Fatal subject from Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. M.

Fatal subject from Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. M.
Fatal subject from Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. M.

This article will discuss the play of Shakespeare, for the first time set on stage in 1604. Your attention will be offered her brief content. "Othello" - play, the plot of which is based on the work of the "Venetian Maur" J. Chintio.

The first scenes takes place in Venice. Rodrigo, a local nobleman, is at home Brabancio (senator). He is unrequited in love with Dzentemon, his daughter. Yago Rodrigo's friend reproaches the fact that he accepted his proposed Othello Chin Lieutenant. The main character - this is a MAVR, General, located in the Venetian service. Rodrigo is justified by the fact that he himself hates Maurus for the fact that he appointed Cassio by his deputy bypassing Yago. Cassio is a mathematics scientist who is younger than Yago. Rodrigo is indignant and intends to take revenge on Cassio and Othello. The summary of the work continues unexpected news.

Meaning that Dzatemon fled with Othello

Predit, finishing the prosperity, will be Brabanzio in that they raise a cry. They tell an old man that Dzatemon, his only daughter, fled with Othello. The summary of the work does not imply a detailed description of the emotions of Brabancio. Let's just say that he is desperate and believes that his daughter became a victim of witchcraft. Yago leaves, and Rodrigo and Brabancio are going to arrest the kidnapper.

Conversation Othello with Brabancio

Jago with a fake friendliness in a hurry to report to Othello, who is already applied to the desmon that the father-in-law is in rage and from minute to minute will appear here. The MAVR does not want to hide, says he justifies conscience, title and name. Cassio enters and reports that he asks General to himself. Brabancio appears, which accompany the guards. He intends to arrest the offender. However, Othello stops the planned slaughter. He answers a test with a soft humor. It turns out that Brabancio should also be present on the Council of the Dwiets - the head of the republic.

The Schuckspeare "Othello" continues to the council in the boardroom. The short content of this scene is the following. The case will appear the messengers, reporting contradictory news. It is clear only that the Turkish fleet goes to Cyprus in order to master them. It is announced by the entertainment selection of an urgent appointment. Moor is sent to the war with the Turks. Brabancio, however, accuses General in attracting Dzentmones to the witchcraft. Othello decides to call Dzentemon and listen to her version. In the meantime he sets out the story of marriage. Othello, visiting the house Brabanzio, told at his request about his life, full of sorrows and adventures. The strength of the Spirit of this ugly and elderly already Senator struck the young daughter. Over his stories of the Dzemmeron cried and the first admitted to him in feelings. The girl who came together with the servants of the Dudge, answers the questions of his father and says that she is now obedient to her husband, Mavru. Brabancio is humble. He wishes happiness with young.

Dzamemon and Othello go to Cyprus

We continue to describe a summary. Othello goes to Cyprus, and Dzemmeon asks the Father to allow her to go after her husband. Does not object to this, and Othello Dzentemon leaves on the care of Yago, as well as Emilia, his wife. They should go to Cyprus with it. In the despair Rodrigo, he is going to be drowning. Yago with non-dedicated cynicism calls his friend not to be feeling. He says that everything will change, because Othello is not a couple of charming Venetian. Rodrigo will also receive his lover, and thus revenge Yago. The cunning lieutenant calls on Rodrigo to fill the wallet. An indiscreked young man goes out, and the imaginary friend laughs over him, saying that Rodrigo serves as a "giving fun" and "wallet." Mavr is also trusting and simple. Maybe it is worth it to whisper to him that the wife is too friendly with Cassio, which is beautiful and has excellent manners? What is not a seducer?

Arrival in Cyprus

Cyprus residents are happy: the Turks galleys broke the strongest storm. He also also shown and the venetian vessels coming to the aid of the sea. Dzentameon so earlier her husband goes to the shore. While the ship's ship is not attached, the chatter officers are entertained. Yago laughs over all women who are "pictures" visiting, "ratchet" at home, at the slab - "cats", etc. Dzentameron is outraged by his barrel humor, but Cassio stands behind the colleague. He notes that Yago is a soldier, therefore speaks straight. Includes Othello. A summary of the actions continues to be an unusually delicate meeting of spouses.

Fight between Cassio and Rodrigo

The general before bedtime gives the task of Yago and Cassio to check the guard. Then Yago offers a friend to drink for Othello, and, although he tries to refuse, as it does not tolerate wine, he still swept it. Now the sea by knee lieutenant. Scientific Yago, Rodrigo easily provokes him to a quarrel. They are trying to separate one of the officers, but Cassio suddenly takes the sword and wounds the peacemaker. With the help of Rodrigo Yago raises the alarm. Othello finds out the last Details of the fight. He says that Yago burns out on the kindness of the soul of his friend Cassio, and decides to remove from the position of Lieutenant. Having come to themselves, Cassio burns with shame. Jago advises him to search through his wife Hotel reconciliation with him, as this girl is so generous. Cassio is grateful for this advice. He can't remember who drove him, provoked to a fight and then slandered before his comrades. Jago Susks: Dzatemon now with his requests will help his insidious plan, and Yago will destroy all enemies using their best qualities for this.

