Holiday of sports families. Joint holidays parents and children

Holiday of sports families. Joint holidays parents and children
Holiday of sports families. Joint holidays parents and children

The article provides ideas for the sporting holiday for the whole family.

In modern society, there is an acute problem of the largerness of children and young people. Flare gamars replaced modern gadgets: phones, tablets and computers. Parents knock out of the forces, inspiring their offspring that the mobile lifestyle is a guarantee of health.

Not just to reach the children if the proposed occupation they are not interested. That is why sporting events and mobile games should not only be disadvantaged, but also fascinating.

  • Personal example is the best assistant in the upbringing. Only by taking part in sports events with the whole family, you will be able to interest the child
  • Interest the child with stories about how fun to play mobile games
  • Collect a small company of the guys. So your child will find new friends
  • More often attend public sports events
  • Advise your child, recognize his tastes and preferences

Dad, Mom, I am a sports family

Holiday Scenario: Dad, Mom, I - Sport Family

The event "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" for many years has been held in many educational institutions for children. But it is much more interesting to organize such a holiday on your own.

  • The advantage of an independent holiday is that it will not be template. You can organize it, relying on the interests of your child and friends.
  • Such a sports holiday will be able to be an excellent addition to any children's event, such as the birthday
  • The holiday spent on the script will pass more organized. Therefore, spend some time to make a plan
  • Plant in advance who will take part in the holiday. Invite everyone in advance, discuss the temporary framework of the event
  • The holiday will be appropriate to invite lead and animators. The presenter will be able to easily direct the event in the right direction and give delivel tips on the organization. Animators will be able to provide leisure children and adults
  • The main goal of the holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" - this is the strengthening of family ultrasters, testing the skills of the game team and grafting the child of love for sports
  • To hold a holiday, a large platform will be required, on which all participants will easily be able to accommodate

Merry contests for children

  • Competition for the accuracy. The hoop is put on Earth opposite each participant. Children depart from wrap a few steps back. Each has 5 sandbags. The goal - as many bags as possible to dock into the hoop. Wins the one who will fall more than once
  • Jumping on the rope. This simple contest will like all participants of the holiday. Parents must rotate the rope, and the child is jumping. Wins so the team, who has a greater number of jumps without stopping
  • Competition for the development of coordination. The presenter shows movements, and participants must repeat them. Gradually movement will be more complicated and accelerated. Wins the one who can best repeat all the proposed movements
  • As many contests must be teams so that the whole family will participate in them

Cheerful starts relay for children, dads and mothers

  • Egg in a spoon. Each team will require 1 spoon and 1 boiled egg. The purpose of the relay is to run faster to the goal. The first participant puts an egg in a spoon and pulls his hand forward. By the leading signal, it begins to run. If the egg falls out, then it needs to be lifted and placed back into a spoon. Running is possible only with the egg. When the participant rescued until the finish line, he must quickly return and transfer the next participant to the relay. The team wins the team that will be faster and cute
  • Jumping in a bag. Each team is issued for a large bag. It is necessary to become in it with two legs and darke up to the finish, then return back and transfer the relay to the next one. Wins the fastest team
  • Team contest drawing. Each team comes up with an idea for a drawing. The distance is placed Watman with a handle or pencil. At the leading signal, the first participant runs to Watman and 10 sec draws part of the pattern. Then runs back, and the next participant runs in his place. That team wins, which will quickly cope with the task and can better draw a conceived
  • We collect a backpack. This relay teaches agility and accuracy. At a distance from each team there is a backpack and several items (products, dishes, clothing). In turn, the participants run up to the backpack and laid in it according to 1 subject. Wins the fastest and neat team

Competition Sports Mama

  • To participants the team can relax, some contests can be carried out separately. Relay needs to alternate with contests for mothers, dad and children. So everyone will be able to contribute to the victory
  • Competition "In the store". In front of the participants on the table there are various items, among which there are fruits and vegetables. Each mom is distributed over the basket and the eyes are tied. Purpose - dial only food to the basket. The competition is held for a while and defeats the one who will quickly cope with the task and not mistaken with the choice
  • Dance competition. The presenter shows moms a small dance for rolling music. It is then given a few minutes to prepare and rehearse, during which each participant recalls the movement and thinks its own. Then the music and each participant performs the dance. Wins the participant with the most incendiary and similar to the original dance

Competition Sports Dad.

  • Relay for dad. Dad must take on the hands or on the neck of the child, reach the finish line, return, take mom, reach the finish. He will cope with the fastest to cope with the task
  • Pair Competition. Dad and mom become near and their legs are associated. It turns out that one leg is free, and the other is tied to the partner. The finish is laid out 3 kegli. Mission - transfer all the kegli for the shortest possible time
  • Running for dads with stops. Dad runs, but at the signal of the lead he must take the stop lying and make 10 pushups, then get up and continue the relay. The one who has served as responsible for the task and faster finished the relay

Sports Games for Children and Adults: Tips and Reviews

  • Remember that the purpose of the sporting event is a vacation and a good mood, and not just sports achievements
  • Initially ask the participants about the availability of health problems
  • Any relay and contests need to come up with the age of children. Should not be that parents compete, and the child misses
  • Give more initiative in the hands of the baby. After all, all this event is for the sake of children.
  • Show your own interest, learn to play the team
  • Resenting, poor mood and tears are unacceptable. Create an atmosphere of friendship so that each participant of the event felt necessary
  • The prize can be a sweet gift, as well as a medal and gram
  • Invite a photographer so that he can capture the happy moments of the family
  • Sports contests can be carried out regularly, chosen on nature or to the cottage. Even in a small company, active recreation will bring a lot of emotions.

