The film "Porifutball": the real story of real people. What does pinfootball mean in slang? How to understand pinfootball

The film
The film "Porifutball": the real story of real people. What does pinfootball mean in slang? How to understand pinfootball

Rental scandalous movie "Porifutball" ends. It's time to know what people from the football and artistic environment think about him, as well as hooligans. One of the former "firms" we accidentally met on a session in the usual Moscow cinema.

Together with me in big Hall The film watched seven people - young guys. After the session, you get acquainted. Alexander, low and affected, 32 years old, two higher Education, on the first one - an optical-electron fiber specialist, on the second economist. Engaged in organizing events - parties, presentations, and so on. Former football hooligan, fought from 16 years. Tied at 23.

"It stopped fighting when my father died"

For the "Spartak" I pain, "says Sasha. - In the "firm" consisted right at the heart. We had fees - this is when the backbone gathered before the match. In 1998-1999, three hundred people came to Spartaches: Flints Crew, Mad Butchers, Gladiators - six to seven groups. Scouts (scouts) traveled around the city. If someone saw - they reported, and a fight took place. In 1998, "Koni" came to us for collecting "Sokolniki", then drove around the Ice Palace.

Now it's not that nearfootball that before. They called, agreed - 20 at 20, met on the edge. If one side of the fighters more, several people can remove. Attract people involved in martial arts, Fair Play, only on fists. And then the armature went into the move, the legs from stool.

- Have you got hard in fights?

Three concussions of the brain. Once a bottle of head struck. Another time the reinforcement received on his forehead. It was possible to laugh and a stone and brick. I remember the fight against Zenit on Schelkovskaya, there many received reinforcement - there was a hostility.

- Honor someone?

No, so that someone in fights died - this was not. Zenit has a fight with "speakers", and there one cut. Dark story. It seems that they did not find anyone who drewed.

- Why tied?

In 2003, the Father died, and Mom asked. We all took part in the police. For the time being, after the arrest, they were released, and then we had already become more serious - they brought a card file. When I went to trips, it came from the police from each city to pay the penalty. In general, parents were aware. But Mom was not against. Many of my peers - friends in the country just at that time began to die from drugs. Now everything is already - who died, who sits, there is a heroin, a serious matter. And I had football and fights - not to drugs. In the film, many acquaintances saw, seven-eight people learned.

- How true is the film true?

Truthful but boring. It was possible to make more interesting. For example, I often received warnings from my own, for drinking in a bar with friends- "horses" from the pyphootball.

What I do not agree in the film - that you only need to fight hooligans. It is not true, we and the team was maintained from and before, shouted in the stands. Almost starved to accumulate money for departure. And now the situation is the same.

- And how to evaluate the game?

On my memory outside the stadium there was no fight that would cover the riot. What is really truthful - the heroes of the film are going to leave, and to knock down the police from the trace, the bus change the bus. We also turned the same way.

"Having received in the first skirmish, people often leave"

- What do you think you need to shoot such a movie?

Yes. Many are not at all familiar with this story. People interested in football should know her. Often you go on football (we are always without attributes), and men with scarves ask: "And who are you at all? For whom?".

- And the fact that in the film is shown hatred for non-owners?

So it was always. Not all sophisticated sinheads, but in each grouping several people consisted in nationalist organizations. And at the same time, one Armenian traveled with us - he participated in all the arrows and fees. Different people were. We have one comrade received thousands of 10-15 dollars. At the time, there are a lot. Fed-poet, chic glades covered in the kabaks, paid buses for departures. There were musicians, DJs, people with musical education, MSU graduates - all sorts.

- The film romantizes this environment? 12-year-old boys will look - and go to sign up in hooligans.

As practice shows, who received in the first fight most often from this idea moves away. And if I got and did not stop it, then goes on. Many familiar tied with the emergence of a family or after a criminal case was initiated against them.

- So romantizes or not?

I think yes. Many now try to crawl into nearphutball.

- The life of the hooligans in the film is embedded?

So it really was not shown. For us, for example, there were many guys from disadvantaged families. One comrade, whose parents drank, for several months I lived. Lot different stories. I say - it was more interesting to be done.

Many rich was like a major movie, a person fifteen. There are few people alive. Who died of drugs who died in the car accident. Our other "firms" rumbled, they say, such rich that we can open several banks.