New intrigues Yago

The girl promises his intercession of Cassio. Both are touched by the fact that Yago is so sincerely experiencing someone else's grief. "Dobryak" in the meantime began to gradually pour the poison in the ears of the general. At first, Othello does not even realize why he is asked not to jealous, and then begins to doubt. In the end, he asks Yago to follow his wife. What continues the summary? Othello is upset. The desired desideon decides that the reason for the poor mood is headache and fatigue. The girl is trying to tie the head of the Moravo head, but he is removed, the handkerchief falls.

Emilia, a companion of Dzentmon, raises it. She craves to please her husband, who had long asked her to get a handkerchief, who was a family relic, who came from Mother to Othello and then dovennemon's wedding day. Jago praises his spouse, but does not tell her why he needed a scarf, but only tells to praise.

Oath Othelllo

Mavr, exhausted with jealousy, can not believe that his wife changed him. He cannot get rid of suspicions (we described them above, passing a summary). Othello demands from Yago to provide evidence, threatens for slander a terrible melted. Yago then depicts offended honesty, but ready to "from friendship" to provide Othello indirect evidence. He says he saw Kassio wounded his spouse with a scarf. This is quite trusting Mavru. He swars revenge. Yago is also kneeling and promises to help Othello. Three days gives him a general for the murder of Cassio. He agrees, however, asks to manitally spare Dzentemon. Othello decides to make Yago with his lieutenant.

History with handkerchief

Wife Othello asks his spouse to forgive Cassio. However, he does not listen anything. He demands to show a handkerchief, which has the magical properties to guard the beauty of the one who owns them, as well as the love of its chosen one. Having found that the wife has no handkerchief, Othello goes to rage.

A handkerchief with a beautiful pattern finds Cassio at home. He gives him Bianke, his girlfriend, so that the girl coping the embroidery, until the owner was discovered.

Pretending that Othello comforts, Jago managed to bring it to faint. After that, he persuades the maur to hide and overhear his conversation with Cassio. They will talk about Dzentemon. In fact, we are talking about Bianke. He tells with a laugh of this windy girl. Being in shelter, Othello does not disassemble half words. He is sure that he laugh at him and his wife. Bianca appears on Bed, who throws a beloved gem handkerchief in the face, saying that this must be a gift for some kind of depravant. The jealous charming is accepted to calm Cassio. Meanwhile, Yago continues to break up a fooled mara, advising him to strangle the Dzentemon in bed. Othello agrees. A summary of chapters is already approaching the plot of the plot.

Othello strikes Dzentemon

Suddenly enters Louis, a relative of the desmon. He brought with him the order, according to which General responds from the island, and he must pass the power of Cassio. Dzentameon does not hide his joy. However, Othello understands the girl in his own way. He insults his spouse, and then hits it.

Premonition of Dzentemon.

The girl in a conversation with her husband swars in his innocence, but Othello is only convinced that she is lying. Mavr is out of herself from grief - so describes his condition in his work William Shakespeare ("Othello"). A summary of further events will show how much this hero loses power over himself. After the dinner arranged in honor of Louis, he goes to hold a guest. Othello asks for his wife to go to bed, letting Emily. Girl is glad - it seems, the spouse has become softer, but Dzentemon still to torment some incomprehensible longing. She remembers the song about Ivi, heard in childhood, as well as an unhappy girl who sang her before his death.

Killing Rodrigo and Cassio wound

Rodrigo on the advice of Yago is going to kill Cassio, who returns from Bianca at night. However, the shell saves his life. Cassio is even wounds Rodrigo. However, the attacker from an ambush Yago time to finish Rhodrigo and squeeze Cassio. When people appear on the street, he tries all suspicions to send to Bianca, due to Cassio. This is what a hypocritical hero created in his work William Shakespeare ("Othello"). Summary, we hope, helped you imagine at least in general terms his character.

Killing Dzentemon

Asleep by Dzentemon kisses Othello. He realizes that by killing the beloved, will be crazy However, no other exit from this situation sees. The desideon wakes up, and Othello asks her about whether she prayed before bedtime. The girl can neither prove his own innocence, nor convince the spouse to compress. Othello souls Dzentemon, and then to cut the torment of the girl, challenges the dagger. Cassio's injury reports to General who rang emilia that does not see the body of the hostess first. Dzamemon, mortally wounded, he managed to shout, which disinntly dies, but call the killer refuses. Othello is recognized by Emilia that killed a girl for falsehood, cunning and infidelity.

Exposing the killer

The spectacular final scene finishes Shakespeare "Othello". Summary of its next. Emilia understood everything, she calls people and with Jago and entered officers exposes the real criminal, tells Maur a story with a handkerchief. The general is terrified, he is trying to strip his ex-friend. However, Jago kills his wife, after which runs away. There is no limit to despair Maurus. The summary of the tragedy "Othello" is difficult to convey in a nutshell. The hero calls himself a killer. When Yago is introduced, he wures it, and then, explaining with Cassio, hesitates himself. MAVR utters speech before the death in which he said that he was jealous, but "fell into rabies in the bere of feelings." Everyone is given due to his courage and the grandeur of the soul. Cyprus's ruler remains Cassio. He must judge Yago, and then the criminal is waiting for painful death.

So finishes Shakespeare "Othello". Summary by chapters, we hope, prompted you to read this great creation in the original.