Video: Sports Games Competition for Children

Scenario of the sports holiday "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"


    Organization of a healthy family leisure.

    Child interest in the systematic classes in physical culture and sports.

    Develop dexterity, strength, mobility, activity, mixtalk, attentiveness.

    Relieve a feeling of collectivism, goodwill.

Equipment for one family:

School hall is decorated with sport flags, balls, posters - slogans: Sport is health. Sport is friendship. Sport is a success. The whole family is to health.

Sports songs, marches, cheerful music are broadcast.

Music is silent.

Lead 1. Welcome spectators:

Welcome, guests are expensive!
We wish you fun yes.
For a long time we wait for you, we will wait,
The holiday is not starting without you.

Sports march sounds. Under applause includes participating teams.

Lead No. 2: Family teams take part in our competitions:

1. Ivanov (Alexander Aleksandrovich, Maria Yuryevna, Ilya, Sergei).

2. Handanist (Vasily Sergeevich, Svetlana Sergeevna, Daria, Anastasia).

3.Abildev (Sergey Sergeevich, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Marina, Alena).

Evaluate the contests will be a jury, as part of which:

Chairman of the jury - I.G. Antipova, teacher of physical culture MBOU "SOSH No. 15 p. Berezayka"

Jury members - J.V.Vasiliev, teacher MBOU "SOSH №12"

E.G. Shebujeva, teacher MBOU "SOSH №10"

Leading number 1:

Mass sports is the key to the labor victories, good mood and excellent health. It is useful to engage in physical culture, a doubly adoleskulture. After all, every minute sports extends a person's life for one hour, and more fun on two. And even with minutes. Do not believe? Check out! And it does not matter who will become the winner in these comic competitions, the main thing is that we all felt the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of heartiness and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let's remember that overcoming the vital difficulties with you will be easier if we are together. I urge teams to honest sports wrestling, I wish you all success!

Lead No. 2. : Sports holiday we begin with a warm-up and sports oath.

We participants in the competitions, solemnly swear to participate in these competitions, complying with the rules for which they pass and respect the obviously weak opponent.Swimmer!.

I swear to observe the Olympic motto "faster, above, stronger."

Which means: not to run faster than the wind, above the roof, do not jump, stronger the opponent's judge without beat.Klyat!.

I do not shout louder louder, do not throw sneakers in them.Kley!

I swear to compete in a true sporting spirit in the glory of sports and in the name of honor of your team.Kley!

Competition program

1. Maximum task:

* Presentation of the team

* Title: "Internet", "Atas", "Stars".

* Motto :

1 teams."We are a team of the Internet - our motto problems - no."

2 teams. "We guys are just a class, at the sight of us attacks!".

3 Commands. "Always shine, shine everywhere and help friends in trouble."


2. Competition "Workout"

Given the word "physical education". You need to make up of it as many words as possible, each letter is used once. The winner will be the team called the last word. Time for meditation 1 minute.

3. Fast legs

The participants of each team are built beyond the total line of the start in the column one by one, in the hands of the guide relay sticks. According to the signal, the guide in the column runs out due to the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turning rack, robes it, returns to his team and transmits the next participant to the relay stick, and it becomes the end of his column.

4. Space flights

Each family is to build a common line of start in the column on one led by dad, and the closing is a child. Before each column at a distance of 15 m, a rotary rack is installed. Pope in hands gymnastic hoop. At the signal, he puts him on the belt and runs forward, robes a rack, returns to the column and, together with his mother, in one hoop, does the same thing. Then the child joins them, and they together make a "cosmic flight". Family wins, the participants of which will return to its original position faster.

5. Landing vegetables

In the hands of children a small bucket in which four subjects. Opposite the team put "holes". According to the signal, children run and plant "vegetables" into four "holes" (one subject), rank signs - landmarks and, returning to mom, give it a bucket. Mom runs with a bucket in the "garden" and collects a harvest from each "hole", the pointer rises - the landmark and quickly returns to the team. Dad, having received a bucket from Mom, runs to the "garden" and plant "vegetables" into each "well", robes a landmark and returns to the team.

(The jury summarizes 5 relay).

Physical education teacher

Clear in the morning along the road
On the grass glitters dew.

The riddle has an answer.
This is my::..

Will you let you throw
It will take up it to fly.

Took the oak two bars,
Two iron cars.
I stuck on Bruke.
Where is the snow? Ready:..

Feet from joy not sick
From the slides of the snowy down I fly down.

Who helped me in this? .. (

Mitch as a bullet I'm ahead,
Only shaking ice
And flashes flashed.
Who carries me?

6. Relay with a gymnastic stick

Each family is built into the column one by one overall start line led by a child, closing - Father. In each hand, a child is a gymnastic stick, on the floor in front of him along the start line lies another gymnastic stick. By the signal, it starts with both sticks push forward the lying stick to the turning rack and back. Then the same is performed by mom. Father finishes the relay, using only one stick in his hands. Wins a team that used to finish the relay.

7. Competition "Big washing".


Tell families, and who is erased at home?

