Public transport. Transport in Finland

Public transport. Transport in Finland

In, as a rule, moving through a bus message, although, of course, a convenient way to move between big cities is air transport and railway transport.

Railway in Finland

The train will take to any major city in. In the periphery, the journey will cost one and a half euros, but you can get a ticket to Seutulippu, acting on a dozen trips, it will be 20 euros. Due to this ticket on the way back it is likely to receive a discount. Children who are not 6 years old, such a passage will not cost anything, but such children with one adult should be a maximum of four. 50% of discounts are provided to children aged 6-17 years, as well as pensioners who are more than 65 years old. Family of more than three people driving together, receive a discount of 20%.

A travel ticket called "Finreylpass" is considered common, its action lasts one month. Its essence consists of free movement by train, the number of days specified in the ticket. The price of such a ticket for 3 days (first class) will be 150 euros, 5 days - 200 euros, 10 days - 270 euros.
From Russia to Finland, three corporate trains are sent: Moscow-Helsinki (the duration of the path is more than 14 hours), Peter Helsinki, Finnish "Sibelius".
In the presence of the country there are 24 airport, among them the largest is Helsinki-Vantaa. From here, the flights of most foreign flights are performed.
A long-distance bus service in Finland is connected by almost all settlements. For example, in Lapland, the bus is the second after the car in the way of movement, the railways are not there.

Public transport in Finland

The public transport network in the country includes buses and trams, and the metro operates in the capital. The cost of the ticket is one for the entire transport. For the passage without a ticket charged fine - 80 euros.

The metro in Helsinki is small, only one branch and 12 stations are running. For regular trips, you can use the Helsinki Card card, it makes it possible in an unlimited number to ride public transport, as well as there is a 30% discount on the airport bus transport, and some sights can also be inspected for free.

As for a taxi, a taxi stop on the roads is not accepted, it must be ordered by phone or can be taken in the parking lot. Taxi cars are distinguished by a bright illuminated sign of yellow and the inscription "Taxi". Such a sign indicates that a taxi is free, and drives to parking for the landing of passengers. You can pay for your trip both in cash and bank card.
Sea transport is well developed in Finland. In summer, you need to go to the most of the flights in advance. Tourists tend to carry on boats, yachts, sometimes on motorboats.
To travel on your own on a rented car, you should pay a warranty fee, you can use the credit card. Among the requirements of the lease, the driver's age is significant - 19-23 years old and the driver's experience is from one year. Prices will depend on the time of year and the type of machine, they vary in the range of 400-2000 euros per week.

Roads and driving rules in Finland

In Finland, the condition of the road is pretty good, especially in the spring time, when the snow begins to melt, irregularities and pits lies with snow. There are practically no open hatches, sharp and dangerous lycons. Cleaning and cleaning machines cope with their duties on the roads. Asphalt coatings are almost always cleaned, their update is carried out by modern technologies and with a scrupulous area analysis.

Road signs play in Finland a special role, as they significantly reduce the likelihood of creating dangerous situations on the roads. Communal services are monitoring that pointers always remain relevant and periodically updated. The side is sprinkled and tamped with granite crumb, at the expense of which the dirt is not taken out on the road. Most of the highways along the edge is represented so called cutting, which forms vibration under the wheels of the machine, as if warned about the threatened danger.
The left side is intended only for overtaking, in other cases it does not use it. Children who have a height does not reach 135 cm marks should ride only in the rear seat. And the children who have not turned three years are transported only in a children's chair. If these rules are violated, a penalty is taken from the driver within 6-10 day fines.

Safety belts must be fastened like passengers in the front seat, so in the back (penalty of 35 euros). To talk on the phone while driving there should be a special device, otherwise a fine of 50 euros.
The police have the right only to write out a fine, and it has no payment in place. For insignificant disorders, a fixed fine is written. For significant violations, the system of day fines is valid when not only the seriousness of the violation, but also the driver's revenues, as well as the availability of taxable property and non-working family members.

Helsinki is a major seaport on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Thanks to the extensive network of rivers and lakes, sea and river transport plays an important role in passenger traffic not only in Finland, but also in Helsinki. Archipelago, consisting of hundreds of islands, is located near Helsinki and make a sea walk on them in small ferries. In addition, on the same ferry, you can go to the famous Helsinki Zoo, in the serfs of Suomenlinna and in other places.