"Maybe youth will like how beautiful they fought there"

Renat (21 years), Nikita (23), Dima (23). Fans, not hooligans. They sick for "Spartak". Bought subscriptions to Luzhniki on the V. Sector

Our buddy consisted in the Spartak "firm," they say the guys. - Recently, he left the army and at the same time came out of the pyphootball.

- Why?

I received a couple of times on the head. Very much. A familiar boxer entered another "firm". There was a big skirmish, someone from their own substituted - and the police covered. He said, they say, I need it in fig. From the "firm" barely came out - he was beaten up so much that she had reached the house. The month was lying on, came to myself.

- How do you like a movie?

Nothing. The plot is almost one in one with the American "Green Street" hooligans. " Multiple weights are usually fighting 10 to 10, 20 for 20. The youth will look and think: beautiful, cool, let's start too. And then how to get along the tower! Yes, at the end of one hooligan plant, two die, but are you sure that youth remember exactly this and will make conclusions? Maybe they will like them more how beautifully fought.

- The nationalism of the hooligan groupings is shown. How do you like this? - I'm interested in the opinion of the guy with non-Russian name Renat.

Normally, we are about the same to this question, "he surprises. - Not very perceive the children of the mountains. Muscovites themselves.

I am not against Tajiks and Uzbeks, - Nikita is engaging. - I hate young, which here have their own orders set, especially Chechens, Dagestanis. Finger fan, traveling to "Porsche Kayenkh". Adult generation They have a completely different, who in the area of \u200b\u200bforty and older - calm and smart people. Russia - multiethnic country. I treat everyone normally until I normally treat me.

"Honest movie"

Find famous fans who have already looked at the film turned out to be not easy.

Actors Alexey McLakov and Arthur Smolyaninov have not seen yet. Like a parody of Mikhail Grushevsky. Worldwide famous pianist Denis Matsuev He said that she was not going to watch: "I want something good, good." Commentators Alexey Andronov and Konstantin Genic were also not seen. But the actress Irina Rakhmanova ("9 Rota", "Peter FM", "Heat", etc.) was at the show of the "pinfootball".

The film is fairly honestly removed towards fans, "Rakhmanov believes. - lifted by people who know what this is speech, I always imputes me. But for many viewers it will be a shock.

"For such a love triangle you need to shoot"

The problem of any movie about youth subculture It is that the film is obliged to vary between explanatory fiction and harsh truth life, "says Mannanov. - If you put the task of separating the grains from the spurred, then, of course, you can see some inconsistencies: the debut mass action in the subway is impossible in today's realities. Revelation it became that in the picture of Anton Bormatov there is no place for politics, while it is being done about an extremely politicized environment: Caucasians, of course, beaten, but for other reasons.

Each "firm" has its own rules, and from this point of view of Skullhead Crew, in principle, it is not knocked out of the common canvas, except, perhaps, the fact that people from different social worlds Rarely find a common language.

In principle, if you pre-shoot the author's script for the worst love triangle In the history of world cinema, "nearfootball" can be found. FROM artistic point Vision is a completely secondary Russian cinema, but it's nice that at least about fans.

"Probably, Major will kill or put"

Artist of the role of Major Pavel Yrelykov He says that his character's fate may well be tragic.

Got a lot of reviews, Vkontakte comes 900 posts per day, "says Yrelykov. - People thank you, they write warm words. Surprised that the film hooked so much. People see in these stories themselves, they say, everything happens in life.

Hooligans say that a film is 80 percent of them. But it is a feature film, there is a moment of creativity and fantasy. Someone wrote: "Such a heartfelt story, I cried." Or: "This is about us, about male friendshipthat in the world is now forgotten. "

- Did someone scolded a movie?

No, they do not write. But there were those who started a business from my name, began to sell some T-shirts. People send them money and do nothing.

- Well, this is a success! What do you think the film romantizes hooligans?

There is no romanticization there. In the final, my character, the leader of the company, remains one: without a beloved girl, one friend was killed, another planted. What's next - incomprehensible. Maybe in three seconds they will be killed too or ... just tells the real story real people.

The director and actors had to look at this story removed. However, we all turned out to be the soul are connected. You can not imagine what was happening on the site, for four months I forgot about everything - I liked it so much! Apparently, then romanticization occurred, because we loved our heroes. But we did not want to call anything to anyone. On the project, I found new friends and I don't communicate with the old ones now, it is not interesting.