(To the production in the Great Drama Theater)

Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" is considered many of the most perfect of Shakespeare's creations. She was inclined to be considered the most perfect dramatic creation in the world.

Is it not because this opinion is very common that there is nothing significant in this tragedy, which could not happen in all ages, under all conditions, in any environment? It is not necessary to take into account the cute Shakespearer Archaisov, such as the fact that the actors commemorate the Roman gods. Regardless of this, we notice that the psychological drawing of the tragedy is perfectly accurate, unusually faithful; There is no need to subscribe, as no need and add something to this drawing so that it becomes clearer and closer to people of other centuries.

In some epochs, in some people these passions act are acting on the surface, they make aware of themselves with uncontrollable power; In others - they are dormant, maybe they are still silent; But they are invariably present in man, and the eruption of these passions will begin - only it is worthwhile. There would be a denial of life; It would be equivalent to the denial of natural phenomena, denial of the fact that the earth is not yet revealed, there are volcanoes with open craters on Earth, volcanoes come into effect.

Shakespearen "Othello" will endure in those days when we change; When we fly away from the Sun, when we begin to freeze when another will begin on Earth, not our movement - we will crawl out the poles greenish, hurt, which are guttletry.

Why was the movement of the human soul with such photographic loyalty, with such a terrible correctness? Why monkey? Is it really true that the artist is only a pitiful monkey of nature, SCIMIA DELLA NATURA? Finally, we ask us, we yourself do not have enough upheavals and disasters in our crazy years and the days to wake this chaos on the stage, to poke the mirror, where we will see our own burnt, charred, disfigured grimace of suffering face?

Or we hope to see some light through this black night? Through the night of life, we do not see this light; Life is crazy, she wants to be crazy. If the artist imites her - the curse of this artist! The curse of a talent doctor, which rushes a scalpel in the open wounds of a person, anyway and the doomed death!

Or, in fact, this old Shakespeare not only imitates life, not only reproduces reality, but somehow transforms life, it shows that it, black, meaningless, damned, is penetrated by some secret meaning?

Getting Started on "Othello", we speak our Yes This old work of human artistic creativity. If we tell him Yes, If we think that it must be again and again to introduce into the consciousness of people, if we see in it an acute, cutting zipper, which can penetrate and illuminate this stupid, gray, soft, dery darkness and blacks of clouds, hung over lazy, idle, Unworthyed by the Russian soul, then we ourselves, first of all, should give a report - for what and in the name of what we do this and what we hope for?

We have to show one that all the horror we portray, opens out immense and light gave. We must show that I was not disgusting, did not pose, the whole story of an aging, ugly Maur, who loved the beautiful woman, almost a girl, endlessly younger than him, endowed with all the virtues, which did not save her, however, from meaningless and cruel death : It cost some low chamfer to slander an excellent woman - and here it is already strangled in soft pillows with a black hand of the peeling, who went crazy soldier; Skander-slander tied hands, hang him; Mavr killed himself; "Sad event," - says the author of some middle man in conclusion of the incident tested by him.

We read about it and argue, and at that moment, of course, this is the most and happens somewhere. In the world now more than ever, meaningless soldiers with healthy fists, as well as slanders and bastards, who are on a small occasion, more "for the sake of art", slander and make their abrasions. There are also honest and beautiful women in the world.

So would be a naturalistic approach to the tragedy "Othello". She admits him, but we don't need it, we need a romantic approach.

Why is the abomination, which is happening somewhere now, at that moment, there is an abomination and criminality, and what we think about, is not an abomination and a criminal mind?

As easy, how terribly easily, just as tempting for the artist to make one look like another! What is the rich material for this! Look at the thick face, poured blood, on the street - and you catch the traits that were in Othello; Look at the dry face of the passerby, the eyes of which avoid your eyes, and you catch the traits of Yago; Look at the pink, blond girl with amazingly clear eyes - you remember about Iva Dzentmones. Eternal trinity, increasing, inecilious.

What is the secret meaning in all this? I want to say about this - to say about what I see me that I would like to see on the scene.

Othello loved Dzentemon not only because her blond beauty rebelled his black blood; Not because racial, generic, the contrast threw it to her; Not because it is full of all virtues - cleanliness, innocence, kindness, nobility. It is better to say that all these reasons are evident, they will not save them, they are too undoubted for not to look for one, the main, the first reason. This reason is that in the desdemona, Othello found my soul For the first time, she gained his own soul, and with her - harmony, the system, order, without which he is lost, unhappy man. "When I stop loving you, the chaos will come again." Othello stood on the path, the ultimate goal of which was the acquisition of the soul, the acquisition of Dzememon. He devoted his disturbed soul to the service of someone else's people; He climbed his veins in the lats, in which the reckless black blood fought. The award for this long containment of natural passions, almost unrestrained forces, was a soul, there was a dithermeon. The award is unmistakable, nothing seemingly dismissed. The desideon broke it out of the "hellish abyss", which otherwise would be inevitably swallowed him. Their meeting was predetermined by the highest strength. Shakespeare raises the curtain over Othello when he had already met the desdemona when he gained his soul. Therefore, from the first minute, we want to see Othello surrounded by some shine, permeated, luminous from the inside with some extraordinary light and therefore unlike ordinary ordinary people who crowded around him.