The next our contest is called "Big Wash".Rules of the game: On a stretched rope, the child hangs clothespins alternately,mom - handkerchiefs, dad removes scarves and clothespins.Defeats the team that completed the task for the minimumamount of time.The game begins at the signal of the judge. It is prohibited to intercelace the start line. Clothespins and scarves hang and shoot 1 piece.

8. Relay with an inflatable ball

Participants are built behind the overall line of start in the column one by one. In the child in his hands an inflatable ball. On the signal, he, having a balloon, moves forward to the rotary rack and back. Mom performs the same, but boils the ball with a tennis racket, dad - a gymnastic stick. The family wins, which earlier performs the task.

9. Relay running the ball

I.P. Participants as in the previous game. Before each family, three more such racks are placed in front of each family. The child rolls the basketball ball zigzago-likes between racks. Mom performs basketball. Dad - in the stop position sitting at the back moving forward zigzago-like between the racks, pushing the football ball legs. The family that will finish the game first, declared the winner.

10. Relay with the transfer of the ball in pairs and keeping.

By the signal, the first pair (mother and child) makes the ball of each other in the breast movement with two hands. Runes to the pointer - landmark, and mom remains. The child back leads the ball to the start line, paired with dad make the ball transfer to each other in motion. Sunday to pointers - guidelines and dad remains. The team is defeated - the family, the first ending the game - the relay.

(The jury summarizes 5 relay).

Physical education teacher:

I play quiz for fans:

1. What game is the easiest ball? (table tennis)

2. How many players in the basketball team? (five)

3. In which sport is the lowest start? (in the underwater)

4. What are the hardening tools? (sun, air, water)

5. Call only a female gymnastic shell? (log)

6. What athlete fled like a treated (firefighter)

7. From whom to protect the defenders in the game? (from attackers)

8. What are the goalkeeper called? (goalkeeper)

9. Women participated in the ancient Olympic Games? (not)

10. In what form of sports athletes make each other injections? (in fencing)

II game Quiz for fans:

1. What game do you enjoy the hardest ball? (in basketball)

2. How many players in a football team? (eleven)

3. In which sport is the highest start? (in parachute)

4. What athlete is undesirable to have an open face? (boxer)

5. What is the name of the player in football, which dreams of a dimensionless gate? (attack)

6. What result can be in the game? (victory, defeat, draw)

7. What should I come to the finish (except the first) to draw the attention of the audience for yourself? (last)

8. Without which the judge can not go on the field? (without a whistle)

9. What does the audience require hockey? (Puck)

10. Where were the first Olympic Games? (in Greece)

11. Copurus Captains

I see from the side

Teams in the technique are equal.
Look I want me to see
Whose captains postcases.

The balls are laid on the floor (the amount is not limited). The captains of the teams should be sitting on balloons so that they burst. Whoever palpacles the balls, he won. After the competition, all burst balls are given the jury to count.

12. Competition "Intellectual"

Riddles for teams:

I clapped a shovel,
Made me humpback.
I was bilted, killed,
Ice water poured,
And then with me, cool,
Everyone rolled down the gurby.

Feet from joy not sick
From a snow slide down I'm flying!
I became a sports relative and closer.
Who helped me in this

I am not like the piano
But I have a pedal too.
Who is not a coward and not a coward
Pumping that I am famously.
I have no motor.
What is called?

Took the oak two bars,
Two iron cars.
I stuck on bars.
Give snow! Ready...

Harbor each other is pleased
You look, friend, do not fall!
They are good, light, fast ...
(Skates) He doesn't want to lie at all
If you throw it - he jumps.
Throw again, rushing to drag.
Guess what it is?

- I do not understand guys who you are?

Birds? Fishermen?

What a nemid in the yard?

- I would not interfere with the game,

You would have moved better.

We play ... (Volleyball)

Stretch I want to become.

I come to Sulich:

- Tell me what -

How did you become strong?

He smiled in response:

- Very simple. Many years

Daily, getting out of bed,

I am rising ... (dumbbells)

Here is a silver meadow,

Do not see a lamb

Not might on it bull

No chamomile blooms.

Our meadow is good in winter

And you can't find the spring. (Rink)

There are guys, I have

Two silver horse.

I go immediately on both.

What kind of horses do I have?


In the yard in the morning game,

The defortion was played.

Cres: "Puck!", "Mim!", "Bay!" -

So there is a game - ...


On empty belly

Bew on non-nightness;

Metroly low players

I have legs tumaki. (Football)


Chas the washer before. (hockey stick)

13. Competition "Guess what it is?"

The next competition will reveal the ability of our families, understand each other without words.
The presenter distributes one of the participants the name of the sport, the participant must no words show this sport, and the rest of the team guess, the team itself chooses who will show, and who guess.

(basketball, football, curly skating, volleyball, hockey, table tennis, skiing, light athletics, gymnastics).

14. Tightening the rope.

(The jury summarizes the sports festival)

Physical education teacher:

While the jury sums up, we will spend the game with the audience. I will make riddles on the sports topic, and you answer the choir.

Clear in the morning along the road
On the grass glitters dew.
On the way, the legs ride and run two wheels.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my::..

Throw in the river - it is not sinking,
Beat about the wall - he is not moaning,
Will you let you throw
It will take up it to fly.

