The value of geometric shapes in psychology. Test. Find out the character on the geometric shape

The value of geometric shapes in psychology. Test. Find out the character on the geometric shape
The value of geometric shapes in psychology. Test. Find out the character on the geometric shape

So, psychological test Geometric shapes for knowledge of yourself as individuals, his answers and decoding

Geometric figure circle

Circle, very harmonious. No difficulties are able to force him to lose the presence of the Spirit and fall into the despondency. Why dramatize and complicate and without that difficult days, you can say you smiling.

It is better to talk and quickly resolve conflicts. A person is a circle of easy in communication, he is not difficult to make new acquaintances and with ease to maintain the old. The circle likes people, they want to communicate with him. He never exacerbates relationship, on the contrary, peacefully smoothes all sharp corners.

Of the circles are good professionals in the field of services, health, education ... Wonderful psychologists are obtained. People - Circles can communicate without difficulty with all other types, but most of all are valued peacefulness and friendliness. The conflict partner acts depressingly. Of all types, the most intense relationship with the triangle.

Geometric figure Square

SQUARE - the most stable and balanced from all types. He is able to keep calm and calmness even in very complex situations. As a rule, the squares are very neat, punctual, attentive to small things. At school and in the institute are fond of accurate sciences, very often and further life Path Bind with numbers and formulas. Thanks to excellent memory and outstanding analytical abilities, such people become people of finance accountants, economists, top managers.

For people of squares critical of the hurry and shortage of time, they should avoid stiffness, he is able to bring them for a long time from balance. But equilibrium is the basis of people's lives - squares.
The union is possible or with the same square based on complete mutual understanding and community of habits or squares choose full opposite yourself - zigzag. In the first case, the Union will be reliable, calm, but without explosions and creative lifting, and in the second, Zigzag will be somewhat annoying, but at the same time and attract their originality. He is able to develop the square spiritually.

Geometric Figure Zigzag

Change! - We demand our hearts! This line from the song V. Tsoi fully reflects the lifestyle Zigzaga. This man loves change, wants them and rejoices them. His life is changing with kaleidoscopic speed, and to each change zigzag to easily adapt.

Even the body of a zigzag, under the owner to become amazingly plastic. Of these, there are excellent acrobats, gymnasts. Such people are very sensitive, can be easily adjusted to a partner, to each person, to each zigzag case is very creative. Even if the zigzag is not a man of art, he will bring a lot of creativity to any activity. New research, breakthrough in science, a new word in poetry, an unusual approach to fine art - This is all about Zigzag.

For a zigzag, sharp and little is characterized by changing mood changes. Such a person is all in his feelings, he does not care what they say about him. Zigzags often crave fame and recognition.

The union can be durable, as not strange, with a calm stable square. It will be a reliable harbor for a zigzag, a fortress in which the forces are recruited for new achievements.

Geometric Figure Straight Line

Straight line Choose decisive purposeful people who know exactly what they want, where they are going to fight for. Such a person is very difficult to knock off the outlined, in their intentions they are very persistent. People of this type always strive for development, achieve success, in whatever sphere they did not find themselves. Very often a person is a straight line, becomes the boss, actively moving on the service staircase.

Career for such people is extremely important and more priority than personal life. New contracts, new projects, new companions .. Family considers them by workaholics and disadvantaged careers.

Often the body is not able to withstand such, and then nervous breakdowns and the development of serious diseases are possible.

They are able to find harmony in relationships with a straight line squares or triangles, but ambitious zigzags with them will not be seized, only a business union is possible.

Geometric triangle figure

Triangle - Very emotional comrade and often searches for conflicts and problems that pursue such people all their lives. If he is breastfeeding problems, it is likely that fighting and developing spiritually, the triangle will decide them.

It is a pity that many triangles love to suffer, a lot and burnish complaints about life, but do nothing to change the situation. The same people who decisively act can withstand large, work in extreme conditions, overcome themselves and thousands of problems. Triangles often work firefighters, rescuers, ambulance ...

The union is possible with a circle or square, which are able to somehow balance the bright emotional triangle. With zigzag there will be conflicts and insoluble contradictions, the marriage will not last for a long time.

It is time for a simple psychological test to determine your character. All you need to do is choose a figure that you like most of the granted figures and a psychological test character will say who you are.


If you have chosen a square, you are hardworking, diligence over everything and it is very important for you to bring each work started to a logical end. The endurance and the presence of patience make you excellent specialists in your area. Squares love order so that everything happens in the designated time, as well as that everything is in their places. For you ideal lifeThis life in which everything is placed on the shelves and there are no unexpected surprises.