Metro in Helsinki

The metro in the capital was open in 1982. Wagons are made in Finland. Helsinki Metro is small, so enough twenty minutes to cross the city from one end to the other. The metro in Helsinki is more reminding the railway of the suburban message. Formulations, then periodically descend into tunnels, then go to the surface. Trains in the subway go with an interval of 4-5 minutes. The announcer declares the names of the stations in two state languages \u200b\u200bof Finland, Finnish and Swedish. Metro stations and directly metro wagons have all the necessary amenities for movement and drives on wheelchairs and passengers with a child in a wheelchair.

Opening hours of Metro

The metro in Helsinki opens around 5.30 am and finishes work (depending on the direction and day of the week) at 23.00 - 23.30.

Ticket price

In Helsinki, there is a single ticket for a trip to public transport: bus, metro, tram, and even on the ferry, which follows Suomenlinna fortress. You can buy a single ticket in special machines at the metro stations or in service points. A disposable ticket is valid for an hour, there are two hours tickets, day and a few days. Please note that at the beginning of the trip a travel ticket should be attached to a special reading device.

For children aged 7-16 years, 50% discount on tickets is provided.


  • In the machine: an adult - 2.90 euros, children from 7 to 16 years -1.50 euros.
  • The driver: an adult - 3.2 euros, children from 7 to 16 years - 1.60 euros.
  • Tram ticket (automatic) - 2.20 euros.
  • A ticket to Suomenlinna's fortress (ferry there - back, valid 12 hours from the moment of purchase) - 5 euros.
  • Using a mobile phone. The cost of the ticket will be 2.90 euros, you can buy both on the subway and on the tram. To do this, you need to send an SMS "A 1" to the number 16355. Money for the ticket spikes from your mobile phone number.
  • A ticket for all types of transport for one day - 9 euros, for seven days - 36 euros.

Buses and trams

Helsinki bus city park Slavned in that it is here that the elongated buses run, which serve especially the populated areas of the capital. They are about fifteen meters. It is worth noting that the tram transport in Helsinki enjoys greatly popular among the residents of the capital. According to statistics, on a weekday, about two hundred thousand passengers use the tram service. Helsinki's tram routes are much older than the subway routes, they have already more than a hundred years. Traditional trams on electric traction appeared in Helsinki in 1900. Now in Helsinki thirteen tram lines, a total length of about 90 kilometers.

Heart-shaped railway

Already quite soon the ring railway in the shape of a heart will significantly simplify the life of citizens and tourists Helsinki, as it will connect the airport and the city center, as well as some internal areas of Vantaa. The first train will go on a new way on July 1, 2015.

The length of the line to the airport will be 18 km. Train time is about half an hour. With the advent of a new line, tourists from St. Petersburg will be able to get to the airport with just one transplant. Trains will develop speeds up to 120 km / h and, according to preliminary forecasts, can take up to 150 thousand people daily. The fare on the new line will be only 5 euros.

Make up your route

In an unfamiliar city, it is very easy to get confused and leave the other way due to the fact that you sat down on the wrong transport. To avoid such a situation, we suggest you to plan your route in Helsinki in advance, and this will help you with a special Finnish travel planning site.

What is Helsinki Card?

Helsinki Card is a tourist card that is worth purchasing if you are going to meet the capital of Finland. The card can be bought for different number of hours: 24, 48 or 72. Card for 24 hours costs 41 euros for an adult and 22 euros for a child of 7-16 years. In Helsinki, a card can be purchased at various points of sale, for example,

IN Helsinki Very well developed network of public transport. So good that, as the Finnish media reported, part of the metropolitan residents do not even think about the acquisition of personal vehicles, as they are much more convenient and faster to move on urban transport.

Public transport B. Helsinki represented by buses, trams and metro. According to the same ticket (depending on his term, of course) can be transplanted from one type of transport to another unlimited number of times. Also on this ticket can be driving on the ferries (go to suomenlinna fortress And enter the system of urban public transport). However, there is an exception regarding one-time tickets purchased from the tram driver, but about it is slightly lower.

Authorities Helsinki Try to make public transport as convenient and comfortable for residents and guests of the city. And even tried to organize some other feedback in real time))) since last year, for example, passengers can evaluate the quality of the trip in the buses by clicking on the button with the raised upwards with a big finger (something like the Like button on social networks ).