Took the oak two bars,
Two iron cars.
I stuck on Bruke.
Where is the snow? Ready:..

Feet from joy not sick
From the slides of the snowy down I fly down.
I became a sports relative and closer.
Who helped me in this? .. (

Mitch as a bullet I'm ahead,
Only shaking ice
And flashes flashed.
Who carries me?

Summarizing. Award.

"Let all this is a simple game,

But we wanted to say:

Great Miracle Family!

Keep it! Take care of her!

There is no more important goal in life! "

Goodbye! To new meetings.

Filatova Elena Anatolyevna
Scenario of the sports festival competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

Scenario of the sports holiday"Dad, mum, I - sport family"

Form of: Competition.

Goals and objectives:

Upbringing patriotism

Health promotion

Education of the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle,

Promoting the strengthening of relationships in family.

Equipment: gymnastic benches, 3 sticks and 3 washers, badminton rackets, balloons, rope, tennis rackets and balls, jumps for jumping, gymnastic mats, 4 ribbons for "Bundles".


Teams- families Participate in the number of three people - dad, mum And the child is the captain of the team. Three teams participate in each two families.


1. The winner is awarded the medal, a diploma and prize.

2. The winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

3. Families can be awarded by nominations:

"The coolest a family";

"The most volitional a family";

"The fastest, deft, skillful."

Sports holiday

« Mum, dad, I - sport family»

Holiday move

Under the sounds sports Marsha team comes in gymand are built in three columns. Lead 1.

Sick guests dear, please!

Merry you and joy!

For a long time we will spend you,

Holiday without you.

We have for everyone there: And the word, and the place!

Lead 2.

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Today here, in sports Hall

we sport, reduction compatible.

We are this nice holiday with you

Perfect games to devote.

Lead 1.

We see here friendly faces

Sports Spirit we feel around

Everyone here is the heart of the Olympic,

Everyone here sport and art friend.

Lead 2.

He will win the competition

Who are labels, cleft and silen,

Will show all its reduction

Who is the Spirit, the body is hardened.

Lead 1.

Dear friends! Let me open our sports holiday« Mum, dad, I - sport family" And now we want to introduce our brave and strong dads.

Pope (take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly beyond, in places are tightened and even in something invincible, and what exactly - we will learn later (Dads fall into place).

And now, our wonderful moms.

mom- (take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Make yourself known permanent training: stove, shopping, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite of March 8 do not knock them out of the gauge. And we are sure that today they will ask tone to their teams (Moms take a step back).

And finally, the smallest competitors! (children make a step forward)

These are from the diaper for many years have time to work with constant training and united their parents in a friendly team, setting themselves all new tasks: Heavy in teaching, easy to battle.

Lead 2.

We welcome and congratulate everyone from the soul, who today went to the start! Successes to our teams and victories!

Lead 1.

Nice to say the words such

His guests meeting at the door,

We are so glad you are expensive.

So happy ...

We present to you the Judges College (As part ....). Guest Word Guests holiday ....

Lead 2.

On the shoulder the victory is brave, waiting for the big success

Who, without having fluttered if one for all needs to be taken into battle.

Let the jury all the move of the battle without a missing will be traced,

Who will be friendly, that in battle and wins.

Business time, hour fun. Commands word for you.

Teams come up with their name and motto. At this time, the musical pause sounds.

Lead 1.

Competition First: "Collect the pyramid".

Competition is held for the participants of the whole team. Pope begins, on the team run, wear a ring on a stick of the pyramid and return, passing the relay mamamAnd then children. The team wins which faster the rest will gather the pyramid.

Lead 2.

Competition Second: "Planting potatoes".(Inventory: Tennis balls and hoops). Competition for the whole team. Opposite each team, 5 wrap is laid out, and in the hands of PAPs there are baskets with tennis balls. On the team, Pope is running forward and lay down the balls one at each hoop. The next participant collects balls in the basket. The competition is considered to be completed, when all the participants in the competition will be held their stage.

Lead 1.

I see from the side,

Teams in the technique are equal.

We want to look like a peristers,

Whose children are postpower.

Competition Third: Our guys are called to the start. Children are our pride, this is our fame! There are permanent workouts on agility, courage, courage, strength. Let's see if our children stubbornly trained.

On the floor shut down balls (Number is not limited). The captains of the teams should be sitting on balloons so that they burst. Who will burst the balls, he won. After the competition, all burst balls are given the jury to count.

May the daily charging will help us, which we are doing before lessons, will help us our jumps, slopes, squats. Teachers in class lessons spoke: How important it is not only your hands, but also your head.

Lead 2.

Competition Four: First, as accepted, in each familyThe battle is in a strong half, our dads. They will now remember their youth and love for the mass game - hockey. The task of dad is the maintenance of the washer with the stick between the racks.

Next to paps are mother-in-law. Competition for mothers - Running with a racket for a racket for a balloon badminton. He is very easy, naive and does not understand that in the hands of the owners who will not blame their chance. Support them with applause.

(Competition without children, they rest).

Pause (Gymnast performance).

Lead 1.

Competition Fifth: Competition "Bunch" will show us how to act mom and dad together, and children in a pair with their companion. Description: (Pope's right foot and left mother's legs are connected, and children, holding hands, run to the rack and back, passing the next pair to the relay). Yes, life taught us to run not only on two legs, but also when you need, on three.

Lead 2.

