Tony soprano: biography, characteristics and life principles. Actor who played Tony Soprano

Tony soprano: biography, characteristics and life principles. Actor who played Tony Soprano
Tony soprano: biography, characteristics and life principles. Actor who played Tony Soprano

// Photo: Personal archive team

Before the New Year holidays, the singer, together with the head of Mikhail Turkish, gave an interview with the Starhift, in which they shared why there is no place for intrigues when they have time to give birth to children and who conquers conflicts inside the group.

- Girls, tell us how friendly furnishings in the group? And then the female team is often compared with the serpentarium ...

Iveta Rogova: "I can't say that the female team is a snake tangle." In our case, there is definitely no, because we are not over envy and intrigue. We even have no personal life, we are in work. And, like real men, forget about all the other. We cannot hide behind the phonogram, like many of our artists, because we always sing alive. We have such a plowing - "on the teeth" we work.

- We lasted each other over the years - because Soprano Turkish has existed for eight years. Despite the fact that everything here is creative and emotional, gradually you understand when a person is better not to touch, and when it is worth supporting or, on the contrary, it is necessary to cut it, so that he does not stop there and continued to develop.

- Why do conflicts arise? Who is the most emotional team? And who, on the contrary, smoothes sharp corners all the time?


4 years ago, the actor who played the main role in the series, died in Rome from heart attack. Almost all actors of the main composition of the series "Clan Soprano" arrived at the actor with the actor.

Lorrain Brachika

62 years

It so happened that the series became the last for today noticeable operation of the actress on the screen. Polically had an episodic role in the TV series "Parliament" and "Summer Jungle".

Edid Falco

52 years old

Almost immediately after the end of the "soprano", the actress moved to the site of the series "Sister Jackie" -Medical black comedy, where he played a major role.

Aida Turrestro

54 years

Together with a colleague on Soprano, Edido Falco actress starred in the "Sister of Jackie."

Michael Imperii

51 year

Imperioli - veteran of gangster cinema. He starred in the drams "Nice Guys", "Police of New York", "Law and Order", "Bad Guys". In the free from the shooting time, Michael will refuse theatrical plays, practicing Taekwondo and learns from the Tibetan monk!

Dominic Kyanese

86 years old

Chianza is a close friend of Al Pacino, with whom he played in the second part of the "shaft father", the Drama "Dog Powder", "Justice for All". After the "soprano" kyanese was invited to an equally successful project "Underground Empire", where another star from the "soprano" Steve Bushemi played the major role.

Frank Vincent

77 years old

Vincent participated in the three loud work of the director Martin Scorsese: "Mad Bull", "glorious guys" and "Casino". "Soprano" became the culmination of the career of the actor, which after the completion of the series went to the decline.

Vincent Kuratola.

63 years

The actor can also be seen in the TV series "Good Wife" and "Black List".

Matt servitto

52 years old

After the completion of the filming in Soprano, the servitto appeared in the TV series "Bishi", "Anatomy of Passion" and "Fors Major" - the one who is removed by the Bride of Prince Harry Megan Marcle.

Joseph R. Gannascoli.

58 years old

Already after the end of the series, the actor faced the police as a violator of the law. In June 2010, Gannascoli was detained for drunk driving.

John Ventimiglia

53 years

Another hero of the series, who was arrested for drunk riding, - Ventimiglia, who played a close friend Tony soprano arti brought.

Vincent Pastore

70 years old

Despite the death of his hero in the second season, Pastor later appeared in the series as an invited actor. In the spring of 2005, Pastor was sentenced to public work for the beating of his girlfriend.

Steve Shirrip

59 years old

Despite the major body, on the shooting of Shirrip wore a suit that did it even more.

Steve Wang Zandt

66 years old

Initially, the actor tried to the role of Tony soprano himself, but in the end, Wang Zangt played the right hand of the main character - the owner of the Striptease-Club club The Bada Bing.

Drea de Matteo

45 years

Now the beauty of Drea plays with Jennifer Lopez in the police series "Shades of Blue".

Robert Aileler

32 years

During the filming of Soprano, in July 2001, Ailler was arrested for armed robbery of two Brazilian tourists and storing marijuana. The actor who was then was only 16 years old received three years conditionally.

