Alexander Sheps and his new girl: who is now near the psychic. Alexander Sheps about parting from Marilyn Kerro important events are coming

Alexander Sheps and his new girl: who is now near the psychic. Alexander Sheps about parting from Marilyn Kerro important events are coming
Alexander Sheps and his new girl: who is now near the psychic. Alexander Sheps about parting from Marilyn Kerro important events are coming

In an interview with the ETV television channel program (Ringvaade), he spoke about why he broke up with and how to treat some generally accepted signs. Sheps not the first time visits Estonia. He came to Tallinn to submit a transfer to the Estonian language of his new book "Medium: in search of life." I like to be here. It's a very beautiful country. Beautiful architecture, stunning old town in Tallinn. Estonia I love very much, "said Sheps.

In 2013, on the shooting of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics", Sheps, who took the first place, met Estonian Marilyn Carro. They were together for a long time, but this year they decided to disperse.

"Each of us saw your own separate path. Two extrasensses are difficult to get along together. If the highest forces want, then maybe we ever intersect, "the Sheps commented on, adding that he was absolutely happy now. The psychics said that it would be possible to see it again on the television screens in February next year, when the next season "Battle of the strongest" starts on TNT.

Sheps said that he should not spit through the left shoulder when you see a black cat.

"When I see a black cat, I try to go exactly on the street where this cat is going. And go the road is exactly in the place where she is. You need to correctly understand the signs. A black cat is a change in life. And it does not necessarily be bad. Bad or good you do it. When a person is afraid of change, then these changes will carry him something negative. Now you know: if you see a black cat - boldly go the road in this place. A black cat is not to blame for anything, "Sheps explained.

4 finalists remained on the Mystemical and large-scale project on the TNT channel. Forecast for 2017 from the strongest Estonian Witch Marilyn Kerro will help you correctly plan the events of the coming year and attract good luck, joy and financial well-being.


The first month of summer will be the peak of the activity of the energy of the fiery rooster. You should be careful when staying in the sun and fear open fire. The month will be favorable for financial investments, large purchases and long-distance travel. Try more time to devote yourself and your personal needs.

July 2017: time to update energy

The second summer month may contribute to obtaining the first results of your work. Since the beginning of the year, the work will be seen and evaluated for advantage, if you do not be afraid to show the results of your achievements. In love relationships there is a transition to a new level.


August 2017 promises to be calm. The results of your work will be clearly visible, it will be possible to sum up the intermediate results and understand where to move on and what to pay attention to the results are even better. This month is favorable for charity, financial operations, creativity and learning to something new.

September 2017.

According to Marilyn Kerro's forecast, in the first month of autumn it will be useful to engage in your own health and beauty. September is a month of harvesting, both physical and energy, no wonder in September, Mabon is celebrated - the Celtic harvest festival. This time is favorable for care, wardrobe updates and hairstyle changes or haircuts.


October 2017 - a good time for frequent visits to suffering relatives and intellectual filling. At this time, the energy of the year begins to slow down his move, the days are in short, nature is prepared for the winter, and the person's personal energy goes to the decline. There are several effective ways to protect yourself from Autumn Handra, but the most effective of them is to update and strengthen its energy by meditation to the flame candle.

November 2017 of the Red Rooster

In November, fiery, bright energy of the year of red, or fiery, rooster will be in a minimum. The effect of the next year will begin to feel, and our personal energy field will begin to gradually rebuild. This time is favorable for self-pressing, finding psychological comfort and active communication with expensive people.


In the last month of 2017, it is especially important to follow the forecast for the year, because it is December determines what the next year of our life will be. This time is favorable for financial spending, changes in the situation of the house, repair, selection of gifts and communicating with old friends and long-distance relatives.

To understand, on the path whether you with people you meet during 2017 will help detailed and accurate calculation of astrovocompatibility. We wish you a successful year and only good impressions. More often smile and do not forget to press buttons and

Those who look and loves the transfer of the "Battle of Psychics" empathize for the fate of the participants not only on the project, but also beyond in personal life.

The winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Sheps collected a lot of fans who are interested in his personal life, therefore each news in the life of psychics becomes a bright event and the topic discussed on the network. His fans are very carefully and carefully followed by all the events and news of Sasha, as well as the development of his relationship with Marilyn Kerro, which is also a participant of the show. The audience, worried about their relationship, was very hoping soon to hear the news about their wedding, but, unfortunately, the couple declared his gap, and Alexander began to meet with a new girl.

Alexander Sheps and his new girl: why parted from Marilyn

Sheps and Kerro have met for a long period, and the viewers have already managed to get used to their pair. Since Sasha and Marilyn not only were the participants of one show and together solved mystical plots together, but they also lived together and built relations. Although everything was not always so smooth, as I wanted, because they constantly parted and converged again, but still they loved each other. The media says that they even planned a wedding and discussed the number of children in their future family.