If you arrived in the capital Finland By train, then in the underground part of the Central Railway Station, you can find brochures with detailed information about the schedule of city transport movement. At the station also there is an entrance to the most lively metro station - "Rautatient Travel" ( fin. RAUTIATIENTORI.).

Small nuance. In the case when the buses of several routes stop at the stop, then at the entrance of the bus it is necessary to signal the driver with a raised hand. Otherwise, if no one from the passengers come out at this stop, he may not stop. Trams, in principle, stop if there are passengers at the bus stop. But you can also signal with your hand, especially if this stop is also served by several tram routes.

How much is the passage of public transport Helsinki

The fare depends on the so-called tariff zone and from what type of ticket you are planning to buy. There are two types of travel tickets: urban and regional (allow you to travel through the nearest suburbs of Helsinki).

First zone - directly city Helsinki.

Regional ticket gives you the right of trips to Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniaine and Vantaa.

For children aged 7 to 16 years, a discount is provided - 50%. Driving children up to 6 years free.

Where to buy bus tickets, tram and metro in Helsinki

Several more topic for buying tickets for travel to Helsinki Lights just below. Basically, tickets are bought in tickets located at the station and at the metro stations. Machines of two types. Simply (in which you can buy only one-time tickets) and more "advanced" (multifunctional). In the "advanced" (HSL blue machines) a large LCD display (menu can be translated into English) with a bunch of buttons on the sides, with which you specify the type and range of the purchased ticket for transport by selecting the corresponding item, the number of tickets and method Payment. After the selection is completed, not only the amount for payment appears on the screen, but also a small visual card, indicating the ticket area zone. Coins, banknotes and bank cards are accepted.

Also, tickets can be bought in R-kiosks, in the tourist center, large shopping centers and on large transport hubs. Recently, traveling on a mobile phone is becoming increasingly popular, by sending an SMS of the appropriate content. But this service is valid only for subscribers of Finnish telecom operators and, it seems, tourists are not very in demand.

Uniform travel card (travel ticket) up to 7 days

If you arrived in Helsinki More than a week and plan enough to move enough, that is, it makes sense to buy a single travel card whose validity period is from 1 to 7 days. At the same time, you can use all types of public transport without restrictions. The action of such a ticket begins from the moment you first attached it to the reading device.

Where to buy a single travel ticket

A single ticket can be bought at Helsinki (HKL) transport management points, in R-Kiosks, in the Stockmann department store, at the Helsinki tourism bureau service station. It is also reported that such a map can be brought to the ferries Silja Serenade and Silja Symphony (which is also quite convenient) and in the port of Vuosaari (Vuosaaren Satam, the sale is performed on the Finnlines terminal).

The cost of a single travel ticket

(Cost for 2014)
Validity Adult Children's (7-16 years old)
1 day 8.0 Euro 4.0 Euro
2 days 12.0 Euro 6.0 Euro
3 days 16.0 Euro 8.0 Euro
4 days 20.0 Euro 10.0 Euro
5 days 24.0 Euro 12.0 Euro
6 days 28.0 Euro 14.0 Euro
7 days 32.0 Euro 16.0 Euro

One-time ticket

For a one-time trip you can buy a one-time ticket. Such tickets can be bought in a ticket vehicle or driver. When buying, the driver should not try to pay a bill of 50 euros or 100 euros, the driver does not have the right to take banknote more than 20 euros. Payment is made only in cash. Period of action of one-time ticket in Helsinki - one hour. Note that a one-time ticket purchased from the driver's driver allows you to transfer only to other trams within an hour. Tickets purchased in ticket vehicles are valid for 10 minutes more than tickets purchased from drivers. The end time is printed on the ticket.

Cost of one-time ticket

(Cost for 2014)
Purchase Adult Children's (7-16 years old)
In a ticket machine 2.5 Euro 1.3 Euro
In the bus, tram or train 3.0 Euro 1.5 Euro
From a mobile phone (using SMS) 2.4 Euro
At night (from 02-00 to 04-30)
(at this time, there is a "night" tariff, the cost of which is the same for all customers)
5.0 Euro 5.0 Euro
Ticket for travel on tram (bought in a ticket machine) 2.2 EURO

2 hour ticket

You can buy a ticket for travel by public transport for a period of 2 hours (the start of the action also starts from the moment you attach it to the reader). It costs 4.0 euros for an adult, 2.0 euros for a child. You can buy a one-time ticket in the ticket machine, the driver or by sending SMS messages.