Jamie Lynn Sigler

35 years

Last year, the actress admitted that since 20 years suffers with scarwing sclerosis. This is not the only problem with the health of Sigler. In 2000, due to the disease Lyme, the actress paralyzed below the belt for several days. Jamie Lynn, who also planned to build a career of the singer, released the album here to heaven, which was failing.

"Clan Soprano" is a cult American criminal dramatic television series created by David Chase. The plot is generally based on how Tony Soprano, the Mafia Boss from Northern New Jersey, is trying to preserve the balance between the requirements of the criminal organization and personal life, and also fights with its own panic attacks. Let's remember this legendary series and find out what the actors are doing now.

22) Steve Bushhemi - Tony Bladetto
Tony Bladetto was the nephew of Tony soprano. After 17 years of imprisonment, he wanted to start a honest life, but he was drawn again into the criminal world, and then the uncle himself soprano himself. Even before the "clan soprano", Bushhemi starred in such sensory films as "mad dogs", "Fargo", "Big Lebovski". The actor to this day is removed in the series and gets all new offers.

21) Frank Vincent - Phil Leotardo
After the death of Johnny SEKA Phil Leotardo became the boss of the New York criminal clan. Having lost his brother, he turned the life of Tony soprano into a real hell. Frank Vincent played the role of Leotardo in the fifth and sixth seasons of the series. Before filming in the "clan soprano", the actor became famous for the roles in Martin's films Scorsese "Mad Bull", "Nice Guys" and "Casino". After the cult series, he starred in the film "Chicago Funeral" and the television series "Stargate: Atlantis".

20) John Ventimiglia - Arthur Buko
Arthur was the question of the childhood Tony soprano and the owner of the Nuovo vesuvio restaurant. Arti is naive and far from the criminal world. This character appears throughout the episode from the first episode and before the penultimate. Actor John Ventimiglia played Artist, after the series he performed an episodic role in the films "Blue-eyed Mickey", "Ice" and "Notorius".

19) Joe Pantoliano - Ralph Sipartetto
Ralph was entered into the crime clan of New Jersey. It is characterized as an excellent minider with an unstable psyche and passion for violence. Even before the "Clan Soprano" Actor Joe Pantaliano could boast of a successful career, because in his filmography there were such paintings as "Balbes", "Matrix", "Fugitive". Yes, and after the series I was waiting for "how to succeed in America" \u200b\u200band "Dr. Vegas".

18) Federico Castelluccio - Furyo Goth
Federico Castelluccio played the role of Furyo Giount, hired killer, bodyguard and personal driver Tony Sporaly. Castelluccio not only starred in such famous films as "how to know his saints" and "singer", but also writes amazing paintings.

17) Vincent Cooratol - Johnny SEC
John "Johnny SEC" Sakrimoni was the boss of the Brooklyn criminal clan of the Louparty. According to the plot, his FBI arrests him, and he is in prison, where dies from cancer. Vincent Cooratol played SEKA All 6 seasons. Before the "soprano", the actor had only episodic roles, and after starring in the "Hungry Ghosts" and "Casino Robbery".

16) Matt Servitto - Agent Duight Harris
The FBI agent appointed to Tony Soprano. The secondary character for the first five seasons, but becomes one of the main seasons in the sixth season, as the actual ally Tony soprano during his war against Phil Leotardo. After completion of the filming in the "clan soprano", Matt Servitto starred in the TV series "Blue Blood" and "Bishi".

15) Joseph R. Gannascoli - Vito Spitalofore
Vito Spitalofa was a member of the criminal clan Dimeo and the subordinate Tony soprano. He was a homosexual, but thoroughly hid it from the clan. Later it became one of the reasons for the conspiracy against Vito, but he killed him Phil Leotardo. From the second to the sixth season, the role of the spataphor played Joseph R. Gannascoli. After the television series, the actor continues to be filmed in films.