This is a temporary form of a person and are worn. different people in different periods existence. If you chose this figure, it clearly says that you are unhappy with what you have now and you are looking for a better position in society. Your qualities: interest in all what is happening, courage, curiosity and even toastness. You are open to new ideas and easily assimilate everything new. You can change your values \u200b\u200band lifestyle with ease.


This is the figure of leadership. If you have chosen this figure, you are a person who can concentrate clearly over one goal. Your qualities: Energy, uncontrollability, willpower. You are a strong person who always seeks to your goal. In addition, you are also pragmatic and ambitious, and know how to prove people, something that you do is important. The triangle is committed to leadership and therefore constantly compets with other people, trying to be the best in everything.

A circle.

This is the most benevolent figure. People who choose this figure prove that they are sensitive, can empathize and sympathize. They always emotionally respond to other people's experiences. The circle reacts as pain and joy and feel it as yours. Great happiness for a circle, this is when everyone lives in harmony with each other. In conflicts, the circle is inferior to the first in order for the world to trust. He always seeks to find pros in humans and combine their friendship for common interests.


They say geometric shapes can symbolize certain qualities of a person. Looking at the shapes, a person chooses a square for its stability, or a circle for round forms, or a zigzag for fancy. And what do you choose?

Look carefully on the images of the figures. Choose from them that most of all you like and read the description of your character.

People who choose , usually discreet, persistent and incredibly hardy personalities. All started they bring to the end. Thanks to these qualities, the squares achieve large heights in their profession and become high-class specialists, especially in the field of technology.

Inherent in the unfortunate thirst for knowledge, as well as the peculiarity of knowledge gained to systematize and apply, it takes them into absolutely honored rank - the rank of erudites. Squares are an arbitrators of planning and order, so everything that happens outside the plan and not according to the instructions can knock them out of the gauge and bring out of themselves.

Unfortunately, their excessive addiction to the details and the constant need for clarifying information interfere with operational decision-making, so they are rarely top managers. Because of its conservatism, pedanticity, rationalism and emotional dryness are hard to establish contacts with others.

Triangle - Symbol of leadership. Characteristic feature people who choose a triangle is the ability to focus on main Goal And quickly analyze the situation.

Triangles - energetic, confident strong personalities, with great difficulty recognizing their mistakes and in high degree Pragmatic. Often there are very decisive and not tolerate objections. They are vain and strive to achieve the high position and status of their subordinates.

The desire to be the first and right in everything, to manage the situation makes them constantly compete and compete with others. They know how to make everything and everything spin around around them, but on the way to their goals are not very scrupulous in the matters of morality. As a rule, brilliant managers, managers and managers are obtained from triangles.

A circle - This is the most benevolent of five geometric figures, which in mythology symbolizes harmony. Choosing a circle - highly sensitive people, with an extremely developed ability to empathize, sympathize and feel other pain and joy.

For the circle there is no big happiness than to see the way around you with each other, so if you have a conflict, in the desire to save the world, it is likely to give way to first. It is capable of coping both a family and a team at work. Circle is a born psychologist.

He appreciates people and is able to "read" them, as an open book. He is enough to look to catch the slightest signs hypocrisy, deception and falsehood. The desire of a circle to avoid conflicts sometimes be in the detriment of the cause. The focus on people, and not on the case, the lack of decisiveness and the inability to file itself often interfere with the circle to become a strong manager and the leader in business.

Zigzag - Symbol of creativity. People who choose this figure are large originals. That is why stamps and stereotypes are not for them. In addition to a well-developed aesthetic feeling, they often possess natural wit and even ulcer. Compared to others, Zigzag is the most enthusiastic and excitable nature.

If the zigzag comes new idea, he will do everything to recognize the whole world. Zigzags are hot-tempered and expressive. Their mood changes more often than the time of day, but at the same time most zigzags are charismatic and charming people.

Independence is the main condition for the prosperity of their creativity. The work does not endure a tough frame, fixed duties and monotonous constancy and, unfortunately, do not always bring the started business to the end.

Rectangle Symbolizes the status of the change, therefore is a temporary form of personality. Most often, it is chosen by people in the period of extreme dissatisfaction with life and by themselves.

Rectangles with all your heart seek to change everything for the better and to fulfill their desires, connect their top Qualities: Inquisitive mind, curiosity, courage.

They are open to new and ready to absorb knowledge for steep changes, but their openness is on the verge of gulling and suggestibility, so during this period, rectangles can become an object of whose manipulations. Fortunately, "rectangular" - stage temporary and after the successful implementation of the conceived it will pass!