Nevertheless, in early June 2017, Marilyn became the initiator of the breaking of their relationship with Alexander. The witch itself stated that they were not in a relationship for a long time.

"We broke up with Sasha. I have already spoken about it several times on this, but, apparently, a formal application is required. Here it is: we are not a couple with Sasha. Each of us has its own life, and I very respect Sasha. If I take pictures with him, it once again proves that we are not enemies, "Kerro wrote in Instagram.

At the moment, Marilyn Kerro is waiting for a child from Mark Alexander Hansen.

Marilyn and Sheps met in 2015, when they became participants in the fourteenth season of the show "Battle of Psychics". TV viewers recognized them with the brightest and unusual pair in the entire history of the show. Fans of these relations sincerely believed and hoped for their further development, namely, they expected the wedding and babies. But Marilyn decided to put the point in this relationship.

And if the Estonian Witch does not apply to the mind that recalls the former beloved, the magician still places together in Himself in Instagram and devotes to her conflicting poems:

You hit the patient myself,

No one showing its subsidiary.

Returning to a disgusting to one

You close forever now the window ...

Only remember, oxygen is already poisoned,

In the past, boomerangs and sadness,

I am naive and stupidly left

I still madly sorry you.

Alexander Sheps and his new girl: who is now near the psychic

Sheps did not comment on the break from Kerro, but recently photographs in the company of Blonde, who psychic accompanied by verses, have increasingly began to appear in his Instagram.

We do not listen to an envious speech

And do not look at the lost mass.

We cannot leave their sinew

All of them with a ugly grimace ...

We are aimed at a strong wave,

Where with love is only about the past,

For both we look unchanged deep into

And we do not notice the thoughts of dirty and about the vulgar ...

Fans in the comments under posts are beginning to open the topic of discussion about the new girl of Sheps, and wondering: was he able to find a replacement Marilyn.

Fans are now in full unknown, as Alexander did not comment on these photos, but the Follovers had already decided that this was his new girl.

Paints of psychics are lost in guess. Some think that Alexander simply teaches the girl what he knows himself helps her find his gift and his power, but others are confident that blonde is his new beloved. Sheps, in turn, decided to be silent and not respond to annoying questions from fans in the comments.

During the filming of the 18th season of the "Battle of Psychics" program, Alexander appeared on the platform with a mysterious girl, which was the reason for discussions on the network, as well as the most stupid gossip. As it turned out, this is his student he led to participate in the show. Alexander called her "his protege", but the real status of their relationship remains unknown.

Many learned in the blonde "familiar face." It turns out this Elena Sinilova. Girl twenty-eight years old, and she is an actress of the theater and movies. And many probably learned her on the roles in the TV series "Interns" and "University",

But on the Internet there is already a mass of rumors that between Elena and Alexander are not just working relationships. But these rumors were not formed from a scratch, since they were seen by their hands.

It is still unknown information about whether Sheps and Sinilov are found. Alexander himself says only that Elena is just a student. But the girl, in turn, on the comments that Sasha got used to see from Marilyn Kerro, replied: "Everything changes in life."

By the way, Alexander, though he did not want himself, in order for his companion he participated in Casting, but he simply could not refuse her, and this testifies that he is far from indifferent to the girl. However, the blonde herself, judging by her, did not upset at all, which did not go to the main stage of the show.

How the relationship between Alexander with the new Girl Elena - will show time.

The Estonian Witch Marylin Kerro's famous Estonian Witch, who twice took part in the Mystetic show of the TNT channel "Battle of Psychics", decided to try his strength in another hypostasis.

In October, Marilyn Kerro appeared before the public as a designer of clothes. In particular, here we are talking about creating underwear for women of all ages and complexes, with the collection of which the new designer has already performed at the show Tallinn Fashion Week.

Commenting on such a cardinal change of its priorities, Marilyn told reporters that he had to reconsider their views on her life forced the fact that modern design designers make exclusively on women with the body of the model. At the same time, they completely forget about the rest of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, which also needs good and high-quality underwear. It is for this reason that mariline invited models not only with ideal parameters, but also "in the body" to show their collections.

With his performance at the show Tallinn Fashion Week, Marilyn Kerro sought to convey to the public, that promise that beautiful lingerie is created and can be used literally with all women, regardless of the type of their shape. And the numerous audience of the fans of the Estonian Witch very violently met the news of the new enthusiasm of his favorite. At the same time, it was noted that they are very happy for the fact that Marilyn, finally, made an emphasis in the direction of more "normal" hobbies.

In the narrow circles of the fashion creation industry, the fact that Kerro made a real Fourior with his sexual revolution in the fashion of the underwear for women of different complexation was recognized. At the same time, the emphasis was made on the fact that the sexual revolution of the underwear from a famous witch is a great idea, since many women in the body face the problem of choosing.