14) Vincent Pastore - Big Pussy Bonpenediero
He was one of the close friends of Tony soprano and really earned well. I started my criminal career with theft of cats. According to the plot, he betrays his friend and begins to work for the FBI, for which Tony himself killed him. Before the "Soprano" with the participation of Vincent Pastore, films "Nice guys", "Path of Carlito", "Joker", and after - the series "Basis for Life", "Law and Order", "All Hate Chris".

13) Steve Shirrip - Bakby Bakala Bakkalry
Bakby "Bakal" Bakkali Jr. was the leader of the gang and later became the second after the boss of the criminal clan Dimeo. In addition, he accounted for Tony soprano shurren. Steve Shirrip played backalieri from the second season. Before the "soprano" he starred in the television series "King Queens" and "Joey", after were "secretly from the parents" and "fake wedding", as well as the film Clint Istuda "Guys from Jersey".

12) AIDA TURNERRO - Jenis Soprano Bakkalry
Jenis Soprano Bakkalry (performed by Aida Tour) was the older sister Tony Soprano and his wife Bobby Bakkalry. Before the role in the "clan soprano", glorified it, the actress played in the films "Mysterious murder in Manhattan", "Money Train" and "Sleeping". Aida to this day continues to be filmed, appearing in many television shows.

11) Tony Siriko - Peter Paul Poly Galteri
Peter Paul Poly Galteri was a ruthless gangster and a killer. This hero had no wife nor children, he earned well and brought Tony a big profit. To the role in the "clan soprano" Actor Tony Siriko starred with the films "Nice guys", "bullets over Broadway" and "Dead Presidents". Siriko did not leave the acting career and even voiced Winnie Griffin in the cartoon "Griffin".

10) Nancy Marsand - Libya Soprano
Libya soprano was the powerful and ruthless mother of the main character. When Soprano arranged a mother in the nursing home, she ordered his murder. Nancy Marshand played in the first two seasons of the series, even before the beginning of the 3 season she died from cancer. Acting Career Marshand lasted five decades, she won four AMMI awards, Golden Globe, "US Fine Actricant Guild Guild.

9) Steve Wang Zandt - Silvio Dante
Silvio Dante was the right hand of Tony Soprano, owned the Striptease club The Bada Bing. At the end of the Dante season received firearms and fell into someone. For all seasons, the role of Silvio played Steve Wang Zangt. At the same time, the role of the on-screen wife performed his real Maureen van Zandt. Steve became not only a famous actor, but another musician and composer. Plays the guitar in the group E Street Band.

8) Dominic Kyanese - Corrado "Junior" soprano
Uncle Tony and the boss of a criminal clan of New Jersey. Chianes was famous in the 70s, playing in the films "Great Father 2", "Dogger Nald", "All Presidential Rail". And after the "Clan Soprano" replenished its filmography of the TV series "Fight", "Blue Blood", "Good Wife" filmography.

7) Drea de Matteo - Adriana La Serva
An old girlfriend, and later the Bride of Christopher Moxanti. He loved jewels, fur and cocaine. Contacting the FBI, for which it was killed. Draa de Matteo received the AMMI Award as the "Best Minor Actress of the Dramatic Series" for the image of Adriana created by it in 2004. Later starred in the series "Sons of Anarchy," and now playing with Jennifer Lopez in the "shades of blue".

6) Michael Imperioli - Christopher Moleisanti
One of the main heroes of the series. There was a protest Tony soprano and a member of Dimeo's criminal clan. All 6 seasons of molesanthi played Michael Imperioli. Like many of this list, to the "Clan Soprano" starred in "Nice Guys". It continues to be filmed, even wrote a script and removed the film "Hungry Ghosts".

5) Robert Ailler - Anthony Soprana Jr.
The only son and the younger child Tony soprano. From dad, he inherited only egoism and panic attacks. This role went to Robert Ayler. After filming, the young actor has repeatedly had a problem with the law, and he was even accused of illegally storing marijuana. The last time he played an episodic role in the "Law and Order" series in 2009.

4) Jamie-Lynn Sigler - Madow Soprano
Daughter Tony Soprano, who was always in good relationship with his father. Beautiful, responsible, seeks knowledge and is not afraid of work. The role of Madoue glorified Jamie-Lynn Sigler. In 2004, he played in the film "Take off and drop Hadi Flyes", later there were "how I met your mother" and "dugushka". In 2016, Sigler admitted that he suffers from multiple sclerosis.