You can attribute everything around the football field to nearfootball and beyond. In particular, these fans and all that is connected with them. Very often, when some attention to football appears, the fans are interested in the question: "What is nearfootball?". In fact, the answer is simple - these are fans in the stands that have their own slogans, songs, hymns of clubs. A fans, disassembly and fans fighting fans can also be attributed to the intoputball.

To get into the nearfootball, it is enough just to buy a ticket and in the stadium to become a fan of one of the teams. There are no special limitations: you can freely shout slogans in support of your team, rejoice for achievements and even peel songs. But it all may seem too simple.

If there is a desire to join organized nearphutball, it is better to find a special firm for fans if possible. Mostly modern companies must have their sites who are willing to freely take newcomers. It is possible that some of them have even offices. For the company it does not matter what your character and education are. If there is a desire and some kind of passion, it can be found to everyone. You can engage in tailoring or design banners, compose slogans, be responsible for organizing trips, etc. To do this, it is necessary to simply try to become a member of such a firm.

There are fans of football who want to join the center of the qtoputball - ultras. But it is worth noting that it will not be easy, since newcomers do not take such disassembly. This is a principal fight in which only proven people can participate. First you will need to make attention to you. Thus, fights are satisfied with the same inexperienced fans. When a kind of fighting reputation was already created, then there is an opportunity to participate in more serious disassembly.

What is nearfootball? IN lately This phrase is found quite often. And people associated with this sport in some way, know perfectly well what it means. But many of his definition still is not clear. Well, it's worth fixing it.


Nearphutubol (or how else reduce this word - of) called everything that happens outside gaming field. These are fans, their fan traditions, songs, cries, banners and, of course, the most important thing - disassembly between adherents of different clubs. Fights, explosion of Petard right on the stands, ignition of the flags of rivals - all this is nearfootball. Moreover! This is its main component.

What has been listed first is a peaceful pinifulball, usual. But everything else is already anarchy, hooliganism and complete chaos. By the way, fans explain their movement as a separate subculture.


Talking about what is nearfootball, it is impossible not to note the attention and history. The origins of such phenomena are always interesting.

In principle, when the sport itself appeared, then there was a nearfootball. The definition of this, of course, entered the life of fans much later, but the lawlessness among the fans was noticed in the first half of the XIX century in England. Even in those distant times, the twisers of rival clubs were going to say, what is called "wall on the wall" after the game ended. But then the hooliganism that exists to this day appeared later - in the middle of the last century everything is the same in England.

Why do this kind of failing continued to flourish? Everything is simple. Working youth had no other entertainment, except football. He was considered the most affordable price. But with the course of some time youth, there was a lack of an ordinary pain in the stands. And began to appear football violence. By the mid-60s, English stands were more than two-thirds filled with infertifers. And it is not amazing the fact that every second match ended with scuffle and fights. They could not do anything with this, and therefore even some areas of cities, where the insane fans for the fight were gathered, declared forbidden zones.


That's the movement of the "pinfootball" story. But this is if briefly. All about the nearphutball and about football hooliganism is simply impossible. However, it is necessary to mention the consequences.

Take, for example, Eiselle tragedy. It occurred in 1985 at the Eisel stadium in Belgium. Because of such football English hooligans, then during the match "Juventus" and "Liverpool" (the final of the European Champions Cup) was collapsed by a wall of one of the tribune. And as a result, 39 people died (mostly Italians), many wounded. Of course, people were not to return. Therefore, UEFA decided to remove all English clubs from participating in European Cups for five years. Liverpool was given for a year more. But there was one plus. Since the game was broadcast to the whole world, then the tragedy saw all the people who looked at her. And many hooligans have plunged into shock. Most realized what football anarchy could lead to, and returned to normal life.


So, above it was quite detailed about what is nearfootball. And now you can note in some attention to Slang, which is actively used by the fan lawyers.

So, for example, the words "fittings", "argument" and "iron" are called bottles, tapes, sticks, stones, as well as other devices for fights that are used in coordinating each of the parties. "Charge" is the crurch. And "Casuals" - fans dressed in ordinary clothes, without club symbolism. The word "derby" means a match with a fundamental opponent. Commentators are also actively using this termwhich has already become classic. Phantomas, dwarfs and pioneers are usually called young fans.

Performance is organized on the Tribunes of the show. And Omonovsk-City is Nizhny Novgorod, so it was interesting to be called. And the uncertain word "Perdyaevka" is called cities that are located very far and unattractive for departure. And finally, Kuzmich is a person who has a little understanding the culture of fans.