Nearest Tours and Transfers in Helsinki

Ferry ticket to Suomenlinna Fortress

If there is no need to use the services of public transport, but there is a desire to get into suomenlinna fortress You can buy a ticket to Suomenlinna a validity period of 12 hours. The cost of such a ticket is 5.0 euros. Valid only for fare on ferry.

Helsinki Tourist Card (Helsinki Card)

Of course, you should not forget about such a rather popular version as tourist helsinki Card (Helsinki Card) which, among other things, includes free travel on all types of public transport (within the city) during its expiration date.

Metro in Helsinki

Metropolitan. Helsinki (fin. Helsingin Metro.) - the only one in Finland And relatively young (the first passengers used the services of the Helsinki metro in 1982). The discovery of the Finnish metro was a very important event and took place in the presence of the president. Finland Mauno Koivisto ( fin. Mauno Henrik Koivisto.).

The present includes one branch connecting the Eastern and Western part Helsinki. On the nodular metro station "ITYAKESKUS" ( fin. Itäkeskus.) The line branches in the direction of Mellunmyak stations ( fin. Mellunmäen.) and "Voosaari" ( fin. Vuosaari.), respectively, 17 stations. Compared to other metropolitan subways, it seems small (total length - only about 22km), but this is enough to cross the city in just 23 minutes. Every year, more than 60 million passengers enjoy the services of this northern metro station in the world.

Metro work time in Helsinki: from 05-30 to 23-30 from Monday to Thursday, from 05-30 to 01-30 on Friday and Saturday and from 06-30 to 23-30 on Sunday.

Turnstiles in the metro Helsinki not. But I would not advise you to use the external absence of control and certain carelessness, the tickets periodically check and when you capture moral discomfort and financial losses. Is it worth it imagining minor savings? Therefore, you do not need to depict the "hare", buy a ticket and quietly roll)))

When entering the subway, compost the ticket, or if the ticket is already activated, quietly intersect the symbolic orange line, for which the territory of the metro begins, and go to the train.

The seats in the wagons of the Finnish metro are located not as, for example, in the wagons of our metro, along the walls of the car, but as in the train. The interior of the car, the color of the seats correspond to the overall color style of the design.

In recent years, artistic exhibitions in the metro in the capital metro (the first such exhibition of the Finnish artist Pekk Yulkhya ( fin. Pekka Jylhä), passed at the station Kamppi metro station in 2011). Now these exhibitions have become already, in some way, a new city tradition.

With the metro scheme Helsinki can read this link

Currently, another subway line is built with a length of about 14km, which, after it is commissioned, will allow you to get from the current metro station of Ruocholahti to Helsinki to the new Matyckyuly end station in Espoo In just 16 minutes. The construction of two tunnels and eight stations of the new Western Metro line are supposed to be completed by the end of 2015.

Simultaneously with the expansion of the Helsinki metro, work is underway to introduce a modern system of automation control of the movement, which eliminates the need to control the metro station by the machinist.

Helsinki tram network

The first tips (the predecessor of the tram, when the railway track wagon dragged a pair of horses, driven by Kucher) appeared in Helsinki In 1891. The electric tram began to transport the first passengers since 1900 and is still working for the benefit of citizens. Previously, trams were also in Turku, but in 1957 in this Finnish city it was decided to completely abandon this type of transport. So now Helsinki is the only city in Finlandwhere the tram network remains. About 200 thousand passengers are used daily by the metropolitan tram network.

Inform the driver about his intention to go out at the next stop is better in advance. To do this, click the stop button (such buttons are located on handrails), for example, as soon as the tram began to move from the previous stop. The same rule applies to the case if you are traveling by bus.

Trams go from 05-30 to 23-30 (Monday-Saturday) and from 07-00 to 23-00 on Sunday.

Some recommend sitting on the tram, on the route which you can see such urban attractions as Assumption Cathedral, Senate Square (Senaatintori), Cathedral (Tuomiokirkko), Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma (Kiasma), Palace Finland (Finelandia -Talo), Parliament Building (Eduskuntatalo), National Museum of Finland (Kansallismuseo), Finnish National Opera and Olympic Stadium (OlympiaStadioni). It seems like a small excursion)))

Penalty for bellile travel in Helsinki

If you cannot prevent the actual ticket to the controllers, then accept yourself and get ready to part with the amount in 80 EuroAnd also additionally pay the cost of the ticket. In order for everyone to remember the amount of the fine, the last large numbers are indicated on each vending machine.

