this performance. Both with hats and without hats. And so Ryzhik rolled out into the arena, standing on a large ball. And he began to circle on it at high speed. And then faster. And then even faster. A strong wind arose and blew off all the hats and bows of the spectators. And Ryzhik was already spinning so fast that the wind turned into a real hurricane, which began to carry away not only hats, but also thoughts. But the thoughts of egoists know what. The hurricane took them away.

And Ryzhik is now expected everywhere. Maybe he will be invited to America with this number.

* this is the name of the performance to the phonogram, when the sound is recorded in advance, and the person singing on the stage only depicts the singing.

runaway mustache

One small and plump man had a beautiful mustache. He looked after them very much, because every person should have something beautiful - a mustache, for example.

One morning he looked in the mirror, but there was no mustache. He goes to another mirror - and it's not there. The uncle runs to his wife and sees his mustache under her nose. As soon as he extended his hand to pick them up, and the mustache jumped! And already glued to the son.

The boy liked being mustachioed - he quickly ran into the yard so as not to be taken away. He sees his neighbor Masha in the sandbox and brag to her. And that's what the mustache needs - they moved to Masha. Masha, of course, roared - a girl, and to her mother. Mom did not understand: why was she crying, because there was no longer a trace of a mustache.

An uncle is riding along the road, the other is already: not the one whose mustache was. On a Mercedes. And passers-by point their fingers at him - at the Mercedes, not at the driver. Mercedes with a mustache - unusual.

But the mustache quickly got bored and, after showing off a little, they got into the oncoming bus, and let's jump there from one, one might say, “under the nose” to the other. There was such a commotion that the driver stopped the bus and ran to report to the police.

The driver was arrested by the police, because those very mustaches were already located on him, and they were identified by an identikit.

The identikit was compiled at the request of that first uncle, the real owner. And the mustache has not yet run away: they are wondering what will happen next? But when they were photographed both in full face and in profile, the mustache again gave a tear.

So they popped up all over the place. At first, only in one city, and then they began to appear in different cities. Well, in the end, like everyone else, they moved to Moscow.

At first, they made all sorts of reports about them in newspapers, on radio and on TV channels, of course. But soon the mustache became familiar - people were not interested in following them. Yes, and there is, finally, new news. About a cat, for example, who ate a fish that swallowed a rare diamond.

Everyone began to carry out correspondent investigations about where the cat marked the territory after that and all that. And they didn’t remember about the mustache.

And then one day in the space flight control center everyone gasped. They send a rocket ship to Mars. And he has a mustache under his nose! Not on Mars, but on a spaceship, of course. Slipped, as they say, under the nose of the guards! Now they will entertain the Martians.

A beautiful horse

One very beautiful horse came out for a walk. She walks slowly, and everyone she meets admires her and says: “Oh, how beautiful! What perfection!

Only the sparrow does not say anything, sits on a branch and chirps. The horse was very surprised: this had never happened to her before. Sparrow asks:

Why don't you praise me? As everybody.

- What a beautiful horse! And I'm a beautiful sparrow. Yes, I can fly, - he answered and flew away.

The horse was very upset: he realized his imperfection. Needs to be corrected urgently. Here she began to scatter and bounce in different ways. But it doesn't fly at all. He asks the cow what was grazing nearby:

- Like this? Birds fly, but I can't. Am I worse than birds?

So they have wings. Didn't you see it?

- No, I have not seen. I only look at myself: how beautiful I am.

A horse signed up for a 3D printer. And, when the turn came, it was weighed, measured, calculated on the computer. And made wings. The center of gravity was determined on the back and the wings were attached there.

A horse came out and said to the wings: "Well, let's fly, finally." And the wings hang on the sides - there is no flight. Sparrow saw her, sympathized and explained that she also needed to fly and learn.

Then the horse signed up for a flight school. She comes to the first lesson, and she is asked:

– Will you be trained on an airplane or on a glider? Or maybe by helicopter?