Competition Sixth:

What a miracle - Skok Yesch!

Went, the bag started!

Hey, grab it, catch,

Keep the bag!

The teams are built at the starting line into the column and on the whistle of the dad, and then moms can be riveted in the bag to the rack and returned in the same way, transfers the next participant to the relay. Children perform jumping ahead with the ball between the legs.

Lead 1.

Seventh Competition: And again at the start of our dads. They run, throwing the ball with a tennisy ball. Let's see who will be the best juggler and runner at the same time. Do you think this is a simple task? Not! It is very difficult! But our participants are not afraid of difficulties.

Lead 2.

Competition eighth: And now we raise our moms to start. Description: They must run with a gymnastic jump, jumping over it to the rack and back.

Words leading during competition: We have a stubborn struggle! All participants show just professionalism in this video of the contest.

Lead 1.

Here's a task

Pomery and more appropriate.

To go ahead to go,

Need a balloon to lead.

Competition ninth: And finally, our last contest. He is for the whole team. The game in volleyball by the balloon, in turn, each team member. The task is to reach the finish as soon as possible, without dropping the ball.

Lead 2.

Last view of the competition,

We completed now

The result of all of our contests,

Let the judges bring to us.

(Commands for summing up holidays are built in the center of the sports hall)

Pause (Speech of fighters).

And here we will sum up,

What weren't they who

Lose sports expensive

Health will be full of your days.

Lead 1.

Today there are no losers,

There are just the best of the best.

Let in every heart of friendship light,

He will lit a good ray actions.

To summarize the word, the jury is provided.

(Declared results in the team competition sports holiday, Award is held)

Pause (Gymnast performance)

Lead 1.:

Thank you, and goodbye!

To new meetings in in the gym.

Connect sports and Knaging,

And the soul greate the good light.

Lead 2.:

Thank you all for your attention

Zador and ringing laughter.

For fire competitions

Ensure success.

That is the moment of the train,

There will be a brief our speech.

Talk to everyone - goodbye,

Before happy new meetings!

Protocol sports Competition« Dad, mum, I - sport family».

Title Competition Team number 1 Team number 2 Team number 3

"Collect the pyramid"

(for the whole team)

"Planting potatoes"

(for the whole team)


(for kids)

"Game in hockey"

"Playing Badminton"

(for moms)

5. "Bunch"

(for the whole team)

6. "Jumping in bags"

(for dad and mothers,

"Jumping with a ball"

(for kids)

7. "Tennis game"

(for dad)

8. "Jump with a skipping"

(for moms)

9. "Game in Volleyball"

(for the whole team)

Number of penalty glasses (0.5 points are removed for violations).

Summing up the competition:

(Number of glasses total)

Goals and objectives:

  1. Strengthening the health of children and their parents.
  2. Education of love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship.
  3. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  4. Definition of the strongest team.

Location: gym.

Equipment and equipment:

Stopwatch, whistle, roulette, racks (flags or kegli), balls (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis), balloons, rope, hoops, bags, rope.

Non-standard equipment:

Wooden bricks, wooden classes (height 15 cm; diameter 13-15 cm, a hole drilled in the top and stretched the rope (the length of the rope is 2 meters), wooden gymnastic sticks.

Registration: Slogans posters: "Want to be strong - run!", "Want to be beautiful - run!", "You want to be smart - run!", "Sport is health", "Sport is a success," "Sport is a friendship "," Sport - stronger than all "," there is no greater victory than the victory over yourself. "

Musical accompaniment: sport march.


Families teams are involved in the number of three people - dad, mom and child - team captain.


    The winner is awarded to the medal, diploma and prize.

    The winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

    Families can be awarded by nominations:

Holiday move

Under the sounds of the sports march, the teams enter the gym, and are built in one rank to the jury.

Lead I.

Sick guests dear, please!
Merry you and joy!
For a long time we will spend you,
The holiday is not starting without you.
We have for everyone: and the word, and the place!

(teams occupy their places)

Lead II.

Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here, in the gym
We are sport, decrease compatible.
We are this nice holiday with you
Perfect games to devote.

Lead I.

We see friendly faces here.
Sports Spirit we feel around
Everyone here is the heart of the Olympic
Here every sport and art of friend.

Lead II.

He will win the competition
Who labels, deft and silen
Will show all its reduction
Who is the Spirit, the body is hardened.

Lead I.

About Sport, dear!
In life with you
To be friends always
Give God for many years!
Fills us the joy of movement.
The heart beats in the chest of cheerful!
And sports victory instant
Complete smiles of friends.

Lead II.

And learn the sport helps us
After all, health is the basis of everything
Who walks with sports in life
He can go far.
About Sport, Dear!
In life with you
To be friends always
Give God for many years!

Lead I.

Nice to say words such
His guests meeting at the door
We are so glad you are expensive.
So happy ...

Lead II.

Let me discover our family all-around championship "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!" And submit commands of the participants of our competitions.

Lead I.

pope (take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly beyond, in places are tightened and even in something invincible, and what exactly - we will learn later ( dads fall into place).

Lead II.

mom.(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Make themselves knowing permanent workouts: stove, shopping, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite of March 8 do not knock them out of the gauge. And we are sure that today they will ask tone to their teams (Moms take a step back).

Lead I.

And finally captains Team! (children make a step forward)

These are still with diaper for many years have time to work with regular training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves all new tasks: hard in teaching, easy in battle.