Modern stage

In general, as it was possible to understand, chaos and anarchy - that's what is nearfootball. And, unfortunately, this movement did not end. It exists everywhere, and in Russia too. Special passions are observed between the fans of CSKA and "Spartacus". It seems that the true fans of Moscow clubs hate each other.

By the way, the nearfootball left a trail and in mass culture. This phenomenon is written quite a few books. Bill Buford released "English disease." Arc Brimson wrote "Wherever we go" and the book "Team". The authorship of John King belongs to the "Football Factory" and "English Way". And released a "clock-orange".

There are a lot of films. Some were removed based on the above-mentioned books. And in 2013, the Russian film called "Porifutball" came out. Real fans participated in the crowd, and in the plot they fought for those clubs for which they suffer in life. And one of the episodes was removed right at the stadium during the derby "Spartak" and CSKA.

Producer Anton Bormatov Producer Sergey Seliananov, Elena Bykov Author
scenario Dmitry Lemeshev with the participation of Ivan Medvedev, Evgenia Selemenev, Alexey Gorbunova, Vitaly Togusheva, in theory: Len. R.: Operator Igor Grinyakin Composer Anton Zavyalov,
Gorokhov Kirill,
Igor Gotsmanov
Film Company film Company and Front Line Studio Duration 97 min. Budget 2.4 million Country Russia Russia Language russian Year 2013 IMDB. ID 2643308.

"Porifutball" - Russian feature Film Directed by Anton Bormatov, shot by film companies and "Front Line Studio" with the support of the Foundation for Cinema in 2013.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    The definition of the SPT launched the film "Porifutball" on September 11, 2012. General producer Pictures Sergey Seliananov shared the features of the new project:

    "- Almost all the characters of the film have prototypes. Dmitry Lemeshev, the screenwriter of the film, when he worked on the script, met with these people, our actors also worked a lot with them before starting shooting. Actually, the script is written on the basis of real events that happened quite recently, and about which you probably heard ... In this credibility, there is a feature of this story. It clings it. A special world with a very strong energy that is almost no modern society. These are not football fans that walk to the stadium and do not miss a single game. No, here is another. Previously, there were fist fights in Russia, such collisions such, such a terrible splash of energy, and it is like a drug. A lot of books are written about the "q.

    The first episode of the film, in which, in the plot, the fan fight occurs at the Moscow metro station Konkovo, actually starred in Nizhny Novgorod At the station Park Culture. Also, one scene with the execution of Hardbas was shot in St. Petersburg on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising. The remaining scenes were filmed in Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Castle Representatives of the Spartak, CSKA, Zenit, Moscow "Dynamo", playing the second plan of hooligans, who are fighting for the same clubs in the film. Also in the film, "Torpedo" hooligans, FC "Nizhny Novgorod", "Volga", "Eagle" and "Baltika" were shot. .

    Episode S. football match Spartak - CSKA shot on the present derby on October 7, 2012. On the film, the action takes place in the Russian Cup, in fact it was a championship match. Officially "Spartak" in this match lost 0: 2, but on the film not counted in real game Dzbyuby goal with mounting and computer graphics turned into counted.

    The fan group of the heroes of the film is called Skullhead Crew. Its prototype is the real legendary Spartak grouping Flint's Crew, one of the first in the country. Some of its participants and appeared co-authors original scenario . The film is based on real events .

    Film shooting ended in November. The premiere of "Porifutball" took place in Karo Film October September 23. In cinemas, the film was released on September 26, 2013, having collected for the first weekend a little less than $ 1.5 million.


    In the center of the plot, the history of grouping ("firms") of Spartak hooligans Skullhead Crew and four friends, its leaders. University Lecturer - Intelligent Egor "Titch" Toloknov, Car Salemaker and Champion healthy image Life is bright, merry and womanizer - businessman Major, DJ and amateur kayfa razor. Techer (Alexander Ratnikov) is concerned about the problem: the last few arrows with different enemy "firms" (Zenit Fans, CSKA, Dynamo), held in secret place And the secret time, ends with the same thing, in the most height of the fight suddenly appears riot police and "covers" both groups. So someone in the "firm" turned out to be a traitor and "knocking" to the police.

    In parallel, develops love line: Taisiya (Daria Mingazetdinova) falls in love with Tschius, his bride close friend And Major's companion (Pavel Yrelykov), and he bursts between love and martial fraternity.