3) Lorrain Brako - Jennifer Melfi
Dr. Jennifer Melni, on the sessions to which Tony walked secretly. Before the "clan soprano" Lorrain played in the "glorious guys" at Rorseway. Now it can be seen in the detective series "Rizzoli and Isyls".

2) Edie Falco - Parmel Soprano
Loving Tony soprano, caring mother Tony younger and Madou. Eddy Falco is the only actress who won Emmy in categories and for the best female role in the dramatic series and for the best female role in the comedy TV series. Since 2009, she plays a major role in a medical comedy to "Jackie's sister."

1) James Gadolphini - Tony Soprano
The main hero of the series, the boss of the Italian-American mafia family Dimeo. He is a wonderful husband and a caring father, the ruthless killer, changing his wife and trying to strangle his own mother's pillow. A cult role was played by James Gadolphini, for the execution of which was awarded three AMMI and Golden Globe awards. He is still known on the films "Lonely Hearts" with John Travolta and Salma Hayek and "All Royal Rail" with Sean Penn and Jude Low. James's life tragically broke off on June 19, 2013 during a holiday in Rome. After the death of the actor, two more films were released with his participation - "rather words" and "cask".

SOPRANO - (Italian Soprao, from Sopra - over, over), the highest singers (mainly female or children's voice). Dramatic, lyrical, coloratura, as well as lyric-dramatic and other varieties distinguish. The range of soprano from to the first octave to the third octave.

In Russian musical tradition, the following classification of varieties of soprano is adopted

This classification method is applicable in all types of vocal art - in Opera, in chamber music, in choir singing. However, the Opera Art often uses the other, more deployed, classification (from the lower register - up)

Classification By range Temmar Tombra feature, paints
dramatic sopran Dense lower register.
sopran's Dramatic Sopran si small octaves - up to III Octave Dense lower register. Ability to perform dramatic and lyrical parties.
lyric soprano Until I Octave - to the III Octave Lower register is somewhat matte, it sounds better in the upper case. . Softness of timbre, expressiveness in cantilene.
colutive Soprano Until I Octave - Mi FII III Octave . Tone transparency, ability to perform lyrical and lyrical coloratura batch.
Shell notes
coloratura soprano Up to I octave - Faoca # III octaves and above Sound Freedom in Upper Register . Metallic coloring of the timbre.
Shell notes
. Colutive soprano is more movable than lyric-coloratura.

Beverly Sils (real name Bella Silvermen) is one of the largest singers of the 20th century, the First Lady of the American Opera. Journal Observer "New Yorker" wrote with an extraordinary inspiration: "If I recommended the tourists of the sights of New York, I would put Beverly Sils in the Manon party in the very first place, significantly above the Statue of Freedom and Empire State Building." Silis's voice has distinguished extraordinary lightness, and at the same time the conquering listeners charm, stage talent and charming appearance.

Charming Silx in Merchant Widow Mozart

Aria Casta Diva. From the Opera Bellini, the norm is one of the most difficult in the repertoire of soprano. And let's compare different performers who were solved to sing this aria.

Sings Beverly Sils.

And here sings this ary great Maria Kalas

And finally Monmerate Caballe

But how this aria sings Anna Netrebko

And that's Galina Vishnevskaya

The voices of Italian singers are characterized by brightness of the timbre, large saturation, sound depth. The famous Italian singer-soprano was Amelit Galli Kurch. After her leaving the scene, the title of "first soprano world" challenged Renata Tebaldi and Maria Callas.

That's how sings Renata Tebaldi

Renata Tebaldi was born on November 2, 1922 in Pesaro, in the same city as Joakkino Rossini.
Somehow in one interview, Tebaldi was asked to call the largest singer of modernity. She replied: "Of course, this is me!", And a few moments enjoyed the surprise of the tactless journalist, who did not expect such an injection from her to Callas, and then added with a smile: "You see, in me a meter's growth seventy four, can you Name even one soprano above me? " For such mercies, Tebaldi overtook most of their partners, some even on a whole head.