- Not. I want to fly with my wings.

- It's not for us. We don't have that kind of training. The horse came out, again upset wanders ....

And then an eagle flew by, saw her wings and asked:

Why don't you fly if you have wings?

- Yes, I can't.

- Do you want me to teach you?

- Of course I want!

Then the eagle called ten more of the same eagles, they picked up the horse and raised it to a high rock. The eagle led her to the edge of the abyss. “Wave,” he says, “wings.” The horse waved, and he pushed it down and pushed it. The horse, frightened, stopped waving and flew down like a stone.

But the eagle folded its wings and, falling next to it, shouts: “Come on! And then you will break!” So I taught her to fly.

And then a horse flies one day, and another horse meets it - also a horse. Only white. Ours was delighted, she asks: “Did you also make wings on a 3D printer?”

And she snorted, so touchy. And he answers: “I am Pegasus! I inspire poets! I have natural wings. And flew away: apparently, it took someone to inspire.

Gang of holey socks

The boy's right sock was worn out, and he threw it away. It was in the evening, and the second sock slept through everything. Only in the morning he discovered the loss of his brother. There was no time to grieve, we had to go looking.

All day the left sock wandered around the city in vain, because he did not know anything about where the little brother could disappear. The night was approaching. The left one was tired and lay down to rest under a bush.