Dzemmeon saw Moor in his father's house. He told, obviously with East eloquence, with all the passion, which nature was given, about the extraordinary hazards who chased him on his heels during his long, suffrating, combat life. Of course, she immediately recognized the little ones and understood what he would be for her, that she was for him. That was why she listened to such greedy participation, because she was crying. She immediately descended on him and squeezed him with the Holy Spirit. All the rest of the necessary and adorable psychological addition to the unspeakable and inexplicable, to the only, first and main reason for which he is so naive and so correctly said:

She loved me for flour,
And I am for compassion for them.

Therefore, not virtue, not purity, not the maiden charm, Dzentemon distinguish her from others; It is distinguished, first of all, the extraordinary radiance, which she died and his groom. I refuse to speak, therefore, about the virtues, which the desmemon possesses; She is a virtue itself, she herself is also the inequate essence that condescens to the mara. The desideon is harmony, the desideon is a soul, and the soul cannot but save chaos. Many human will used the desmendon to get away from the Father, go to Cyprus following the hotel, etc., but she loved she loved, and this is the main thing that it is necessary to show so that the secret meaning of the tragedy is revealed .

The tragedy would not be a tragedy, she would be a mystery (it has all the elements of a mystery), if it did not participate in it, the third, as needed as the first two, face; The face is Yago.

Yago envy Othello? - Yes it is. Yago hates Othello for the fact that he commands the less worthy of his Cassio? - Yes, so. Yago suspects that his wife changed him with Othello? - Yes. Yago Mastit? - undoubtedly. Jonah? - Yes, and this.

What is undoubted all this than it is more like reality (and all this is monstrously similar to it), "the reason is the only reason, the author again does not specify. The reason lies in the fact that Yago cannot act differently than it acts, because he does not act. That is why such an amazing luck - right up to the smallest detail - follows this loser, because all his hello plan is so rapidly embodied, that his plan is really a hell, which is not in the figurative sense by the actions of Yago Dark Forces; because the world is arranged in such a way that they cannot but speak on the scene the dark forces where the Mystery began; Because, on the ways prepared by the Lord, the devil's work could not begin, "the scary" which "is impossible to accomplish nothing." The devil can not wake chaos.

That is why there is no disgusting feature in Yago, there is nothing vigilant in his appearance, which would be rushed into the eyes; This is not a simple bastard, it is "expensive bastard." "Honest Yago" - this is what everything is called, and this is true, remaining true to the end, for honestly stands on his black and the devilish way, honestly serves the hell, honestly gives him all the power of his non-real mind and talent. Therefore, I would like to see and Yago also unlike all those around others like the hotel and Dzentameron. Only he glows from the inside with another, dark fire, some black shine surrounds him, and it seems all the time that if he unexpectedly illuminated his lantern, then there will be a shadow of Lieutenant on the wall

Yago, and some other, infinitely ugly and terrible shadow.

Here are three acting persons who are tragedy. All the rest are surprisingly living, very important, very interesting, one more, are less less - they stand infinitely far from these three. They are passive sacrifices of what is happening, they are not involved in the creature of the tragedy, as most people do not participate in the being; evil they are either kind, honest or rolled, - they are not surrounded by no shine; they are inhabitants; There are many of them, and these are only three.

If we managed to properly deliver this triangle, open the secret meaning that Shakespeare from the tragedy, we, I think, would have achieved a lot, and our achievements would surpass all the expectations that we only can guess and on which we can hope.

Finding a secret hidden in the tragedy of Shakespeare's sense, we will achieve that cleansing, that Qatarsis, who is required from the tragedy; Then the final word about the "sad event" will be performed in a new way. Horror lit up a smile of sadness, as I wanted this Shakespeare.

Block Alexander Alexandrovich (1880-1921) Russian poet.

Among the 37 plays created by Shakespeare, one of the most outstanding became the tragedy "Othello". The plot of works, as many other plays of English playwright borrowed. The source is the Novella "Venetian Maur", owned by Peru Italian Prosaik Giraldi Chitio. According to researchers of Shakespeare's creativity, only the main motives and the common story can be borrowed, as Shakespeare did not know Italian so well to understand all the nuances of Novels, and the work was translated into English only in the XVIII century.

The conflict of the plays is at the heart of the conflict of confidence, love and jealousy. Greed and desire by any ways to climb the career ladder of Yago are stronger than the devotion of Cassio, clean and loyal love of Othello and Dzentmones. Knowing the strong nature of Othello, its in military clear and strict looks, the inability to perceive the world around the halftone, Yago turns his intrigues on one doubt, sowed in the soul of Maur. One hint, carefully thrown by the "faithful" guarantor, leads to a tragic junction.

In the work of "Othello", the main laws of the genre of the tragedy are clearly observed: the wreck of hopes, the inability to change the reality, the death of the main characters.

