Presentation in the picture Winter Evening H Crimea. Before me, the picture of Tatiana Jablonskaya, which is called "Morning"

Presentation in the picture Winter Evening H Crimea. Before me, the picture of Tatiana Jablonskaya, which is called
Presentation in the picture Winter Evening H Crimea. Before me, the picture of Tatiana Jablonskaya, which is called "Morning"

Pupils of high school appear more and more tasks related to creativity and independent objection. One of these is an essay in the picture "Winter Evening". If this task was given home, then parents should tell the child the main aspects of the presentation of thoughts so that the son or daughter would be as simple as possible to write an essay.

What is an essay in the picture "Winter Evening"

The word "writing" itself speaks for himself. This task implies the enumeration of your own thoughts that arose when looking at the picture. Essay in the picture "Winter Evening" (N. P. Crimea) will open the opportunity to put into the course of the idea even before those students who have a non-brass warehouse of the mind. The most important thing in this task is to clearly understand what the author of the artistic work wanted to convey and what emotions wanted to convey their drawing.

Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid of such a creative task, because the essay in the picture "Winter Evening" of Crimean in the 6th grade will not be difficult. It is only worth peeling into the details of the image on canvas, and thoughts are poured by the river.

Workwriting plan

To make it easier for the child to write an essay in the picture "Winter Evening", you can tell him how to present thoughts. Approximate may be the next one.

Introduction. Here you should talk about what in general the picture brings. What emotions and mood in their work I wanted to convey the author.

Main part. Colorful and bright essay in the picture "Winter Evening" will turn out if in detail to reveal everything that is drawn. The correct structure of the description is the listing of what is depicted in the front and in the background. Do not wise and write complex phrases or incomprehensible sayings. For a student of the sixth grade, the main thing in this task is in free form to tell about what he sees in the image.

Conclusion. At the end of the essay, it is possible to write whether the artist managed to touch the feelings with his creation on canvas. It is also worth voicing which aftertaste remains after what he saw.

Such a plan will help the child to express their thoughts.

What to make accents to give the most brightly seen

Of course, each teacher wants to see a meaningful, filled with emotions and an understanding of the author. In order for this perspective to convey its feelings, it is worth describing each item that seen when viewing the picture.

It is also worth paying special attention to the main thought of the artist.

Beautiful essay in the picture "Winter Evening" (N. P. Crimea)

Of course, it is worth taking examples of descriptions to fully understand the essence of the work. To do this, you can read the prepared essay in the picture "Winter Evening" (N. P. Crimea). Grade 6 are already enough adult children who fully can express their inner experiences and understand the essence of the image drawn on canvas. For an example, you can take the following creations.

At first glance, the picture "Winter Evening" may seem fairly simple. But it is not. In fact, Nikolai Petrovich fully displaced the mood arising in winter, and in all colors suffered these sensations on canvas.

In the foreground, huge drifts that have enveloped the countryside and fully obstacled the path of village residents are visible. Through the tropal paths, people go towards their homes to catch back to darkness.

In the second plan it is clear that all houses and huts are covered with silver overflowing snow. Roses with horses are carrying a brushwood to the cache to warm the residents of the houses in this stepmap. In the picture and the robe of people can be seen that the frost is very strong. The glitter of the visible sunset seems to hugs trees and gives a snowy snowdrift riddle and fabulousness.

When I look at the picture of Nikolai Petrovich Krymov, it seems like I am one of the heroes of this plot. Immediately feel the smell of freshness, frosty air and children's fun in the snowdrifts of snowy notes.

In the foreground, Nikolai Petrovich made an emphasis on the beautiful, magic, reminiscent of the tale of the year. The hills covered with snow silver hills covered with a white shrub shrubs drowning to the huts of the paths - all this immerses the atmosphere of depicted events.

Winter in the picture is a real, filled with emotions and experiences of the villagers. In the background, it can be seen how people are heading home to meet the sunset near the warm oven, which will warm up the twig brought from the forest. Feels the occurrence of a holiday filled with winter walking and entertainment.