Joan Sutherland- Eemerly Australian Opera Singer. The Lirico-dramatic soprano with phenomenal vocal technique, which hit for many decades with virtuoso possession of both the voice and interpretation of opera parties ... She died on October 10, 2010 in Geneva at the age of 84.

Leontin Prica(Price) (r. 1927) - American opera singer.

To the question, whether the skin color interfere with the career of the opera artist, Leontin Prices answered as follows: "As for the admirers - he does not interfere. But I as a singer is definitely.

Rene Fleming - The American opera singer, which is called the "gold standard of soprano", "face of today's America in the field of classical vocals" and "one of the few true superstars of our time."

In the opera "Eugene Onegin" final scene - vocal, acting and staged masterpiece. Rene Fleming is the best performer of Tatiana.

Maria Gulegin- One of the most famous soprano world. After his debut in La Scala in 1987, the singer infrequently happens in Russia, her schedule was painted for years ahead. She is a welcome guest in all opera house theaters: during his career Maria sang in the most vivid productions of the Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, Tokyo, Egypt, Vienna, Paris.

Maria Agasovna Gulegin (surname - Maitarjyan) Born in 1959. He began his professional career at the Opera State Theater in Minsk, then moved in 1987 to Europe, a year later his debut in La Rock as Amelia in the "Masquerade Ball" with Luciano Pavadzeni in the formulation of Maestro Gavadzeni. The power, heat and sincerity of its voice, and wonderful acting data, made it a welcome guest in different theaters of the world. During his career, Maria sang in Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, Tokyo, Egypt, Vienna, Paris and many world capitals ...

Italian Barbara Frittoli - Opera diva, famous for the whole world. It is called silk soprano Italy. Frittoli Barbar was born in Milan, studied at the Conservatory Giuseppe Verdi. The international career began in 1989. After the debut in the Teatro Comunole in Florence in the opera book "Il Giuoco Del Barone". Her track record is extremely huge. The most significant were performances with Riccardo Muti

Annik Massis deservedly considered the first soprano of France. She owns an extensive repertoire - from the writings of Handel and Ramo to the virtuoso parties of the Belkanto era, the French lyrical opera and the compositions of the twentieth century.

Her voice is a light, sonorous soprano with radiating tops and extraordinary weakness, allowing you to go on three octas - a little cold, as it is cold. But again it gives it a charming similarity with the snow queen.

Amazing beauty soprano - Anita Cherkuetty (Anita Cerquetti) Her name is little known in Russia.

In the anniversary evening, Elena exemplary caste Diva sang Azerbaijani star Dinara Aliyev.

Dinar Aliyeva's voice conquers beauty, her singing admires a deep velvet tempo, the vocals amazed by skill. Melomanians, critics and press admire artistically and the bright scenic skill of the artist and evaluate her talent as a rising star of the global opera scene, having charisma and style in the performance of diverse music and repertoire.

Cecilia Bartoli (Cecilia Bartoli) - One of the most sought-after and high-paying opera singers in the world.

For more than two decades, Bartoli has undoubtedly, is one of the most famous opera singers around the world. Each of her work - be it a concert program, a new role on the opera scene, the release of the album with a record company DECCA, with which the singer has an exclusive contract, is of great interest.

It is the churchilia bartoli that belongs incredible "records" - more than 8 million album sold, more than 100 weeks of stay in international pop charts. Her numerous prestigious awards Golden. DISCFour awards Grammy. (USA), ten premiums Echos. And one - Bambi. (Germany), two awards Classical. Brit. Awards. (Great Britain), Victoire. dE. lA musique. (France) and many others reflect the enormous success of such works as, for example, disk Opera. proIbita. ("Forbidden Opera"), as well as solo albums dedicated to A.Vivaldi, K. Glukuka, A. Salieri.

Churchilius Bartoli - Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Italian Republic", the current Academician of the Roman Academy of Santa Chechchili, Kavaler of the Order of Arts and Literature (France), Cavalier of the Order "For Merit" (France), Honorary Member of the London Royal Academy of Music and the Royal Academy of Music Sweden. Recently, Bartoli's recently was noted by the prestigious Italian award "Golden Bellini" (Bellini d'Oro), an honorary gold medal for merit in the field of art - one of the highest awards of the Ministry of Culture of Spain. In addition, she was awarded the Golden Medal of the city of Paris.