    When "firm" decides to oppose Caucasians (they beat the brother of one of the hooligans), only a tech is opposed. Because of this, he quarrels with Major and leaves. He meets Taisia, after a rapid explanation they have sex, at the time as the "firm" rims and burns a cafe belonging to Caucasians.

    Another day kill the bright (Ivan Fominov), informal leader "Firms". It turns out that the killer is a policeman under his cover, so the murders threaten to hang on a razor (Grigory Ivana) - another hooligan. It turns out that he was "rat". The officer engaged in football hooligans offers him a deal: the razor gives comrades, and the case "descend on the brakes." He agrees, gives the place of the next fight and goes away.

    After death, the leader of the "firm" becomes a tech. He learns that the killer is the police agent, and decides to take revenge on the "cops". After the match CSKA - Spartak "firms" of rival clubs meet (the police are already waiting for), but instead of fighting, they are brought and attack on Riot.

    The leaders of the "firms" enter the court, the thicketer gives five years of the colony of the general regime, the Major and the rest of the year conditionally. A razor, like a pouch, kill former comrades.


    Actor Role
    Alexander Ratnikov Tycher Titch
    Grigory Ivananets Razor razor
    Ivan Fominov Yeah Yar
    Pavel Yrelykov Major Major
    Daria Mingazetdinova Taisiya Taisiya
    Sergey Schnirov Clamps, investigator Clamps, investigator
    Valery Barinov tcher's father Tcher's father
    Elena Simonova mother Tchery Mother Tcher
    Julia Mankovskaya Daria, Girlfriend Taiiy Daria, Girlfriend Taiiy
    Nikolay Shreiber seller in the fan store Seller in the fan store
    Evgeny Berezin Elephant, Fan Lader CSKA Elephant, Fan Lader CSKA
    Maxim Belborodov Umbrella umbrella
    Vladimir Kolosov Spray
    Stanislav Ferena colonel

    However, football hooliganism in the form in which it exists to this day, began to emerge on the shores of Misty Albion in the late 1950s.


    Modern stage

    On the modern stage English "Porifutball" acquired the clear traits of the so-called style "

    The intersections of the warring groups pass away from stadiums and in most cases are negotiated in the Internet or by telephone. Fans have become more mobile and more vague. Changes in the structure of English society led to movement large quantity Pretty wealthy and educated young people who gave him great closeness and calculation. The promotions are planned for weeks and are calculated before each detail, information wars are underway, distracting maneuvers are held. Given the modern technical capabilities of the British police, still considering the fight against near-football violence one of the priorities, these measures to some extent can simply help english hooligans to survive.

    The only inventious for the British is the exit matches in Europe, however, after the surviving expulsion in 1993, 1100 English fans from Holland, representatives of Misty Albion began to behave more restrained.

    Recently, the most active problem of football hooliganism is felt in Eastern Europe countries: Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia.


    The process of the birth of a new subculture for the country is directly related to the beginning of the on-site activity of a certain part of fans of Soviet clubs. First visit guest games His club in the early 1970s began fans of Spartak, soon they were joined by fans and other Moscow teams. The fans of the Kiev "Dynamo" and the Leningrad "Zenith" were not behind.

    By the end of the 1970s, the movement was gaining strength, the rows of fans expanded, and the power drew attention to fans. The KGB negatively revealed to a new trend of young people, characterizing it as anti-Soviet. As a result, many young people setoed in the sector were excluded from universities, lost work. But, even despite this, the fans of the Moscow "Spartak" continued to travel to other cities in the amount of 300-400 people.

    In the mid-1980s, the situation has changed dramatically. After coming to power M. S. Gorbachev and announcements of the course for restructuring, fans got much more freedom, and clubs, appreciating the effectiveness of their support during field matches, began to actively encourage the presence of their fans on guest games.

    Movement began to gain massiness and glances new Wave rushed towards England. In many ways, thanks to the English influence, football songs, speeches and slang began to appear on the stands of Soviet stadiums, but that even more importantly, with them a hooligan mentality that distinguishes English nearfootball has come. One of the main consequences english influence He became a sharp increase in violence among fans.


    The movement continued to develop and after the events of the spring of 1995, when in the metropolitan derby CSKA - "Spartak" more than 200 hooligans before the match were learned by a grandiose fight. Then the power structures did not pay attention to what was happening, the arrests followed, the police took an extremely hard position, and the fans, in order to protect themselves from excessive attention, became secretive and inseparable, having undergone tactics characteristic of British Caushals. The movement soon became fashionable by provoking fast growth Numbers of football groups both in the capital and throughout Russia. But at the same time it should be noted that the main near-football events took place in Moscow.