Despite the fact that there is a strong frost on the street, strong and desperate rustic people are not afraid to do the usual affairs and fully enjoy the gifts of nature.

Writing on the artistic work "Winter Evening" for grade 6

It is important that children handed all their emotions that appeared when looking at the picture. Therefore, it is worth paying their attention to the details that will help to open fully experiences and convey their thoughts. An exemplary essay in the picture "Winter Evening" Crimean for the sixth grade may be as follows.

This picture reminds me of a plot of one popular poem:

Where did the roadrovka come from? From the forest, the vote,

Father, you hear, rubit, and I take.

It is these lines that come to mind when looking at the artistic work "Winter Evening".

In the foreground, you can see a real, removing everything with silver and white carpets, winter. Real Russian Winter! In the snowy snowdrifts, the beauty of the coming sunset is reflected. Snow overflows and glides under the evening sun rays. I really want to get into this atmosphere, it seems that snow tightens with your head, if you lie down into a snowdrift.

In the background, rustic wildcuts are visible, which sparkle from snow. The owners are approaching houses, apparently after evening walks and work. Hardworking horses, immersing hooves in the snowy floorings, bridge the bridge.

Everything in the picture breathes freshness of frosty air and inspires. So I want to ride on the sleigh from the slides that are tightly covered with shiny snow.

How to write an essay by picture

There are no standards for writing essays. After all, it is an essay to fully transmit your personal experiences and emotions. It is worth opening the depth of fantasy and plunge into what tried to show an artist in his work.

The writing

Before me, a picture of the famous Russian painter-landscapeist N.P. Krymova "Winter Evening". On this canvas is captured a small village in winter. Looking at the picture, the viewer has a sense of peace, calm and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted the winter.
In the foreground of the landscape, the artist captured a frozen river. She is clean and transparent, ice is sleek on it, no bad. The coast of the reservoir of the ice is frozen, and the shrub grows on the shore itself. Several little birds rushed at the edge of the ice and on the bush. We can assume that the picture was written by an artist from the opposite shore. At that moment he was on an elevation.
In the background of the canvas, the painter depicted a winter village. It is drawn behind it consisting of oaks or poplars. It stands out on the dark mass on the background of light, greenish yellow sky. It is low, clean. In its color, it can be assumed that the sunset will be pink. A huge snowy space is spread to houses. The artist masterfully uses the color palette to transfer different shades of snow: from dark blue diagonal shadows to the purest white snow on the roofs of houses. But in general, all the snowy weight seems to be gentle-bluish. The village is one of the main objects of the canvas. This is a small group of buildings, drowned in the dense snowdrifts. The windows of one of the houses are visible to the sails of the sun. On the left, slightly in the distance from residential buildings, the dome of the bell tower can be seen. Ambar adjoins one of the houses. Two warns with hay are sent to it. Before the buildings on a narrow path there are local residents.
The author uses in its work various shades of white color for the snow image. Turquoise color is painted ice on the river. The artist transmits the color of the evening sky with the help of bright greenish and yellow tones.
I think the main feeling that the painter wanted to call the viewer, this is a feeling of peace and pacification. "Amazing nearby!" - I could choose such an epigraph to the painting of N.P. Krymov. The artist admires evening twilight. He wants to show how beautiful our Russian nature is beautiful! I really like his canvas and causes the most warm feelings.

Rubber! 12

The composition presents the analysis of the painting of Crimean "Winter Evening": the main plans are described, a brief analysis of the use by the color by the artist, was expressed by the opinion of the wrote.

Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a Russian painter. On most of his paintings, deserted nature is depicted, which looks quite poetic.

One of these pictures is in front of me. She is called "Winter Evening". It depicts a rustic outcrolisher. Less than a dozen wooden buildings, a visible dome of the church and two sleds with firewood - everything that is picture. Looking at her, in the soul, the looking fee of peace and warmth is born, although winter is shown on the canvase.