"She was co-author and helped girls behind the scenes, did not accept participation in the demonstration. There was a girl with the size of the "plus". Mary and said that they said that they also have beautiful underwear for them, "Mary is a stylish thing!", "She helped create and wanted to participate in the show. In principle, I don't care, the main thing is that this is my favorite Marilyn and it does not matter what she did there, "the witch fans wrote.

Kerro participated several times in the TV show "Battle of Psychics", but the witch could not be defeated. Mary occupied prizes, but did not conquer the main prize - the blue crystalnie hand. She formed the army of fans, and she also became a sex symbol of the project. The witch told that the tests on the "battle" very much developed her abilities, it became much more experienced. Last year, Marilyn planned to move to Moscow and discover the Magic Center. In an exclusive interview, the finalist of the mystical show was shared by ideas for the future.

"I will teach people to listen to yourself so that they do not attach money to psychics, but solved some problems independently," said Witch.

Marilyn reported that he never plans serious events in life. Apparently, therefore, the information about the debut in the fashion world witch decided to hide from Russian fans.

"I never plan, otherwise not exactly. And the past ... Why is it me? I was already there. Do not cort yourself for mistakes. I just get experience, it means that it was necessary. In the past, people who appeal to me, I do not like to dig, "Kerro said.

The famous Russian medium Alexander Sheps, with whom Kerro had a rapid novel, came to Tallinn in the fall, where he presented his new book. But his former beloved did not want to see.

"It is too painful. Moreover, if you want to meet a new love, you need to finally end and go on life, "explained Sheps that such meetings do not need anyone.

According to the Russian psychic, with Marilyn Kerro, they no longer meet:

"We have absolutely different lives. She has his own, I have my own! "," Says Alexander.

Select closed eyes the number on the table with the prediction and get your advice!

Select closed eyes the number on the table with the prediction and get your advice!

So, just look into the eyes of Merilin, and then close your eyes and poke at random in the table.

Prediction Results:

1. Success will soon knock your door.

2. Good time to start something new.

3. Happy news on the way to you.

4. Nadeya for the best, but be ready for the worst.

5. Look for happiness and you will find it.

6. Never say never.

7. Do not decide anything - also a decision.

8. Someone thinks about you.

9. Make a break and enjoy your life.

10. You will live a long, successful life.

11. Make your dreams reality.

12. Say the truth. It is easier to memorize.

13. You will meet someone special this week.

14. Good luck already on your path.

15. The word does not sparrow - crashes, you will not catch.

16. You are waiting for success in your career.

17. Past passed ... tomorrow many opportunities.

18. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

19. Good time to make new friends.

20. This year will bring you good luck.

21. Good luck now with you.

22. Live for today-plan for tomorrow.

23. Do what your heart tells you.

24. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

25. I have patience.

26. Your desires will come true today.

28. Make a break and enjoy your life.

29. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

30. Success will soon come to you.

31. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

32. Good time to end old things.

33. Soon almost all your desires will come true.

34. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

35. Do all with confidence.

36. Good luck now with you.

37. Good time to make new friends.

38. Respect myself and others will respect you.

39. Important events are coming.

40. You will live a long, successful life.

41. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

42. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

43. Important events are coming.

44. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

45. You are waiting for success in your career.

46. \u200b\u200bRespect myself and others will respect you.

47. Soon almost all your desires will come true.

48. Do what your heart tells you.

49. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

50. Good luck now with you.

51. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

52. You will live a long, successful life.

53. Do all with confidence.

54. Good time to make new friends.

55. Happy news on the way to you.

56. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

57. Good time to end old things.

58. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

59. I have patience.

60. Respect myself and others will respect you.

61. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

62. Important events are coming.

63. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

64. Soon almost all your desires will come true.

65. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

66. Do what your heart tells you.

67. Respect myself and others will respect you.

69. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

70. Good luck now with you.

71. Make a break and enjoy your life.

72. Do something unusual tomorrow.

73. You will live a long, successful life.

74. Good time to end old things.

75. Someone thinks about you.

76. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

77. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

78. Good time to make new friends.

79. Respect myself and others will respect you.

80. I have patience.

81. Soon almost all your desires will come true.

82. Happy news on the way to you.

83. You will live a long, successful life.

84. Good luck now with you.

85. You are waiting for success in your career.

86. Do all with confidence.

87. Do what your heart tells you.

88. Do not say everything you know, but know what you say.

89. Your fate is as sweet as cookies.

90. Do all with confidence.

91. Do something unusual tomorrow.

92. Soon almost all your desires will come true.

93. Good time to end old things.

94. Good time to make new friends.

95. Good luck now with you.

96. Make a break and enjoy your life.

98. Someone thinks about you.

99. Happy news on the way to you.

100. Do what your heart tells you