Useful information about the Helsinki transport network

Official site of the city transport organization (HKL - Helsingin Kauupungin Liikennelaitos): Here you will find all the most relevant information on the routes, tariff plans and rules for public transport. Helsinki. On the same site - the schemes of routes and timetables of routes of all types of transport.

Since 2016, it is planned to introduce a new zoning system and fare fare.

With Russia, Norway and Sweden. On the flight bus you can reach Helsinki from St. Petersburg and from Murmansk to Rovaniemi.

Public transport is considered one of the best in the world: trams, buses, electric trains. All types of transport are used by the same tickets that are sold in newsstands and in automatic cash desks, as well as drivers. To save money, it is better to buy a travel ticket for transport (tram, metro, electric train and steam).

Website of the transport company MATKAHUOLTO (Intercity buses) -

Last changes: 24.02.2013


Taxi on the road to stop not accepted, you can take it in the parking lot or call on the phone. Taxi's central dispatching order number in Helsinki - 0100 0700. Local dispatching charges Taxi you will always provide the service personnel of your hotel. Yellow Taxi is an independent transport service that carries out passengers to Helsinki Airport and from the airport (collects passengers as a route taxi) - telephone 0600-555 555.

All taxis machines have illuminated yellow sign with a clear inscription 'Taksi / Taxi'. A bright illuminated sign means that the car is free, but often a taxi driver is sent to the nearest parking lot to plant the passengers waiting there. Payment can be made by cards both Finnish and international banks, as well as in cash.

Finnish taxi cars are usually comfortable, safe and modern, equipped with the latest models of route and search engines, but drivers do not always have good knowledge of the area (comparing, say, with London taxi drivers), and therefore it is better to have a card with you address. On the other hand, in Helsinki, and in other cities, taxi drivers always know how to get to the main hotels.

Last changes: 04.06.2010


The metro in Helsinki covers a very limited part of the city and is one line of 12 stations. You can pay to the subway using a mobile phone: when you enter the desired combination of numbers, and automatically comes to the phone with the name of the station and the input time in it. Metro opening hours: weekdays and Saturday - from 5:15 to 23:45, Sunday - from 6:15 to 23:45.

Last changes: 04.06.2010

Aviation transport

External and internal air transportations in Finland are carried out about twenty airlines, including 5 Finnish:, Finnish airline, whose controlling stake in the state, and.

There are 28 airports in the country, the largest of which Helsinki-Vantaa, located in Vantaa. 25 airports managed FinaVia.

Last changes: 22.06.2011

Railway transport

The largest cities of Finland are connected with a network of railways. The most important railway lines are electrified, such as lines connecting Helsinki with the cities of Turku, Pori, Tampere, Jyvaskyul, Rovaniemi, Iisalmi and Joensuu.

Finnish trains are spacious, comfortable and clean. Landscapes along the railway lines are very picturesque. Motorists can travel in a passenger car, putting their car for a special platform for transporting vehicles. You can choose how it is more convenient to travel - at night or during the daytime.

VR Group: VR (Finnish Railways) is primarily engaged in rail transport and maintenance of paths and rolling stock. VR provides high-quality, safe and non-violating ecology of freight and passenger transportation.

Site of Finnish Railways VR -

Last changes: 22.06.2011

Water transport

Water transport is developed in Finland. To any point of the country, as well as to nearby states, can be reached on modern, comfortable courts with a good level of service.

Now the Saymen Channel, connecting the Finnish Bay with Lake Saimaa, allows water journey directly from Russia - from Vyborg or St. Petersburg - to the Finnish city of Lappeenranta. Remember, all these routes are possible only in the summer.

Main seaports: Helsinki (port within the city), Turku, Kotka. Ferry with Sweden, Estonia, Poland, Germany.

The most important shipping routes: Helsinki - Tallinn, Helsinki - Lubeck, Helsinki - Stockholm, Turku - Maarianhamin - Stockholm and Vaasa - Umaya. Large shipping companies guarantee speed and comfort, but in the summer season, tickets must be ordered in advance.

The volume of shipping communication between Finland and Sweden is great. Giant auto parks with maximum comfort are sent daily from Finland, the Aland Islands and Sweden. Rights and comfort are characteristic of a fleeting report between Germany and Finland, however, in view of small volumes on the line, a small number of ships runs, which creates overload during the high season.