"Othello": Summary Piece

The action of the dramatic work occurs in the XVI century in Venice, and later transferred to Cyprus. From the first lines, the reader becomes a witness to the Dialogue of Jago - Lieutenant Othello with a local nobleman Rodrigo. The last dusty and hopelessly in love with the daughter of Senator Brabancio Dzentemon. But Yago told a friend about the fact that she secretly married Othello - Maurus in the Venetian service. The lieutenant convinces Rodrigo in his hatred of Othello, as the position of lieutenant, that is, his deputy, Mavr took a certain Cassio, instead of Yago. To take revenge on Maur, they inform the news about the shoot of the desmon of her father, who in rabies begins to search for Othello.

At this time, they come to lead that the Turkish fleet is coming to Cyprus. Othello is caused to the Senate, as he is one of the best commander. With him together to the Venetian birth - the chief ruler arrives and Brabancio. He believes that his daughter could go beyond the Black Military only under the influence of the witchcraft char. Othello tells the birth that the desmeron, listening to the stories about his military exploits, loved him for courage and courage, and he for compassion and dignity to him. His words confirms the girl. Doh gives a blessing with young, despite the anger of the senator. Solved Othello to send to Cyprus. Following Him, Cassio, Dzemameon and Yago, who convinces Rodrigo, is not still lost, and persuades to follow with them.

During the storm, Turkish galleys drowned, and young enjoy happiness. Yago continues his insidious plans. With his enemy, he sees Cassio and tries to get rid of him using Rodrigo. On the eve of the holiday on the occasion of the wedding, Othello and Dzentemon, Yago soldier Cassio, which from drinking loses control. Rodrigo deliberately hurts drunk Cassio. A fight begins, which caused universal turmoil. For unworthy behavior, Othello recuse Cassio from service. Lieutenant asks to help Dzentemon. She, knowing Cassio honest and devoted Othello man, tries to persuade her husband to soften. At this time, Yago sow in the head of Othello seed of doubt that the desideron changes her husband with Cassio. Her ardent persuasions in defense of the lieutenant are increasingly inciteting the jealousy of her husband. He becomes not his own and demands treason from Yago.

The "faithful" lieutenant makes his wife Emily, serving the Dzentemon, to steal her handkerchief owned by Mother Othello. He presented his despair on his wedding with a request to be parted with his way for him. She accidentally loses a handkerchief, and Emilia gives Jago, who throws him into the house of Lieutenant, saying Othello about what he saw the thing with him. Lieutenant suits the conversation with Cassio, where the latter demonstrates his frivolous and mocking attitude towards the mistress of Bianke. The dialogue erupts Othello, thinking that it is about his spouse and is absolutely convinced of their connection. He insults his wife, accusing in treason, without listening to her oaths in loyalty. Guests from Venice - Lovojaniko and Uncle Dzentemon Graziano, who brought the news about the challenge of Othello to Venice and the appointment of Cyprus to Cyprus, are becoming witnesses to the scene. Graziano is glad that his brother Brabancio will not see such a low attitude towards his daughter, as he died after her wedding.

Jealous asks Yago to kill Cassio. Rodrigo comes to the lieutenant, angry with the fact that Iago stretched out of him all the money, and there is no result. Jago persuades him to kill Cassio. After having stopped the sacrifice, Rodrigo wounds Cassio, and he himself dies, to finish Jago. Othello, having heard screams, decides that the traitor is dead. In time, sway graceano and Lodooviko and save Cassio.

Culmination of tragedy

Othello, asking Dzentemon to repent in his sins, stifling her and finishing the blade. Emilia runs up and assures Maurus that his wife is the most holy creation that is not capable of treason and meanness. Graziano, Yago and others come to Maur to tell about what happened and take the picture of the murder of Dzememon.

Othello says that the arguments of Yago helped him learn about treason. Emilia says that she gave her husband a handkerchief. In the turmoil, Jago kills her and runs away. Cassio brought onto stretchers and introduced arrested Yago. Lieutenant terrifies what happened, because he did not give the slightest reason for jealousy. Yago sentenced to execution, and the maur must judge the Senate. But Othello chalves himself and falls to bed near Dzentemon and Emilia.

Images created by the author, alive and organic. Each of them is inherent in both positive and negative traits, which makes the tragedy of life and always relevant. Othello is a brilliant commander and ruler, a bold, strong and brave man. But in love, he is inexperienced, somewhat limited and rude. He himself hardly believes that young and beautiful specials can love him. It is his some kind of uncertainty and allowed Yago so easily to knock the hotel with a sense. Strict and at the same time loving Mavr became the hostage of his own strong feelings - insane love and inhound jealousy. The personification of femininity and purity is a desmeron. However, her behavior towards his father allowed Yago to prove Othello that his ideal wife was capable of cunning and deception for love.

The most negative hero, at first glance, is Yago. He initiator of all intrigues that led to tragic junction. But he himself did nothing but the murder of Rodrigo. All responsibility for what happened on the shoulders of Othello. It was he, who succumbed to statements and gossip, without having dismissed, accused a devotee and his beloved wife, for which he took her life and gave his own, without preparing the remorse of conscience and pain from Gorky Truth.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

The dramatic work "Othello" can rightly be called the tragedy of feelings. The problem of opposing the mind and feelings is the basis of the work. Each character is punished with death for being blindly about his desires and emotions: Othello - jealousy, Dzatemon - the limitless faith in the love of her husband, Rodrigo - passion, Emilia - gullibility and indecision, Yago - the violent desire for revenge and profit.