In 2012, Bartoli's Churching was taken by the post of artistic director of the Salzburg Festival. She noted.

2012 left. And musical critics unanimously recognized Julia to Lenzhnev's discovery of the year, one of the most promising Russian soprano. Its timbre is called pearl, and the interpretations of baroque music are already compared with the reference. She was born in 1989 in the family of geophysicists in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. From 5 years began to learn the game on piano and singing. In 2004, he graduated with honors from the music school named after A. Grechaninov in the class of piano and vocals. From 14 to 18 years old he studied at the Academic Music College at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in the class of vocals and piano.

Listen to the concert of Yu. Ruzhneva, and if I find in its execution of Casta Diva, I will lay out.

In view of Julia, some porcelain, without emotion. In this sense, she is far away.

In conclusion, she fell Casta Diva: all enthusiasm, zipper pushing thoughts in the head, thrill, like needles running around the body, all this destroyed Oblomov: he is exhausted.

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

What is this aria of the chaste Virgin?

Chaste Virgo! Silver you wondogne
Century this bor is sacred.
Turn to us a lique
Casual illuminated light.

Chaste Virgo, Ukrholi Passion Sign
And daring daring daring
On the ground the blessed
As in the sky, Welvory.

In original

Casta Diva, Che Inargenti
Queste Sacre Antiche Piante,
Senza Nube E Senza Vel ...

Tempra Tu De 'Cori Ardeni
Spargi In Terra Quella Pace

Fine Al Rito: E Il Sacro Bosco
Quando Il Nume Irato E Fosco,
Chiegga Il Sangue Dei Romani,
Dal Druidico Delubro,
La Mia Voce Tuonerà.

Cadrà; Punirlo Io Posso.
(Ma, Punirlo, Il Cor Non SA.
AH! Bello a me ritorna
Del Fido Amor Primiero;
Difesa a Te Sarò.
AH! Bello a me ritorna
Del Raggio Tuo Sereno;
E Vita Nel Tuo Seno,
E patria e Cielo Avrò.
AH, Riedi Ancora Qual Eri Allora,
AH, Riedi a me.)

Literal translation

Oh, chaste goddess that silver
These sacred ancient plants
Turn to us your face is beautiful
Without clouds and without cover

Die, goddess,
Dust the ardent souls
Dead also brave zeal
Russe World on Earth
And hipster him in the sky

Finished Ritual: and Sacred Grove
Will be cleaned from the bad
When a deity, angry and gloomy,
Will require blood of Romans
From the temple of Druidov
My voice will get out.

Fall! I could punish him
But, to punish whether, does not know the heart

From the first faithful love
And against the whole world ...
We will protect you.
Oh! Great to me returns
From this rake calming
And, living in your lap,
And the Motherland, and paradise will find.
Oh, come back what was then
When the heart gave you
Return to me.)

This opera is rarely executed not only with us. Therefore, listen to the "norm" Bellini in records from the Venetian Theater La Phenichi.

As the whole world, Bellini himself considered the "norm" masterpiece. What a shipwreck is happening, the only one of his operas, which would have to be saved, he said, this is "norm."


Norma, priestess of the temple of Druidov (soprano)
Orovoz, Father norms, Supreme Priest (BAS)
Clothild, girlfriend norms (soprano)
Pollyion, Roman Proconsul in Gaul (tenor)
Adalgiza, Virgo in the temple of Druidov (soprano or mezzo soprano)
Flavius, Centurion (tenor)

Time of action: about 50 years BC Scene: Gaul.

Summary Opera:

Druids are preparing an uprising against the enslavers and are waiting for the signal that the supreme priestess should be submitted. In her heart, a sense of duty struggles with love for the Roman warman Pol Roman, the father of her children. But Fillion sobbed the norm and fascinated by the young priestess Adalzhiz. The norm submits a sign to the uprising. Pollyion captured, he threatens death. At the last minute, the norm saves him, opening his guilt (violation of the vicinity of virginity), and rises to the fire. Shocked by her act, Fillion follows her to death.