In the foreground, Crimea showed a river chained by ice. Water is clean and transparent. At the shore of the ice is looking for shallow water islets. Bushes grow on the shore. Dark birds sat down at the edge of the ice and on the bush branches. Surely, the author drew, standing on the opposite shore, which is much higher than the river, as the view of the artist is directed from top to bottom.

In the background, the painting artist presented a small winter village. Oaks and poplar fall behind it. The forest is contrastingly stands out against the background of white snow and bright sky. The author decided to portray heaven in greenish-yellow tones. Feels the approach of the evening. There are no clouds in the sky. It seems you look at the picture - and hear the ringing silence.

Ahead of houses is a huge snowy field. Crimea brilliantly uses a palette of color to transmit snow shades: starting with bluish-black shadows falling from houses, ending with snow-white cookers of roofs. But the main color of the snow is still a gentle blue, as the coming evening gives snow with a gentle blue.

The main object of the work is a village in five houses. In the windows standing in the center is refracted by sunlight. Dome of the bell tower is visible for the residential buildings. The first of the houses built a barn. To him go quietly a couple of vehicles with hay. Four people go to homes around the narrow tropane path. Figures barely distinguishable. But in size, pose and clothing, it can be assumed, then a family wanderers with a child. A little behind the woman decided to stop to admire the beauty of the surrounding nature, which in such a warm winter day pass is simply impossible.

I liked this picture of Crimea. Peace and peace reigns on the canvas. I do not like winter because of frosty blizzards and ice. But acquaintance with this picture made your opinion. I realized that the Russian winter is soft and sunny.

More essays on the topic: "Winter evening"

Before me, the picture of N. Crimean "Winter Evening". I look at it, and everything I seem to appear on it seems to me. On most paintings, the artist portrayed snow. Fluffy, thick, snow lies everywhere: on Earth, on the roofs of houses, he almost hides under him small bushes and bunigns in the foreground. It seems to me that N. P. Krymov was important to emphasize the abundance of snow, because it was snow - this is the main sign of the Russian winter. The artist portrayed a winter evening in his picture. At sunset, the snow space is no longer glittered, the paints are muted. The sun is hidden behind the horizon, its last rays change the color of the snow. In the shade he is bluish, and it is clearly visible, what is he deep and lush. There, where still get the sun's rays, the snow looks pinkish. The paths running in the snow were noticeable. Their depth shows us that winter has already entered into their rights, the snow before this was already walking for quite a while. In the central part of the canvas, we see a picture of the usual for rustic life: people return home, trying to have time to go in the dwelling to darkness. In a narrow path, two adults go with a child to the village, a little behind, another person moves in the same direction. On the road to the village ride two sled's harvested horses, on which the big shocks of the hay are loaded, the horses are driven by horse. Figures of people are not distorted clearly, they are small and almost formless, because people are dressed in winter and are not in the foreground. On the border of the evening light and the shadows sit black birds. They do not fly, probably, in such a cold, you caress forces. I nicely imagine their rare cries, in winter silence they are far angry.


Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a Russian landscape artist. He was fascinated by the nonsense beauty of his native Russian nature. He especially loved the snow, frost, the calm magty of the winter. Although the picture is called "Winter Evening", but it is very bright, apparently, the evening just begins. Probably, therefore, the sky that occupies most of the painting, bright green. Agree, the green sunset has to be seen infrequently. And most of all in the picture of the snow. It seems that winter is very snowy and drifts high. Surprisingly, what colors use the artist to portray white snow. It is gray, and blue, and blue, and pure and white on the roofs. These different colors transmit the feeling of frost, cold and the cleanliness of snow that covers the entire land.

The picture of Crimean "Winter Evening" is a landscape, but Nature and beautiful look appeared on it. This is a landscape with the presence of people, their dwellings, and therefore it fits with special heat. On the average plan, we see a thin path running in the snowdrifts, which is a row of people. This is the peasants that they live in wooden spa nearby. Among the cooked figures can be distinguished and children who have such a winter causes joy. In the foreground, a few dark points, and the village of Rustic Datvora is guessed in them - the children ride a slide on sleds. Soon the smumes and mom will call them home.