The best dramatic work of William Shakespeare and one of the most significant masterpieces of world classics is the tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet" - a symbol of tragic and unfulfilled love.

The Comedy of William Shakespeare "Taming Skropivaya" is laid a very instructive idea of \u200b\u200bfeminine character, as the basis of real female happiness.

The Yago's game practically succeeded, but he failed to control it to the end due to the scale of intrigue and the numerous parties. Blind follows behind the feelings and emotions, deprived of the voices of the mind, according to the author, will inevitably turn the tragedy.

"Othello" as a tragedy of deceived trust

othello Shakespeare Tragedia

Undoubtedly "Othello" is considered one of the most popular works of William Shakespeare and is not unreasonable. The names of the main heroes of Othello, Yago and Dzentmones have long become nominal names. But to consider Othello blind jealous, and just one who is not familiar with the content of the work itself can be an unforgivable change. Before reading this tragedy, I thought exactly that, guided only by once heard passages (like "Did you pray for the night, Dzamemon?") And the meaning of these names "in the people". What was my surprise when everything turned out to be at all like this: the play is much deeper, more interesting and more difficult than a primitive story about jealousy and infidelity. In order to be able to more fully judge this work, it is necessary to refer to the work of the author himself. Since I do not have sufficient knowledge on this issue, earlier published work on this topic came to help me.


Style and genres of Pieces of Shakespeare, their subjects and character changed depending on the time when they were written. Experts allocate three periods of William Shakespeare.

The first period is characterized by optimism, mainly light and cheerful tones. This period includes such comedy: "Sleeping in the summer night" (1595), "Venetian merchant" (1596), "Many noise from nothing" (1598), "Twelfth night" (1600), etc. At the same time Shakespeare He writes a series of plays to the story of English history: Richard III (1592), Richard II (1595), two parts "Heinrich IV" (1597) and others. And although in these plays, the author is often depicting gloomy and cruel paintings, all The same faith prevails in a bright start, in life, in victory. Before the next period is considered to be "Julia Caesar" (1599).

In the second period (1601-1608), Shakespeare writes about the great tragic problems of life, and here it is noticeable to add a pessimistic approach. During this period, they are written the following tragedies: "Hamlet" (1601), "Othello" (1604), "King Lear" (1605), "Macbeth" (1605), "Anthony and Cleopatra" (1606), (Timon Athens) (1608). And although Shakespeare does not cease to write comedies, they still have already lost their ease and carelessness, and even on the contrary, they acquired a strong tragic element (except for "Vyvrani mints) (1061-1602).

In the last, third period (1608-1612), Shakespeare wrote mainly the "tragicomedy" (plays with a sharp dramatic content, but with a happy end), in which the dreamy, lyrical attitude to life clearly manifests itself. The most important work of this time is "Cymbelin" (1609), "Winter Tale", "Storm" (1612).

The greatest interest for us interested in the tragedy "Othello" represents the second period in which she was written. Shakespeare writes in his tragedies about the greatest and acute issues of human life and allows them. In particular, this applies precisely by the second period of the writer's creativity, when his thought acquires special sharpness and Shakespeare becomes a harsh judge of his era.

The essence of the Shakespeare tragedy is a collision of two started: humanistic feelings (pure and noble humanity) and vulgarity, meanness, caregist and egoism. According to the writer himself, the fate of everyone has the result of its character and circumstances. And he clearly and indisputably demonstrates it in his plays: the best, noble, smart people are dying under the influence of evil, come across the chain networks of lies and are confused in them, the evil masters them to the soul, which leads to the worst consequences. Even these smartest and noble people are unable to resist deception, tricks and agility of others!

This life is caused by the collapse of the ideals of humanists on the outcome of the revival under the onslaught of radical forces.

Now let's talk more about the work itself.

"Othello as a tragedy of deceived trust"

The source of the plot "Othello" was Novella D. Chintio "Venetian Mavr" from the collection "One hundred stories" (1566), where the story is represented as "the story of the wife of the ensign." Keeping the total line of the plot, Shakespeare still significantly reworked the original material, especially in key points. The writer was modified by the revenge of the revenge of the invoice (Yago), on the Novella, in love with the despair and rejected by her, as well as Shakespeare gives the elevated nature of the love of Dzememon and Othello, whom she was loved by the "alarming life", and she is "the hotness of the soul." The writer has changed the essence of this story, changing the motive of the jealousness of Othello: Shekespeare is dictated by a not a wounded sense of honor or an offensive feeling of her husband, but is the execution of the actual debt of the hero, aspiring to destroy evil in the world. This is evidenced to some of the lines (Answer Othello to the question of how to call it now, after the murder of his wife):

"….As you please.

Walways from blind love.

I brought the victim of honor, as I thought. "

Thus, the drama loses his personal, loving meaning and rises to the highest tragic motif - the collision of the person with the environment.

Dzatemon for Othello - the focus of honor, truth, noble in his life, in his, of course, a special world, and if she can so much to lie to him, so treacherously betray him, then it is even worse, even worse than the whole initial evil, and therefore Should not live!

"A business is a living target

And each poketed with a finger. But that's

I would sentence. And this. Easily.

But lose the treasury of the heart,

Where I demolished everything was rich.