A few words about Vincenzo Bellini.

His still (1801-1835) was called the Creator of Music Melodies. He lived only 33 years old, writing 11 operas, the most significant of which "norm".

November 3, 1801 in Catania (Sicily) in the family of a musician Rosario Bellini was born Son Vincenzo. He was six years old when he composed his "Opus number one." The boy was engaged in music under the leadership of his grandfather - Vincenzo Tobia, because for serious training the Bellini family did not have funds. However, Vincenzo was lucky - he had a patronage - the Duchess of Eleonore Sammartino.

The Duchess appealed with an insistent request for her husband, and he recommended Vincenzo to file him, governor of the province of skiing, a petition for the provision of scholarships, in order to help the Bellini family in the expenditures necessary for the training of their son in the Neapolitan Conservatory. What did not manage to achieve for many years decided in a few days. In June 1819, Bellini was enrolled in a conservatory.

In a year, an exam was held, which everyone was waiting with fear: he had to solve the fate of each of the students - which of them will be left in college, and whom will be expelled. Vincenzo test stood brilliantly and as a remuneration for success received the right to continue his studies for free. It was Bellini's first victory.

Solemn opening theater Carlo Felice Genoye took place on April 7, 1828. On his stage, the opera was put by Opera Vincenzo Bellini "Bianca and Fernando", ...

At the opening of the Karlo Feliche Theater in Genoa at the reception of Bellini, he met one young, beautiful, friendly sygroy with adorable manners. Signora reacted to the musician "with such kindness" that he felt conquered. Bellini entered Juditta Kant from Turin.

The secular life in the salons and the growing glory was repeatedly pushed Bellini on the love adventures, which he considered "superficial and short." But this stormy novel, which began in April 1828, lasted in April 1833. Over five years of experiences, mistakes, dying, scenes of jealousy, mental suffering (not to mention the final scandal in her husband's house) "decorated" this connection, who had been deprived of the Musician of People, - Later, he will call all this "hell" without hesitation.

The production of Opere Bellini was often accompanied by patriotic demonstrations: in the conditions of the growth of the national liberation movement in Italy, the audience was found in its operations the actual political content.

Bellini - the largest master of the Italian style Belkanto. The basis of his music is a bright vocal melody, flexible, plastic, differing continuity of development. Outstanding Italian singers have improved on the works of Bellini.

Always yours V.Zvonov

Today site tell about eight charming soloists of the team. Each girls have their own attitude towards people and work, as well as to the style of clothing and his own image on stage and in life. The site has prepared a small dossier for each of the girls so that the audiences before the meeting could get better with them.

Among those who wanted to get to the "soprano" turned out to be more than 200 talented and professional contenders. Among the obligatory requirements were: higher musical education, possession of different instruments, experience on stage and dedication to their work. As a result, 40 girls were selected with which professionals worked for 4 months. Not only vocal and external data of contenders, but also artistry, charismatic, experience in the scene, choreographic abilities, erudition and musical taste are taken into account. As a result, the team remains the best actors from different cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Daria Lviv, Drive soprano

Brunette with a piercing look and deep, always memorable vocals was born in Ufa on June 22. He graduated from the music school in the Piano class, was engaged in vocals at the Ufa School of Arts, sang in the trio of academic choral singing "Orpheus".

About myself: Quick, but fair. "I am probably a maximalist for kind. To live - on a complete coil, love - forgetting about reality, work - so that the viewer who is sitting even on the last row, felt and heard every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions on scene, not to invest in what is happening - it is also impossible. Also in life ".

Olga Brovkin, Colutive Soprano

Olga in the "soprano 10" from the day of foundation. Crystal voice collective. Her talent was grinding first in a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakova and in the Moscow Academy of Choral Art at the "Calon Singing" department.

In the professional biography of the girl - the best places on musical competitions, work in opera entrepreneurship and solo career. Modern Turgenev lady with independent character, efficiency and bright personality.

The main thing for Olga in clothing and life is an individual. For example, the girl loves heel, but will not refuse semi-shoes without heels, mischievous ballet lips or colored sample.