In the left part, the picture diagonally crosses the amateurs, two horsepads with hay stacks are moving along it. The day is cloning in the evening and people need to have time to finish their work before the onset of darkness. Trees and houses look dark, almost black, but it is still not black, but a dark brown warm color. In these homes, it is certainly warm and cozy. A dome of the church can be seen on the scooter, this is a symbol of light, good, hope. It can be seen that the artist wrote a picture with great love.

Source: Seasons-Year.rf

On the picture of Crimean "Winter Evening", people depicts who slowly go on a thin path home. They make their way through the drifts, and to the house still go far. We see a bit, we see at home that are at a decent distance from each other. It can be warm and comfortable from them, but it still needs to get comfortable. And there are two carts that are transported by hay. In general, the picture is kind and a bit idealistic. Just everyone knows that winter is distinguished by multipoint. She can sweat the traveler in the scary blizzard, and then hesitates the unaware rays of the Winter Sun.

The artist picked up the optimal combination of colors, which shows that winter evening can be beautiful. Crystal clear, white snow sparkles in the rays of the setting sun. And for all this beauty, the perfect, fantastic sky, which happens only in particular days. True, there are several dark spots in the picture - these are trees. They are clearly drawn by dark colors, as they still did not have time to get new outfits.

The picture of Crimean "Winter Evening" caused me a slight feeling of sadness to the outgoing time, which can not be stopped. Although the creator of this magic canvase managed to be impossible - he forced time to obey him.


Famous Russian-based landscapeist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov created many magnificent pictures. I know some artwork works of this painter, but more than the rest sympathizes the landscape, which the author called the usual seemingly the name "Winter Evening". But the picture is not so ordinary, as its name. In me, she causes a lot of emotions and impressions. Let's look at the canvas of Crimean "Winter Evening".

We see that the artist drew the village. The time of year in the picture is winter. Looking at the canvas, I feel a sense of peace, restraint and peace. Large half of the painting is engaged in snow, feels freezing. But I still think that winter evening on this day was warm.

In the foreground, the artist placed a river, which under the onslaught of frost has long been covered with thick ice. The river under the ice is clean and transparent. Near the river, the shrub grows near the coast. At the edge of the ice are birds. Probably they are cold. It is possible that the artist painted his picture, standing on the opposite bank of the river, on a small elevation or hill.

Consider the second cloth plan. We see on it located wooden huts, behind which the forest grows. We can not see the trees growing in it. Probably, it is mighty oaks or poplar. The forest in the picture is highlighted in a dark spot. It is clearly felt the contrast between him and the sky of a yellowish shade. It is noticeable that the winter was a snowy, because the costs in front of the houses are high. But snow drifts do not want to call heavy, because the snow artist portrayed air, light and fluffy. This is evidenced by a gentle blue color used by the painter.

In one of the houses you can see the flickering light, the dome of a small bell tower can be seen. Through the path to the houses are residents of the village.

The artist Crowov managed to transfer in his picture "Winter Evening" not only the state of nature at this time of year, but also the village atmosphere. After acquaintance with the picture, I also want to go to the village to push the fresh frosty air, and in the evening after a walk to warm up at a warm oven.


The picture shows a small village in winter. Most of the painting occupies fluffy snow, he covered the whole ground and even settled on the roofs of the houses. Very beautifully transferred palette shades of the color of snow - turning from dark blue to white. It seems that nature fell asleep to spring, bought by frost. A dense forest is visible behind the village, with mighty high trees, distinguished by a dark mass against a yellowish-greenish sky. Among the branches of trees, the dome of the church is visible.

In the foreground of the picture you can consider the river cowned by ice. Along it, there are small shrubs on which birds are located. Perhaps they are in finding food, or weakened from the cold and rest.

The sun hides the sun, its last rays change the flower range of snow. On the village descends the evening. The windows of the wooden houses see the reflections of the outgoing sun, and it can already burn light. To the village of protozetany paths, which were noticeable from published. At their snowy depth, you can assume the full winter occurrence.