But to see that the source is assigned

In total, what I was alive while I was alive.

But find out what this spring feed

Ponds for breeding of nasty toad ... "

"This is my duty. That is my duty. Strike

Call before you, virgin stars,

Her guilt. Erase it from the ground. "

Of course, these rows can be interpreted differently, but, in my opinion, they are here, by the way, emphasize the above opinion.

In Othello, the development of the action of the play is most concentrated around the events of the personal plan. However, even a slight exaggeration of the intimate-love side of the tragedy, leads to limiting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work only by a narrow framework of jealousy. But the topic of jealousy acts here if not as a minor element, then, in any case, as a derivative from more complex problems that determine the depth of the play.

The reflection of the problem of "Man and Wednesday", which was mentioned earlier, we see through the opposition of the worldviews of the main characters: Othello and Yago. A comparison of the life positions of these heroes is the brightest shade, as characteristic characters. However, the same "environment" in addition to Yago is both Brabancio, Rodrigo, and Cassio, and Emilia, and many other less significant members of the play.

Each of them is a bright representative of the time and environment that was so opposed to the essence of Othello. The environment was the end of the Renaissance, when the idea of \u200b\u200bthis great period to this point was perverted, which we can observe on the example of Yago. The idea "Everything for a person" is reproving everything for himself, making it soulless and selfish. Acts of Yago are caused by his social position:

"There are others

They borrow as it were for the Lord,

And on checking - for its profit.

Such not fools,

And I am proud that I am from their breed. "

Yago: the young who had already achieved (!) Certain merits in a military case, which so occupied his whole life. On this author indicates to us sincere perturbation of the hero, due to the fact that Othello appointed his deputy is not Yago, but Cassio. In this injustice, Yago sees the challenge of the hotel army order (the first visible cause of the hatred of Yago).

"That's it. He moves pets,

And you need to rise by seniority.

It will raude production!

Oh no, I do not love Morav.

Yago was a sailor. Critics pay attention to the presence of a large number of naval metaphors that use the hero in their speech. The image of a sailor in the eyes of the time "smelly, independent, drunk, threshing and dramatically". Such a type was chosen in no coincidence, the author wanted to emphasize the external rudeness and the uneducation of Yago. His ignorance is striking. Dzatemon not without reason calls his fun "Flat Kabatsky jokes for the envelope of old fools", and Cassio "he cuts the line. This is a military man, not a scientist. " But Yago is not shy of his behavior, but on the contrary, it receives from this all kinds of profit: it seems to be surrounding a simple, straight person, open and honest.

The most important trumpren of Yago is his sober, practical mind. It has amazing observation, with the help of which gives the capacious and objective assessments to people (apparently, Shakespeare expresses his attitude towards heroes through Yago).

Thanks to this quality, it can also make forecasts about the further behavior of this or that hero, build strategies for the implementation of its main plan - remove Othello.

Cassio, which Yago cannot speak without irritation, is beautiful, educated, much serious in military affairs, inclined to frivolous connections (connection with Bianca), drinks little, and from whether it is fast (at the same time he behaves extremely defiant). All specified characteristics easily find their confirmation in the actions and actions of the hero.

Rodrigo Yago considers a fool, which corresponds to reality and ultimately determines his fate. In essence, he is a rich heir to miss the estates of ancestors, he also enters a decent society (he was also going to marry her daughter - Dzentemon - a respected senator Brabancio!). At the same time, it appears as a coward, a petty man without moral principles. In general, the Rodrigo Yago at all is not a high opinion, actually like Shakespeare (at the end of the play Rodrigo decides to break with Yago, but because of the fact that Yago absorb him, he intended to appeal to the Dovemone. To return gifts that Yago "passed" to her).

Women for Yago no more than tool to get the desired. Dzemmemon - eliminate Othello, Emilia, his wife is an intermediary and a small performer of some instructions. About any love in such a heart, in my opinion, can not be speeches. Such a person is only full of love for himself and to his interests and goals. About women he responds extremely disrespectful (I do not think that the author shares his opinion!).

"... all are you visiting pictures,

Ratchets - houses, cats - at the stove.

Grumpy innocence with claws,

Flashing in a martyr's crown. "

Emilia is used by Yago and how disrespectful to them, although it is a legitimate wife. But as for her ... Emilia is not so simple as it seems. Two extremes are connected in it: she and a cheater (practically stole a dvey shawl), she and virtue itself (Opened Othello's eyes about the actions of Yago). You can say in her justification that she stole her handkerchief on behalf of her husband, not knowing about his plans and about those terrible consequences to which it could lead. But nevertheless, Emilia took a handkerchief and the direct question of Dzentemon, his good and honest mistress, Lit. Do not forget that when a frank conversation, when they aroused about treason, Emilia said:

"For such a fee?

For the whole world? Sultious thing!

The huge world is for a tiny prank. "

So it is impossible to unequivocally assert about her nature as a negative or, on the contrary, positive.

Let us turn to the destiny of Dzentemon to say about those of her qualities that Jago will not open us. She comes from the daughter of the Venetian senator, which uses universal worship and respect. Othello, as a valiant fighter, was also respectful, I love her father and often had it, telling about what I survived, I saw, I learned. And these stories were interested in the daughter of Senator, she was hotly empathy Othello. So she was immensely in love with Othello, who answered her feelings.