Evgenia Fanfar, dramatic soprano

Beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, distinctive singer with its exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like a moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, causing, like love. And, of course, it is more appropriate for many more comparisons, but it is better to hear once.

Graduate Ram them. Gnesinic, before studying in one of the leading musical universities, the countries graduated from the Gnesin school, and also toured with a large children's choir. Popova. In her repertoire, the most diverse batchs, in the character - honesty and faith in a dream, and what in the soul - knows only she herself.

Life philosophy: "You need to be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, put long-term goals, think about the future, but do not forget that we live today, now, at that moment! Do not postpone on tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, the end of the university or the emergence of new work. . It is better to be called, Open-mind, to live with an open heart, enjoy touching trifles. "

Tamara Madebadze, Jazz Mezzo Soprano

This is a melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and sense of humor always with her. And contact and unique flair for the hall was determined by the fact that the conference of Tamara always accompanies the performances of the art group.

The girl since childhood was very versatile - he wanted to become a chemist - inventor, and a dramatic actress. But one major love lived in her soul - to music. And the fact that Mama Tamara is a musician, also played his role and influenced her choice. Studies began in a music school, the first victories appeared on various musical contests. Further - the Institute of Contemporary Art in the class "Pop-jazz vocals". Parallel, Tamara worked in various musical groups.

Tamara does not particularly complain shoes on heels, but generally loves to walk barefoot on the sandy seashore.

Appreciates in relations between people honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention: "Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even a few good words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone always to find time for your native people who need your society so much!"

Anna Kirolik, folk soprano

Is it possible for the voice to transmit the coolness of the green forest and the murmur of the stream, the durability of the summer night and the hill of the holiday? Yes, perhaps. If it sings Anya.

Her musical career began in childhood when she mastered folk brass tools and piano. And he continued first in the Perm regional college of arts and culture, and then to RAM them. Gnesinic.

About happiness for myself says: "When food at speeds on the highway, one or friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun beats - this is real happiness. It is at such moments that I feel absolutely free from bad mood, some prejudice, unnecessary obligations. . Approximately the same feelings experiencing on stage "

Victoria Wood, lyrical soprano

Thym-eyed beauty with a languid look loves web design, his friends and learn. It is positioning as a sociable, energetic and abmiciosis person. Victoria Neborn Muscovite, graduated from Ram them. Gnesinic.

Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, showing, fashionable exhibitions. It believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is appropriate only for events. And in everyday life, it is still better to be genuine.

Lovely loves heels: "It's beautiful, gives confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, because of the profession, I am in constant touring traffic, so I can not afford to wear heels constantly. Therefore, most often I wear comfortable shoes.".

Valeria Devyatova, Soul-soprano

The owner of sensual sau-soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky Kemerovo region. He graduated from a music school in classical guitar classes and vocals, as well as Ram them. Gnesins in the specialty "pop-jazz vocals". Since 2009, he was a soloist "soprano 10", but left an art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013, returned to the team.

The girl loves beauty, photo, holidays and sad when it rains. It is important for it to live, and not exist.

Refers to fashion as a kind of entertainment. Prefers preference to a comfortable shoe, but if such shoes on heels, then it delivers a double pleasure.

Rogova Eveta, Soprano-Latino

Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola Murmansk region in a musical family. Grandfather was the head of the musical theater. It was he who instilled the girl love for music. At 10, she wrote her first song that brought success in the regional competition. Iveta received a prize of visual sympathies and a premium - electric iron (!), Became a home relic. When Evethele turned thirteen years, the family moved to St. Petersburg.

The Northern Capital, where the family moved, did not affect the hot temperament of the girl. In her voice - chic French cabaret, light jazz, ingratitude and sophistication.

The girl graduated from SPBGUK, the Faculty of "Music Art of Music Arts and Art Communication" on the specialization "Pop-jazz violin", "Pop-jazz vocals". He was filmed in the cinema, worked in Lenconcert, created a rock band, where his own songs sang. By the way, texts for many songs from the repertoire "soprano" - also her hand. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her styl. In the image for the event, harmony in everything is extremely important.