Lead II.

1 Team ( name)
Team captain

2 Team ( name)
Team captain

3 team ( name)
Team captain

Lead I.

On the shoulder the victory is brave, waiting for the big success
Who, without having fluttered if one for all needs to be taken into battle.
Let the jury all the course of the battle without a blister trace
Who will be friendly, that in battle and wins.
Business time, hour fun. Teams word for you

(wishes to rivals, tell teams)

Lead II.

We present to you the Judges College ( organizer of extracurricular work, teachers of physical culture, representatives of the parent committee, school council).

Sports part of the holiday

Lead I.

1 contest

The workout is very important for athletes, as you can see the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy.
And our contest "Merry crossing"

The first are dads. On the coliblies pass the distance. Returns ( also on the colibars). And transmit to the relay to moms. Moms: Move on 3 wooden bricks, alternately moving them, but at the same time stand on them ( on the floor not to go). They reach the flags, take 3 bricks and run back. The next command is moving the captain of the team. The child uses two hoops for crossing - from one hoop jumps into another.

Lead II.

2 contest

How good that there are games in the world
In which the joy of movement with the ball.
Combines us ball on the planet
And lights our hearts with fire.
After the first task
Listen carefully
Second test.

(Families location for the total start line)

Pope be the first to begin: driven by a football ball rack before the flag and returned in the same way. Moms begin: Moms: Perform a straight bug down ( volleyball) The ball to the rack and back. The third children begin: keeping a basketball ball ( it is also necessary as dads to circle a bow or rack). And finish finish.

Lead I.

Second Competition All teams have demonstrated excellent possession of the ball and good physical training. And now I will spend the third contest.

3 contest

Here's a task
Pomery and more appropriate.
To go ahead to go,
Need a balloon to lead.

Pope moving forward to the racks are born with a gymnastic stick balloon and back in the same way ( the result is determined by the first who came to the finish). Moms ties the balloon, the second leg is free. Standing in a whistle is beginning to step on to each other on the ball ( whoever will remain the ball, that mother and won).

Lead II.

I see from the side
Teams in the technique are equal.
Look I want me to see
Whose captains postcases.

The balls are laid on the floor (the amount is not limited). The captains of the teams should be sitting on balloons so that they burst. Whoever palpacles the balls, he won. After the competition, all burst balls are given the jury to count.

Lead I.

4 contest

Basketball excitement
I love to worry.
Joy and sorry
For me as grace.
The beauty of the game is captive
Spirit fighting.
I admire skill.
Oh! Basketball love!

Lead II.

4 View - Send Ring
You need a basketball ball.
Only hand accuracy and eye accuracy
Let you get to fall more than once.

Lead I.

Pope plant a child on the shoulders. Mom serves a basketball ball. The child must throw to the basketball ring. The game is given 90 seconds ( the number of hits is considered).
(this competition can simultaneously perform two or more teams, depending on the availability of basketball rings).

Lead II.

You got well,
Calculate with the ball managed.
Time you walked in vain.
Persistently trained.

Lead I.

While the Judge College sums up for the four competition advertising pause.
(the support group of one of the command shows its dance)

Lead II.

The results of four competitions were summed up. The word is provided by the referee.

Lead I.

We continue our family all-around competitions.

Lead II.

5 competition

What a miracle - Skok Yesch!
Went, the bag started!
Hey, grab it, catch,
Keep the bag!

Lead I.

The teams are built at the starting line in the column and on the whistle each participant of the team on distillation jumps in the bag to the rack and returned in the same way, transfers the next participant to the relay.

Lead II.

Competition ended in bags.

6 competition

Choose jumping on the moral -
With height or long
And the pushing left, right
RVI spaces silence.
If he was swollenged
Pushed out of the peasors,
Then consider jumping
You fly in the flight of bold

Lead I.

Now you ( teams) Should demonstrate their jump abilities, such physical qualities as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

"Long jump".

All teams are built in the column one by one in any order of the overall start of the start. The first numbers jump in length, pushing out two legs at the same time. Measurement is made on the heels of first touches of the floor. The second numbers jump from the landing site of the first, etc. Places of commands are determined by the range of marks of the latter ( 3-H.) participants.

Lead II.

The teams jumped perfectly, setting a high tone to us by the contest. Today, all worthy of the highest praise, all the teams showed cohesion and will to victory. But in all competitions there is someone better. Now ask the judicial board to summarize on six past contests.
(one member of the judiciary announces results)

Lead I.

7 Competition

Commands are invited to the relay.

1. Running with a relay stick ( performs the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick ( running the dads are beginning on top on the stick, they are successful to the rack, circle, come back, take mom, then a child).

3. "Caracatia" ( focusing with hands and legs, back parallel to the floor, moving forward).

4. Maintaining a "big" tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball into the target.

5. The relay "All at once" - the teams run simultaneously in full compositions. Participants are taken by hand ( or get up in the column, take the belt) Run to the rack, ignite it and return to the finish.

He donates the team, the participants of which, without breaking the hands, the first will take place at the initial position. The locations of the commands are determined by the finishing procedure.

Lead II.

Well done! Well done!
Right run - everyone is familiar,
With the relay, they coped perfectly.
You conquered us all here
You have shown the strength of the Spirit.