She went to him from the house of the Father in his home, was in all his support and support, did not even hold the thoughts about the treason or betrayal of her husband and was predicted to the end. Even when he kills her, she tries to justify him in the last words, answering the question of who her killer:

"No one. Itself. Let me be my husband

Does not remember lich. Be healthy".

As you can see, Dzentameron is the only resident of Venice, which is a positive character. It cannot be attributed to the very environment that was mentioned more than once.

Othello: A generally accepted Savior of Venice, a revered general having the royal ancestors. But he is alone and alien to this republic, and she in turn despises him. For what? Apparently, for the fact that he is MAVR. During the Venetian Council on the true causes of the Love, desdemona, no one, in addition to the Venetian Dudge, could not believe in the sincerity of her feelings, and everything was absolutely seriously interested, whether he did not resort to magic or other way of exposure to the young girl. Othello understands his role, he cannot explain to the senators, as it happened: Well, how could the first beauty of the aristocratic world of Venice to love the Mauro Military? Othello takes her love as an undesumed gift, like a miracle, like great happiness.

When Othello first realizes that he can lose the desmon, he recalls that he is Mavr that he is black. Why does Shakespeare make hotels black? It is likely to emphasize the inconsistency of the appearance and the inner essence of the hero.

The only thing that places Othello and Venice is a military business. And even here we see the dedicated difference between Othello and other warriors, he can occupy any post, but it's not forces to join society.

These elements indicate the opposition of Othello and the Venetian society (man and environment).

So its internal qualities differ from the usual to the aristocratic world. Othello is trusting and sophisticated. Before death, he says that jealousy was not a passion, initially determined his behavior, but she took possession of them when he could not resist the effects of Yago. His Othello believed not only because Yago in his eyes was honest and beautifully understanding the authentic nature of relations between the Venetians, and perhaps, even because he was a man, and they were fighting together, but for a person who most of their lives Dedicated wars and battles - this is a significant argument.

The logic of Yago Othello trusted, as it believed that she was inherent to all members of the Venetian society. But Othello cannot accept the moral norms of Yago, cannot refuse his ideals, because it decides to kill Dzentemon.

And again we see the opposition of two incompatible worldviews. If for Yago, the best answer to treason is to change the offender in response, then Othello does not see anything better, how to kill Dzentmon, "clearing" thereby the world from the vice.

Maurus has everything that it does not take out Yago: a clean soul, courage, the talent of the commander, who gave him honor and respect. And Venetsian Jago, who considers himself for the birth of people belonging to the highest, white breed of people is forced to the eternal submission of Mavru, and his wife is a servant to be with the maur's wife. Another reason for the hatred of Yago. You can also add a rumor about that Emilia has changed Yago with Othello - nothing has not been proven, empty hearing, which, however, could be the last drop in Othello and Yago's relations.

Jago does everything to believe in the insincerity of Dzentemon, which was the only weak place of Moove. He is lying, puts the facts, presents all events in a relatively good light.

Dzamemon in confusion, she is frightened and does not understand what evil he had won the soul of his beloved, why he was dark, countless, looking at her schos, accuses and insults her. Othello, in turn, crushed. In his passionate love for Dzentemon, his whole life is concentrated, all that is kind and bright, which exists. If she, his favorite, vicious, like everything, means, the world is disturbing, meaningless. Who will remain in the world who will leave the desideon? The answer gives Othello himself when he was angry and lost control over himself, throws in the face of the Venetians: "Goats and monkeys!" It is impossible to exist such a bright soul in such a dirty world - Othello can not live there, he kills himself. And this is the biggest success of Yago. The main topic was just in this: the forces of the evil managed to destroy the Othello.

The success of Yago shows how terrible and mighty turned out to be evil, melting in the depths of Venetian civilization. And the death of heroes makes the play of one of the most severe tragedies of Shakespeare.

Nevertheless, this work does not leave conviction that good initially and inevitably doomed to defeat the evil. Before his death, Othello is twisted, the faith in high ideals is returned to him, in devotion, honesty, dedication, love. The true triumphant in this play is the Dzentameron, which initially, opposite all the life views and the ruins who reigned in the world of Yago, was honest and was predicted, which refuted them only by his being. Shakespeare shows that the ideals of truth and nobility are a reality, however, it is difficult for it to survive in the conditions of Venetian civilization. So the problem of optimism develops into the problem of utopia, in which the representative of the highest values \u200b\u200bis the Black Warrior, and in the warehouse of the soul, and on the origin of the alien to such a society, where the main principle is expressed by the words of Yago: "Mound of money in a wallet." And the only faithful ally of the Maur is the woman who broke with the Venetian society. Their happiness, the harmony of their truthful, honest relationships are possible. But the sphere of such happiness and their high ideals is not a civilized Venice, but the utopian medium of a "natural person." The tragedy of Shakespeare causes the readers (viewers) hatred of the society, where Yago reigns, but also instills pride for humanity, able to generate people like Othello and Dzentemon. This is the great strength of Shakespeare tragedy, which opened the centuries-old triumphal path in the scenes of the whole world.