A fairy tale about an alien clown Sasha, although we have a sociable guy, he is friends only with the elite. And, according to my observations, mostly with girls. I would not call it falling in love, probably, while this feeling is unfamiliar to him. Previously, the girl Liza went to the same group in kindergarten with him. She was a little older than Sasha, so she was in great authority with him, as a person who knows everything. “Do you know that the best gymnasium in the city is Thirty?” he asked me businesslike one day after class. "Yes? I was surprised. - Why do you say that?" “Yes, because Liza's brother studies there, that's why,” he answered knowingly. “Well, since Liza’s brother is studying there, then this is definitely a good school, especially since I know the “thirty”.” Then Liza moved, but Sonya appeared. Boyche, but a year younger than Sasha. And he gradually took over her patronage. “Oh, you have no idea what Sonya threw out today,” he sometimes told me after kindergarten. And with kind indulgence he told another story involving Sonya. So, fairy tale. One day a boy named Sasha went to the forest. Although he was warned that it was dangerous to go there: it is dark, scary and full of wild animals, robbers, Babok-Yozhek, orcs, huge scorpions, cannibal worms and ghouls. - Do you know who the ghouls are? - Nope. - These are such fictitious living dead, vampires. The deceased person was buried in the ground, and for unknown reasons he came to life. Having got out of the grave, he walked among living people, frightened them and even ate. Just like a zombie. And cannibal worms lurked underground. When someone walked on its surface, they heard it. As soon as the traveler stopped, the worms crawled out of the ground, quietly crawled up to the victim and sharply grabbed her by the leg. They could only bite off a leg from a big man, and they were able to completely drag a small man underground, where they ate it. Can you imagine? - Yes. All this evil is located in the forest. When Sasha walked through this terrible forest, he heard a suspicious rustling behind him. Turning around, he saw that giant beetles were running after him. They snapped their jaws and clattered their paws. - Why? - To scare the victim. This is their militant cry, which they publish before the attack. "Stop! the boy shouted confidently. "Don't you dare run to me!" "What are you crying about, boy? the beetles were surprised. “It hurts that we need to run to you. We have an evening jog here, by the way. We play sports. Also, get out of the way." - Aren't you scared when I shouted "stop"? - Nope. The boy politely let the bugs pass and wandered on. Suddenly he heard hissing and growling behind him. Turning around, he saw that a snake with the head of a terrible fanged tiger was crawling behind him, hissing and growling. Like this: “Rrrrr! Shhhhh!"? - Yes. It was already very dark in the forest, just like now. The boy pressed himself against the tree so that he could not be seen, and held his breath. - Like this? Sasha is hiding behind a tree. - Yes. The snake crawled closer and began to sniff. And then Sasha accidentally sneezed: “Apchi!”. “Aaaah! the snake screamed in surprise. Who sneezed? Sasha bursts into laughter. "Yes, it's me," Sasha admitted. “Why are you so scared, boy? You stand here quietly behind a tree, hiding and, well, scaring me. You can't do that. I am an ordinary snake, only with the head of a tiger, ”the snake translated the spirit. "I didn't do it on purpose," Sasha looked down. The snake crawled away into the bushes, and Sasha continued on his way. He saw... - ... that the road curves. Yes. And on the way he had a stone on which it was written: if you go to the left - you will die, if you go to the right - you will go to prison for life to a terrible cannibal who will keep you for a long time, and then eat you. - What if you go ahead? So the boy asked the same question. “You can’t go forward,” the stone answered him sternly. "Well, then I'll go to the left," Sasha decided. "Then you will perish," replied the stone. “We'll see about that,” Sasha was not taken aback. He confidently walked to the left and after a couple of minutes noticed a colorful house. It was red, green and yellow at the same time, with glowing lights. A clown stood on the threshold of the house and invited visitors: “Children, come visit! I am a cheerful kind clown. The boy looked at him and noticed that the clown's hands were covered in blood, and an ax was peeking out from behind his back. "Clown, are you really kind?" Sasha doubted. "Of course! Come to me, children! I have such a cheerful house, you will definitely like it there, - he answered. “Boy, did you come alone?” "Yes," Sasha admitted. “Ha ha ha! the clown thundered ominously, testing the blade of the ax behind his back with his finger. - What a joy! Come in!" “Why are your hands covered in blood?” Sasha asked. "It? The clown looked down at his hands. - So it's not blood, but ordinary paint. I painted beautiful pictures in red.” “Why do you have an ax behind your back?” Sasha didn't let up. "Oh, it's a secret," the clown winked at him conspiratorially. “Come into my house and find out.” “Something doesn’t hurt, I want to go to visit you. What a strange clown you are. I, perhaps, will return to the forest, ”Sasha was about to turn around, but suddenly the clown grabbed him by the throat. “But no! Now I won't let you go so easily!" he hissed. "What are you?" Sasha screamed in fright, trying to free himself. “I just want to hug you tighter,” the clown answered him somehow not kindly, looking straight into his eyes, and pushed him into the house. In that house, everything was not like ordinary people. There was no furniture: no tables, no chairs, no armchairs. - What was there? There were only empty cells. “Come into any of them and feel at home,” the clown suggested to Sasha. “Yes, I don’t want to go into any cage, I want to go home, let me go,” the boy resisted. "Well, I do not. I won't let you go until you eat my magic cake," the clown