    This incident received a serious response to the media, which called him "Shchelkovsky battle." A month later, the "Spartacus" fans and CSKA again turned out to be on the first strips of newspapers due to a grandiose fight arranged by them before hockey derby of their teams. After this incident, the authorities switched to the most decisive action.

    During serious games, militia, reinforced with horse squads and riot police, controlled all movements on the approaches to stadiums, created special pieces, accompanying the visitors of fans to railway stations or buses. Any concentration of fans instantly accelerates, the field of the field was standing by hundreds of policemen who were visually observing all that happened in the stands, any kind of pyrotechnics was banned. Representatives of the law did not ceremony, and often under the rubber bunches of the riot and did not fall into any kind of fans of the game. The hatred of hooligans to the police grew from day to day. The situation reached its apogee in September 1999, when a 15-minute fight broke out on the departure game of Moscow "Spartak" with Ramensky "Saturn" in the guest sector, a 15-minute fight between fans and near Moscow, who adopted so fierce character, which for the first time in the history of Russian football the game had to interrupt . The infrastructure of the stadium has suffered a lot.

    Another incident took place in Belarus. Despite the fact that Belarusians are perceived by the majority of Russians as a fraternal people, a group of hooligans from various Russian groups who came to Minsk to a friendly meeting, became the object of nationalist and anti-Russian lows from local fans. A fight arose, in the acceleration of which special divisions of the police took part.

    Thus, the events around the national team of Russia attracted the attention of the world community to a rapidly developing hooligan movement in the country.

    The next page of the Russian near-football history was the events of June 9, 2002, when after defeating the Russian team at the World Championships from the team of Japan, furious hooligans were learned by mass pogroms in the center of Moscow. Against the background of a peacefully passed tournament, this incident caused the widest resonance.

    Modern stage

    Currently, the Russian "nearfootball" can be called formed social phenomenon with pronounced features english style Club support both home and guest fights. Its gangs (in Slang - "firms") have almost all clubs of the Russian national football championship right up to the teams of the second league. Movement is bright pronounced directions "Casuals" but with their national features. The ideas of Russian nationalism are very strong in the Russian hooligan environments. In this sense, the Russian hooligan community differs from modern Movement In the UK, where nationalism compared with the 70s - 80s departed to the background. Besides, national trait Russian nearfootball is the lack of decent support for the team at home matches. Exceptions are only Moscow derby and the fans standing by the fans of St. Petersburg "Zenith".

    As in any subculture, Russian football hooligans also have a Code of honor too:

    • fireplay: a) the absence of "arguments" (primary means that can be used for defense or in attack), fight on bare hands; b) usually an equal number or approximately equal number of opponents; c) is usually a preliminary contract for the opponents (opponents); c) do not beat under beds.
    • fights are taken out of a little or deserted territory not only because of conflicts with the police, but also from concern about others. No real hooligan will allow themselves to involve outsiders in such a fight.
    • despite the "right" nationalist views in the Russian hooligan environments, not all "firms" are such.

    The main players on the Russian near-football scene are Moscow clubs CSKA and Spartak, whose clashes are the most fierce character and cause a wide public resonance .. followed by the fans of the Zenit Club (St. Petersburg), which are in a permanent hostility with all gangs Moscow clubs. Further, the fans of the Moscow Dynamo are located, they are able to collect a sufficient number of "fighters", which was proven by them in 2005, when the friendly match with the club "Dynamo" (Kiev) went to the Ukrainian capital about 200 people who have learned the cruel A fight with their own visa on one of the central stations of the Kiev Metro. Following Dynamo, the hooligans of the Moscow Club "Locomotive" are located.

    From the non-stationary groups, you can allocate FC Rostov, FC "Wings of the Soviets", FC Shinnik and Huliganov FC "Rusichi" (Oryol City).

    Cult books

    • "English Disease" - Bill Buford
    • "Wherever we go" - Arc Brimeson
    • "Team" - Arc Brimeson
    • "English way" - John King

    Cult films

    The most common clothing brands in the hooligan environment

    • Paul Smith
    • Reebok.
    • Sergio Tacchini.
    • Ted Baker.
    • Thor Steinar
    • Timberland.
    • Tom Tailor.