While the judiciary collides the results of the competition, until our spirit teams are translated, rest, and we will see how fans are sick for their team.

Lead I.

Now the fans of the task. Support your team. One fans from each team.

8 contest

And girls through the rope,
You need to jump on half a minute.
So funny they poured
Support them with cotton friendly.

Lead II.

Rope, who does not know her
She helps us to grow.
Jump you i invite
And I turn on your stopwatch.

(on one girl from the team simultaneously jumping with a rope. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is considered. Wins the participant who has the number of jumps more)

Lead I.

You are gracefully so jump
As if the butterflies were fluttered.

Thank you very much to the fools.
(the best jumper gets a sweet prize or diploma)

Lead II.

9 Competition

Sports Competition -
This is the same drawing.
After all, an athlete, he is like an artist,
His world of emotions is complicated.
Sports wonderful moments,
Looking for an embodiment in the colors.
And my friends, now!
Draw it for you!

Lead II.

I invite "families" to take part in one contest "Guess what is drawn."
(competition participants receive two sheets with drawings depicting part of the sports equipment. It is necessary to try it)

Lead I.

What are you wonderful artists.

10 competition

Yes, very nicely worked out,
And they can see nicely tired.
However, what else to come up with
So without falling and without noise.
Yeah! There is a glorious fun
She will have to temper.

Lead II.

We have one game
You will like it,
Go to the site
Straighten together in order.
Dad, Mom and Guys
We call the rope.

Lead I.

I ask you to start
For strength to test the rope.

(commands compete in rope testing).

Lead II.

Last view of the competition,
We completed now
The result of all of our contests,
Let the judges bring to us.

Lead I.

(teams to summarize the holiday are built in the center of the sports hall)

And here we will sum up
What weren't they who
Let sports expensive expensive
Health will be full of your days.

Lead II.

Let his youth, friendship, sports and peace
Always stepping with us next.
Whom the world has skated,
He looks friendly look.
Today we became stronger.
Today we became friendly.

Lead I.

Today there are no losers,
There are just the best of the best.
Let in every heart of friendship light,
He will lit a good ray actions.

Lead I.

To summarize the word, the jury is provided.
(announcements in the team event of a sports holiday, awards)

Lead I.

Thank you, and goodbye!
To new meetings in the gym.
Connect Sports and Know
And the soul greate the good light.

Lead II.

Thank you all for your attention
Zador and ringing laughter.
For fire competition
Ensure success.
That is the moment of the train,
There will be a brief our speech.
Talk to everyone - goodbye,
Before happy new meetings!

Scenario of the sports festival "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" Section: Extracurricular work KSU OSH No. 117-teacher of physical culture: Zhukanko I.A.

venue: Kguosh №117 Sports Hall Objectives: - Population of physical culture among school students;-formation of sustainable interest in physical culture and sports;-promotion of healthy lifestyles; - Strengthening the health of students and their parents.- Development of the feeling of collectivism, responsibility, cohesion.Equipment and inventory : checkboxes, hockey sticks, small rubber balls, basketball balls, balloons, rope, didactic material.
Registration: Slogans, posters on the topic of Zoz and SportsParticipants: Teams - families in the amount of 4 people (dad, mother, son, daughter or relatives of students).Award : 1. The addler is awarded with diploma and the cup. 2. Awarders are awarded with diplomas and sweet prize 3. Sex can be awarded on the nominations: - The most cohesive family; the most volitional family; The fastest, deft, skillful.

In the sports hall under the sounds, the march includes three teams from the 4th parallels and three teams from 5 parallels.As part of each team of Dad, Mom, Son, Daughter, Cool leader. Support groups welcome teams.Leading. Hello, dear guests! Today we meet in our gymnative school.Reads teacher. Here they, our courageous, hardened, sports dads! Not everyoneit will endure the overload of the traditional male triathlon:football, beer, sofa.But they do not surrender. Here they are all before us - slightly beyond, in places tightened, something - we collected, but not defeated, and even in something invincible, and what exactly we learn later. And here And mom. They are always in shape. They give aware of themselves permanent workouts in the female Troyboard: stove, shopping, washing. And we are confident that today they will ask the tone to their teams in competitions. Because it is known that the family keeps on three whales: a woman, a woman and a woman again!And finally , Complete teams are our children! These are still with a diaper for many years have time to work with regular training and united their parents into a friendly team, putting all new and new tasks in front of them, constantly increasing the burden. But not in vain say: it is hard in teaching, easy to fight.Leading. Look for usThe whole class gathered here.Nearby - Pope, Moms.Pope threw sofas,Moms threw a saucepanAnd costumes pulled out! Everyone want to compete. Jold and laughStrength, dexterity show, and snorkeling to prove!We are all glad to this meetingGathered not for rewardsWe need more often neededSo that we all live together.The presenter represents the refereeing team. Main judge : To spend a competitionYou need an experienced judgeThis can be seen, Cause -The judge, of course, I will be. (The jury can include school teachers, the school administration, students from the School self-government, the fizods of the senior link) the chief judge explains the system of assessing the stages of competitions and contests on the points (maximum score -10), summing up.1) Representation of teams: Cool leaders pull the name of the team: "Strong", "dextering", "bold" "perky" "excellent students" "funny" and under their leadership, the team should be loud, clearly pronounce the name of his team. Who will do it better, he wins this stage of the competition.2) who will say more friendly and louder: "Your little porridge ate, so that our overcome", he wins this stage of the competition 3 ) Leading . By tradition, when opening the Olympic Games, the sacred fire is lit, which is transmitted from one athlete to another while the torch with fire reaches the Olympic bowl. And we will start the competition with the transfer of the Olympic Fire.Transfer of Olympic Fire Captains are awarded red flags. On the team "March!" Captains are running forward and back, the rank of cones and returning to the start line, transmit the checkbox to the next player of their team, and they themselves become the end of the column. The second player, having enhancing the cones, transfers the flag to the third, etc. At the end of the relay, the captain (who again turns out to be ahead of the column) raises the above, the remaining players spread their arms to the sides (this is the position of the finishing).4) "Hockey" with the ball. (For dads and children) On the signal of the judge dad, a small rubber ball is leading a small rubber ball between cones and also back, having passed a son to the relay, who repeats the task, the son passes the relay of his sister, which repeats the task, after graduating the baton, she gives the ball to mom that raises the ball in his hand up, on this relay ends.5 ) « Cutting wagons " According to the team, the judge, the dad is a liqueie located apart from each other at a distance of two meters to the opposite wall of the sports hall and returns to the team taking mom's hand. Dad and mom perform the same exercise, holding hands.