Last changes: 04.06.2010

Car rental

To take a car for rent, you need to have real driver's license of the international sample, age limit when renting a car - from 21 years (from different firms - a different minimum age), and at least one year of driving practice.

In addition, it is necessary to preserve a credit card (upon receipt of a car, a certain deposit is blocked on it). If the machine is taken to travel only one way, the client pays gasoline and running the car in the opposite direction.

Last changes: 24.02.2013

To enter Finland by car, you must have the following documents:

1. The rights to driving a car, not necessarily international.

2. All technical paper on the car, technical support, etc.

3. Insurance on the car ("Green Map").

4. Power of attorney for a car, certified by a notary for the presentation of Russian customs, translation into foreign languages \u200b\u200bis not required.


The height of the tread pattern in the summer tires of the passenger car should be at least 1.6 mm, and in winter tires - at least 3 mm. It is not allowed to ride not tires with naked cord. The simultaneous use of studded and untapped tires in the car is prohibited.

In all passenger and pick-up cars from the beginning of December, the winter tires should be used. This rule applies to cars registered abroad. Use winter tires to other times voluntarily. It should be remembered that the tires with studded rubber can only be used in the period from the beginning of November to Monday, following a week after Easter Monday. They can be used at other times the year only if this is provided for by the weather and climatic conditions.

Dark glass machine

The darkening of the wind and the front windows is allowed only in acceptable limits: the light glass light should be at least 75% and the front side glasses of 70%. Many car manufacturers darke glasses to a maximum, but the glasses look transparent. Additional blackout, for example, a light-protective film in Finland is prohibited.

With a motor transportation, contact the police. Phone number in emergency cases throughout Finland 10022. The overall emergency number for which you can call the police, ambulance or fire service 112. On these numbers you can call for free.

Even if the participants in the accident come to an agreement, with the police, nevertheless should be contacted that in the future it was easier to deal with the insurance company.

When the machine breakdowns on the highway 150-200 meters from the machine, you must install an emergency stop sign.


Maintenance in Russian can be obtained from the company "Roskovist" by phone. 9800-3500. The number is valid throughout Finland. About the firms offering towing services, you can learn from any auto repair workshop, reference station and telephone directories in the HinausPalVut department.

Filling stations and maintenance

Usually open from 7 to 21 from Monday to Saturday, Sunday - short working day. Many stations sell fuel around the clock, some have a cafe. Gasoline and diesel fuel can be bought throughout Finland. In Finland, only unleaded gasoline is sold. In addition to the contents of the tank in Finland, it is possible to carry 10 liters of gasoline.

Basic rules of movement

In Finland, right-sided movement with left-sided overtaking.

You can never overtake the car stopped at a pedestrian.

Obgon is prohibited while approaching the oncoming transport. The overtaking is also forbidden on the lifts, turns, or in close proximity to the crossroads. In areas with a speed limit of 60 km / h, you should always skip the bus from stopping.

In cities entry to the lane allocated for buses is allowed only immediately before turning.

At the intersections without traffic lights or road signs should always be skipping a tram.

Riding tramways is mainly prohibited.

Respect for pedestrians.

In the absence of restrictive signs, the overall speed limit always corresponds to 50 km / h in settlements (territory, limited by the signs of the settlement), and outside them - 80 km / h. For a car-operator (car-house), a maximum speed of 80 km / h is installed.

All auto machines should move only with the included headlights of the near light, regardless of the time of day and weather conditions.

In passenger cars, seat belts must be fastened both at the driver and passengers and in the front, and in the rear seats. An exception can only be done in case of illness or disability that prevent the use of seat belts.

Stopping and parking of the car are allowed only on the right side of the road or street. On the street with one-sided movement, the stop and parking lot of the car are also allowed on the left side of the street.

In Finland, the movement of the car without license plates is prohibited. The foreign car should also have a prominent national identification.

Driving a car in a state of alcohol intoxication or under the influence of narcotic substances is prohibited. The maximum allowable content of alcohol in the blood is 0.5 ppm. Violation of this rule almost always leads to punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment. Excess 1.2 ppm can lead to more serious punishments.

The moose in Finland is a lot, and they often appear on the roads. The same applies to the northern deer in Lapland. Warning signs are installed in the necessary places and inform drivers about the maximum length of the most dangerous areas.