replied. He brought the boy this sweet, in which one black candle was stuck. “Blow it out first,” the clown ordered. "Why else?" Sasha protested. “Just try and find out. But don't forget to try the cake itself," the clown winked at him. “Yes, I won’t blow it out and I won’t eat your cake!” - Sasha tried to move the plate away from him. And then suddenly the wind came up, and the candle blew out by itself. At that moment, the lights in the house went out, and the clown threw off his clown outfit, under which a terrible, terrible monster lurked. It had eight spider legs, three arms, and a tail with a sharp stinger at the end, just like a scorpion's. - No, he had four arms, and one of them grew out of his stomach. He also held a stick in his hand. Yes. And on it flaunted the inscription: kill everyone. “I knew you weren't a clown. You, it turns out, are a monster, ”Sasha exclaimed. - Sashka, let's go faster, it seems it's starting to rain. Wider step! The clown did not know that Sasha had a magical device. It had a "call rescue" button on it. The boy had already pressed it long ago, and the signal was transmitted into space. Rescuers learned that the child was in trouble. They immediately boarded a helicopter and were already flying up to the scene. There was also a second button on this miracle device - “throw the network”. As soon as Sasha pressed it, a sticky mesh stuck around the monster, restricting its movements. - And the monster managed to put his clown outfit back on. - No, his clown outfit was still lying nearby. "Boy! the monster screamed piercingly. “Do whatever you want, just don’t burn my clown outfit!” “You clown are very bad. I know that in this forest you have long been rumored as a child tormentor and cannibal. I will burn your clown outfit, and then not a single child will wander into your house. I specifically came to you to find out for sure what you are doing here. Otherwise, I would never have come to you, unlike stupid children who are just attracted to such luminous houses as yours, ”said Sasha. With these words, he threw his clown outfit right into the stove. A fire broke out, an unexpected roar was heard, and the whole house fell apart and turned into ashes. Fortunately, Sasha and the bound monster managed to run out into the forest. And at that very moment, rescuers arrived in time for them. Who needs to be saved here? - Lively asked the one that was their eldest. “Yes, I myself have already organized the capture of the villain,” Sasha modestly admitted. - Sasha, go faster. It's cold and it's raining. My phone is already wet. “We've been tracking this clown for years, and you caught him alone. Well done! – the rescuers praised the boy. “Now we will send him to trial, and we will release those children whom he tortured from their cages.” “So the cells are empty!” Sasha wondered. “Ha ha ha! The monster laughed darkly. “You will never know where these children are.” “Come on, let me take another look at these cells,” Sasha suggested in disbelief. He looked closely and noticed in one of them a rug, and under it - a door. It turned out that in the floor of each cage there was such a door. And behind it - another cell, only more. The children were there. Sasha opened the cage, rescued the first child from there and asked what his name was. "Petya," he answered quietly. “So, Petya, run home,” Sasha suggested. "But I don't know where my home is," the child replied in confusion. Then Sasha turned to the rescuers. They quickly found Petya's parents from a photograph, called them and asked: “Have you lost your son?” "Yes! Our boy Petya has been gone for a long time, ”his mom and dad chirped into the phone. "And where do you live?" - asked the chief lifeguard. “Moscow city, Lenin street, building 1, apartment 14,” was the answer. "Excellent. We will send Petya to you by plane,” the rescuers decided. In the second cage sat the girl Masha, in the third - the boy Gena, in the fourth - the girl Asya, in the fifth - the boy Vasya, in the sixth - the girl Natasha, in the seventh - the boy Pasha, in the ninth - the girl Vera. And in the eighth cage a little kitten sat and drank milk. "Ha! Sasha chuckled. – And we have a monster with a sense of humor: in one cage, instead of a child, he kept a kitten. He's weird, of course. They should put him in jail." Rescuers promised to do it. But first they wanted to explore it in order to find out why it is so scary. Doctors, researchers and scientists came to the monster. “This creature is really strange,” the scientific council unanimously admitted. It's half animal, half human. It looks like it's from another planet." "Yes," the unfortunate clown admitted, "I'm from the planet…" "Orion." Right. “This planet is far, far away in another galaxy,” he continued. - But I have a spaceship. My purpose of being on your planet Earth is to catch children and do all sorts of experiments on them. One boy, for example, I fed only sweet candies and watched what would happen to him. And he developed an allergy to sweets. And not only that: he was also sick. And he fed the other girl only sour sweets, which made her feel bad too. The third child he gave water only once a day, and the boy was all dried up and became sickly. And he fed the fourth girl only with dried food: dried fruits and crackers. Everyone knows that a complete diet also includes liquid food: soups and a variety of cereals, for example. That's why her stomach hurt all the time. All these tortured children were treated for a long time. But in the end they were cured and sent home. "Well, why are you keeping me in jail?" - the monster was indignant. “Yes, because you cannot steal children,” they answered him. “But I would return them later,” he lowered his gaze. “Why, you ruined their health, it’s forbidden to do that,” they explained to him. The monster was left in prison, and Sasha was awarded a beautiful gold medal on a blue ribbon. It was inscribed with precious stones: "To the boy Sasha for saving eight children and one kitten from the clutches of an alien monster."