The task is then repeated with the son, then with a daughter, (family team in full, hands not discharge). Thestaft ends when the whole family crosses the starting line.

6) "Collect the Word" ( Cheerful starts)
Cool leaders of the judge signal must from 9 letters to assemble the word, which relates to our country, wins the one who will quickly fulfill the task. Words - Nazakhstan, Nazarbayev, Parliament, etc., (letters of which need to collect the word are located on the chairs for teams chaotically)
7) relay "Who is running forward, that honor values" Circular relay with balls. Children, Moms and Pope sitting on a bench with each other, pass the ball through his head to each other. The latter, having received the ball, runs to the place and sits in front of the first player, passing the ball behind his head. The relay continues until the first player is in its place .

Dance program - team support groups. The program on a 10-point system, which brings additional points to teams.

8) relay "Two plow, and the third arms waves" At the signal of the judge dad and mom make a "chairs" by connecting the brushes of the hands, and carry their child to the opposite wall of the gym, returning jogging, holding hands. The team is defeated, which first cross the starting line. 9) Blitztredninger competition ( Correct answer 2 b)
Each team has to respond to 3 questions and get the maximum number of points.
Questions and Answers for 1 Team:
1. Winter sports game (hockey)
2. Summer skates (rollers)
3. The main person on the playground (judge)
Questions and Answers for 2 Teams:
1. Flying syringe (Komar)2. Liquid squeezed from vegetables and fruits (juice)3. Where to score a goal (in the gate)Questions and answers for 3 teams:
1. Winter sports field (rink)2. It is not for any money (health)3. Bee in the vest (OSA)Questions and Answers for 4 Teams : 1. The simplest way to clean the air indoor (ventilating)

2. Harmful habit (smoking) 3. Sticky dressing agent (plaster)Questions and Answers for 5 Teams: 1. Sex price, and in food fruit. (Banana) 2. Ball with my feet beam -Futball, and hands (basketball) 3. What is it? (Healthy lifestyle)Questions and Answers for 6 Teams : 1. In competitions, everyone is happy to participate and the teams from the judge are waiting for ----------- (start) 2. Book carrots, salad, oranges, the athlete is needed --------- (vitamins ) 3. Name the country that has taken the last Asian Games at the moment (Kazakhstan)

Wishes in verse from moms:

For the most prominent men in the world
It's not a pity at home, no super car,
Not a pity to whit the presidential chair,
And without a tower in the world of Fiesta,

For the strongest muscle in the world
I don't feel sorry for meat, no bread, nor Giri,
Not sorry for victories of fateful and important,
Do not feel sorry for friends of mischievous and brave,

From the hottest heart in the world
It is not a pity when children appear,
When the sliders and everywhere toys,
And there is no time sometimes for each other,

I don't feel sorry to father and your beloved husband
Say: "You, loved, we need roads",
Say: "This is happiness when we all together
One hundred percent and even two hundred! "

Not sorry for such a man like you
Hand your heart and sponge to substitute
And smack with love and these flowers,
What did you give, gently put in the vase!

10) relay with balloons According to the signal of the judge dad with his mother, without touching the ball's hands, transfer it to her child on the opposite side of the gym. The ball is bursting a child, without touching him either with his hands nor legs. All three are returned to its original place, whose team will cross the starting line.

11) The next contest "Talking the rope".
Two teams are becoming along the rope against each other, taking it tightly in hand. (The judge explains the rules of tugging the rope) at the signal of the judge each team pulls the rope to its side, trying to drag the rivals team to its territory. Who will succeed, he won. Teams are involved in the following type 1-6; 2-5; 3-4, the team loser drops out of the competition. Results "What we ourselves are and glory to us" The word jury - summarizing the competitions and contests; (Presentation of diplomas, diploma)
Leading: Dear parents guys, friends! That ended our competition.We have now showed everyone that we do not go crumpled,Love sports and physical education.We are you, it's me, itOur whole big cool family!Thank you all for your attention,For a healthy ringing laughter, thanks to everyone for participation and despite the separation of places of good, health, happiness, everyone wish, and we congratulate the winners again!