People with a small child are visible in the central part of the canvas. They go through a narrow trottening path, perhaps hurry to get into the village before the onset of darkness. Judging by the silhouettes, they are warmly dressed, and the snow will crept under their legs. One woman stopped, perhaps to admire the winter landscape. On the other hand, two sleds charged with horses with big sane cops are sent to the village. Pervolors go beside and manage horses. The construction of a barn is adjacent to one of the courtyards, probably people who are driving hay are sent to him.

Despite the image of winter, the picture transmits the feelings of heat, calm and warmth. The beauty of Russian nature in winter is well transmitted in the picture. Looking at the picture, you get a feeling of freshness from frosty air.

In front of me is now the reproduction of the painting of the landscapeist Crimean "Winter Evening", which you need to write an essay. In the picture, the author portrayed a real Russian winter, which is already dominant in full swing, enveloping his snow cover all the village.

Crimea winter evening

The main part of the canvas in the front background is snow that covered the field with its snowdrifts, hiding the autumn grass under a lush snow-white blanket. And only occasionally the tops of small shrubs can be seen. Birds are sitting on one of them. Whether they are hiding from predators, whether they found a malicious place there, where you can enjoy berries. The snow does not shine in the sun, and it is clear, because the sun no longer shines brightly, it is already low above the horizon.

On the picture of Crimean "Winter Evening", among the snowdrifts, the troped paths are visible, for which the villagers go daily. Just on one of the paths of Crimea and depicted a small group of people, among which there is a child. Probably, they came out on the evening walk so that before going to sleep with freshness of the air. Someone fell off from the group, looking at the setting sun.

In the second plan of Crimea in the picture "Winter Evening" depicted the beginning of the village. We see old small wooden houses, in the windows of which the light burns, and maybe these are glare, which throws off the sunlight. Roofs of houses are covered with snow-white snow. It seems that snow-white hats were put on the house.
Near the houses there is a barn. Just a two carts are sent to it completely loaded with hay.

Next to the village, a little left, there is a deciduous forest. Crowns of trees lush, it can be seen that this forest is many years. Because of the trees, the bell tower looks out, from where he sounds the ringing, convening all the villagers to the service.

Working on the picture of Crimean "Winter Evening" and its description, I want to say about my emotions that the picture causes me in me, and they do not like pleasant, even I do not like the winter. In the picture "Winter Evening" it is clear that the wind is not, and therefore, even in the frost, it's nice and good on the street. Looking at work, you feel under the legs of the screech, you hear the tweet of birds. Nature is gradually immersed in the night puchin, therefore calm, peace is felt.

I look at the picture "Winter Evening", which the famous painter-landscape officer N. P. Krymov drew. It depicts a village in winter paints. Looking at this picture there is a sense of calm and peace. It seems that, despite the huge amount of snow, this winter evening is warm and sunny.

The artist made a frozen river, clean and transparent, because the ice is depicted on it smooth. At the shore from under-ice you can see the dark spots, they are also called the islands of shallow water. And at the very shore, we see a growing shrub. Several birds sat on the edge of the ice and on the bush. It seems to me that the artist, drawing his landscape, was on the opposite shore, perhaps even on the hillock.

In the second plan, rustic horses, and behind them and the growing forest. It can be assumed that oaks and poplar grow in the forest. The forest artist allocated, creating a contrast of a light yellowish sky, and dark houses. In front of the houses spread out the expanses with snowy snowdrifts, but the snow does not seem heavy. On the contrary, it seems easy and air, because the artist portrayed it blue. In the window of one of the wrongs, you can see the flickering light, a little left can be seen the dome of the bell tower. One of the houses have two warrior probably with hay, the inhabitants of this village move along a narrow path.

For the image of the snow, the author uses different shades and white and gently blue colors. I think the artist wanted to give us the mood of a rustic atmosphere in my picture. Looking at the work I have a feeling of peace and peace. I want to become one of those inhabitants who go along the path. Inhale frosty air and plunge into the atmosphere of rustic life. Thanks to Crimea, for gave a few minutes of fantastic travel, in the world of fantasies